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An intimate mathematical relation between Hartley and Hilbert transforms is given here in contrast with the well known Fourier and Hilbert transform relations. It is interesting to note that the Fourier–Hilbert and Hartley–Hilbert transforms while possessing the same magnitude differ in phase by 270°. The inverse Hartley–Hilbert transform returns the original function unlike the Fourier–Hilbert transform which results the negative of the original function. Further, it may be realized that the envelope defined here of the analytic signal in both Fourier–Hilbert and Hartley–Hilbert domains numerically remain the same while differing in polarity. The feasibility of Hartley–Hilbert transform for a straight forward interpretation, total magnetic anomaly due to a thin plate from Tejpur, India and self potential data of the Sulleymonkey anomaly in the Ergani Copper district, Turkey are illustrated in contrast with the Fourier–Hilbert transform. This pair of transforms have innumerable geophysical applications.  相似文献   

The strong earthquake (M = 7) that occurred in the Fucino basin (central Italy) on January 13, 1915 was followed by six earthquakes of M > 5.5 and several other shocks of M > 5 in the major seismic zones of the northern Apennines from 1916 to 1920. This seismicity pattern is consistent with the implications of the present tectonic setting in the study area, which suggests that strong decoupling earthquakes in the central Apennines cause a significant increase of tectonic load, and possibly of seismicity, in the northern Apennines. A numerical simulation, carried out by an elastic-viscous model, of the stress diffusion induced by the Fucino and successive largest earthquakes, shows that each of the above shocks occurred when the respective zone was reached by the highest values of the strain and strain rate perturbation triggered by the previous events. Furthermore, the computed strain regime at each earthquake site is consistent with the known faulting pattern. The results provide important insights into the physical mechanism that controls the interaction of seismic sources in the central and northern Apennines.  相似文献   

In this study we compared contributions to polar motion excitation determined separately from each of three kinds of geophysical data: atmospheric pressure, equivalent water height estimated from hydrological models, and harmonic coefficients of the Earth gravity field obtained from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Hydrological excitation function (Hydrological Angular Momentum — HAM) has been estimated from models of global hydrology, based on the observed distribution of surfacewater, snow, ice, and soil moisture. In our considerationwe used several global models of land hydrosphere and models ofAtmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM) and Oceanic Angular Momentum (OAM). All of themwere compared with observed Geodetic Angular Momentum (GAM). The spectra of the following excitation functions of polar motion: GAM, AAM+OAM, AAM+OAM+HAM, GAM-AAM-OAM residual geodetic excitation function, and HAM were computed too. The time variable spectra of geodetic, gravimetric, and the sum of atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrological excitation functions are also presented. Phasor diagrams of the seasonal components of polar motion excitation functions of all HAM excitation functions as well as of two GRACE solutions: Center for Space Research (CSR), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales/Groupe de Recherche en Geodesie Spatiale (CNES/GRGS) were determined and discussed.  相似文献   

~~Underplating in the middle-lower Yangtze Valley and model of geodynamic evolution:Constraints from geophysical data1)East China petroleum Administration,1988(unpublished data). 1)Measurements of regional rock densities and magnetic parameters of Anhui Province(research report),Annul Geological and Mineral Bureau,1987(unpublished). 1)In this paper South China Block(SCB)includes the Yangtze block and Cathaysian block.In the Neoproterozoic the Yangtze block had been sutured to th…  相似文献   

Remote sensing can provide multi-spatial resolution, multi-temporal resolution multi-spectral band and multi-angular data for the observation of land surface. At present, one of research focuses is how to make the best of these data to retrieve geophysical parameters in conjunction with their a priori knowledge and simul-taneously consider the influence of data uncertainties on inversion results[1-5]. The essence of remote sensing lies in inversion. It is difficult to precisely retrieve parame…  相似文献   

We present new space geodetic data indicating that the present slip rate on the Hunter Mountain–Panamint Valley fault zone in Eastern California (5.0 ± 0.5 mm/yr) is significantly faster than geologic estimates based on fault total offset and inception time. We interpret this discrepancy as evidence for an accelerating fault and propose a new model for fault initiation and evolution. In this model, fault slip rate initially increases with time; hence geologic estimates averaged over the early stages of the fault's activity will tend to underestimate the present-day rate. The model is based on geologic data (total offset and fault initiation time) and geodetic data (present day slip rate). The model assumes a monotonic increase in slip rate with time as the fault matures and straightens. The rate increase follows a simple Rayleigh cumulative distribution. Integrating the rate-time path from fault inception to present-day gives the total fault offset.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a nonparametric approach to estimating the dependence relationships between circular variables and other circular or linear variables using copulas. The proposed method is based on the use of Bernstein copulas which are a very flexible class of non-parametric copulas which allows for the approximation of any kind of dependence structure, including non symmetric relationships. In particular, we present a simple procedure to adapt Bernstein copulas to the circular framework and guarantee that the constructed bivariate distributions are strictly continuous. We provide two illustrative case studies, the first on the relation between wind direction and quantity of rainfall in the North of Spain and the second on the dependence between the wind directions in two nearby buoys at the Atlantic ocean.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model describing the homogenization of titanomagnetites with magnetite–ulvospinel exsolution structures in the course of thermomagnetic analysis is presented. The implications of the size and shape of the exsolution structures and the initial titanomagnetite composition for the temperature dependence of saturation magnetization during repeated heating is analyzed. It is found that the dimension of the exsolution structures has the strongest effect, whereas the shape and composition only have an effect in the case of the small exsolution structures. A method is suggested for estimating the dimensions of the exsolution structures from the thermomagnetic curve. A close consistency of the results is revealed by comparing the distributions of the dimensions of the exsolution structures estimated by the electron microscopy and by the analysis of the thermomagnetic curve for the same sample.  相似文献   

Quantifying hyporheic solute dynamics has been limited by our ability to assess the magnitude and extent of stream interactions with multiple domains: mobile subsurface storage (MSS, e.g., freely flowing pore water) and immobile subsurface storage (ISS, e.g., poorly connected pore water). Stream-tracer experiments coupled with solute transport modeling are frequently used to characterize lumped MSS and ISS dynamics, but are limited by the ability to sample only “mobile” water and by window of detection issues. Here, we couple simulations of near-surface electrical resistivity (ER) methods with conservative solute transport to directly compare solute transport with ER interpretations, and to determine the ability of ER to predict spatial and temporal trends of solute distribution and transport in stream–hyporheic systems. Results show that temporal moments from both ER and solute transport data are well correlated for locations where advection is not the dominant solute transport process. Mean arrival time and variance are especially well-predicted by ER interpretation, providing the potential to estimate rate-limited mass transport (i.e. diffusive) parameters from these data in a distributed domain, substantially increasing our knowledge of the fate and transport of subsurface solutes.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional problem of cross interaction of adjacent structures through the underlying soil under seismic ground motion is investigated. The story shears and lateral relative displacements (drifts) are the targets of the computations. These are calculated using a detailed modeling of soil, the foundations and the two adjacent structures. An equivalent linear behavior is assumed for the soil by introducing reduced mechanical properties consistent with the level of ground shaking for the free-field soil. Then a distinctive soil zone (the near-field soil) is recognized in the vicinity of the foundations where the peak shear strain under the combined effect of a severe earthquake and the presence of structures is much larger than the strain threshold up to which the soil can be modeled as an equivalent linear medium. It is shown that it is still possible to use an equivalent linear behavior for the near-field soil if its shear modulus is further reduced with a factor depending on the dynamic properties of the adjacent structures, the near-field soil, and the design earthquake. Variations of the dynamic responses of different adjacent structures with their clear distances are also discussed.  相似文献   

The joint use of the magnetovariational (MV) and magnetotelluric (MT) data and the a priori information about the areal distribution of the deep electrical conductivity within the studied area and the integral conductance of the sedimentary cover enabled us to conduct a three-dimensional (3D) inversion of these data and construct the 3D model of the northeastern part of Kamchatka. The results show that within the Shiveluch volcano, north and south of it, there are northwesterly striking conductive faults penetrating up to the mantle which ascends from a depth of 41 to 35 km. The electrical conductivity of these crustal structures which accommodate high seismic and volcanic activity is probably accounted for by fluid saturation.  相似文献   

Localized declines in coral condition are commonly linked to land-based sources of stressors that influence gradients of water quality, and the distance to sources of stressors is commonly used as a proxy for predicting the vulnerability and future status of reef resources. In this study, we evaluated explicitly whether proximity to shore and connections to coastal bays, two measures of potential land-based sources of disturbance, influence coral community and population structure, and the abundance, distribution, and condition of corals within patch reefs of the Florida Reef Tract. In the Florida Keys, long-term monitoring has documented significant differences in water quality along a cross-shelf gradient. Inshore habitats exhibit higher levels of nutrients (DIN and TP), TOC, turbidity, and light attenuation, and these levels decrease with increasing distance from shore and connections to tidal bays. In clear contrast to these patterns of water quality, corals on inshore patch reefs exhibited significantly higher coral cover, higher growth rates, and lower partial mortality rates than those documented in similar offshore habitats. Coral recruitment rates did not differ between inshore and offshore habitats. Corals on patch reefs closest to shore had well-spread population structures numerically dominated by intermediate to large colonies, while offshore populations showed narrower size-distributions that become increasingly positively skewed. Differences in size-structure of coral populations were attributed to faster growth and lower rates of partial mortality at inshore habitats. While the underlying causes for the favorable condition of inshore coral communities are not yet known, we hypothesize that the ability of corals to shift their trophic mode under adverse environmental conditions may be partly responsible for the observed patterns, as shown in other reef systems. This study, based on data collected from a uniform reef habitat type and coral species with diverse life-history and stress-response patterns from a heavily exploited reef system, showed that proximity to potential sources of stressors may not always prove an adequate proxy for assigning potential risks to reef health, and that hypothesized patterns of coral cover, population size-structure, growth, and mortality are not always directly related to water quality gradients.  相似文献   

Baker Creek drains water from subarctic Canadian Shield terrain comprised of a mix of exposed Precambrian bedrock, lakes, open black spruce forest and peat filled depressions. Research in the catchment has focused on hydrological processes at the hillslope and catchment scales. Streamflow is gauged from several diverse sub-catchments ranging in size from 9 to 155 km2. The period of record (2003–2019) of streamflow from these sub-catchments extends from 12 to 17 years, and these data are the focus of this note. Such data are unique in this remote region. 2003–2019 was a period that included both historic wet and dry conditions. Observations during such a diversity of conditions are helping to improve understanding of how stream networks that drain this landscape expand and contract in response to short and long hydroclimatic cycles. These data from a distinctly cold and dry region of low relief, thin soils, exposed bedrock and permafrost are a valuable contribution to the global diversity of research catchment data.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for determining the elastic properties of the shallow crust from inversion of surface wave dispersion characteristics through a fully nonlinear procedure. Using volcanic tremor data recorded by a small-aperture seismic array on Mount Etna, we measured the surface waves dispersion curves with the multiple signal classification technique. The large number of measurements allows the determination of an a priori probability density function without the need of making any assumption about the uncertainties on the observations. Using this information, we successively conducted the inversion of phase velocities using a probabilistic approach. Using a wave-number integration method, we calculated the predicted dispersion function for thousands of 1-D models through a systematic grid search investigation of shear-wave velocities in individual layers. We joined this set of theoretical dispersion curves to the experimental probability density function (PDF), thus obtaining the desired structural model in terms of an a posteriori PDF of model parameters. This process allowed the representation of the objective function, showing the non-uniqueness of the solutions and providing a quantitative view of the uncertainties associated with the estimation of each parameter. We then compared the solution with the surface wave group velocities derived from diffuse noise Green’s functions calculated at pairs of widely spaced (~5–10 km) stations. In their gross features, results from the two different approaches are comparable, and are in turn consistent with the models presented in several earlier studies.  相似文献   

Studying the geologic architecture of the Xiong’an New Area will provide important basis for the evaluation of crustal stability, urban planning and infrastructural projects in this region, and it is also of great significance in exploring the occurrence of oil and gas, geothermal, hot dry rock and other resources. The stratigraphic system of the study area is established by using latest high quality seismic reflection and deep borehole data. Characteristics of the major faults developed in the study area are finely depicted with the method of structural analysis. Tectonic evolution of Xiong’an and adjacent areas is reconstructed by using balanced geological cross-section technique. The tectonic activity of the study area is discussed on the basis of the development of secondary faults and the distribution of active earthquakes across the region. This study demonstrates that Xiong’an New Area is located at the transfer zone of the central and northern Jizhong Depression. There are three regional unconformities developed in this area, by which four structural layers are sub-divided. Controlled by the Taihang Mountain piedmont fault, the Daxing fault, the Rongcheng fault and the Niudong fault, the structural framework of the study area is characterized by intervening highs with sags. This structural pattern has an important controlling over the reservoir characteristics, hydrocarbon accumulation and the distribution of geothermal resources and hot dry rock within this region. Rifting in this area began in the early Paleogene, exhibiting typical episodic character and became inactive in Neogene. The development feature of secondary faults along with the distribution of active earthquakes indicate that Xiong’an New Area has been in a relatively stable tectonic setting since the Neogene, while the Baxian Sag and other structural units to the east of it have obviously been in a rather active environment.  相似文献   


In order to evaluate groundwater quality and geochemical reactions arising from mixing between seawater and dilute groundwater, we performed a hydrochemical investigation of alluvial groundwater in a limestone-rich coastal area of eastern South Korea. Two sites were chosen for comparison: an upstream site and a downstream site. Data of major ion chemistry and ratios of oxygen–hydrogen isotopes (δ18O, δD) revealed different major sources of groundwater salinity: recharge by sea-spray-affected precipitation in the upstream site, and seawater intrusion and diffusion zone fluctuation in the downstream site. The results of geochemical modelling showed that Ca2+ enrichment in the downstream area is caused by calcite dissolution enhanced by the ionic strength increase, as a result of seawater–groundwater mixing under open system conditions with a constant PCO2 value (about 10?1.5 atm). The results show that, for coastal alluvial groundwater residing on limestone, significant hydrochemical change (especially increased hardness) due to calcite dissolution enhanced by seawater mixing should be taken into account for better groundwater management. This process can be effectively evaluated using geochemical modelling.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Y. Guttman

Citation Chae, G.-T., Yun, S.-T., Yun, S.-M., Kim, K.-H., and So, C.-S., 2012. Seawater–freshwater mixing and resulting calcite dissolution: an example from a coastal alluvial aquifer in eastern South Korea. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8),1–12.  相似文献   

Researchonseismicintensityzonationbyuseoftheresponseintensityofhistoricalearth┐quakeswiththecentralpartofShanxiProvinceasanex...  相似文献   

Seismological Observations in Kamchatka were significantly improved due to the installation of new telemetered seismic stations near active volcanoes and the implementation of modern digital technologies for data transmission, acquisition, and processing in 1996–1998. This qualitative leap forward made it possible, not only to create an effective system for monitoring Kamchatka volcanoes and for timely and reliable assessment of the state of these volcanoes, but also to draw conclusions about volcanic hazard. The experience that was gained allowed us to make successful short-term forecasts for eight moderate explosive eruptions on Bezymyannyi Volcano of the ten that have occurred in 2004–2010, successful intermediate-term forecasts of evolving activity on Klyuchevskoi Volcano in three cases, as well as providing a successful forecast of an explosive eruption on Kizimen Volcano.  相似文献   

Long-term trends in the ocean wave climate because of global warming are of major concern to many stakeholders within the maritime industries, and there is a need to take severe sea state conditions into account in design of marine structures and in marine operations. Various stochastic models of significant wave height are reported in the literature, but most are based on point measurements without exploiting the flexible framework of Bayesian hierarchical space–time models. This framework allows modelling of complex dependence structures in space and time and incorporation of physical features and prior knowledge, yet remains intuitive and easily interpreted. This paper presents a Bayesian hierarchical space–time model with a log-transform for significant wave height data for an area in the North Atlantic ocean. The different components of the model will be outlined, and the results from applying the model to data of different temporal resolutions will be discussed. Different model alternatives have been tried and long-term trends in the data have been identified for all model alternatives. Overall, these trends are in reasonable agreement and also agree fairly well with previous studies. The log-transform was included in order to account for observed heteroscedasticity in the data, and results are compared to previous results where a similar model was employed without a log-transform. Furthermore, a discussion of possible extensions to the model, e.g. incorporating regression terms with relevant meteorological data, will be presented.  相似文献   

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