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A compilation is presented of the continuation of the European sand belt, east of Poland. Dune fields encompass most of the aeolian formations in eastern Europe. Supposed sand provenance, dune orientation, and the few available datings suggest initial aeolian activity during cold stages of the Upper-Pleni (= full)glacial and Late Glacial, similar to northwest and central Europe. Dune fomiation was primarily supply controlled. Comparison of dune orientation with Late Glacial surface wind directions simulated by various GCMs permits reconstruction of dune activation with the positioning of (winter) westerlies over glacial deposits during the Oldest Dryas. Final widespread aeolian activity occurred during the Younger Dryas. As compared to the smaller fields toward the centre of deglaciation, aeolian sand deposits of the intermediate and periglacial zone benefited from distinctly longer intervals of accumulation. In the zone of deglaciation, aeolian activity was restricted to relatively isolated basins.  相似文献   

The Niers valley was part of the Rhine system that came into existence during the maximum Saalian glaciation and was abandoned at the end of the Weichselian. The aim of the study was to explain the Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvial dynamics and to explore the external forcing factors: climate change, tectonics and sea level. The sedimentary units have been investigated by large‐scale coring transects and detailed cross‐sections over abandoned channels. The temporal fluvial development has been reconstructed by means of geomorphological relationships, pollen analysis and 14C dating. The Niers‐Rhine experienced a channel pattern change from braided, via a transformational phase, to meandering in the early Late Glacial. This change in fluvial style is explained by climate amelioration at the Late Pleniglacial to Late Glacial transition (at ca. 12.5 k 14C yr BP) and climate‐related hydrological, lithological and vegetation changes. A delayed fluvial response of ca. 400 14C yr (transitional phase) was established. The channel transformations are not related to tectonic effects and sea‐level changes. Successive river systems have similar gradients of ca. 35–40 cm km?1. A meandering river system dominated the Allerød and Younger Dryas periods. The threshold towards braiding was not crossed during the Younger Dryas, but increased aeolian activity has been observed on the Younger Dryas point bars. The final abandonment of the Niers‐Rhine was dated shortly after the Younger Dryas to Holocene transition. Traces of Laacher See pumice have been found in the Niers valley, indicating that the Niers‐Rhine was still in use during the Younger Dryas. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changing river courses and fluctuations of the water table were some of the most fundamental environmental changes that humans faced during the Late Glacial, particularly as these changes affected areas intensively used for settlement and resource exploitation. Unfortunately, only a few stratigraphies have been documented in the North European plain that show the interaction between river development, vegetation history, and occupation by Late Palaeolithic humans. Here, we present the results of detailed stratigraphical studies (pedology, archaeology, chrono‐, tephra‐, and palynostratigraphy) at the Federmesser site Grabow 15 located in the broad Elbe River valley. The research aimed to produce a model of site formation based on a multiproxy approach, relating the local evidence to the palaeoenvironmental and settlement history of the wider region. After deposition of fluvial sands during the Late Pleniglacial in a braided setting, the river course developed locally toward a meandering system at the transition from the Older Dryas to the Allerød, while periodic flooding led to the deposition of floodplain sediments during the early Allerød. The floodplain was settled by people of the earliest “Federmessergruppen,” who are believed to have chosen this open floodplain area along the river for collecting and processing amber of local origin. Their artifacts became embedded in the aggrading floodplain sediments. In the late Allerød, floodplain sedimentation ceased and a Fluvisol‐type soil developed, indicating a trend toward geomorphic stability. The Fluvisol was then covered by silty floodplain sediments due to a rising water level during the late Younger Dryas resulting in the cessation of human occupation in the area. Subsequent organic‐rich Late Glacial/Holocene sediments preserved the settlement remains to the present.  相似文献   

Vandenberghe, Jef, Bohncke, Sjoerd, Lammers, Wim & Zilverberg, Liesbeth 1987 03 01: Geomorphology and palaeoecology of the Mark valley (southern Netherlands): geomorphological valley development during the Weichselian and Holocene. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 55–67. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The actual area of the Mark valley is limited by the borders of an Early Weichselian erosion phase. The subsequent accumulation has resulted in the formation of a Weichselian Pleniglacial terrace which has been deeply dissected by Late Glacial erosion. The present alluvial plain is formed by Late Glacial and Holocene infilling. The maximum incision of the Late Glacial fluvial phase was reached slightly before 11,780 B.P. and involved locally dry conditions which have given rise to aeolian activity during this period (Older Dryas). On the deepest parts of the Pleniglacial terrace, a backswamp environment was established until the end of the Alleröd. At the beginning of the Younger Dryas the river invaded the terrace but shortly afterwards aeolian activity progressively increased. At the climax of the Younger Dryas, deep seasonal frost or local permafrost characterized the Mark valley.  相似文献   

Three to four km southwest of Egtved, in middle Jutland, diggings for a gas pipeline cut through a form which is believed to be a fossil frost mound. The horizontal outline of the form is that of a rounded silty body with a diameter of about 45 m. It is surrounded by layered eolian sand of which the layers are bent upwards into a vertical position close to the silty body. A small bulge of silty material is present on top of the neighbouring sand. The mechanism for the formation of the form is thought to have much in common with that of the hydrostatic system pingo of Mackay. It cannot be determined whether the mound was annual or perennial, but the presence of silty sediment in the central part shows that liquified sediment moved upward to fill the present form. By means of lithostratigraphy and pollen analysis, the development and decay of the mound were dated to Late Dryas time. It is suggested that similar features may be present in other parts of Scandinavia outside the area glaciated during the Late Dryas.  相似文献   

Bleaching characteristics of Late Glacial and Holocene eolian sands from The Netherlands confirm the suitability for TL dating of these sediments. A solar simulator has been used for both quartz and potassium feldspar separates. A number of bleaching times and dose rate determinations have been used to establish the best plateau for the ED determination and a suitable dose rate respectively, in order to date a Late Glacial cover sand sample.  相似文献   

Wood macrofossil remains of alder and willow/poplar have been recovered from a sediment sequence in the valley of the Turker Beck in the Vale of Mowbray, North Yorkshire. These remains have yielded radiocarbon dates early in the Devensian Late Glacial (14.7–14k cal a bp ), equivalent to the early part of the Greenland Interstadial (GI-1e) of the GRIP ice-core record. These are the earliest dates recorded for the presence of alder in the Late Glacial in the British Isles. Associated biological remains have provided a palaeoenvironmental record for this early part of the Greenland Interstadial, generally indicative of open environments dominated by herbaceous taxa on both the wetland and dryland surfaces. However, stands of alder, birch and willow woodland were also present, and indicate the possibility that such tree species survived in cryptic refugia in Britain as elsewhere in northern Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum. The absence of alder pollen at Turker Beck, in a sequence in which its macrofossil remains are relatively abundant, lends support to the view that pollen can be a poor indicator of the presence of tree species in Late Glacial sequences in northern and western Europe.  相似文献   

Dunes and eolian cover sands play an important role in the morphology of Wolin Island and the surrounding area. From radiocarbon dates, palynological data, archaeological evidence and the study of Swedish maps from 1694, it can be inferred that the above forms accumulated in the Late Vistulian (Older Dryas and Younger Dryas) and Holocene periods, mostly in the Subboreal and Sub-Atlantic periods. The development of eolian processes was due to climatic conditions during the Late Vistulian as well as the Holocene human involvement in the environment of dune-covered areas and the absence of a vegetation cover on sand spits emerging successively from the sea.  相似文献   

Bohncke, Sjoerd, Vandenberghe, Jef, Coope, Russell & Reiling, Rudo 1987 03 01: Geomorphology and palaeoecology of the Mark valley (southern Netherlands): palaeoecology, palaeohydrology and climate during the Weichselian Late Glacial. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 69–85. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A backswamp peat, located on an Upper Pleniglacial terrace, has been analysed in detail with respect to its pollen content, its macroscopic plant remains and its fossil insect fauna. The analyses permitted a detailed reconstruction of the Late Glacial palaeoenvironment besides an estimation of fluctuations in the local humidity and fluctuations in the palaeotemperatures. The main boundaries in the sequence have been radiocarbon dated, indicating a peat accumulation from c .12,600 B.P. to 10,970 B.P. The Bölling s.l . shows a clear migration of vegetation belts, starting with a shrub vegetation and passing into a birch wood. This progressive vegetation development culminates in a short lasting Pinus maximum early in the Alleröd, without being hampered by events during the Older Dryas. Up to and including the Alleröd no serious climate deterioration is registered. The humidity curve reveals a semiterrestrial phase in the local hydrosere that correlates with the Older Dryas and that is explained by the geomorphological evolution of the adjacent river system. The transition to the Younger Dryas coincides with a return to fluvial conditions and a marked change in the pollen record and insect fauna, indicating a decline in the average July temperature from between 18 and 15°C to 11 and 10°C.  相似文献   

南京长江四桥附近长江古河谷沉积层序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据南京长江四桥附近地质钻孔资料,绘制长江古河谷地质剖面示意图。在3个钻孔采集了年代样品,10个钻孔采集了粒度样品。01号孔在-59.4m深度上河床相圆砾石层中沉积物样品有机质的14C年代为14682±110年,邻近钻孔在-33.1~-33.3m深度上粉细砂中有机质的14C年代为10822±240年。通过对典型钻孔沉积层序及沉积物颗粒级配的分析,得知古河谷充填了3期从粗到细的沉积旋回,约-65m以下深槽中的沉积旋回应是末次盛冰期沉积,约-65m~-35m的应是晚冰期沉积,约-35m以上是全新世以来的沉积。  相似文献   

Pollen and mollusc deposits in a sedimentation series laid down in the Dattnau valley during the Late Glacial and early Post-glacial were studied. For the first time δ13C and δ18O in land-snail shells were measured. It was possible to reconstruct vegetational and climatic developments from the Bölling ( c . 12,500 B.P.) until well into the early Boreal ( c . 9,000 B.P.). The two sets of findings agree well. The Late Glacial is seen to comprise two intervals: the continuous, locally rather moist, warm Bölling/Alleröd period, and the subsequent dry . cold Younger Dryas. The profile ceases after the changeover from the Late Glacial to the Post-glacial. The transitions from the Alleröd to the Younger Dryas and hence to the Preboreal and Boreal are both clearly identifiable in the pollen diagram; the mollusc record, however, ceases to be interpretable shortly before the climatic change to the Post-glacial. The δ18O curve shows a clear distinction between the AllerÖd and the Younger Dryas. The Gerzensee fluctuation, immediately before this transition. is evident as a negative deviation.  相似文献   

A chironomid–July air temperature inference model based on chironomid assemblages in the surface sediments of 81 Swiss lakes was used to reconstruct Late Glacial July air temperatures at Lac Lautrey (Jura, Eastern France). The transfer‐function was based on weighted averaging–partial least squares (WA‐PLS) regression and featured a leave‐one‐out cross‐validated coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.80, a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 1.53 ° C, and was applied to a chironomid record consisting of 154 samples covering the Late Glacial period back to the Oldest Dryas. The model reconstructed July air temperatures of 11–12 ° C during the Oldest Dryas, increasing temperatures between 14 and 16.5 ° C during the Bølling, temperatures around 16.5–17.0 ° C for most of the Allerød, temperatures of 14–15 ° C during the Younger Dryas and temperatures of ca. 16.5 ° C during the Preboreal. The Lac Lautrey record features a two‐step July air temperature increase after the Oldest Dryas, with an abrupt temperature increase of ca. 3–3.5 ° C at the Oldest Dryas/Bølling transition followed by a more gradual warming between ca. 14 200 and 13 700 BP. The transfer‐function reconstructs a less rapid cooling at the Allerød/Younger Dryas transition than other published records, possibly an artefact caused by the poor analogue situation during the earliest Younger Dryas, and an abrupt warming at the Younger Dryas/Holocene transition. During the Allerød, two centennial‐scale 1.5–2.0 ° C coolings are apparent in the record. Although chronologically not well constrained, the first of these cold events may be synchronous with the beginning of the Gerzensee Oscillation. The second is inferred just before deposition of the Laachersee tephra at Lac Lautrey and is therefore coeval with the end of the Gerzensee Oscillation. In contrast to the Greenland oxygen isotope records, the Lac Lautrey palaeotemperature reconstruction lacks a clearly defined Greenland Interstadial (GI) event 1d and the decreasing temperature trend during the Bølling/Allerød Interstadial. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the Younger Dryas cold reversal in northern South America midlands and lowlands remains controversial. We present a palaeoecological analysis of a Late Glacial lacustrine section from a midland lake (Lake Chonita, 4.6501 °N, 61.0157 °W, 884 m elevation) located in the Venezuelan Gran Sabana, based on physical and biological proxies. The sediments were mostly barren from ~15.3 to 12.7 k cal a BP, probably due to poor preservation. A ligneous community with no clear modern analogues was dominant from 12.7 to 11.7 k cal a BP (Younger Dryas chronozone). At present, similar shrublands are situated around 200 m elevation above the lake, suggesting a cooling‐driven downward shift in vegetation during that period. The interval from 11.7 to 10.6 k cal a BP is marked by a dramatic replacement of the shrubland by savannas and a conspicuous increase in fire incidence. The intensification of local and regional fires at this interval could have played a role in the vegetation shift. A change to wetter, and probably warmer, conditions is deduced after 11.7 k cal a BP, coinciding with the early Holocene warming. These results support the hypothesis of a mixed origin (climate and fire) of the Gran Sabana savannas, and highlight the climatic instability of the Neotropics during the Late Glacial. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

河西走廊花海剖面晚冰期以来年代学及沉积特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择位于河西走廊的花海古湖泊沉积剖面作为研究对象,根据13个普通14C和5个AMS14C年代结果,以沉积物岩性特征为主要指标,建立了晚冰期以来花海湖泊沉积的年代框架及环境变化过程.结果表明:花海地区新仙女木期和晚冰期花海湖泊主要以芒硝沉积为主,指示了较低的温度环境.芒硝沉积中的淤泥细线为短暂升温标志,芒硝-淤泥-芒硝的...  相似文献   

新的地层和古生物学研究结果表明,措勤盆地在晚古生代一早中生代不存在长达75Ma以上的沉积间断.其中,晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期都是海相碳酸盐岩地层,晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世为陆缘碎屑岩地层.两者之间为角度不整合接触.措勤盆地在晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期一直处于海相碳酸盐岩盆地中.晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世仍然是接受巨厚沉积的低洼地区。从宏观的油气勘探的战略评价角度看.措勤盆地在中二叠世栖霞期-晚三叠世诺利期的海相碳酸盐岩地层具有生油层的性质,上三叠统瑞替阶-中下侏罗统具有盖层的性质,两者之间的角度不整合具有储集层的性质。措勤盆地中二叠统-下侏罗统构成一个油气的有利勘探层系.称为古格层系。  相似文献   

The stratigraphic record from a boring penetrating the 104 m thick Quaternary sequence on the island of Anholt is summarized. The spatial distribution of the pre-Quaternary formations and the surface topography of these are described on the basis of reflection seismic profiles. It is concluded that Anholt is located in the crestal zone of a southeast–northwest trending anticline in the pre-Quaternary. The anticline was formed during the Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary inversion episodes and was later deeply truncated by erosion. A southeast–northwest trending erosional channel, c. 2 km wide and with a maximum depth c. 250 m below sea level, is located southeast of Anholt along the crest of the anticline. This channel is not present at the bore locality. Although no direct correlation from the boring to the seismic profiles could be achieved it is argued that a strong reflection near the base of the Quaternary outside the channel may be correlated with the Saalian–Eemian complex found in the boring. Three younger sequences of probable Early and Middle Weichselian, Late Glacial and Holocene age respectively have been recognized. The Late Glacial and Holocene sediments appear to have been deposited in erosional troughs and channels cut into a sequence of Lower and Middle Weichselian sediments. Post-Eemian till deposits or other evidence unambiguously indicating the presence of Weichselian glaciers have not been found, either in the boring or in the seismic profiles. It is therefore assumed that the erosion of the Lower-Middle Weichselian sequence was of fluvial origin and can be ascribed to the lowstand period of the Weichselian glacial period. The western part of Anholt can possibly be regarded as an erosional remnant of the Lower-Middle Weichselian sequence.  相似文献   

McEachern's Deathtrap Cave (G—49/50) is located in the Lower Glenelg region of southeastern Australia and records a Late Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary record that has been directly influenced by surface processes during its formation. The sedimentary sequence contained within the cave is divided into lower, middle and upper sequences consisting of eight facies. The lower sequence represents the earliest phase of sedimentation, and groundwater fluctuations during the Last Interglacial period resulted in its erosion and redistribution deeper into the cave system. A decrease in the magnitude and frequency of flood events in the cave during the formation of the middle sequence indicates increasingly drier surface conditions prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. The middle sequence has a minimum age of 9840 ± 290 a BP. Moving sand sheets during the Last Glacial blocked the entrance to the cave allowing flowstones to develop on the cave floor. The surface environment surrounding the cave was probably not as dry as contemporaneous inland sites because sedimentation continued to be dominated by flowing water during this period. Holocene sedimentation is represented by the upper sequence and reflects wetter cave conditions between 7680 ± 160 a BP and 5700 ± 110 a BP. A major phase of sediment accretion occurs after 5700 a BP and correlates to a phase of dune instability in the Lower Glenelg region. Flowing water remodelled the sediment cone sometime after 2240 ± 100 a BP, which represents a period of increased surface runoff, although it is not clear whether this is due to climatic or anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

新的地层和古生物学研究结果表明,措勤盆地在晚古生代一早中生代不存在长达75Ma以上的沉积间断.其中,晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期都是海相碳酸盐岩地层,晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世为陆缘碎屑岩地层.两者之间为角度不整合接触.措勤盆地在晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期一直处于海相碳酸盐岩盆地中.晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世仍然是接受巨厚沉积的低洼地区。从宏观的油气勘探的战略评价角度看.措勤盆地在中二叠世栖霞期-晚三叠世诺利期的海相碳酸盐岩地层具有生油层的性质,上三叠统瑞替阶-中下侏罗统具有盖层的性质,两者之间的角度不整合具有储集层的性质。措勤盆地中二叠统-下侏罗统构成一个油气的有利勘探层系.称为古格层系。  相似文献   

Analyses on 27 sediment cores taken from the bottom of the Szczecin Lagoon allowed environmental reconstruction of the postglacial main stages of basin development, based on detailed sedimentological, geochemical, diatomological and malacological studies of selected key cores. Studies revealed that during the Late Glacial and Holocene this area developed in several stages. In the Late Glacial the whole study area constituted a low alluvial plain. At the turn from Younger Dryas to Holocene the alluvial plain was cut through by the Odra river to a level of 10–11 m below sea level (b.s.l.). Along with the first phases of the Holocene marine transgression at the southern Baltic Sea's coasts the accumulation of the limnic-swampy deposits began in this lower part of the Odra valley. At ca. 6–6.5 ka BP the transgression proceeded and Littorina Sea waters flooded the area. At that time the Szczecin Lagoon constituted a marine embayment in which series of sands, partly rich in malacofauna, was deposited. The development of the Swina barrier resulted in the isolation of the embayment from the direct inflow of Baltic Sea waters.  相似文献   

A brief review of the evidences for a Late Glacial cooling episode in Fuego-Patagonia and of the arguments used to suggest or reject the existence of a Younger Dryas Chronozone is presented. From this review it becomes clear that harsher climatic conditions were characteristic of at least several centuries during Late Glacial times. However, the timing and magnitude of that episode is difficult to establish due to scale and sampling problems resulting from the use of data obtained by different disciplines. This review is followed by a discussion of the implications of this deterioration for human occupation, which was in the process of initial installation in selected regions of Fuego-Patagonia.  相似文献   

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