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The structural differences of the ion and neutral composition in the thermospheric region are studied by solving a system of basic ionospheric and atmospheric equations. The study shows that the compositional changes during a magnetic storm arise largely as a result of changes in the neutral composition at the turbopause. A decrease in [O]/[N2] in the lower atmosphere triggers a complex chain of events which results in an increase of the neutral gas temperature, depletion of the O+ layer and enhancement of NO+. The relative changes in these layers occasionally produce a sequence of electron density profiles giving rise to the so-called G condition. It is shown that, compared to the neutral atmosphere, the ionosphere is much more sensitive to the changes in [O]/[N2] in the lower thernaospheric region. Since the ionospheric parameters can be measured much more accurately than the atmospheric parameters, it is argued that they should form an integral part of the observational data required to construct the atmospheric models.  相似文献   

Four magnetic storms were observed in February 1972, with instruments on the Explorer 45 satellite in the evening quadrant of the inner magnetosphere. The magnitude of the storms ranged from small, Dst ? ?40 γ, to moderate, Dst ? ?80 γ. During the development of the storms several substorms occurred. At the beginning of the substorms there was evidence of a partial ring current above L = 5. After the expansion phase of several substorms there was evidence of enhancement of a partial ring below L = 5. Distortions of the field in the east-west direction were observed, in conjunction with substorm expansions, that can be interpreted as due to field aligned currents flowing from the ionosphere. A substantial symmetric ring current, at L~4, developed during the largest storm. Very little additional ring current was contributed by the smallest storm. Relations between the magnetosphere inflation and ring current protons, plasmaspheric hiss, and ULF waves also measured on Explorer 45 were noted.  相似文献   

A synoptic study of the occurrence and polarization of 160 MHz noise storms recorded at Culgoora during the current solar cycle shows that the storm sources occur in large unipolar cells extending >90° in solar longitude and 60° in latitude, with lifetimes of 1 yr. From solar maximum onwards these large cells stretch across the solar equator to form a longitudinal sector pattern reminiscent of that observed in the interplanetary magnetic field. Comparisons with published heliospheric current sheet simulations support this conclusion. The noise storms occur in the strong magnetic fields above large, complex, flare-active sunspots. Unlike most active regions, those associated with noise storms do not always have dominant sunspots as leaders. Rather, about one-third have the dominant sunspot as a follower. The dominant sunspot polarities tend to agree with the long-lived sector structure, implying that emerging magnetic flux occurs at preferred longtitudes on the solar surface.  相似文献   

A comparison of flux and polarization of solar radio noise storms with photospheric source position and magnetic field configuration for six year observations is reported. Three independent results pointing to a predominance of plus magnetic structures as regards noise-storm generation are outlined. A rather strong proof towards a cause-effect connection of photospheric magnetic structure development and noise-storm evolution is stressed.  相似文献   

Particle precipitation in Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly during magnetic storms is investigated using riometer and VLF propagation data. It is found that during large storms the changes in the ionosphere caused by particle precipitation are detectable. There is a good correlation between the behavior of the absorption and the variations of the magnetic field intensity during different phases of a storm. In particular, there seems to be a close relationship between the precipitation of high energy particles and short-period fluctuations of the magnetic field intensity of the order of 5–6 min. During the main phase of the storm, when the field intensity reaches its minimum, the flux of soft electrons also plays a significant role in producing absorption. The nature of precipitation associated with a sudden commencement appears to be more complex; the predominance of low or high energy particle flux may depend on the magnitude of the field increase. The amplitude and phase records of VLF signals also show the effect of the disturbance, but it is difficult to correlate the changes in these records with the features observed on the magnetogram, because only a small part of the propagation path lies in the region of the anomaly. A more detailed analysis of riometer data from different stations and VLF phase and amplitude records for different paths will be helpful in understanding the mechanism of particle precipitation associated with magnetic disturbances. In future experiments it may also be fruitful to look for detectable radiation emitted by the precipitating electrons, for example, Cherenkov and synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

Observations of the thermospheric wind at a mid-latitude station have been made using a Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure the Doppler shift of the nighttime OI emission at 630 nm. The results from 12 summer nights show that the zonal wind has a distinct feature associated with magnetic activity. The zonal wind first reverses and becomes westward. The maximum strength of the westward wind, its duration, and the maximum strength of the subsequent eastward wind all increase with increasing magnetic activity. The meridional wind is less consistent in its behaviour. It is normally equatorward but during magnetic activity it can increase, decrease, or even reverse, although it is consistently equatorward and of increased strength after 02.00 L.T. The initial reversal of the zonal wind is consistent with changes in the wind expected as a result of convective electric fields penetrating to mid-latitudes indicating that these electric fields modify the mid-latitude wind pattern before effects due to auroral heating reach mid-latitudes. The reversal of the zonal wind back to eastward may also be the result of electric field effects. The large variability of the meridional wind, to the extent that it becomes poleward at times, indicates the importance of wind sources equatorward of the observatory.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of the north–south asymmetry in solar activity and solar magnetic fields are reported. The analysis is based on solar mean magnetic field and solar polar magnetic field time series, 1975–2015 (http://wso.stanford.edu), and the Greenwich sunspot data, 1875–2015 (http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/greenwch.shtml). A long-term cycle (small-scale magnetic fields, toroidal component) of ~140 years is identified in the north–south asymmetry in solar activity by analyzing the cumulative sum of the time series for the north–south asymmetry in the area of sunspots. A comparative analysis of the variations in the cumulative sums of the time series composed of the daily values of the sun’s global magnetic field and in the asymmetry of the daily sunspot data over the time interval 1975–2015 shows that the photospheric large-scale magnetic fields may also have a similar long-term cycle. The variations in the asymmetry of large-scale and small-scale solar magnetic fields (sunspot area) are in sync until 2005.5 and in antiphase since then.  相似文献   

The UCL 3-dimensional time-dependent thermospheric model, with atomic and molecular components, is used to study composition changes in the neutral gas at F-layer heights produced by a severe magnetic storm. The computations give the mean molecular weight (MW), temperature and winds as functions of latitude, longitude, height and time for a period of 30 h.Starting from quiet-day conditions, the simulation starts with a 6-h “substorm” period in which strong electric fields are imposed in the auroral ovals, accompanied by particle input. Weaker electric fields are imposed for the remaining 24 h of the simulation. The energy input causes upwelling of air in the northern and southern auroral ovals, accompanied by localized composition changes (increases of MW), which spread no more than a few hundred kilometres from the energy sources. There is a corresponding downward settling of air at winter midlatitudes and low latitudes, producing widespread decreases of MW at a fixed pressure-level. These storm effects are superimposed on the quiet-day summer-to-winter circulation, in which upwelling occurs in the summer hemisphere and down welling in the winter hemisphere. The composition changes seen at a fixed height differ somewhat from those at a fixed pressure-level, because of the expansion resulting from the storm heating.The results can be related to the well-known prevalence of “negative” F-layer storms (with decreases of F2-layer electron density) in summer, and “positive” F-layer storms in winter and at low latitudes. However, the modelled composition changes are not propagated far enough to account for the observed occurrence of negative storms at some distance from the auroral ovals. This difficulty might be overcome if particle heating occurs well equatorward of the auroral ovals during magnetic storms, producing composition changes and negative storm effects at midlatitudes. Winds do not seem a likely cause of negative storm effects, but other factors (such as increases of vibrationally-excited N2) are possibly important.  相似文献   

Firstly, semi-empirical distributions of solar wind proton number density and velocity ordered around the Heliospherical Current Sheet (HCS) of the inner heliosphere are considered. Then, the velocity profiles of flare-generated Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) running through the inhomogeneous heliosphere are calculated. They show that the velocities strongly depend on flare positions with respect to the HCS. Finally, a specific mutual flare-HCS-Earth location leading to a strong geomagnetic storm is deduced from calculations and supported by a few real events of solar-terrestrial physics.  相似文献   

During the initial phase of magnetic storms with steep onset, the topside ionosphere shows enhancement of ionization above and depletion below a zone of unchanged ionization. During storms with a smoothly initiated disturbance, no enhancement of ionization is observed and depletion takes place at all altitudes.  相似文献   

The wave characteristics of Pc5 magnetic pulsations are analyzed with data of OGO-5, ISEE-1 and -2 satellites. The toroidal modes (δBD >δBH) of Pc5 pulsations are observed at a higher magnetic latitude in the dawnside outer magnetosphere. The compressional and poloidal modes (δBz.dfnc;δBH >δBD) of Pc5 pulsations are mostly observed near the magnetic equator in the duskside outer magnetosphere. This L.T. asymmetry in the occurrence of dominant modes of Pc5's in space can be explained by the velocity shear instability (Yumoto and Saito, 1980) in the magnetospheric boundary layer, where Alfvénic signals in the IMF medium are assumed to penetrate into the magnetospheric boundary layer along the Archimedean spiral. The asymmetrical behaviour of Pc5 pulsation activity on the ground across the noon meridian can be also explained by the ionospheric screening effect on the compressional Pc5 magnetic pulsations. The compressional modes with a large horizontal wave number in the duskside magnetosphere are expected to be suppressed on the ground throughout the ionosphere and atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using the data obtained by means of the Alouette-1 satellite, the distribution of electron density in the region of the F2-layer maximum and topside ionosphere during different phases of two successive magnetic storms on September 13 and 16,1963 have been studied. The middle latitudes at local near noon and midnight hours have been considered mainly. It is shown that the daytime topside electron density at some altitudes did not change during the main phases of the two magnetic storms. The electron density decreases below these levels and increases above. During the recovery phases of both magnetic storms the increase in electron density remains at all altitudes from hmF2 to 1000 km.  相似文献   

Quasitrapped (Hmin < 100 km) protons with energies E > 440 keV have been detected during magnetic storms by the IK-5 satellite in a narrow zone with a center at L = 3.0−3.2; this zone is well separated from the region of Isotropie fluxes at L > 4. Data for five moderate storms have been analysed in detail. It was found that the quasitrapped proton peaks appear during the recovery phase of magnetic storms and that the scattering of protons toward low mirror points takes place in all local time sectors. The relation between the observed precipitation of the E > 440 keV protons and the intraplasmaspheric precipitation of low-energy protons has been discussed in the light of the theory of generation of ion-cyclotron waves by the ring current and the theory of parasitic interaction of these waves with the radiation belt protons. A series of arguments indicates that the phenomenon under study is connected with the magnetopheric process which generates the SAR arcs.  相似文献   

The Joule heating produced by auroral electrojets and its thermospheric response can be studied by monitoring the thermospheric temperatures by means of optical methods; simultaneously investigating the concurrent auroral electrojet activities using geomagnetic records obtained from stations along a meridian close to the observation site of optical measurements. We report, in this paper, the measurements of thermospheric response to auroral activities which were made at Albany (42.68°N, 73.82°W), New York on 2 September 1978 (U.T.) when an isolated substorm occurred. The thermospheric temperatures were measured by using a high-resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer that determines the line profiles of the [OI] 6300 Å line emission. The intensities and latitudinal positions of auroral electrojets were obtained by the analysis of magnetograms from the IMS Fort Churchill meridian chain stations.  相似文献   

The fluxes and penetration boundaries of solar energetic particles on the CORONAS-F satellite during October 2003 superstorms are compared with the riometric absorption measurements on a worldwide network of riometers. The dynamics of the polar cap boundaries is investigated at various phases of magnetic storms. The dependence of absorption on time of the day and on solar proton spectrum is calculated at various phases of a solar energetic particle event.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the interplanetary causes of eight great geomagnetic storms during the solar maximum (2000-2001). The result shows that the interplanetary causes were the intense southward magnetic field and the notable characteristic among the causal mechanism is compression. Six of eight great geomagnetic storms were associated with the compression of southward magnetic field, which can be classified into (1) the compression between ICMEs (2) the compression between ICMEs and interplanetary medium. It suggests that the compressed magnetic field would be more geoeffective. At the same time, we also find that half of all great storms were related to successive halo CMEs, most of which originated from the same active region. The interactions between successive halo CMEs usually can lead to greater geoeffectiveness by enhancing their southward field Bs interval either in the sheath region of the ejecta or within magnetic clouds (MCs). The types of them included: the compression between the fast speed transient flow and the slow speed background flow, the multiple MCs, besides shock compression. Further, the linear fit of the Dst versus gives the weights of and Δt as α=2.51 and β=0.75, respectively. This may suggest that the compression mechanism, with associated intense Bs, rather than duration, is the main factor in causing a great geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

An empirical model of thermospheric temperature (TT120, and s) and composition (H, He, N, O, N2, O2, and Ar) was derived from measurements of 8 satellites (AE-C, AE-E, AEROS-A, AEROS-B, ARIEL-3, ESRO-4, OGO-6, and SAN MARCO-3) and 4 incoherent scatter stations (Arecibo, Jicamarca, Millstone Hill, and St Santin). The altitude covered extends from 120 km up to about 600 km over the time period 1967 to 1976. The analytical framework used in the model resembles closely the MSIS setup: time independent terms, solar flux terms, geomagnetic activity (Kp) effect, annual (semiannual) and diurnal (semidiurnal, terdiurnal) variations, longitudinal terms, the U.T. effect, and corrections compensating for deviations from diffusive equilibrium at altitudes below 200 km. The model describes quiet to medium disturbed geomagnetic conditions (Kp ? 4) at solar fluxes (10.7cm) ranging from 60 to 180 × 10?22 Wm?2Hz?1. To get an impression of the accuracy presently obtained, the model is compared with MSIS, Jacchia (1977), and the models of Thuillier (T and Engebretson (N). The best agreement is found for the temperature and the constituents He, O, and N2 with increasing deviations in the order of H, N, Ar, and O2.  相似文献   

A model for diurnal variations of neutral and ionic nitrogen compounds in the thermosphere is reconstructed on the basis of a new photochemical aspect on N(2D), together with new observations of the NO density. The NO density so far measured must be reduced by a factor 2, due to a revision of the fluorescence coefficient for the NO γ-band airglow. Incorporating the quenching reaction of N(2D) with O in the model calculation results in a reduction of the NO density at heights as low as 100 km. These two effects are combined to lead to an evaluation that the N(2D) quantum yield for various possible reactions is as large as 0.9. A smaller rate coefficient for the quenching reaction than that measured in the laboratory, i.e. 1.0 × 10?12cm3sec?1 is favourable for the recent NO observation in the early morning, as well as the observed emission rates of the 5200 A airglow from N(2D) The present model predicts a significant day-to-night variation of N and NO densities at heights above 100 km. Below 100 km, the NO density is fairly stable because of its long chemical time constant. Since the rate coefficient for the conversion of N(4S) to NO is highly temperature dependent, the relative population of N(4S) and NO is very sensitive to the thermospheric temperature variation. Large variations of both N(4S) and NO densities due to the temperature change could occur especially at night. The model is in good agreement with the NO observations so far available in low and middle latitudes, as well as the N observation by the use of a rocket in the twilight.  相似文献   

Radio noise continuum emissions observed in metric and deca-metric wave frequencies are, in general, associated with actively varying sunspot groups accompanied by the S-component of microwave radio emissions. It is known that these continuum emission sources, often called type I storm sources, are often associated with type III burst storm activity from metric to hectometric wave frequencies. This storm activity is, therefore, closely connected with the development of these continuum emission sources.It is shown that the S-component emission in microwave frequencies generally precedes by several days the emission of these noise continuum storms of lower frequencies. In order for these storms to develop, the growth of sunspot groups into complex types is very important with the increase of the average magnetic field intensity and area of these groups. In particular, the types of these groups such as and are very important on the generation of noise continuum storm sources and sharp increase of the flux of these continuum emissions. This fact suggests that sunspot magnetic configuration and its variation, both space and time, are very effective on the growth of the sources for these noise continuum emissions.Although we have not known yet the true mechanism of these emissions, it is very likely that energetic electrons, 10 to 100 keV, accelerated in association with the variation of sunspot magnetic fields, are responsible as the sources of those radio emissions. Furthermore it seems that these electrons are contributing to the emission of type III burst storms, which are associated with the noise continuum storm sources. In explaining the origin of these storms, some plasma processes must be taken into consideration. Furthermore, it should be remarked that the storage mechanism of the electrons mentioned above plays an important role in generating both the noise continuum emissions and type III burst storms, because on-fringe type III bursts are all generated above these noise continuum storms sources. After reviewing the theories of these noise continuum storm emissions, a model is briefly considered to explain the relation between these continuums and type III bursts, and a discussion is given on the role of energetic electrons on these two emissions. It is pointed out that instabilities associated with these electrons and their relation to their own stabilizing effects are important in interpreting both of these storm emissions.Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the association of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) with various solar wind parameters (i.e. solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density), interplanetary magnetic field (IMF B), geomagnetic storms (GSs), averaged planetary A-index (Ap index) and sun spot number (SSN) for the period 2009–2016 (solar cycle 24) by using their daily mean average. To find the association of CRI with various solar wind parameters, GSs, IMF B, Ap index and SSN, we incorporate the analysis technique by superposed-epoch method. We have observed that CRI decreases with the increase in IMF B. Moreover the time-lag analysis has been performed by the method of correlation coefficient and observed a time lag of 0 to 2 day between the decrease in CRI and increase in IMF B. In addition, we show that the CRI is found to decrease in a similar pattern to disturbance storm time (Dst index) for most of the period of solar cycle 24. The high and positive correlation is found between CRI and Dst index. The CRI and Ap index are better anti-correlated to each other than CRI and IMF. CRI and SSN are positively correlated with each other. Solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V is a CR-effective parameter while plasma proton temperature and plasma proton density are not CR-effective parameters. The indicated parameters such as Dst index, Ap index, IMF B and solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density shows a kind of irregular variations for solar cycle 23 and 24 while CRI and SSN shows distinct behaviour for the two cycle.  相似文献   

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