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For years, severe rockburst problems at the Lucky Friday mine in northern Idaho have been a persistent safety hazard and an impediment to production. An MP250 based microseismic monitoring system, which uses simple voltage threshold picking of first arrivals, has been used in this mine since 1973 to provide source locations and energy estimates of seismic events. Recently, interest has been expressed in developing a whole waveform microseismic monitoring system for the mine to provide more accurate source locations and information about source characteristics. For this study, we have developed a prototype whole-waveform microseismic monitoring system based on a 80386 computer equipped with a 50 kHz analog-digital convertor board. The software developed includes a data collection program, a data analysis program, and an event detection program. Whole-waveform data collected and analyzed using this system during a three-day test have been employed to investigate sources of error in the hypocenter location process and to develop an automatic phase picker appropriate for microseismic events.Comparison of hypocenter estimates produced by the MP250 system to those produced by the whole-waveform system shows that significant timing errors are common in the MP250 system and that these errors caused a large part of the scatter evident in the daily activity plots produced at the mine. Simulations and analysis of blast data show that analytical control over the solutions is strongly influenced by the array geometry. Within the geophone array, large errors in the velocity model or moderate timing errors may result in small changes in the solution, but outside the array, the solution is very sensitive to small changes in the data.Our whole-waveform detection program picks event onset times and determines event durations by analysis of a segmented envelope function (SEF) derived from the microseismic signal. The detection program has been tested by comparing its arrival time picks to those generated by human analysis of the data set. The program picked 87% of the channels that were picked by hand with a standard error of 0.75 milliseconds. Source locations calculated using times provided by our entire waveform detection program were similar to those calculated using hand-picked arrival times. In particular, they show far less scatter than source locations calculated using arrival times based on simple voltage threshold picking of first arrivals.  相似文献   

3D anisotropic waveform inversion could provide high-resolution velocity models and improved event locations for microseismic surveys. Here we extend our previously developed 2D inversion methodology for microseismic borehole data to 3D transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis. This extension allows us to invert multicomponent data recorded in multiple boreholes and properly account for vertical and lateral heterogeneity. Synthetic examples illustrate the performance of the algorithm for layer-cake and ‘hydraulically fractured’ (i.e. containing anomalies that simulate hydraulic fractures) models. In both cases, waveform inversion is able to reconstruct the areas which are sufficiently illuminated for the employed source-receiver geometry. In addition, we evaluate the sensitivity of the algorithm to errors in the source locations and to band-limited noise in the input displacements. We also present initial inversion results for a microseismic data set acquired during hydraulic fracturing in a shale reservoir.  相似文献   

Comparison of surface and borehole locations of induced seismicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring of induced microseismic events has become an important tool in hydraulic fracture diagnostics and understanding fractured reservoirs in general. We compare microseismic event and their uncertainties using data sets obtained with surface and downhole arrays of receivers. We first model the uncertainties to understand the effect of different acquisition geometries on location accuracy. For a vertical array of receivers in a single monitoring borehole, we find that the largest part of the final location uncertainty is related to estimation of the backazimuth. This is followed by uncertainty in the vertical position and radial distance from the receivers. For surface monitoring, the largest uncertainty lies in the vertical position due to the use of only a single phase (usually P‐wave) in the estimation of the event location. In surface monitoring results, lateral positions are estimated robustly and are not sensitive to the velocity model. In this case study, we compare event location solutions from two catalogues of microseismic events; one from a downhole array and the second from a surface array of 1C geophone. Our results show that origin time can be reliably used to find matching events between the downhole and surface catalogues. The locations of the corresponding events display a systematic shift consistent with a poorly calibrated velocity model for downhole dataset. For this case study, locations derived from surface monitoring have less scatter in both vertical and horizontal directions.  相似文献   

Locating microseismic events using borehole data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constraining microseismic hypocentres in and around hydrocarbon reservoirs and their overburdens is essential for the monitoring of deformation related to hydraulic fracturing, production and injection and the assessment of reservoir security for CO2 and wastewater storage. Microseismic monitoring in hydrocarbon reservoirs can be achieved via a variety of surface and subsurface acquisition geometries. In this study we use data from a single, subsurface, vertical array of sensors. We test an existing technique that uses a 1D velocity model to constrain locations by minimizing differential S‐to‐P arrival times for individual sensors. We show that small errors in either arrival time picks or the velocity model can lead to large errors in depth, especially near velocity model discontinuities where events tend to cluster. To address this issue we develop two methods that use all available arrival times simultaneously in the inversion, thus maximizing the number of potential constraints from to N, where N is the number of phase picks. The first approach minimizes all available arrival time pairs whilst the second approach, the equal distance time (EDT) method defines the hypocentre as the point where the maximum number of arrival time surfaces intersect. We test and compare the new location procedures with locations using differential S‐to‐P times at each individual sensor on a microseismic data set recorded by a vertical array of sensors at the Ekofisk reservoir in the North Sea. Specifically, we test each procedure's sensitivity to perturbations in measured arrival times and the velocity model using Monte Carlo analysis. In general, location uncertainties increase with increasing raypath length. We show that errors in velocity model estimates are the most significant source of uncertainty in source location with these experiments. Our tests show that hypocentres determined by the new procedures are less sensitive to erroneous measurements and velocity model uncertainties thus reducing the potential for misinterpretation of the results.  相似文献   

田宵  汪明军  张雄  张伟  周立 《中国地震》2021,37(2):452-462
微地震事件的空间分布可以用来监测水力压裂过程中裂缝的发育情况.因此,震源定位是微震监测中重要的环节.震源定位依赖准确的速度模型,而震源位置和速度模型的耦合易导致线性迭代的同时反演方法陷入局部极小值.邻近算法作为一种非线性全局优化算法,能够最大程度地避免陷入局部最优解.本文将邻近算法应用于单井监测的微震定位和一维速度模型...  相似文献   

Microseismic monitoring in the oil and gas industry commonly uses migration‐based methods to locate very weak microseismic events. The objective of this study is to compare the most popular migration‐based methods on a synthetic dataset that simulates a strike‐slip source mechanism event with a low signal‐to‐noise ratio recorded by surface receivers (vertical components). The results show the significance of accounting for the known source mechanism in the event detection and location procedures. For detection and location without such a correction, the ability to detect weak events is reduced. We show both numerically and theoretically that neglecting the source mechanism by using only absolute values of the amplitudes reduces noise suppression during stacking and, consequently, limits the possibility to retrieve weak microseismic events. On the other hand, even a simple correction to the data polarization used with otherwise ineffective methods can significantly improve detections and locations. A simple stacking of the data with a polarization correction provided clear event detection and location, but even better results were obtained for those data combined with methods that are based on semblance and cross‐correlation.  相似文献   

The accuracy and precision of microseismic event locations were measured, analyzed, and compared for two types of location systems: anolog and digital. In the first system, relative times of first arrival were estimated from analog signals using automated hardware circuitry; station positions were estimated from mine map coordinates; and event locations were determined using the BLD (Blake, Leighton, and Duvall) direct solution method. In the second system, arrival times were manually measured during interactive displays of digital waveforms; station coordinates were surveyed; and the SW-GBM (Salamon and Wiebols; Godson, Bridges, and McKavanagh) direct basis function was used to solve for locations. Both systems assume constant isotropic seismic velocity of slightly different signals data sets, calibration blast signals with known source site and origin time, and microseismic event signals, were recorded by each location system employing the same array of high-frequency (5 kHz) accelerometers with 150 m maximum dimension. The calibration blast tests indicated a location precision of ±2 m and accuracy of ±10 m for the analog system. Location precision and accuracy for the digital system measured ±1 m and ±8 m, respectively. Numerical experiments were used to assess the contributions of errors in velocity, arrival times, and station positions on the location accuracy and precision for each system. Measured and estimated errors appropriate to each system for microseismic events were simulated in computing source locations for comparison with exact synthetic event locations. Discrepancy vectors between exact locations and locations calculated with known data errors averaged 7.7 and 1.4 m for the analog and digital systems, respectively. These averages are probably more representative of the location precision of microseismic events, since the calibration blast tests produce impulsive seismic arrivals resulting in smaller arrival-time pick errors in the analog system. For both systems, location accuracy is limited by inadequate modeling of the velocity structure. Consequently, when isotropic velocity models are used in the travel-time inversions, the increased effort expended with the digital location system does not, for the particular systems studied, result in increased accuracy.  相似文献   

薛清峰 《中国地震》2021,37(2):285-299
对于非常规油气开发,水力压裂监控的效果取决于对微地震事件的分析、解释.准确的微地震震源位置是关乎施工成败的重要因素.微地震震源位置的准确性与多个参数相关,其不仅依赖于微地震事件的激发时间,同时也依赖于储层介质参数信息,因此进行微地震震源位置、震源时间、储层介质参数的联合反演尤为重要.页岩气储层通常表现出较强的各向异性,...  相似文献   

In downhole microseismic monitoring, accurate event location relies on the accuracy of the velocity model. The model can be estimated along with event locations. Anisotropic models are important to get accurate event locations. Taking anisotropy into account makes it possible to use additional data – two S-wave arrivals generated due to shear-wave splitting. However, anisotropic ray tracing requires iterative procedures for computing group velocities, which may become unstable around caustics. As a result, anisotropic kinematic inversion may become time consuming. In this paper, we explore the idea of using simplified ray tracing to locate events and estimate medium parameters. In the simplified ray-tracing algorithm, the group velocity is assumed to be equal to phase velocity in both magnitude and direction. This assumption makes the ray-tracing algorithm five times faster compared to ray tracing based on exact equations. We present a set of tests showing that given perforation-shot data, one can use inversion based on simplified ray-tracing even for moderate-to-strong anisotropic models. When there are no perforation shots, event-location errors may become too large for moderately anisotropic media.  相似文献   

We develop a methodology to obtain a consistent velocity model from calibration shots or microseismicity observed on a buried array. Using a layered 1D isotropic model derived from checkshots as an initial velocity model, we invert P‐wave arrival times to obtain effective anisotropic parameters with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI). The nonlinear inversion uses iteration between linearized inversion for anisotropic parameters and origin times or depths, which is specific to microseismic monitoring. We apply this technique to multiple microseismic events from several treatments within a buried array. The joint inversion of selected events shows a largely reduced RMS error indicating that we can obtain robust estimates of anisotropic parameters, however we do not show improved source locations. For joint inversion of multiple microseismic events we obtained Thomsen anisotropic parameters ε of 0.15 and δ of 0.05, which are consistent with values observed in active seismic surveys. These values allow us to locate microseismic events from multiple hydraulic fracture treatments separated across thousands of metres with a single velocity model. As a result, we invert the effective anisotropy for the buried array region and are able to provide a more consistent microseismicity mapping for past and future hydraulic fracture stimulations.  相似文献   

Microseismic monitoring is an approach for mapping hydraulic fracturing. Detecting the accurate locations of microseismic events relies on an accurate velocity model. The one‐dimensional layered velocity model is generally obtained by model calibration from inverting perforation data. However, perforation shots may only illuminate the layers between the perforation shots and the recording receivers with limited raypath coverage in a downhole monitoring problem. Some of the microseismic events may occur outside of the depth range of these layers. To derive an accurate velocity model covering all of the microseismic events and locating events at the same time, we apply the cross double‐difference method for the simultaneous inversion of a velocity model and event locations using both perforation shots and microseismic data. The cross double‐difference method could provide accurate locations in both the relative and absolute sense, utilizing cross traveltime differences between P and S phases over different events. At the downhole monitoring scale, the number of cross traveltime differences is sufficiently large to constrain events locations and velocity model as well. In this study, we assume that the layer thickness is known, and velocities of P‐ and S‐wave are inverted. Different simultaneous inversion methods based on the Geiger's, double‐difference, and cross double‐difference algorithms have been compared with the same input data. Synthetic and field data experiments suggest that combining both perforation shots and microseismic data for the simultaneous cross double‐difference inversion of the velocity model and event locations is available for overcoming the trade‐offs in solutions and producing reliable results.  相似文献   

We address the problem of increasing the signal-to-noise ratio during surface microseismic monitoring data processing. Interference from different seismic waves causes misleading results of microseismic event locations. Ground-roll suppression is particularly necessary. The standard noise suppression techniques assume regular and dense acquisition geometries. Many pre-processing noise suppression algorithms are designed for special types of noise or interference. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel general-purpose filtration method. The goal of this method is to amplify only the seismic waves that are excited in the selected target area and suppress all other signals. We construct a linear projector onto a frequency domain data subspace, which corresponds to the seismic emission of the target area. The novel filtration method can be considered an extension of the standard frequency–wavenumber flat wave filtration method for non-flat waves and arbitrary irregular receiver-position geometries. To reduce the effect of the uncertainty of the velocity model, we suggest using additional active shot data (typically the perforation shots), which provide static travel time corrections for the target area. The promising prospects of the proposed method are confirmed by synthetic and semi-synthetic data processing.  相似文献   

微地震事件初至拾取是井下微地震监测数据处理的关键步骤之一.初至误差的存在会使微地震震源定位结果产生较大偏差,进而影响后续的压裂裂缝解释.通常初至拾取过程对所有的微地震事件选择相同的特征函数并采用一致的拾取参数进行统一处理,然而当事件的能量、震源机制、传播路径以及背景噪声等存在明显差异时,所得初至拾取结果差别显著.为了提高微地震事件初至拾取标准一致性,本文提出基于波形相似特征的初至拾取及全局校正方法.该方法首先利用互相关函数对每个事件内的各道记录进行时差校正,得到初始初至信息并形成叠加道,再对所有事件的叠加道进行全局互相关得到事件间初至相对校正量,最终初至结果可以通过各个事件的初始初至信息与其相对校正量相加得到.方法将所有微地震事件初至结果作为一个整体处理,从而能够克服常规方法初至拾取标准一致性差的缺陷.实际资料处理结果表明,相比于常规方法,该方法可以有效提高事件初至拾取和定位结果的一致性.  相似文献   

The paper discusses microseismic monitoring during oil well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing, an emergent technology used for hydraulic fracturing layer control. The passive monitoring is a new widely developing technology of HFL control. The main factor affecting the results of passive seismic monitoring is the event location accuracy. The passive monitoring acquisition system utilizes one three components seismic probe deployed into the observation well. To evaluate the location accuracy of induced events for one observation well we applied traditional kinematic approach based on picking of earthquake P- and S-waves arrivals. The influence of geometric parameters of geophones location in a borehole, their quantity, picking errors of waves arrivals on the accuracy of microearthquakes location is studied.  相似文献   

—?Microseismic monitoring systems are generally installed in areas of induced seismicity caused by human activity. Induced seismicity results from changes in the state of stress which may occur as a result of excavation within the rock mass in mining (i.e., rockbursts), and changes in hydrostatic pressures and rock temperatures (e.g., during fluid injection or extraction) in oil exploitation, dam construction or fluid disposal. Microseismic monitoring systems determine event locations and important source parameters such as attenuation, seismic moment, source radius, static stress drop, peak particle velocity and seismic energy. An essential part of the operation of a microseismic monitoring system is the reliable detection of microseismic events. In the absence of reliable, automated picking techniques, operators rely upon manual picking. This is time-consuming, costly and, in the presence of background noise, very prone to error. The techniques described in this paper not only permit the reliable identification of events in cluttered signal environments they have also enabled the authors to develop reliable automated event picking procedures. This opens the way to use microseismic monitoring as a cost-effective production/operations procedure. It has been the experience of the authors that in certain noisy environments, the seismic monitoring system may trigger on and subsequently acquire substantial quantities of erroneous data, due to the high energy content of the ambient noise. Digital filtering techniques need to be applied on the microseismic data so that the ambient noise is removed and event detection simplified. The monitoring of seismic acoustic emissions is a continuous, real-time process and it is desirable to implement digital filters which can also be designed in the time domain and in real-time such as the Kalman Filter. This paper presents a real-time Kalman Filter which removes the statistically describable background noise from the recorded seismic traces.  相似文献   

Using a set of synthetic P‐ and S‐wave onsets, computed in a 1D medium model from sources that mimic a distribution of microseismic events induced by hydrofrac treatment to a monitoring geophone array(s), we test the possibility to invert back jointly the model and events location. We use the Neighbourhood algorithm for data inversion to account for non‐linear effects of velocity model and grid search for event location. The velocity model used is composed of homogeneous layers, derived from sonic logging. Results for the case of one and two monitoring wells are compared. These results show that the velocity model can be obtained in the case of two monitoring wells, if they have optimal relative position. The use of one monitoring well fails due to the trade‐off between the velocity model and event locations.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the velocity model in microseismic jobs is critical to achieving statistically reliable microseismic event locations. The design of microseismic networks and the limited sources for calibration do not allow for a full tomographic inversion. We propose optimizing a priori velocity models using a few active shots and a non‐linear inversion, suitable to poorly constrained systems. The considered models can be described by several layers with different P‐ and S‐wave velocities. The velocities may be constant or have 3D gradients; the layer interfaces may be simple dipping planes or more complex 3D surfaces. In this process the P‐ and S‐ wave arrival times and polarizations measured on the seismograms constitute the observed data set. They are used to estimate two misfit functions: i) one based on the measurement residuals and ii) one based on the inaccuracy of the source relocation. These two functions are minimized thanks to a simulated annealing scheme, which decreases the risk of converging to a local solution within the velocity model. The case study used to illustrate this methodology highlights the ability of this technique to constrain a velocity model with dipping layers. This was performed by jointly using sixteen perforation shots recorded during a multi‐stage fracturing operation from a single string of 3C‐receivers. This decreased the location inaccuracies and the residuals by a factor of six. In addition, the retrieved layer dip was consistent with the pseudo‐horizontal trajectories of the wells and the background information provided by the customer. Finally, the theoretical position of each calibration shot was contained in the uncertainty domain of the relocation of each shot. In contrast, single‐stage inversions provided different velocity models that were neither consistent between each other nor with the well trajectories. This example showed that it is essential to perform a multi‐stage inversion to derive a better updated velocity model.  相似文献   

Anisotropy Effects on Microseismic Event Location   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seismic anisotropy in sedimentary environments is significant—microseismic waveforms often show strong shear-wave splitting, with differences reaching 40% between horizontally and vertically-polarized shear-wave velocities. Failure to account for this anisotropy is shown to result in large microseismic event location errors. A method is presented here for determining the five elastic parameters of a homogeneous, vertical transverse-isotropic (VTI) model from calibration shot data. The method can also use data from mining-induced seismic events, which are then simultaneously located. This simple model provides a good fit to arrival times from coal-environment data, and results in dramatic shifts in interpreted event locations.  相似文献   

水力压裂对速度场及微地震定位的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水力压裂是页岩气开发过程中的核心增产技术,微地震则广泛用于压裂分析、水驱前缘监测和储层描述.微地震反演过程中,用于反演的速度模型往往基于测井、地震或标定炮资料构建,忽略了压裂过程中裂缝及孔隙流体压力变化对地层速度的影响.本文首先基于物质守恒、渗流理论和断裂力学模拟三维水力压裂过程,得到地下裂缝发育特征和孔隙压力分布.继而根据Coates-Schoenberg方法和裂缝柔量参数计算裂缝和孔隙压力对速度场的影响,得到压裂过程中的实时速度模型.最后利用三维射线追踪方法正演微地震走时和方位信息,并采用常规微地震定位方法反演震源位置及进行误差分析.数值模拟结果表明,检波器空间分布影响定位精度,常规方法的定位误差随射线路径在压裂带中传播距离增加而变大,且不同压裂阶段的多点反演法与单点极化法精度相当.  相似文献   

三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于地面微地震监测台站布设在地表,会受到地表起伏、低降速带厚度和速度变化的影响,降低了微地震事件的识别准确度和定位精度,限制了地面微地震监测技术在复杂地表地区的应用.因此,将三维地震勘探技术的思路引入到地面微地震监测中,提出了三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法,将油气勘探和开发技术更加紧密地结合在一起.根据三维地震数据和低降速带测量数据,通过约束层析反演方法建立精确的近地表速度模型,将地面微地震台站从起伏地表校正到高速层中的平滑基准面上,有效消除复杂近地表的影响.其次,根据射孔数据和声波测井速度信息,通过非线性反演方法建立最优速度模型,由于已经消除复杂近地表的影响,在进行速度模型优化时不需要考虑近地表的影响,因而建立的速度模型更加准确.最后,在精确速度模型的基础上,通过互相关方法求取剩余静校正量,进一步消除了复杂近地表和速度模型近似误差的影响.三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法采用逐步校正的思路,能够有效消除复杂近地表的影响,提高微地震数据的品质和速度模型的精确度,保证了微地震事件的定位精度,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

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