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张学强  鄢泰宁 《探矿工程》2008,35(11):34-36
旋流除砂技术是利用离心力从泥浆中分离固相成分的技术,可广泛应用在地质钻探、有色、冶金工业及石油天然气工业领域。研制开发的自动旋流除砂器弥补了传统除砂器固相成分分离效果不佳、排砂口易堵的缺陷,显著提高泥浆或矿浆的净化质量与除砂效率,且能自动排堵,降低了除砂工作的时间消耗和成本。  相似文献   

从分析单粒岩屑受力情况出发,研究了旋流除砂器的工作机理,指出了其中心部位出现的涡旋气柱将对泥浆净化效果产生显著影响。提出了可手动或自动调节结构参数的旋流除砂器改进设计,通过关于临界粒度、最小泥浆损耗量和预防排砂口堵塞的实验,验证了新型除砂器的净化效果非常了,尤其在西部缺水地区具有推广价值。  相似文献   

我队施工的矿区,第四系复盖层厚,泥浆砂侵严重,钻进砂层时,泥浆含砂量高达7%以上,严重破坏泥浆性能,必须采取机械除砂方法,来控制泥浆比重和含砂量。我队原自行加工的除砂器因结构不合理,除砂效果差,不能满足生产需要。为了选择较合  相似文献   

在分析了岩心钻探所用泥浆中的固相及固相含量过高对岩心钻探诸多方面的不利影响的基础上,对比了降低固相含量的各种方法。介绍了自行研制的XZ系列泥浆净化除砂器的组成、结构参数以及使用情况,并对该泥浆净化器在岩心钻探中的合理使用提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

无锡探矿机械总厂研制的GXY1型立轴式轻便工程钻机,开孔直径150mm,终孔直径75mm,钻进深度可达150m。该机具有油压给进机构,采用球卡式夹持结构,可实现不停车倒杆。立轴最大给进压力20kN,最大起拔力25kN,最大扭矩1.2kNm,适合于温州...  相似文献   

韩冰  曹品鲁  陈晨 《江苏地质》2006,30(1):58-60
热熔钻进是一种新式钻进技术。自从20世纪60年代,美国Los A lamos国家实验室(LANL)开始研究热熔器钻具以来,对热熔器的结构及材料的选择一直没有完全定位。我国在这方面的研究进行的比较晚,在试验结果研究的基础之上以直径80mm热熔器为例对其内部加热电阻进行了改进设计。  相似文献   

针对传统的单动双管取心器存在的内外管同心度差、轴承容易损坏、没有滤浆沉砂装置、双管间隙容易堵塞、取心效率低等问题,研制出DJ型单动双管取心器。该取心器主要由滤浆沉砂装置、密封单动装置、内管(半合管)调节组件和卡心装置组成,具有同心度高、密封性好、滤液及水路设计合理、取心管长度大、可减少钻进回次、提高取心效率等特点。现场应用表明:该取心器取心效果好,使用寿命是传统取心器的2倍以上。  相似文献   

张力群 《探矿工程》2003,30(3):33-34
介绍了为提高土样的质量,针对不同的土层选择合理技术参数的取土器及其管靴刃口形式的局部改进。  相似文献   

随着我国能源勘探及地球深部钻探的发展,钻探深度不断增加,钻探遇到的岩层复杂程度越来越大.而直接影响金刚石钻探效率的扩孔器的作用往往不被人们重视,致使新钻头下孔时需要扫孔,而且钻头寿命越长扫孔越长,严重影响钻进效率并容易发生事故.我所研制的高效扩孔器,将扩孔器与钻头连接端胎体设计成斜面,斜面上均布天然金刚石和大颗粒人造金...  相似文献   

The initialization scheme designed to improve the representation of a tropical cyclone in the initial condition is tested during Orissa super cyclone (1999) over Bay of Bengal using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University — National Center for Atmospheric Research (Penn State — NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). A series of numerical experiments are conducted to generate initial vortices by assimilating the bogus wind information into MM5. Wind speed and location of the tropical cyclone obtained from best track data are used to define maximum wind speed, and centre of the storm respectively, in the initial vortex. The initialization scheme produced an initial vortex that was well adapted to the forecast model and was much more realistic in size and intensity than the storm structure obtained from the NCEP analysis. Using this scheme, the 24-h, 48-h, and 72-h forecast errors for this case was 63, 58, and 46 km, respectively, compared with 120, 335, and 550 km for the non-vortex initialized case starting from the NCEP global analysis. When bogus vortices are introduced into initial conditions, the significant improvements in the storm intensity predictions are also seen. The impact of the vortex size on the structure of the initial vortex is also evaluated. We found that when the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of the specified vortex is smaller than that of which can be resolved by the model, the specified vortex is not well adapted by the model. In contrast, when the vortex is sufficiently large for it to be resolved on horizontal grid, but not so large to be unrealistic, more accurate storm structure is obtained.  相似文献   

Sensitivity experiments are conducted for three cases of cyclones for investigating the impact of different vortex initialization schemes on the structure and track prediction of the cyclone using India Meteorological Department’s Limited Area Model. The surface wind and pressure profiles generated using Holland and Rankine initialization schemes differ from each other. These different generated profiles are compared with the actual data and the root mean square error (RMSE) was calculated between them. In case of the Holland vortex, ‘b’ is found to be equal to 1.5 and 2.0 respectively for two cases of very severe cyclonic storms in the Arabian Sea, namely 6–10 June 1998 and 16–20 May 1999 and 2.25 for the severe cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal. The ‘α’ parameter in Rankine’s scheme was found to be 0.5 for two cases and 0.4 for the third system. This shows that cyclones differ even if they attain the same intensity. The values of these parameters i.e. ‘b’ and ‘α’ are used for generating the synthetic wind data for individual cyclones and the same is used in the data assimilation system. The analysis and forecast generated for the above cases using the Holland scheme show that the simulated structure has characteristics closer to the actual storm; however, the Rankine scheme shows a weaker circulation. The mean track error for three cases in the Holland scheme is 93, 149, 257 and 307 km in 12-, 24-, 36- and 48-h forecast. The mean track errors for the Rankine scheme are 152, 274, 345 and 327 km, respectively, for the same period.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of the parameterization of convection, planetary boundary layer (PBL) and explicit moisture processes on tropical cyclone intensification. A high-resolution mesoscale model, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) model MM5, with two interactive nested domains at resolutions 90 km and 30 km was used to simulate the Orissa Super cyclone, the most intense Indian cyclone of the past century. The initial fields and time-varying boundary variables and sea surface temperatures were taken from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (FNL) one-degree data set. Three categories of sensitivity experiments were conducted to examine the various schemes of PBL, convection and explicit moisture processes. The results show that the PBL processes play crucial roles in determining the intensity of the cyclone and that the scheme of Mellor-Yamada (MY) produces the strongest cyclone. The combination of the parameterization schemes of MY for planetary boundary layer, Kain-Fritsch2 for convection and Mixed-Phase for explicit moisture produced the best simulation in terms of intensity and track. The simulated cyclone produced a minimum sea level pressure of 930 hPa and a maximum wind of 65 m s−1 as well as all of the characteristics of a mature tropical cyclone with an eye and eye-wall along with a warm core structure. The model-simulated precipitation intensity and distribution were in good agreement with the observations. The ensemble mean of all 12 experiments produced reasonable intensity and the best track.  相似文献   

周显伟  赵宇  祝玉梅  娄德君 《冰川冻土》2018,40(6):1195-1206
利用多种资料对黑龙江省两次由江淮气旋和蒙古气旋合并引发的暴雪过程的水汽、热动力条件和中尺度特征进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)两次暴雪过程都发生在北支槽和短波槽合并、北支槽北部有冷涡的背景下,850 hPa上低涡合并促使江淮气旋和蒙古气旋合并;气旋合并后,低空急流为降雪提供了充足水汽,强暖平流使气旋爆发性发展,导致降雪加强。(2)两次降雪过程都表现出逗点云系的合并发展,"1211 "暴雪过程中高层形成涡旋偏西,700 hPa低涡东部偏南风引导气旋北上西折,低空急流和地形共同作用使暖湿空气强烈辐合上升,产生对流云,暴雪发生在A类逗点云系的头部,降雪强度大,范围广;"1412"暴雪过程高空槽低涡位置偏东,700 hPa低涡东部西南风始终引导气旋向东北方向移动,近地面层具有冷垫,暴雪主要发生在B类气旋逗点云系头部西侧中低云团中,降雪范围和强度较"1211"过程小。(3)低层(0.3 km)冷空气侵入和中高层(5.5 km)转为偏北风对判断降雪开始和结束有很好的表征意义。(4)冷涡前部强高压脊使冷涡移动缓慢,从而延长了降水的持续时间,气旋移动路径与高压脊伸展方向密切相关。  相似文献   

根据旋挖钻斗钻进机理及其切削结构研究与优化分析,针对旋挖钻进现场施工过程中存在的钻进效率低,先导定心尖导向性差、易打滑晃动,渣土不能有效地收集到钻斗内,边齿座易磨损、边齿尖易断裂,孔底和孔壁沉渣较多,引土板结构形式不满足工程要求等问题,优化改进了先导定心尖和引土板的结构设计,以及切削齿的布齿方式、数量和入岩角度等。优化改进后,提高了钻进效率(提高80%),减轻了工人劳动强度,延长了钻斗寿命,降低了施工成本,为今后旋挖钻斗的结构设计及其应用提供了理论依据与经验借鉴。  相似文献   

地下水污染监测网的设计包括取样点在空间上的采样位置和时间上的取样频率这两方面的确定,其目的是为了准确刻画污染羽在含水层中随时间的变化状况。介绍了一种新的基于Delaunay三角形剖分方法用于地下水污染监测网在空间上的去冗余设计。同时,针对Delaunay方法没有考虑含水层参数变化和不能新增必要监测点的缺陷,提出了改进措施。改进的Delaunay方法可以直接与污染物的运移模型耦合,通过获取的含水层参数能够比较好地检验监测网在空间上的去冗余设计效果。实例研究表明,该方法在保证监测精度的基础上,能够找到最优的空间取样位置点,同时与改进前相比,利用该方法得到的地下水污染监测网能更加客观地反映污染物在含水层中的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

The results presented here are from a study conducted for the government of the state of Andhra Pradesh (GOAP) in India, as part of a World Bank project on cyclone mitigation. A set of detailed maps were prepared depicting the Physical Vulnerability (PV), specifically storm surge inundation zones are shown for frequent occurrence, 50-year return period, likely scenario for global warming and extreme global warming. Similarly vulnerable areas from strong wind field from tropical cyclones (TCS) are also presented for the same four parameters. Vulnerability zones are presented from a social point of view also based upon certain socio-economic parameters that were included in determining the overall vulnerability of each Mandal in a coastal district (a Mandal represents a group of villages and towns) include: population, senior citizens, women, children under different age groups, type of housing, income level, cyclone shelters, hospitals and medical centres, schools and caste based population. The study is about scenarios that could happen if global warming and the predicted intensification of TCS actually occur as predicted by some numerical models.  相似文献   

Most tropical cyclones have very few observations in their vicinity. Hence either they go undetected in standard analyses or are analyzed very poorly, with ill defined centres and locations. Such initial errors obviously have major impact on the forecast of cyclone tracks using numerical models. One way of overcoming the above difficulty is to remove the weak initial vortex and replace it with a synthetic vortex (with the correct size, intensity and location) in the initial analysis. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of introducing NCAR–AFWA synthetic vortex scheme in the regional model MM5 on the simulation of a tropical cyclone formed over the Arabian Sea during November 2003. Two sets of numerical experiments are conducted in this study. While the first set utilizes the NCEP reanalysis as the initial and lateral boundary conditions, the second set utilizes the NCAR–AFWA synthetic vortex scheme. The results of the two sets of MM5 simulations are compared with one another as well as with the observations and the NCEP reanalysis. It is found that inclusion of the synthetic vortex has resulted in improvements in the simulation of wind asymmetries, warm temperature anomalies, stronger vertical velocity fields and consequently in the overall structure of the tropical cyclone. The time series of the minimum sea level pressure and maximum wind speed reveal that the model simulations are closer to observations when synthetic vortex was introduced in the model. The central minimum pressure reduces by 17 hPa while the maximum wind speed associated with the tropical cyclone enhances by 17 m s −1 with the introduction of the synthetic vortex. While the lowest central pressure estimated from the satellite image is 988 hPa, the corresponding value in the synthetic vortex simulated cyclone is 993 hPa. Improvements in the overall structure and initial location of the center of the system have contributed to considerable reduction in the vector track prediction errors ie. 642 km in 24 h, 788 km in 48 h and 1145 km in 72 h. Further, simulation with the synthetic vortex shows realistic spatial distribution of the precipitation associated with the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

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