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Recently, Ras Sudr (the delta of Wadi Sudr) area received a great amount of attention due to different development expansion activities directed towards this area. Although Quaternary aquifer is the most prospective aquifer in Ras Sudr area, it has not yet completely evaluated. The present work deals with the simulation of the Quaternary groundwater system using a three-dimensional groundwater flow model. MODFLOW code was applied for designing the model of the Ras Sudr area. This is to recognize the groundwater potential as well as exploitation plan of the most prospective aquifer in the area. The objectives were to determine the hydraulic parameters of the Quaternary aquifer, to estimate the recharge amount to the aquifer, and to determine the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the aquifer. During this work, available data has been collected and some field investigation has been carried out. Groundwater flow model has been simulated using pilot points’ method. SEAWAT has been also applied to simulate the variable-density flow and sea water intrusion from the west. It can be concluded that: (1) the direction of groundwater flow is from the east to the west, (2) the aquifer system attains a small range of log-transformed hydraulic conductivity. It ranges between 3.05 and 3.35 m/day, (3) groundwater would be exploited by about 6.4 × 106 m3/year, (4) the estimated recharge accounts for 3 × 106 m3/year, (5) an estimated subsurface flow from the east accounts for 2.7 × 106 m3/year, (6) the increase of total dissolved solids (TDS) most likely due to dilution of salts along the movement way of groundwater from recharge area to discharge area in addition to a contribution of sea water intrusion from the west. Moreover, it is worth to note that a part of TDS increase might be through up coning from underlying more saline Miocene sediments. It is recommended that: (1) any plan for increasing groundwater abstraction is unaffordable, (2) reliable estimates of groundwater abstraction should be done and (3) automatic well control system should be made.  相似文献   

Southwest Egypt is an arid area with no surface water and limited resources of useable groundwater in the well-known Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System. These groundwater reserves have been heavily exploited since the 1960s, which has led to substantial decline in the potentiometric surface of the aquifer. A calibrated regional numerical model with refined grids on the pumping centers has been used to investigate the hydrodynamic impacts of different groundwater management options on the potentiometry of the aquifers. The results indicate that there is a real danger of either dewatering the shallow aquifer in some areas (e.g., Kharga Oasis), or increasing the water depth to uneconomic lifting depth. They also indicate that, although the planned extraction rates in Dakhla, Farafra, and Bahariya oases are feasible for at least the coming 100 years, the present rate for Kharga Oasis and the planned rate for the East Oweinat area have to be reduced substantially.  相似文献   

The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Phosphate Formation in the Western Desert of Egypt displays a characteristic facies association that includes marine phosphorites interbedded with black shales and glauconitic sandstones. The upper part of the formation is characterized by the presence of thin phosphatic beds, which are filled-extensively-with disordered and non stoichiometric (mean MgCO3 = 41.4 ± 0.34 mol%) authigenic dolomite cement. SEM and the back scattered images of these coarse crystalline dolomite cements reveal that they display planar euhedral crystal boundaries, polymodal crystal size distribution and variable inclusion pattern. The relatively low and wide ranged δ18O (− 0.87 to − 4.15‰ VPDB) values of the dolomite cements coupled with their depleted Sr (mean = 187 ± 26 ppm) and high iron and manganese values (mean = 6851 ± 554 ppm and 11599 ± 229 ppm respectively) invoke that they were formed from mixed hypo-saline fluids within a mixing marine-meteoric zone probably during a low stand period at the vicinity of the Maastrichtian/Early Tertiary unconformity. Meanwhile, their negative δ13C (− 1.31 to − 3.56‰ VPDB) values argue for a possible involvement of isotopically light carbon, derived from degradation of organic matter, during their precipitation.  相似文献   

We report the first Re-Os data on gold-associated arsenopyrite from mesothermal gold-quartz veins in the ancient Egyptian Fawakhir–El Sid gold mining district in the central Eastern Desert. This mining district has an ~5000-year-old history and is displayed in the Turin Papyrus Map (about 1150 BC), which is widely acclaimed as the world’s oldest geographic map, as well as the oldest geologic and mine map. The Fawakhir–El Sid district is part of a regional NNW-trending shear corridor (15 km wide) that hosts several other historic gold mines associated with left-lateral wrench structures and related granite intrusions. Vein-style gold mineralization is hosted within and at the margin of an I-type and magnetite-series monzogranite, the Fawakhir granite intrusion, and a Pan-African (~740 Ma) ophiolite sequence. The ore mineralogy of the mineralized quartz veins includes pyrite-arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite-electrum plus a number of tellurides of Ag, Au, and Bi. The 187Re/188Os versus 187Os/188Os regression on 5 points of arsenopyrite gives an age of 601 ± 17 Ma with an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.24 ± 0.07 (2 σ; MSWD = 17). This age coincides within error with the U-Pb age on zircon from the Fawakhir monzogranite (598 ± 3 Ma). The age coincidence and the hydrothermal Te and Bi metal signature suggest a foremost role of granite-related fluids in the quartz-vein system.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins at the Um Rus area are of three types: H2O, H2O−CO2 and CO2 inclusions. H2O inclusions are the most abundant, they include two phases which exhibit low and high homogenization temperatures ranging from 150 to 200°C and 175 to 250°C, respectively. The salinity of aqueous inclusions, based on ice melting, varies between 6.1 and 8 equiv. wt% NaCl. On the other hand, H2O−CO2 fluid inclusions include three phases. Their total homogenization temperatures range from 270 to 325°C, and their salinity, based on clathrate melting, ranges between 0.8 and 3.8 equiv. wt% NaCl. CO2 fluid inclusions homogenize to a liquid phase and exhibit a low density range from 0.52 to 0.66 g/cm3. The partial mixing of H2O−CO2 and salt H2O−NaCl fluid inclusions is the main source of fluids from which the other types of inclusions were derived. The gold-bearing quartz veins are believed to be of medium temperature hydrothermal convective origin.  相似文献   

Different geophysical tools such as geoelectric, gravity, and magnetic have been applied to detect groundwater potentiality and structural elements, which controlled a geometry of the groundwater aquifers in the study area. Nineteen vertical electrical soundings measured using ABEM SAS 4000 equipment through Schlumberger configuration of AB/2 ranged from 1.5 to 1,000 m; the quantitative interpretation was carried out using manual and analytical techniques. The results of quantitative interpretation used to construct six geoelectrical cross-sections indicate that the subsurface sequence of the study area consists of seven geoelectrical units. These units are Quaternary sand sheet and sand dunes, Quaternary aquifer, marly limestone, clay, sandy clay, clay with sandstone intercalation, and deep Nubian sandstone aquifer. The isopach map of the Quaternary aquifer exhibits thickness of the Quaternary aquifer that increased at the northern and southern part (50 m) and decreased at the eastern and western part (5 m), and the depth of the aquifer increased at the northern part (40 m) and decreased at the central part to 6 m. The isoresistivity map of the aquifer shows a high resistivity at the northern part but the southern part reveals low resistivity according to the lithology. The water salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from 500 to 10,500 mg/l. The low water salinity is due to direct recharge from El-Sheikh Zayed Canal, which supplied fresh water to this area. Sixty-five gravity stations were measured using Auto-Grav gravity meter; different gravity corrections were applied on raw data. The corrected gravity values were plotted to represent a Bouguer anomaly map; the residual gravity anomaly map was used for delineation of the fault elements. The area was dissected by different fault elements of trends NW–SE, NE–SW, and E–W. In addition, 65 ground magnetic stations were measured at the same sites of gravity stations. The results of magnetic interpretation indicate that the depth of the basement is shallow at the western and southern parts of the area (4,500 m), but the central part exhibits greater depth of 7,900 m.
الملخص العربي   طرق جيوفيزيقية مختلفة مثل الكهربية الأرضية, التناقلية الأرضية والمغناطيسية الأرضية تم تطبيقها لتحديد إمكانية تواجد المياه الجوفية والتراكيب الجيولوجية التي تتحكم في إبعاد وهندسة الخزان الجوفي في منطقة الدراسة. تسعة عشر جسة كهربية عمودية تم قياسها باستخدام جهاز من شركة (ِ ABEM) ساس 4000 من خلال تشكيل شلمبرجير بمسافة بين القطبين أب /2 تبدأ من 1.5 متر حتى 1000 متر, التفسير الكمي تم علي البيانات باستخدام التفسير اليدوي والتحليلي. نتائج التفسير الكمي تم استخدامها لتشييد ست قطاعات جيوكهربية والتي أوضحت أن التتابع التحت سطحي لمنطقة الدراسة يتكون من سبعة وحدات جيوكهربية. هذه الوحدات هي صفائح من الرمال والكثبان الرملية للعصر الرباعي, الخزان الجوفي الرباعي, حجر جيري مارلي, طفلة, طفله رمليه, طفله متداخلة مع الرمل والخزان الجوفي النوبي. خريطة السمك للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تظهر أن سمك الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند شمال وجنوب منطقة الدراسة (50 متر) ويقل عند الجزء الشرقي والغربي (5 متر). وعمق هذا الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند الجزء الشمالي (40 متر) وينقص عمق الخزان الرباعي عمد وسط المنطقة (6 متر). خريطة المقاومة الحقيقية للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تبين أن المقاومة تزيد عند الجزء الشمالي وتقل المقاومة عند الجزء الجنوبي من منطقة الدراسة بناءا علي التكوين الصخري للطبقات. ملوحة المياه الجوفية تزيد في اتجاه سريان المياه من 500 مليجرام/لتر إلي 10500 مليجرام/لتر. نقص الملوحة المياه ناتج عن التسرب المباشر من قناة الشيخ زايد والتي تعتبر مصدر المياه العزبة في منطقة الدراسة. خمس وستون محطة تثاقيلية أرضية تم قياسها باستخدام اوتو-جرافميتر, العديد من تصحيحات الجاذبية الأرضية نم تطبيقها علي البيانات الأصلية. قراءات الجاذبية الأرضية المصححة تم رسمها علي خريطة لتمثل شاذات البوجير وتم استخدام خريطة الشاذات المحلية لتجديد التراكيب الجيولوجية (الفوالق). حيت أوضحت الدراسة أن المنطقة تأثرت بعده فوالق باتجاهات مختلفة مثل شمال غرب- جنوب شرق, شمال شرق-جنوب غرب وشرق-غرب. نتيجة تفسير بيانات المغناطيسية الأرضية أظهرت أن عمق ضجور القاعدة تكون ضحلة عند الجزء الغربي والجنوبي (4500 متر) وتكون ضجور القاعدة عميقة (7900 متر) عند الجزء الأوسط من منطقة الدراسة.

The Middle Jurassic Khatatba Formation acts as a hydrocarbon reservoir in the subsurface in the Western Desert, Egypt. This study, which is based on core samples from two exploration boreholes, describes the lithological and diagenetic characteristics of the Khatatba Formation sandstones. The sandstones are fine‐ to coarse‐grained, moderately to well‐sorted quartz arenites, deposited in fluvial channels and in a shallow‐marine setting. Diagenetic components include mechanical and chemical compaction, cementation (calcite, clay minerals, quartz overgrowths, and a minor amount of pyrite), and dissolution of calcite cements and feldspar grains. The widespread occurrence of an early calcite cement suggests that the Khatatba sandstones lost a significant amount of primary porosity at an early stage of its diagenetic history. In addition to calcite, several different cements including kaolinite and syntaxial quartz overgrowth occur as pore‐filling and pore‐lining cements. Kaolinite (largely vermicular) fills pore spaces and causes reduction in the permeability of the reservoir. Based on framework grain–cement relationships, precipitation of the early calcite cement was either accompanied by or followed the development of part of the pore‐lining and pore‐filling cements. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cements and feldspar. Late kaolinite clay cement occurs due to dissolved feldspar and has an impact on the reservoir quality of the Khatatba sandstones. Open hydraulic fractures also generated significant secondary porosity in sandstone reservoirs, where both fractures and dissolution took place in multiple phases during late diagenetic stages. The diagenesis and sedimentary facies help control the reservoir quality of the Khatatba sandstones. Fluvial channel sandstones have the highest porosities and permeabilities, in part because of calcite cementation, which inhibited authigenic clays or was later dissolved, creating intergranular secondary porosity. Fluvial crevasse‐splay and marine sandstones have the lowest reservoir quality because of an abundance of depositional kaolinite matrix and pervasive, shallow‐burial calcite and quartz overgrowth cements, respectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lithology of the studied aquifers has an important effect on their hydrogeologic setting. Moreover, the structural patterns have their imprint on the geologic setting and consequently the hydrogeologic conditions of the area. Lake Nasser recharges the groundwater in the study area by large amount of water increasing the groundwater level. A comparison of the depth to water in the same wells at two different periods (1998 and 2014 ) shows that the depth to water increases with average rise 11.1 m during 16 years. The constructed water table map shows that the groundwater flow is mainly towards the northwest direction reflecting recharge from Lake Nasser. The hydraulic parameters of the Abu Aggag and Sabaya sandstone aquifers are determined in the present work from pumping tests. The transmissivity of the studied aquifers reflects the moderate to high potentiality. The groundwater salinity of the studied aquifers is fresh water and varies from 353 to 983 ppm (part per million) and suitable for all purposes. It increases due to the west direction coinciding with groundwater flow direction. The main result of the present study shows that the seepage water from Lake Nasser attains 17 mcm/year.  相似文献   

The present study aims mainly to delineate and outline the regional subsurface structural and tectonic framework of the buried basement rocks of Abu El Gharadig Basin, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. The potential field data (Bouguer gravity and total intensity aeromagnetic maps) carried out in the Abu El Gharadig Basin had been analyzed together with other geophysical and geological studies. The execution of this study is initiated by transformation of the total intensity aeromagnetic data to the reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic map. This is followed by applying several transformation techniques and various filtering processes through qualitative and quantitative analyses on both of the gravity and magnetic data. These techniques include the qualitative interpretation of gravity, total intensity magnetic and RTP magnetic maps. Regional–residual separation is carried out using the power spectrum. Also, the analytic signal and second vertical derivative techniques are applied to delineate the hidden anomalies. Aeromagnetic anomalies in the area reflect significant features on the basement tectonics, on the deep-seated structures and on the shallow-seated ones. Major faults and intrusions in the area are indicated to be mainly along the NE–SW, NW–SE, ENE–WSW and E–W directions. The Bouguer gravity map indicates major basement fracturing, as well as variations in the sedimentary basins and ridges and subsequent tectonic disturbances. The most obvious anomalous trends on the gravity map, based on their frequencies and amplitudes, are along the NE–SW, ENE–WSW, E–W and NW–SE trends. The main of Abu EL Gharadig Basin depositional center does not show sharp variations, because of the homogeneity of the marine rocks and the great basement depths.  相似文献   

Uranium mineralization in the El Erediya area, Egyptian Eastern Desert, has been affected by both high temperature and low temperature fluids. Mineralization is structurally controlled and is associated with jasperoid veins that are hosted by a granitic pluton. This granite exhibits extensive alteration, including silicification, argillization, sericitization, chloritization, carbonatization, and hematization. The primary uranium mineral is pitchblende, whereas uranpyrochlore, uranophane, kasolite, and an unidentified hydrated uranium niobate mineral are the most abundant secondary uranium minerals. Uranpyrochlore and the unidentified hydrated uranium niobate mineral are interpreted as alteration products of petscheckite. The chemical formula of the uranpyrochlore based upon the Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) is . It is characterized by a relatively high Zr content (average ZrO2 = 6.6 wt%). The average composition of the unidentified hydrated uranium niobate mineral is , where U and Nb represent the dominant cations in the U and Nb site, respectively. Uranophane is the dominant U6+ silicate phase in oxidized zones of the jasperoid veins. Kasolite is less abundant than uranophane and contains major U, Pb, and Si but only minor Ca, Fe, P, and Zr. A two-stage metallogenetic model is proposed for the alteration processes and uranium mineralization at El Erediya. The primary uranium minerals were formed during the first stage of the hydrothermal activity that formed jasperoid veins in El Eradiya granite (130–160 Ma). This stage is related to the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous phase of the final Pan-African tectono-thermal event in Egypt. After initial formation of El Erediya jasperoid veins, a late stage of hydrothermal alteration includes argillization, dissolution of iron-bearing sulfide minerals, formation of iron-oxy hydroxides, and corrosion of primary uranium minerals, resulting in enrichment of U, Ca, Pb, Zr, and Si. During this stage, petscheckite was altered to uranpyrochlore and oxy-petscheckite. Uranium was likely transported as uranyl carbonate and uranyl fluoride complexes. With change of temperature and pH, these complexes became unstable and combined with silica, calcium, and lead to form uranophane and kasolite. Finally, at a later stage of low-temperature supergene alteration, oxy-petscheckite was altered to an unidentified hydrated uranium niobate mineral by removal of Fe.  相似文献   

Five radiolitid rudist species are described from the Turonian sequence of Abu Roash area. They are recognized in three rudist biostromes that occur in two informal members of Abu Roash Formation; the Rudist- and the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl members. The three biostromes show autochthonous and parautochthonous fabrics and moderate to high packing potential. The first rudist biostrome at the base of the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member (Middle Turonian) contains Durania gaensis, Praeradiolites ponsianus and Bournonia fourtaui. The second biostrome in the same member consists of Bournonia roashensis. The third biostrome that recognized in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member (Late Turonian) consists of Durania arnaudi. Rudist biostromes in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member were deposited on subtidal rudist shoals with moderate to high energy versus that of the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member that deposited in low to moderate energy on deeper part of subtidal rudist shoals. The exposed Turonian succession at Abu Roash area could be divided into three depositional sequences bounded by three sequence boundaries (paleosols and angular unconformity).The first rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member represents the lower part of the transgressive systems tract of the first depositional sequence. The deepening upward trend of the transgressive systems tract is due to increase of accommodation space in transgressive context during relative sea-level rise episode. On the other hand, the second rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member and the third rudist biostrome in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member are in shallowing-upward set sequence forming the highstand systems tract of the first and third depositional sequences. This indicates that, the accommodation space was being filled more rapidly than was being created during the highstand stage.  相似文献   

The groundwater reserves in Kharga Oases have been studied for the long-term socioeconomic development in the area. The Nubian Sandstone, which consists of a thick sequence of coarse clastic sediments of sandstone, sandy clay interbedded with shale, and clay beds, forms a complex aquifer system. The Nubian Aquifer has been providing water to artesian wells and springs in the Kharga Oases for several thousand years. Groundwater in the Kharga Oases is withdrawn from springs and shallow and deep artesian wells Nearly all the wells originally flowed, but with the exploitation of ground-water from deep wells for irrigation beginning about 1959. the natural flows declined as more and more closely spaced deep wells were drilled By 1975 many deep wells had ceased to flow The water demand in the area has been met by pumping both shallow and deep wells The total annual extraction from deep wells has fluctuated over the year, however, the annual withdrawal from deep wells has exceeded extraction from shallow wells About 17 billion m3 of water was withdrawn from the combination of shallow and deep wells during the period 1960–1980 The Nubian complex aquifer in the Kharga Oases has a very large groundwater potential that could be exploited and beneficially used for a long-term agricultural development in the area, provided proper well spacing and management are implemented Other major environmental considerations for which precise hydrogeologic data are needed include
  1. Determination of the long-term yield available from properly constructed and producing artesian wells that will support a planned migration of population from the overcrowded Nile delta and flood plain areas
  2. Development of an effective management program and adequate staff to maintain groundwater production over an extended period of years
  3. The impact on climate caused by extensive irrigation in the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt
  4. Protection against water logging of soils from irrigation practices
  5. Protection against salinization of soils from irrigation practices
  6. Development of effective surface and subsurface drainage practices
  7. The impact of farming and pest control practices on the shallow groundwater of the oases
  8. Determination of the long-term development of the artesian water on the quality of the water from the aquiter systems in the Western Desert
This paper addresses items 1, 2 and 8.  相似文献   

The study area lies to the east of Qattara Depression at the north of the Western Desert, Egypt. It is bounded by latitudes 29°00?? and 30°00?? N and longitudes 28°00?? and 29°30?? E, including Abu Gharadig basin, which is the most petroliferous basin in the Egyptian Western Desert. Numerous exploratory wells show that the area is characterized by a thick sedimentary section, unconformably overlying the basement rocks. The main objective of the present study is to outline the structural parameters controlling the area under consideration. Aeromagnetic and gravity data were subjected to the analytic signal, 3D Euler deconvolution and edge enhancement techniques. The Analytic signal and 3D Euler deconvolution were utilized mainly to locate the main subsurface contact zones and to determine the depth and structural indices of the expected causative subsurface structural elements. However, the edge enhancement technique was used with various windows to enhance the edges of subsurface structures. The structural indices were estimated to be ranging between 0.16 and 0.26, indicating that the area is mainly controlled by faults. The depth of these structural elements was also estimated to be ranging between <1.37 and 5.29?km. It has been shown that the structural elements of the study area have different directions, trending E-W, ENE, NW, and N-S.  相似文献   

The Campanian-Maastrichtian phosphatic deposits in Egypt,called the Duwi Forma-tion,comprise a part of the extensive Middle East to North African phosphogenic province of Late Cretaceous to Paleogene age.The province holds the greatest accumulation of phosphorites in the geological history,possibly in excess of 70 billion metric tons.The phosphate resources in Egypt alone exceed 3 billion metric tons.Two-third of these three billions occur only in the Abu-Tartur area.Among the phosphorite deposits in Egypt,the phosphorites of the Abu-Tartur area are characterized by high contents of iron ranging from 3% to 7% with an average of 5%.The detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies on the Abu-Tartur phosphorites revealed that iron is found in the form of pyrite,ankerite,clay minerals,microinclusions,and iron oxide.Pyrite,which is the major fraction,occurs as filling cement and partial to complete teplacement of phosphatic grains and confined to the fresh phosphorites while iron oxide occurs as cryp-tocrystalline aggregates of red to brown particles and is confined to the weathered outcrops.Ex-clusive relations between pyrite in the fresh phosphorite samples inside the Abu-Tartur mine and iron oxide in the equivalent horizon of the weathered exposure indicated that iron oxide was formed by the oxidation of pyrite as a result of weathering.All of these forms harm the quality of ore,manufacturing processes,and the produced phosphoric acid and fertilizers.  相似文献   

Dakhla Oasis is located in the Western Desert of Egypt. Groundwater exploited from the Nubian Sandstone aquifer is the only available water resource in this area. This resource has been heavily exploited since 1960, which has led to a substantial decline in the potentiometric surface of the aquifer. A regional numerical groundwater flow model, calibrated under unsteady-state conditions, has been developed and used to investigate the hydrodynamic impacts of different groundwater management options on the potentiometry of the aquifer. To account for local details and to allow a precise analysis of pumping and the resulting drawdown in Dakhla Oasis, a local-scale model was developed by refining the grid cells in the calibrated regional model. The local-scale model gave a detailed picture about the expected drawdown due to the different groundwater management options in the next 100 years. The simulated results indicated that the planned increase in groundwater extraction will have a major impact on groundwater flow patterns in the whole area located southwest of Dakhla Oasis.
Resumen El oasis Dakhla está situado en el gran desierto occidental de Egipto. El agua subterránea que se extrae del acuífero de roca arenosa nubia es la única fuente de agua disponible en esta área. Este recurso ha sido explotado en medida considerable desde 1960. Este hecho he causado una disminución sustancial en la superficie potenciométrica del acuífero. Se ha desarollado un modelo de flujo de agua subterránea numérico regional calibrado bajo condiciones de estado variable. Este modelo se ha utilizado para investigar el impacto hidrodinámico que diferentes opciones de manejo de aguas subterráneas tienen sobre la potenciometría del acuífero. Se desarolló un modelo de escala local mediante el refinamiento de las células de malla en el modelo regional calibrado con el objecto de involucrar los detalles locales y de permitir un análisis preciso del bombeo y disminución del nivel de aqua resultante en el oasis Dakhla. El modelo de escala local proporcionó un imagen detallada de la disminución de nivel esperada según las diferentes opciones de manejo de agua subterranea en los próximos 100 años. Los resultados simulados indican que el incremento de extración planificado en la agua subterránea tendrá un gran impacto en el patrón de flujo de agua subterranea en toda el area ubicada al suroeste del oasis de Dakhla.

Résumé Loasis de Dakhla est située dans la partie occidentale du désert dÉgypte. La seule source deau disponible dans la région provient de lexploitation de laquifère gréseux de Nubian. Cette ressource a largement été exploitée depuis 1960, résultant en la diminution significative de la surface piézométrique de laquifère. Un modèle numérique découlement régional de leau souterraine, calibré en régime transitoire, a été développé et utilisé afin détudier les impacts hydrodynamiques de différents scénarios de gestion de laquifère sur la surface piézométrique. Afin dinclure les particularités locales et de réaliser une analyse précise du pompage et du rabattement qui y est associé dans lOasis de Dakhla, un modèle local découlement a été développé en raffinant le maillage dans le modèle régional préalablement calibré. Le modèle local découlement fournit une image détaillée du rabattement prévu pour les cent prochaines années selon les différents scénarios de gestion de laquifère. Les résultats obtenus par simulation numérique indiquent que laugmentation prévue dans lexploitation de leau souterraine aura un impact majeur sur les patrons découlement de leau souterraine dans toute la région située au sud-ouest de loasis de Dakhla.

Quantitative analyses of palynomorph assemblages, particulate organic matter (kerogen), and total organic carbon (TOC) have been made on samples of the Albian–Cenomanian Kharita and Bahariya formations encountered in the Abu Gharadig-5 well, Western Desert, Egypt. Two assemblage palynozones are defined: Assemblage Zone A (Kharita Formation) of late Albian–early Cenomanian age and Assemblage Zone B (Bahariya Formation) of early–middle Cenomanian age. Palynofacies of the Kharita Formation suggest that sedimentation of these strata took place in a warm, shallow, nearshore-marine environment. The deposition of the lower Bahariya Formation took place initially in similar conditions but subsequently further offshore in somewhat deeper water of the inner shelf. The relatively high percentage of Ephedripites, Afropollis and elaterate pollen in both formations indicates an arid climate. The Kharita Formation yields kerogen types III and IV whereas the assemblages recovered from the Bahariya Formation contain types II and III. The TOC is generally between 0.42 and 0.65% in the Kharita Formation, while it ranges between 0.42 and 0.80% in samples of the Bahariya Formation. The spores and pollen grains are pale in colour; hence little source potential for hydrocarbons is indicated.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, groundwater irrigation has become commonplace in many arid and semiarid regions worldwide, including Spain. This is largely a consequence of the advances in drilling and pumping technologies, and of the development of Hydrogeology. Compared with traditional surface water irrigation systems, groundwater irrigation offers more reliable supplies, lesser vulnerability to droughts, and ready accessibility for individual users. Economic forces influence the groundwater irrigation sector and its development. In Spain's Mediterranean regions, abstraction costs often amount to a very small fraction of the value of crops. In the inner areas, groundwater irrigation supports a more stable flow of farm income than rainfed agriculture. The social (jobs/m3) and economic (€/m3) value of groundwater irrigation generally exceeds that of surface water irrigation systems. However, poor groundwater management and legal controversies are currently at the base of Spain's social disputes over water. A thorough and transparent assessment of the relative socio-economic value of groundwater in relation to surface water irrigation might contribute to mitigate or avoid potential future conflicts. Enforcement of the European Union's Water Framework Directive may deliver better groundwater governance and a more sustainable use.
Resumen Durante las últimas décadas, la irrigación con agua subterránea se ha vuelto común en muchas regiones áridas y semiáridas alrededor del mundo, incluyendo a España. Ésta es en gran medida una consecuencia de los adelantos en las tecnologías de perforación y bombeo, y del desarrollo de la Hidrogeología. Comparada con los sistemas tradicionales de irrigación con agua superficial, la irrigación con agua subterránea ofrece suministros más fiables, la vulnerabilidad es menor a las sequías, y posee accesibilidad inmediata para los usuarios individuales. Las fuerzas económicas influyen el sector de irrigación con agua subterránea y su desarrollo. En las regiones mediterráneas de España, los costos de extracción suman a menudo una parte muy pequeña del valor de las cosechas. En las áreas internas, la irrigación con agua subterránea constituye un flujo más estable de ingresos para la granja, que la agricultura dependiente del agua lluvia. El valor social (empleos/m3) y económico (€/m3) de la irrigación con agua subterránea, generalmente excede a aquél con sistemas de irrigación de agua superficial. Sin embargo, la gestión pobre del agua subterránea y las controversias legales están actualmente en la base de las disputas sociales en España acerca del agua. Una evaluación completa y transparente del valor socio-económico relativo de agua subterránea respecto a la irrigación con agua superficial, podría contribuir mitigar o evitar los conflictos potenciales del futuro. La entrada en vigor del Marco Reglamentario de Agua de la Unión Europea, puede conllevar a una administración mejor del agua subterránea y a un uso más sostenible.

Résumé Depuis les dernières décennies, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine est devenue commune dans plusieurs régions arides et semi-arides, incluant l’Espagne. Ceci est largement une conséquence due à l’avancement aux technologies de forages et des pompages, et au développement de l’Hydrogéologie. Comparé avec des systèmes traditionnels d’irrigation utilisant l’eau de surface, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine offre une technique d’alimentation plus fiable, une vulnérabilité à la sécheresse moins grande, et une accessibilité plus aisée pour chaque utilisateur. Les forces économiques influencent le secteur de l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine et son développement. Dans les régions de l’Espagne Méditerranéenne, les coûts d’exploitation représentent toujours une petite fraction de la valeur des cultures. Dans les régions intérieures, l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine supporte une agriculture plus stable et continue qu’une agriculture reposant sur l’eau de pluie. La valeur sociale (emploi/m3) et économique (€/m3) de l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine, excède généralement celle des systèmes d’irrigation avec l’eau de surface. Néanmoins, des gestions pauvres de l’eau souterraine et des controverses légales sont couramment à la base de disputes sociales sur l’eau. Un bilan transparent et minutieux des valeurs relatives socio-économiques de l’eau souterraine en relation avec l’eau de surface d’irrigation, devrait contribuer à éviter de potentiels et futurs conflits. Un renforcement de la Directive Cadre de l’Union Européenne devrait apporter une meilleure gouvernance et un usage plus durable.

A three-dimensional GIS-based groundwater flow model for the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the eastern Sahara was developed and calibrated under steady-state and transient conditions. The model was used to simulate the response of the aquifer to climatic changes that occurred during the last 25,000 years. The simulation results indicated that the groundwater in this aquifer was formed by infiltration during the wet periods 20,000 and 5,000 years b.p. The recharge of groundwater due to regional groundwater flow from more humid areas in the south was excluded. It also indicates that the Nubian Aquifer System is a fossil aquifer, which had been in an unsteady state condition for the last 3,000 years.
Resumen Fue desarrollado un modelo de flujo de agua subterránea en tres dimensiones, basado en un SIG, para el Acuífero Arenisca Nubian en el Sahara Oriental, el cual fue calibrado para condiciones de estado estacionario y transitorio. El modelo se usó para simular la respuesta del acuífero a los cambios climáticos que ocurrieron durante los últimos 25000 años. Los resultados de esta simulación indicaron que el agua subterránea en este acuífero, se formó por infiltración, durante los períodos húmedos que hubo hace 20000 y 5000 años, antes del presente. Fue excluida la recarga del acuífero debida a un flujo regional de agua subterránea proveniente de áreas con un clima más húmedo en el sur. El modelo también muestra, que el Sistema Acuífero Nubian es un acuífero fósil, el cual ha permanecido en una condición de estado no estacionario, durante los últimos tres mil años.

Résumé Pour laquifère gréseux Nubien de Sahara -Est on a mis au points un modèle tridimensionnel, basé sur GIS. Le modèle a été calibré tant pour lécoulement stationnaire que pour lécoulement transitoire. On a simulé après la réponse de laquifère aux changements climatiques des derniers 25000 ans. Les résultats des simulations indiquent que la nappe a été rechargée par des infiltrations pendant une période humide qui sétend 5000 et 20000 ans, dès temps actuel. On na pas pris en compte la recharge de laquifère par la zone plus humide située dans sa partie sud. Le modèle indique aussi que leau de laquifère Nubien est une eau fossile qui a eu un écoulement transitoire pendant les derniers 3000 ans.

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