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We develop a two‐dimensional full waveform inversion approach for the simultaneous determination of S‐wave velocity and density models from SH ‐ and Love‐wave data. We illustrate the advantages of the SH/Love full waveform inversion with a simple synthetic example and demonstrate the method's applicability to a near‐surface dataset, recorded in the village ?achtice in Northwestern Slovakia. Goal of the survey was to map remains of historical building foundations in a highly heterogeneous subsurface. The seismic survey comprises two parallel SH‐profiles with maximum offsets of 24 m and covers a frequency range from 5 Hz to 80 Hz with high signal‐to‐noise ratio well suited for full waveform inversion. Using the Wiechert–Herglotz method, we determined a one‐dimensional gradient velocity model as a starting model for full waveform inversion. The two‐dimensional waveform inversion approach uses the global correlation norm as objective function in combination with a sequential inversion of low‐pass filtered field data. This mitigates the non‐linearity of the multi‐parameter inverse problem. Test computations show that the influence of visco‐elastic effects on the waveform inversion result is rather small. Further tests using a mono‐parameter shear modulus inversion reveal that the inversion of the density model has no significant impact on the final data fit. The final full waveform inversion S‐wave velocity and density models show a prominent low‐velocity weathering layer. Below this layer, the subsurface is highly heterogeneous. Minimum anomaly sizes correspond to approximately half of the dominant Love‐wavelength. The results demonstrate the ability of two‐dimensional SH waveform inversion to image shallow small‐scale soil structure. However, they do not show any evidence of foundation walls. 相似文献
采用弹性波全波形反演方法精确重建深部金属矿多参数模型,建模过程采用基于地震照明的反演策略.首先给出基于照明理论的观测系统可视性定义,利用可视性分析构建新的目标函数,对反演目标可视性较高的炮检对接收到的地震记录在波场匹配时占有更高的权重,确保了参与反演计算中的地震数据的有效性;其次将给定观测系统对地下介质的弹性波场照明强度作为优化因子,根据地震波在波阻抗界面处的能量分配特点,自适应补偿波场能量分布和优化速度梯度,以提高弹性波全波形反演过程的稳定性和反演结果的精度.理论模型和金属矿模型反演试验结果表明,基于可视性分析和能量补偿的反演策略可以使弹性波全波形反演更快地收敛到目标函数的全局极小值,获得适用于金属矿高分辨率地震偏移成像的多参数模型. 相似文献
多参数全波形反演中各参数之间的相互耦合增加了反演的非线性程度.通过分析各参数之间的相互影响,提出合理的多参数反演策略是解决该问题的有效途径.本文从变密度声波方程出发,首先研究了密度在速度反演中的重要作用,然后分析了速度对密度反演的影响程度,进而提出了一种有利于速度、密度分步联合反演的策略.第一步,利用给定的初始模型对速度、密度进行同时反演,得到比较可靠的速度反演结果;第二步,利用第一步反演得到的速度和给定的初始密度作为初始模型,继续进行双参数同时反演,这样可以同时得到比较可靠的速度、密度反演结果.为了进一步提高反演精度,将第二步反演得到的速度、密度作为初始模型,再进行下一轮双参数联合反演.二维理论模型实验结果充分说明了本文提出的这种反演策略的有效性. 相似文献
全波形反演是一种高精度的地震成像方法,可以对地下介质物性参数模型进行准确的重构。然而在实际应用中,尤其是在三维复杂介质反演中,计算成本太大是该方法的一个重要缺陷。将混叠震源技术引入到频率域全波形反演中可以大幅度地降低计算成本,提高反演效率。但是使用震源编码技术也带来了两个问题:一方面,参与编码的各个震源之间会产生"串扰噪声",导致反演结果中出现假象;另一方面,基于震源编码的频率域全波形反演方法周围噪声较为敏感,使该方法对含噪数据反演质量较差。本文引入一种频率组编码方法来压制"串扰噪声",并基于震源编码技术提出一种频率域自适应全波形反演方法,通过一个与频率相关的自适应选择机制,将常规频率域全波形反演方法和基于震源编码的全波形反演方法联合起来,在保证反演质量的同时也最大程度地提高了反演效率。 相似文献
低频成分缺失和地下速度强烈变化会导致严重的周期跳现象,是地震数据全波形反演的难题.通过对地震数据加时间阻尼和时间积分降主频处理,提出了一种可有效去除周期跳现象的多主频波场时间阻尼全波形反演方法.由浅到深的速度不准确会造成波形走时失配和走时失配的累积.浅部速度的准确反演可有效地减小深部波形走时失配与周期跳现象.对地震数据施加时间阻尼得到时间阻尼数据,利用不同阻尼值的时间阻尼地震数据实现由浅到深的全波形反演.低主频波场的周期跳现象相对高主频波场的要弱.对地震波场进行不同阶的时间积分以得到不同主频的波场,把低主频波场的全波形反演结果作为高主频波场全波形反演的初始模型.应用缺失4 Hz以下频谱成分的二维盐丘模型合成数据验证所提出的全波形反演方法的正确性和有效性,数值试验结果显示多主频波场的时间阻尼全波形反演方法对缺失低频成分地震数据和地下速度强烈变化具有很好的适应性. 相似文献
全波形反演是一种建立高精度速度模型的有力工具,是偏移模式和层析模式的联合.然而,当初始模型较差、数据缺失低频成分和大偏移距数据缺失时,常规波形反演的层析成分更新较弱.因此,反演过程以偏移模式为主,容易导致反演快速陷入局部极小值.本文发展了基于波数域梯度场分解的多尺度波形反演方法(WGDFWI),从梯度场中分离出层析成分,在反演的初期主要依赖层析分量更新背景速度场,为常规全波形反演建立良好的初始模型.首先,基于一种高效的隐式波场分离方法,将梯度场分解为层析成分和偏移成分.然后在层析梯度上应用二维波数域滤波器,以缓解偏移成分泄露的问题,并利用多尺度反演策略,增强反演的稳定性.利用双层模型和Marmousi模型进行试算的结果表明,该方法可以有效重构背景速度模型,为常规波形反演提供良好的初始模型,有效提高反演精度. 相似文献
To simulate the seismic signals that are obtained in a marine environment, a coupled system of both acoustic and elastic wave equations is solved. The acoustic wave equation for the fluid region simulates the pressure field while minimizing the number of degrees of freedom of the impedance matrix, and the elastic wave equation for the solid region simulates several elastic events, such as shear waves and surface waves. Moreover, by combining this coupled approach with the waveform inversion technique, the elastic properties of the earth can be inverted using the pressure data obtained from the acoustic region. However, in contrast to the pure acoustic and elastic cases, the complex impedance matrix for the coupled media does not have a symmetric form because of the boundary (continuity) condition at the interface between the acoustic and elastic elements. In this study, we propose a manipulation scheme that makes the complex impedance matrix for acoustic–elastic coupled media to take a symmetric form. Using the proposed symmetric matrix, forward and backward wavefields are identical to those generated by the conventional approach; thus, we do not lose any accuracy in the waveform inversion results. However, to solve the modified symmetric matrix, LDLT factorization is used instead of LU factorization for a matrix of the same size; this method can mitigate issues related to severe memory insufficiency and long computation times, particularly for large‐scale problems. 相似文献
频率域全波形反演虽然克服了时间方向上的局部极小值问题,但是地下介质的复杂性使其在空间域仍然存在局部极小值缺陷。在优化梯度法基础上,本文采用预条件双共轭梯度稳定算法和多重网格方法计算反演中的波场传播和目标函数的梯度,在保证计算速度的同时,减小计算机内存的消耗。频率域波形反演和多重网格的多尺度性质有效改善问题极小值缺陷,加快反演的收敛速度。以局部非均匀的三孔模型和Marmousi模型的数值模拟结果验证了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
Borehole seismic addresses the need for high‐resolution images and elastic parameters of the subsurface. Full‐waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data is a promising technology with the potential to recover quantitative information about elastic properties of the medium. Full‐waveform inversion has the capability to process the entire wavefield and to address the wave propagation effects contained in the borehole data—multi‐component measurements; anisotropic effects; compressional and shear waves; and transmitted, converted, and reflected waves and multiples. Full‐waveform inversion, therefore, has the potential to provide a more accurate result compared with conventional processing methods. We present a feasibility study with results of the application of high‐frequency (up to 60 Hz) anisotropic elastic full‐waveform inversion to a walkaway vertical seismic profile data from the Arabian Gulf. Full‐waveform inversion has reproduced the majority of the wave events and recovered a geologically plausible layered model with physically meaningful values of the medium. 相似文献
Sufficient low‐frequency information is essential for full‐waveform inversion to get the global optimal solution. Multi‐scale envelope inversion was proposed using a new Fréchet derivative to invert the long‐wavelength component of the model by directly using the low‐frequency components contained in an envelope of seismic data. Although the new method can recover the main structure of the model, the inversion quality of the model bottom still needs to be improved. Reflection waveform inversion reduces the dependence of inversion on low‐frequency and long‐offset data by using travel‐time information in reflected waves. However, when the underground medium contains strong contrast or the initial model is far away from the true model, it is hard to get reliable reference reflectors for the generation of reflected waves. Here, we propose a combination inversion algorithm, i.e., reflection multi‐scale envelope inversion, to overcome the limitations of multi‐scale envelope inversion and reflection waveform inversion. First, wavefield decomposition was introduced into the multi‐scale envelope inversion to improve the inversion quality of the long‐wavelength components of the model. Then, after the initial model had been established to be accurate enough, migration and de‐migration were introduced to achieve multi‐scale reflection waveform inversion. The numerical results of the salt‐layer model and the SEG/EAGE salt model verified the validity of the proposed approach and its potential. 相似文献
Elastic waves, such as Rayleigh and mode‐converted waves, together with amplitude versus offset variations, serve as noise in full waveform inversion using the acoustic approximation. Heavy preprocessing must be applied to remove elastic effects to invert land or marine data using the acoustic inversion method in the time or frequency domains. Full waveform inversion using the elastic wave equation should be one alternative; however, multi‐parameter inversion is expensive and sensitive to the starting velocity model. We implement full acoustic waveform inversion of synthetic land and marine data in the Laplace domain with minimum preprocessing (i.e., muting) to remove elastic effects. The damping in the Laplace transform can be thought of as an automatic time windowing. Numerical examples show that Laplace‐domain acoustic inversion can yield correct smooth velocity models even with the noise originating from elastic waves. This offers the opportunity to develop an accurate smooth starting model for subsequent inversion in the frequency domain. 相似文献
In full waveform inversion (FWI), Hessian information of the misfit function is of vital importance for accelerating the convergence of the inversion; however, it usually is not feasible to directly calculate the Hessian matrix and its inverse. Although the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) or Hessian-free inexact Newton (HFN) methods are able to use approximate Hessian information, the information they collect is limited. The two methods can be interlaced because they are able to provide Hessian information for each other; however, the performance of the hybrid iterative method is dependent on the effective switch between the two methods. We have designed a new scheme to realize the dynamic switch between the two methods based on the decrease ratio (DR) of the misfit function (objective function), and we propose a modified hybrid iterative optimization method. In the new scheme, we compare the DR of the two methods for a given computational cost, and choose the method with a faster DR. Using these steps, the modified method always implements the most efficient method. The results of Marmousi and over thrust model testings indicate that the convergence with our modified method is significantly faster than that in the L-BFGS method with no loss of inversion quality. Moreover, our modified outperforms the enriched method by a little speedup of the convergence. It also exhibits better efficiency than the HFN method. 相似文献
多震源编码技术可以提高全波形反演的计算效率,但同时会引入串扰噪声使反演结果质量降低. 全变分约束可以有效地压制层内噪声并突出模型界面,其与多震源技术的结合,能在大大提高弹性波全波形反演效率的同时提高反演质量. 本文提出了一种高效的动态多震源全波形反演策略,可以在离散串扰噪声的同时保证照明的均匀性. 根据残留串扰噪声的分布特征,构建了与之匹配的基于各向异性全变分约束的弹性波全波形反演方法. 为了减少周期跳跃效应,将基于稀疏约束的低频重构算法应用于弹性波地震记录,给出了利用快速梯度投影算法求解各向异性全变分约束的全波形反演流程. 模型数据测试结果表明本文的方法不仅能有效地抑制多震源方法导致的串扰噪声,同时也能降低观测数据中的噪声对反演结果的影响. 相似文献
全波形反演利用地震记录中的振幅、走时和相位等信息,通过拟合实际地震记录和计算波场来定量提取地下介质的弹性参数,进而为勘探地震成像、速度建模以及大尺度构造演化分析等提供可靠依据.但全波形反演计算量巨大,特别是应用于三维大区块叠前数据时,生产成本仍然很高.本文介绍并比较了时间域和频率域的全波形反演方法,综合两者的优点,最终采用混合域的反演算法,并且在此基础上做了进一步的简化以提高计算效率.针对全波形反演方法应用于大规模叠前数据时易陷入局部极小值的问题,我们提出对模型数据进行分割,同时在数个小模型内进行梯度搜索,然后对比各个局域的梯度,最终找出合适的全局下降方向,以克服局部极小的隐患.该方法能够充分利用GPU的硬件特性.在GPU环境下实现本文所提出的简化混合域全波形反演算法.数值计算实例体现出新方法具有良好的计算效率、反演精度和算法可扩展性. 相似文献
本文提出非稳态相位校正时频域目标函数,通过缩小观测数据与模拟数据在波形相位上的差异来缓解全波形反演过程中对应波形匹配错位的问题(周波跳跃).同时引入自适应相位校正因子,可以根据观测数据与模拟数据的差异来调整相位校正量的大小.在构建非稳态相位校正时频域全波形反演目标函数的基础上,利用链式法则详细推导了对应的伴随震源,并从理论上证明了该方法的可行性与优越性.数值测试过程中结合了低通滤波多尺度反演策略,进一步缓解全波形反演过程中的强非线性问题.缺失低频分量测试结果表明,利用自适应非稳态相位校正时频域多尺度全波形反演方法结合常规全波形反演方法在缺失7 Hz以下低频分量的地震数据中仍然能够得到高精度的反演结果.震源不准确测试结果表明,即使震源子波相位差异较大,利用非稳态相位校正方法仍然能够一定程度上缓解周波跳跃现象.测试结果综合证明了本文提出的方法在构建初始速度建模,缓解周波跳跃等方面具有一定的优势. 相似文献
We have previously applied three‐dimensional acoustic, anisotropic, full‐waveform inversion to a shallow‐water, wide‐angle, ocean‐bottom‐cable dataset to obtain a high‐resolution velocity model. This velocity model produced an improved match between synthetic and field data, better flattening of common‐image gathers, a closer fit to well logs, and an improvement in the pre‐stack depth‐migrated image. Nevertheless, close examination reveals that there is a systematic mismatch between the observed and predicted data from this full‐waveform inversion model, with the predicted data being consistently delayed in time. We demonstrate that this mismatch cannot be produced by systematic errors in the starting model, by errors in the assumed source wavelet, by incomplete convergence, or by the use of an insufficiently fine finite‐difference mesh. Throughout these tests, the mismatch is remarkably robust with the significant exception that we do not see an analogous mismatch when inverting synthetic acoustic data. We suspect therefore that the mismatch arises because of inadequacies in the physics that are used during inversion. For ocean‐bottom‐cable data in shallow water at low frequency, apparent observed arrival times, in wide‐angle turning‐ray data, result from the characteristics of the detailed interference pattern between primary refractions, surface ghosts, and a large suite of wide‐angle multiple reflected and/or multiple refracted arrivals. In these circumstances, the dynamics of individual arrivals can strongly influence the apparent arrival times of the resultant compound waveforms. In acoustic full‐waveform inversion, we do not normally know the density of the seabed, and we do not properly account for finite shear velocity, finite attenuation, and fine‐scale anisotropy variation, all of which can influence the relative amplitudes of different interfering arrivals, which in their turn influence the apparent kinematics. Here, we demonstrate that the introduction of a non‐physical offset‐variable water density during acoustic full‐waveform inversion of this ocean‐bottom‐cable field dataset can compensate efficiently and heuristically for these inaccuracies. This approach improves the travel‐time match and consequently increases both the accuracy and resolution of the final velocity model that is obtained using purely acoustic full‐waveform inversion at minimal additional cost. 相似文献
Optimized experimental design aims at reducing the cost of a seismic survey by identifying the optimal locations and amounts of sources and receivers. While the acquisition design in the context of seismic imaging applies criteria like fold, offset and spatial sampling, different attributes such as the sensitivity kernels are more relevant for seismic full waveform inversion. An ideal measure to quantify the goodness of an acquisition design relies on the eigenvalue spectrum of the approximate Hessian matrix, but this technique is computationally too expensive for practical use. A more affordable goodness measure has been proposed in the past, but we demonstrate that this measure is inappropriate for target‐oriented optimized experimental design. To address those issues, we derived a sequential receiver‐based procedure using a goodness measure based on the determinant of the approximate Hessian matrix. We show with numerical tests that it efficiently provides an optimized design for target‐oriented as well as for extensive full waveform inversion. This design allows a better reconstruction of the subsurface than an evenly spaced acquisition geometry. Furthermore, the optimization algorithm itself can easily be parallelized, therefore making it attractive for applications to large‐scale three‐dimensional surveys. In addition, our algorithm is able to incorporate variable costs, representing any kind of acquisition‐related costs, for every individual source location. The combined optimization with respect to the information content of sources and to the true cost will allow a more comprehensive and realistic survey planning and has a high potential for further applications. 相似文献
岩性油气藏在我国天然气勘探开发中占有非常重要的位置,其分布区域的成像是合理布设井位,提高钻井成功率的关键之一.本文首先基于地下介质的声学近似和波场回传理论,利用频率域单程声波方程延拓计算地震波场,进行全波形反演,获得地层密度和体积模量的定量成像,并依据油气藏物性特征和流体饱和多孔介质岩石物理模型,简要讨论了孔隙度和饱和度与密度及体积模量的关系,明确了地震油气藏成像新概念.在此基础上,定义了基于流体体积模量和孔隙度的成像函数,进行油气藏成像.理论模型计算表明该方法是可行的.通过对西部地区某气田二维地震数据处理,实现了致密砂岩气藏成像,钻井结果证实了气藏区域成像位置的准确性和方法的有效性. 相似文献
速度、密度之间的相互耦合使得密度在多参数全波形反演中较难获得.本文将截断高斯-牛顿法用于声介质速度、密度双参数全波形反演,通过考虑近似Hessian矩阵中反映速度、密度相互作用的非主对角块元素,有效解决了多参数全波形反演中速度、密度之间的耦合问题,在不采用反演策略的情况下,仍能够获得精度较高的速度、密度反演结果.常规的截断牛顿类全波形反演通常利用一阶伴随状态法求取目标函数对模型参数的梯度,利用二阶伴随状态法或有限差分法求解Hessian-向量乘,在每一步内循环迭代过程中需要额外求解两次正演问题,计算量较大.本文基于Born近似,将梯度计算中的核函数-向量乘表示为具有明确物理意义的向量-标量乘的累加运算,同时将Hessian-向量乘转化为两次核函数-向量乘,无需额外求解正演问题,有效降低了计算量.数值实验证明了本文提出的方法的有效性. 相似文献
海洋勘探环境可以抽象为下伏固体与上覆流体相互耦合的介质,本文针对流-固边界耦合介质提出了一种高效、稳定的多参数(速度和密度)全波形反演方法.本文采用弹性波一阶位移-应力方程作为过渡层耦合声波压力方程与弹性波位移方程来模拟耦合环境,相比于传统的交错网格建模方法或者构建连续性条件,本文提出的方法在正演精度和稳定性上凸显出很大优势,极大降低了计算内存.反演策略对多参数全波形反演至关重要,由于不同参数之间的相互耦合使得密度在多参数全波形反演中较难获得,因此本文将非均匀流-固边界耦合介质多参数全波形反演分为两个步骤完成:第一步利用变密度声波方程结合推导出的密度梯度算子进行纵波速度和密度的双参数反演;第二步根据链式法则求取横波速度的梯度,结合第一步的反演结果使用流-固边界耦合方程反演横波速度.最后通过与声波动方程数值模拟结果对比证明正演算法的准确性;上覆流体的Marmousi-2模型的数值试验测试说明反演方法的有效性和适应性. 相似文献