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青海南部早二叠世火山-沉积背景的岩石地层序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区位于青海南部长江源区, 大地构造上属东特提斯构造域, 为金沙江结合带与澜沧江结合带间昌都地块的一部分.青海南部二叠系沉积类型复杂, 多呈断块(片)状出露, 尤其是受火山事件影响的下二叠统.关于下二叠统(乌拉尔统)的对比及地层划分目前仍存在较多争议, 认识的不同点主要集中于火山岩的层序归属、地质时代、区域对比等.以实测剖面为基础, 系统调查岩石地层的岩性组合、沉积环境等, 通过着重于各地层单位(尤其是火山岩系)的生物群研究, 重新厘定火山-沉积背景下的岩石地层序列.类动物群的研究表明诺日巴尕日保组和九十道班组在青海南部地区具穿时性.地层序列的建立表明青海南部早二叠世早期为较稳定的浅灰色中厚层状碳酸盐岩.罗甸期强烈的火山喷发, 形成了特殊火山-沉积地貌, 对沉积古地理格局形成明显的制约, 沉积相变快, 可划分为4种沉积类型, 形成同期异相的诺日巴尕日保组和尕笛考组.自祥播期之后, 主要为一套厚层状生物屑灰岩(九十道班组), 在青海南部分布较广, 代表火山活动暂时停止后的台地相沉积, 罗甸期复杂的古地理格局, 至此则构成相对统一的较稳定的浅水碳酸盐岩台地.   相似文献   

The Kungurian Stage is one of the three remaining stages of the Permian that is not yet defined at the base by a Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). The candidate section at the Yuryuzan’River in the Urals yields few conodonts, and contains non-marine sediments near the boundary. The search for a suitable, continuous marine succession is a principal task for the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy. The Leonardian, with its type area in the southwest United States, and in objective stratigraphic succession directly beneath the basal Guadalupian Roadian Stage, has priority to serve as a subseries of the Lower Permian. However, distinct provincialism limits the correlation of Leonardian fossil zones with the fusuline-based Tethyan timescale. Conodonts can be correlated in many important regions on opposite sides of Pangea, yet contradictions arise when relating conodont zones with fusuline and ammonoid zones. The different taxonomic philosophies are highly suspected for the cause of the conflicts, but also there are different conodonts from the type Roadian in West Texas. Given that the Pamir and Darvaz in central Asia are difficult to access, further investigations should focus on South China, where abundant fusulines and ammonoids facilitate correlation throughout the Tethyan region, and where conodonts permit correlation with North America.  相似文献   

In order to meet the requirements for potential GSSPs in the Cisuralian Series (Early Permian), isotopic chemostratigraphy from the Carboniferous/Permian boundary to middle Artinskian using bulk carbonates was investigated under high-resolution biostratigraphical and new geochronologic constrains from three GSSP candidate sections at Usolka, Kondurovsky and Dal'ny Tulkas in the southern Urals, Russia. A gradually increasing trend in carbonate carbon isotope (δ13C) has been observed in the interval from the base of Asselian to early Sakmarian, which is generally consistent in timing with the increasing development of Glacial III or P1 from the latest Carboniferous to early Sakmarian (Early Permian) which prevailed in southern Gondwana. An excursion with double negative shifts in δ13C value is present around the Asselian/Sakmarian boundary in both the Usolka and Kondurovsky sections, which may have great potential to serve as chemostratigraphical marks for intercontinental correlation. The following highly positive excursion of δ13C in early Sakmarian indicates the maximium expansion of Glacial III or P1. The negative δ13C shift in the middle Sakmarian is possibly related to the quick collapse of Glacial III or P1 on the Gondwanaland. This negative shift is largely correlative with those documented in other areas of Russia, the North American Craton and South China, but further precise biostratigraphical and geochronologic constrains are neccessary to confirm this global signal. The late Sakmarian is characterized by a strong oscillation stage of δ13C, which probably indicates a complex climate transition marked by smaller alternating glacial–interglacial transitions during Glacial P2 superimposed on an overall warming trend. The sharp negative δ13C shift around the Sakmarian/Artinskian boundary at the Dal'ny Tulkus section is difficult to interpret. This is followed by long-term low values (<?10‰) during the most part of Artinskian Stage. We suggest that the deeply depleted δ13C values in the Artinskian at the Dal'ny Tulkas section might result regionally from the enhanced input of organic carbon after the melt-out of ice sheets and the subsequent degradation and isotopic refractionation of the microbial chemosynthetic processes on the buried organic matter.  相似文献   

The Zweikofel Formation of the Rattendorf Group in the Carnic Alps (Austria) is 95–102 m thick and consists of a cyclic succession of thin‐ to thick‐bedded fossiliferous limestone and intercalated thin intervals of siliciclastic sediment. The siliciclastic intervals were deposited in a shallow marine nearshore environment. The variety of carbonate facies indicates deposition in a shallow neritic, normal‐saline, low‐ to high‐energy environment. The Zweikofel Formation is characterized by a paracyclic vertical arrangement of facies and represents sedimentary sequences that are not well understood elsewhere in the Tethys. Fusulinids and conodonts from the upper Grenzland and Zweikofel formations in the Carnic Alps clearly suggest that what has been called ‘Sakmarian’ in the Tethys includes both the Sakmarian and Artinskian stages of the Global Time scale. Fusulinids from the lower part of the Zweikofel Formation at Zweikofel closely resemble those of the Grenzland Formation and approximately correlate with the upper part of the Sakmarian and lower part of the Artinskian of the Global Time scale. The upper part of the Zweikofel Formation correlates approximately with the lower‐middle (?) parts of the Artinskian Stage of the Global Time scale. A new regional Hermagorian Stage of the Tethyan scale is proposed between the Asselian and Yakhtashian. The lower boundary of the Hermagorian Stage is proposed to be located at the base of bed 81 in the 1015 section of Darvaz (Tadzhikistan). The boundary between the Hermagorian and Yakhtashian stages is placed at the base of bed 73 in the Zweikofel section at Zweikofel, Carnic Alps. In the Darvaz region, Tadzhikistan, the type area for the Yakhtashian Stage, this boundary has never been precisely defined. The entire fusulinid assemblage of the upper part of the Grenzland and Zweikofel formations reported herein includes 62 species of 18 genera, of which one subgenus and 12 species and subspecies are new. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

正Objective Numerous vertebrate fossils, dominated by the Mammuthus–Coelodonta fauna, have been found from many Late Pleistocene fossil sites in Heilongjiang,northeast China(Jin and Kawamura, 1996). However,fossil turtles have not yet been reported. Recently, two soft-shelled turtle(trionychid) costal plates have been discovered together with other typical Mammuthus–Coelodonta fauna fossils.  相似文献   

Inkina  N. S. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,489(1):1269-1272
Doklady Earth Sciences - New data on the composition and structure of the Sezym Formation of the Lower Permian on the western slope of the Polar Urals are presented. This formation rests...  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the family Tanystropheidae, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a nearly complete skull. This is the first record of the order Protorosauria from China. It also represents the only known occurrence of Tanystropheidae outside Europe, the Middle East and North America. Dinocephalosaurus is quite similar to Tanystropheus from Monte San Giorgio, Switzerland. Primarily it is distinguished from Tanystropheus in the shape of the premaxilla, maxilla, jugal and parietal. Although the family Tanystropheidae is now referred to the order Protorosauria, the new material from China indicates that the archosauromorph affinities of tanystropheids need further investigation. The discovery of Dinocephalosaurus provides new clues for the study of the evolution and radiation of Protorosauria and Tanystropheidae. It is also important for the study of the eastern Tethyan Fauna and the paleobiogeographical relationship between Europe and southern China in the Triassi  相似文献   

Chroniosuchians are basal tetrapods owing to Anthracosauromorpha and the oldest species of chroniosuchians have been recorded in the Late Permian of Russia so far. In this study, we present evidence for their existence in the Middle Permian of China, based on well preserved diagnostic vertebrae with associated osteoderms from the Dashankou fanua in northwestern China. The finds clearly show interosteoderm articulation pattern between the adjacent scutes in bystrowianids. The features observed in Yumenerpeton yangi may warrant the close proximity or phyletic succession of the chroniosuchid and bystrowianid types of the osteoderm design.  相似文献   

Three new fossil species of the genus Mesocupes of fossil cupedids,M.angustilabialis sp. nov.,M.latilabialis sp.nov.and M.collaris sp.nov.,are described from the Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia,China.These new species are the first three records of fossil Mesocupes in China as well as the oldest ones in the world now.This finding also extends the geographical distribution of this genus from Central to East Asia.In addition,based on the ratio of the length of the last to the penultimate abdominal ventrites of new beetles distinctly lower than that of the species from the Karabastau Formation,the age of Daohugou fossil-bearing beds might be older than that of Karatau assemblage and consequently of Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The first unequivocal remains of medium to large-sized mustelids from the middle Miocene Halamagai and Kekemaideng formations have been found in the Ulungur River area, Xinjiang, northwestern China. These new fossils are referred to the hypercarnivorous mustelid Hoplictis Ginsburg, 1961 and denote the first record of the genus in East Asia.We define Hoplictis baihu n. sp., for the mustelid from Tieersihabahe(Halamagai Fm.), which represents the smallest species of the genus. This primitive form is closer to H. florancei and H. noueli than to H. anatolicus and later, larger and more derived Hoplictis spp., from Europe and North America. A large toothless mandible from Duolebulejin(Kekemaiden Fm.) is assigned to Hoplictis cf. helbingi, and it presumably might represent the first record of H. helbingi outside Western Europe. The systematic position of Hoplicitis in relation to Ischyrictis with which it is similar is clarified. The occurrence in East Asia of two species of Hoplictis greatly expands the known distribution and diversity of the genus, and supports a Palaearctic Neogene dispersal event of carnivorans between Europe and Asia during the late Shanwangian–early Tunggurian equivalent to MN5–6 in Europe, and indication of another dispersal event from Europe to North America,through Northwest China during the late Tunggurian, equivalent to MN7–8 in Europe.  相似文献   

A new false jewel beetle, Mesoschizopus elegans n. gen. n. sp., is described and illustrated based on a well-preserved impression fossil from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China. It represents a definitive Mesozoic fossil belonging to the recent small buprestoid family Schizopodidae, which is now endemic to the western North America. Mesoschizopus is placed in Schizopodidae based on its overall body shape and size, short prosternum in front of procoxae, wide metanepisternum, and wing venation. The discovery of the first schizopodid from the Early Cretaceous not only highlights the antiquity of the small family, but also provides an example of a now narrowly distributed group whose ancestral groups were probably more widespread in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷下二叠统风城组沉积于火山—碱湖蒸发环境中,发育有厚层碱盐和优质烃源岩,同时还发育世界罕见的硅硼钠石,其富集程度居世界首位。本文基于岩芯、薄片、背散射图像观察及流体包裹体和硼同位素测试分析,试图探讨风城组富集硅硼钠石的原因。矿物学研究发现,硅硼钠石是成岩作用产物,以交代碳酸盐矿物为主,包括碳钠钙石、碳钠镁石、氯碳钠镁石、方解石、天然碱,甚至是极少见的钡方解石。风城组硅硼钠石中原生盐水包裹体均一温度为100 ℃~116 ℃,硅硼钠石的δ11B在0.33‰~2.13‰之间,结合前人硅硼钠石合成实验成果,认为硅硼钠石的B来源于原始沉积环境中的深部热液流体,受地表及浅埋藏过程中温度压力的限制,硅硼钠石主要形成于深部成岩环境中(>3 000 m)。玛湖凹陷风城组之所以较世界上其他新生代碱湖沉积物更发育硅硼钠石,一方面在于沉积过程中其岩浆热液活动更为强烈,另一方面在于成岩作用时间更为漫长,使硅硼钠石交代作用更为充分。  相似文献   

Crinoidal debris is common from the basal parts of the open marine Khuff Formation in Oman; yet, little is known about the diversity and affinities of this fauna. Exallocrinus khuffensis n. gen., n. sp. is described from this unit, and is the first crinoid crown from outcrops of the Wordian, Lower Khuff Member, in the northern Huqf region of Oman. This new crinoid is among the youngest Paleozoic crinoids known, yet it has a combination of more stemward and crownward characters. Because of the uncertainties concerning the latest Paleozoic and earliest Mesozoic crinoid phylogeny, Exallocrinus n. gen. is questionably assigned to the Ampelocrinidae.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cretasyne gen. nov., in the family Lasiosynidae, with two species C. lata sp. nov. and C. longa sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. These fossils are the first record of the family from the Yixian Formation and provide significant information on lasiosynid morphology and diversity. The fossil record of Lasiosynidae is also reviewed.  相似文献   

记述了在宁夏中卫晚石炭世地层中发现的软骨鱼类两个器官属Listracanthus和Petrodus。相似的化石曾在欧洲和北美的石炭纪黑色页岩中出现,但在中国是第一次记述。生物地层学分析表明,这2个器官属的共生出现,可以作为判断晚石炭世地层时代的一个依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古满都拉地区二叠纪俯冲造山过程的岩石记录   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
内蒙古中部满都拉地区位于中朝、西伯利亚两大板块边缘的汇聚部位,关于两大板块在该处的最终拚合时间,学术界存在很多不同的认识.该地区发育一套中基性火山岩和深成侵入岩,火山岩系由块状、枕状玄武岩、细碧岩、玄武安山岩、火山角砾岩、凝灰岩等组成;深成侵入岩由辉长岩、闪长岩、石英闪长岩、斜长花岗岩等一系列小岩株组成复合侵入体.通过对其岩石学、岩石化学、地球化学特征研究,认为它们具有大洋岛弧岩浆岩的特点,是俯冲造山过程中的岩石记录.该套岩石的单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为285 Ma±11Ma、280.4Ma±1.1Ma,说明本区在二叠纪早期依然存在大洋板块活动.因此,中朝板块与西伯利亚板块在本区的缝合时间至少应当在早二叠世之后.  相似文献   

中国西藏南部喜马拉雅相的乐平统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏南部二叠系色龙群,曲布日嘎组等“喜马拉雅相”地层产有冈瓦纳区系的以Siriferella rajah,Taeniothaerus densipustulatus,Neospirifer(Neospirifer)kubeiensis和Retimarginifera xizangensis为典型代表的腕足动物群。其组成和演进层序与属于冈瓦纳大陆北缘的巴基斯坦盐岭的Wargal组上部和Chhidru组,克什米尔的Zewan组,印度斯匹提Kuling页岩上部的Gngrei组,尼泊尔西北部的Senja组和澳大利亚西部Hardman组的很接近;时代曾被归入瓜达鲁普世或乐平世早期等,分歧较大。近年来在盐岭等地发现这一冈瓦纳区系动物群明显高于乐平世一部牙形类Clarkina dukouensis带,并与菊石Cyclolbus和有孔虫Claniella动物群共生。由此推定整个色龙群或曲布组和曲布日嘎组都应属于乐平统,它与上覆三叠系以牙形类化石Hindeodus parvus和菊石Otoceras出现为界,代表冈瓦纳大陆北缘乐平世沉积的一个三级地层层序。层序以海进初期沉积的低水位体系域的曲布组石英砂岩为标志,其顶界则为比二叠系-三叠系界线略低的一个快速海进面。  相似文献   

中国上石炭统上部及下二叠统海相地层中阶的划分   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
明确而详细地提出了中国上石炭统上部及下二叠统海相年代地层单位的具体框架。将上石炭统上部划分为消遥阶、下场家河阶;下二叠统划分为上杨家河阶、范家河阶、垭口阶及隆林阶。明确了阶的定义、动物群特征、磁性地层特征及其与相关地层的关系。所划分的阶均能与世界标准年代地层进行详细而有依据的对比。  相似文献   

华南下二叠统层状硅岩的形成及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉卿  冯增昭 《岩石学报》1997,13(1):111-120
华南地区下二叠统的层状硅岩分布较稳定,厚度一般为几十米,含有数量不等的放射虫和海绵骨针等,并据此可分为放射虫硅岩、海绵骨针硅岩和贫化石硅岩。化学成分特点和硅氧同位素值,具有生物化学成因硅岩的特征,与火山成因和热水成因的硅岩也有一定联系。层状硅岩的形成明显受断裂控制,硅质生物、上升洋流和水平洋流则是硅质富集、保存和沉淀的主要因素,而海底火山和热水活动的参与也起到一定促进。层状硅岩中有机碳含量丰富,平均0.69%,是潜在的有利烃源岩  相似文献   

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