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In this paper, we describe a non‐linear constrained inversion technique for 2D interpretation of high resolution magnetic field data along flight lines using a simple dike model. We first estimate the strike direction of a quasi 2D structure based on the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the pseudogravity gradient tensor derived from gridded, low‐pass filtered magnetic field anomalies, assuming that the magnetization direction is known. Then the measured magnetic field can be transformed into the strike coordinate system and all magnetic dike parameters – horizontal position, depth to the top, dip angle, width and susceptibility contrast – can be estimated by non‐linear least squares inversion of the high resolution magnetic field data along the flight lines. We use the Levenberg‐Marquardt algorithm together with the trust‐region‐reflective method enabling users to define inequality constraints on model parameters such that the estimated parameters are always in a trust region. Assuming that the maximum of the calculated gzz (vertical gradient of the pseudogravity field) is approximately located above the causative body, data points enclosed by a window, along the profile, centred at the maximum of gzz are used in the inversion scheme for estimating the dike parameters. The size of the window is increased until it exceeds a predefined limit. Then the solution corresponding to the minimum data fit error is chosen as the most reliable one. Using synthetic data we study the effect of random noise and interfering sources on the estimated models and we apply our method to a new aeromagnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden including constraints from laboratory measurements on rock samples from the area.  相似文献   

The quantitative explanation of the potential field data of three‐dimensional geological structures remains one of the most challenging issues in modern geophysical inversion. Obtaining a stable solution that can simultaneously resolve complicated geological structures is a critical inverse problem in the geophysics field. I have developed a new method for determining a three‐dimensional petrophysical property distribution, which produces a corresponding potential field anomaly. In contrast with the tradition inverse algorithm, my inversion method proposes a new model norm, which incorporates two important weighting functions. One is the L0 quasi norm (enforcing sparse constraints), and the other is depth‐weighting that counteracts the influence of source depth on the resulting potential field data of the solution. Sparseness constraints are imposed by using the L0 quasinorm on model parameters. To solve the representation problem, an L0 quasinorm minimisation model with different smooth approximations is proposed. Hence, the data space (N) method, which is much smaller than model space (M), combined with the gradient‐projected method, and the model space, combined with the modified Newton method for L0 quasinorm sparse constraints, leads to a computationally efficient method by using an N × N system versus an M × M one because N ? M. Tests on synthetic data and real datasets demonstrate the stability and validity of the L0 quasinorm spare norms inversion method. With the aim of obtaining the blocky results, the inversion method with the L0 quasinorm sparse constraints method performs better than the traditional L2 norm (standard Tikhonov regularisation). It can obtain the focus and sparse results easily. Then, the Bouguer anomaly survey data of the salt dome, offshore Louisiana, is considered as a real case study. The real inversion result shows that the inclusion the L0 quasinorm sparse constraints leads to a simpler and better resolved solution, and the density distribution is obtained in this area to reveal its geological structure. These results confirm the validity of the L0 quasinorm sparse constraints method and indicate its application for other potential field data inversions and the exploration of geological structures.  相似文献   

CO2 saturations are estimated at Sleipner using a two-step imaging workflow. The workflow combines seismic tomography (full-waveform inversion) and rock physics inversion and is applied to a two-dimensional seismic line located near the injection point at Sleipner. We use baseline data (1994 vintage, before CO2 injection) and monitor data that was acquired after 12 years of CO2 injection (2008 vintage). P-wave velocity models are generated using the Full waveform inversion technology and then, we invert selected rock physics parameters using an rock physics inversion methodology. Full waveform inversion provides high-resolution P-wave velocity models both for baseline and monitor data. The physical relations between rock physics properties and acoustic wave velocities in the Utsira unconsolidated sandstone (reservoir formation) are defined using a dynamic rock physics model based on well-known Biot–Gassmann theories. For data prior to injection, rock frame properties (porosity, bulk and shear dry moduli) are estimated using rock physics inversion that allows deriving physically consistent properties with related uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty related to limited input data (only P-wave velocity) is not an issue because the mean values of parameters are correct. These rock frame properties are then used as a priori constraint in the monitor case. For monitor data, the Full waveform inversion results show nicely resolved thin layers of CO2–brine saturated sandstones under intra-reservoir shale layers. The CO2 saturation estimation is carried out by plugging an effective fluid phase in the rock physics model. Calculating the effective fluid bulk modulus of the brine–CO2 mixture (using Brie equation in our study) is shown to be the key factor to link P-wave velocity to CO2 saturation. The inversion tests are done with several values of Brie/patchiness exponent and show that the CO2 saturation estimates are varying between 0.30 and 0.90 depending on the rock physics model and the location in the reservoir. The uncertainty in CO2 saturation estimation is usually lower than 0.20. When the patchiness exponent is considered as unknown, the inversion is less constrained and we end up with values of exponent varying between 5 and 20 and up to 33 in specific reservoir areas. These estimations tend to show that the CO2–brine mixing is between uniform and patchy mixing and variable throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   

A two‐and‐half dimensional model‐based inversion algorithm for the reconstruction of geometry and conductivity of unknown regions using marine controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) data is presented. In the model‐based inversion, the inversion domain is described by the so‐called regional conductivity model and both geometry and material parameters associated with this model are reconstructed in the inversion process. This method has the advantage of using a priori information such as the background conductivity distribution, structural information extracted from seismic and/or gravity measurements, and/or inversion results a priori derived from a pixel‐based inversion method. By incorporating this a priori information, the number of unknown parameters to be retrieved becomes significantly reduced. The inversion method is the regularized Gauss‐Newton minimization scheme. The robustness of the inversion is enhanced by adopting nonlinear constraints and applying a quadratic line search algorithm to the optimization process. We also introduce the adjoint formulation to calculate the Jacobian matrix with respect to the geometrical parameters. The model‐based inversion method is validated by using several numerical examples including the inversion of the Troll field data. These results show that the model‐based inversion method can quantitatively reconstruct the shapes and conductivities of reservoirs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for one‐way and two‐way kinematical parameters in elliptical tilted transverse isotropy media. We show that the homogeneous elliptical tilted transverse isotropy models result in hyperbolic moveout with a reflection point sideslip x0, which can be considered as an additional traveltime parameter for one‐way wave propagation. For homogeneous elliptical tilted transverse isotropy models we show that the inversion of one‐way traveltime parameters suffers from the ambiguity for large tilts. It is shown that the accuracy of the inversion is sensitive to the error in x0. We also derive and invert the traveltime parameters for a vertically heterogeneous elliptical tilted transverse isotropy model with a tilt gradually changing with depth. The a priori knowledge of parameter δ is very important for inversion. The wrong choise of this parameter results in significant errors in inverted model parameters.  相似文献   

The mixed linear model approach was introduced and applied in studying the effects of spatial variation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s ) on the variation of the overland flow. Analysis was carried out with 2,000 rainfall-runoff events, all generated through transformation of real, observed rainfall events and different spatially variable K s fields in a small (12 ha) agricultural catchment. The parameters accounting for the variation in the generation method were the coefficient of variation (cv) and correlation length (L x L y ) of K s both having two levels of values obtained from field measurements of other studies. The analysis showed that the combinations with both parameters having the smaller or bigger value during flow peaks only caused different response in the overland flow. However, the parameters were statistically significant only at the 10% level. Most of the flow variation was explained by the event dynamics. The mixed models were able to model the structure of the data efficiently with less restrictive assumptions than for example the analysis of variance, hence producing more reliable results. The method was able to take into account autocorrelation of the test series, correlation between the factors and unequal variances. The usefulness of the method was supported by the fact that the conclusions drawn by it were confirmed by simple, conventional methods of a previous study, added with statistical criteria and confidence levels for each calculation moment. The findings of the study can be utilized in practise for example when designing the field sampling experiments.  相似文献   

We derive S-wave attenuation characteristics, earthquake source parameters and site amplification functions at seismic stations used for earthquake early warning in the Irpinia–Basilicata region, using non-parametric spectral inversion of seismograms from 49 local events with M L = 1.5–3.1. We obtain relatively low Q values (Q 0 = 28 at a frequency of 1 Hz) in conjunction with a strong frequency-dependence (close to linear). The source spectra can be satisfactorily modeled using the omega-square model, with stress drops ranging between 0.01–2 MPa, and in the narrow magnitude range available for analysis, the source spectra seem to scale self-similarly. The local magnitude M L shows a linear correlation with moment magnitude M W, however with a systematic underestimation by about 0.5-magnitude units. The results obtained in this work provide important insights into the ground-motion characteristics that are required for appropriate seismic hazard assessment and are of practical relevance for a suite of applications, such as the calibration of ground-motion prediction equations or the correction for site amplification in earthquake early warning and rapid calculation of shake-maps for seismic emergency management.  相似文献   

A method is presented to estimate the elastic parameters and thickness of media that are locally laterally homogeneous using P‐wave and vertically polarized shear‐wave (SV‐wave) data. This method is a ‘layer‐stripping’ technique, and it uses many aspects of common focal point (CFP) technology. For each layer, a focusing operator is computed using a model of the elastic parameters with which a CFP gather can be constructed using the seismic data. Assuming local homogeneity, the resulting differential time shifts (DTSs) represent error in the model due to anisotropy and error in thickness. In the (τ?p) domain, DTSs are traveltimes Δτ that connect error in layer thickness z, vertical slowness q, and ray parameter p. Series expansion is used to linearize Δτ with respect to error in the elastic parameters and thickness, and least‐squares inversion is used to update the model. For stability, joint inversion of P and SV data is employed and, as pure SV data are relatively rare, the use of mode‐converted (PSV) data to represent SV in the joint inversion is proposed. Analytic and synthetic examples are used to demonstrate the utility and practicality of this inversion.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the effects of spatial organization of lake chains and associated storage thresholds upon lake-overflow behaviour, and specifically their impact upon large scale flow connectivity and the flood frequency of lake overflows. The analysis was carried out with the use of a multiple bucket model of the lake chain system, consisting of a network of both lakes and associated catchment areas, which explicitly incorporated within it three storage thresholds: a catchment field capacity threshold that governs catchment subsurface stormflow, a total storage capacity threshold that governs catchment surface runoff, and a lake storage capacity threshold that determines lake overflow. The model is driven by rainfall inputs generated by a stochastic rainfall model that is able to capture rainfall variability at a wide range of time scales. The study is used to gain insights into the process controls of lake-overflow generation, and in particular, to explore the crucial role of factors relating to lake organization, such as the average catchment area to lake area (AC/AL) ratio and the distribution of AC/AL with distance in the downstream direction (increasing or decreasing). The study showed that the average AC/AL value was the most important factor determining the frequency of occurrence and magnitude of floods from a landscape consisting of lake chains. The larger the average AC/AL value the more runoff is generated from catchments thus increasing both the occurrence and magnitude of lake overflows. In this case the flood frequency curve reflects that of the catchment area, and lake organization does not play an important role. When AC/AL is small the landscape is lake dominated, the spatial organization of lakes has a significant impact on lake connectivity, and consequently on flood frequency. One of the aspects of lake organization that may have a significant influence on lake connectivity is the spatial distribution of AC/AL from upstream to downstream (increasing or decreasing). In a landscape in which AC/AL increases downstream, lake overflow will occur more frequently relative to a similar landscape (i.e. identical AC/AL) with a constant value of AC/AL. When AC/AL decreases downstream, however, runoff inputs from the upstream parts will trigger lake overflow in the downstream parts, and consequently, full connectivity may be achieved leading to increased flood frequencies.  相似文献   

Simultaneous estimation of velocity gradients and anisotropic parameters from seismic reflection data is one of the main challenges in transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis migration velocity analysis. In migration velocity analysis, we usually construct the objective function using the l2 norm along with a linear conjugate gradient scheme to solve the inversion problem. Nevertheless, for seismic data this inversion scheme is not stable and may not converge in finite time. In order to ensure the uniform convergence of parameter inversion and improve the efficiency of migration velocity analysis, this paper develops a double parameterized regularization model and gives the corresponding algorithms. The model is based on the combination of the l2 norm and the non‐smooth l1 norm. For solving such an inversion problem, the quasi‐Newton method is utilized to make the iterative process stable, which can ensure the positive definiteness of the Hessian matrix. Numerical simulation indicates that this method allows fast convergence to the true model and simultaneously generates inversion results with a higher accuracy. Therefore, our proposed method is very promising for practical migration velocity analysis in anisotropic media.  相似文献   


Two parameters of importance in hydrological droughts viz. the longest duration, LT and the largest severity, ST (in standardized form) over a desired return period, T years, have been analysed for monthly flow sequences of Canadian rivers. An important point in the analysis is that monthly sequences are non-stationary (periodic-stochastic) as against annual flows, which fulfil the conditions of stochastic stationarity. The parameters mean, μ, standard deviation, σ (or coefficient of variation), lag1 serial correlation, ρ, and skewness, γ (which is helpful in identifying the probability distribution function) of annual flow sequences, when used in the analytical relationships, are able to predict expected values of the longest duration, E(LT ) in years and the largest standardized severity, E(ST ). For monthly flow sequences, there are 12 sets of these parameters and thus the issue is how to involve these parameters to derive the estimates of E(LT ) and E(ST ). Moreover, the truncation level (i.e. the monthly mean value) varies from month to month. The analysis in this paper demonstrates that the drought analysis on an annual basis can be extended to monthly droughts simply by standardizing the flows for each month. Thus, the variable truncation levels corresponding to the mean monthly flows were transformed into one unified truncation level equal to zero. The runs of deficits in the standardized sequences are treated as drought episodes and thus the theory of runs forms an essential tool for analysis. Estimates of the above parameters (denoted as μav, σav, ρav, and γav) for use in the analytical relationships were obtained by averaging 12 monthly values for each parameter. The product- and L-moment ratio analyses indicated that the monthly flows in the Canadian rivers fit the gamma probability distribution reasonably well, which resulted in the satisfactory prediction of E(LT ). However, the prediction of E(ST ) tended to be more satisfactory with the assumption of a Markovian normal model and the relationship E(ST ) ≈ E(LT ) was observed to perform better.  相似文献   

Surface wave analysis is usually applied as a 1D tool to estimate VS profiles. Here we evaluate the potential of surface wave analysis for the case of lateral variations. Lateral variations can be characterized by exploiting the data redundancy of the ground roll contained in multifold seismic data. First, an automatic processing procedure is applied that allows stacking dispersion curves obtained from different records and which retrieves experimental uncertainties. This is carried out by sliding a window along a seismic line to obtain an ensemble of dispersion curves associated to a series of spatial coordinates. Then, a laterally constrained inversion algorithm is adopted to handle 2D effects, although a 1D model has been assumed for the forward problem solution. We have conducted different tests on three synthetic data sets to evaluate the effects of the processing parameters and of the constraints on the inversion results. The same procedure, applied to the synthetic data, was then tested on a field case. Both the synthetic and field data show that the proposed approach allows smooth lateral variations to be properly retrieved and that the introduction of lateral constraints improves the final result compared to individual inversions.  相似文献   

We investigate the interactions between the elastic parameters, VP, VS and density, estimated by non-linear inversion of AVA data, and the petrophysical parameters, depth (pressure), porosity, clay content and fluid saturation, of an actual gas-bearing reservoir. In particular, we study how the ambiguous solutions derived from the non-uniqueness of the seismic inversion affect the estimates of relevant rock properties. It results that the physically admissible values of the rock properties greatly reduce the range of possible seismic solutions and this range contains the actual values given by the well. By means of a statistical inversion, we analyse how approximate a priori knowledge of the petrophysical properties and of their relationships with the seismic parameters can be of help in reducing the ambiguity of the inversion solutions and eventually in estimating the petrophysical properties of the specific target reservoir. This statistical inversion allows the determination of the most likely values of the sought rock properties along with their uncertainty ranges. The results show that the porosity is the best-resolved rock property, with its most likely value closely approaching the actual value found by the well, even when we insert somewhat erroneous a priori information. The hydrocarbon saturation is the second best-resolved parameter, but its most likely value does not match the well data. The depth of the target interface is the least-resolved parameter and its most likely value is strongly dependent on a priori information. Although no general conclusions can be drawn from the results of this exercise, we envisage that the proposed AVA–petrophysical inversion and its possible extensions may be of use in reservoir characterization.  相似文献   

Measurement of the electric field data due to an inductive loop source in a controlled source electromagnetic survey is not common, because electric field data, usually involving grounded electrodes, are expensive to acquire and difficult to interpret. With the recently developed capability of versatile three‐dimensional inversion, we revisit the idea of measuring electric field in a large ground loop survey for mineral exploration. The three‐dimensional modelling and inversion approach helps us quantitatively understand the detectability and recoverability of the proposed survey configuration. Our detectability study using forward modelling shows that the relative anomaly (percentage difference) in electric field does not decay with a lower induction number, but the conventional magnetic field data (dB/dt) does. Our recoverability study examines how much and what kind of information can be extracted from electric field data for the reconstruction of a three‐dimensional model. Synthetic inversions show the following observations. (i) Electric field data are good at locating lateral discontinuity, whereas dB/dt has better depth resolution. (ii) Electric field is less sensitive to the background conductivity and, thus, is prone to misinterpretation because of a bad initial model in inversion. We recommend warm‐starting the electric field inversion with an initial model from a separate dB/dt inversion. (iii) Electric field data may be severely contaminated by near‐surface heterogeneity, but an inversion can recover the deep target concealed by the geologic noise. (iv) Even one line of single‐component electric field data can greatly improve the horizontal resolution in a dB/dt inversion. Finally, we investigate a field dataset of both electric field and dB/dt measurements at a uranium deposit. The field example confirms that the electric field and magnetic field data contain independent information that is crucial in the accurate recovery of subsurface conductivity. Our synthetic and field examples demonstrate the benefit of acquiring electric field data along with magnetic field data in an inductive source survey.  相似文献   

Common‐midpoint moveout of converted waves is generally asymmetric with respect to zero offset and cannot be described by the traveltime series t2(x2) conventionally used for pure modes. Here, we present concise parametric expressions for both common‐midpoint (CMP) and common‐conversion‐point (CCP) gathers of PS‐waves for arbitrary anisotropic, horizontally layered media above a plane dipping reflector. This analytic representation can be used to model 3D (multi‐azimuth) CMP gathers without time‐consuming two‐point ray tracing and to compute attributes of PS moveout such as the slope of the traveltime surface at zero offset and the coordinates of the moveout minimum. In addition to providing an efficient tool for forward modelling, our formalism helps to carry out joint inversion of P and PS data for transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media). If the medium above the reflector is laterally homogeneous, P‐wave reflection moveout cannot constrain the depth scale of the model needed for depth migration. Extending our previous results for a single VTI layer, we show that the interval vertical velocities of the P‐ and S‐waves (VP0 and VS0) and the Thomsen parameters ε and δ can be found from surface data alone by combining P‐wave moveout with the traveltimes of the converted PS(PSV)‐wave. If the data are acquired only on the dip line (i.e. in 2D), stable parameter estimation requires including the moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves from both a horizontal and a dipping interface. At the first stage of the velocity‐analysis procedure, we build an initial anisotropic model by applying a layer‐stripping algorithm to CMP moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves. To overcome the distorting influence of conversion‐point dispersal on CMP gathers, the interval VTI parameters are refined by collecting the PS data into CCP gathers and repeating the inversion. For 3D surveys with a sufficiently wide range of source–receiver azimuths, it is possible to estimate all four relevant parameters (VP0, VS0, ε and δ) using reflections from a single mildly dipping interface. In this case, the P‐wave NMO ellipse determined by 3D (azimuthal) velocity analysis is combined with azimuthally dependent traveltimes of the PS‐wave. On the whole, the joint inversion of P and PS data yields a VTI model suitable for depth migration of P‐waves, as well as processing (e.g. transformation to zero offset) of converted waves.  相似文献   

Based on the three component accelerograms, recorded at near-field distance by a temporary seismic network consisting of digital cassette tape recording accelerographs, the focal mechanisms of three aftershocks of the April 18, 1985, Luquan, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake ofM S=6.1, are calculated using seismic moment tensor inversion technique. The phases of direct P, S and converted SP waves in the displacement seismograms, produced by twice integrations of the observed accelerograms, are identified via forward calculation using Green’s functions for homogeneous semi-infinite elastic medium, and used in the inversion. The results of inversion show that a better fit of synthetic to the observed seismograms of direct as well as converted phases can be achieved if appropriate weighting functions are used in solving the over definite linear equations. While these aftershocks are of different magnitudes (M L=4.8, 3.2 and 3.5, respectively) and hypocentral locations, their focal mechanisms are very similar and consistent with that of the main shock. This feature demonstrates the intrinsic correlation between the occurrence of aftershocks and the seismogenic fault of main shock. Our experimentations show that using the near field accelerogram obtained from the digital seismic network with appropriate azimuthal coverage on the focal sphere, with the aid of even simple medium model, not only the shear dislocation source, but also the isotropic part and CLVD (compensated linear vector dipole) can be retrieved by the technique of moment tensor inversion. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 412–419, 1991. This work is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Sciences Foundation and the Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Test Site (WYEPTS), State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

We present a new inversion method to estimate, from prestack seismic data, blocky P‐ and S‐wave velocity and density images and the associated sparse reflectivity levels. The method uses the three‐term Aki and Richards approximation to linearise the seismic inversion problem. To this end, we adopt a weighted mixed l2, 1‐norm that promotes structured forms of sparsity, thus leading to blocky solutions in time. In addition, our algorithm incorporates a covariance or scale matrix to simultaneously constrain P‐ and S‐wave velocities and density. This a priori information is obtained by nearby well‐log data. We also include a term containing a low‐frequency background model. The l2, 1 mixed norm leads to a convex objective function that can be minimised using proximal algorithms. In particular, we use the fast iterative shrinkage‐thresholding algorithm. A key advantage of this algorithm is that it only requires matrix–vector multiplications and no direct matrix inversion. The latter makes our algorithm numerically stable, easy to apply, and economical in terms of computational cost. Tests on synthetic and field data show that the proposed method, contrarily to conventional l2‐ or l1‐norm regularised solutions, is able to provide consistent blocky and/or sparse estimators of P‐ and S‐wave velocities and density from a noisy and limited number of observations.  相似文献   

In the Norwegian North Sea, the Sleipner field produces gas with a high CO2 content. For environmental reasons, since 1996, more than 11 Mt of this carbon dioxide (CO2) have been injected in the Utsira Sand saline aquifer located above the hydrocarbon reservoir. A series of seven 3D seismic surveys were recorded to monitor the CO2 plume evolution. With this case study, time‐lapse seismics have been shown to be successful in mapping the spread of CO2 over the past decade and to ensure the integrity of the overburden. Stratigraphic inversion of seismic data is currently used in the petroleum industry for quantitative reservoir characterization and enhanced oil recovery. Now it may also be used to evaluate the expansion of a CO2 plume in an underground reservoir. The aim of this study is to estimate the P‐wave impedances via a Bayesian model‐based stratigraphic inversion. We have focused our study on the 1994 vintage before CO2 injection and the 2006 vintage carried out after a CO2 injection of 8.4 Mt. In spite of some difficulties due to the lack of time‐lapse well log data on the interest area, the full application of our inversion workflow allowed us to obtain, for the first time to our knowledge, 3D impedance cubes including the Utsira Sand. These results can be used to better characterize the spreading of CO2 in a reservoir. With the post‐stack inversion workflow applied to CO2 storage, we point out the importance of the a priori model and the issue to obtain coherent results between sequential inversions of different seismic vintages. The stacking velocity workflow that yields the migration model and the a priori model, specific to each vintage, can induce a slight inconsistency in the results.  相似文献   

The Pannonian Basin is a deep intra-continental basin that formed as part of the Alpine orogeny. In order to study the nature of the crustal basement we used the long-wavelength magnetic anomalies acquired by the CHAMP satellite. The anomalies were distributed in a spherical shell, some 107,927 data recorded between January 1 and December 31 of 2008. They covered the Pannonian Basin and its vicinity. These anomaly data were interpolated into a spherical grid of 0.5° × 0.5°, at the elevation of 324 km by the Gaussian weight function. The vertical gradient of these total magnetic anomalies was also computed and mapped to the surface of a sphere at 324 km elevation. The former spherical anomaly data at 425 km altitude continued downward to 324 km. To interpret these data at the elevation of 324 km we used an inversion method. A polygonal prism forward model was used for the inversion. The minimum problem was solved numerically by the Simplex and Simulated annealing methods; a L2 norm in the case of Gaussian distribution parameters and a L1 norm was used in the case of Laplace distribution parameters. We interpret that the magnetic anomaly was produced by several sources and the effect of the sable magnetization of the exsolution of hemo-ilmenite minerals in the upper crustal metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The attenuation of seismic waves propagating in reservoirs can be obtained accurately from the data analysis of vertical seismic profile in terms of the quality-factor Q. The common methods usually use the downgoing wavefields in vertical seismic profile data. However, the downgoing wavefields consist of more than 90% energy of the spectrum of the vertical seismic profile data, making it difficult to estimate the viscoacoustic parameters accurately. Thus, a joint viscoacoustic waveform inversion of velocity and quality-factor is proposed based on the multi-objective functions and analysis of the difference between the results inverted from the separated upgoing and downgoing wavefields. A simple separating step is accomplished by the reflectivity method to obtain the individual wavefields in vertical seismic profile data, and then a joint inversion is carried out to make full use of the information of the individual wavefields and improve the convergence of viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion. The sensitivity analysis of the different wavefields to the velocity and quality-factor shows that the upgoing and downgoing wavefields contribute differently to the viscoacoustic parameters. A numerical example validates our method can improve the accuracy of viscoacoustic parameters compared with the direct inversion using full wavefield and the separate inversion using upgoing or downgoing wavefield. The application on real field data indicates our method can recover a reliable viscoacoustic model, which helps reservoir appraisal.  相似文献   

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