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Observations of the nebula S3 associated with the WO star in the galaxy IC 1613 and of an extended region surrounding S3 are reported. The star and bright core of the nebula were observed with a multipupil fiber spectrograph mounted on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Images in the principle spectral lines and integrated spectra of the star and three compact clumps were obtained, and the radial-velocity field constructed. An extended region of the galaxy was observed with the Very Large Array at 21 cm. A giant ring or H I shell enclosing a large fraction of the stellar population in IC 1613 was discovered. The WO star and associated bipolar nebula, which we discovered earlier, lie at the inner edge of the H I ring. A local H I deficiency and two arclike H I ridges were also detected for the first time and probably represent the neutral component of the bipolar shell surrounding the WO star. The two arclike ridges may also have been produced by the collective stellar wind (and supernova explosions?) in OB association No. 9 from the list of Hodge. A scenario for the formation of the extended bipolar feature is discussed, based on the new data.  相似文献   

This Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy contains coordinates and fluxes of young objects in the radio and infrared, as well as data on the radial velocities of recombination and molecular lines, for more than three thousand star-forming regions. In addition to photometric and kinematic data, we present information on diffuse and reflecting nebulae, dark and molecular clouds, and other objects related to young stars. The catalog consists of two parts. The main catalog lists star-forming regions in order of Galactic longitude and is supplemented by analogous information for star-forming regions in complexes of dark clouds with large angular sizes that are closest to the Sun. The main catalog is located at http://www.strasbg.-u.fr/pub/cats. In our preliminary study of the catalog data using a formal classification of the star-forming regions, we subdivided these objects into several classes and characterized them as being populated primarily by massive or low-mass stars at early or late stages of the star-formation process. We also distinguish between relatively nearby and distant complexes.  相似文献   

Archival infrared Spitzer Space Telescope observations are used to study the dust component of the ISM in the irregular galaxy IC 10. The dust distribution in the galaxy is compared to the distributions of the Hα and [S II] emission, neutral gas and CO clouds, and ionizing radiation sources. The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the galaxy is shown to be highly non-uniform, with the fraction of these particles in total dust mass reaching 4%. On the whole, PAHs avoid bright H II regions and correlate with the atomic and molecular gas. This pattern suggests that they form in the dense interstellar gas. It is suggested that the observed metallicity dependence of the PAH abundance shows up not only globally (at the level of the entire galaxy), but also locally (at least, at the level of individual H II regions). No conclusive evidence for shock destruction of PAHs in the IC 10 galaxy has been found.  相似文献   

Observations with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory obtained with the MPFS panoramic spectrograph and a slit spectrograph with the SCORPIO focal reducer are used to analyze the emission spectrum of the ionized gas in a star-forming region in the BCD galaxy VII Zw 403. We present images of the galaxy’s central region in Hα, Hβ, [SII], and [OIII], together with maps of the relative [OIII]/Hβ and [SII]/Hα intensities. We have determined the parameters of the gas in bright ionized supershells, and estimated the relative abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur; a low relative N/O abundance was detected.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the distribution of young objects (open clusters, classical Cepheids, and HII regions) projected onto the plane of the Galaxy using wavelet smoothing. This smoothing technique enables investigation of the large-scale structure of the distribution of young objects. All the studied objects display a similar spiral structure, whose appearance essentially corresponds to a regular alternation of young and older stellar complexes along sections of the spiral arms. A four-arm spiral structure with its arms originating at the Galactic center is obtained if the major arms are taken to be the Carina-Sagittarius arm and an outer arm behind the Perseus arm. If all the observed arms are taken to be major arms, we obtain a 12-arm structure, in contradiction with the size of the region in which the structure is observed in the Galaxy. This discrepancy can be removed if the arms originate from a ring formed by a sufficiently long bar-like structure, rather then from the Galactic center.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight molecules have been detected as a result of a spectral survey of the star-forming region DR21(OH) at 84–115 GHz. The abundances of most molecules are typical of those in the dense cores of molecular clouds. The rotational temperatures derived using the lines of most molecules fall in the range 9–56 K, which is also typical for dense cores. However, emission from high-lying levels of methanol and sulfur dioxide was detected; since the rotational temperatures for methanol and sulfur dioxide are 252 and 186 K, this indicates the presence of hot regions. Another fact indicating the existence of hot regions is the detection of CH3OCHO, CH3CH2OH, and CH3OCH3, which have thus far been observed only in hot cores and shock-heated regions. An interesting result is the tentative detection of the J = 2 − 1, v = 1 SiO line, with the upper level energy of 1775 K. This is probably a maser line, similar to but weaker than the well-known SiO masers in the star-forming regions Orion-KL,W51(N), and Sgr B2(N).  相似文献   

We present the results of numerical simulations of radiating nodes in jets outflowing from young stellar objects. The development of the fundamental and first reflection harmonics of the jet during the essentially non-linear stage is considered. We have shown for the first time the possible formation of radiating nodes with diameters smaller than the jet cross section. We describe our numerical code, which makes it possible for this class of problem to maintain a stationary equilibrium in the radial coordinate and minimize the force imbalance resulting from the transfer of stationary distributions along the meridian coordinate in the computational grid.  相似文献   

The results of molecular composition modeling are presented for the well studied low-mass star-forming region TMC-1 and the massive star-forming region DR21(OH), which is poorly studied from a chemical point of view. The column densities of dozens of molecules, ranging from simple diatomic to complex organic molecules, are reproduced to within an order of magnitude using a one-dimensional model for the physical and chemical structure of these regions. The chemical ages of the regions are approximately 105 years in both cases. The main desorption mechanisms that are usually included in chemical models (photodesorption, thermal desorption, and cosmic-ray-induced desorption) do not provide sufficient gasphase abundances of molecules that are synthesized in surface reactions; however, this shortcoming can be removed by introducing small amount of reactive desorption into the model. It is possible to reproduce the properties of the TMC-1 chemical composition in a standard model, without requiring additional assumptions about an anomalous C/O ratio or the recent accretion of matter enriched with atomic carbon, as has been proposed by some researchers.  相似文献   

The physical properties of young stellar objects are studied as functions of the initial spatial distributions of the gas surface density Σ and angular velocity Ω in pre-stellar cores using numerical hydrodynamic simulations. Two limiting cases are considered: spatially homogeneous cores with Σ = const and Ω = const and centrally concentrated cores with radius-dependent densities Σ ∝ r −1 and Ω ∝ r −1. The degree of gravitational instability and protostellar disk fragmentation is mostly determined by the initial core mass and the ratio of the rotational to the gravitational energy, and depends only weakly on the initial spatial configuration of pre-stellar cores, except for the earliest stages of evolution, when models with spatially homogeneous cores can be more gravitationally unstable. The accretion of disk matter onto a protostar also depends weakly on the initial distributions of Σ and Ω, with matter from the collapsing core falling onto the disk at a rate that is slightly higher in models with spatially homogeneous cores. An appreciable dependence of the disk mass, disk radius, and the disk-to-protostar mass ratio on the initial density and angular velocity profiles of the parent core is found only for class 0 young objects; this relationship is not systematic in the later I and II stages of stellar evolution. The mass of the central protostar depends weakly on the initial core configuration in all three evolutionary stages.  相似文献   

A model for a uniform, gravitating, ellipsoidal star cluster moving in a circular orbit around the Galactic center is considered. Three independent isolated integrals of stellar motion are written for this model. The characteristic features of the motion of a cluster star according to these three integrals are analyzed. Retrograde stellar motions dominate at the periphery of the model cluster, and the distribution of the stellar velocities is elongated along the direction of the cluster motion. A phase-space density function that depends on two of the integrals of motion is constructed. The distribution of the stellar velocities is constructed for the case of a three-integral phase-space density. Possible applications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We have used observations of the galaxy IC10 at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory with the SCORPIO focal reducer in the Fabry-Perot interferometer mode and with the MPFS spectrograph to study the structure and kinematics of ionized gas in the central region of current intense star formation. Archive VLA 21-cm observations are used to analyze the structure and kinematics of neutral gas in this region. High-velocity wings of the Hα and [SII] emission lines were revealed in the inner cavity of the nebula HL 111 and in other parts of the complex of violent star formation. We discovered local expanding neutral-gas shells around the nebulae HL 111 and HL 106.  相似文献   

Uranium is significantly enriched (up to two orders of magnitude) in the Danish Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary beds relative to the underand overlaying sediments. Both the predominant oxic and some anoxic deposits have a high uranium content. To investigate the geochemical behaviour of the element, a series of sections was analysed for uranium by means of the delayed-neutron counting technique. Uranium contents in the carbonate rocks from different parts of the Danish Sub-basin are generally low but show slight regional trends. Experiments that involve cold acid extractions suggest that uranium is associated with the non-carbonate residues. The uranium distribution with depth in the offshore drill core from the Central Graben area (North Sea) suggests that the element is associated with clay in the Danian part. Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary beds from Stevns Klint and other localities in the Danish sub-basin have anomalously high uranium contents compared with the values for chalk. Uranium is not correlated with iron, non-carbonate carbon or aluminium. The highest uranium values within boundary sections are not found in the lower part of the sections as is the case for iridium. The only boundary beds that show typical anoxic depositional affinity have a total uranium accumulation that is one order of magnitude lower than that found in the oxic sections. High amounts of uranium within Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary beds are suggested to be related to diagenetic processes such as compaction and dehydration. Uranium is thought not to cause the extinctions at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary because of the relatively low contents found at the actual extinction level.  相似文献   

We analyzed the character of molecular transformations under conditions of condensed media, in which intermolecular interactions always occur. It was shown that, instead of discrete transfer of external energy into the molecule, the energy characteristics of the condensed medium (appearance of zones) could result in gradual accumulation of internal energy in reaction centers owing to sequential thermal collisions with particles of the medium initiating the chemical reaction. This does not require high temperatures. The established physical properties related to the energy characteristics of condensed media could play an important role in molecular transformations and, consequently, formation of complex molecular objects at early stages of biosphere formation.  相似文献   

A spectral survey of the W51 e1/e2 star-forming region at 84–115 GHz has yielded detections of 105 molecules and their isotopic species, from simple diatomic or triatomic molecules, such as CO, CS, HCN, up to complex organic compounds, such as CH3OCH3, CH3COCH3, and C2H5OOCH. Ninety-three lines that are absent from the Lovas list of molecular lines observed from space were detected, and approximately half of these were identified. A significant number of the detectedmolecules are typical for hot cores. These include the neutral molecules CH3OCHO, C2H5OH, CH3COCH3 etc., which are currently believed to exist in the gas phase only in hot cores and shock-heated gas. In addition, vibrationally excited SiO, C4H, HCN, l-C3H, HCCCN, CH3CN, CH3OH, H2O, and SO2 lines with upper-level temperatures of several hundred Kelvin were found. Such lines can arise only in hot gas with temperatures of the order of 100 K or higher. Apart from neutral molecules, various molecular ions were also detected. Some of these (N2H+, HCO+, HCS+) usually exist in molecular clouds with high visual extinctions A V . At the same time, the CF+ ion should be observed in photon-dominated regions with A V values of about unity or lower. An interesting result is the tentative detection of two molecules that have thus far been observed only in the atmospheres of late-type giant stars—MgCN and NaCN. This suggests that the conditions in the hottest W51 regions (probably, in the vicinities of protostars) are close to those in the atmospheres of giant stars. It would be desirable to search for other lines of these molecules to verify these tentative detections. Analysis of the radial velocities of the detected molecules suggests that the contribution from the e2 core dominates the emission of some O-bearing molecules (CH3OCHO, CH3CH2OH), while the contribution of the e1 core dominates the emission of some N-bearing molecules (e.g., CH3CH2CN). Thus, the molecular composition of the e2 core may be closer to the composition of the “Compact Ridge” in OMC-1, while the composition of the e1 core is closer to that for the “Hot Core” in the same cloud.  相似文献   

Observations of the structure of the radio galaxy 3C338 at decameter wavelengths obtained using the URAN-1 and URAN-2 radio interferometers are presented. The structure of this object at these wavelengths differs appreciably from images obtained at higher frequencies. The most probable simple models for the radio brightness distributions at 25 and 20 MHz are determined: two extended components with sizes from 40″ to 50″ whose centers are separated by 90″–100″ in position angle about 100°, and a single compact component 9″×4″ in size, whose flux density does not exceed 10% of the total flux density of the radio galaxy.  相似文献   

陈冲 《探矿工程》2020,47(9):90-96
上海市闵行区曹行双柏路一座要拆除的高35 m锥壳式钢筋混凝土结构水塔,其周边有创意园、架空管线等,爆破区域周边环境较为复杂,倒塌方向单一,精准控制水塔的倒塌方向及爆破飞石和爆破振动难度较大。结合水塔的结构特点和周边环境因素,通过采取等腰梯形爆破缺口,预开设三角形定向窗的方式,对定向的准确性起到了决定性的作用;采用铺设黄砂和草袋的被动防护方法,竹笆和安全网的主动防护方法相结合的防护方法,可以有效控制爆破振动、飞石对周围的影响。爆破取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

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