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It is shown that the new definition1 of strong motion local magnitude M leads to stable estimates of magnitudes for earthquakes in Yugoslavia, with epicentral distances R <100 km and for 2.5 < M < 6.5. Tables with magnitudes computed using this new procedure are presented for all earthquakes contributing to the strong motion accelerogram files in EQINFOS for Yugoslavia.2 The similarity of our findings with the analogous analyses for California suggests new possibilities for relative calibration between various local magnitude scales, which are used in southeastern Europe, and ML in California.  相似文献   

A method for generating synthetic strong motion accelerograms for use in engineering design is presented. This method utilizes the model proposed by Trifunac in 197127 in conjunction with the recent empirical scaling functions for characterization of amplitudes and duration of strong shaking in terms of (i) earthquake magnitude, M, and epicentral distance, R, or (ii) Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) at the recording station. The method also enables one to consider the desired levels of confidence that the synthetic motion will not be exceeded, direction of ground motion (horizontal or vertical) and the dispersive properties of geologic environment beneath and surrounding the station. The principal features of this approach are that the resulting accelerograms have non-stationary frequency and amplitude characteristics which are in full agreement with known principles of wave propagation through a stratified medium, and that the Fourier amplitudes and the frequency-dependent duration are scaled in accordance with known trends as in recorded accelerograms.  相似文献   

简要评述了现有强震记录仪器响应失真校正方法的优点和存在的不足。在文献[1]的基础上,提出了对强震记录进行仪器响应失真校正的权函数方法,并推导建立了相应的计算公式。通过设计真实地震动为已知的算例,对加速度摆和速度摆强震仪的未校正记录,和用不同方法获得的校正记录的精度(或误差)进行了对比分析。理论和算例分析表明,本文方法简单、实用,具有很高的计算机精度且无稳定性问题。  相似文献   

Common problems encountered in automatic digitization of strong motion accelerograms, recorded on film, are presented and discussed. These include synchronization of the time scale for the three components of motion, non-uniform film speed, trace following in case of scratches or trace crossings, distortions from high contrast preprocessing of the scanned image, and trace “rotation” resulting from rotated position of the scanned film record. Procedures for correcting or eliminating these problems are suggested. The image processing hardware has developed so much during the past 20 years, that at present it exceeds the technical requirements for processing strong motion accelerograms. The problems described in this paper result from lack of training of the operators and lack of quality control in the process, which still seems to be esoteric and highly specialized. This situation may have been caused by the low demand by the engineering profession for high quality and large volume of strong motion data.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the synthesis of acceleration time histories primarily for use in structural response estimation. A proposed model for the acceleration time history is based on the summation of dispersive wave modes over the range of frequencies of typical interest to structural response. The values of the modal amplitudes and the travel times (or group velocities) are, for cases examined here, extracted from a target earthquake (or an ensemble of them). The synthetic accelerograms are constructed from these parameters with the inclusion of a probabilistic definition of those or other characteristics of the strong ground shaking and, in particular, the modal phase angle. The probability distributions of the peak acceleration and the integral of the square acceleration of the synthetic records are examined along with comparisons of the pseudo spectral velocity (PSV) response.  相似文献   

The paper highlights the use of fem and bi-directional lumped-mass-storey-stiffness numerical models for the study of the soil–structure interaction (ssi) effects on an instrumented building. Data on the structural response have been obtained through the project for seismic instrumentation of a 16-storey r/c cast-in-place dwelling building (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) during a series of earthquakes (Gutenberg–Richter M GR = 5.0−6.7). The effect of soil–structure interaction is clearly observed comparing the responses recorded on foundation and free-field. ssi becomes more pronounced for higher level of ground shaking amplifying the natural period of the structure and slightly suppressing high frequences on the foundation in comparison with the free-field motion.  相似文献   

The effects of soil-structure interaction on the seismic response of tall (>100m) steel and reinforced concrete chimneys are described. Detailed models of a 130m high steel chimney and a 150m high reinforced concrete chimney are used as structural models. The foundations are represented as rigid blocks resting on a uniform viscoelastic soil model. Perfect bonding between the foundation and the soil is assumed. Parametric studies of the interaction effects on the magnitude and distribution of bending moments and shear forces include four soil rigidities and two seismic excitations characterized by very different frequency contents. The results obtained indicate strong interaction effects for intermediate and soft soils (Vs500 m/sec). The extent of the interaction effects are highly dependent on the characteristics of the seismic excitation.  相似文献   

A review of some of the available methods to study the effects of site conditions on strong ground motion is presented. The need of unified treatment of source, path and side effects in the assessment of seismic risk is pointed out.  相似文献   

The Lorca earthquake (southeast Spain) on May 11, 2011; Mw 5.1, and its aftershocks, have provided an important set of accelerograms recorded by the strong motion network of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional of Spain. It is particularly noticeable that the record obtained in Lorca town, very near of the fault rupture, presents a PGA value close to 0.37 g in the N30W component. This paper provides an overview of the strong motion data recorded during the Lorca seismic series, with particular attention to the accelerograms from the mainshock and foreshock and its characteristics. Due to the special circumstances of these two records, a more detailed processing has been required, in which various alternatives to adjust the baseline have been considered and analyzed. Based on this special processing, small residual displacements were obtained and reported in some of these cases. However, given the sensitivity of the process and the small obtained values, these findings should be taken with caution. Besides, response spectra have been analyzed and compared with design spectra proposed by the Spanish Seismic Code (NCSE-02) for the towns of Lorca, Alhama de Murcia and Mula. Large amplitude differences were observed in these spectra if compared to those recorded in Lorca. Also noteworthy is that the design spectra proposed for this town were exceeded by some horizontal directions of the response spectra.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study is made of the effects of soil-structure interaction on the response of liquid containing, upright, circular cylindrical tanks subjected to a horizontal component of ground shaking. A simple, physically motivated method of analysis is employed which elucidates the effects and relative importance of the principal actions involved. Both the impulsive and convective actions of the liquid are examined. The interrelationship of the tank responses to horizontal and rocking actions of the foundation is established, and the well known mechanical model for laterally excited, rigid tanks supported on a non-deformable medium is generalized to permit consideration of the effects of tank and ground flexibilities and base rocking. Critical responses are evaluated for harmonic and seismic excitations over wide ranges of tank proportions and soil stiffnesses, and the results are presented in a form convenient for use in practical applications. In addition to a precise method of analysis, an approximate, hand-computation method is presented with which the effects of the primary parameters may be evaluated readily. The soil-structure interaction effects in the latter approach are provided for by modifying the natural frequency and damping of the tank-liquid system and evaluating its response to the prescribed free-field ground motion considering the tank to be rigidly supported at the base. The requisite modifications may be determined from information presented herein. It is shown that soil-structure interaction may reduce significantly the impulsive components of response but that it has a negligible effect on the convective components.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper investigates the effect of the foundation flexibility on the coupled lateral-torsional response of single-storey buildings excited by translational ground motion. The eccentricity between the centre of mass and the centre of resistance is considered to be the only cause of coupling of the lateral and torsional response of the building. The study is confined to the steady-state response of rigidly supported and flexibly supported torsionally coupled buildings subjected to harmonic free-field ground displacement perpendicular to the direction of the eccentricity. In the case of the flexibly supported building the foundation medium is assumed to be an elastic homogeneous isotropic half-space. The effect of the controlling parameters on lateral-torsional coupling is investigated. It is concluded that for a particular range of values of these parameters (representing most cases of actual buildings) their effect on the coupling of lateral and torsional response is not qualitatively affected by increases in the flexibility of the foundation medium.  相似文献   

Determination of noise spectra from strong motion data recorded in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large number of strong ground motions inGreece have been recorded by analogaccelerographs. The processing of analogstrong motion recordings and conversion toa digital form introduces noise in thesignal, due to the digitization andprocessing whichsignificantly affects the record. In thepresent paper a unified processing anddetermination of digitization andprocessing noise for the Greek strongmotion records is presented. Moreover,appropriate relations are proposed for thelower cut-off frequency with respect tothe epicentral distance and earthquakemagnitude for record filtering.  相似文献   

本文详细地分析了用数字化仪和激光扫描仪对模拟加速度记录进行数字化时所产生的误差及消除这些误差的方法,并开发了相关处理软件。数字化误差由数字化设备的系统误差和读数员在操作过程中的随机误差迭加而成,随机数字化误差是具有各态历经性质的、其振幅按高斯规律分布的平稳随机过程。利用激光扫描仪做强震记录数字化,工作效率很高。本文给出了激光扫描仪分析处理软件和消除数字化噪声实例。  相似文献   

Rockbursts are minor earthquakes induced due to mining operations. The seismic signals recorded using geophones in the near field are generally saturated and are not suitable for estimating the true magnitudes. The strong-motion accelerograms recorded due to rockbursts are therefore used to obtain the Wood-Anderson synthetic seismograms for getting accurate and reliable values of the local magnitudes. Using several typical strong-motion accelerograms of rockbursts in the mines of Kolar Gold Fields, the magnitudes have been computed in the present study. Correlations of peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity with the magnitude, studied for the rockbursts vis-à-vis the natural earthquakes in the Koyna dam area, suggest the mechanical similarity between the two different types of events. The results and findings are described in this paper.  相似文献   

Parametric system identification is used to evaluate seismic soil–structure interaction effects in buildings. The input–output strong motion data pairs needed for evaluations of flexible- and fixed-base fundamental mode parameters are derived. Recordings of lateral free-field, foundation, and roof motions, as well as foundation rocking, are found to be necessary for direct evaluations of modal parameters for both cases of base fixity. For the common situation of missing free-field or base rocking motions, procedures are developed for estimating the modal parameters that cannot be directly evaluated. The accuracy of these estimation procedures for fundamental mode vibration period and damping is verified for eleven sites with complete instrumentation of the structure, foundation, and free-field. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

唐山响堂三维场地影响观测台阵   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1994年7月中国地震局工程力学研究所在唐山余震区响堂镇建成了我国第一个三维场地影响观测台阵。该台阵目前有四个测点,分别布设在基岩地表、土层地表、地下17m和地下32m处。它安装了分辨率为16位的井下数字观测系统,主机和从机同步运行,系统时钟采用Omega导航信号自动校对(精度1ms),地震数据采用固态方式(CMOS)存储,每个测点均布设一组 量力平衡式加速度计。该台阵自投入运行至1997年12月  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate a Mw 6.8 earthquake that occurred in Myanmar on 24 March 2011. The epicenter of this earthquake struck very close to the Tarlay town which is located near the border of Myanmar, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), and Thailand. In addition, this shallow left-lateral strike-slip earthquake occurred on Nam Ma fault which is previously identified as an active fault. Based on instrumental earthquake catalogue, Nam Ma fault did not produce any earthquake greater than magnitude 6 for at least 100 years. So the 24 March 2011 earthquake is essentially filling the gap of relatively short instrumental earthquake catalogue in this region. The strong ground motion from this event has been recorded in Thailand with the highest peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.20 g at 28 km distance at Mae Sai town. Comparison between observed strong motion and global empirical equation had been provided. Over the distance range for which the model is applicable, they are in fair agreement. On the other hand, at long distance, the large positive and negative residuals suggest that a change in slope in the attenuation is not reflected in these relations. Lastly a seismological aspect of strong ground motion at Mae Sai had been given.  相似文献   

在汶川8.0级地震中,中国数字强震动台网在19个省市自治区的420个台站获得了1257条3分量主震加速度记录.文中对这些记录进行了初步的波形分析和数据统计,发现部分记录不完整,即存在不同程度丢头、丢尾的现象.从强震记录的波形特点、仪器的开始/停止触发阈值、事件0/后存储时间分析了出现以上现象的原因,并给出了数字强震仪预存贮参数设置的合理建议.文中研究的初步结果可为今后的数字强震仪参数设置提供参考.  相似文献   

Various authors, analysing the set of accelerograms recorded at Gubbio Piana (GBP) (central Italy), have demonstrated that strong amplification occurs at this accelerometric station, which is installed within an alluvial basin. In particular, Ambraseys et al. [(2005a), Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53; (2005b), Bull Earth Eng 3:55–73] observed that the strong motion peaks at GBP greatly exceed the median values predicted by the attenuation relationships they derived for Europe. In this work, we analyse and discuss some characteristics of the ground motion recorded at the GBP station. We show that the ground motion parameters, such as peak-ground acceleration and peak-ground velocity, are strongly influenced by the presence of locally induced surface waves that produce both a lengthening of the significant shaking duration and an increase in the peak values with respect to a nearby bedrock site. The basin-induced surface waves are observed in the three components of motion and their effects on the peak values are particularly evident in the vertical component. In the frequency domain, the energy of the surface waves is mostly restricted to the frequency band 0.4–0.8 Hz for both the horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal and vertical Fourier amplitudes are also very similar, and this indicates that the H/V spectral ratio technique is not applicable to describing the site response due to the propagation of seismic wave in a complex 2D/3D geological structure. Finally, a preliminary polarization analysis shows that the directions of polarization, as well as the degree of elliptical polarization, exhibit a strong variability with time, that may be related to a complex propagation of Love and Rayleigh waves within the basin.  相似文献   

介绍二滩拱坝强震台阵第1次记录的地震要素和记录情况;介绍了台阵记录的强地震动加速度记录的处理过程,包括零线校正,傅氏带通滤波。最后给出处理后各通道的加速度时程曲线和峰值加速度。  相似文献   

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