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We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 14 fragments from 12 different meteorites: three carbonaceous chondrites, six L chondrites (three most likely paired), one H chondrite, one R chondrite, and one ungrouped chondrite. The data obtained for the CV3 chondrites Ramlat as Sahmah (RaS) 221 and RaS 251 support the hypothesis of exposure age peaks for CV chondrites at approximately 9 Ma and 27 Ma. The exposure age for Shi?r 033 (CR chondrite) of 7.3 Ma is also indicative of a possible CR chondrite exposure age peak. The three L chondrites Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 091, JaH 230, and JaH 296, which are most likely paired, fall together with Hallingeberg into the L chondrite exposure age peak of approximately 15 Ma. The two L chondrites Shelburne and Lake Torrens fall into the peaks at approximately 40 Ma and 5 Ma, respectively. The ages for Bassikounou (H chondrite) and RaS 201 (R chondrite) are approximately 3.5 Ma and 5.8 Ma, respectively. Six of the studied meteorites show clear evidence for 3He diffusive losses, the deficits range from approximately 17% for one Lake Torrens aliquot to approximately 45% for RaS 211. The three carbonaceous chondrites RaS 221, RaS 251, and Shi?r 033 all have excess 4He, either of planetary or solar origin. However, very high 4He/20Ne ratios occur at relatively low 20Ne/22Ne ratios, which is unexpected and needs further study. The measured 40Ar ages fit well into established systematics. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 Ga for the carbonaceous chondrites, older than 3.6 Ga for the L and H chondrites, and about 2.4 Ga for the R chondrite as well as for the ungrouped chondrite. Interestingly, none of our studied L chondrites has been degassed in the 470 Ma break‐up event. Using the amount of trapped 36Ar as a proxy for noble gas contamination due to terrestrial weathering we are able to demonstrate that the samples studied here are not or only very slightly affected by terrestrial weathering (at least in terms of their noble gas budget).  相似文献   

Abstract. Complete and nearly complete australite buttons in good states of preservation from Port Campbell, Victoria, show excellent structural details and are of great scientific importance. Some of the features on their posterior surfaces are doubtfully assigned a primary origin in an extraterrestrial birthplace but have been modified by terrestrial solution-etching. Secondary features on their anterior surfaces are due to the effects of aerodynamic frictional heating during transit with stable orientation at supersonic velocity through the earth's atmosphere. Tertiary processes such as subaerial weathering have played some part in slightly modifying their shape and sculpture patterns. They contrast strongly with the many thousands of australites collected from the arid and sub-arid regions of Australia, and with a considerable number that were abraded by stream or gravity transportation in the more temperate zones of the strewnfield. The majority of such specimens have been more severely weathered with the resultant loss of much or all of their primary and secondary features.  相似文献   

Abstract— A crusted stone weighing 3.10 kg was found in 1983 near Tabbita in south central New South Wales (ca. 34°03′S, 145°50′E), Australia. Compositions of the ferro-magnesian silicates (olivine Fa24.6; orthopyroxene Fs20.9) show that the meteorite belongs to the L-group of chondrites. Uniformity of silicate compositions and the presence of abundant crystalline plagioclase feldspar (An10.8Ab81.7Or7.5) show that the meteorite belongs to petrologic type 6. Silicates that display undulose extinction, and the absence of any thermal effects induced by shock indicate that Tabbita is shock facies c. Tabbita is distinct from several other L6 chondrites found in the same general area.  相似文献   

Abstract— Denman 002 is a new Australian carbonaceous chondrite. A single stone of 30 g was recovered in 1991 May near Fisher Station on the Trans Australian Railway, Nullarbor Plain, South Australia (30°36′S, 130°04′E). Texture, mineral and chemical composition indicate that it is a CV3 chondrite of oxidised subgroup with several similarities to Allende. It is composed of sharply defined chondrules, Ca-Al rich inclusions up to 3.5 mm across, olivine aggregates and fine-grained, nearly opaque matrix (40 vol%). Silicates are compositionally highly heterogeneous (olivine Fa: 0.2–45.6 mol%, PMD: 109.7). Denman 002 shows shock effects of stage SI and weathering of category A.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Loxton meteorite is a single stone of 22 g found in South Australia in 1968. It has been classified as an L5 chondrite, shock facies ‘a,’ and contains olivine (Fa24), orthopyroxene (Fs21–22), clinopyroxene (Wo44.7En45.9Fs9.4), nickel-iron, troilite, chromite and chlorapatite.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have investigated the terrestrial ages, or residence times, of 78 meteorites (representing 73 discrete falls) recovered in Western Australia, and one from South Australia, using both 14C measurements and also 14C/10Be. The samples studied included two ureilites, one CK and one EL chondrite. We have included 10Be measurements from 30 meteorites, including some meteorites for which the 14C terrestrial age was previously determined. We find that the 14C/10Be terrestrial ages are more precise than 14C alone, as we can correct for shielding effects. In general, the two different age determinations age by 14C–10Be are precise to 0.5–1 ka and 14C alone within 1–2 ka. However, measurement of the 14C age alone gives good agreement with the 14C–10Be for most samples. The study of the terrestrial ages of meteorites gives us useful information concerning the storage and weathering of meteorites and the study of fall times and terrestrial age. We have compared the terrestrial ages to weathering, degree of oxidation (estimated from Mössbauer studies) and Δ17O. In this study, we found that weathering is not well correlated with terrestrial age for Nullarbor meteorites. However, there is a good correlation between degree of oxidation and Δ17O. The implications for the study of terrestrial ages and weathering from other desert environments will be discussed.  相似文献   

If chondritic meteorites were internally heated after accretion had ended, then the hottest material would have been buried the deepest and should have cooled the slowest. If this is correct, there ought to be a correlation between cooling rate and petrographic type, a measure of the extent to which chondrites were metamorphosed (i.e., heated). Published and new cooling rates derived from the compositions of metallic iron-nickel grains do not display this correlation, implying either that chondrite parent asteroids never had onion-shell structures or that bodies with onion-shell structures were broken up and reassembled prior to cooling to below 500°C, the temperature at which cooling-rate information is recorded in metallic iron-nickel. Chondritic regolith breccias formed from materials that resided on the surfaces of their parent asteroids. Metallic iron-nickel grains in H- and L-chondrite regolith breccias indicate that the breccia constituents cooled at rates ranging from 1 to > 1000°K/myr. Based on thermal calculations, these cooling rates suggest that the materials spread out on the surfaces of H- and L-chondrite parent asteroids originated at depths ranging from about one kilometer to several tens of kilometers. Craters deep enough to excavate tens of kilometers cannot form on typical asteroidal bodies only 100 to 300 km in diameter without disrupting them. Therefore, it appears that at least some asteroids, namely, the parent bodies of H and L chondrites, were disrupted after cooling to below 300°C, and then reassembled to create surfaces containing rocks that originated at a wide range of depths. These results support theoretical calculations suggesting that many asteroids were broken up and subsequently reassembled into gravitationally bound rubble piles.  相似文献   

Meteorites are impact-derived fragments from ≈ 85 parent bodies. For seven of these bodies, the meteorites record evidence suggesting that they may have been catastrophically fragmented. We identify three types of catastrophic events: (a) impact and reassembly events > 4.4 Gy ago, involving molten or very hot parent bodies(> 1200°C); this affected the parent bodies of the ureilites, Shallowater, and the mesosiderites. In each case, the fragments cooled rapidly (≈ 1–1000°C day−1) and then reassembled, (b) Later impacts involving cold bodies which, in some cases, reassembled; this occurred on the H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies. The L parent body probably suffered another catastrophic event about 500 My ago. (c) Recent impacts of cold, multi-kilometer-sized bodies that generated meter-sized meteoroids; this occurred on the parent bodies of the IIIAB irons (650 My ago), the IVA irons (400 My ago), and the H ordinary chondrite (7 My ago).  相似文献   

Stony-iron meteorites formed at the core/mantle interfaces of small asteroidal parents. The mesosiderites formed when the thick crust of a largely molten parent body (100–200 km in diameter) foundered and sank through the mantle to the core. Pallasites formed in smaller parent bodies (50–100 km) in which olivine crystals from the partially molten mantle sank to the core/mantle interface and rafted there. Subsequent collisions stripped away the rocky mantles of both kinds of parent bodies, exposing the stony-iron surfaces of their cores to direct impacts, which continue to knock off meteorite fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract Research on meteorite finds, especially those from the Antarctic and from desert regions in Australia, Africa, and America, has become increasingly important, notably in studies of possible changes in the nature of the meteorite flux in the past. One important piece of information needed in the study of such meteorites is their terrestrial age which can be determined using a variety of methods, including 14C, 36Cl, and 81Kr. Natural thermoluminescence (TL) levels in meteorites can also be used as an indicator of terrestrial age. In this paper, we compare 14C-determined terrestrial ages with natural TL levels in finds from the Prairie States (central United States), a group of finds from Roosevelt County (New Mexico, USA), and a group from the Sahara Desert. We find that, in general, the natural TL data are compatible with the 14C-derived terrestrial ages using a 20 °C TL decay curve for the Prairie States and Roosevelt County and a 30 °C decay curve for the Saharan meteorites. We also present TL data for a group of meteorites from the Sahara desert which has not been studied using cosmogenic radionuclides. Within these data there are distinct terrestrial age clusters which probably reflect changes in meteorite preservation efficiency over ~ 15, 000 years in the region.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spherules and irregular shard-like particles consisting of authigenic mineral phases have been identified in the Acraman impact ejecta horizon preserved within the late Proterozoic shales of the Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia. The spherules (150 μm to 1 mm diameter) range in shape from near-spherical through ellipsoidal to extended ellipsoidal-dumbbell. The distinctive morphology of the spherules and shard-like particles and their restriction to the ejecta horizon, suggest that they were deposited initially as glassy bodies which subsequently have been pseudomorphed by more stable authigenic phases like calcite, quartz, albite, and barite.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of interstellar dust probably formed in the nebulae around protostars, a setting similar to that envisioned for meteoritic material. From studies of the mineralogy and composition of meteorites it is possible to obtain quantitative information on the conditions that prevailed in the nebula. For example, pressures in the range 10–3 to 10–6 atm are indicated. At these pressures the kinetics of nucleation and grain growth are favorable.The fact that the gas associated with interstellar dust has solar H/S ratios indicates that FeS, which forms at 680 K, independent of pressure, is not present in the dust. Since iron only becomes oxidized at even lower temperatures, also via pressure-independent reactions, oxidized iron is not expected in the dust. If most interstellar dust forms in nebulae and is ejected back into space, a relatively high temperature is implied, 700K. Dust formation around stars with high C/O ratios is expected to produce minerals found in the highly reduced enstatite chondrites.High-temperature fractionation processes ( 1000 K) played an important role in the nebula. Much of the Al, Ca, Ti, etc., evidently condensed and accreted into cm-sized objects, some of which are found in carbonaceous chondrites. These objects are explicable in terms of formation from a cooling neutral gas with cosmic composition. Their most important distinguishing characteristics are low volatile and low Si contents, coupled with high refractory element contents constrains formation via isothermal compression to grain temperature 1000 K.Invited contribution to the proceedings of a workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978.  相似文献   

The relatively low value of Xe/Kr in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars seems to rule out meteorites as the major carriers of noble gases to the inner planets. Laboratory experiments on the trapping of gases in ice forming at low temperatures suggest that comets may be a better choice. It is then possible to develop a model for the origin of inner planet atmospheres based on volatiles delivered by comets added to volatiles originally trapped in planetary rocks. The model will be tested by results from the Galileo Entry Probe.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Yarle Lakes 001 meteorite was a single stone of 913 g found approximately 20 km north of Watson, South Australia, in 1990 October. It consists of olivine (Fa18.7 ± 0.4, n = 30), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs16.6 ± 0.2 Wo 12 + 0.4, n = 15). feldspar, high-Ca pyroxene, metallic Fe-Ni and troilite. Based on texture and mineral chemistry, Yarle Lakes 001 is classified as a H5 chondrite of shock stage S3.  相似文献   

Abstract— To date, 24 possibly distinct meteorites have been reported from the Nullarbor Region in South Australia and many more recoveries remain to be described. Following Bevan and Binns (1989), the system of nomenclature for meteorites from the Western Australian Nullarbor has been extended into the South Australian Nullarbor. For the purposes of nomenclature, the South Australian Nullarbor has been divided into 27 named “areas.” Henceforth, distinct meteorites will take the name of the area in which they were found and a number (e.g., 001). The names of previously documented meteorites from the region remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the histories and classifications of poorly known meteorites from the Oscar Monnig meteorite collection. Forestburg (a), Texas, is an L4(S2) ordinary chondrite. Forestburg (b), Texas, is a shock-blackened L5(S5) ordinary chondrite containing an impact-melt clast. Davy (a), Texas, L4(S2), is represented by several highly weathered stones. Davy (b), Texas, is a single stone classified as H4(S2). Harrison Township, Kansas, (L6(S4)) was found in the vicinity of several meteorites grouped as Ladder Creek but appears distinct. We have identified the second and largest fragment of the 1814 October Gurram Konda, India, L6(S3) meteorite fall and uncovered details of its early history.  相似文献   

Abstract‐ Noble gases have been measured in meteorites for more than 100 years. The last 50 years have been especially fruitful, with concentration and isotopic compositional analysis of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe making important contributions to meteorite research. Differently trapped noble gas components are the basis for understanding planetary atmospheres and even different stages of stellar evolution. Noble gases are a valuable tool to detect pairing of meteorite specimens or even to prove whether a rock is a meteorite or not. Noble gas data, however, are distributed over a large number of publications. Sometimes, only concentrations are given for selected isotopes or just a simple derivative quantity is published. We have tried to collect all available measurements of He, Ne, and Ar in meteorites. Here, we present the data in a form that will help easily calculate isotopic or elemental ratios for selected measurements. The present compilation contains all data available as of March 2004.  相似文献   

Abstract— New occurrences of the Acraman impact ejecta layer were recently discovered in two South Australian drillholes, SCYW‐79 1a (Stuart Shelf) and Munta 1 (Officer Basin) using lithostratigraphy, acritarch biostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, and biomarker anomalies to predict the stratigraphic position. The ejecta layer is conspicuous because it consists of pink, sandsized, angular fragments of volcanic rock distributed along the bedding plane surface of green marine siltstone. In SCYW‐79 1a it forms a layer 5 mm thick; in Munta 1 the ejecta layer is thin and discontinuous because of its distance (?550 km) from the impact structure. Palynological, biomarker, and carbon isotope anomalies can now be shown to coincide with the ejecta layer in SCYW‐79 1a and Munta 1 suggesting the Acraman impact event may have had far reaching influences on the rapidly evolving Ediacaran biological and geochemical cycles.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our studies of the silicate-bearing inclusions in the IIICD iron meteorites Maltahöhe, Carlton and Dayton suggest that their mineralogy and mineral compositions are related to the composition of the metal in the host meteorites. An inclusion in the low-Ni Maltahöhe is similar in mineralogy to those in IAB irons, which contain olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, graphite and troilite. With increasing Ni concentration of the metal, silicate inclusions become poorer in graphite, richer in phosphates, and the phosphate and silicate assemblages become more complex. Dayton contains pyroxene, plagioclase, SiO2, brianite, panethite and whitlockite, without graphite. In addition, mafic silicates become more FeO-rich with increasing Ni concentration of the hosts. In contrast, silicates in IAB irons show no such correlation with host Ni concentration, nor do they have the complex mineral assemblages of Dayton. These trends in inclusion composition and mineralogy in IIICD iron meteorites have been established by reactions between the S-rich metallic magma and the silicates, but the physical setting is uncertain. Of the two processes invoked by other authors to account for groups IAB and IIICD, fractional crystallization of S-rich cores and impact generation of melt pools, we prefer core crystallization. However, the absence of relationships between silicate inclusion mineralogy and metal compositions among IAB irons analogous to those that we have discovered in IIICD irons suggests that the IAB and IIICD cores/metallic magmas evolved in rather different ways. We suggest that the solidification of the IIICD core may have been very complex, involving fractional crystallization, nucleation effects and, possibly, liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

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