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The evaluation of deflections of the vertical for the area of Greece is attempted using a combination of topographic and astrogeodetic data. Tests carried out in the area bounded by 35°≤ϕ≤42°, 19°≤λ≤27° indicate that an accuracy of ±3″.3 can be obtained in this area for the meridian and prime vertical deflection components when high resolution topographic data in the immediate vicinity of computation points are used, combined with high degree spherical harmonic expansions of the geopotential and isostatic reduction potential. This accuracy is about 25% better than the corresponding topographic-Moho deflection components which are evaluated using topographic and Moho data up to 120 km around each station, without any combination with the spherical harmonic expansion of the geopotential or isostatic reduction potential. The accuracy in both cases is increased to about 2″.6 when the astrogeodetic data available in the area mentioned above are used for the prediction of remaining values. Furthermore the estimation of datum-shift parameters is attempted using least squares collocation.  相似文献   

Mean gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical, and a geopotential model complete to degree and order180 are combined in order to determine geoidal heights in the area bounded by [34°≦ϕ≤42°, 18°≦λ≦28°]. Moreover, employing point gravity anomalies simultaneously with the above data, an attempt is made to predict deflections of the vertical in the same area. The method used in the computations is least squares collocation. Using empirical covariance functions for the data, the suitable errors for the different sources of observations, and the optimum cap radius around each point of evaluation, an accuracy better than±0.60m for geoidal heights and±1″.5 for deflections of the vertical is obtained taking into account existing systematic effects. This accuracy refers to the comparison between observed and predicted values.  相似文献   

G. Veis 《Journal of Geodesy》1964,38(2):147-166
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory has modified the Baker-Nunn cameras to perform simultaneous observations. When only two stations are involved in simultaneous observing, the directions in an absolute system of reference of the line connecting the two stations can be determined. Fifty-six pairs of simultaneous observations between stations Villa Dolores, Argentina; Arequipa, Peru; Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles; Jupiter, Florida; and Organ Pass, New Mexico, indicate that an accuracy of better than 1″ of arc can be expected. This work was supported in part by grant NsG 87-60 of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Principles of North determination using suspended gyrocompasses are reviewed. Accuracy is evaluated and a procedure with two series of measurements symmetrical with respect to the zero torsion tape position is mathematically proven to be the “best” (minimum variance). Our purpose is to prove that a 20″ accuracy (1 σ) instrument was brought to a level of accuracy four times better by using multiple transit times and least squares fit. Over a total of 15 North determinations based on more than a thousand transit times, an external standard error of 4″.4 was obtained using a WildGAK-1.  相似文献   

A method of determining azimuth by gyrotheodolite without electronic registration is described. The method requires observations of time at each instant the moving mark passes a scale division. Thus many observations of time may be achieved in a single oscillation of the moving mark. The observations when used in the appropriate observation equation may determine azimuth with a standard error of ±3″ with 2 hours of observations. This assumes knowledge of the additive constant to about 1″.3 and neglects the effects of dislevelment in the prime vertical. For practical application of the method a time recording device and microcomputer, such as the Hewlett Packard HP41CV and HP85, are recommended.  相似文献   

The earth’s phase of rotation, expressed as Universal Time UT1, is the most variable component of the earth’s rotation. Continuous monitoring of this quantity is realised through daily single-baseline VLBI observations which are interleaved with VLBI network observations. The accuracy of these single-baseline observations is established mainly through statistically determined standard deviations of the adjustment process although the results of these measurements are prone to systematic errors. The two major effects are caused by inaccuracies in the polar motion and nutation angles introduced as a priori values which propagate into the UT1 results. In this paper, we analyse the transfer of these components into UT1 depending on the two VLBI baselines being used for short duration UT1 monitoring. We develop transfer functions of the errors in polar motion and nutation into the UT1 estimates. Maximum values reach 30 [μs per milliarcsecond] which is quite large considering that observations of nutation offsets w.r.t. the state-of-the-art nutation model show deviations of as much as one milliarcsecond.  相似文献   

Summary Consideration of the sources of error of the astronomical levelling appears to lead to an error or weight function of the form (6), possibly in some cases the more general expression (7). The coefficients must in every single instance be empirically determined from the material itself; here we primarily make use of the triangle closure errors in combination with the demand that the mean error μ0 of the unit of weight be the same, independent of the size of the triangle.—Application of this procedure to the material from Finland (255 stations of deviation of the vertical, combined into 337 triangles) can be regarded as a confirmation of expression (6) with ε=±0″.30, κ=±0″.010/km, μ0=±6.7 cm (s 0=31.6 km). The coefficients are between themselves so similar, that their combined effect can hardly be distinguished from a purely cubic function, which therefore was used as a base for the computation of the geoid.—On the other hand, bothDe Graaff-Hunter's material from Czecho-Slovakia [3] and that ofLitschauer from Austria [8] lead to purely quadratic functions of error, a result which can be interpreted so, that in these cases the coefficient of the biquadratic interpolation term is so small, that it cannot be statistically demonstrated.
Zusammenfassung Eine Betrachtung der Fehlerquellen des astronomischen Nivellements scheint auf eine Fehler- oder Gewichtsfunktion von der Form (6), evtl. in gewissen F?llen auf den allgemeineren Ausdruck (7) zu führen. Die Koeffizienten sind auf empirischem Wege aus dem Material selbst zu bestimmen; hierbei bieten sich in erster Linie die Dreiecksschlussfehler in Kombination mit der Forderung, dass der mittlere Fehler μ0 der Gewichtseinheit von der Gr?sse des Dreiecks unabh?ngig sein muss. —Die Anwendung der Methode auf das finnische Material (255 Lotabweichungsstationen, zu 337 Dreiecken verbunden) kann als eine Best?tigung der Formel (6) gedeutet werden, mit ε=±0″.30, κ=±0″.010/km. μ0=±6.7 cm (s o=31.6 km). Die beiden Glieder sind einander so nahe gleich, dass ihre summe sich kaum von einer rein kubischen Funktion unterscheidet, und diese wurde daher der Geoidberechnung zu Grunde gelegt.—Dagegen führen sowohlDe Graaff-Hunters Material aus der Tscheckoslovakei [3] wie auchLitschauers Daten aus ?sterreich [8] auf rein quadratische Fehlerfunktionen, ein Ergebnis, das wohl dahin zu deuten ist, dass in diesen F?llen der Koeffizient des biquadratischen Interpolationsgliedes so klein ist, dass er sich nicht statistisch nachweisen l?sst.

Resumen El estudio de las causas de error en la nivelación astronómica conduce a un error de la forma (6) o de la forma más general (7) en la función de los pesos. En cada caso los coeficientes deben ser deducidos empíricamente de los resultados numéricos; se parte aquí del criterio de cierre de los triángulos y el del valor del error medio de la unidad de peso que debe ser independiente de las dimensiones del triángulo. La aplicación de este método a los resultados finlandeses (355 estaciones de desviaciones para 337 triángulos) puede considerase como una confirmación de la expresión (6) con . Los ceficientes son tan idénticos entre sí que su efecto combinado no puede distinguirse sino dificilmente de una función cúbica, que se ha utilizado para el cálculo del geoide. Los resultados del Dr.De Graaff-Hunter en Checoeslovaquia y de Mr.Litschauer en Austria dan los valores del 2° grado, que puede interpretarse diciendo que el término bicuadrático no es significativamente diferente de cero.

Résumé L'étude des causes d'erreur dans le nivellement astronomique amène à une erreur de la forme (6) ou de la forme plus générale (7) dans la fonction des poids. Dans chaque cas les coefficients doivent être tirés empiriquement des résultats numériques; on se base ici sur le criterium de fermeture de triangles et la valeur de l'erreur moyenne de l'unité de poids qui doit être indépendante des dimensions du triangle. L'application de cette méthode aux résultats Finlandais (255 stations de déviations pour 337 triangles) peut être considérée comme une confirmation de l'expression (6) avec ε=±0″.30 κ=±0″.010/km Les coefficients sont tellement identiques entre eux que leur effet combiné ne peut que difficilement se distinguer d'une fonction cubique que l'on a donc utilisée pour le calcul du géo?de. Les résultats du DrDe Graaff-Hunter en Tchécoslovaquie et deM. Litschauer en Autriche, donnent des valeurs du 2e degré, ce qui peut s'interpréter en disant que le terme biquadratique n'y est plus significantivement différent de zéro.

Sommario Lo studio delle cause di errore nella livellazione astronomica conduce ad un errore della forma (6) e della forma più generale (7) nella funzione dei pesi. In ciascun caso i coefficienti devono essere dedotti empiricamente dai risultati numerici; qui ci si basa sul criterio di chiusura dei triangoli ed il valore dell'errore medio dell'unità di peso che deve essere indipendente dalle dimensioni del triangolo. L'applicazione di questo metodo ai risultati finlandesi (255 stazioni di deviazione per 337 triangoli) può essere considerato come una conferma dell'espressione (6) con I coefficienti sono talmente identici tra di loro che il loro effetto combinato non può che difficilmente distinguersi dalla funzione cubica che é stata utilizzata per il calcolo del geoide. I risultati del Dr.De Graaff-Hunter in Cecoslovacchia e del Sig.Litschauer in Austria, forniscono dei valori del secondo ordine, ciò che può interpretarsi dicendo che il termine biquadratico non é significativamente differente dallo zero.

Summary The discrepancy between precision and accuracy in astronomical determinations is usually explained in two ways: on the one hand by ostensible large refraction anomalies and on the other hand by variable instrumental errors which are systematic over a certain interval of time and which are mainly influenced by temperature.In view of the research of several other persons and the author’s own investigations, the authors are of the opinion that the large night-errors of astronomical determinations are caused by variable, systematic instrumental errors dependent on temperature. The influence of refraction anomalies is estimated to be smaller than 0″.1 for most of the field stations. The possibility of determining the anomalous refraction from the observations by the programme given by Prof. Pavlov and Anderson has also been investigated. The precision of the determination of the anomalous refraction is good as long as no other systematic error working in a similar way is present.The results, which are interpreted as an effect of the anomalous refraction by Pavlov and Sergijenko, could also be interpreted as a systematic instrumental error. It is furthermore maintained thatthe latitude and longitude of a field station can be determined in a few hours of one night if the premisses given in [3, p.68]are kept. It has been deplored that the determination of the azimuth has not been given the necessary attention. It is therefore proposed to intensify the research on this problem. The profession has been called upon to acquaint itself better with the valuable possibilities of astronomical determinations and to apply them in a useful and appropriate manner. At the same time, attention has been called to the possibility of improving astronomical determinations with regard to accuracy as well as effectiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The absolute deviations of the vertical detectable at Potsdam from astronomical-gravity comparisons differ significantly from earlier values obtained from the astronomic-geodetic observations which form the starting elements of the European triangulation network. It is possible to show, by the use of values of the deviation of the vertical extending over the whole of Europe as far as longitude 30°, and referred to the undulations of the geoid ofTanni, that the starting elements adopted at Potsdam are too large by 3″.0 in latitude and 1″.4 in longitude.
Resumen Las desviaciones absolutas de la vertical obtenidas en Potsdam por procedimiento astronómico-gravimétrico, se alejan sensiblemente de los valores encontrados enteriormente por procedimiento astronómicogeodésico, y que constituyen la base de partida de la red de conjunto europea. Es posible demostrar, basándose en el material de desviaciones de la vertical extendido a toda Europa hasta la longitud de 30°, partiendo de las ondulaciones del geoide deTanni, que los datos de partida adoptados en Potsdam son demasiado grandes en 3″,0 de latitud y 1″,4 de longitud.

Résumé Les déviations absolues de la verticale relevées à Potsdam par voie astronomico-gravimétrique s’écartent sensiblement des valeurs trouvées autrefois par voie astronomico-géodésique, et qui forment la base de départ du réseau d’ensemble de l’Europe. Il est possible de démontrer, en s’appuyant sur le matériel de déviations de la verticale étendu sur toute l’Europe jusqu’à la longitude de 30°, en partant des ondulations du géo?de deTanni, que les données de départ adoptées à Potsdam sont trop grandes de 3″.0 en latitude et de 1″.4 en longitude.

Sommario La deviazione assoluta della verticale determinata a Postdam per via astronomico-gravimetrica, si scosta sensibilmente dal valore trovato in precedenza per via astronomico-geodetica, che forma la base della compensazione delle reti europee. Si può dimostrare, appoggiandosi sulle deviazioni della verticale conosciute in Europa fino alla longitudine di 30°, e partendo dalle ondulazioni del geoide diTanni, che i dati di partenza adottati a Postdam sono troppo grandi di 3″,0 in latitudine e di 1″,4 in longitudine.

Communication présentée à l’Assemblée Générale de Bruxelles  相似文献   

Bathymetry data from Sognefjord, Norway, have been included in a terrain model, and their influence on the geoid has been calculated. The test area, located in the western part of Norway, was chosen due to its deep fjords and high mountains. Inclusion of bathymetry data in the terrain model altered the computed gravimetric geoid by as much as a few decimeters. The effect was detectable to a distance of more than 100 km. All calculated geoids, both with and without bathymetry data in the terrain model, fit the geoidal heights determined by available Global Positioning System (GPS) and levelling heights at the sub-decimetre level. Contrary to expectations, the accuracy in geoid prediction was reduced when using bathymetric data. The geoid changes were largest over the fjord where no GPS points were located. Different methods on the same area [isostatic and Residual Terrain Model (RTM)-terrain reductions] showed differences of approximately 1 m. Rigorous distinction between quasigeoid and geoid was found to be essential in this kind of area. Received: 12 May 1997 / Accepted 7 May 1998  相似文献   

This paper presents a set of efficient formulas to evaluate the deflections of the vertical on the sphere using gridded data. The Vening-Meinesz formula, the topographic indirect effect on the deflections of the vertical as well as the terrain corrections are expressed as both 2D and 1D convolutions on the sphere, and consequently can be evaluated by the 2D and the 1D fast Fourier transform (FFT). When compared with the results obtained from pointwise integration, the use of the 1D FFT gives identical results, and therefore these results were used as control values in this paper. The use of the spherical 2D FFT improves significantly the computational efficiency with little sacrifice of accuracy (0.6 rms difference from the 1D FFT results). The planar 2D FFT, which is as efficient as the spherical 2D FFT, gives worse results (1.2 rms difference from the 1D FFT results) because of the extra approximations. Received: 27 February 1996; Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

Summary The modern satellite techniques enable to measure the gravity acceleration in space. The downward continuation of this measurements to the earth's surface is by the closed theory practically impossible. Using the method of collocation we can estimate the values of Δ g in the limited region underneath the observation with a little loss of accuracy. Results of some numerical tests for elevation of 300 km are presented.  相似文献   

Résumé L'état actuel des études préliminaires d'une mesure absolue de g au B.I.P.M. basée sur le principe de la “méthode des deux stations” [1] est résumé dans cette note. Une précision de g plus élevée que celle qui a été obtenue jusqu'à présent, est espérée à cause des avantages des mesures symétriques dans cette méthode et des observations interférentielles des passages d'un corps lancé (un trièdre formé de trois miroirs orthogonaux) à des stations fixes. Nous envisageons qu'une précision de g de l'ordre de 0,1 mgal sera réalisable avec cette méthode.
Summary In this note, the present stage is outlined in the preparations for an absolute determination of gravity at B.I.P.M., based on the principle of “La méthode des deux stations” [1] (or so called “The up and down motion method”). It is expected that a value of g of greater accuracy than previous measurements will be obtained, due to the use of the symmetrical measurements by this principle and the use of the interferometric observations of the passage of the projected body (a corner cube reflector) in free fall across fixed horizontal stations. It seems probable that an accuracy of the order of 0.1 mgal will be obtained by this method.

On the basis of gravity field model (EIGEN_CG01C), together with multi-altimeter data, the improved deflection of the vertical gridded in 2'×2' in China marginal sea and gridded in 5'×5' in the global sea was determined by using the weighted method of along-track least squares, and the accuracy is better than 1.2^# in China marginal sea. As for the quality of the deflection of the vertical, it meets the challenge for the gravity field of high resolution and accuracy, it shows that, compared with the shipboard gravimetry in the sea, the accuracy of the gravity anomalies computed with the marine deflection of the vertical by inverse Vening-Meinesz formula is 7.75 m.s ^-2.  相似文献   

We present an alternate mathematical technique than contemporary spherical harmonics to approximate the geopotential based on triangulated spherical spline functions, which are smooth piecewise spherical harmonic polynomials over spherical triangulations. The new method is capable of multi-spatial resolution modeling and could thus enhance spatial resolutions for regional gravity field inversion using data from space gravimetry missions such as CHAMP, GRACE or GOCE. First, we propose to use the minimal energy spherical spline interpolation to find a good approximation of the geopotential at the orbital altitude of the satellite. Then we explain how to solve Laplace’s equation on the Earth’s exterior to compute a spherical spline to approximate the geopotential at the Earth’s surface. We propose a domain decomposition technique, which can compute an approximation of the minimal energy spherical spline interpolation on the orbital altitude and a multiple star technique to compute the spherical spline approximation by the collocation method. We prove that the spherical spline constructed by means of the domain decomposition technique converges to the minimal energy spline interpolation. We also prove that the modeled spline geopotential is continuous from the satellite altitude down to the Earth’s surface. We have implemented the two computational algorithms and applied them in a numerical experiment using simulated CHAMP geopotential observations computed at satellite altitude (450 km) assuming EGM96 (n max = 90) is the truth model. We then validate our approach by comparing the computed geopotential values using the resulting spherical spline model down to the Earth’s surface, with the truth EGM96 values over several study regions. Our numerical evidence demonstrates that the algorithms produce a viable alternative of regional gravity field solution potentially exploiting the full accuracy of data from space gravimetry missions. The major advantage of our method is that it allows us to compute the geopotential over the regions of interest as well as enhancing the spatial resolution commensurable with the characteristics of satellite coverage, which could not be done using a global spherical harmonic representation. The results in this paper are based on the research supported by the National Science Foundation under the grant no. 0327577.  相似文献   

S. Han 《Journal of Geodesy》1997,71(6):351-361
An integrated method for the instantaneous ambiguity resolution using dual-frequency precise pseudo-range and carrier-phase observations is suggested in this paper. The algorithm combines the search procedures in the coordinate domain, the observation domain and the estimated ambiguity domain (and therefore benefits from the integration of their most positive elements). A three-step procedure is then proposed to enhance the reliability of the ambiguity resolution by: (1) improving the stochastic model for the double-differenced functional model in real time; (2) refining the criteria which distinguish the integer ambiguity set that generates the minimum quadratic form of residuals from that corresponding to the second minimum one; and (3) developing a fault detection and adaptation procedure. Three test scenarios were considered, one static baseline (11.3 km) and two kinematic experiments (baseline lengths from 5.2 to 13.7 km). These showed that the mean computation time for one epoch is less than 0.1 s, and that the success rate reaches 98.4% (compared to just 68.4% using standard ratio tests). Received: 5 June 1996; Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

A least-squares prediction method is described to estimate horizontal coordinate distortions at lower order points of a network using known coordinate differences (NAD27 coordinate distortions Δϕ′s and Δλ′s) at higher order points between NAD27 coordinates and coordinates derived from a recent (MAY 76), relatively distortion free, adjustment of these points. Empirical autocovariance functions of Δϕ and Δλ and crosscovariance function between Δϕ and Δλ are derived from some 5,250 data points and modelled using series of exponential functions. Empirical mean square values of Δϕ and Δλ, which are a measure of the distortions in NAD27 ϕ and λ, are 0.051 and 0.645 arcsecs2 respectively. The corresponding mean value of the product ΔϕΔλ, which is a measure of the correlation between Δϕ and Δλ, is 0.056 arcsecs2. The accuracy obtainable for predicted Δϕ and Δλ at an arbitrary point (e.g., lower order station) is a function of the accuracy and configuration of known Δϕ′s and Δλ′s in the surrounding area. Accuracies obtainable for various types of data configuration are given. Under favorable conditions taking place in about 60% of cases, accuracies in terms of ms agreement with known values of 0″.02 (0.6 m) and 0″.01 (0.2 m along parallel at latitude 50°) for the predicted latitude and longitude distortions are obtainable. Finally, a comparison with a method based on the use of complex polynomials is made. Presented at International Symposium on Geodetic Networks and Computations, Munich, August–September 1981.  相似文献   

Summary According to the plate tectonic theory of Le Pichon [1968] we summarized the absolute values of the angular rate of rotation of the Eurasia and America plates determined by astronomical latitude observations. The authors then tried to use the data of longitude observation so far available to emphasize the existence of similar crust movements. The analysis of longitude data has shown the minor homogeneity of these astronomical observations especially as far as the observations obtained by means of PZT are concerned. By using particularly accurate observational data [Torao & Okasahi, 1965, 1969] the data of longitude variations confirm the existence of movements in the earth’s crust, exactly equal to those deduced by the analysis of latitude observations and in agreement with the results of geophysical measurements.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis by least squares as developed by Vaníček is applied to a series of transit times measurements obtained with a suspended gyrocompass (Wild) electronically equipped with three photocells and a printing chronograph. Instead of being the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function as in the usual spectral analysis of time series (Wiener theory), the spectral function used here is a function of an estimator of the variance factor obtained after a least squares fitting of a sinusoid to the data. That function is normalized to values between zero and one. For step-by-step spectral analysis by least squares each time a significant frequency appears in the spectrum it is removed by least squares fitting of the corresponding sinusoid including a damping coefficient, the residuals being again examined by spectral analysis by least squares. We find four significant frequencies: the well known principal period of about 7min in the spinning case; a very strong component with a period nearly exactly half the principal period and an amplitude of about 70″, explained by taking into account the second-order term in the theory developed by Jeudy, and two remaining periods with much smaller amplitudes (2″.9 and 0″.9). It is shown that the shortest period (0s.021), predicted by theory, exists in the measurements and cannot be neglected. The smallest component is considered to correspond to the wobble which can easily be observed in the perturbed motion.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDifferentgeoidsolutionswerecarriedoutforE gyptusingheterogeneousdataanddifferentmethodologies (El_Tokhey ,1 993) .ThemaingoalofthispaperistodetermineamostaccuratenewgeoidforEgypttakingadvantageofanewupdatedgravitydatabase,theinformationgivenby…  相似文献   

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