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EG Monitor 1     
《Geology Today》1992,8(1):33-35
EG = environmental geology, here defined broadly as those aspects of the Earth sciences having a direct relationship with, or application to, human communities.  相似文献   

We present the first high accuracy UBVRI(RI)c CCD light curves of the newly discovered eclipsing system PS UMa = GSC 4375 1733 ($$P = 9_{·}^{d}27$$, $$V = 12_{·}^{m}42$$). The photometric solutions are found, the physical parameters of the components are derived. The eccentricity of the orbit was found to be negligible e = 0.074, which made it difficult to measure the rate of the apsidal rotation. High accuracy of our observations allowed us to find the reliable parameters of the system. Components (Sp = F7 + G1) have advanced significantly in their evolution, the age of the system is 2.4 billion years. The mass and the radius of G1 component is larger and it is ahead of the F7 component in its evolution. The model of the system best suits the theory in the absence of the overshooting in the core. Obtained from our observations photometrical parallax π = 0$$_{.}^{\prime\prime }$$00102(2) coincides with GAIA DR2 value $$\pi =0_{·}^{\prime\prime }00106(3)$$ within their errors. The new EW type variable with period $$ \approx {\kern 1pt} 0_{·}^{d}40$$ was found in the field of PS UMa.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the eclipsing binary IY UMa (type SU UMa) during its superoutburst of 2004 and in quiescence.We have refined the orbital period of the system. Light curves are presented for various states of activity.We estimate the parameters of IYUMa during the superoutburst and in quiescence for hot-line and spiral-wave models. The spiral-wave model, which takes into account the presence of vertical perturbations in outer parts of the disk, is able to reproduce the light-curve shapes and phases of dips in the out-of-eclipse parts of the binary’s light curves during the outburst both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra of a synthetic, pure almandine (Alm100) and a natural almandine-rich garnet (Alm86) were taken at temperatures between 295 and 4.2 K. Different widths and depths of the lines observed in the paramagnetic state require the spectra to be fitted with at least two components of slightly different quadrupole splittings and isomer shifts. Alm100 shows a gradual onset of magnetic order between 10.4 and 9.0 K, with about 50 percent of the sample magnetically ordered at 9.6 K. At 4.2 K both samples have complex spectra that can be fitted by two eight-line magnetic hyperfine patterns of equal intensities. These result from the existence of two different polar angles between the z-axis of the electric field gradient and the direction of the magnetic hyperfine field, or from two distinctly different electric field gradients. The former interpretation, in which the two angles are attributed to a modulated, non-collinear spin arrangement, is considered more likely. Both magnetic components have practically identical quadrupole splittings, 1/2eQV zz (1+η2/3)1/2, that average ?3.70 mm·s?1, and a small asymmetry parameter of η=0.07. Alm100 has a magnetic hyperfine field of 25.7 T at 4.2 K, whereas Alm86 has a hyperfine field of only 23.3 T; the other features of the spectra of both samples are similar.  相似文献   

We analyze the distribution of close binary stars in the orbital semimajor axis—primary mass plane. The reduced spatial density of stars with semimajor axes below 10R is confirmed. We identify the area in this plane occupied by precursors of W UMa stars, assuming that the driving force causing the components to approach each other is their magnetic stellar wind. This scenario enables us to estimate the rate of formation (0.02/year) and lifetime (108 yr) of W UMa stars. We derive a theoretical estimate of the ratio of the number of blue stragglers, N BS , and of horizontal-branch stars, N HB , in globular clusters based on the hypothesis that all blue stragglers are the result of component mergers in W UMa contact binaries. This ratio is N BS /N HB =0.4, close to the observed value for 62 Galactic globular clusters. We discuss possible reasons for the considerable dispersion of the observed estimates of this ratio for different clusters in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the random angular velocities of ICRF sources is analyzed. This spectrum is calculated assuming that the apparent angular velocities of the sources are random and uncorrelated, and that the directions of the motions of each source are uniformly distributed over a circle. The amplitudes of the vector spherical harmonics display a white-noise spectrum. Published observational data are considered, and preliminary conclusions are drawn about the nature of the observed dipole and quadrupole harmonics in the spectrum of angular velocities.  相似文献   

Our analysis of BV RI light curves for the cataclysmic variable UX UMa obtained in intermediate activity states, in the transition between the active and quiescent states of the system on March 12, 1997 and May 3, 2000, shows that the shapes of these light curves cannot be adequately described using the standard hot-spot model. A model with a “hot line” near the edge of the disk and a two-armed spiral structure on the disk surface reproduces much better out-of-eclipse variations in the light curves. The presence of an extended hot line can explain the anomalous shape of the I light curve on March 12, 1997. The decrease in the observed luminosity of the system between March 12, 1997 and May 3, 2000 could be due to a decrease in the disk luminosity by a factor of 2–2.5; the higher disk luminosity on the earlier date is associated with appreciable deviations of the radial temperature distribution of the disk material from that for the standard model. The phases and depths of dips in the out-of-eclipse sections of the UX UMa light curves are due primarily to the parameters of the complex shape of the accretion disk, which has a spiral structure located mainly near its outer edge. The contribution of the spiral arms in the V filter reaches 20–50% of the total disk radiation. The crest of the first spiral wave in our model maintains its approximate position in azimuth; this structure could represent a bulge in a halo at the outer edge of the disk near orbital phases φ ~ 0.7, in the direction of the continuation of the extended shock in the disk itself. The position of the crest of the second spiral arm changes with time. This structure may represent a one-armed spiral wave near the apastron of the weakly elliptical disk. Finally, the observations testify to the presence of another spiral arm that is les clearly manifest in terms of both its luminosity and its height above the unperturbed disk surface. Thus, in an intermediate activity state of UX UMa, the surface of the accretion disk is distorted by the action of a two-armed spiral structure in the outer regions of the disk, which is asymmetric in both its luminosity and dimensions, and a bulge at the disk edge in the region of its interaction with the inflow to the disk.  相似文献   

We present the results of population syntheses obtained using our “scenario machine.” The mass spectra of black holes in X-ray binary systems before and after the stage of accretion from an optical companion are obtained for various evolutionary scenarios. The results of the model computations are compared to observational data. The observational data are used to estimate the fraction of a presupernova’s mass that collapses into a black hole. This model can explain the formation of low-mass (2–4M) black holes in binary systems with optical companions. We show that the number of low-mass black holes in the Galaxy is sufficiently high for them to be detected. The population-synthesis results suggest that the vast majority of low-mass black holes are formed via the accretion-induced collapse of neutron stars. The percentage of low-mass black holes in binary systems that form due to accretion-induced collapse is 2–15% of the total number of black holes in binaries, depending on the evolutionary scenario.  相似文献   

In this article, we have established the energy matrices of the strong-field terms of the d 4 (d 6) electron configuration in a crystal-field with C 2v symmetry. When we used this procedure to calculate the spin-forbidden absorption bands of Fe2+ in the M(2) site in orthopyroxene, we substituted the single-electron crystal-field energy levels (determined by the experimental results of the spinallowed spectrum) into the energy matrices instead of the single-electron crystal-field matrix elements. Thus, by means of only one parameter B (C=4B), most of the spin-forbidden bands of Fe2+ have been determined. Furthermore, when a similar treatment was made of the M(1) site of O h symmetry, the entire spin-forbidden spectrum of Fe2+ in orthopyroxenes could be semiquantitatively explained. This shows that the method is particularly useful for the calculation of spin-forbidden spectra of complexes with the d 4 (d 6) configuration in a low-symmetry site.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra of 57Fe in 2 schorlomite garnets reveal 5 distinct quadrupole-split doublets: dodecahedral Fe2+, octahedral Fe2+ and Fe3+, and tetrahedral Fe2+ and Fe3+. The isomer shifts and nuclear quadrupole splittings of the 5 doublets were studied between 15 and 500 K. The site occupancies for iron were determined. Reference of the chemical analyses to a basis of 12 oxygens and the Mössbauer data show that in the 2 schorlomites titanium is exclusively quadruvalent within the experimental error. The isomer shift of tetrahedral Fe2+ between 15 and 295 K seems to be rather small. The shift is interpreted in terms of localized chemical bonding. Above 295 K the shift cannot be evaluated because of overlapping peaks. If electronic transfer processes (e.g. “electron hopping”) between cations are present their relaxation times must be longer than ~10?7 s.  相似文献   

Polarized IR spectra of single-crystals of amphiboles show that the molar absorptivity of the fundamental vibrational OH band is strongly wavenumber dependent. The intensity increases by a factor of 1.6 from 3674 cm-1 (tremolite endmember; MgMgMg) to 3618 cm-1 (grunerite endmember; FeFeFe). Spectra obtained from Ca and Fe-Mg amphiboles consist of sharp, well-resolved bands on a well-defined background. The high intensity of the OH bands in Ca and Fe-Mg amphiboles makes it sometimes necessary to thin the samples to under 2 μm thickness, whereas alkali amphiboles can be measured at 25–50 μm thickness.  相似文献   

Growth of grains having different initial sizes (10?3 cm?≤?r 0?≤?1 cm) has been investigated by coagulation processes inside gas giant protoplanets, formed by disk instability, in the mass range 0.3 to 10 Jovian masses. In doing so, we have determined distribution of thermodynamic variables inside the protoplanets and using the results we have determined growth of the grains having assumed initial sizes. Regarding the transference of heat inside the protoplanets, we have considered the possible two cases of interest, namely convection and conduction-radiation. The results of our calculation show that growth of the grains depends on protoplanetary masses and on initial states of the protoplanets and eventually all the grains having assumed different initial sizes acquire almost the same distribution in the central regions of respective protoplanets in the respective cases.  相似文献   

激发极化衰减谱是一系列单指数衰减的线性叠加,因此可以对衰减谱进行多指数反演,得到的弛豫时间谱可用于储层孔隙结构和渗透性评价,是一种非常有前途的技术。由于实际测井的信噪比相对较低,常规的奇异值分解方法难以获得合理的弛豫时间谱,为此,采用正则化约束,结合奇异值分解,对合成数据和实际测量的衰减谱进行反演,得到连续的弛豫时间谱;同时,讨论了弛豫时间谱的时间常数分布、正则化因子以及信噪比对反演结果的影响。研究结果表明:该方法适用于信噪比较低的实际测量结果的反演,弛豫时间常数的分布点数为32~64较为合适;随着正则化因子的增加,反演结果逐渐变得平滑,存在一个最优的正则化因子,用于获得最为合理的弛豫时间谱;在双对数图中,最优正则化因子随着信噪比的增加而线性降低,因此通过测量结果的信噪比,可以求取最优正则化因子,进而将该技术应用于实际。  相似文献   

挠力河流域降水量序列的功率谱分析和最大熵谱分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
功率谱分析是以傅立叶变换为基础的频域分析方法;最大熵谱分析是以信息论中熵的概念为基础,建立适当阶数的自回归模型,用Burg算法求解,提取序列的显著周期.研究表明,该站降水量存在3~4年和8~9年的主要周期,与功率谱分析相比,最大熵谱分析具有分辨率高、峰值偏离小等独特优势,提取的主次周期更符合实际,从而揭示了时间序列的内部特征.  相似文献   

The spectrum of cyclotron radiation produced by electrons with a strongly anisotropic velocity distribution is calculated taking into account higher harmonics. The motion of the electrons is assumed to be ultrarelativistic along the magnetic field and nonrelativistic across the field. One characteristic feature of the resulting spectrum is that harmonics of various orders are not equally spaced. The physical properties and observed spectra of four X-ray pulsars displaying higher cyclotron harmonics are analyzed. It was shown that at least in one of them, the cyclotron feature can apparently be only an emission line. Moreover, the observed harmonics are not equidistant, and display certain other properties characteristic of emission by strongly anisotropic ultrarelativistic electrons. In addition, there are indirect theoretical arguments that the electrons giving rise to cyclotron features in the spectra of X-ray pulsars are ultrarelativistic and characterized by strongly anisotropic distributions. As a result, estimates of the magnetic fields of X-ray pulsars (which are usually derived from the energies of cyclotron lines) and certain other physical parameters require substantial revision.  相似文献   

Analysis of the relativistic proton spectra of solar flares occurring in the 23rd solar activity cycle derived from data of a worldwide neutron monitor network and numerical modeling both provide evidence for the acceleration of charged particles by an electric field that arises in coronal current sheets during reconnection. The method used to obtain the spectra is based on simulating the response of a neutron monitor to an anisotropic flux of relativistic solar protons with specified parameters and determining the characteristics of the primary relativistic solar protons by fitting model responses to the observations. Studies of the dynamics of the energy spectra distinguish two populations of relativistic protons in solar cosmic-ray events: the so-called fast component, which arrives at the flux front of the solar cosmic rays, followed by the delayed slow component. The fast component is characterized by strong anisotropy and an exponential energy spectrum, in agreement with the spectrum yielded by mathematical modeling of particle acceleration by an electric field directed along the X line of the magnetic field. The slow component, whose propagation is probably diffusive, has a power-law spectrum.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first high-spectral-resolution (R=15000 and 60000) optical spectra for the extremely luminous star No. 12, identified with the IR source IRAS 20308+4104 in the Cyg OB2 association. We have identified about 200 spectral features at 4552–7939 Å, including the interstellar NaI, KI lines and numerous DIBs, which are the strongest absorption lines in the spectrum, along with the HeI, CII, and SiII lines. A two-dimensional spectral classification indicates that the star's spectral type is B5±0.5 Ia+. Our analysis of the radial-velocity pattern shows the presence of a radial-velocity gradient in the stellar atmosphere, due to the infall of matter onto the star. The strong Hα emission line displays broad Thompson wings and time-variable core absorption, providing evidence that the stellar wind is inhomogeneous, and a slightly blue-shifted P Cygni absorption profile. We conclude that the wind is time-variable.  相似文献   

如何有效地压制各种电磁噪声,提高信噪比,保证大地电磁测深数据质量,始终是大地电磁资料采集与处理的核心问题。为寻求更好的处理效果,使用EMTF系统(单点,远参考以及多站同步MMT)对华北多个宽频MT测点数据进行了处理,并编写Matlab接口来方便地改写处理参数。与SSMT-2000对比,结果表明,EMTF系统在多数情况下可以压制噪声,并获得较好的处理效果,提高数据处理的效率。  相似文献   

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