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We present a correlation function analysis for the catalogue of photometric redshifts obtained from the Hubble Deep Field image by Fernandez-Soto, Lanzetta & Yahil. By dividing the catalogue into redshift bins of width Δ z =0.4 we measured the angular correlation function w ( θ ) as a function of redshift up to z ∼4.8. From these measurements we derive the trend of the correlation length r 0. We find that r 0( z ) is roughly constant with look-back time up to z ≃2, and then increases to higher values at z ≳2.4. We estimate the values of r 0, assuming ξ ( r , z )=[ r r 0( z )]− γ , γ =1.8 and various geometries. For Ω0=1 we find r 0( z =3)≃7.00±4.87  h −1 Mpc, in good agreement with the values obtained from analysis of the Lyman break galaxies.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent observational studies of the environment of   z ∼ 6  QSOs, we have used the Millennium Run (MR) simulations to construct a very large  (∼4°× 4°)  mock redshift survey of star-forming galaxies at   z ∼ 6  . We use this simulated survey to study the relation between density enhancements in the distribution of i 775-dropouts and Lyα emitters, and their relation to the most massive haloes and protocluster regions at   z ∼ 6  . Our simulation predicts significant variations in surface density across the sky with some voids and filaments extending over scales of 1°, much larger than probed by current surveys. Approximately one-third of all   z ∼ 6  haloes hosting i -dropouts brighter than   z = 26.5  mag  (≈ M *UV, z =6)  become part of   z = 0  galaxy clusters. i -dropouts associated with protocluster regions are found in regions where the surface density is enhanced on scales ranging from a few to several tens of arcminutes on the sky. We analyse two structures of i -dropouts and Lyα emitters observed with the Subaru Telescope and show that these structures must be the seeds of massive clusters in formation. In striking contrast, six   z ∼ 6  QSO fields observed with Hubble Space Telescope show no significant enhancements in their i 775-dropout number counts. With the present data, we cannot rule out the QSOs being hosted by the most massive haloes. However, neither can we confirm this widely used assumption. We conclude by giving detailed recommendations for the interpretation and planning of observations by current and future ground- and space-based instruments that will shed new light on questions related to the large-scale structure at   z ∼ 6  .  相似文献   

The X-ray nuclei of intermediate-redshift radio sources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We re-assess the question of a systematic time delay between the formation of the progenitor and its explosion in a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) using the Hubble Higher- z Supernova Search sample. While a previous analysis indicated a significant time delay, with a most likely value of 3.4 Gyr, effectively ruling out all previously proposed progenitor models, our analysis shows that the time-delay estimate is dominated by systematic errors, in particular due to uncertainties in the star formation history (SFH). We find that none of the popular progenitor models under consideration can be ruled out with any significant degree of confidence. The inferred time delay is mainly determined by the peak in the assumed SFH. We show that, even with a much larger supernova sample, the time-delay distribution cannot be reliably reconstructed without better constraints on the SFH.  相似文献   

The accelerated expansion of the Universe was proposed through the use of Type-Ia supernovae (SNe) as standard candles. The standardization depends on an empirical correlation between the stretch/color and peak luminosity of the light curves. The use of Type-Ia SNe as standard candles rests on the assumption that their properties (and this correlation) do not vary with redshift. We consider the possibility that the majority of Type-Ia SNe are in fact caused by a Quark-Nova detonation in a tight neutron-star-CO-white-dwarf binary system, which forms a Quark-Nova Ia (QN-Ia). The spin-down energy injected by the Quark-Nova remnant (the quark star) contributes to the post-peak light curve and neatly explains the observed correlation between peak luminosity and light curve shape. We demonstrate that the parameters describing QN-Ia are NOT constant in redshift. Simulated QN-Ia light curves provide a test of the stretch/color correlation by comparing the true distance modulus with that determined using SN light curve fitters. We determine a correction between the true and fitted distance moduli, which when applied to Type-Ia SNe in the Hubble diagram recovers the ΩM = 1 cosmology. We conclude that Type-Ia SNe observations do not necessitate the need for an accelerating expansion of the Universe (if the observed SNe Ia are dominated by QNe Ia) and by association the need for dark energy.  相似文献   

The evidence for positive cosmological constant Λ from Type Ia supernovae is re-examined.
Both high redshift supernova teams are found to underestimate the effects of host galaxy extinction. The evidence for an absolute magnitude–decay time relation is much weakened if supernovae not observed before maximum light are excluded. Inclusion of such objects artificially suppresses the scatter about the mean relation.
With a consistent treatment of host galaxy extinction and elimination of supernovae not observed before maximum, the evidence for a positive lambda is not very significant  (3–4 σ )  . A factor which may contribute to apparent faintness of high- z supernovae is evolution of the host galaxy extinction with z .
The Hubble diagram using all high- z distance estimates, including SZ clusters and gravitational lens time-delay estimates, does not appear inconsistent with an  Ωo=1  model.
Although a positive Λ can provide an (albeit physically unmotivated) resolution of the low curvature implied by cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments and evidence that  Ωo<1  from large-scale structure, the direct evidence from Type Ia supernovae seems at present to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

We use an 850-μm SCUBA map of the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) to study the dust properties of optically-selected starburst galaxies at high redshift. The optical/infrared (IR) data in the HDF allow a photometric redshift to be estimated for each galaxy, together with an estimate of the visible star-formation rate. The 850-μm flux density of each source provides the complementary information: the amount of hidden, dust-enshrouded star formation activity. Although the 850-μm map does not allow detection of the majority of individual sources, we show that the galaxies with the highest UV star-formation rates are detected statistically, with a flux density of about S 850=0.2 mJy for an apparent UV star-formation rate of 1  h −2 M yr−1. This level of submillimetre output indicates that the total star-forming activity is on average a factor of approximately 6 times larger than the rate inferred from the UV output of these galaxies. The general population of optical starbursts is then predicted to contribute at least 25 per cent of the 850-μm background. We carry out a power-spectrum analysis of the map, which yields some evidence for angular clustering of the background source population, but at a level lower than that seen in Lyman-break galaxies. Together with other lines of argument, particularly from the NICMOS HDF data, this suggests that the 850-μm background originates over an extremely wide range of redshifts – perhaps 1≲ z ≲6.  相似文献   

We use three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations together with a dynamical ray-tracing scheme to investigate the build-up of the first H  ii regions around massive Population III stars in minihaloes. We trace the highly anisotropic breakout of the ionizing radiation into the intergalactic medium, allowing us to predict the resulting recombination radiation with greatly increased realism. Our simulations, together with Press–Schechter type arguments, allow us to predict the Population III contribution to the radio background at  ∼100 MHz  via bremsstrahlung and 21-cm emission. We find a global bremsstrahlung signal of around  1 mK  , and a combined 21-cm signature which is an order of magnitude larger. Both might be within the reach of the planned Square Kilometer Array experiment, although detection of the free–free emission is only marginal. The imprint of the first stars on the cosmic radio background might provide us with one of the few diagnostics to test the otherwise elusive minihalo star formation site.  相似文献   

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