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The acceleration of saltating grains by overland flow causes momentum to be transferred from the flow to the grains, thereby increasing flow resistance and bed roughness. To assess the impact of saltating sediment on overland flow hydraulics, velocity profiles in transitional and turbulent flows on a fixed sand-covered bed were measured using hot-film anemometry. Five discharges were studied. At each discharge, three flows were measured: one free of sediment, one with a relatively low sediment load, and one with a relatively high sediment load. In these flows from 83 to 90 per cent of the sediment was travelling by saltation. As a result, in the sediment-laden flows the near-bed velocities were smaller and the velocity profiles steeper than those in the equivalent sediment-free flows. Sediment loads ranged up to 87·0 per cent of transport capacity and accounted for as much as 20·8 per cent of flow resistance (measured by the friction factor) and 89·7 per cent of bed roughness (measured by the ratio of the roughness length to median grain diameter). It is concluded that saltating sediment has a considerable impact on overland flow hydraulics, at least on fixed granular beds. Saltation is likely to have a relatively smaller effect on overland flow on natural hillslopes and agricultural fields where form and wave resistance dominate. Still, saltation is generally of greater significance in overland flow than in river flow, and for this reason its effect on overland flow hydraulics is deserving of further study. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelling soil erosion requires an equation for predicting the sediment transport capacity by interrill overland flow on rough surfaces. The conventional practice of partitioning total shear stress into grain and form shear stress and predicting transport capacity using grain shear stress lacks rigour and is prone to underestimation. This study therefore explores the possibility that inasmuch as surface roughness affects flow hydraulic variables which, in turn, determine transport capacity, there may be one or more hydraulic variables which capture the effect of surface roughness on transport capacity suffciently well for good predictions of transport capacity to be achieved from data on these variables alone. To investigate this possibility, regression analyses were performed on data from 1506 flume experiments in which discharge, slope, water temperature, rainfall intensity, and roughness size, shape and concentration were varied. The analyses reveal that 89·8 per cent of the variance in transport capacity can be accounted for by excess flow power and flow depth. Including roughness size and concentration in the regression improves that explained variance by only 3·5 per cent. Evidently, flow depth, when used in combination with excess flow power, largely captures the effect of surface roughness on transport capacity. This finding promises to simplify greatly the task of developing a general sediment equation for interrill overland flow on rough surfaces. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on longitudinal dispersion in clear-water and sediment-laden open channel flows are reported. Data from these experiments and those available from previous studies indicate that the suspended sediment present in the flow affects the longitudinal dispersion process. The observed velocity distributions over the depth of sediment-laden flows indicate that the velocity deviates from the mean velocity more in sediment-laden flows than in clear-water flows. The velocity distributions over the cross section and secondary flow in the channel are also expected to be altereddue to the presence of suspended sediments in the flow. For these reasons, more dispersion is found in sediment-laden flows than in corresponding clear-water flows. A predictor for the dispersion coefficient in sediment-laden flows is proposed.  相似文献   

The current work focuses on locally resolving velocities,turbulence,and shear stresses over a rough bed with locally non-uniform character.A nonporous subsurface layer and fixed interfacial sublayer of gravel and sand were water-worked to a nature-like bed form and additionally sealed in a hydraulic flume.Two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry(2 D-PIV) was applied in the vertical plane of the experimental flume axis.Runs with clear water and weak sediment transport were done under slightly supercritical flow to ensure sediment transport conditions without formation of considerable sediment deposits or dunes.The study design included analyzing the double-averaged flow parameters of the entire measurement domain and investigating the flow development at 14 consecutive vertical subsections.Local geometrical variabilities as well the presence of sediment were mainly reflected in the vertical velocity component.Whereas the vertical velocity decreased over the entire depth in presence of sediment transport,the streamwise velocity profile was reduced only within the interfacial sublayer.In the region with decelerating flow conditions,however,the streamwise velocity profile systematically increased along the entire depth extent.The increase in the main velocity(reduction of flow resistance)correlated with a decrease of the turbulent shear and main normal stresses.Therefore,effects of rough bed smoothening and drag force reduction were experimentally documented within the interfacial sublayer due to mobile sediment.Moreover,the current study leads to the conclusion that in nonuniform flows the maximum Reynolds stress values are a better predictor for the bed shear stress than the linearly extrapolated Reynolds stress profile.This is an important finding because,in natural flows,uniform conditions are rare.  相似文献   

A series of controlled laboratory experiments were conducted in order to obtain precise data on the hydraulic and sediment transport conditions during rill formation. Tests were carried out using a crusting-prone binary mixed soil in a 15 m long flume at an average slope of 0·087 under simulated rainfall. Rainfall intensities varied from 30–35 mm h?1 and developed about 70 per cent of the kinetic energy of natural rainfall of similar intensity. Runoff and sediment discharge measured at the downstream weir were strongly influenced by rill forming processes. Essentially, rill incision reduced runoff discharge as a result of increased percolation in rill channels but increased sediment discharge. Secondary entrainment processes, such as bank collapse, also increased sediment discharge at the weir. Knickpoint bifurcation and colluvial deposition, however, decreased sediment discharge. Rills always developed through the formation of a knickpoint. The critical condition for knickpoint initiation was the development of supercritical flow and waves which mould and incise the bed. Prior smoothing of the soil surface by entrainment and redistribution of sediment facilitated supercritical flow. Statistical analysis showed that hydraulic and sediment transport conditions differed significantly in rilled and unrilled flows. The relationship between sediment discharge, rill erosion, and flow hydraulics was found to be nonlinear, conforming to a standard power function in the form y = axb. Rills were also associated with significantly increased sediment transport capacities. However, rill initiation was not clearly defined by any specific hydraulic threshold. Instead, rilled and unrilled flows were separated by zones of transition within which both types of flow occur.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to determine the feasibility of tracing sediment movement in interrill overland flow. Crushed magnetite was introduced as a source-line 10 cm wide by 8 m long on a runoff plot 18 m wide by 29 m long located in southern Arizona. Initial magnetic susceptibilities along this source line, and along three transects located 0·25, 2·95 and 5 m downslope of the source-line, were measured. Movement of the magnetite in response to three rainfall simulation experiments was monitored. During the first two experiments, overland flow discharge was sampled at miniature flumes located along two cross sections on the plot downslope of the source-line, and at a supercritical flume at the plot outlet. Magnetic susceptibilities along the source-line and transects were measured after all three experiments. Results show that the magnetite moves very early in the experiments and that it reaches one of the flumes 2 m downslope of the source-line in 3 min. Most of the tracer moves a very short distance: 29·7 per cent is deposited within 25 cm of the source-line and only 2·2 per cent is deposited 2·95 m away. The deposition rate appears to decrease exponentially away from the source-line. Very little magnetite is recorded in the flow through the miniature flumes: in general it makes up less than 1 per cent of the total sediment load. No temporal pattern in these percentages is observed. Magnetite appears to be an effective tracer of sediment movement in interrill overland flow, though its higher density than natural soil may affect its detachment and transport.  相似文献   

During mountain torrents, large-magnitude floods may result from heavy rainfall and cause the breakage of landslide dams naturally formed by heavy rainfall, earthquakes, and so on. The characteristics of longitudinal spreading of clear water discharge and changes in flow depth must be clarified because the changes in peak depth have not yet been examined in steep-slope torrents and because there are few data on spreading of flash floods and related sedimentation in mountainous torrents. In the present study, experimental data were collected through hydraulic model tests over a rigid bed, and the spreading of water, fine sediment, bed load, and large boulders due to flooding are discussed assuming that flash flooding/debris flows occur in the upstream reach. The effects of changes in flow width, such as expansions and contractions in the flow width, as well as changes in meandering channels, sediment transportation, and spreading flow depth resulting from bores are examined using flume data for a steep-slope torrent. The data obtained in the present study reveal that fine sediment components are transported to the downstream reach if large-magnitude floods occur and that the spreading rate and peak lags of the fine sediment and water level indicate the occurrence of a flood in the upstream reach.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONWhileriverflowsareusuallydeepandturbulent,overlandflowisextremelyshallowandcanbelaminar,transitionalandturbulent.Becauseoftheshallownessoftheflolw,overlandflowhydraulicsisgreatlyaffectedbysurfaceroughness,raindropimpact,andinthecaseoflaminarflow,flui(Iviscosity.Theinitiationofsedimentmovementinoverlandflowisthereforeexpectedtodifferfromthatinriverflows.InriverstUdies,bedshearStressgbhastraditionallybeenusedtocharacterizethecriticalflowconditionatwhichsedimentbeginstomove.At…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze variability in rainfall threshold for debris flow (critical rainfall for debris flow triggering) after the ML 7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan in 1999. Two study sites with different geological conditions were surveyed in the earthquake area. Streambed surveys were conducted to continuously monitor debris flows between 1999 and 2006. During the 7-year study period, every debris flow event was identified, and the streambed characterized. Results show that the rainfall threshold for debris flow was remarkably lower just after the Chi-Chi Earthquake, but gradually recovered. To date, this rainfall threshold is still lower than the original level prior to the earthquake. This variability in rainfall threshold is closely related to the mount of sediment material in the initiation area of debris flow, which increased rapidly due to landslides resulting from the earthquake. With the increase in sediment material, the rainfall threshold was lowered severely during the first year following the Chi-Chi earthquake. However, heavy rainfalls mobilized the sediment material, causing debris flows and transporting sediment downstream. With the decrease in sediment material, the rainfall threshold recovered gradually over time. Furthermore, debris flows occurred only in the subbasins that had sufficient sediment material to cause significant movement. Hence, these results confirm that the sediment material in the initiation area of debris flow is a crucial component of the rainfall threshold for debris flow.  相似文献   

A 1:50 scale hydraulic model was designed, based on Froude number similarity and using hydrological and sediment data from a small braided gravel-bed river (the North Branch of the Ashburton River, Canterbury, New Zealand). Eighteen experiments were conducted; seven using steady flows, and eleven using unsteady flows. The experiments were carried out in a 20 m × 3 m tilting flume equipped with a continuous sediment feed and an automated data acquisition and control system. In all experiments water at 30°C was used to reduce viscosity-related scale effects. Analyses of the experimental data revealed that bedload transport rates in braided channels are highly variable, with relative variability being inversely related to mean bedload transport rate. Variability was also found to be cyclic with short-term variations being caused by the migration of bedforms. Bedload transport was found to be more efficient under steady flow than under unsteady flow, and it was postulated that this is caused by a tendency for channel form to evolve towards a condition which maximizes bedload transport for the occurring flow. Average bedload transport rate was found to vary with channel form, although insufficient measurements were made to define a relationship.  相似文献   

In a much quoted paper, Jackson (1976) hypothesized that turbulent [bursting] motions such as those documented in laboratory boundary layers play a major role in alluvial sediment suspension. To date, the hypothesis remained largely untested, due to difficulties in monitoring turbulent suspension in rivers. This study provides field data documenting burst-like turbulent motions over a sandy bed channel and quantifying the role of these motions in sand suspension. The data were collected in a 10 m deep channel of the Fraser River near Mission, British Columbia, Canada. Turbulent fluctuations of both flow components, downstream and normal to the bed, along with the output of an optical suspended sediment sensor, were monitored 1 m above the river bed. Typical flow velocities averaged 0·9 ms−1 at the sensors, where mean suspended sediment concentrations were 500 mgl−1; decimetre height small dunes on the backs of larger, half-metre amplitude dunes covered the channel bed in the area. Brief but intense, burst-like [ejection and inrush] events were identified in the flow records, where they are responsible for a high degree of [intermittency] in shear stress over the dunes: 80 per cent of the turbulent momentum exchange across the 1 m level can be ascribed to such brief (3-8 s duration) events, active under 12 per cent of the time. In addition, the record of fluctuating sediment concentrations reveals these burst-like motions to be highly effective in vertically mixing suspended sediment and thus, ultimately, in maintaining suspended sediment transport above the dune bed. The bulk (60 and 90 per cent in two deployments) of the vertical sediment mixing was accomplished by intense events active some 10 per cent of the time. No discrete recurrence timescale for these ‘burst-like’ mixing events is evident, however. Rather, a continuous variation of return periods was observed as a function of the magnitude of vertical mixing event considered. To that extent, conceptual models of sediment transport in terms of burst events with a predictable recurrence such as proposed by Jackson (1976) may be misleading.  相似文献   

Dike breaking is a disaster that could cause extensive damage. It could lead to flood flows outside the dike and induce water level fluctuations in the main channel. Numerical models are increasingly used to simulate flood flows due to dike-break, because direct observations from field surveys and physical models are rather limited. Existing knowledge concerning dam-break flows cannot be applied directly to dike-break flows because the effect of channel discharge cannot be neglected in the latter. In this study,physical experiments are done in a large laboratory flume to simulate the process of dike-break induced flood wave propagation in the floodplain and flow fluctuations in the main channel. The variations of water levels and velocities are measured and recorded using an array of pressure sensors and two acoustic Doppler velocimetry devices. A numerical model has been set up according to the experimental layout. The experiments have high repeatability and the numerical model predictions agree closely with the physical model data. The experimental results provide reliable information for improving the understanding of dike-break flow dynamics and for the verification of numerical models.  相似文献   

Extreme rainfall in June 1949 and November 1985 triggered numerous large debris flows on the steep slopes of North Fork Mountain, eastern West Virginia. Detailed mapping at four sites and field observations of several others indicate that the debris flows began in steep hillslope hollows, propagated downslope through the channel system, eroded channel sediment, produced complex distributions of deposits in lower gradient channels, and delivered sediment to floodwaters beyond the debris-flow termini. Based on the distribution of deposits and eroded surfaces, up to four zones were identified with each debris flow: an upper failure zone, a middle transport/erosion zone, a lower deposition zone, and a sediment-laden floodwater zone immediately downstream from the debris-flow terminus. Geomorphic effects of the debris flows in these zones are spatially variable. The initiation of debris flows in the failure zones and passage through the transport/erosion zones are characterized by degradation; 2300 to 17 000 m3 of sediment was eroded from these zones. The total volume of channel erosion in the transport/erosion zones was 1·3 to 1·5 times greater than the total volume of sediment that initially failed, indicating that the debris flows were effective erosion agents as they travelled through the transport/erosion zones. The overall response in the deposition zones was aggradation. However, up to 43 per cent of the sediment delivered to these zones was eroded by floodwaters from joining tributaries immediately after debris-flow deposition. This sediment was incorporated into floodwaters downstream from the debris-flow termini causing considerable erosion and deposition in these channels. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saltmarsh vegetation significantly influences tidal currents and sediment deposition by decelerating the water velocity in the canopy. In order to complement previous field results, detailed profiles of velocity and turbulence were measured in a laboratory flume. Natural Spartina anglica plants were installed in a 3 m length test section in a straight, recirculating flume. Different vegetation densities, water depths and surface velocities were investigated. The logarithmic velocity profile, which existed in front of the vegetation, was altered gradually to a skimming-flow profile, typical for submerged saltmarsh vegetation. The flow reduction in the denser part of the canopy also induced an upward flow (the current was partially deflected by the canopy). The skimming flow was accompanied by a zone of high turbulence co-located with the strongest velocity gradient. This gradient moved upward and the turbulence increased with distance from the edge of the vegetation. Below the skimming flow, the velocity and the turbulence were low. The structure of the flow in the canopy was relatively stable 2 m into the vegetation. The roughness length (z0) of the vegetation depends only on the vegetation characteristics, and is not sensitive to the current velocity or the water depth. Both the reduced turbulence in the dense canopy and the high turbulence at the top of the canopy should increase sediment deposition. On the other hand, the high turbulence zone just beyond the vegetation edge and the oblique upward flow may produce reduced sedimentation; a phenomenon that was observed near the vegetation edge in the field.  相似文献   

Interrill erosion processes on gentle slopes are affected by mechanisms of raindrop impact, overland flow and their interaction. However, limited experimental work has been conducted to understand how important each of the mechanisms are and how they interact, in particular for peat soil. Laboratory simulation experiments were conducted on peat blocks under two slopes (2.5° and 7.5°) and three treatments: Rainfall, where rainfall with an intensity of 12 mm h?1 was simulated; Inflow, where upslope overland flow at a rate of 12 mm h?1 was applied; and Rainfall + Inflow which combined both Rainfall and Inflow. Overland flow, sediment loss and overland flow velocity data were collected and splash cups were used to measure the mass of sediment detached by raindrops. Raindrop impact was found to reduce overland flow by 10 to 13%, due to increased infiltration, and reduce erosion by 47% on average for both slope gradients. Raindrop impact also reduced flow velocity (80–92%) and increased roughness (72–78%). The interaction between rainfall and flow was found to significantly reduce sediment concentrations (73–85%). Slope gradient had only a minor effect on overland flow and sediment yield. Significantly higher flow velocities and sediment yields were observed under the Rainfall + Inflow treatment compared to the Rainfall treatment. On average, upslope inflow was found to increase erosion by 36%. These results indicate that overland flow and erosion processes on peat hillslopes are affected by upslope inflow. There was no significant relationship between interrill erosion and overland flow, whereas stream power had a strong relationship with erosion. These findings help improve our understanding of the importance of interrill erosion processes on peat. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streams and rivers, particularly smaller ones, often do not maintain steady flow rates for long enough to reach equilibrium conditions for sediment transport and bed topography. In particular, streams in small watersheds may be subject to rapidly changing hydrographs, and relict bedforms from previous high flows can cause further disequilibrium that complicates the prediction of sediment transport rates. In order to advance the understanding of how bedforms respond to rapid changes in flow rate,...  相似文献   

Numerical simulation experiments of water erosion at the local scale (20 × 5 m) using a process‐based model [Plot Soil Erosion Model_2D (PSEM_2D)] were carried out to test the effects of various environmental factors (soil type, meteorological forcing and slope gradient) on the runoff and erosion response and to determine the dominant processes that control the sediment yield at various slope lengths. The selected environmental factors corresponded to conditions for which the model had been fully tested beforehand. The use of a Green and Ampt model for infiltration explained the dominant role played by rainfall intensity in the runoff response. Sediment yield at the outlet of the simulated area was correlated positively with rainfall intensity and slope gradient, but was less sensitive to soil type. The relationship between sediment yield (soil loss per unit area) and slope length was greatly influenced by all environmental factors, but there was a general tendency towards higher sediment yield when the slope was longer. Contribution of rainfall erosion to gross erosion was dominant for all surfaces with slope lengths ranging from 4 to 20 m. The highest sediment yields corresponded to cases where flow erosion was activated. An increase in slope gradient resulted in flow detachment starting upstream. Sediment exported at the outlet of the simulated area came predominantly from the zone located near the outlet. The microrelief helped in the development of a rill network that controlled both the ratio between rainfall and flow erosion and the relationship between sediment yield and slope length. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Sediment is transported in the form of debris flows in major gullies dissecting permeable volcanic slopes as exemplified by the Kami-kamihori Valley in the northern Japan Alps. Four years of hydrological observations in the headwater area of the gully showed that the surface runoff which triggers debris flows is related to peak 10- to 20-minute rainfall. Sediment production in such a short time is not sufficient to prepare a debris flow. Therefore, debris must have been accumulated at a particular section by repeated sediment discharge due to minor rainstorms. The volume of the debris produced in the headwaters was evaluated and correlated to an effective rainfall. The quantity of sediment transport at seven sections along the gully by debris flows in three periods was evaluated through the measurement of the topographic changes. It was compared with the total effective rainfall for the pertinent period, and the mean “sediment concentration” in the debris flow was calculated for each section and for each period. It was shown that the change in the sediment concentration along the gully reflects the entrainment of debris from the gully floor in the acceleration zone and the deposition in the deceleration zone. It was also demonstrated that the sediment delivery of a debris flow depends on the time distribution of rainfall, because rainfall time bases appropriate to prediction of the sediment transport at different reaches vary.  相似文献   

The turbulence characteristics of flows passing through a tetrahedron frame were investigated by using a 2-dimensional fiber-optic laser Doppler velocimeter (2-D FLDV). Experiments for uniform flows with different bed slopes under both submerged and un-submerged conditions were carried out in a re-circulating flume with glass side walls. The experimental bed was a smooth fixed bed. It was observed that with the tetrahedron frame the mean longitudinal velocity decrease in the retardation zone. However, both the longitudinal and the vertical turbulence intensities are larger than those for the undisturbed approach flow. The tetrahedron frame may reduce the probability of sediment entrainment by retarding the flow and reducing the boundary shear stress. In addition, it may induce sediment deposition in a sediment laden flow by changing the flow direction and increasing the energy dissipation.  相似文献   

The response of sediment discharge rate to the following four ecohydrological factors: temperature, rainfall, evapotranspiration (ET), and stream flow was evaluated by conducting wavelet analysis on Luergou small catchment data ranging from 1982 to 2000. For sediment discharge rate, there was an overall trend of reduction that included a periodic oscillation of 6 to 7 years per cycle. Rainfall also had an overall trend of reduction that included two periodic oscillations of 7 years per cycle and 2 years per cycle, respectively. Stream flow had the same trend as rainfall but had one periodic oscillation of 6 to 7 years per cycle. In contrast with rainfall and stream flow, the trends for temperature and ET each showed an overall increasing tendency, and both had the same two periodic oscillations of 6 to 7 years per cycle and 4 years per cycle, respectively. The sediment discharge rate had significant relationships with the four ecohydrological factors, with stream flow and rainfall having positive correlations, while ET and temperature had negative correlations. The correlation between ET and sediment discharge rate became stronger when ET was compared to the sediment discharge rate of the following year. The relationship between sediment discharge rate and the four ecohydrological factors was further expressed by the multi-linear regression model that was constructed, which makes sediment discharge rate a function of stream flow, rainfall, ET, and temperature.  相似文献   

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