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<正>Objective Despite a large number of bird fossils in the Jehol Biota,Mesozoic bird records from other parts of China are dominated by tracks.Late Cretaceous bird tracks are rarely found in China.Reliable reports so far include a Dongyangornipes and Koreanaornis assemblage of early Late Cretaceous age from Dongyang City,Zhejiang Province,China(Azuma et al.,2013).Buckley et al.  相似文献   

正Objective The Jehol biota refers to a flora and fauna that thrived in the Early Cretaceous (Shao Tiequan et al., 2017), and Eosestheria is an important component of the Jehol biota and is also an important link in the biota chain during its production period. A large number of fossils of Jehol biota  相似文献   

We herein describe a partial postcranial skeleton of a sauropod dinosaur recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group in the Beipiao area of western Liaoning Province, northeastern China. A suite of features it possesses, including the camellate internal structure of its presacral elements, the existence of pneumatocoels on the proximal ends of the dorsal ribs, and especially the medially deflected proximal portion of the femur, definitively establish the titanosauriform affinities of the specimen. It differs from other titanosauriforms in having a craniocaudally elongate coracoid with a squared cranioventral extreme and a long, smooth, and slightly convex acetabular edge of the pubis. It represents a new taxon, Dongbeititan dongi gen. et sp. nov. Comparative studies suggest that Dongbeititan is a basal titanosauriform, more derived than Euhelopus, Fusuisaurus, and Huanghetitan, but less derived than Gobititan and Jiutaisaurus. Dongbeititan represents the first sauropod dinosaur reported from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

A New Ornithocheirid from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on a nearly complete skeleton with skull from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, a new ornithocheirid pterosaur: Boreopterus cuiae gen. et sp. nov. is erected. Boreopterus cuiae is different from other pterosaurs preserved with skulls known from the western Liaoning Province and its neighboring areas. Tiffs new oterosaur has more and larger teeth than those in other ornithocheirids. Its anterior nine pairs of teeth are larger than other teeth. The fourth pair of upper and lower teeth are slightly larger than the third pair. Overall, Boreopterus cuiae shows much small range of tooth size variation than Anhanguerapiscator and Coloborhynchus robustus. The new taxon shares with other ornithocherids in having a relatively large size of the third and fourth pairs of teeth.  相似文献   

Sixteen liverwort specimens collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Huangbanjigou Village, Liaoning Province, China are studied in this work. The plants are thalloid and preserved in brown arenaceous mudstone as impressions. Based on examinations, the liverworts are assigned to two new genera and five new species: Riccardiothallus palmata sp. nov., Pallaviciniites stricta sp. nov., Pellites latithallus gen. et sp. nov., Conocephalumites hexagonites gen. et sp. nov. and Metzgerites multifidus sp. nov., belonging to five families and five genera. The fossil research indicates that the divergence of families, Aneuraceae and Metzgeriaceae, Pallaviciniaceae and Hymenophytaceae, Pelliaceae and Fossombroniaceae, was in the Lower Cretaceous (125 Ma). The research provides significant additions to the fossil liverwort records in Western Liaoning and offers fossil evidence for studying the classification and evolution of extant liverworts.  相似文献   

季强  吴肖春  程延年 《江苏地质》2016,40(2):183-190
所有鸟臀目恐龙都是植食性或杂食性。鸟臀目恐龙中的奇异辽宁龙是一种体型很小的甲龙,以往均认为与其他甲龙一样生活在陆地上,主要以植物为食。报道了中国发现的一件新的奇异辽宁龙标本,该标本体腔内保存了很多鱼类化石骨骼,认为这些鱼类残骸是甲龙胃或肠里的残留物,因此可以作为该恐龙食肉的有力证据。奇异辽宁龙颊齿齿冠具有长而分叉的齿饰,这种齿系可以穿透像鱼类一样的小动物。恐龙前、后肢指(趾)爪演变得非常锋利同样可以证明其适应吃肉的生活方式。奇异辽宁龙腹部甲板演化成盾状及荐骨-腰带关联疏松也说明其适应水生生活,腹部甲板可以保护腹部身体免受水下攻击。同理,神经弓与椎体之间缝合线开阔不能再作为正型标本的幼年特征。奇异辽宁龙是自18世纪发现恐龙以来已知的第一种肉食性鸟臀目恐龙,不仅代表了第一种水生或半水生有甲类恐龙,更是目前已知最小的鸟臀目恐龙。  相似文献   

This paper describes an avialian bird from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Yixian county, western Liaoning, China, which is named as Shenzhouraptor sinensis by Ji et al. on July 15, 2002. Shenzhouraptor sinensis is characterized by no teeth in its mouth, the forelimbs longer than the hindlimbs, a long tail with more than 23 caudal vertebrae, U-shaped wishbone, and remiges longer than the total length of ulna and manus. It is certain that the new avialian bird is really capable of powerful flight, representing a missing link between theropod dinosaurs and birds.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Enantiornithes were the most blooming branch among the early birds and had distinct diversities. They flourished in the Early Cretaceous (Kurochkim, 1985; Chiappe, 1991; Sanz and Bonaparte, 1992; Boles, 1995; Elzanowski, 1995), and become extinct at the end of the Late Cretaceous. Lots of the birds have been reported in western Liaoning, China (Sereno and Rao, 1992; Zhou, 1995; Hou, 1996, 1997; Sanz and Chiappe, 1996; Sanz et al., 1997; Hou and Chen, 1999; Hou et al., 1…  相似文献   

李莉  王晶琦  侯世林 《世界地质》2010,29(2):183-187
记述了辽宁建昌头道营子早白垩世九佛堂组发现的孔子鸟化石一新种—建昌孔子鸟(Confuci-usornis jianchangensis sp.nov.)。尽管新种缺失前肢及肩带,还是在许多特征上很容易与属型种(圣贤孔子鸟)相区别。例如,个体小、鳞骨近三角形、方骨粗大、齿骨前端有突起、跗蹠骨近端愈合、第V跗蹠骨不存在和尾综骨粗大等。新种是孔子鸟类在建昌地区的首次发现,对于展示孔子鸟类的多样性等具有较重要意义。  相似文献   

A new hadrosauroid dinosaur,Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei gen.et sp.nov,is descuibed based on a complete left maxilla with articulated premaxilla and lacrimal fragments,and a complete left dentary from the mid-Cretaceous Sunjiawan Formation of Beipiao.Liaoning,northeastern China.Chadistic analysis shows that Shuangmiaosaurus is a basal hadrosauroid,and comprises the sister taxon to Hadrosauridae.In both Shuangmiaosqurus and Hadrosaurids.However,Shuangmiaosaurus does not possess such hadrosaurid synapomorphies as the diamond-shaped maxillary crowns with reduced primary ridges and reduced marginal denticles.  相似文献   

The abundant fossils of early angiosperms found in the Yixian Formation (125 Ma, Early Cretaceous) have demonstrated unexpectedly high diversity and various reproductive strategies, and thus have shed new light on early angiosperm evolution. Here, using light microscope and scanning electron microscope, we document several fructifications of Baicarpus gen. nov. from Liaoning province, China. Each fructification of the new taxon includes several apocarpous carpels/fruits attached in an urn-formed gynobase. Each fruit/carpel has a persistent straight style and an ovary enclosing a single seed. These fossil plants demonstrate a new floral organization and thus enhance our understanding of the diversity of angiosperms in the Yixian Formation. Together with previously reported ones, this fossil angiosperm suggests an origin time for angiosperms earlier than widely accepted.  相似文献   

辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世一新的无齿翼龙化石   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采自辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世九佛堂组的一翼龙化石被记述。化石材料是一接近完整骨架的无齿的翼龙,带有一不完全的头骨。作者将其归于翼手龙类(Pteroclactyloidea),并建一新属、新种一无齿吉大翼龙(Jidapterus edentus gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

A new troodontid dinosaur,Daliansaurus liaoningensis gen.et sp.nov.,is erected based on a nearly complete specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Beipiao City,Liaoning Province,China.This well preserved skeleton provides important new details of the anatomy for Liaoning troodontids,and gives new insight into their phylogenetic relationships and evolution.Daliansaurus is distinguished from other troodontids by an enlarged ungual on pedal digit IV,which is approximately the same size as the sickle-shaped second ungual,and is differentiated from other Liaoning troodontids by a number of characters of the skull,manus,pelvis,and hindlimb.A phylogenetic analysis recovers Daliansaurus within a subclade of Liaoning troodontids that also includes Sinovenator,Sinusonasus,and Mei.We erect a name for this group—Sinovenatorinae—and argue that it reflects a localized radiation of small-bodied troodontids in the Early Cretaceous of eastern Asia,similar to previously recognized radiations of Liaoning dromaeosaurids and avialans.As more Liaoning theropods are discovered,it is becoming apparent that small,feathered paravians were particularly diverse during the Early Cretaceous,and future work is needed to clarify how this diversity arose,which species coexisted,and how these numerous species partitioned niches.  相似文献   

姬书安  张立军  路芳 《地质学报》2023,97(6):1723-1740
中国辽宁西部早白垩世翼龙类化石非常丰富,其上部的九佛堂组翼龙类组合以含有丰富的无齿的古神翼龙科、朝阳翼龙科等进步类型而与下部的义县组翼龙类组合相区别。本文描述了辽宁西部建昌盆地九佛堂组一新的大型翼龙类化石,其以上下颌无齿、吻端指数为3.7、前颌骨背支细长且封闭鼻眶前孔背缘、很大的鼻眶前孔后端超过上下颌关节位置、轭骨的上颌骨突基部宽大而应被归入朝阳翼龙科(Chaoyangopteridae)神州翼龙属(Shenzhoupterus)。其以较大的体形(翼展2.05 m)、平直的上下颌咬合面、轭骨的眶后骨突较泪骨突长且基部略宽、第4~7颈椎长度依次减小等特征,区别于朝阳神州翼龙(Shenzhoupterus chaoyangensis),而被命名为三亚神州翼龙(新种)(Shenzhoupterus sanyainus sp. nov.)。这是辽宁西部早白垩世翼展最大且不具牙齿的翼龙类属种,它的发现丰富了九佛堂组翼龙类组合内容,对认识朝阳翼龙科的骨骼形态与生态习性亦具有积极意义。  相似文献   

A new ctenochasmatoid pterosaur, Gladocephaloideus jingangshanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Yixian Formation of western Laioning Province is erected based on a complete skull and partial postcranial skeleton. It is characterized by following features: about 50 total teeth with sharp tips; small nasoantorbital opening, occupying approximately 13% of the skull length; ratio of prenarial length to skull length approximately 0.63. The diagnoses of the Ctenochasmatoidea and Gallodactylidae are amended based on the new taxon. Gladocephaloideus jingangshanensis is the first gallodactylid pterosaur found in Asia. Its discovery not only provides much more osteological information about the Gallodactylidae but also indicates that the ctenochasmatoid pterosaurs were highly diverse in the Early Cretaceous. The filamentous structures preserved near the dorsal and posterior margins of the posterior portion of the skull and around the neck indicate that it had an epidermal covering and may have been a warm-blooded animal.  相似文献   

根据新材料,对始无齿翼龙的特征进行了修订:中部颈椎体没有神经棘;肱骨三角嵴的长度与肱骨长度之比率约为0.2.5:翼掌骨的长度与第二翼指骨的长度几乎相等;第二翼指骨与第一翼指骨的长度之比率约为0.76。始无齿翼龙的新标本与正型稍微不同,可能由个体发育所引起。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):1-7
A new dsungaripterid pterosaur, Ordosipterus planignathus gen. et sp. nov., is established on the incomplete articulated lower jaws from the Lower Cretaceous Luohandong Formation in Otog Qi, Ordos Region, Inner Mongolia, China. It differs from other dsungaripterids mainly by having broad and low dentary at and just behind the mandibular symphysis, flat dentary dorsal plane forming the distinct lateral ridge with the curved dentary lateral side, and lower alveoli arranged along the dentary dorsolateral margin with wide spacing that increases from rostral to caudal. It represents the first diagnostic pterosaur from the Ordos Region in Inner Mongolia, and further enlarges the geographical distribution of the family Dsungaripteridae from northwestern China (together with western Mongolia) to central North China.  相似文献   

魏曌英  李莉 《世界地质》2017,36(3):655-662
描述发现于中国辽宁朝阳早白垩世九佛堂组地层中的一件鸟类标本。该标本体型较小,具有许多反鸟类的近裔特征。通过对新标本后肢形态特征的分析,可判断其为一小型树栖反鸟类。新标本具有发育的前肢和进步的乌喙骨,及发育滞后的后肢和相对原始的胸骨形态。胸骨长宽比约为1,顶端呈圆弧形,两个后侧突末端不膨大,中央突末端稍扩大,龙骨突基本不发育等。新标本同时具有反鸟类的原始和进步特征,以及原始的胸骨特征。其综合特征不同于已知任意一种小型反鸟类,因此建立一个反鸟类新属种——普通小反鸟(Microenantiornis vulgaris gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Sihetun, Beipiao, western Liaoning, northeastern China, is well-known for yielding diverse and excellently preserved fossils of the Jehol Biota. The lower unit of Yixian Formation, dominated by lacustrine deposits, is rich in concentrations of two freshwater bivalves: Sphaerium anderssoni and Arguniella ventricosa. These bivalve concentrations can be divided into three types that comprise either paucispecific A. ventricosa or S. anderssoni, or both bivalves in similar amounts. The lithological, biotic, and taphonomic features of 12 bivalve concentrations are recorded, and the taphonomic signatures (such as shell articulation, size-frequency distribution, and orientation) are analyzed. Autochthonous as opposed to allochthonous bivalve concentrations are discriminated. A very short time-averaging effect is recognized in some concentrations, which was probably caused by seasonal or episodic water-level fluctuations and hypoxia. Three factors operated on the bivalve concentrations before final burial: in-situ reworking, transport, and time-averaging. Although time-averaging of the death assemblages was limited to several years, it is in this way that several generations of the two bivalve species could become preserved together. Reworking of the bivalve concentrations was most likely caused by storm action.  相似文献   

中国辽宁复县金刚石中新发现的碳化钛矿物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国辽宁复县金刚石中首次发现了碳化钛(TiC)矿物包裹体。该矿物包裹体呈板状,颗粒大小为50μm×35μm×8μm。碳化钛矿物的颗粒表面平整,成分纯净,能谱和电子探针分析确定其仅由Ti和C两种元素组成。利用CCD单晶衍射仪对碳化钛矿物进行了单晶德拜衍射,获得了该矿物包裹体的衍射数据,证实为碳化钛矿物包裹体。结构分析表明,产出于金刚石中的包裹体矿物碳化钛同时存在立方结构和菱面体结构两套衍射,根据X射线结构分析结果与前人对于TiC高压实验资料的对比,认为该金刚石包裹体矿物碳化钛原始形成的压力超过18 GPa。  相似文献   

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