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Optimum strong-motion array geometry for source inversion is quantitatively determined for each of three types of earthquake faults: strike—slip, dip-slip and offshore subduction thrust. The estimation is done by using the source inversion method1,2 previously developed and based on Wolberg's prediction analysis.3 Only the far-field S waves are taken into account in source inversion; we test only the ability to estimate seismic moments of subfault elements. A comparison of the optimum array geometries obtained in this study with the ones proposed on the basis of an empirical judgment at the 1978 International Workshop on Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrument Arrays4 shows that the Workshop geometries are not the best ones as far as source studies are concerned. The most preferable array involves two different kinds of stations regardless of the target fault type: stations close to the fault and aligned parallel to its strike, and stations surrounding the fault area with good azimuthal coverage. The former stations resolve the later stage of the rupturing process while the latter stations resolve the earlier stage.  相似文献   

Frequency-wavenumber (f-k) spectra of seismic strong-motion array data are useful in estimating back-azimuth and apparent propagation velocity of seismic waves arriving at the array. Such estimates are required to model wave passage effects while studying spatial variability of strong ground motion. Although periodogram-based spectral estimates are commonly used, practical applications based on them encounter limitations, such as, lack of objective criteria for selecting a proper smoothing window and its associated bandwidth, and relatively large variance of the estimated spectral quantities. We present an alternative spectral estimate based on parametric time series modelling approach. The well-known autoregressive (AR) time series model is used in a system-based approach to estimate the spectral matrix of auto- and cross-spectral densities. Such spectral estimates are found to be smoother than the windowed periodogram estimates, and can directly be used in f-k spectral analysis. We present an example application of the proposed technique using strong-motion data recorded by the SMART-1 array in Taiwan during the January 29 1981 $M_{L}$ 6.3 earthquake. Our results, in terms of back azimuth and apparent propagation velocity, are found to be in excellent agreement with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of source wavelet errors on inversion‐based, surface‐related multiple attenuation, in order to address how the inverted primary impulse response, estimated primaries, and predicted multiples are affected by the estimated wavelet. In theory, errors in estimated wavelet can lead to errors in the upgoing waves. Because of smoothness and the band‐limitedness characteristics of the estimated wavelet, errors in the upgoing waves are usually not white and random. Theoretical analysis and two synthetic examples demonstrate that (i) when the overall amplitude scalar of the estimated wavelet is underestimated, the inversion of the primary impulse response suffers from instability, which will distort the estimation of primaries, and (ii) when the wavelet is overestimated, the estimated primaries will simply mimic the recorded upgoing waves. Nevertheless, the quality of the estimated primaries in the region above the first‐order, water‐bottom multiples is independent of the estimated wavelet. Synthetic results illustrate that inversion‐based, surface‐related multiple attenuation with a known wavelet is stable, since slight inaccuracy in amplitude spectrum and/or phase spectrum of the given wavelet or the corresponding upgoing waves will not lead to considerable deviation in the waveforms of the inverted results from those of the references. Furthermore, shot‐to‐shot wavelet variations, with maximum amplitude difference of 5% and maximum phase difference of 10°, create just slight artefacts in both the inverted primary impulse response and the estimated primaries. Moreover, the sensitivity test of estimation of primaries by sparse inversion method involving wavelet estimation shows that this method can stably and alternately update the wavelet and the primary impulse response; however, different choices of the initial wavelet can lead to different final inverted results.  相似文献   

The soil-covered landscape surface can be idealized from two viewpoints. The intuitive view is of a smooth, absolutely continuous surface with continuous contour lines and measurable in integral dimensions. The alternative view emphasizes the roughness, a surface of little regularity and at the limit of no contours, the appropriate measure being that of fractional Hausdorff dimension. Regularity is a local property and both idealizations need to stop far short of the limit to avoid awkward consequences. The dichotomy of viewpoint can be matched in the theory of Gaussian random fields. These, if they are smooth, are very smooth but if they are irregular they are highly irregular (erratic); there is no middle ground. This Belayev dichotomy is defined and both modes applied to the soil-covered landscape. On the one hand, if the landscape is subject to a general diffusive type degradation or more generally a Davisian downwasting regime then the curvature of the landscape surface is progressively straightened and the distribution of gradient (increments) along a typical traverse will eventually adopt a Gaussian form. Then from the irregular viewpoint the surface is ultimately well represented by a fractional Brownian surface of low Hausdorff dimension (2·0 < dim < 2·3). The Hausdorff dimension is directly related to the entropy of the landscape and as degradation proceeds both quantities decrease in value. On the other hand, if the surface is regarded as smooth and well represented by an absolutely continuous Gaussian field then the mean value of the number of upcrossings of a level or the extent of an excursion set will also be Gaussian. This analysis is restricted to one dimension; the number of times a profile curve crosses or the amount of time it spends above any given level. Predictions from both viewpoints are substantially corroborated in a map analysis of 15 sites on varied terrains in Southern England and the map analysis checked against one based upon digital tape data for one of the sites.  相似文献   

Interpretation of an anomalous magnetic response involves determining the parameters that characterize the source of the anomaly. The depth to the top of the structure is a parameter that is commonly sought, and the Source Parameter ImagingTM (SPITM) method is one way of determining this depth estimate. One advantage of the SPI method is that the depths can be displayed on an image. Typically there can be one image for an assumed contact (fault) model and another image for an assumed dipping thin sheet (dike) model. The depth estimate obtained will depend on the model assumed. An improvement to the source parameter imaging method extends the method to horizontal cylinders and at the same time allows the most appropriate model to be determined automatically. This model can be displayed on an image and the correct depth estimate for each anomaly can also be determined. The depth estimates can therefore be summarized on one map independent of an assumed model. The images generated from synthetic and field data show that the improved SPI method makes the task of interpreting magnetic data significantly easier.  相似文献   

Natural riparian forest wetlands are known to be effective in their ability to remove nitrate by denitrification and sediments with attached phosphorus via sedimentation. On the other hand, litter input and decomposition is a process of crucial importance in cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in a forest ecosystem.In this study we investigated the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the alder fen ecosystem through leaf litter and its decomposition and the removal capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus by measuring denitrification and sedimentation in the alder fen.We found an average input of leaf litter during fall 1998 of 226 g m−2 yr−1 DW with nutrient concentration of 0.17% P and 1.6% N. This means a yearly input of 0.4 g m−2 yr−1 P and 3.6 g m−2 yr−1 N. The decomposition of leaf litter using litter bags with small and large mesh size resulted in bags with macroinvertebrates (large mesh size) and without macroinvertebrates (small mesh size). After 57 days the litter bags with macroinvertebrates had a decomposition rate of 79%.Denitrification was measured in May and June of 1997 using the acetylene inhibition technique on intact soil cores and slurry-experiments. The average annual denitrification rate was 0.2 g m−2 yr−1 N using data from the core experiments. The denitrification rate was higher after addition of nitrate, indicating that denitrification in the riparian alder fen is mainly controlled by nitrate supply.The sedimentation rate in the investigated alder fen ranged from 0.47 kg m−2 yr−1 DW to 4.46 kg m−2 yr−1 DW in 1998 depending on the study site and method we used. Sedimentation rates were lower in newly designed plate traps than in cylinder traps. The alder fen also showed lower rates than the adjacent creek Briese. Average phosphorus removal rate was 0.33 g m−2 yr−1 P.Input sources for the surface water of the alder fen are sediment mineralization and decomposition of leaf litter; output sources are sedimentation and denitrification. This study showed that a nutrient input of 24.58 kg ha−1 yr−1 N, 8.8 kg ha−1 yr−1 P and 419 kg ha−1 yr−1 DOC into the surface water of the alder fen is possible. Alder fens cannot improve water quality of an adjacent river system. This is only true for a nearly pristine alder fen with the hydrology of 10 months flooded conditions and 2 months non-flooding conditions a year.  相似文献   

天然源面波勘探台阵对比试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了对比天然源面波勘探不同台阵布局的探测效果, 筛选出探测成果可靠、 效率高和便于野外施工的天然源面波勘探台阵阵形, 在天水市黄土覆盖区的同一场地分别用4种常见的阵形进行数据采集试验, 并对各种阵形数据使用空间自相关法或扩展空间自相关法提取相应的频散曲线, 通过反演得到了试验点地下的浅层速度结构模型. 分析对比试验结果表明: 4种台阵提取的频散曲线数值很相近; 频散谱能量集中度较高的是嵌套式等边三角形和圆形台阵, L形和直线形台阵相对分散; L形台阵低频段(4—8 Hz)比直线形台阵差, 其高频段(8—40 Hz)比直线形台阵好. 针对直线形台阵在高频段信噪比较低的情况, 在确保探测成果可靠性的前提下, 为了提高探测效率, 提出了在同一直线形台阵开展天然源与人工源面波联合勘探的数据采集方法. 实验结果证实, 这种联合勘探方法不仅可弥补直线形台阵高频段的不足, 确保探测精度和结果的可靠性, 而且还能实现“高低”频兼顾, 即“深浅”兼顾.   相似文献   

Experiments are described in which chalk cubes were soaked in solutions of either sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, or magnesium sulphate at concentrations of 5·5 per cent and 12·5 per cent, or in a mixed solution of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate or in distilled water. After removal of excess liquid, the cubes were subjected to six freeze–thaw cycles with temperatures ranging from either +15 to ?10°C or +15 to ?30°C. The results confirm that frost weathering can be enhanced by the presence of certain salts, but the extent of weathering was much less than that previously reported for samples frozen totally immersed in the same liquids. Evidence is presented which suggests that salt crystallization is the major weathering process operative when non–immersed samples are frozen but a combination of frost and salt weathering operates when fully immersed samples are frozen.  相似文献   

The theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles Over an outcropping vertical dyke with two-electrode and Schlumberger electrode systems are discussed. The two-electrode array seems very useful in locating the highly conducting thick or thin vein, while the Schlumberger (gradient) array is suited to detect the conducting vein of low and moderately high resistivity contrast and as well as the resistive vein of all widths and resistivity contrasts. Besides, the inline gradient array has a distinction of establishing a clue to evaluate the resistivity contrast of the vein.  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of a tuned liquid column-gas damper, TLCGD, on the suppression of seismic-induced vibrations of steel jacket platforms is evaluated. TLCGD is an interesting choice in the case of jacket platforms because it is possible to use the structural elements as the horizontal column of the TLCGD. The objective here is to find the optimum geometric parameters, namely orientation and configuration of vertical columns, length ratio, and area ratio of the TLCGD, considering nonlinear damping of the TLCGD and water-structure interaction between the jacket platform and sea water. The effects of different characteristics of ground motion such as PGA and frequency content on the optimum geometry are also investigated and it is observed that these features have some influence on the optimum area ratio. Finally it is observed that pulse arrangement of ground acceleration is one of the most important parameters affecting the efficiency of a TLCGD. In other words, it is found that the TLCGD’s capability to reduce the RMS responses depends only on the frequency content of the ground acceleration, but its capability to reduce the maximum responses depends on both the frequency content and the pulse arrangement of the ground acceleration.  相似文献   

This paper develops new techniques for integrating a number of different structural laboratories together through the Internet in order to jointly conduct a single structural experiment. A computer‐networking platform, called Platform for Networked Structural Experiments (PNSE), was developed to achieve this goal. PNSE runs directly on top of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). It is a multi‐client system consisting of a number of client programs, which include one command generation program and a number of facility control programs, connected to a server program via TCP point‐to‐point connections across the Internet. An associated application protocol, called Networked Structural Experiment Protocol (NSEP), was developed to work with the PNSE. In addition to communication rules, the NSEP defines general experimental information, significant laboratory events, commands and signals, as well as obligated behaviours of all PNSE programs. Both domestic and transnational pseudo‐dynamic (PSD) tests were performed to verify the validity and efficiency of the PNSE. Test results showed that on the PNSE: signals were correctly transmitted; significant laboratory events were promptly reflected; and data transmission was remarkably efficient, with the round‐trip time (RTT) between Taiwan and the United States less than 0.1701 s. The characteristic of environment independency was also demonstrated through the successful collaboration of different facility control programs running on different operating systems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A software prototype of a simulation service software environment, called DOSE (distributed object‐based software environment), is developed to realize the integrated simulation of an urban system under the risk of urban‐scale hazards such as earthquakes. DOSE infrastructure is built on three basic building blocks, namely: modularity, scalability, and interoperability. In this paper, the application of DOSE to real‐world urban systems is described in order to provide an evidence for DOSE modularity and scalability. An overview of DOSE is presented and then followed by a beverage application to simulate earthquake hazard in an urban system. The urban system is developed for the city of Kobe (Kobe district) with dimensions of 700 × 500 (m) and Bunkyo ward (Tokyo district) with dimensions of 800 × 600 (m) where DOSE simulation participants are identified for each district. The effectiveness of data exchange among different participants through a distributed service exchange network is described as an evidence for DOSE modularity that facilitates the integration process. On the other hand, the effectiveness of processing time when applying the simulation to different urban system sizes and/or using different third‐party applications is described as an evidence for DOSE scalability. The details of the underlying infrastructure of DOSE are beyond the scope of this paper and are presented in an accompanying paper work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a companion paper two different modelling approaches have been described, operating at the meso‐scale of the fibre elements and at the micro‐scale of the finite element (FE) method. The aim of this paper is to explore the efficiency of these models in the pushover analysis for the seismic assessment of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. To this purpose a prototype reference structure, one of the RC shear walls designed according to the multi‐fuse concept and tested on shaking table for the CAMUS Project, is modelled at different levels of refinement. At the micro‐scale the reinforcement and anchorage details are described with increasing accuracy in separate models, whereas at the meso‐scale one single model is used, where each element represents a large part of the structure. Static incremental non‐linear analyses are performed with both models to derive a capacity curve enveloping the experimental results and to reproduce the damage pattern at the displacement level where failure is reached. The comparison between experimental and numerical results points out the strong and weak points of the different models inside the procedure adopted, and the utility of an integration of results from both approaches. This study confirms, even for the rather difficult case at study, the capability of the pushover in reproducing the non‐linear dynamic response, both at a global and a local level, and opens the way to the use of the models within a displacement‐based design and assessment procedure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present here a new model of core formation which is based on the current understanding of planetary accretion and discuss its implications for the chemistry of the Earth's mantle and core. Formation of the Earth by hierarchical accretion of progressively larger bodies on a time scale much longer than that of solid body differentiation in the nebula indicates that a significant fraction of metal in the core could be inherited from preterrestrially differentiated planetesimals. An analysis of the segregation of this iron to form the core suggests that most of the metal settles to the core without interaction with silicates; only a small fraction of the metal chemically equilibrates at high temperatures and pressures with the silicates. The siderophile element abundances in the mantle are considered to be a consequence of a two-step equilibration with iron, once preterrestrially in the planetesimals at low temperatures and pressures, and later in the Earth at high temperatures and pressures. The highly siderophile elements such as Re, Au and the platinum group elements in the mantle are essentially excluded from silicates from the preterrestrial equilibration. We attribute the abundances of these elements in the mantle to the later equilibration in the Earth at substantially reduced metal-silicate partition coefficients (Dmet/sil), for which there is a considerable experimental evidence now. Mass balance considerations constrain the fraction of core metal involved in such an equilibration at approximately 0.3 – 0.5%. The model accounts for the levels and the near-chondritic ratios of the highly siderophile elements in the mantle. The mantle abundances of the less siderophile elements are largely determined by preterrestrial metal-silicate equilibrium and are not significantly affected by the second equilibration. The extreme depletion of sulfur and the lack of silicate melt-sulfide signature in the noble metal abundances in the mantle are natural consequences of this mode of core formation. Sulfur was added to the magma ocean during the high-T, high-P equilibration in the Earth, not extracted from it by sulfide segregation to the core. Except for Ni and Co, the overall siderophile abundances of the mantle can be well matched in this two-step equilibration model.

The mantle characteristics of Ni and Co are unique to the Earth and hence suggest a terrestrial process as the likely cause. One such process is the flotation and addition of olivine to the primitive upper mantle. In our model of core formation, neither the elemental and isotopic data of Re---Os, nor the low sulfur content of the mantle remains as an objection to the existence of a magma ocean and olivine flotation.

The small fraction of core metal that equilibrates with silicates at high T and P suggests that the light elements O, Si or H are unimportant in the core, leaving S (and possibly C) as prime candidates. Sulfur, as FeS associated with incoming iron metal, is directly sequestered to the core along with the bulk of the iron metal. It appears unlikely that other light elements can be added to the core after its formation. U and Th are excluded from the core but the model allows for entry of some K; however, the extent to which K serves as a heat source in the core remains uncertain.

The model is testable in two ways. One is by investigation of the metal-silicate partitioning at high temperatures and pressures under magma ocean conditions to determine if the (Dmet/sil) values are lowered to the levels required in the model. The other is by experiments to determine if a solvus closure between metal and silicate liquids occurs at high temperatures relevant to a magma ocean.  相似文献   

The complementary sections of the studies carried out on the damped cable system, whose experimental and numerical characterization and assessment analyses are described in the companion paper, are presented herein. The first section includes a criterion for a preliminary evaluation of the section area of cables, the second branch stiffness of spring‐dampers and the mutual installation preload, and suggestions for a simplified nonlinear dynamic computation of the damping coefficient of dissipaters. A second section follows, aimed at evaluating the influence of cable layout on damped cable system performance. A numerical enquiry is developed on a four‐story and an eight‐story RC plane frame, to assess their seismic response for several shapes of cables, and determine what geometrical configurations are the best performing ones. In the third section, a demonstrative application of the protective system, represented by the seismic retrofit of a hospital building with RC structure, is offered. The characteristics of the system designed for this case study, including locations, dimensions, layouts, and technical installation details of cables and spring‐dampers, are illustrated, and the improvement of seismic performance as compared with the original conditions, is finally assessed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a finite element formulation for dynamic soil-structure interaction, an absorbing boundary condition is needed to model wave propagation towards infinity. When the soil is saturated, its dynamic behaviour can be modelled by means of Biot's poroelastic theory. In Part I (Degrande, G. & De Roeck, G., Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Eng., 1993, 12(7), 411-21), a local absorbing boundary condition for wave propagation in saturated poroelastic media has been developed. In the present paper, this boundary condition is implemented in an irreducible finite element formulation for a compressible pore fluid. Spurious reflections for oblique incident waves on the absorbing boundary contribute to the solution errors. Therefore, a spectral element method, based on classical analytical solution techniques, is used to assess the accuracy of the finite element formulation.  相似文献   

Source rupture of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were estimated based on backward projection of seismic waves to its source plane. Observations from regional seismic arrays and near source stations were employed to study the rupture behavior in its different spatial and temporal stages.  相似文献   

The sessions of the Environment Northern Seas Conference in 1993 were accompanied by discussions which attempted to synthesize the main features and problems within a field and to give indications for future directions and actions. By drawing on the notes prepared by the Rapporteurs for those sessions, this paper summarizes and expands on those discussions. It gives information and examples for the environmental consideration by the process industries, fisheries, agriculture, offshore and shipping activities, port developments and marine transport, and education and training. It considers major trends in international environmental conventions. Finally, it summarizes aspects for future attention to achieve the sustainable use of the marine environment.  相似文献   

Using a subset of the SEG Advanced Modeling Program Phase I controlled‐source electromagnetic data, we apply our standard controlled‐source electromagnetic interpretation workflows to delineate a simulated hydrocarbon reservoir. Experience learned from characterizing such a complicated model offers us an opportunity to refine our workflows to achieve better interpretation quality. The exercise proceeded in a blind test style, where the interpreting geophysicists did not know the true resistivity model until the end of the project. Rather, the interpreters were provided a traditional controlled‐source electromagnetic data package, including electric field measurements, interpreted seismic horizons, and well log data. Based on petrophysical analysis, a background resistivity model was established first. Then, the interpreters started with feasibility studies to establish the recoverability of the prospect and carefully stepped through 1D, 2.5D, and 3D inversions with seismic and well log data integrated at each stage. A high‐resistivity zone is identified with 1D analysis and further characterized with 2.5D inversions. Its lateral distribution is confirmed with a 3D anisotropic inversion. The importance of integrating all available geophysical and petrophysical data to derive more accurate interpretation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is presented for the estimation of the physical parameters of a structure (i.e., mass, stiffness, and damping) from measured experimental data (i.e., input–output or output‐only data). The framework considers two state‐space models: a physics‐based model derived from first principles (i.e., white‐box model) and a data‐driven mathematical model derived by subspace system identification (i.e., black‐box model). Observability canonical form conversion is introduced as a powerful means to convert the data‐driven mathematical model into a physically interpretable model that is termed a gray‐box model. Through an explicit linking of the white‐box and gray‐box model forms, the physical parameters of the structural system can be extracted from the gray‐box model in the form of a finite element discretization. Prior to experimental verification, the framework is numerically verified for a multi‐DOF shear building structure. Without a priori knowledge of the structure, mass, stiffness, and damping properties are accurately estimated. Then, experimental verification of the framework is conducted using a six‐story steel frame structure under support excitation. With a priori knowledge of the lumped mass matrix, the spatial distribution of structural stiffness and damping is estimated. With an accurate estimation of the physical parameters of the structure, the gray‐box model is shown to be capable of providing the basis for damage detection. With the use of the experimental structure, the gray‐box model is used to reliably estimate changes in structural stiffness attributed to intentional damage introduced. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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