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西北太平洋异常变化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
根据国家海洋局全部海洋站的水温和水位资料,以及“热带海洋和全球大气(TOGA)”的ADCP测流和CTD资料计算并分析了黑潮源流区输入西北太平洋的北向质量通量和西北太平洋及其邻近海域的水温、水位的异常变化,同时还应用美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统(GEOS)/四维资料同化系统(DAS)计算并分析了西北太平洋的海面潜热通量的空间和时间变化.结果表明,北向质量通量具有明显的年际变化.这种年际变化与西北太平洋水温、水位和潜热通量的变化有着合理的因果关系.当前者减少时,后3者也明显减小.其物理解释是从热带西太平洋输入西北太平洋的海水质量和热量的减少将导致西北太平洋的减水和热量收入的减少,而热量收入的减少又将会引起水温和潜热通量的减小.  相似文献   

余为  陈新军  易倩 《海洋学报》2016,38(2):64-72
海洋初级生产力在海洋生态中扮演重要角色,其变化影响了海洋渔业的潜在产量。本文根据2004-2013年中国鱿钓组提供的西北太平洋柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)捕捞数据和海洋遥感净初级生产力数据,研究了柔鱼冬春生西部群体资源量变动与净初级生产力的关系。结果发现,柔鱼渔场范围内净初级生产力在经度方向上呈明显的季节性变化,冬春季低,夏秋季高。捕捞月份7-11月对应的适宜净初级生产力范围分别为500~700 mg/(m2·d)(以碳计),500~800 mg/(m2·d),500~1000 mg/(m2·d),500~800 mg/(m2·d)和300~500 mg/(m2·d),最适净初级生产力分别为700 mg/(m2·d),600 mg/(m2·d),700 mg/(m2·d),600 mg/(m2·d)和400 mg/(m2·d)。7-11各月最适净初级生产力平均纬度与捕捞努力量纬度重心呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),说明了捕捞努力量位置在渔场中不是随机分布,可能受最适净初级生产力的纬度分布的影响。柔鱼年间资源丰度与各年3月份净初级生产力以及7-11月份平均净初级生产力大小显著正相关(P<0.05)。推测每年柔鱼资源量大小可能是由3月份产卵场海域和7-11月捕捞月份渔场净初级生产力水平交互作用的结果。研究表明,异常环境条件(厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件)对柔鱼产卵场和渔场的净初级生产力具有显著影响,但调控机制不同。  相似文献   

We present two calculations of pollutant dispersal in the Pacific Ocean: (1) during possible ship-wrecks in the process of spent nuclear fuel transportation from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and (2) pollutant spread from the Japanese coast after the Fukushima-1 nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. The circulation was calculated using a σ model of ocean hydrothermodynamics developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics (INM), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); it is adapted to cover the Pacific Ocean basin from the equator to the Bering Strait with a high (1/8)° spatial resolution and it is capable of reproducing the mesoscale ocean variations. The pollutant dispersal in the case of possible shipwrecks was estimated for currents characteristic for a statistically average year with atmospheric forcing in accordance with the so-called normal CORE year data. The pollution spread from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant (NPP) was estimated by calculating the circulation with the real atmospheric forcing in accordance with the NCEP analysis data obtained from the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia. It is noteworthy that a simplified assimilation of the observed sea surface temperature (SST) was performed. In both cases the currents were calculated simultaneously with the transport calculation of the pollutant as a passive admixture, which corresponds to a real-time calculation of pollutant transport. A map analysis of pollution dispersal shows that the horizontal transport is substantially more intense in the upper ocean layers than in deep ones. Therefore, like in the North branch of Kuroshio, pollutants can be delivered to the deep layers not through deep-water horizontal transport, but rather as a result of vertical downwelling from the already contaminated upper layers. However, the complex three-dimensional structure of the horizontal and vertical transport may lead to reverse situations. A calculation of pollution transport from the Fukushima-1 NPP showed that radioactive pollution would propagate eastward and not present the danger for Russian territory. Moreover, even for an exaggerated scenario of pollution emission, the background pollution level will be exceeded only in a narrow region within 50 km of the Japanese coast.  相似文献   

The present investigation was targeted at diatom composition studies in the surface sediments (0–1 cm) sampled in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northwest Pacific in the depth range from 130 to 6110 m. The taxonomic analysis, as well as the quantitative (the diatom cell abundance per sediment dry weight unit) content and ecological group definition, was applied. Ten diatom taxa are the main body (80–100%) of the diatom assemblages: Bacterosira bathyomphala, Chaetoceros spp. (spores), Actinocyclus curvatulus, Thalassiosira latimarginata (group), T. antarctica (spores), Neodenticula seminae, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, Thalassiothrix longissima, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis. The relative content of these species reflects the sedimentation conditions for different parts of the sea: the shelf, the continental slope, the open sea, and the ocean. The highest diatom content (45.6.3–60.0 106 per g of dry weight) was found for the surface sediments in the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the continental slope of western Kamchatka.  相似文献   

The detailed seismic refraction investigation of the oceanic crust south of Shatsky Rise in the Northwestern Pacific revealed a low velocity zone (LVZ) with an average compressional wave velocity of 6.3 km/s within layer 3. This conclusion is based on the shadow zone for refractions on the travel time curves in their first arrivals from the M discontinuity. The LVZ may be composed of oceanic plagiogranites because serpentinization of peridotites would probably lead to an increase in crustal block volume with a concomitent decrease in density and thereby thickening and upwelling at the place of now “overdeepened” ocean would be expected.  相似文献   

赵宁  韩震  刘贤博 《海洋科学》2016,40(1):123-131
海洋锋面区域对气候变化以及海气耦合作用的影响非常显著,通过分析其形成机制,可以帮助进一步了解海洋与大气的相互作用过程以及其物理过程。利用Argo数据、NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和遥感风场数据对西北太平洋的混合层温度与温度锋面的变化机制进行了研究。基于海洋混合层的热量收支模型,发现在北太平洋区域的海洋混合层温度主要受到净热通量控制,同时还存在一个季节变化明显的温度锋面。9~2月为温度锋面加强时期,3~4月温度锋面变化不明显,而5~8月温度锋面则迅速减弱。根据研究,该温度锋面的加强与减弱主要是由于净热通量的南北差异造成的,而在净热通量中则以短波辐射通量与潜热通量为主要影响因子。  相似文献   

根据2014年6月和10-11月在西北太平洋公海采集的168尾秋刀鱼样本,基于耳石微结构并结合基础生物学数据,鉴定了秋刀鱼的日龄,推算了孵化日期,并建立了生长模型和生长率。研究发现:耳石微结构从核心到透明区边缘,轮纹宽度由宽至窄,亮度由暗至明,标记轮多分布在透明区。日龄范围为204~549 d,优势日龄组为231~290 d和381~470 d,日龄最小个体体长207 mm,体质量39 g,日龄最大个体体长291 mm,体质量131 g。孵化日期为2012年12月至2014年4月,孵化高峰期出现在1-3月和8-10月,初步推算秋刀鱼主要分为春生群和秋生群产卵群体。体长和体质量生长模型符合Logistic生长模型。体长平均绝对生长率和相对生长率别为0.224 mm/d和0.000 88,绝对生长率随着日龄增加而减小。体质量平均绝对生长率和相对生长率别为0.293 g/d和0.003 25,最大绝对生长率(0.504 mm/d)和最大相对生长率(0.004 86)出现在351~400 d。  相似文献   

为了解日本以东的西北太平洋200m以浅上层水体悬浮颗粒物的粒径变化与物质组分,分别于2015年5月和9月在该海区应用LISST-100X型现场激光粒度仪进行了悬浮体粒径分布的测量,并采集悬浮体水样采用扫描电镜及能谱分析悬浮颗粒物的物质组分.结果表明,研究区的悬浮颗粒物主要由大粒径颗粒(大于133μm)组成,并在100m以浅的上表层集中分布,其余层位颗粒含量较少.秋季悬浮体浓度远高于春季,但大粒径颗粒所占的比重明显降低,中等大小的颗粒(36~133μm)所占比重相应增加,中等粒径颗粒和细小粒径颗粒(小于36μm)在200m水层以浅分布较均匀,并有随着粒径的增大悬浮体浓度逐渐增加的趋势.悬浮颗粒物组成成分主要为单矿物碎屑、生物碎屑、絮凝体,主要来源于海洋浮游生物和陆源输入.悬浮体浓度及粒径分布特征主要受生物生长、大陆风尘和洋流输送等因素的影响.  相似文献   

Magnetic minerals in marine sediments are often masked by the primary natural remanent magnetization and material source signals.In order to understand sedimentary environment and sources of sediments in the abyss,we studied 126 samples of five bottom surface cores collected by the Jiaolong Submersible at 4000-7000 m in depth during the third stage of the China's 38th Ocean Voyage.The magnetic properties of the sediments were analyzed using Thermosusceptibility(k-T)curves and Day plot.The results show that the magnetic minerals in the sediments of the Yap Trench are mainly maghemite,and the overall magnetic and soft magnetic properties were strong.The magnetic particles of sediments are dominated by pseudo single domains(PSD)grains.The main source of sediment is locally-derived basalt debris and volcanic debris,and the process of sedimentation is gravity-like flow deposition.  相似文献   

根据收集到的太平洋延绳钓大眼金枪鱼捕捞产量、海水表层温度(SST)数据等,研究了太平洋延绳钓大眼金枪鱼捕捞产量及渔场区 SST 的统计特征.结果表明:太平洋延绳钓大眼金枪鱼渔场主要分布在较高温度的热带海域,整个太平洋渔场区平均 SST 为 26.56 ℃,中位数为27.28 ℃,高产渔区SST相对较高,其主要渔场区平均表层水温主要位于23.8 ℃~29.3 ℃.渔场区 SST 数据分布为负偏,而产量数据分布为正偏.平均CPUE分布呈双峰分布,但主要捕捞产量多数在大于25 ℃海域捕捞.时间序列分析结果显示:太平洋大眼金枪鱼CPUE呈下降趋势,SSTA自1970年代末开始增加,表明太平洋热带海域处于变暖阶段,CPUE和MEI指数与SSTA 的周期变化具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

李继东  孙栋  王春生  杨娟 《海洋学报》2021,43(4):122-132
海洋碳汇作用是大洋生态系统的重要生态系统服务功能,不仅影响着海洋生态系统的能量流动,也是元素循环的重要驱动力。本文以中国大洋48航次采集自西北太平洋典型海山区海盆的沉积物样品和资料为基础,对西北太平洋山间盆地沉积物有机碳质量累积速率(Forgc)特征及影响因素展开初步研究。结果表明,西北太平洋山间盆地有机碳质量累积速率变化范围为1.41~1.73 g/(m2·ka),均值为1.60 g/(m2·ka),以中部偏西海区的有机碳质量累积速率最高;全区平均净初级生产力转移效率约为0.003 1%。西北太平洋山间盆地有机碳质量累积速率和净初级生产力转移效率均低于东太平洋海区和赤道太平洋海区。本区有机碳质量累积速率受水层和沉积层的生物地球化学循环驱动因素,如海洋净初级生产力、沉积物质量累积速率、有机碳含量、氧化还原电位等的综合影响,同时也受距海山距离、水深等地形因子的影响。  相似文献   

利用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的海温资料和Unisys Weather的热带气旋资料,研究了1960-2008年期间北太平洋上层150 m的热含量分布特征及其与西北太平洋热带气旋发生频次的关系。考虑了纬度的变化对热含量的影响后,北太平洋热含量的高值中心位于10°N左右,与上层海温结构相符,计算结果更加符合物理意义。北太平洋热含量与西北太平洋热带气旋频数年际相关性研究表明在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区和赤道东太平洋热带不稳定波发生区呈现出前期冬季正相关性。此相关性存在显著年代际的变化,在1970-1975年和1984-2008年期间最强,1976-1983年期间较弱。在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区,同期春夏秋季同样存在强正相关。在西太平洋暖池区,同期秋季负相关最为显著。赤道中太平洋区域在夏季呈显著的正相关,秋季减弱。赤道东太平洋海域的相关性前期冬季负相关最为显著,春季负相关性减弱,夏季和秋季无显著相关。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局(CMA)和美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)两套西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)资料集,对比分析了两者在1951—2005年TC定位和定强方面的差异。结果表明:两套资料定位差在20世纪50年代至60年代初及1988年至90年代差异较大;地理分布上主要是在TC登陆后所在的地区及高纬度洋面上差别较大。定强方面,CMA资料在20世纪50年代及60年代末至70年代初TC强度明显大于JTWC资料,JTWC资料则在80年代末以后的时段TC强度显著大于CMA资料;地理分布上定强差大的区域在80年代以前分布较零散,之后随着JTWC资料定强增大,其在西北太平洋洋面上强度显著偏强,CMA资料同期则在亚洲大陆沿岸部分地区强度较强。进一步分析显示,两套资料集之间的差异和TC观测技术的变化之间存在密切关系。在气象卫星使用以前(1951年至60年代初),以及美国空军飞机观测终止之后(1988年以后),两者无论是在定位还是定强上都存在很大差异;而两者定强差最小的时期(1973—1987年)则正好对应了飞机观测和Dvorak技术在TC观测上同时被使用的时段。两套西北太平洋TC资料集总体差异明显,却又各具特点,目前很难判断哪一套资料集更加可靠。但对于影响中国TC,CMA资料集具有明显优势。  相似文献   

The effects of extreme atmospheric forcing on the export flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the warm oligotrophic nitrogen-limited northwest Pacific Ocean were examined in 2007 during the spring Asian dust storm period. Several strong northeast monsoon events (maximum sustained wind speeds approaching 16.7 m s? 1, and gusts up to 19.0 m s? 1) accompanied by dust storms occurred during a 1-month period. The cold stormy events decreased surface water temperature and induced strong wind-driven vertical mixing of the water column, resulting in nutrient entrainment into the mixed layer from subsurface waters. As a result, the export flux of POC ranged from 49 to 98 (average value = 71 ± 16) mg m? 2 day? 1, approximately 2–3 times greater than average values in other seasons. As dry and wet deposition of nitrogen attributable to Asian dust storm events does not account for the associated increases in POC stocks in this N-limited oligotrophic oceanic region, the enhancement of POC flux must have been caused by nutrient entrainment from subsurface waters because of the high winds accompanying the dust storm events.  相似文献   

Ambient noise measurements were made at seven different locations during the first four months of 1977. The measurement systems included: two types of towed arrays, a bottomed array, and systems with sensors distributed throughout the water column. The noise in the frequency regime dominated by shipping was found to be extremely high with a spectrum level of 92 dB//1 /spl mu/Pa at 50 Hz. These high levels were attributed to the high-density shipping. Horizontal directionality of the noise varied from site to site, ranging from highly directional to nearly nondirectional. The character of the directionality was highly dependent on the site position relative to shipping lanes. The noise showed very little dependence on depth.  相似文献   

Spreading cycles in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the spreading rates in the Pharallon-Pacific-Izanagi (Kula) triple junction during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic are revised using new data of the dynamics of the Pacific plate. The cyclic character of the spreading is recognized, and the stages of its acceleration and deceleration are distinguished. Approximately 130, 87, and 42 My B.P., at the culminations of the cycles, when maximal spreading rates were reached, the principal rearrangements in the tectonic evolution of the ocean occurred. The spreading rates were minimal about 140, 120, 65, and 15 My B.P. The latter periods are marked by pulses of basalt magmatism in the west, east, and northeast of the Pacific Ocean. The study recognized no signs of the intrusion of the Middle Cretaceous superplume, which was suggested by Larson. Both the cycling revealed and the pulsations of the intraplate volcanism are most probably related to the regularities of the deformations of the oceanic lithosphere and reflect the periodic alternations of regimes of compression and extension of the Pacific plate during the last 180 My.  相似文献   

中西太平洋延绳钓黄鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布与温跃层关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了解热带中西太平洋延绳钓黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)适宜的温跃层参数分布区间,采用Argo浮标温度信息和中西太平洋渔业委员会(The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission,WCPFC)的黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓渔获数据,绘制了热带中西太平洋月平均温跃层特征参数和月平均CPUE的空间叠加图,用于分析热带中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场时空分布和温跃层特征参数间的关系。分析结果表明:热带中西太平洋温跃层上界深度、温度具有明显的季节性变化,而温跃层下界深度、温度季节性变化不明显,黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场分布和温跃层季节性变化有关。全年中心渔场的位置分布在温跃层上界深度高值区域,随温跃层上界深度高值区域季节性南北移动。在新几内亚以东纬向区域(5°N~10°S,150°E~170°W)上界深度值全年都在70~100m之间,全年都是延绳钓黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场。中心渔场上界温度多在26℃以上,但是在上界温度超过30℃区域,CPUE值较小。中心渔场主要分布在温跃层下界深度两条高值带之间区域,在温跃层下界深度超过300m和小于150m区域,CPUE值均偏低。中心渔场主要分布在下界温度低于13℃区域,下界温度超过17℃难以形成中心渔场。频次分析和经验累积分布函数计算其适宜温跃层特征参数分布,得出中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼适宜的温跃层上界温度和深度分别是27~29.9℃和70~109m;适宜的温跃层下界温度和深度分别是11~13.9℃和250~299m。文章初步得出中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场温跃层各特征参数的适宜分布区间及季节变化特征,为我国金枪鱼实际生产作业提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Polymetallic nodule and sediment characteristics were investigated for two blocks (KR2 and KR5) in the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS) area in order to better understand nodule distribution and the potential effects of sediments on nodule genesis. The northern block (KR2) is dominated by hydrogenetic nodules, whereas the southern block (KR5) is dominated by diagenetic nodules. Sediments in the study area are assigned to three major lithologic units which are distinctive in color and texture. The northern block is characterized by a thick, metalpoor Unit 1 sediment, which is thin in the southern block, where metal-rich Units 2b and 3 occur close to the surface. The distribution of different nodule genetic types in the northern and southern blocks can be attributed to topographic variations (topographic high near seamounts in KR2 and abyssal plain in KR5) and different sedimentation rates (0.1 and 0.32 mm/kyr in blocks KR2 and KR5, respectively). The southern block has a geologic setting more conducive to diagenetic nodule formation, such as flat topography and sediment composition. Nodule distribution in the studied blocks might also be explained by the distribution of the sediment units of different metal contents. The northern block, in which Unit 1 is thicker, has more abundant hydrogenetic nodules, possibly because Unit 1 prevents metals that are remobilized from the underlying sediments from reaching the seabed where the nodules are forming.  相似文献   

Studies of nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in the oligotrophic surface waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean have been constrained because ambient concentrations are typically at or below the detection limits of standard colorometric methods, except during periods of deep vertical mixing. Here we report the application of high-sensitivity analytical methods—determinations of nitrate plus nitrite (N+N) by chemiluminescence and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) by the magnesium induced co-precipitation (MAGIC) protocol—to surface waters along a transect from the Sargasso Sea at 26°N through the Gulf Stream at 37°N, including sampling at the JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station. The results were compared with data from the BATS program, and the HOT station in the Pacific Ocean, permitting cross-ecosystem comparisons. Microbial populations were analyzed along the transect, and an attempt was made to interpret their distributions in the context of the measured nutrient concentrations.Surface concentrations of N+N and SRP during the March 1998 transect separated into 3 distinct regions, with the boundaries corresponding roughly to the locations of the BATS station (∼31°N) and the Gulf Stream (∼37°N). Although N+N and SRP co-varied, the [N+N] : [SRP] molar ratios increased systematically from ∼1 to 10 in the southern segment, remained relatively constant at ∼40–50 between 31°N and 37°N, then decreased again systematically to ratios <10 north of the Gulf Stream. Dissolved organic N (DON) and P (DOP) dominated (⩾90%) the total dissolved N (TDN) and P (TDP) pools except in the northern portion of the transect. The [DON] : [DOP] molar ratios were relatively invariant (∼30–60) across the entire transect.Heterotrophic prokaryotes (operationally defined as “bacteria”), Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, ultra- and nanophytoplankton, cryptophytes, and coccolithophores were enumerated by flow cytometry. The abundance of bacteria was well correlated with the concentration of SRP, and that of the ultra- and nanophytoplankton was well correlated with the concentration of N+N. The only group whose concentration was correlated with temperature was Prochlorococcus, and its abundance was unrelated to the concentrations of nutrients measured at the surface.We combined our transect results with time-series measurements from the BATS site and data from select depth profiles, and contrasted these North Atlantic data sets with time-series of N and P nutrient measurements from a station in the North Pacific subtropical gyre near Hawaii [Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) site]. Two prominent differences are readily observed from this comparison. The [N+N] : [SRP] molar ratios are much less than 16 : 1 during stratified periods in surface waters at the BATS site, as is the case at the HOT site year round. However, following deep winter mixing, this ratio is much higher than 16 : 1 at BATS. Also, SRP concentrations in the upper 100 m at BATS fall in the range 1–10 nM during stratified periods, which is at least one order of magnitude lower than at the HOT site. That two ecosystems with comparable rates of primary and export production would differ so dramatically in their nutrient dynamics is intriguing, and highlights the need for detailed cross ecosystem comparisons.  相似文献   

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