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The Euphrates formation is widely exposed in western Iraq near Al-Qaim area. It extends eastward parallel to the Euphrates River on both sides, crossing Anah, Hadetha, and Al-Baghdadi vicinities. Based on the benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, 12 different microfacies types have been recognized into two Stratigraphic sections that are lime mudstone, wackestone, bioclastic wackestone, miliolids wackestone, alveolinids wackestone, packstone, bioclastic packstone, peloidal packstone, miliolids packstone, peneroplids packstone, rotaliids packstone, grainstone, peloidal grainstone, oolitic grainstone, and miliolids grainstone. Accordingly, the depositional environments were recognized on the basis of microfacies identification and interpretation ranging from restricted marine, shoal, to open marine environments. The exposed Euphrates succession is represented by four fourth-order cycles (A, B, C, and D); they are mostly asymmetrical showing slightly lateral variation in thickness and symmetry. These cycles represent a succession episode of sea level rises and stillstands. The nature of these cycles reflects variation in the relative sea level resulted from eustatic and tectonic subsidence. Cycle A is underlain by SB1 of Sheik Alas formation in Al-Baghdadi section and by Anah formation in Wadi Hjar section. Cycle D is overlain by SB1 of Fatha formation in Al-Baghdadi section and by conformable contact of Nfayil formation in Wadi Hjar section. According to sequence development, the study area shows low rate of subsidence and the major controlling factor that affects eustatic sea level fluctuation.  相似文献   

The Jeribe Formation (Early Middle Miocene) in the central and southern Iraq consists mainly of shallow marine carbonates. Many microfacies have been identified: mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone with seven submicrofacies. Four major depositional cycles were determined. Microfacies developments and their distribution are controlled by cyclicity and relative sea level fluctuations. The Allochems in the Jeribe Limestone Formation are dominated by bioclasts. Peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The fossils are represented by benthonic forams and very rare planktonic forams. Calcite and dolomite are the predominant mineral components of Jeribe Formation. The carbonates of Jeribe have been affected by a variety of diagenetic processes such as compaction, dissolution, cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, anhydritization, and silicification. By using the lithofacies association concepts, the depositional model of the Jeribe Formation environment was built. The Jeribe was deposited in open to restricted platforms which indicated lagoonal environment with warm and restricted-open circulation and the lower part (in well Hemrin-2) was deposited in foreslope environment.  相似文献   

Facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Kometan Formation (Upper Cretaceous) were studied from Kometan village, Kurdistan region of northeastern Iraq. Lithologically, the formation consists of 44 m of white weathering, light grey, thin to medium-bedded highly fractured limestones with chert nodules. Petrographic study of the carbonates shows that both skeletal and non-skeletal grains were present. The skeletal grains include a variety of planktonic foraminifera (including Oligostegina), calcispheres, ostracods, pelecypods, larva ammonite, and echinoderms. Non-skeletal grains include peloids only. Three main microfacies types are distinguished in the studied formation. The results of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of the studied carbonate samples show negative values of δ18O. These indicate that the seawater was warm with low salinity during precipitation of the carbonates in the Kometan Formation in northeastern Iraq. The positive δ13C values of carbonate samples, in the middle part of the formation, reflect the widespread deposition of organic-rich marine sediments during a transgression and deepening of the basin. Petrographic, facies and stable isotopic analyses revealed that the Kometan Formation was deposited in a warm, basinal, pelagic (open marine) environment with low salinity. The Kometan Formation consists of one complete third-order depositional sequence, separated by a sequence boundary (SB) of type 2. The third-order sequence is subdivided into a transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand systems tract (HST). This reflects episodes of transgression and still stands of the relative sea level. The TSTs are topped by maximum flooding surface (MFS) characterized by deepening-/fining-upward parasequences implying a retrogradational stacking pattern. The HST is marked by shallowing-/coarsening-upward parasequences implying a progradational stacking pattern.  相似文献   

伊拉克哈勒法耶油田Mishrif组滩相储层发育,是研究区内最主要的产油层位。利用岩心、薄片、测井资料对Mishrif组沉积相进行了研究,结果表明该组发育局限台地、开阔台地、台内洼地和台地边缘4种沉积相,滩相储层主要发育在开阔台地和台地边缘相带。并综合利用铸体薄片、物性实验数据及压汞曲线等资料对滩相储层特征和成因进行了分析。滩相储层岩石类型多样,发育生屑灰岩、生屑泥粒/粒泥灰岩、砂屑灰岩等多种岩石类型,岩石颗粒较粗。孔隙类型多样,主要以铸模孔、粒间孔、溶孔和体腔孔为主,其中以粒间孔和铸模孔发育最为广泛。各类滩相储层孔隙度较高,渗透率差异明显,平均渗透率为(2.35~139.17)×10~(-3)μm~2。整体孔隙结构较好,排驱压力较低,大喉道较为发育。滩相储层发育受沉积环境控制和成岩作用改造程度影响,有利的沉积条件是滩相储层原生孔隙发育的基础,同生期溶蚀作用的改造形成大量次生孔隙,从而提高了储层的储集性能。  相似文献   

This study deals with the mineralogical and geochemistry of the Euphrates Formation (Lower Miocene) in Bahr Al-Najaf area in order to assess the lithofacies of the Euphrates Formation for Portland cement manufacturing. Petrographic and mineralogical studies were carried out on 210 core samples, collected from 21 boreholes, and showed that calcite is the dominant mineral with few amounts of quartz, gypsum, feldspar, and a rare amount of dolomite. Clay mineral suites (palygorskite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite) formed about 5% from the total mineral composition. Palygorskite precipitated directly in alkali shallow water rich with Si and Mg ions. Chemical weathering of feldspar under acidic conditions participated in formation of Kaolinite. Geochemistry showed that there is no high variation in chemical constituents with depth, and the average of CaO (51.5), MgO (0.83), SO3 (0.54), SiO2 (4.3), Fe2O3 (0.45), Al2O3 (0.93), L.O.I (40.7), Na2O3 (0.08), K2O (0.14), and Cl- (0.1) qualified the lithofacies of Euphrates Formation to be raw materials suitable for manufacturing the Portland cement. Triangle Block method is applied to estimate the reserve on square area (2?×?2 km2) which is computed to be 63 million tons of medium-tough limestone as potential probable reserve.  相似文献   

湘中地区晚二叠世龙潭组北型地区为一套灰黑色泥岩、粉砂岩、细砂岩、煤层等沉积组合,具有砂泥薄互层层理、透镜状层理、水平层理及大型交错层理等沉积构造。根据野外剖面及岩心沉积学分析,在龙潭组中识别出残积平原-潟湖、潮坪和滨外陆棚沉积体系,总体上反映为海平面持续抬升、水体逐渐变深的沉积过程。煤层的形成受古构造和古环境等因素控制,煤层发育于煤系沉积早期的渴湖环境(2煤)和中期的潮坪环境(1煤),从西向东2煤厚度减小,硫分及灰分产率增大;1煤仅在部分地区可见,其硫分、灰分产率均比2煤高,说明受海水影响较大。  相似文献   

The hydrochemistry of Euphrates River in the study area which extended from Hit to Al-Saqlawia was studied in order to determine the physical, chemical, and biological properties in addition to the radiation level. Thirty-one stations along the Euphrates River were chosen, 17 of them represented the Euphrates River itself, whereas the other stations are considered as point pollution sources which all empty their load directly in the Euphrates River with an average total discharge of 32 m3/s. Twenty-eight samples of the Euphrates water of both high- and low-flow periods were analyzed for cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), anions (SO 4 = , Cl?, CO 3 = , HCO 3 ? , NO 3 ? , PO 4 ?3 ), H2S boron, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, bacteriological tests, radiation levels in addition to physical parameters such as hydrogen number (pH), total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, total suspended solid, and temperature. This study showed that the cations and anions during periods of high and low flows are within acceptable limit with exceptional Cl?. Hydrochemical formula during the high flow was Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4, then it changed into Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4-Cl during the low-flow period. The average output cations and anions at downstream (Saqlawiya area) was relatively higher than those of input at upstream (Hit area); this attributed to the natural and anthropogenic activities originated mainly from agricultural activity and population communities around the river. Radiation level for 212Pb, 214Pb, 40k, 220Ac, and 214Bi showed that the higher level of radiation is concentrated within sediment rather than in water, but the radiation in both is within acceptable limit.  相似文献   

The caves that are present within the Injana Formation (Upper Miocene–Pliocene) which sometimes extend to be hosted within the Dibdibba Formation (Pliocene–Pleistocene) in the Tar Al-Najaf and Tar Al-Sayyed within the Najaf–Karbala district have been studied. The study aims to assess the genesis of caves and diagnose the factors affecting the building and the destruction of these caves through geologic time. For this reasons, intensive fieldwork as well as the mineralogical composition and microscopic interpretation were achieved to facilitate the investigation of cave-forming factors. Calcite, quartz, feldspar, dolomite, as well as clay minerals are the constituents of Injana Formation in the study area. The amount of insoluble residue is usually higher in weathered carbonates and in some other cases in fresh carbonate, which is not very common but it may occur. Caves appear to be hosted within the claystone beds and concentrated within Injana Formation, whereas the Dibdibba Formation seems to form the roof of the caves. The mechanism of building caves starts by microdissolution forming microfractures. Then with time, they have developed to be vertical joints. These joints were gradually enlarged as a result of claystone exfoliation along joint planes. Chemical weathering, physical weathering, and sedimentary structure (mud balls) play a key role in the processes of cave evolution. Some caves appear to be irregular, but others tend to be regular with rectangular shape, enough for hosting human beings. These caves may have been used as homes for the ancient human for his protection and improvement of his life. At the same time as the caves were formed, there were other natural factors working continuously that destroy the cave. These factors are dissolution, soil creep, and mass sliding. This work highly recommends for further contributions in terms of the archaeological investigation on these caves to discover the ancient civilization in this area, if any.  相似文献   

Seventy-two core and cutting samples of the Ratawi Formation from selected wells of central and southern Iraq in Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin are analysed for their sedimentary organic matters. Dinoflagellates, spores and pollen are extracted by palynological techniques from these rocks. Accordingly, Hauterivian and late Valanginian ages are suggested for their span of depositional time. These palynomorphs with other organic matter constituents, such as foraminifer’s linings, bacteria and fungi, are used to delineate three palynofacies types that explain organic matter accumulation sites and their ability to generate hydrocarbons. Palaeoenvironments of these sites were mainly suboxic to anoxic with deposition of inshore and neritic marine environments especially for palynofacies type 2. Total organic matters of up to 1.75 total organic carbon (TOC) wt.% and early mature stage of up to 3.7 TAI based on the brown colour of the spore species Cyathidites australis and Gleichenidites senonicus with mottled interconnected amorphous organic matter are used for hydrocarbon generation assessment from this formation. On the other hand, these rock samples are processed with Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Outcomes and data calculations of these analyses are plotted on diagrams of kerogen types and hydrocarbon potential. Theses organic matter have reached the mature stage of up to T max?=?438 °C, hydrogen index of up to 600 mg hydrocarbons for each gram of TOC wt.% and mainly low TOC (0.50–1.55). Accordingly, this formation could generate fair quantities of hydrocarbons in Baghdad oil field and Basrah oil fields. Organic matters of this formation in the fields of Euphrates subzone extends from Hilla to Nasiriyah cities have not reached mature stage and hence not generated hydrocarbons from the Ratawi Formation. Software 1D PetroMod basin modelling of the Ratawi Formation has confirmed this approach of hydrocarbon generation with 100 % transformations of the intended organic matters to generate hydrocarbons to oil are performed in especially oil fields of East Baghdad, West Qurna and Majnoon while oil fields Ratawi and Subba had performed 80–95 % transformation to oil and hence end oil generation had charged partly the Tertiary traps that formed during the Alpine Orogeny. Oil fields of Nasiriyah and Kifle had performed least transformation ratio of about 10–20 % transformation to oil, and hence, most of the present oil in this field is migrated from eastern side of the Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin that hold higher maturation level.  相似文献   

高志勇 《地质学报》2007,81(1):109-118
通过详细分析曲流河沉积动力学特点,在四川中部须家河组建立了河流相沉积的准层序模式。曲流河沉积中可发育粒级向上变细准层序,也可以发育粒级向上变粗的准层序。辫状河准层序表现为粒级向上变细、河道水体向上变浅的准层序,而粒级向上变粗的准层序不发育。河流相准层序界面是河道砂体底部的冲刷侵蚀面,在粒级向上变粗的泛滥平原-决口扇或决口河道沉积中,准层序界面为暴露过泥岩与上部洪水期的暗色泥岩间的界面。将河流相准层序与短期基准面旋回进行精细的分析与对比认为,二者在层序地层学级次划分中时限相当,发育时间为0.01~0.05Ma;二者的界面是相同的,均为河道砂体底部的冲刷侵蚀面或者是暴露过泛滥平原泥岩、根土岩等。河流相中准层序与短期基准面旋回其实是相同时间内沉积的一套相同的沉积体,二者的不同只是分析的角度不同,其实质内容是一致的,即在曲流河短期基准面升降变化过程中,所保留下来的沉积物总是相对河水位是向上变浅的,由位于河水面以下的河道或边滩砂体向上变浅至河水面之上的天然堤、泛滥平原泥岩,此相序特征也正与准层序向上变浅的定义相同。  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation(a giant hydrocarbon reservoir)is a thick carbonate sequence of the Oligocenee Miocene in the Zagros Basin,southwest of Iran.This formation is exposed at Tang-e-Lendeh in the Fars interior zone with a thickness of 190 m comprising medium and thick to massive bedded carbonates.The age of the Asmari Formation in the study area is the late Oligocene(Chattian)eearly Miocene(Burdigalian).Ten microfacies are defned,characterizing a gradual shallowing upward trend;the related environments are as follows:open marine(MF 8e10),restricted lagoon(MF 6e7),shoal(MF 3e5),lagoon(MF 2),and tidal fat(MF 1).Based on the environmental interpretations,a homoclinal ramp consisting of inner and middle parts prevails.MF 3e7 are characterized by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water setting of an inner ramp,infuenced by wave and tidal processes.MF 8e10,with large particles of coral and algae,represent a deeper fair weather wave base of a middle ramp setting.  相似文献   

The iron mineralization is hosted in carbonate beds of the Garagu Formation (Early Cretaceous) at Gara Mountain, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq. The Garagu Formation is composed of a series of limestone and siltstone beds with iron-rich beds in the middle part. The iron-rich limestones are iron-rich oolitic grainstone and bioclastic wackestone with hematite and goethite minerals. Geochemical results drawn from this study indicate that the percentage of iron in these beds reaches 19.73 %. Moreover, petrographical investigation of thin and polished sections reveals the presence of different types of fossils, indicating an open marine interior platform depositional environment. Different iron minerals, including hematite, goethite, siderite, pyrite and magnetite, were identified in the sections, and their geneses were related to syngenetic and diagenetic processes. The geochemical distribution of major and trace elements, as well as the V/Ni, V/(V+Ni), V/Cr and Sr/Ba ratios, indicates a reducing environment during the precipitation of carbonate sediments and a subsequent oxidizing condition during the concentration of iron minerals via diagenesis.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2844-2863
We present the first overall synthesis of the terrace deposits of the River Euphrates in SE Turkey, northern Syria, and western Iraq, combining new observations with summaries of data sets from different reaches that had previously been independently studied on a piecemeal basis. The largest number of terraces observed in any reach of the Euphrates is 11, in western Iraq, where this river leaves the uplands of the Arabian Platform. In many other localities not more than 5 or 6 terraces have previously been identified, although we infer that some of these are resolvable into multiple terraces. These terraces are typically formed of gravel, principally consisting of Neotethyan ophiolite and metamorphic lithologies transported from Anatolia. Although older gravels are also evident, most of the Euphrates terrace deposits appear, given the chronologies that have been established for different parts of the study region, to date from the late Early Pleistocene onwards, the cold stages most often represented being interpreted as marine Oxygen Isotope Stages 22, 16, 12, 8, 6 and/or 4, and 2. The formation of this terrace staircase reflects regional uplift of the Arabian Platform. Estimated amounts of uplift since the Middle Pliocene decrease southeastward from almost 300 m in SE Turkey to ∼150 m in western Iraq. Uplift rates increased in the late Early Pleistocene, the uplift estimated since then decreasing from ∼110 m in SE Turkey to a minimum of ∼50 m in the Syria–Iraq border region, then increasing further downstream across western Iraq to ∼70 m. Numerical modelling of this uplift indicates a relatively thin mobile lower-crustal layer, consistent with the low surface heat flow in the Arabian Platform.  相似文献   

The Lower Ordovician Shirgesht Formation in central Iran is composed of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks deposited in diverse coastal and marine shelfal environments (tidal flat, lagoon, shoreface, offshore-shelf and carbonate ramp). Five facies associations contain diverse ichnofossil assemblages that show distinct proximal to distal trends formed in a wide range of physical-chemical conditions. The ethological groups of trace fossils in the Shirgesht Formation reflect a gradient of depositional stress conditions across a wave-influenced shoreline and shelf. Deposits of wave-influenced environments make up a significant component of the geological record of shallow marine settings, and the ability to determine paleoenvironments in detail in such successions is critical for reconstruction of depositional histories and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation.The Cruziana ichnofacies of the study shows highly diverse suites that record the establishment of a benthic community under stable conditions and a long-term colonization window. The Skolithos ichnofacies recognized is a low diversity opportunistic ichnocommunity suite that resulted from colonization after tempestite deposition in a stressed environment. The strata record an onshore to offshore replacement of the Cruziana ichnofacies (with abundant feeding traces of deposit-feeders) by the Skolithos ichnofacies (dominated by suspension-feeders and predators). A transitional zone between the two ichnofacies coincides with the offshore-transition/distal lower-surface deposits. The distribution of ichnofacies, the diversity and range of ethological characteristics reflected by the ichnogenera, and the wide range of wave-dominated coastal facies demonstrate the potential to use individual trace fossils and ichnofacies for significantly refined palaeoenvironmental analysis of wave-dominated coastal settings, particularly in Ordovician successions.  相似文献   

基本层序和相分析是区调中组建立的基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以赣西北地区中、上寒武统划分为例,阐述基本层序、相分析在岩石地层单位划分和对比中的作用、地位。划分岩石地层单位不能仅仅根据岩性特征,而必须进行基本层序和系统的相分析。在这样的基础上,划分的岩石地层单位才具有准确性、合理性和野外实用性。  相似文献   

This study was based on the results of geochemical analysis of 332 core and 10 cutting rock samples from Triassic Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Triassic age, in addition to seismic sections, logs, initial drilling results, final reports of oil wells, and previous studies. Constructing models from these data are to assess new oil reservoirs, evaluation, and development of the existing oil reservoirs and hydrocarbon potential, and suggesting petroleum systems in order to reduce exploration risk and develop simple risk assessment of oil fields in the studied area. In general, Abu-Jir fault zone divides the studied area into two petroleum provinces: Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin and Widyan Basin–Interior Platform. The Mesopotamian Fordeep basin are thick stratigraphic sequences with no exploration for oil or gas source rock intervals within the Paleozoic sequence. while the Mesozoic sequence offers the best potential. The transitional sequence of the Triassic period is expected to contain occasional fair to good quantity of oil source rock intervals. The Widyan Basin–Interior Platform is an area with possible deployment of low to moderate risk of Paleozoic play and Lower Mesozoic plays with fair Triassic and Mesozoic objectives. Oil has generated and expelled into traps in the studied area during two phases; the first is during Early Palaeogene that accumulated in traps of the Cretaceous structural deformation, while the second is during Late Neogene.  相似文献   

于景维  罗刚  李斌  潘拓  余海涛  况昊  褚旭  张晓童 《现代地质》2022,36(4):1095-1104
二叠系上乌尔禾组为沙湾凹陷重要勘探目的层之一,主要发育岩性油气藏,但成岩作用的相关研究较少,阻碍该区上乌尔禾组深入勘探。在储层岩石学以及储集特征分析基础上,利用薄片观察、物性分析、扫描电镜以及能谱等实验手段,对上乌尔禾组成岩作用类型以及成岩相进行详细研究。发现研究区上乌尔禾组储层成岩作用包括压实作用、胶结作用以及溶蚀作用。结合大量成岩现象及特征,认为研究区上乌尔禾组成岩阶段为中成岩B期。综合成岩强度以及典型成岩现象,将研究区上乌尔禾组成岩相划分为强压实致密相、强压实中溶蚀相、中强压实方解石胶结弱溶蚀相、中强压实伊蒙混层包膜弱溶蚀相、中强压实沸石胶结弱溶蚀相,利用Fisher判别法建立各成岩相判别公式,并结合测井资料探索各成岩相的分布规律,为优质储层的预测提供依据。  相似文献   

This work was done on the representative section (230 cm) in Dora site which located in Baghdad in the central of the Mesopotamian Plain. Eleven soil samples were examined mineralogically and palynologically. Grain size analyses showed that silt is the higher fraction (61%), clay is the least (9%), whereas sand forms 30%. Translucent and opaque heavy minerals contributed 57% from the sand fraction, whereas the light minerals formed just 43%. The type of heavy minerals and its maturity defined four provenances—they are granitic, basic igneous and metamorphic rocks—that belong to the high lands of south Turkey and north of Iraq. The fourth provenance is the sedimentary rocks which are located north of Mesopotamian Plain around the Tigris River and their tributaries. Dinoflagellate within thin bed of marine origin clearly indicated the transgression of the Arabian Sea northward through Tigris and Euphrates valleys or high marine waves reached to Baghdad before 10,000 years P.B. approximately. This means that the marine sediments were also an additional source of the Mesopotamian Plain. Three specific climatic features are identified via palynological interpretation; a temperate-wet climate extended from 10,000 to 5,000 years P.B. followed by dry period extended from 5,000 to 3,500 years P.B. and the last climatic feature is characterized by oscillation of wet to dry periods which is dominant since 3,500 till now.  相似文献   

通过岩心观察并综合利用普通薄片、铸体薄片和扫描电镜分析等资料,对须二段储层岩石学特征、物性及孔隙结构特征、成岩作用、成岩矿物、成岩环境、所处成岩阶段和成岩演化序列等进行了研究。结果表明,须二段储层经历压实压溶、胶结、溶蚀和破裂等成岩作用,现今处于中成岩A 期。根据成岩作用类型和强度、成岩矿物及其对储层物性的影响划分出3种成岩相:强压实自生矿物胶结相、强压实不稳定组分溶蚀相和破碎裂缝相。选取了对成岩相较敏感的声波时差、电阻率、自然伽马、密度和中子5条常规测井曲线和成像测井资料,通过岩心资料刻度测井建立了各成岩相的测井识别标准,将成岩相进行剖面展开和平面成图。再根据有利成岩相的平面展布规律,对蓬莱地区须二段优质储层发育带进行了预测,认为平面上的斜坡中部为主要的优质储集层发育区。  相似文献   

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