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《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):29-40
In the Tertiary Basin of Piedmont (Northern Italy) a 100-150 m thick Messinian sedimentary succession crops out, composed of pre-evaporitic clays, gypsum beds and post-evaporitic lacustrine-marine fine-grained sediments. In the Monferrato area the thickness of the evaporite sequence is highly variable (0-140 m) due to an important erosion surface formed at the end of the evaporite cycle and carved in the gypsum beds. Epigenic caves probably formed during this short intra-Messinian phase of emersion. Cave sediments contain benthonic and planctonic foraminiferal associations ranging in age from Burdigalian to Upper Pliocene. These sediments have probably been deposited in recent times, although it cannot be completely ruled out that they accumulated in caves developed in Upper Messinian times. The formation of the most important caves of this area probably started at the end of the Messinian under epigenic conditions. Possibly, those inherited caves enlarged slowly during the Quaternary in an intrastratal and confined hypogene karst system.  相似文献   

The Messinian Vena del Gesso Basin in the Northern Apennines is filled by very thick (up to 35 m) beds of coarse crystalline gypsum (selenite) associated with thinner carbonate and shaly (euxinic) intercalations. The conventional Usiglio model of salt fractionation does not apply to this evaporitic sequence for the following reasons: carbonate which underlies gypsum is not evaporitic but algal in origin; most gypsum did not precipitate from surface brines but at and below a sediment-water interface occupied by algal mats; a significant portion (10–80%) of gypsum beds is composed of redeposited selenite which was removed from the margins and transported toward the centre of the basin by slope-controlled currents and gravity flows (debris flows). We call this process cannibalistic because of its intraformational character (connected with evaporative fall of water level) and volumetric importance. A recurrent vertical pattern of six main facies (euxinic to gypsum fanglo-merates) is interpreted as a bathymetric, regressive cycle controlled by both sedi-mentological and tectonic-eustatic factors. The inferred environmental setting is a residual turbidite trough (Marnoso-arenacea) evolving abruptly toward lagoonal conditions and filled up to sea level by evaporitic and mechanical (mostly fluvial) processes. Repeated inundations of restricted-marine water started the depositional cycle thirteen or fourteen times.  相似文献   

To evaluate the palaeo-environmental parameters of a portion of the Sardinia–Corsica microplate during the Messinian drop in sea level, we examined the chemistry and mineralogy of upper Tortonian–lower Messinian (late Miocene) clayey continental deposits from NW Sardinia. Differences exist between the uppermost part of the succession, which is devoid of carbonate phases, and the lower part, reflecting changes in provenance and climate. The carbonate-free samples were probably derived from quartzite of the metamorphic basement and were deposited under a climate characterized by alternating dry and relatively wet periods. The other samples were derived from basement phyllite and were deposited under a warm, dry climate that promoted the capillary rise of Ca2+ and bicarbonate from a shallow water table, and therefore, the precipitation of carbonate. This part of the succession contains both calcite and dolomite. The presence of barite indicates an important concentration of SO4 2? in the solution from which the CaMg(CO3)2 precipitated. The formation of dolomite under hypersaline conditions may be explained by bacterial degradation of organic matter, which produced CO2 and ammonia, thereby increasing the solution alkalinity. The succession formed in an oxic environment, except for a calcite-rich level that formed under relatively reducing conditions. For this level, the large amount of calcite and the lack of dolomite indicate an alkaline environment and a very low Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio in the soil solution. These observations, coupled with the reducing conditions, indicate the availability of large amounts of degraded organic matter, probably related to a period typified by a wetter climate.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the mineralogy of the continental shelf sediments of Abu-Quir Bay, N Coast of Egypt. The three dimentional distributions (normal to the shore line, in the breaker and offshore zones and along profiles E-W0 of different material individuals for twelve profiles were discussed. The patternal distribution of the recorded minerals along the bay was controlled by selective transport of the sediments by the E-W littoral current. A general trend for the decrease of the heaviest minerals from the source area (Rosetta Mouth) was observed. The opaques, garnet, zircon and epidote are concentrated in the breaker zone sediments, while the other (pyroxens and mica) are concentrated in the offshore zone sediments. Considerable amounts of opaques, amphiboles, monazite, garnet, staurolite and tourmaline were concentrated near Maadia Outlet, this is most probably attributed to the subsurface old sediments of Canopic Branch. Correlation between the present work (1978–1979) and other mineralogical work during (1971–1973), Rashed 1978) was attemptted.  相似文献   

Outcrops, offshore wells, electric logs and seismic profiles from northern Tunisia provide an opportunity to decipher the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Strait of Sicily. Messinian deposits (including gypsum beds) near the Tellian Range reveal two successive subaerial erosional surfaces overlain by breccias and marine Zanclean clays, respectively. In the Gulf of Tunis, Messinian thick evaporites (mostly halite) are strongly eroded by a fluvial canyon infilled with Zanclean clays. The first erosional phase is referred to the intra-Messinian tectonic phase and is analogous to that found in Sicily. The second phase corresponds to the Messinian Erosional Surface that postdates the marginal evaporites, to which the entire Sicilian evaporitic series must refer. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins were separated during deposition of the central evaporites.  相似文献   

Two beds containing relatively thick and highly concentrated oyster shell banks occurring in the densely fossiliferous Wadi Al Abraq outcrop (Upper Eocene Maadi Formation, Cairo-Sukhna Road, Egypt). Such shell beds are almost monospecific. The upper level consists mainly of Ostrea clotbeyi Bellardi, topped by a considerable concentration of Carolia placunoides Cantraine, while in the lower level occurs Ostrea multicostata Deshayes. In both beds, the upper contact with the overlying marl bed (about 2 m thick) is sharp and sometimes erosive. Similarly, the contact with the underlying shale (1.5 m thick) is sharp and erosional. The shell beds are composed mainly of loosely packed oyster shells and their fragments (usually with a high proportion of disarticulated specimens) set in the sandy limestone matrix. The collected oysters show bioerosion and skeletobiont assemblages. Bioerosion trace fossils comprise ten ichnospecies while skeletozoans comprise five taxa. In general, shells of O. clotbeyi show a higher incidence of bioerosion than O. multicostata. The shells' chaotic orientation and their moderate fragmentation indicate that the shell bed formation was associated with high energy events. On the other hand, the low frequency of articulated specimens suggests that the shell beds are parautochthonous oyster banks' remnants. The taphonomic features of the studied assemblage indicate deposition in a shallow-water, wave-dominated environment.  相似文献   

The clay fractions of saprolites from granites, basalt, and schists in Egypt were subjected to mineralogical and geochemical investigations to examine the effect of source rock on the composition of the saprolites and the possibilities of these saprolites as a source of the nearby sedimentary kaolin deposits. The clay fractions of the studied saprolites show mineralogical and geochemical variations. Saprolites from the granites consist of kaolinite, while saprolites from the basalts are composed entirely of smectite. Schists-derived saprolites are composed of kaolinite in some cases and of a mixture of kaolinite, illite, and chlorite in the other. Saprolite from the basalt is characterized by relatively higher contents of TiO2 and Ni compared to the saprolites from granites. Saprolites from granites have higher contents of Ba, Li, Pb, Sr, Th, Y, and Zr compared to those of the saprolites from the basalts and schists. Saprolites from different schists show variations in the distributions of many constituents, such as TiO2, Cr, Ni, Ba, Y, and Zr. Although chondrite-normalized rare earth elements (REE) patterns are characterized by relative enrichments in the light rare earth elements (LREE) compared to the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) in all saprolites, granitic saprolites show negative Eu anomalies, while saprolite from basalt has no Eu anomaly. REE patterns of the saprolites from schists exhibit slight positive Ce anomalies and slight to moderate negative Eu anomalies. Weathering of saprolites from the basalt and metasediments is classified as the bisiallitization type, while weathering of saprolite from the granite is allitization type. Saprolites from schists vary from the bisiallitization (Aswan and Abu Natash) and allitization (Khaboba) types. Saprolites from the Khaboba schist can be considered the possible source of the Carboniferous kaolin deposits in the Hasber and Khaboba areas of Sinai, based on the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry of major, trace, and REE between the saprolites and the deposits. On the other hand, Carboniferous sedimentary kaolin deposits in the Abu Natash area, as well as the Cretaceous kaolin deposits in all areas of Sinai, might have been derived from the nearby schist saprolites, based on the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry between the saprolites and the kaolin deposits. Granites from the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) and East Sahara Craton (ESC) are the possible sources of the pisolitic and plastic kaolin deposits in the Kalabsha area (Aswan), as indicated by the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry of the granitic saprolites and the kaolin deposits.  相似文献   

Jurassic high-sulfur coals from the Maghara area in Egypt were analyzed for the abundance and isotopic composition of different forms of sulfur. Analyses indicated that the sulfur occurs in the form of organic, pyrite, and sulfate forms. Pyrite sulfur represents the major fraction, while sulfate sulfur is minor and could be formed during sample preparation for the analyses.The δ34S CDT values of the organic sulfur are positive ranging between 1.0‰ and 13.5‰ with an average of 9.1‰. Pyrite δ34S values are also positive ranging between 1.5‰ and 15.4‰ with an average of 6.6‰. The high δ34S values of the organic sulfur in the Maghara coals suggest a freshwater origin of the organic components of these coals. The lack of correlation between pyrite and organic sulfur isotopes implies different incorporation mechanisms of sulfur. The high-sulfur contents along with the positive and high δ34S values suggest a marine origin of pyrite sulfur and support the geological interpretation of marine invasion after the peat formation that was responsible for the incorporation of the pyrite sulfur.The occurrence of pyrite as euhedral crystals as well as the high and positive δ34S values of the pyrite sulfur indicates the formation of pyrite during diagenesis as a result of marine water invasion of the preexisting peat in a brackish coastal plain environment.  相似文献   

The Middle Miocene evaporites in the Red Sea rift were deposited within a complex system of fault-bounded basins that were episodically active during sedimentation. Such a tectonic framework is known to be highly favourable to resedimentation processes. An offshore petroleum well in the north-western Red Sea has cored, below a massive salt unit, an anhydrite-bearing succession which provides an excellent opportunity to study the processes of gravity induced redeposition of Ca-sulphates in a deep basin. Anhydrite deposits, interbedded with siliciclastic layers and thin halite layers, are composed of resedimented facies ranging from fine-grained laminated sediments to coarse-grained breccias. The components derive from the reworking of shelf sediments deposited initially in shallow water to supratidal settings on the surface and edges of structural highs bordering depressions: proximal siliciclastic deposits with interstitial anhydrite (cement patches, nodules) or gypsum and dolostones with early diagenetic anhydrite facies (nodular, chicken-wire) formed in sabkha conditions, interstitially grown gypsum crystals and subaqueous gypsum crusts precipitated in hypersaline ponds, and diatom-rich oozes formed in marine, shallow-water conditions. The homogeneity of the stable isotope composition and petrography of sulphates argue for the initial crystallization of Ca-sulphates within brines of the same origin and in closely interconnected sedimentary settings. The unconsolidated sediments redeposited as slope-foot accumulations were carried both as anhydrite (nodules, soft masses, various fragments, individual grains or crystals released by disintegration of large masses) and gypsum (crystalline aggregates or single crystals) later converted to anhydrite during burial. Layers of chaotic breccia are interpreted as the result of seismic events, whereas the fine-grained deposits could be related to redistribution by nepheloid layers of suspensions of finer grains released by disintegration of the soft anhydrite masses during downslope transport, or of in situ deposits removed by the turbiditic flows.  相似文献   

湖南柿竹园钨锡多金属矿床同位素地球化学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柿竹园钨锡多金属矿床中细粒和中粒黑云母花岗岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄分别为(133±23)Ma和(143±7.3)Ma;初始锶同位素比值分别为0.71774±0.01472和0.73297±0.03454.从花岗岩侵入到成矿作用晚期阶段,δ18OH2o和δDH2O分别从+5.6‰~+11.4‰和-56.0‰~-62.3‰变化到-5.8‰~-8.5‰和-48.0‰~-69.7‰.花岗岩中石英的δ18O值较高,为8.4‰~12.1‰,岩浆水的δ18O为5.6‰~11.4‰,δD为-56.0‰~-62.3‰,但钾长石、黑云母的δ18O值较低,计算出的氧同位素平衡温度低于花岗岩结晶温度,表明花岗岩形成后受到岩浆水和雨水的交换作用和蚀变作用.本矿床流体的氢氧同位素,具有独特的演化规律,用沸腾去气作用和雨水混合作用可以解释其流体氢氧同位素的组成特征.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks of Nusab El Balgum are formed as an elongated complex mass covering an area of about 4 km?×?12.5 km (50 km2), in the NNE-SSW direction of the Tarfawi-Qena-South Sinai trend, which is a branch of the Trans-African shear zone at the intersection with the Kalabsha fault, which is a branch from Guinean-Nubian lineaments. The continuous reactivation of these two major weakness zones from the late Triassic to recent times has created many generations of the magma batches. The exposed granitic rocks of these batches at Nusab El Balgum were represented by the fresh peralkaline granite (youngest) and hydrothermally altered granites (oldest). The fresh peralkaline granite takes the form of a small stock composed essentially of perthites, quartz, sodic pyroxenes, amphiboles (secondary), and rare albite according to the proportion of presence, respectively. The accessory minerals are zircon, bastnaesite-(Ce), columbite-(Fe), magnetite, barite, and sphalerite. The geochemical study indicated that this granite is peralkaline, ferroan, A-type (specifically belongs to the A1-subgroup), anorogeny, emplaced in a within-plate, and crystallized at relatively shallow depth from the alkali basaltic magma similar to the OIBs. Furthermore, it is enriched in the HFSE (e.g., Th, U, Nb, REE, and Zr). The hydrothermally altered granites are formed as an incomplete ring shape and a small stock. They were formed during the late Cretaceous age and were altered due to the hydrothermal solutions from the continuous reactivation affected weakness zones and the new magmatic batches. The hydrothermally altered granites are extremely rich in HFSE found in the accessory minerals such as zircon (different in shape, size, and contains inclusions of bastnaesite and columbite), columbite-(Fe&Mn), rare gittinsite, pyrochlore minerals (ceriopyrochlore and plumbopyrochlore) carlosbarbosaite, changbaiite, bastnaesite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), stetindite, cerianite-(Ce), thorite, and uranothorite. These rocks were subjected to many highly superimposed hydrothermal alteration types, including propylitic, sericitic, potassic, silicification, argillic, and Fe-Mn oxy-hydroxides. The hydrothermal solutions with low temperatures and containing F1? and CO32?, PO43? and H2O caused redistribution; transportation and redeposition of the HFSE in these rocks, in addition to the clay minerals and K-metasomatism, were formed. The relations between the silicification index (SI?=?SiO2/(SiO2 + Al2O3) and Zr, Nb, Th, U, LREE, and HREE are positive but they become negative with the K-metasomatism.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the mineralogy and geochemistry of the economically most interesting Egyptian iron-ore deposits. It is specifically concerned with the examination of the iron-ores occurring at East Aswan, in the Eastern Desert, at Bahariya Oasis, in the Western Desert, and in several localities of the Eastern Desert near the Red Sea coast. This study has thrown some light upon the nature of the ore and gangue minerals, the paragenesis and the probable origin of the iron-ore deposits in the above mentioned areas. The iron-ore deposits of these localities vary greatly in their mineralogical and chemical composition as well as in the nature of their associated rocks, as also regarding the assemblage of trace elements.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit über die Mineralogie und Geochemie der abbauwürdigsten Eisenerzlagerstätten von Ägypten behandelt in erster Linie die Lagerstätten von Ostassuan, der Oase Bagarya und verschiedener Lagerstätten der östlichen Wüsten in der Nähe der Küste des Roten Meeres. Nach einer Diskussion der Erz- und Gangmineralien wird die Paragenese und die wahrscheinliche Genese erörtert. Insbesondere werden die Unterschiede in der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung des Nebengesteins und der Spurenelemente aufgeführt und für die genetische Deutung verwendet.

The textural and geochemical aspects of the sediments of subtropical mangrove ecosystem and surrounding areas have been studied and discussed. Forty sediment samples were collected from different areas of mangrove environment and surrounding areas along the Egyptian Red Sea coast. The sediments of each study areas are characterized by the abundance of sand with minor amounts of mud and gravel. The mean size of the sediments ranged from medium grained to fine grained at the study areas. Cluster analysis showed that the distribution of gravel, sand, and mud fractions is related to bottom facies and type of sediment source. Generally, sand fraction is the main category among the three constituents. Carbonate content recorded minor values in the study areas. The CaCo3 content of the sediments ranged from 4.7 % at Hamata area to 64.9 % at Erier area. Terrigenous and biogenic components are the factor controlling of the carbonate content of studies sediments. The organic carbon content ranged from 1.10 at Hamata area to 3.1 % at Sharm el-Qibli and Erier areas, which is controlled by particle size of the sediments. Phosphorus content in the different studied localities is related to the sources of phosphorus to the area. Our observations provide evidence that there are no significant differences in environmental texture and geochemistry of the sediments of subtropical mangrove ecosystem and surrounding areas of the Egyptian Red Sea coast.  相似文献   

Accumulation of microbial mats and stromatolites dominate in the crystallization ponds of solar salt works west of Alexandria, Egypt. These microbial mats are laminar in the permanent submerged part of the ponds. The microbial mats commonly form sites for growth of gypsum crystals during periods having higher salinity. In the dominant submerged part of the pond, domal stromatolites are common around groundwater seepage holes. In the shallow, intermittent margin of the ponds, the laminated microbial structure forms laterally close-linked hemispheroidal stromatolite type, with unidirectional and multidirectional ripple mark-like morphology on their surface. The microbial laminite and stromatolite types in the modern solar salt works are similar to the organic-rich Miocene gypsum beds of El-Barqan (west Alexandria, Egypt) and Rabigh (north Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). The Miocene organic-rich beds consist of interlayered dark-colored microbial laminae and light-colored gypsum laminae. These beds may have three different variations: regular even lamination, laterally closed-linked hemispheroidal stromatolites, and/or discrete hemispheroidal stromatolites. Petrographic examination of the microbial laminites and stromatolites in the solar salt works and the Miocene gypsum beds indicate that the dark-colored, organic-rich laminae are composed of micritized microbial laminae and/or brown organic filaments. In El-Barqan area, the light-colored gypsum-rich laminae are composed of either gypsum crystal fragments, or lenticular and prismatic gypsum. These gypsum crystals are either entrapped within the microbial filaments or are nucleated at the surface of the microbial laminae to form a radial pattern, whereas in Rabigh area, the light-colored gypsum-rich laminae are composed of secondary porphyrotopic, poikilotopic, or granular gypsum crystals. By comparison of the microbial structure in the Miocene gypsum beds with the recent occurrence of the microbial laminites and stromatolites in the solar salt works, it is demonstrated that the organic-rich Miocene gypsum beds were formed in a very shallow salina with slightly fluctuating brine levels.  相似文献   

The trace-elements content of some M. Miocene Egyptian galenas is given and the method is briefly described. The relative enrichment in Tl and Cd together with the irregular distribution and low Ag, Bi and Sb content indicate low temperature conditions of formation. The trace content of hemimorphites, cerussites, wulfenites and other minerals associated with galena shows that they are related to ascending exhalative solutions.
Zusammenfassung Aus dem MiozÄn Ägyptens wurde Bleiglanz auf Spurenelemente hin untersucht. Die Arbeitsmethode wird kurz dargestellt. Die relative Anreicherung im Gehalt von Tl und Cd sowie die unregelmÄ\ige Verteilung und der niedrige Anteil an Ag, Bi und Sb zeigen niedrige Bildungstemperaturen an. Der Spurengehalt von Hemimorphiten, Cerussiten, Wulfeniten und anderen Mineralen gemeinsam mit Bleiglanz weist auf einen Zusammenhang mit aufsteigenden exhalativen Lösungen hin.

Résumé Des galènes du Miocène d'Egypte ont fait l'objet d'une recherche sur la base des éléments en traces. La méthode de travail est décrite. L'enrichissement relatif en Tl et Cd, ainsi que la répartition irrégulière et la faible participation en Ag, Bi et Sb indiquent de basses températures de formation. La teneur en traces des hémimorphites, cérusites, wulfénites et autres minéraux associés à la galène indique une liaison avec des solutions exhalatives montantes.

(). . l Cd, Ag, Bi Sb . , , , , .

The characteristics of the recent tsunami deposits threw light on some sources of deposition on the beach of the Red Sea. The studied area is delineated by latitudes 25°6′ N and 25°9′ N and longitudes 34°50′ E and 34°53′ E; it covers an elongate area of about 12 km2 along the Red Sea coast, North Marsa Alam City (4 km). The area is bounded by Wadi Asalay to the north and Wadi Sifayn from the south. For evaluation of the area, a lot of information allows us to interpret the conditions prevailing during deposition of the sediments especially at the coast. To achieve the target, five wells were drilled to study core samples, well logging measurements, and 69 vertical electrical sounding stations were carried out. The studied area and adjacent areas were geologically surveyed to note geological features related to Paleo-earthquakes. From geological and geophysical studies, the dominant rock types at the western portions of the studied area are sandstone, sandy clay, clay, clayey sandstone, and gravels; at the middle portion of the studied area, the rocks are hard, but the eastern side of the area, especially at the beach of the Red Sea, several cycles of depositions of coral reefs occurred with intercalations of clastic deposits such as clay, sand, sandstone, conglomerate, gravels, pebbles, and a lot of fossils and shell fragments. The rocks are characterized by heterogeneous properties and ill-sorted. The area includes large numbers of faults due to highly tectonism of the area. The results indicated that the area has lateral variation of sediments. The carbonate rocks at the beach contain clastic fragments, and carbonate blocks are included within clastic rocks. With increasing the distance from the beach to the west, the sediments are less heterogeneous. The beach of the Red Sea was subjected to Paleo-tsunami waves due to highly Paleo-seismic activity inside the Red Sea and left their signature in geological column especially at the beach. The observation of some geological features such as Paleo-liquefaction and landslides indicate that the area subjected to strong earthquakes related to rifting of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Exploration for Carlin-type gold orebodies in the western United States typically involves sampling and analysis of jasperoid, a distinctive alteration type formed by intense silicification of marine sediments. In this study, rock suites were collected from six orebodies and four similar but barren systems. Jasperoids at all ten systems contain episodically silicified breccias, quartz vein stockworks, elevated As, Sb, Hg, Ba and Tl, and, locally, anomalous Au and Ag. Jasperoids from the four barren systems are as anomalous as jasperoids from the six orebodies in all members of an epithermal geochemical suite, including gold and silver.A database suite containing 272 samples from six of the ten systems was analyzed for 45 elements. Q-mode factor analysis shows that geochemical variance in the epithermal geochemical suite is related to geochemical variance in Li, P, Mn, Ba, Mo, Cr, Co, V, Cd, Ni, U, Zn and Pb. Metalliferous marine black shales are enriched in these elements and are spatially related to Carlin-type deposits.A test suite containing 109 samples from the four remaining systems was analyzed to determine whether a discriminant function derived from the database suite could be applied to exploration. An 8-element function correctly assigned 40 of 42 jasperoid samples collected from the surface at the Carlin and Horse Canyon gold deposits. These results indicate that elements characteristic of metalliferous marine black shales can be used to identify Carlin-type systems with associated gold ore. Gold in Carlin-type orebodies may have been leached from a source-rock sequence which contains metalliferous marine black shales.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphical and palaeoecological survey employing calcareous nannofossils and planktonic and benthonic foraminifera has been carried out in four sections of hemipelagic marls and chalks of the Late Maastrichtian Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone of eastern Sinai, in order to evaluate the mechanisms controlling the composition of the well preserved microfauna and nannoflora.The Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone in eastern Sinai can be easily identified by the wide occurrence of the index fossil A. mayaroensis and can be further subdivided by the first occurrences of Plummerita reicheli (ex. P. hantkeninoides) and Micula prinsii. Microfossil abundances and lithologies are characterised by pronounced repetitive distribution patterns. These include low and high frequency fluctuations of the planktonic/benthonic (P/B) foraminiferal ratio, repetitive changes in the abundance of calcareous nannofossils and benthonic foraminifera, as well as the development of chalk-marl couplets and thinning upward chalk packets. both microfossil distribution patterns and the occurrence of rhythmites are attributed to changes in primary palaeoproductivity. Semiquantitative investigations of calcareous nannofossils and a few selected benthonic foraminifera yield evidence of the presence of high (HP) and low (LP) productivity assemblages.The interpreted HP assemblage is dominated by Glaukolithus diplogrammus, Manvitella pemmatoidea, Microrhabdulus decoratus and Micula murus and the benthonic foraminifera Neoflabellina jarvisi; the LP assemblage is characterised by Lithraphidites quadratus and Bolivinoides draco. However, further quantitative studies are necessary to reconstruct the exact composition of these assemblages and to explain deviatory developments. The chalk-marl couplets, thinning-upward chalk packets and the high frequency P/B patterns are interpreted to reflect productivity changes related to orbital forcing. These hemipelagites were deposited during the latest phase of the southern Tethyan upwelling system, which was active from the Santonian to the Late Maastrichtian with a peak in the Campanian. Termination of upwelling just before the K/T boundary also provides a good explanation for the change towards a palaeobathymetric control on foraminiferal distribution, as observed for the Palaeocene of central east Sinai.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Tripoli Formation (Lower Messinian) in Sicily includes diatomites irregularly alternating with marl and carbonate beds and lies, stratigraphically, between the Tortonian pelagic marls and the evaporitic Calcare di base. The relationships between mineralogy, textural features and oxygen-carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate components point to a wide variability of depositional conditions and suggest that Tripoli sedimentation occurred in small basins characterized by periodic and marked restriction from the open sea.
The isotopic values of calcite and dolomite in the diatomites suggest an evolution from normal marine towards more restricted environments. Evaporating conditions are also indicated by the occurrence of anhydrite, length-slow chalcedonic quartz and moulds of gypsum. In a more advanced stage, the precipitation of heavy δ180 dolomite in the interstitial pores of fossil-poor diatomites denotes an environment with highly evaporated water. Mixing of meteoric and marine waters, on the other hand, might have favoured the precipitation of a dolomite characterized by relatively low δ180 and δ13C values.
The deposition of marl and carbonate beds alternating with or overlying the diatomites took place in an environment with highly evaporated marine waters on the basis of δl18O values of dolomite (up to + 9.10‰) and aragonite (up to + 5.83‰), occurrence of evaporitic minerals and lack of fossils. The presence at these levels of calcite with extremely negative δ13C values (down to - 38.40‰), filling gypsum moulds, suggests activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria. Some aragonitic marls, however, bear evidence of deposition in relatively normal marine conditions.  相似文献   

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