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烟台市是山东半岛蓝色经济区核心城市之一,通过对山东省烟台市生态地球化学资料的系统整理,研究土壤重金属污染现状与分布迁移规律,发现土壤主要污染因子是As、Cd、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn等重金属元素污染,工矿三废排放是土壤重金属污染的主要原因;主要致污因子砷是环境中毒性最大的有害元素之一。土壤-苹果树体系中As迁移及形态转化规律为:植物根系吸收土壤中的砷,并在根部发生了AsⅤ→AsⅢ的还原作用,由植物的根部向上迁移过程中,AsⅢ的比例逐渐降低。砷在根系土-植物体系中的分布为:根系土>根>叶子>茎>苹果。  相似文献   

Contamination of heavy metals represents one of the most pressing threats to water and soil resources, as well as human health. Phytoremediation can be potentially used to remediate metal contaminated sites. In this study, concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium accumulated by native plant species were determined in field conditions of Hame Kasi iron and copper mine in the central part of Iran in Hamadan province. The results showed that metal accumulation by plants differed among species and tissue bodies. Species grown in substrata with elevated metals contained significantly higher metals in plants. Metals accumulated by plants were mostly distributed in root tissues, suggesting that an exclusion strategy for metal tolerance exists widely amongst them. The mentioned species could accumulate relatively higher metal concentrations far above the toxic concentration in the plant shoots. With high translocation factor, metal concentration ratio of plant shoots to roots indicates internal detoxification metal tolerance mechanism; thus, they have potential for phytoextraction. The factors affecting metal accumulation by plant species including metal concentrations, pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient status in substrata were measured. Mostly, concentrations of zinc and copper in both aboveground and underground tissues of the plants were significantly, positively related to their total in substrata, while iron, zinc, and copper were negatively correlated to soil phosphorus.  相似文献   

金属矿产资源的持续开发活动通常会导致矿区土壤重金属含量累积,厘清土壤重金属环境污染特征并评价其生态风险,可为监测土壤环境质量和预防土壤污染提供依据。选择江西于都某百年开采钨矿山,采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗综合指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,对其周边土壤中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As、Hg污染特征及潜在生态风险进行调查评价。评价结果表明,研究区土壤受到Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As等重金属的污染,单因子污染指数分别为6.74、3.72、45.1、3.36、8.88;综合污染评价表明,Cd是主要污染贡献因子,其次为As、Cu、Pb、Zn;土壤综合潜在生态风险指数平均值高达2065,属很强生态风险;强生态风险及以上区域主要分布在矿山周边及矿山下游河道附近,分布面积约占研究区总面积的43.89%;研究区土壤重金属相关性分析表明,Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb之间具有显著的相关性。综合研究结果可知,该区域土壤Cd具有一定的潜在生态风险,应引起充分重视,矿山开发利用可能是导致Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

The urban environment quality is of vital importance as the majority of people now live in cities. Due to the continuous urbanization and industrialization with rapidly increasing economy in China, metals are continuously emitted into soils, imposing a great threat on human health. Urban soils might be affected by industrial activities, transport, agricultural practice, and waste disposal. An extensive survey was conducted in the highly urbanized Zhangzhou City (Fujian Province, China) using a systematic sampling strategy. Concentrations of Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, As, Cr and Ni were measured on 108 topsoil samples collected from parks (0-15 cm), residential areas and suburban agricultural soils. Statistic approach (cluster analysis) was adopted for identification of natural and anthropogenic influence on heavy metal contents. The maps of metal concentrations in surface soils were made based on geographical information system (GIS) data. All of these aim at assessing the distribution of these heavy metals in the urban environment.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in vegetable-growing soils is of increasing concern due to the potential health risk via food chain. The present study aimed at assessing the potential ecological risk (RI) of heavy metals (HMs) in the vegetable-growing soils collected from Fujian Province, China, and identifying the potential sources with multivariable methods including correlation matrix and principal component analysis (PCA). The concentrations of HMs including Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, As, Cu, Zn, and Ni in 160 soils collected from 25 sites of vegetable-growing land in Fujian Province, China, are measured with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and hydrogen generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometer, respectively. Results show that most of the soil samples have been seriously contaminated with HMs, especially the metals of Hg, Cd, and Pb, compared with both of the background values of soils in Fujian Province and the limitation of total HMs in soil environmental quality for edible agricultural products set in China (HJ 332-2006). The indexes of RI indicate that only 8% of the 25 sites are environmentally safe, whereas according to the present study 28% of the sampling sites are heavily contaminated with HMs with 628–1,076 of the RI values. Based on PCA analysis, Zn, Cd, and Pb associated with PC1 are found to derive from anthropogenic sources, especially the local industrial activities, such as porcelain plants in Dehua, zinc metallurgical plants in Nan’an, and sewage irrigation from industrial estate in Taijiang. The concentrations of As, Ni, and Cu loaded in PC2 are found to be mainly controlled by natural factors (i.e., the lithogenic process of natural parent soils). Hg in PC3 is also found to originate from the anthropogenic sources, such as local coal combustion in Longhai and industrial activities in Cangshan. However, Cr in PC3 is mainly derived from the lithogenic sources.  相似文献   

Changes in heavy metal speciation and uptake by maize in a soil before and after washing with chelating organic acids, citric acid, tartaric acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid were assessed. A sandy loam was collected from the vicinity of the Benue industrial layout, Makurdi, Nigeria and spiked with a quinternary mixture of nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead nitrates to achieve higher levels of contamination. Batch soil washing experiments performed on 1.0 g portions of the spiked soil using 0.05 M chelating agents at a solid:liquid ratio of 1:25 showed that washing efficiencies varied in the order: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid> citric acid> tartaric acid with metal extraction yields typically following the sequence, copper> nickel> zinc> cadmium> lead. Sequential extractions proposed by the European Communities Bureau of Reference method used to assess the redistribution of heavy metal forms in the soil showed that apparent metal mobilities were reduced upon soil washing. Citric acid removed most of the metals hitherto associated with the exchangeable and reducible fractions; tartaric acid, the exchangeable metal pools; and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, the non-residual metal pools. Heavy metal assay of harvested biomass of maize grown on unwashed and washed soil samples indicated that metal transfer coefficients, decreased in the order of treatment: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid <citric acid <tartaric acid <unwashed soil. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and citric acid appeared to offer greater potentials as chelating agents to use in remediating the high permeability soil. Tartaric acid, however, is recommended in events of moderate contamination.  相似文献   

Heavy metal and organic pollutants in sediments along the coastal zone of southeastern China have been investigated. Sediment samples are retrieved from three depositional environments: coast, estuary, and tide-affected river mouth. The relative abundance of heavy metal and organic pollutants is related to their geochemical properties as well as depositional environments and anthropogenic discharge. Based on a sequential extraction method, it is revealed that anthropogenic Pb, Cr, Cu, and Cd are mainly bound to Fe–Mn oxides, suggesting that adsorption and co-precipitation of Fe–Mn oxides are in the control of their transfer processes from water column to sediment. Heavy metal bound to carbonates is also an important pool especially for Cd, Mn, and Pb. The main organic pollutants found in the study area include petroleum-related alkanes, phthalic acid ester, organic silicon, chlorophenol, phenyl ether, and amine. The accumulation of heavy metals and organics in surficial sediments has a decrease tendency from estuarine environment to coastal environment and to tide-affected river mouth.  相似文献   

为探究云南省碳酸盐岩风化区重金属污染特征及分布影响因素,选取云南省宣威市农垦区为研究对象,利用1:5万土地质量地球化学调查成果,通过分析表层土壤重金属元素累积特征及分布规律,并结合土壤理化性质及地形因素等数据,研究驱动农垦区土壤重金属元素富集的影响因素,并利用富集指数法(EF)和潜在生态风险评价(RI)进行污染评价.结...  相似文献   

铜陵矿区土壤重金属元素的空间变异及污染分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用地统计学分析手段对铜陵矿区土壤中的As、Cd、Hg、Pb和Zn5种重金属元素进行空间变异分析及空间插值,并进行污染分析,以期为铜陵矿区土壤环境评价、土壤污染修复及环境决策提供科学依据。数据来源于"安徽省江淮流域多目标区域地球化学调查"结果,采用Johnson变换进行正态转换,地统计拟合变异函数中,As、Cd元素为球状模型,Pb、Zn元素为五球形模型,Hg元素为指数模型。结果表明,As、Cd、Pb、Zn元素的变异函数表现为各向异性,其方向性可能主要受矿床分布控制;Hg元素块金效应较大,表明其受小  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to clarify the effect of rhizosphere processes on the accumulation and partitioning of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd and Ni) in mangrove sediments. Metals were fractionated by a sequential extraction procedure into three chemically distinct fractions: water soluble, exchangeable and carbonate bound (B1), Fe–Mn oxide bound (B2), and organic and sulfide bound (B3). Results indicate that rhizosphere processes tend to increase the metal concentrations in the rhizosphere sediments. However, plant uptake may result in the decrease of the metal concentrations in the rhizosphere sediments when the metal concentrations are relatively low in the bulk sediments. Compared with the bulk sediments, the rhizosphere sediments have low concentrations of heavy metals in the B1 and B2 fractions and high concentrations in the B3 fraction. Either an increase or decrease in the residual fraction of heavy metals in the rhizosphere sediments may appear, depending on whether the formation of the refractory metal-organic compounds or the activation of the residual fractions dominates. Results also indicate that mangrove plants absorb and store non-essential metals in the perennial tissues, thus reducing the export of non-essential metals via leaf litter transport. Mangrove plants are excellent candidates for phytostabilization of heavy metals in intertidal substrates.  相似文献   

Guiyang is a famous tourist city located in southwestern China. In this study, dust from eleven residential areas, seven city squares, and nine schools was collected to measure the heavy metal levels and evaluate its risk. At each sampling site, 4-5 sub-samples were taken as a bulk sample. All samples were air-dried, ground, passed through a 0.105 mm nylon sieve, digested with HNO3-HC104 to determine the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn by ICP-MS, and digested with 1:1 aqua regia to determine As by AFS. The results show that the concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in dust of Guiyang City follow normal distribution with means of 16.1, 1.54, 138, 47.7, 129 and 479 mg/kg, respectively. Levels of As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn exceed the background level of soil in Guizhou Province by 33%, 96%, 100%, 78%, 96%, and 100%, respectively. Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are heavily accumu- lated in dust of living areas with accumulation factors of 4.10, 5.12, 4.12 and 5.51, respectively. City square pos- sesses the highest geometric means of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The risks of heavy metal exposure to teenagers are not obvious and in an order ofAs〉Pb〉Cu〉Ni〉Zn (Cd).  相似文献   

The 150-year historical changes in concentrations of pollution elements (Pb, Cu and Zn) in sediment profiles from two riparian freshwater wetlands along the Wusuli River (boundary river between China and Russia) were studied, and the ecological risk of heavy metals and their effects on four riparian wetlands during the urban development from Khanka Lake to Black Bear Island along the Wusuli River were assessed. Results showed that there are sharp increases of the enrichment factor and the ratio of anthropogenic/total of heavy metals in the sediment profiles during the 2000s, which showed that intensive human activities during city development had greatly affected heavy metals distribution since the 1960s. According to the principal component analysis, sediment textures, redox regimes, and organic matter contents accounted for 45.7, 23.6 and 16.5 % of the total variance of element concentrations, respectively. This study also showed that ecological risk of heavy metals was increased along the Wusuli River and closely related to the water quality of the rivers as their hydrological regimes likely affect wetlands.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distribution of heavy metals (Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc) in the sediment of Longgan Lake, middle reaches of Yangtze River, China were analyzed to discuss their enrichment characteristics and history in combination with geochronological data and to identify anthropogenic effects. The results showed that the enrichment state of heavy metals was higher in the western versus eastern lake area, although their concentrations behave in the opposite case, which demonstrated that stronger human activities existed in the western lake catchment. The enrichment history of heavy metals pointed out that prior to 1950, the enrichment state was lower in the ambient lake areas illustrating the natural effect on the lake; thereafter the human activities in the catchment enhanced markedly causing an increasing heavy metal enrichment. The increase of heavy metal enrichment in the 1970s occurred in the central lake areas. The temporal difference between the ambient and central areas elucidated that the heavy metal accumulation might be buffered by the lake before they entered the sediment. Correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant correlation between heavy metals in the sediment suggesting their similar sources. Heavy metals were distinctly related to aluminum, calcium, lithium, iron, and organic matters, which could denote their forms in the sediment.  相似文献   

为了解滇中姚安地区表层土壤重(类)金属的污染特征、来源及生态风险状况,在研究区共采集表层土壤样品428件,对其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn元素的含量进行测试分析。通过数据统计分析和地球化学图说明了这些重(类)金属元素的含量分布特征和空间分布特征。运用相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析方法探究了重(类)金属的来源。运用地累积指数法、富集系数法和潜在生态危害指数法对研究区土壤重(类)金属污染程度及潜在生态风险进行了评价。研究结果表明,As、Cu、Pb和Zn受自然背景与矿产开采共同影响;Cr、Ni主要来源于成土母质;而Cd受矿产开采和农业施肥的影响较大;Hg则受周边工厂以及煤炭燃烧的影响。地累积指数和富集系数分析表明,研究区污染程度普遍不高,但局部地区有重(类)金属元素的污染富集,代表元素为Cd和Hg。而潜在生态危害指数法分析结果也表明Cd和Hg是研究区最主要的风险元素,但以轻度和中度生态危害为主,强生态危害分布面积较小,研究区生态风险整体较低,风险可控。本研究对滇中地区的土壤重(类)金属的污染评价和土地利用发展规划有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

以中国北方某湖泊(以下称A湖)为例,开展了底泥中氮磷污染及重金属生态风险评价研究,探讨多种评价方法的相关性,并分析底泥中氮磷元素向上覆水迁移造成水体富营养化的风险.选取A湖中心区域的10个底泥监测点位数据,对其总氮、总磷及重金属(Pb、Cr、As、Cd、Ni)含量进行分析,并采用有机污染指数法评价总氮污染,单因子指数法...  相似文献   

The concentrations of metals (Pb, Cr, Ba, Zn, V, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni and As) in 38 soil samples collected from the industrial district in Weinan (NW China) were determined by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The magnetic parameters of soil including low-/high-frequency susceptibility and frequency-dependent susceptibility were measured. The modified three-step BCR sequential extraction procedure was used to evaluate mobility, availability and persistence of trace elements in urban soil samples. Multivariate (principal component analysis, clustering analysis and correlation analysis) and geostatistical analysis (ArcGIS tools) were applied to the obtained data to evaluate the analytical results and to identify the possible pollution sources of metals as well as geo-spatial distributions. The results revealed that the sampling area was mainly influenced by two main sources: (1) Ba, Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn were mainly derived from industrial sources, which combined with coal combustion as well as traffic factor. The mobility sequence based on the sum of the BCR sequential extraction stages was: Pb (53.79 %) > Zn (51.78 %) > Cu (50.96 %) > Ba (42.59 %) > Cr (18.47 %). Pb was the metal predominantly associated (~46.86 %) with the form bound to Fe/Mn oxides, and the highest percentage of Zn was exchangeable and carbonate-bound fraction. Cu was present mainly in organic fraction, while the residual fraction was the most dominant solid phase pool of Cr (~81.53 %) and Ba (~57.41 %). (2) Mn, V, Co, As and Ni in the study area were consistently from natural sources. The analysis of enrichment factors indicated that urban soils in Weinan City were classified as having significant enrichment by Ba, Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn. The overall results proposed the future tactics for Weinan environment quality control on a local scale that concerned not only the levels of risky, but also the industrial emission abatement techniques as well as urban setting.  相似文献   

Xiamen Bay (XMB) has received substantial loadings of pollutants from industrial and municipal wastewater discharged since the 1980s. To assess ecological risks and the current spatial changes of metal contaminants in bottom surface sediments, 12 samples were collected. Samples were subjected to a total digestion technique and analyzed by ICP–OES for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cd, and by AFS for Hg and As. Among these metals, Zn had the highest values (68–268 mg kg−1), followed by Pb (27–71 mg kg−1), and lower concentrations were found for Cd (42–1,913 μg kg−1) and Hg (0–442 μg kg−1). In comparison with the average crustal abundance values, the results indicated that nearly half of the sediment samples of XMB and its adjacent areas were contaminated by Cd, Pb, Zn, and As. Furthermore, based on the modified BCR sequential extraction procedure, the chemical speciation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, and As) in selected sediment samples were evaluated in this study. Data from BCR sequential extractions indicated that Cd posed a medium ecological risk, whereas, Cr posed low risk since its exchangeable and carbonate fractions were below 4%, and the mobility of heavy metals in XMB decreased in the order Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn > Hg > As > Cr. By applying mean effects range median quotients (mERMQ), the results showed that Yuandang Lagoon with mERMQ value >0.5 would be expected to have the greatest potential toxic risk in amphipod within XMB and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

The charged sites on soil particles are important for the retention/adsorption of metals. Metallic counterions can neutralize the intrinsic charges on the surfaces of soil particles by forming complexes. In this study, efforts have been made to determine the effect of surface potential, pH, and ionic strength on the adsorption of four metal ions, hexavalent chromium Cr(VI), trivalent chromium Cr(III), nickel Ni(II) and cadmium Cd(II), in glacial till soil. Batch tests were performed to determine the effect of pH (2–12) and ionic strength (0.001–0.1 M KCl) on zeta potential of the glacial till soil. The point of zero charge (pH PZC ) of glacial till was found to be 7.0±2.5. Surface charge experiments revealed the high buffering capacity of the glacial till. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted at natural pH (8.2) using various concentrations of selected metals. The adsorption data was described by the Freundlich adsorption model. Overall glacial till shows lower adsorption affinity to Cr(VI) as compared to cationic metals, Cr(III), Ni(II) and Cd(II).  相似文献   

The knowledge of the variability, the anthropogenic versus natural origin and corresponding environmental risk for potentially harmful elements in urban topsoils is of importance to assess human impact. The aims of the present study were: (1) to assess the distribution of heavy metals (Sn, Li, Ga, Ba, Fe, Mn, Co, Be, Ti, Al, Hg, Cr, Sb, As, Bi, Pd, Pt, Au, Ni, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Se, Mo, Sc and Ag) in urban environment; (2) to discriminate natural and anthropogenic contributions; and (3) to identify possible sources of pollution. Multivariate statistic approaches (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) were adopted for data treatment, allowing the identification of three main factors controlling the heavy metal variability in Xuzhou urban topsoils. Results demonstrate that Hg, Cr, Sb, As, Bi, Pd, Pt, Au, Ni, Cd, Br, Zn, Cu, S, Pb, Se, Mo, Sc and Ag could be inferred to be tracers of anthropogenic pollution, whereas Al, Ti, Ga, Li, V, Co, Pt, Mn and Be were interpreted to be mainly inherited from parent materials. Iron, Ba, Sn, Pd and Br were interpreted to be affected by mixed sources.  相似文献   

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