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The Brandberg West region of NW Namibia is dominated by poly-deformed turbidites and carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Damara Supergoup, which have been regionally metamorphosed to greenschist facies and thermally metamorphosed up to mid-amphibolite facies by Neoproterozoic granite plutons. The meta-sedimentary rocks host Damaran-age hydrothermal quartz vein-hosted Sn–W mineralization at Brandberg West and numerous nearby smaller deposits. Fluid inclusion microthermometric studies of the vein quartz suggests that the ore-forming fluids at the Brandberg West mine were CO2-bearing aqueous fluids represented by the NaCl–CaCl2–H2O–CO2 system with moderate salinity (mean=8.6 wt% NaClequivalent).Temperatures determined using oxygen isotope thermometry are 415–521°C (quartz–muscovite), 392–447°C (quartz–cassiterite), and 444–490°C (quartz–hematite). At Brandberg West, the oxygen isotope ratios of quartz veins and siliciclastic host rocks in the mineralized area are lower than those in the rocks and veins of the surrounding areas suggesting that pervasive fluid–rock interaction occurred during mineralization. The O- and H-isotope data of quartz–muscovite veins and fluid inclusions indicate that the ore fluids were dominantly of magmatic origin, implying that mineralization occurred above a shallow granite pluton. Simple mass balance calculations suggest water/rock ratios of 1.88 (closed system) and 1.01 (open system). The CO2 component of the fluid inclusions had similar δ 13C to the carbonate rocks intercalated with the turbidites. It is most likely that mineralization at Brandberg West was caused by a combination of an impermeable marble barrier and interaction of the fluids with the marble. The minor deposits in the area have quartz veins with higher δ 18O values, which is consistent with these deposits being similar geological environments exposed at higher erosion levels.  相似文献   

西昆仑新藏公路118~323km段基性、酸性岩脉K—Ar年龄   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在西昆仑西段新藏公路沿线广泛发育数量众多的岩脉,野外出露有煌斑岩脉、辉绿岩脉、闪长岩脉、花岗岩脉。对以上岩脉进行了全岩K-Ar同位素测年,其侵位年龄与该区的地质构造事件有很好的对应关系:辉绿岩脉273~280Ma的侵位年龄对应着弧后扩张的时间,闪长岩脉和花岗岩脉230~244Ma的侵位年龄对应着碰撞造山的时间。  相似文献   

钾长石K—Ar定年若干问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有的测试数据反映,钾长石在K—Ar定年中存在很多问题,最常见的情况是年龄值偏年轻,有时也出现比共存矿物年龄偏老的情况。钾长石在实验过程中不完全释氩是造成年龄值偏年轻的原因之一,对此前人已经提出几个解决方案,但在实际应用中都不够完善。钾长石的封闭温度低(130~150℃)是放射成因氩丢失的最主要因素,个别情况下也出现捕获围岩中的放射成因氩,从而出现过剩氩。低温钾长石(如冰长石)的氩保存能力和结构有关系,通常情况下随着三斜度的升高所保存的放射成因氩会相应减少。不同地质环境中产出的钾长石在K—Ar定年中适用性有所不同,侵入岩中的钾长石(微斜长石和条纹长石等)不适合于K—Ar定年,而喷出岩中的钾长石(透长石和歪长石等)是非常好的定年矿物;低温钾长石可有条件应用  相似文献   

The Epupa Metamorphic Complex constitutes the southwestern margin of the Congo Craton and is exposed in a hilly to mountainous terrain of northwestern Namibia, bordering the Kunene River and extending into southern Angola. It consists predominantly of granitoid gneisses which are migmatized over large areas. This migmatization locally led to anatexis and produced crustal-melt granites such as the Otjitanda Granite. We have undertaken reconnaissance geochemical studies and single zircon U–Pb SHRIMP and Pb–Pb evaporation dating of rocks of the Epupa Complex. The granitoid gneisses, migmatites and anatectic melts are similar in composition and constitute a suite of metaluminous to peraluminous, calc-alkaline granitoids, predominantly with volcanic arc geochemical signatures. The zircon protolith ages for the orthogneisses range from 1861 ± 3 to 1758 ± 3 Ma. Anatexis in the migmatitic Epupa gneisses was dated from a melt patch at 1762 ± 4 Ma, and the anatectic Otjitanda Granite has a zircon age of 1757 ± 4 Ma. Migmatization and anatexis therefore occurred almost immediately after granitoid emplacement and date a widespread high-temperature Palaeoproterozoic event at ∼1760 Ma which has not been recorded elswhere in northern Namibia. The Nd isotopic systematics of all dated samples are surprisingly similar and suggest formation of the protolith from a source region that probably separated from the depleted mantle about 2.4–2.0 Ga ago. A major Archaean component in the source area is unlikely.  相似文献   

橄榄石斑晶和捕虏晶与年青橄榄玄武岩的K-Ar定年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
穆治国  刘玉林  黄宝玲 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):275-276
取自黑龙江北部5个年青橄榄石玄武岩样品,分别对挑出橄榄石细小斑晶和捕虏晶的玄武岩、橄榄石斑晶和其他斑晶作了K-Ar定年。结果表明橄榄石和玄武岩浆不是同时代的,挑出橄榄石晶体后表现年龄将下降(年轻)50%至90%.  相似文献   

The present end‐point of the Tsauchab River is at Sossus Vlei, 30 km into the Namib Sand Sea. Interdune deposits in three depressions west and southwest of the vlei include channel and interdune lithofacies associations but no deposits typical of river end‐points or of groundwater seepage into interdune areas. The two lithofacies associations show that the Tsauchab River extended further into the sand sea in the past. It had a well‐developed channel and a higher flow than today that caused flooding of adjacent interdune areas. OSL 4‐mm aliquot minimum ages indicate that the Tsauchab River reached 2–3 km beyond its present end‐point at ca. 25 ka and ca. 9–7 ka, and that the river was more active from 0.9–0.3 ka. The eastward migration of the river end‐point since ca. 7 ka suggests a reduction in flood magnitude accompanied by the gradual invasion of the Sossus Vlei area by dunes. The regional data indicate an additional wet interval at ca. 15 ka that is so far not recorded in the Sossus area. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along the SW-NE trending fault zone of Gernsbach (northern Black Forest), over a distance of about 45 km between Baden-Baden and Pforzheim, basal series of the sedimentary cover are extensively altered by hydrothermal solutions. The fluids were conveyed in the fault zone and because of favourable permeabilities they spread out along the unconformity between the basement and sedimentary cover. K-Ar dates on authigenic white micas (illites) and hydrothermally altered detrital micas point to the occurrence of two major episodes of fluid migration. The extensive alteration along the entire fault system occurred about 150 Ma ago during the Jurassic. In relation to these hydrothermal activities, the epigenetic strata-bound uranium deposit of Müllenbach originated in Upper Carboniferous sediments near the fault and the fluorite-quartz vein-type mineralization of Käfersteige was formed along the fault about 100 Ma ago during the Cretaceous. The results indicate various geological processes of the fault system of Gernsbach, which is located between the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian zone. The mobilization of the fluids and the formation of the ore deposits were probably caused by and connected with tectonic activities in mid-Europe.  相似文献   

From an area of brittle shearing and ring complexes in Northern Kordofan, Sudan 28 K-Ar ages were calculated to determine the geochronology of tectonic and magmatic events. The age results for deformational episodes are 560, 340 and 255 Ma, whereas alkaline magma was intruded at 280, 220 and 165 Ma. The incompatibility of age marks leads to the conclusion that magmatic and tectonic activity in this area have to be regarded as independent events. This holds true even when all dated intrusions from the entire region are compared with post-Pan-African continental tectonic features.  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙群的地质地球化学和K-Ar年代学   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙群出现在后碰撞花岗岩(锆石U-Pb年龄约为300~320Ma)及其下石炭统火山岩-硅质岩围岩之中,空间分布受区域构造裂隙控制,总体走向以280°~300°为主,K-Ar表观年龄为241.3~271.5Ma。岩墙群属于亚碱性系列,根据岩性和Mg#的不同,可分为辉绿岩岩墙、高Mg#闪长玢岩岩墙和低Mg#(石英)闪长玢岩岩墙等三组。主元素、稀土元素和其他微量元素等资料表明,形成岩墙群的岩浆起源于亏损地幔,由部分熔融作用形成的原始玄武质岩浆在侵位过程中发生了分离结晶作用,但同时还受到同化混染作用的影响,致使克拉玛依岩墙群具有较典型的AFC过程的成因特征。克拉玛依岩墙群形成于新疆北部后碰撞伸展构造环境,是幔源岩浆活动的产物,因而可以作为地壳垂向生长的标志之一。  相似文献   

In the Ordos basin, two distinct thermal events of different ages have been identified for the first time by means of K-Ar dating combined with illite crystallinity analysis. For the Late Triassic and Late Permian samples, the K-Ar ages of the < 0.2μm fractions (159-173 Ma) reflect an illitization age related to the Yanshanian movement and indicate a short thermal event in the Middle Jurassic; the K-Ar ages of the <2 μm fractions (210-308 Ma) are interpreted as mixed ages of detrital material and authigenic illites. The K-Ar ages of both < 0.2μm and < 2μm fractions of a Middle Cambrian sample (368 Ma and 419 Ma) correspond to the ages of the metamorphism and earliest granite intrusion in the northern Caledonian Qinling fold zone (380-420 Ma) and show a thermal event during Silurian-Devonian time.  相似文献   

Authigenic K‐feldspar was investigated in two Albian to Turonian sections in Israel using K‐Ar and Ar‐Ar dating, X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis. Both sections comprise a similar succession of shallow‐marine limestones, dolomites and marls, with some sandstone and shale beds of continental origin. The HCl‐insoluble residue fraction of the studied samples consists of clays, quartz, feldspars, goethite and trace amounts of heavy minerals. Most of the insoluble residues have a relatively high K‐feldspar content that has an adularia habit and is concentrated in the 4–7 µm size fraction. The authigenic origin of the K‐feldspar in the fine silt fraction is indicated by its high content relative to quartz, the uniform and idiomorphic shape of the crystals and its limited size range. Of the fine silt (4–7 or 4–10 µm) separates, 40% have ages that are similar to stratigraphic ages within the analytical and biostratigraphic errors. Ar‐Ar dating of a fine silt fraction with 94% K‐feldspar (4–10 µm, sample GYP 7) yields a plateau age identical to the total gas age and similar to the stratigraphic age. These results indicate that the K‐Ar age is not a mixture between detrital and late diagenetic K‐feldspar ages, but is rather an age of formation within a few million years after deposition. It is suggested that the early formation of the K‐feldspar was associated with dolomitization and was induced by residual brines as part of a reflux process.  相似文献   

从系统剖面连续测年的角度,利用K-Ar年代学方法并结合前人工作,确定了辽西四合屯剖面的六个火山活动期和含古生物化石的湖相沉积地层的顶底时间界限。六期火山活动分别为133.6~133.1Ma、、.126.1Ma、、-122Ma和~113Ma。其中第四期活动最为强烈。侵入含古生物化石的湖相沉积层的火山岩的年龄为124.4Ma,其上覆火山岩年龄为124.2Ma,下伏火山岩的年龄为124.6~125.1Ma,因此,该湖相沉积地层的持续时间应为大约1Ma。  相似文献   

青海省都兰县五龙沟金矿主断裂带断层泥K-Ar定年   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用K-Ar法对青海省都兰县五龙沟金矿主断裂带内的3个断层泥样品进行同位素测定,以确定该脆性断裂的活动时代,初步探讨该段脆性断裂与成矿之间的关系.测试得到的断层泥样品中自生伊利石的年龄为(185.54±3.06) ~(165.11 ±3.28) Ma,表明该矿床内的脆性断裂活动时代为早侏罗世晚期—中侏罗世,结合野外地质情况,推测脆性断裂的活动对成矿起到了改造和破坏的作用.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地共发现 8套砂岩油气储层 ,对其中的 5套典型砂岩油气储层进行了自生伊利石K Ar同位素测年分析与研究。利用该项技术对其成藏史进行初步探讨是本次研究的主要目的。中央隆起下志留统沥青砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 383.4 5~ 2 35 .17Ma ,表明志留系古油藏形成于加里东晚期—海西晚期 ;上泥盆统东河砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 6 3.82~ 2 31.34Ma ,表明东河砂岩油气藏主要形成于海西晚期 ;库车坳陷依南 2气田 (依南 2井 )下侏罗统阳霞组砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 8.0 8~ 2 3.85Ma ,表明油气充注发生在中新世以来 ;喀什凹陷阿克莫木气田 (阿克 1井 )下白垩统砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 2 .6 0~ 18.79Ma ,表明中新世可能有古油气运移或古油藏形成 ;库车坳陷迪那 2气藏 (迪那 2 0 1井 )古近系砂岩中的伊利石主要为碎屑成因 ,不能用于进行油气成藏史研究 ,但该气藏白垩系砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 5 .4 9~ 15 .4 7Ma ,表明可能为中新世成藏。本次研究表明 ,该项技术在塔里木盆地初步显示出较好的应用效果 ,具有较为广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the K-Ar ages determined on glauconitic samples collected from the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation in two different sections, one located on the Ghuneri-Ghaduli road near Katesar Mahadeo temple and the other at the base of the Ukra hill in the northwestern part of the Kutch Mainland area. Three glauconite samples viz., UkraKT-1, UkraKT-4 and UkraUH-3 have yielded K-Ar ages of 107.9 ± 3.4 Ma, 105.5 ± 3.3 Ma and 103.5 ± 3.4 Ma, respectively. The sample UkraKT-l treated with 0.5N HC1 and analysed in duplicate has yielded a mean age of 104 ± 2.3 Ma while the sample UkraKT-4 treated with 0.1N HCl has given an age of 106.5 ± 3.3 Ma. The ages of the treated and untreated glauconites are indistinguishable within 2σ uncertainty with a mean of 105.2 ± 1.3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the depositional age of the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation. The study has further indicated that mild acid treatment (up to 0.5N HCl) does not lead to any loss of radiogenic argon in the glauconites and can be helpful in purification of the samples.  相似文献   

赵孟为 Ahren.  H 《地质学报》1996,70(2):186-194
利用伊利石K-Ar测年法,结合伊利石结晶度分析,首次在鄂尔多斯盆地确定出两期不同时代热事件。晚三叠世和晚二叠世<0.2μm粒级的岩石样品的K-Ar年龄(159-173Ma)反映了与燕山运动有关的伊利石化年龄,指示有一期中侏罗世的热事件;其<2μm粒级的K-Ar年龄(210-308Ma)则被解释为碎屑物和自生伊利石的混合年龄。中寒武世<0.2μm和<2μm粒级的岩石样品K-Ar年龄(368Ma与419Ma)对应于北秦岭加里东褶皱带变质作用与最早期花岗岩侵入的时代(380-420Ma),表明在志留-泥盆纪发生了一期热事件。  相似文献   

青藏高原东部贡觉盆地新生代火山岩的K-Ar稀释法年龄   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过新生代高钾钙碱性中、酸性火山岩的年代学研究来了解青藏高原的隆升特征,首次报道了藏东贡觉盆地新生代7个火山岩样品的K-Ar定年结果.全岩和黑云母的表面年龄均在40.8~46.2Ma间(平均值为44.2Ma).样品中放射成因Ar与K构成了一条相关性良好的、几乎通过原点的线性等时线,表明它们有相同的成因和相近的形成时代。而且样品中可能既无过剩Ar,也无放射成因Ar的丢失,代表着真实的成岩年龄(始新世中期).火山活动发生在印度—欧亚板块碰撞(50 Ma左右)后形成的构造环境中。受陆内水平剪切—走滑断裂带控制.结合前人对藏东地区岩浆活动的年代学研究成果.表明青藏高原东缘新生代岩浆活动具多期性.这种多期性可能反映着青藏高原阶段性隆升的壳—幔相互作用。  相似文献   

油气注入史研究对于指导油气勘探具有非常重要的意义。油气储层自生伊利石K Ar同位素测年可以为油气注入时间的研究提供科学依据。文中对油气储层自生伊利石分离提纯及其K Ar同位素测年技术进行了系统介绍。对碎屑含钾矿物杂质对自生伊利石K Ar同位素年龄的影响进行了深入研究 ,建立了一套完整的数据处理技术并提出了“校正年龄”的概念。  相似文献   

张有瑜  罗修泉  宋健 《现代地质》2002,16(4):403-407
对油气储层中自生伊利石K Ar体系产生影响的有关问题如砂岩岩性、伊利石 /蒙皂石间层矿物的间层比和绿泥石进行了初步试验和讨论。结果表明 :中、细砂岩的应用效果相对较好 ,粉砂岩、泥质粉砂岩则难度较大 ;I/S有序间层的应用效果相对较好 ,I/S无序间层则难度较大 ;绿泥石对自生伊利石K Ar体系测年结果的影响不明显。油气注入可能是引起伊利石成岩作用终止的原因之一。最后对各种典型年龄剖面可能的成因解释进行了简要介绍和初步探讨。  相似文献   

New data are reported on the structure of the sections, the geochemical composition, and the age of the volcano-sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the Sinii Utes Depression in the southern Primorye region. The Sinii Utes Depression is filled with two sequences: the lower sequence composed of sedimentary-volcanogenic coaliferous rocks (the stratotype of the Sinii Utes Formation) and the upper sequence consisting of tephroid with overlying basalts. This work addresses the geochemical composition and the problems of K-Ar dating of the basalts. The uppermost basaltic flow yielded a K-Ar age of 22.0 ± 1.0 Ma. The dates obtained for the middle and upper parts of the lava flows are underestimated, which is explained by their heating due to the combustion of brown coals of the Sinii Utes Formation underlying the lava flow. Calculations show that argon could only partly have been removed from the basalts owing to the conductive heat transfer and was lost largely due to the infiltration of hot gases in the heterogeneous fissured medium. The basaltic volcanism on the continental margins of the southern Primorye region and the adjacent Korean and Chinese areas at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary preceded the Early-Middle Miocene spreading and formation of the Sea of Japan basin. The undifferentiated moderately alkaline basalts of within-plate affinity developed in the Amba Depression and some other structures of the southern Primorye region and the within-plate alkali basalts of the Phohang Graben in the Korean Peninsula serve as an indicator of the incipient spreading regime in the Sea of Japan. Potassic basalt-trachybasalt eruptions occurred locally in riftogenic depressions and shield volcanoes; in some structures, this volcanism was terminated by eruptions of intermediate and acid lavas. Such an evolution of the volcanism is explained by the selective contamination of basaltic melts during their interaction with crustal acid material and the generation of acid anatectic melts.  相似文献   

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