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The wastewater treatment is carried out in two parallel pond groups: South–9200 m3/d, 1748 kg/d BOD5, preliminary clarifier (1.1 ha, 22000 m3), three ponds (9.8 ha, 88000 m3), naturel aeration; North ?5700 m3/d, 2394 kg/d BOD5, Imhoff tank, three ponds (7.9 ha, 71000 m3), the pond 1 artificially aerated by gyroscopic units. The different loads of 15.9 and 33.7 g/m3 d BOD5 results in rates of removal of 11.2 and 22.5 g/m3d BOD5, resp. Therefore, the efficiency of the naturally aerated system is higher than that of the artificially aerated system. In the aerated system mainly the bacterial growth is promoted, a typical algal state being achieved only slowly, whereas the naturally aerated system gains a summer-time algal maximum in the ponds 2 and 3, which is accompanied already by zooplankton populations. In the dynamics of the biomass development, the higher efficiency of the four-stage, naturally aerated system is especially obvious.  相似文献   

The effluent from biological treatment plants of cane sugar factories undergoes a final purification in laboratory models with a Chlorella culture at volume loads of 76… 325 mg/l. d BOD5 or 121… 555 mg/l-d COD. The coefficient of removal on the basis of BOD5 is found to be linearly negatively correlated with the retention time, but independent of the substrate concentration and composition as well as of the pre-treatment of the wastewaters (aerobic or anaerobic). A dimensioning on the basis of the COD is not possible because of the high phytoplankton content in the effluent of the ponds.  相似文献   

The system consists of three preliminary clarifiers and two ponds operating in series. It drains 100,000 to 120,000 m3 highly loaded wastewater per year over the ground. In dependence on load, in the pond 1 a midsummer-time bacterial maximum of up to 800 m3/l occurs. The algal biomass, too, shows an annual curve with one peak; the maximum is independent of the ice cover and varies with the seasons. The BOD5 shows a spring maximum and a summer maximum independent of the biomasses and their variations. In the second pond only slight changes are found from June till October; here prevail algae and a maximum of flagellates. Although a stage of filtrators and consumers is lacking, the system can be regarded as a sewage pond system with a reduction of BOD5 by 73%.  相似文献   

The difficulties arisen in an assimilation pond, as it is called, after 17 years of operation were solved by a stabilization system for the purification of effluents and utilization for fish breeding. It consists of two basins (0.56 and 1.04 ha) and a fish pond (15.58 ha) to which water can flow from a brook by-passing the system. When the stabilization system had worked for 6 years, it was proved that in the case of the average daily intake of milk of 93,846…118,134 litres, effluents flowing out of the dairy plant amounted to 205.28…228.53 m3, on average. The BOD5 of effluents ranged from 201.33 to 261.73 kg/d and the total solids ranged from 95.5 to 139.3 kg/d on average. The average daily outflow from the pond amounted to 394.7…1567.0 m3 of water with 4.1…23.8 kg of BOD5 and with 29.3…112.4 kg of total solids. The average decrease of the main nutrients and extractable substances ranged from 62.8% (Ca2+) to 100% (NO?3). Only the BOD5 value at the end of the growing season in 1984 (8.4…10.3 mg/l) exceeded three times the standards for the admissible pollution of the receiving stream.  相似文献   

Biologically purified wastewater in ten doses of 50 and 400 mm per year was given into sand-filled lysimeters of 1 m2 area and 1 m depth which were vegetated with Lolium perenne (forage rye) and green maize all the year round. The experimental results gained in the course of five summer half-years and four winter half-years were evaluated with respect to the purification efficiency of the soil-plant system. The results demonstrate a high efficiency of the system with mean annual elimination performances of 86 and 40% for BOD5, and COD-Cr, resp., as well as 49, 86 and 52% for N, P and K, resp., at mean concentrations in mg/l for BOD5?1.3, COD-Cr?34.1, N?18.1, P?0.4 and K?9 in the percolating water from a soil depth of 1 m. The lysimeters which had been supplied with wastewater were not treated with mineral fertilizer. Intermingling with 1 kg/m2 straw brings about an increase of the loads of K and P as well as COD-Cr in the percolating water and a reduction of the N-loads, besides an increase in yield. All in all, for four years the performance has been stable without any temporal trend.  相似文献   

Dimethyl Sulfoxide Reduction Method for the Characterization of Biomass Activity in Sludge of an Aerated Lagoon The microbial biomass activity was studied in sludge from a wastewater lagoon (Hatzbachtal) which consisted of 4 aerated ponds and one polishing pond. The lagoon was characterized by low BOD5 loading and high dilution because of water from the surroundings. Sludge samples were taken from 4 sampling sites of each aerated pond and from one site of the polishing pond. The biomass activity in the sludge samples was analysed with the help of dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DRA) and dehydrogenase (DHA) activity. In addition, Corg-content was also determined. The effect of different reaction parameters on the DRA was studied in relation to incubation period, temperature and atmosphere as well as sludge weight and pH value. The results presented here show that a linear increase in the DRA occured for the sludge weight ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 g, incubation period from 0.5 to 11 h and incubation temperature from 20 to 50 °C. The pH spectrum from acidic to neutral did not effect the DMS formation in sludge. Although the values for DRA were always higher in anaerobic incubation of sludge than in aerobic incubation, the courses of the DRA in both conditions were parallel. Comparing the biomass activity in sludge from different sampling sites of the aerated ponds, the average Corg-content was found to be reflected by the DRA and DHA. Further, the variation in the DRA could represent also the influence of oxygen concentration. Therefore, a reduction in biomass activities indicated a decline in the availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

Thirteen alicyclic compounds (C5… C7) are examined for their biochemical degradability in a laboratory activating tank and in two respirometers (Warburg, Sapromat). The tests were performed with adapted and nonadapted activated sludge. In addition, the COD was determined by three different methods. With the exception of cycloheptane (BOD < 25% of the BODtheor.), six compounds prove to be easily degradable (BOD > 45% of the BODtheor.) and six compounds prove to be degradable (BOD 45… 25% of the BODtheor.).  相似文献   

The separate examination of the processes of the settling and thickening of activated sludge allows us to minimize the volumes of aeration tanks and final clarification tanks. The following initial quantities are given: wastewater quantity, inflow and outflow concentrations of BOD5, wastewater temperature and reflux ratio of activated sludge and, in addition, three parameters of the thickening behaviour of activated sludge as well as a parameter for the bioactivity of sludge, which are to be determined in an experimental plant. From this, the optimum concentration of the activated sludge in the aeration tank is calculated at which the total of volumes for aeration tank and final clarification tank becomes a minimum. The process is carried out numerically by an example.  相似文献   

The plankton collected from three fish ponds shows a considerable variability within a pond, between the ponds and in the course of the year. The individual volumes or weights are (minimum—mean—maximum): Gleotrichia echinulata 41–252–879 μg3, Chlorella vulgaris 18–42–94 μm3, Oscillatoria amphigranulata 99–306–827 μm3, Brachionus plicatilis 1–4.918 μg, nauplia 0.5–1.25–2.35 μg, Mesocyclops hyalinus 4–45–369—μg, Heliodiaptomus viduus 41–202–288 μg, Daphnia carinata 186–1468–4578 μg.  相似文献   

Groundwaters feeding travertine‐depositing rivers of the northeastern segment of the Barkly karst (NW Queensland, Australia) are of comparable chemical composition, allowing a detailed investigation of how the rate of downstream chemical evolution varies from river to river. The discharge, pH, temperature, conductivity and major‐ion concentrations of five rivers were determined by standard field and laboratory techniques. The results show that each river experiences similar patterns of downstream chemical evolution, with CO2 outgassing driving the waters to high levels of calcite supersaturation, which in turn leads to widespread calcium carbonate deposition. However, the rate at which the waters evolve, measured as the loss of CaCO3 per kilometre, varies from river to river, and depends primarily upon discharge at the time of sampling and stream gradient. For example, Louie Creek (Q = 0·11 m3 s?1) and Carl Creek (Q = 0·50 m3 s?1) have identical stream gradients, but the loss of CaCO3 per kilometre for Louie Creek is twice that of Carl Creek. The Gregory River (Q = 3·07 m3 s?1), O'Shanassy River (Q = 0·57 m3 s?1) and Lawn Hill Creek (Q = 0·72 m3 s?1) have very similar gradients, but the rate of hydrochemical evolution of the Gregory River is significantly less than either of the other two systems. The results have major implications for travertine deposition: the stream reach required for waters to evolve to critical levels of calcite supersaturation will, all others things being equal, increase with increasing discharge, and the length of reach over which travertine is deposited will also increase with increasing discharge. This implies that fossil travertine deposits preserved well downstream of modern deposition limits are likely to have been formed under higher discharge regimes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide fluxes and water balance were examined in 43 tundra ponds in the northern portion of the Hudson Bay Lowland near Churchill, Manitoba. Most of the ponds were hydrologically disconnected from their catchments during dry periods throughout the post‐melt season. However, episodic reconnection occurred following large precipitation events where depression storage was exceeded. Significant shifts in pond chemistry were observed following precipitation events, with the degree of CO2 saturation increasing during these periods. Pond CO2 concentrations rapidly fell to pre‐event levels following events, suggesting that hydrological connectivity can affect the magnitude and direction of CO2 gas fluxes in tundra ponds. Atmospheric CO2 invaded ponds with highly organic sediments for most of the summer, suggesting that terrestrially derived inorganic carbon was insufficient to meet the demands of algal net production. In contrast, ponds with highly mineral sediments continued to evade CO2 during the summer. In a subset of 11 ponds, long‐term rates of carbon accumulation in sediment ranged from 0·6 to 2·2 mol C m?2 year?1. Very strong correlations existed between average sediment accumulation rates and pond perimeters and basin areas suggesting that peat may be a major source of sediment carbon. Aeolian transport is also a potentially large source of sediment carbon. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pikes Peak Highway is a partially paved road between Cascade, Colorado and the summit of Pikes Peak. Significant gully erosion is occurring on the hillslopes due to the concentration of surface runoff, the rearrangement of drainage pathways along the road surface and adjacent drainage ditches, and the high erodibility of weathered Pikes Peak granite that underlies the area. As a result, large quantities of sediment are transported to surrounding valley networks causing significant damage to water quality and aquatic, wetland, and riparian ecosystems. This study establishes the slope/drainage area threshold for gullying along Pikes Peak Highway and a cesium‐137 based sediment budget highlighting rates of gully erosion and subsequent valley deposition for a small headwater basin. The threshold for gullying along the road is Scr = 0 · 21A–0·45 and the road surface reduces the critical slope requirement for gullying compared to natural drainages in the area. Total gully volume for the 20 gullies along the road is estimated at 5974 m3, with an erosion rate of 64 m3 yr–1 to 101 m3 yr–1. Net valley deposition is estimated at 162 m3 yr–1 with 120 m3 yr–1 unaccounted for by gullying. The hillslope–channel interface is decoupled with minimal downstream sediment transport which results in significant local gully‐derived sedimentation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Mathematical transformation models of TDS (total dissolved salts) and organic substance concentration as BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) in water of the Angara River and the proposed Boguchan Reservoir have been developed. Having filled the reservoir to a water level of 208 m, in an average year it is shown that increase in surface water mineralization is expected in the cross-section of Boguchan Hydroelectric Power Station giving TDS of up to 20–40 mg/dm3, and values of BOD5 will increase to 2.0–3.9 mgO2/dm3. In a low-water year the value of BOD5 may be as great as 5 mgO2/dm3; mineralization, in contrast, decreases. Several years after reservoir filling, the values of BOD5 would decrease, but water quality of the upper part of the reservoir would still depend on the degree of treatment of wastewater discharged to it.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Savichev, O.G. and Matveenko, I.A., 2013. Evaluation of chemical composition changes of surface water in Boguchan Reservoir (Siberia, Russia). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 706–715.  相似文献   

内陆水体是大气CO2收支估算的重要组成部分。农业流域分布着大量池塘景观水体,且具备蓄洪抗旱、消纳污染、水产养殖等多种功能。但是,农业流域不同功能的小型池塘CO2排放特征尚不清楚。本研究以极具农业流域代表性的烔炀河流域为研究对象,选取流域中用于水产养殖(养殖塘)、生活污水承纳(村塘)、农业灌溉(农塘)、蓄水(水塘)的4个功能不同的景观池塘,基于为期1年的野外实地观测,以明确农业流域小型池塘CO2排放特征。结果表明,不同功能池塘水体CO2排放差异显著,受养殖活动、生活污水输入和农田灌溉等人类活动影响,养殖塘((80.37±100.39) mmol/(m2·d))、村塘((48.69±65.89) mmol/(m2·d))和农塘((13.50±15.81) mmol/(m2·d))是大气CO2的热点排放源,其CO2排放通量分别是自然蓄水塘((4.52±23.26) mmol/(m2·d))的18、11和3倍。统计分析也表明,该流域池塘CO2排放变化总体上受溶解氧、营养盐等因素驱动。4个不同景观池塘CO2排放通量全年均值为(37.31±67.47) mmol/(m2·d),是不容忽视的CO2排放源,其中养殖塘和村塘具有较高的CO2排放潜力,在未来研究中需要重点关注。  相似文献   

Two examples of travertine bridges are observed at 8 to 15 m above stream level in the Lower Zamanti Basin, Eastern Taurids, Turkey. Yerköprü‐1 and Yerköprü‐2 bridges are currently being deposited from cool karstic groundwaters with log PCO2 > 10?2 atm. The surface area and the total volume of travertine in Yerköprü‐1 bridge are 4350 m2 and 40 000 m3, whereas the values for Yerköprü‐2 are 2250 m2 and 20 000 m3, respectively. The interplay of hydrogeological structure, local topography, calcite‐saturated hanging springs, algal activity and rapid downcutting in the streambed appear to have led to the formation of travertine bridges. Aeration through cascades and algal uptake causes efficient carbon dioxide evasion that enhances travertine formation. Algal curtains aid lateral development of travertine rims across the stream. Model calculations based on a hypothetical deposit in the form of a half‐pyramid implied that lateral development should have occurred from both banks of the stream in the Yerköprü‐1 bridge, whereas one‐sided growth has been sufficient for Yerköprü‐2. The height difference between travertine springs and the main stream appears to be a result of Pleistocene glaciation during which karstic base‐level lowering was either stopped or slowed down while downcutting in the main stream continued. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Algal blooms frequently occur in the Maude Weir in the Murrumbidgee River of NSW, which are related to the availability of nutrients, particularly phosphorus. A clayey sediment from the bottom released P to the water when kept under reducing conditions, but did not release P when the supernatant water was aerated. The same material, with and without aeration, sorbed P when resuspended in water containing 1 mg P L−1. The resuspended anaerobic material adsorbed almost twice as much as the same material under aerobic conditions. Vigorous mixing, simulating transport breakage and abrasion, caused a substantial increase in sorption, with the effect being greater for the aerobic material. This was attributed to fragmentation of iron oxide aggregates formed during oxidation. Mineral magnetic properties, susceptibility and remanence ratios SIRM/χ, SIRM/ARM and IRMh%, of the material from the desorption experiment reflected changes in the chemical state of iron caused by oxidation and reduction. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Gucheng is located in the southeast of Nanjing, with an area of 24.3 km2, an average depth of 2 meters. The macrophytes of the lake were used to be abundant and their biomass was about 4.96 mg·m-2. The annual average contents of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), PO3- -P, CODMn and BOD5 0.03, 1.31, 0.005, 3.61 and 1.46 mg·L-1, respectively. Thus, the water quality of this lake is quite well. Recently, the water quality in pari of the lake became worse because of some unreasonable exploitation and utilization of bioresources. The interactions between phytoplankton (N1), macrophyte (N2), fish (N3), crab (N4) were studied here. The macrophyte has great influences on both phytoplanktons, fish and crab, controlling the water quality and maintaining the fishery productivity. On the other hand, the phytoplankton, fish and crab also influence the macrophyte. It is key method of ecological management to maintain the macrophyte by fishery culture. Therefore, a modified Lotka-Volterra model has been established to estimate the interaction between N1, N2, N3, N4 and the influences of some water environmental parameters on these aquatic organism, environmental and economic effect. The main model consists four compart-mental models and four submodels, involved 12 external variables, 8 state variables, 19 universal constants and 11 parameters. The values of most parameters were found from our experiments and calibrated by the model and actually measured data. The model has been validated by comparison the computed and experimental data of phytoplankton and macrophyte. The theoretical outputs showed a good agreement with the measured data. This model predicated that if the standing crop offish and crab was higher than 2.65 ·m-2 during springtime in this lake, macrophytes would not grow, chlorophyll a content would arrive 34.8 mg·m-3 and the water quality would decrease. If the macrophyte grow well, the maximum fishery productivity would be about 1 600 t. In this case, the annually averaged phytoplankton chlorophyll a content should be 3.69 mg·m-3, which is lower than the criterion (10 mg·m-3) for eutrophic state. From 1991 to 1996, Lake Gucheng was managed with this model, its water quality maintain quite well, chlorophyll a content decreased from 3.51 (1991) to 1.89 mg·m-3 (1994). Meanwhile, the fishery productivity increased and the economic effect heightened year by year.  相似文献   

In a storage reservoir with a hypolimnic volume of 3.5 hm3 the water contains 40 mg/l nitrate. A straw bale of 60 by 20 by 1.5 m was introduced as a reactor. Hypolimnic water having been polluted with a waste product of the fatty acid synthesis (30 … 20% formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and valeric acids) were pumped through it. By the use of a total of 43.8 t fatty acid mixture from June to August an additional oxygen depletion of 14 t O2 is achieved and 49 t NO3? are removed at the same time. The ammonium concentration did not increase, the NO2? concentration, however, rose to 12 … 13 mg/l NO2 at times. The fatty acids were used up save 0.1 mg/l. The increase of the NO2? concentration, of the number of germs and of the iron, manganese and phosphorus back solution due to the controlled anaerobic conditions is the drawback of the process.  相似文献   

过氧化钙在处理厌氧底泥中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善河道厌氧底质及内源氮、磷等营养盐释放问题,考察对沉水植被恢复的影响,研发可同步解决沉积物供氧和削减内源氮、磷释放的氧缓释材料.实验通过向沉积物-水界面处散点注射不同剂量的过氧化钙(Ca O2),研究界面处溶解氧的动态变化特征及表层沉积物与底层水体之间溶解态氮、磷的交换过程.结果表明:添加Ca O2显著提高了界面处底层上覆水溶解氧浓度,随着Ca O2浓度的增加溶解氧浓度增加,不同处理组之间具有显著差异;Ca O2对沉积物中PO3-4-P释放具有明显的抑制作用,且随Ca O2浓度的增加抑制效果愈加明显,上覆水中可溶性活性磷浓度最大可削减98%.实验开始时,磷释放速率可降至-241.916±22.501 mg/(m2·d),降幅最高可达到144%;Ca O2对沉积物NH+4-N释放的抑制效果不佳,上覆水中NH+4-N浓度随着时间的变化波动性较大,且有逐渐增大的趋势.另外,添加Ca O2会显著提高底层上覆水p H值,不同处理组之间差异显著,但当Ca O2投加量小于0.529 kg/m2时,不会对苦草种子的萌发生长有显著影响,p H值波动在可接受范围内(7.62~10.87).因此,结合污染沉积物的状况,适当地投加Ca O2有望同步解决底质厌氧、内源磷释放及后期沉水植被定植底质生境改善的问题,可推荐为一种黑臭污染底泥治理技术在实际的河道生态工程中应用,其适宜浓度为0.176 kg/m2左右.  相似文献   

Due to its oxidation-reduction potential, oxygen occurs in the TTC test for the determination of the dehydrogenase activity as a competitive hydrogen acceptor. At different oxygen concentrations in the solution to be tested and also at varying rates of oxygen depletion, e.g. in activated sludge samples, thus the formazan formation from TTC shows differences. Under similar anaerobic conditions, the test results of the dehydrogenase activity are higher in most cases and show a smaller range of variation than under aerobic conditions. The importance of the oxygen concentration is demonstrated in investigations with activated sludge, anaerobic conditions being set by addition of Na2SO3.  相似文献   

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