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Cohesive Sediment Transport in the Jiaojiang River Estuary, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensive data were obtained of the water and fine sediment dynamics during spring tides in the extremely turbid Jiaojiang River estuary at spring tides. These data enabled the calibration of a two-dimensional (2-D) width-integrated model. Four processes dominated the mud dynamics. These were, firstly, the formation at slack tide of soft mud deposits with an erosion constant much smaller than that of the underlying compacted sediment, secondly the sediment-induced buoyancy effects, thirdly the collapse of the turbulence by the sediment suspension in the fluid mud range and fourthly the inflow of sediment at the mouth of the estuary. These findings demonstrate the necessity to have detailed field data to enable quantitative, as opposed to qualitative, modelling of mud dynamics in turbid estuaries. The estuary is infilling with sediment from the East China Sea and not from riverine inflow, this sediment presumably originates from the Yangtze River located 200 km further north.  相似文献   

椒江河口浮泥的分布和调整   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
应用光学和声学泥沙剖面监测系统,进行1991、1994和1995年3个航次的椒江河口最大混浊带纵横剖面和时间剖面观测.在受控于潮流和径流对比条件的周期性调整基础上,椒江河口浮泥层还表现出非主流聚集趋向和洼地聚集趋向,促使最大混浊带保持对边界条件十分敏感的泥沙储库.  相似文献   

椒江河口悬沙浓度垂向分布和泥跃层发育   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
论述了椒江河口粘性细颗粒泥沙洪、枯季及大、小潮悬沙浓度分布.椒江河口水体高度混浊,近底层悬沙浓度可达71kg/m3以上.在河口最大混浊带,小潮期水体层化现象明显,悬沙浓度垂向分布呈三层结构,即活动悬沙层、泥跃层和浮泥层.泥跃层是水体中悬沙浓度分布剧变层,梯度大.在河口咸、淡水互相作用下,悬沙浓度大于3kg/m3、盐度在4~16及水流速度中等的条件下泥跃层发育.  相似文献   

珠江口的黏性泥沙输运对区域海洋工程和河口海洋环境有着重要的影响。本文利用SELFE模型,针对珠江河口海域建立了一个采用非结构三角形网格的三维斜压水动力模型,可耦合模拟海流、潮流及风海流水动力环境,并在此基础上开发了包括底床模块的黏性泥沙输运模型。模拟结果与实测值验证较好,再现了丰水期珠江河口的泥沙输运特征以及最大浑浊带的变化和分布特点。研究表明,丰水期珠江口悬沙质量浓度西侧大于东侧,泥沙主要来自河口上游。河口浅滩上会形成最大浑浊带,最大质量浓度可达0.5 g/L。珠江口最大浑浊带的形成主要受潮动力、重力环流及泥沙再悬浮和沉积过程影响,其中泥沙再悬浮和沉积过程对中滩的最大浑浊带影响显著,而重力环流作用对西滩的最大浑浊带影响显著。  相似文献   

以实测悬沙粒径、流速、含沙量资料为基础,通过悬沙不同粒级组分、中值粒径以及粒度参数的统计,分析椒江河口最大浑浊带核部悬沙粒径分布变化特性。研究表明,悬沙粒径分选主要受物质来源、潮流动力作用下底部部分物质再悬浮和絮凝沉降3个因素的影响。其中第二个因素起主导作用,大潮期比小潮期显著,第三个因素的作用主要发生在涨落憩前后低流速期,并在表层较近底层的水体明显。  相似文献   

长江口浑浊带的形成机理与特点   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
泥沙积聚再悬浮是长江口浑浊地带形成的主要机理.促使泥沙积聚有径流潮流相互作用和盐淡水交汇混合两种机制,前者形成潮汐浑浊带,后者形成盐水浑浊带长江口浑浊带是具有两种不同机制的盐潮复合浑浊带.长江口浑浊带在不同时间、不同地点表现出不同的特点.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItiswellknownthattheregenerallyexistsahigherconcentrationsedimentzoneinrivermouththanthatinthe'upperandlowerones,whichiscalledturbiditymaximum(TM).ButnomoreintensiveresearchonthisphenomenonhadbeenconductedforalongtimesinceitwasfoundinFrenchGirondeEstuaryin1938.Itwasnotuntilthe1950swhenitattractedresearchersallovertheworldandwasregardedasacommonphenomenoninanestuary.Itplayedanimportantroleinestuarinesedimentationandenvironment.Sincethe1960s,lotsofstudiesonTMintheChangjiangE…  相似文献   

Observations of fluid mud were made in the lower North Passage of the Yangtze Estuary in February 2000, on 10 -11 August 2000, on 30 - 31 August 2000 (after two strong typhoons), on 21 - 24 August 2000 (neap tide) and on 3 -6 September 2000 (mean tide) respectively. In situ data show that the fluid mud in this area consists of fine cohesive sediment (median size 7.23 μm). The formation and movement of fluid mud varied during the neap-spring and flood-ebb tidal cycle. Observations suggest that fluid mud phenomena in this area may be categorised in a three-fold manner as slack water, storm and saltwedge features. The thickness of the fluid mud layer of slack water during the neap tide ranged from 0.2 to 0.96 m, whereas during the mean tide, the thickness ranged from 0.17 to 0.73 m, and the thickness of the fluid mud layer was larger during slack water than at the flood peak. Shoals cover an area of 800 km^2 with a water depth smaller than 5 m. Erosion of these extensive intertidal mudflats due to storm action provides an abundant sediment source. This is particularly significant in this estuary when the tidal level is lower than 5 m. The lower North Passage is a typical zone of saltwater wedging, so the saltwedge fluid mud has the most extensive spatial range in the estuary.  相似文献   

珠江口最大浑浊带的形成与季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Delft3D研究了珠江口最大浑浊带的分布以及影响因素。盐度和悬沙浓度的垂向分布揭示出最大浑浊带范围的变化。最大浑浊带在干季的悬沙浓度比湿季更大,而其中心位置与湿季相比向上游移动10 km。最大浑浊带的形成受到潮汐、径流和地形的综合影响,而沉积物的再悬浮和垂向环流为影响最大浑浊带的主要因素。  相似文献   

长江口枯季悬沙粒度与浓度之间的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003和2004年枯季在长江口采集水样并作水文观测,对所获水样进行过滤和粒度分析,以计算悬沙浓度和悬沙粒度分布。结果表明,2003年11月小潮期间,悬沙中值粒径与悬沙浓度存在着显著的指数关系,在大潮期间没有显著关系;在2004年2月小湖期间,两者之间没有显著关系,但在大潮期间存在着显著的指数关系。枯季水体悬沙以粉砂组份为主,并且随着向口外的推移,细颗粒组份逐渐增加,但在拦门沙最大浑浊带附近,由于絮凝作用,沉积物粒度变幅较大,可产生粒径粗化的现象。小潮期间,砂含量较低,但与悬沙浓度之间有显著相关关系;大潮期间,悬沙粒径粗化,但砂含量与悬沙浓度之间的关系不显著。上述分布趋势与沉积物来源、当地的水动力条件和絮凝作用等因素有密切关系。  相似文献   

基于2020年7月特大洪水期间长江口浑浊带南槽、北槽和北港多站位同步实测水沙动力数据,研究了河口浑浊带分粒级输沙时空特征及其对泥沙来源响应的指示意义,结果表明:1)北港和北槽是流域泥沙净向口外输移的主要输沙通道,南槽是海域泥沙净向口内输移的主要输沙通道,主槽内粉砂是主要输沙组分,占比63.2%,口外粉砂和黏土是主要输沙组分,分别占43.2%、40.9%;2)大潮粉砂输运占比高于小潮,黏土输运占比低于小潮,口外测站砂组分在大小潮期间在横沙浅滩和九段沙间沿岸输移,横沙浅滩附近大、小潮离岸输沙分别是北港口外的1.7倍和8倍,不利于横沙浅滩淤涨;3)当前流域减沙高达70%,此次特大洪水期间黏土、粉砂和砂三组分近底净向口内输移为减沙背景下的口外供沙提供了有力的佐证。  相似文献   

2020年长江流域发生了历史第二大洪水,大通站洪峰流量达到84 500 m3/s。本文基于2020年7月长江口特大洪水期间最大浑浊带多站位的水沙观测数据,重点分析了悬沙粒度组分的时空分布特征,并与常态水文条件下的粒度数据进行对比。结果表明:(1)最大浑浊带悬沙垂向平均中值粒径为10.4μm,变化范围为6~27μm,以黏性细颗粒泥沙为主;其中核心区南槽、北槽及北港的中值粒径分别为8.4μm、7.6μm和8.5μm,过渡区分别为7.2μm、16.4μm和14.5μm。(2)悬沙中值粒径垂向分布受不同组分影响,核心区底层中值粒径为8.8~9.6μm;底层黏土含量在28%~31%之间,粉砂含量在61%~64%之间,中值粒径主要受黏土及粉砂组分影响;过渡区北港和北槽垂向平均砂组分高达19%,南槽砂组分平均仅占5%,中值粒径主要受砂组分影响。(3)对比2013年洪季浑浊带数据,2020年粒径整体增大5.4μm,核心区黏土含量相较2013年减少12.7%,砂增加6.3%;过渡区北槽与北港平均粒径增大10μm。  相似文献   

为研究不同波浪环境下,水底浮泥层产生泥沙悬扬后其浓度的分布特性,使用浊度计测定浊度的方法确定水体中泥沙的浓度,并在水槽实验中改变水深、浮泥厚度及造波机的频率和振幅,观察水槽中悬浮泥沙浓度的变化情况,获得水深、波浪频率、波幅以及浮泥厚度对底床泥沙悬扬的影响,分析泥沙浓度的垂向分布特征等。实验结果显示,水深对底床泥沙悬扬的影响最为显著,其他实验参数的影响均不十分显著。同时,通过垂向输沙平衡的分析,得到一个可描述泥沙垂向浓度分布的理论公式,并利用水槽实验结果进行验证。对比结果显示,理论公式所得曲线与实验结果曲线变化趋势一致,部分工况下,理论值稍稍偏大。  相似文献   

The Haihe cohesive sediment, which is typical in China, is studied systematically for its basic physical and incipient motion properties. Following the requirements of dredging works in the Haihe Estuary, cohesive sediment samples were taken from three locations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to delermine the rheological properties of these samples and to examine the incipient motion of the cohesive sediment. it is found that the cohesive sediment has an obvious yield stress τb, which increases with the mud density in a manner of an exponential function, and so does the viscosity parameter η. The cohesive sediment behaves like a Bingham fluid when its density is below 1. 38 - 1 .40 g/cm3 , and when denser than these values, it may become a power-law fluid. The incipient motion experiment also revealed that the incipient velocity of the cohesive sediment increases with the density in an exponential manner. Therefore, the incipient motion is primarily related to the density, which is different f  相似文献   

Organic matter was studied in the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) of the Seine Estuary during 8 tidal cycles from April to October in 2001, 2002 and 2003, covering a salinity range from 0 to 27. The hydrological conditions were quite varied (extremely wet in 2001, unusually dry in 2003). A particularly striking feature is the high organic matter content in the suspended solids (SS) of the Seine estuary (4–5%).  相似文献   

BAI  Yu-chuan 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):483-498
The Haihe cohesive sediment, which is typical in China, is studied systematically for its basic physical and incipientmotion properties. Following the requirements of dredging works in the Haihe Estuary, cohesive sediment samples weretaken from three locations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the rheological properties of these sam-ples and to examine the incipient motion of the cohesive sediment. It is found that the cohesive sediment has an obviousyield stress τb, which increases with the mud density in a manner of an exponential function, and so does the viscosityparameter η. The cohesive sediment behaves like a Bingham fluid when its density is below 1.38 ~ 1.40 g/cm3, andwhen denser than these values, it may become a power-law fluid. The incipient motion experiment also revealed that theincipient velocity of the cohesive sediment increases with the density in an exponential manner. Therefore, the incipientmotion is primarily related to the density, which is different from the case for non-cohesive sediment in which the incipi-ent motion is correlated with the diameter of sand particles instead. The incipient motion occurs in two different ways de-pending on the concentration of mud in the bottom. For sufficiently fine particles and a concentration lower than1.20 g/cm3, the cohesive sediment appears as fluidized mud, and the incipient motion is in the form of instability of aninternal wave. For a higher concentration, the cohesive sediment appears as general quasi-solid-mud, and the incipientmotion can be described by a series of extended Shields curves each with a different porosity for newly deposited alluvial mud.  相似文献   

To understand the dispersal pattern of sediment plume and its controlling processes, a field experiment of concentrated slurry dispersal created by a dredger was conducted in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary during the 2002 flood season. An acoustic suspended sediment concentration profiler and an acoustic Doppler profiler were deployed to simultaneously observe suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and tidal currents at the pre-selected sections shortly following the release of dredged materials. Water sampling, grab sampling and shallow coring were simultaneously carried out to obtain the SSC and grain-size texture. High-resolution SSC profiler observations showed that two distinct sediment plumes (middle level- and near-bed plumes) occurred during the intermediate tidal phase between the spring and neap due to differential settling of the sediment mixture, whereas only a benthic plume occurred due to rapid flocculation settling during the neap tide. Three subsequent stages can be identified during the dispersal of the sediment plume: (1) initially stable stage before the release; (2) unstable stage shortly following the release as a settling cloud; and (3) stable stage after the formation of a primary lutocline or a benthic plume. Enhanced mixing due to oscillatory shear flows could raise only the elevation of the lutocline in the slurry, but could not enhance the transport capacity of suspension. In the presence of high concentration, the fate of bottom sediment plume was controlled by the bottom stress, independent of the interfacial mixing.  相似文献   

最大浑浊带水体悬沙时空变化过程是河口沉积动力学研究的核心内容之一。利用2013年6月16—24日在长江口南槽最大浑浊带自小潮至大潮连续9天的逐时定点水文及悬沙观测资料,分析南槽最大浑浊带悬沙垂向变化特征及影响机制,由此加深对长江口最大浑浊带形成及变化的理解。主要结果包括:(1) 南槽最大浑浊带悬沙平均粒径为3.52~18.84 μm。从小潮到大潮、从表层水体到底层水体,悬沙粒径逐渐增大,水体含沙量逐渐增大,含沙量为0.12~2.29 g/L。(2)水体流速呈现自下而上、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙粒径的关联度较好;而水体盐度呈现自上而下、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙含量的关联度较好。(3)南槽最大浑浊带水体悬沙垂向变化涵括两种控制机制:涨落潮作用引起的底沙再悬浮控制水体悬沙约7 h的周期性变化;涨潮流挟带的口外泥沙絮凝形成的絮团在涨潮流和重力作用的影响下引起水体悬沙出现约14 h的周期性变化特征。  相似文献   

根据汛期黄河口多船同步水文泥沙实测资料,对黄河口最大浑浊带特征及其时空演变进行研究,得出汛期黄河口最大浑浊带在整个潮周期始终存在,其含沙量和范围形态受潮相的控制,在落急和落平时最为发育.文中还探讨了黄河口最大浑浊带的形成机制,指出其形成主要受河流携带大量泥沙、泥沙异重流、河口密度环流及湍流的作用.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of median floc diameters and associated environmental data over spring-tide tidal cycles at two stations in the muddy Tamar Estuary, UK, for winter, spring and summer conditions. The particulate organic carbon and particulate total carbon contents of mudflats and SPM (suspended particulate matter) at the stations, together with other evidence, indicates that much of the SPM was derived from mud sources that were located between the two stations during winter and spring, and from very mobile sediment sources in the upper estuary during summer. Observed in-situ median floc sizes varied widely, from <50 to >500 μm and rapid settling of particles close to HW and LW (high and low water) left only the smaller flocs in suspension. Time-series of depth-averaged median floc sizes generally were most closely, positively, correlated with depth-averaged SPM concentrations. Floc diameters tended to reach maximum median sizes near the time when SPM concentrations were highest. These high concentrations were in turn largely generated by resuspension of sediment during the fastest current speeds. Although such correlations may have arisen because of SPM-driven floc growth - despite fast tidal currents - there is also the possibility that tough aggregates were eroded from the intertidal mudflats and mudbanks. Although a hypothesis, such large aggregates of fine sediment may have resulted from the binding together of very fine bed particles by sticky extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) coatings, produced by benthic diatoms and by other biologically-mediated activity. A rapid reduction of SPM occurred at the up-estuary station within 2.5 h of HW on the flood, when decelerating currents were still relatively fast. It appears that at least two processes were at work: localised settling of the largest flocs and up-estuary transport in which large flocs were transported further into the estuary before settling into the Tamar's ETM (estuarine turbidity maximum) over the HW-slack period. Up-estuary advection of large flocs and their eventual settling would place the down-estuary edge of the ETM above the upper-estuary station during summer, spring-tide conditions. This position of the ETM was observed close to HW during longitudinal surveys of the estuary.  相似文献   

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