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对半潜式平台垂向运动性能(包括垂荡、横摇和纵摇)进行数值计算分析。与模型试验结果的比较表明,对于半潜式平台这类由柱体组成的结构物进行水动力数值预报,忽略粘性力作用会使得低频运动响应计算结果产生偏差,需要应用三维势流理论和Morison公式相结合的方法。横摇和纵摇运动固有频率均低于波浪频率,在波浪慢漂力作用下会出现显著低频运动响应。垂荡运动是否出现低频响应则与所处海况联系紧密。  相似文献   

半潜式平台垂荡响应抑制措施研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
半潜式平台垂荡响应较大,对生产平台立管和采油树系统的选择、钻井平台钻杆升沉补偿装置等提出更高要求,增大了作业和维护成本。针对这一问题,在传统结构基础上提出了三种新的结构概念:1)在浮筒底部加垂荡板;2)沿立柱外延加垂荡板;3)改变立柱为变截面结构。通过数值分析对各平台模型水动力性能进行比较,结果表明,各新型结构对半潜式平台垂荡起到一定程度的抑制效果。由于在浮筒底部加垂荡板的方案效果比较突出,对该方案进一步做了优化和改进工作,并对平台在南海百年一遇波浪环境条件下的垂荡响应概率密度函数和响应极值进行了预报和对比研究。  相似文献   

杨欢  王磊  申辉 《海洋工程》2012,30(2):14-19
以某深水半潜式钻井平台为例,建立平台和推力系统模型,对风、浪、流环境载荷作用下的动力定位系统进行时域模拟,得到平台的运动时历和功率消耗,对平台动力定位的实时功率进行研究。为了验证数值计算的准确性,开展相关模型试验研究。旨在借助时域模拟来分析平台动力定位实时功率,通过模型试验来验证数值计算,检验了动力定位时域模拟的可靠性和优越性,为以后工程实际应用提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

浮式平台承受风浪流等多种海洋环境载荷作用,呈现出复杂的运动学响应状态.通过对"南海挑战号"半潜式平台的实测六自由度响应数据进行分析,采用广义极值分布建立六自由度响应的概率密度和分布模型,并通过K-S(Kolmogorov-Smirnov)检验验证了分布模型的合理性,进而开展了对该平台多年一遇重现期的六自由度响应极值预测研究.通过与平台的初始设计指标进行对比,发现平台的横荡、纵荡等五个自由度表现良好,而垂荡的响应极值超出设计指标,在现场作业中应予以注意研究成果对平台的安全作业具有辅助指导意义,可将预测结果作为极端恶劣海况下,人员提前撤离的辅助决策支持.通过更新平台的监测数据进行极值分析和预测研究可评估平台的性能变化行为.  相似文献   

近年来,深水半潜平台已成为海洋工程领域研究的热点。分别通过模型试验和数值模拟的方法,对不同水深和浪向条件下作业的深水半潜平台的运动以及系泊系统的受力进行全面分析。在此基础上,进一步研究平台在深水作业时的运动和动力特性,以及水深和环境海况的变化对平台运动和系泊系统受力的影响规律。同时,对比完整系泊系统的情况,对一根系泊缆破断的极端状态下平台的特性开展研究,获得运动和系泊系统受力的变化规律。对比发现试验和数值的结果能较好地相互吻合,且均能满足相应的安全度要求,保证平台实际作业时的可靠性,为深水半潜平台设计中的安全极限计算提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

赵志新  李昕  王文华  施伟 《海洋工程》2020,38(2):101-110
以超大型风力机(DTU 10 MW)为研究对象,对现有的大型(NREL 5 MW)无撑杆半潜浮式风力机支撑平台进行放大设计,用于支撑超大型风力机,基于气动-水动-伺服-弹性全耦合计算模型,根据设定的典型工况,使用FAST软件对超大型和大型无撑杆的半潜浮式风力机系统进行时域耦合分析,并依据计算结果对超大型和大型浮式风力机系统的运动响应和结构动力反应等特性进行对比分析。研究发现:半潜浮式风力机大型化后,气动荷载效应对风力机系统的激励作用更为突出,使得浮式平台运动由风荷载激励的低频共振反应比例增大,波频运动比例减小,这也导致由浮式平台低频运动激励的锚链张力反应增大。此外,高倍的飞轮转动频率对大型半潜浮式风力机叶片、塔架结构的激励作用较超大型半潜浮式风力机更为显著。  相似文献   

以某新型深水半潜式钻井平台为分析对象,依据三维绕射理论计算单位波幅下波浪诱导载荷,通过建立三维有限元模型计算完成了热点应力响应。运用热点应力的谱分析法计算得到危险节点的疲劳寿命,并进一步分析了各个短期海况和不同浪向对节点总的疲劳损伤度的贡献。研究结果表明,危险节点的疲劳寿命都满足设计寿命要求;在各种中低海况下,疲劳损伤主要来自于平均跨零周期在6 s附近,有义波高转大的短期海况;平台关键连接部位的疲劳损伤主要是在横浪和斜浪状态下产生的,并且对某单一方向的波浪非常敏感。此研究对该类型平台的连接处结构设计和疲劳分析方法有参考意义。  相似文献   

内孤立波对海洋平台的安全运行存在一定的威胁,基于三维数值水槽对内孤立波传播引起的半潜平台受力及其周围流场的分布进行了数值模拟研究.通过与试验对比,分析了入射波幅和分层流体深度比对半潜平台上内孤立波荷载特性的影响规律,验证了数值模拟结果是准确可靠的.研究表明,内孤立波引起的平台荷载会随着内孤立波波幅的增加而增大,随着分层流体深度比的增加而减小.基于对平台周围剖面速度场和三维涡场的演化规律研究,发现在内孤立波传播过程中,平台周围会出现明显的速度减小区,平台周围会有大量的漩涡产生并发生脱落现象.  相似文献   

我国南海海域海洋环境条件复杂且海水密度垂直层化现象显著,内孤立波活动频繁,因内孤立波而造成海洋开采平台破坏的案例屡见不鲜。依托水动力计算软件AQWA二次开发功能,采用Kdv方程,借助Fortran语言将深水半潜式平台立柱、浮箱、系泊系统3部分的内孤立波作用力叠加到外力项中,联合求解半潜式平台的6自由度动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在内孤立波作用下,半潜式平台的运动及系泊线张力均受到了显著的影响。在不考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台在纵荡和横荡方向上产生较大的漂移运动,最大偏移量较无内孤立波情况下增加了8倍;系泊线最大张力提高了17%,增加了系泊线断裂的风险。在考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台的纵荡和横荡运动响应在原响应基础上继续提高15%,但是系泊线张力变化不大。内孤立波不同浪向下的平台纵荡和横荡响应相差也很明显;系泊系统合力在不同方向上的大小决定了平台不同方向上运动的大小。  相似文献   

半潜平台的波浪爬升与气隙响应是设计过程中的重要考量因素。为探究随机波浪场中畸形波对半潜平台波浪爬升及气隙响应的影响,将含畸形波的随机波浪试验与一般随机波浪试验结果进行了对比研究分析。对模型试验测得的运动以及监测点处的波浪爬升及气隙进行频谱分析以及极值统计分析。研究发现,纵荡和纵摇的极大值主要受畸形波的影响而显著增大,纵荡、垂荡以及纵摇响应谱几乎不受单个畸形波影响;波浪爬升与气隙的极大值受到畸形波的影响而增大,同时,畸形波对气隙响应谱造成极大影响,增强了波浪爬升与气隙响应的非线性性。  相似文献   

毛欢  杨和振 《海洋工程》2016,34(1):18-24
深吃水半潜式平台(deep draft semi-submersible,DDS)作为一种新型海洋结构物,既继承了传统半潜式平台的优点,又改善了传统半潜式平台垂荡运动性能差的不足。但随着吃水的增加,DDS纵摇运动参数共振也成为一个不容忽视的问题。当DDS纵摇运动固有周期和垂荡运动周期满足一定关系时,纵摇运动将发生参数共振,纵摇角度将会显著增大。研究推导了DDS纵摇运动方程,并简化为标准的马修方程,运用希尔无穷行列式法求解马修方程,得到了含阻尼的马修稳定性图谱,并结合具体算例讨论了不同参数对DDS纵摇运动参数共振问题的影响。研究表明:深吃水半潜式平台的参数共振,是设计人员在设计之初必须考虑的问题;通过合理选取平台的系统参数,可以有效避免纵摇运动参数共振现象的发生。  相似文献   

Design analysis of a truss pontoon semi-submersible concept in deep water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Truss pontoon semi-submersible (TPS) is a new offshore structure concept in industry, where a truss spar is used to create the added mass by the heave plates. In the present paper, the effect of the heave plates on the vertical motion of the floating structure is demonstrated. A TPS is analyzed by utilizing the linear diffraction theory as well as the linear part of the Morison equation. The close agreement of the analysis results with the experimental results suggests that the simplified Morison equation can be used for the present analysis without sacrificing the quality of the results. However, good engineering judgment is required for estimating the values of the hydrodynamic coefficients as well as the amount of damping introduced in the structure. It is also found that the heave plates indeed introduce large added mass and considerable damping in the system motion in the vertical direction such that the resonant oscillation becomes less of a problem. This suggests that the TSP concept may have merits as a heave-controlled floating production structure in the deepwater development.  相似文献   

基于内孤立波mKdV理论,采用时域有限位移运动方程,结合改进的Morison公式,研究了两层流体中内孤立波与带分段式悬链系泊约束半潜平台的相互作用问题。针对东沙群岛南部海域附近某实测内孤立波特征参数,计算分析了在该内孤立波作用下SEDCO-700型半潜平台的内孤立波载荷、运动响应及其系泊张力的变化特性。研究表明,内孤立波不仅会对半潜平台产生突发性冲击载荷作用,使其产生大幅度水平漂移运动,并导致其系泊张力显著增大,因此在半潜平台等深海平台的设计与应用中,内孤立波的影响是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

The 17th ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee undertook the comparison of methods for calculating semi-submersible wave motion, and 34 programs from 28 different organizations participated in the project. The summary of the results are reported in the Technical Report of the 17th ITTC (ITTC, 1984).In this paper, the details of the project are described. Namely, almost all the calculation results of the 34 programs are shown and examined from the viewpoints of the validity of the program itself and of the correlation between the differences in the various calculation methods and the differences in the calculation results. The calculation results are also compared with the experiments, the details of which are also illustrated.  相似文献   

半潜浮式风机逐渐在深海风电开发中受到关注,建立风机、平台与系泊结构耦合数值计算模型,通过FAST与AQWA链接进行风机塔基荷载及平台运动响应相互耦合传递,基于随机波与极限波组合模型生成畸形波时程序列,进行半潜浮式风机系泊失效全过程时域模拟计算分析,得出系泊锚链张力、风机、塔筒和平台运动时程响应,探究系泊失效、风机停机和叶片变桨速率对浮式风机平台系泊结构动力响应的影响。结果表明:畸形波作用下浮式平台和系泊结构动力响应显著,系泊失效导致塔基剪力增加,平台纵荡和纵摇运动响应显著增大;风机停机会引起系泊锚链张力显著减小,转子推力、塔基剪力和叶尖挥舞位移响应逐渐衰减,平台纵荡、纵摇和横摇运动响应显著减小;随着叶片变桨速率增加,风机转子推力和塔基剪力波动幅值增大。  相似文献   

Linearized and non-linear methods for analysing motion response of floating structures to regular waves are discussed in this paper. The linearized method is based upon a traditional frequency domain approach, whereas the non-linear method is based upon the time integration method as proposed by Newmark. In addition, a new approximate method is proposed. This method, which employs a Newton-Raphson solution of the equations of motion, is an extension of the linearized method and is therefore valid for near linear systems. These methods are applied to a taut line moored structure; the Aker Tethered Production Platform and to a conventional semi-submersible, the Aker H3.  相似文献   

An experimental study on vortex-induced motions (VIM) of a deep-draft semi-submersible (DDS) was carried out in a towing tank, with the aim to investigate the VIM effects on the overall hydrodynamics of the structure. In order to study the fluid physics associated with VIM of the DDS, a comprehensive numerical simulation was conducted to examine the characteristics of vortex shedding processes and their interactions due to multiple cylindrical columns. The experimental measurements were obtained for horizontal plane motions including transverse, in-line and yaw motions as well as drag and lift forces on the structure. Spectral analysis was further carried out based on the recorded force time history. These data were subsequently used to validate the numerical model. Detailed numerical results on the vortex flow characteristics revealed that during the “lock-in”, the vortex shedding processes of the upstream columns enhance the vortex shedding processes of the downstream columns leading to the rapid increase of the magnitude of VIM. In addition to the experimental measurements, for the two uniform flow incidences (0° and 45°) investigated, comprehensive numerical data of the parametric study on the VIM characteristics at a wide range of current strength will also serve as quality benchmarks for future study and provide guidance for practical design.  相似文献   

With the floating structures pushing their activities to the ultra-deep water,model tests have presented a challenge due to the limitation of the existing wave basins.Therefore,the concept of truncated mooring system is implemented to replace the full depth mooring system in the model tests,which aims to have the same dynamic responses as the full depth system.The truncated mooring system plays such a significant role that extra attention should be paid to the mooring systems with large truncation factor.Three different types of large truncation factor mooring system are being employed in the simulations,including the homogenously truncated mooring system,non-homogenously truncated mooring system and simplified truncated mooring system.A catenary moored semi-submersible operating at 1000 m water depth is presented.In addition,truncated mooring systems are proposed at the truncated water depth of 200 m.In order to explore the applicability of these truncated mooring systems,numerical simulations of the platform’s surge free decay interacting with three different styles of truncated mooring systems are studied in calm water.Furthermore,the mooring-induced damping of the truncated mooring systems is simulated in the regular wave.Finally,the platform motion responses and mooring line dynamics are simulated in irregular wave.All these simulations are implemented by employing full time domain coupled dynamic analysis,and the results are compared with those of the full depth simulations in the same cases.The results show that the mooring-induced damping plays a significant role in platform motion responses,and all truncated mooring systems are suitable for model tests with appropriate truncated mooring line diameters.However,a large diameter is needed for simplified truncated mooring lines.The suggestions are given to the selection of truncated mooring system for different situations as well as to the truncated mooring design criteria.  相似文献   

The motion of a moored semi-submersible in regular waves and the wave-induced internal forces in the semi-submersible have been studied both numerically and experimentally. In the numerical formulation, the semi-submersible is modelled as an externally constrained floating body, which is regarded as being composed of several rigidly connected parts. The linearized equations of motion of each part were obtained in a common reference system fixed on the body. A consistent formulation of the wave-induced internal forces between two parts as well as the external constraining forces is presented.Model tests were carried out using a 1:36 scale model of the semi-submersible, Glomar Arctic III. Very good agreement was achieved between the numerical and model-test results in the practical wave-frequency range.  相似文献   

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