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In the recent years, it has been established that b/h or h/b (b = length of the structure in the lateral direction and h = approach flow depth) is the dominant factor for the estimation of local scour depth around abutments and piers. One of the major limitations of the Lacey formula is that it predicts only one value of the scour depth for a specific river because of the absence of important parameters b and h. Therefore, its application is quite uncertain for variable b and h. Considering its limitations and experimental facts of flow concentration and shear stress amplification close to above structures, the original Lacey formula is modified introducing the parameters b and h. The applicability of the original as well as modified Lacey formula is tested to the data collected from major rivers in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Local scour at bridge piers and abutments has long concerned engineers. Scour depth estimation has attracted considerable research interest and activity, and a number of prediction methods exist at present (see, e.g., comprehensive lists of predictors given by Melville and Colleman, 2000). Several studies have been completed since the 1950s for the particular case of scour at bridge abutments. Since the beginning of the 1980s, the University of Auckland, New Zealand, …  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of dune migration on local scour around bridge piers. Experiments show that local scour depths fluctuate in response to the translation of dunes past the scour hole. The scour depths measured in a model study conducted in live-bed conditions contain both scour due to the pier and that due to dunes. The con' tribution from scour due to the dunes may form a significant fraction of the total scour depth measured in model investigations. Therefore, it is imperative to separate these two components of scour for analysis and comparison. The study proposes that an equilibrium or time-average scour depth normalized using pier diameter be used for analysis, and the contribution from dunes to the total scour depth be added independently. Dune size, in the absence of field or measured data, may be estimated using published predictive curves. Comparisons between computed and measured scour depths show a good correlation, and 90% of all the data tested fall within a scatter of 15%.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Lower Yellow River is a suspended river channel bed much higher than the adjacent ground behind the dikes, well known all over the world. The floods flow east into the sea under the constraints of dikes. The safety of the dikes or embankments mainly relies on the protection provided by the river training works that have been constructed and maintained for several thousand years. There are three types of river training works and they are spurs, guide banks, and reve…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The local scour around bridge piers and abutments has always had heightened interest to hydraulic engineers. An accurate and efficient method to estimate the local scour is greatly desired. However, the behavior of flows passing through bri…  相似文献   

Local scour may occur when a hydraulic structure is positioned in a channel with an erodible bed. Herewith investigated experimentally are the erosion and flow pattern due to a water jet passing over a channel bed at the asymptotic (final) state. The development of the scour hole, its maximum scour depth and length, are recorded and compared with available scour-depth relations. Two sets of experiments (see Table 1) were carded out. Set 1 (3 runs) was concerned with measuring the vertical instantaneous velocity distribution in the scour hole. The scour hole at the asymptotic (final) state, t=100 [h] was investigated. Set 2 (5 runs) was concerned with studying the physics of scouring. Thescour hole at about mid-state, t≈0.5 [h], was investigated; subsequently the scour-hole depth was linearly extended on the semi-log scale to 72 [h]; no velocity measurements were performed. The present data are put in context with some (popular) existing relations; recommended is a modification of some of these relations。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional flow field in a scour hole around different abutments under a clear water regime was experimentally measured in a laboratory flume, using the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). Three types of abutments used in the experiments were vertical-wall (rectangular section), 45° wing-wall (45° polygonal section) and semicircular. The three-dimensional time-averaged velocity components were detected at different vertical planes for vertical-wall abutment and azimuthal planes for wing-wall and semicircular abutments. The velocity components were also measured at different horizontal planes. In the upstream, presentations of flow field through vector plots at vertical / azimuthal and horizontal planes show the existence of a primary vortex associated with the downflow inside the scour hole. On the other hand, in the downstream, the flow field shows a reversed flow near the abutments having a subsequent recovery with a passage of flow as a part of the main flow. The data presented in this p  相似文献   

To mitigate scour around bridge piers, sacrificial piles are economic method where natural processes are involved. The arrangement should be such that scoured materials from the sacrificial piles should have enough volume to fill the scour hole created upstream of the pier in such a way that sediments are trapped inside the scour hole. This concept differs from earlier study made with sacrificial piles that mainly deals to reduce the strength of horseshoe vortex. To determine the effect of sacrificial piles for scour mitigation, alternative arrangements of piles were tested in front of a rectangular pier under clear-water condition and found that when the group of piles is placed at a distance of twice the projected width of the pier, for which percentage of blockage of the pier width is 60%, the scour volume can be reduced upto 61% while the maximum scour depth can be reduced upto 50%.  相似文献   

l INTRODUCTIONGroins are smictures consmicted transverse to the river flow and extended from the bank into the river.They serve one or more of the following functions: 1) training of the stream flow, 2) protection of s treambank frOm erosion, and 3) imProvement of flow dePth for navigation. Groins, according to method andtyPe of construction material, are usually classified as permeable or imPermeable. However in this paPeranother wne is introduced, i.e. semipermeable groin, which is th…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION In alluvial streams bed scour often occurs if the sediment load is less than the transport capacity of the flow. Two types of scour are identified, namely local scour and channel bed scour. Channel bed scour can be further classified accord…  相似文献   

1 mnCnONLocal scour close to bridge piers and abUtInnts has long been a subect of concem for engineers, sinceit can We total or partial collapse of bridges. Until to the Present, local scour has been assessed, moshy,on the basis of resultS of labOratOry stodis. These sthes were cwhed out for steady flows lashng longenough as to gUarantee the develoPment of equlllbrium scour i.e., the develoPmen of scour holes whosedePth and 8haPe no lOnger significanti evolve with hme.In nta, such long l…  相似文献   

In the current study, 108 flume experiments with non-uniform, cohesionless sediments have been done to investigate the local scour process around four pairs of side-by-side bridge piers under both open channel and ice-covered flow conditions. Similar to local scour around bridge piers under open channel conditions and a single bridge pier, it was observed in the experiments that the maximum scour depth always occurred at the upstream face of the pier under ice-covered conditions. Further, the smaller the pier size and the greater the spacing distance between the bridge piers, the weaker the horseshoe vortices around the bridge piers, and, thus, the shallower the scour holes around them. Finally, empirical equations were developed to estimate the maximum scour depth around two side-by-side bridge piers under both open channel and ice-covered flow conditions.  相似文献   

The safety of an apron of the energy dissipator is threatened by the large-scale scour in the downstream of the apron due to the erosive action of a horizontal jet issuing from a sluice opening. Also, large-scale deposition of the scoured sediments due to an impinging jet in a plunging pool type energy dissipator affects the passage of flow adversely in the downstream channels. Owing to the significant practical importance, the problem of local scour due to jets has been studied by many investigators, In this paper, a comprehensive review of the up-to-date investigations on local scour due to horizontal and impinging jets is presented including all possible aspects, such as scouring process, parameters affecting scour, time variation of scour velocity distribution on the apron and within the scour hole, development of boundary layer thickness, bed shear stress, scour estimation formulas and protection works.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONhiverchannelsaresubjecttocontinuouschangeingeometryduetoillteraCtionbetWeentheflowanderodibleboundaries.Ofconcerntothedesignersofoilpipelinesacrossariver,bridgesandhydraulicworksistheproblemofscourwhichcanunderminetheStructures.Scouratsiteofbridgesandhydraulicworksoccursduetoconstrictedflowandexistenceofbridgepiers.SuchatabOfscouroccursonlyinashortsection,usuallyillthesameorderofthelengthofthehydraulicworksorbridges.Therefore,thispatternofscouriscalledlocalscour.Man}rresea…  相似文献   

Correct estimation of the scour around vertical piles in the field exposed to oscillatory waves is very important for many offshore structures and coastal engineering projects. Conventional predictive formulas for the geometric properties of scour hole, however, are not able to provide sufficiently accurate results. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are simplified mathematical representation of the human brain. Three-layer normal feed-forward ANN is a powerful tool for input-output mapping and has been widely used in civil engineering problems. In this article the ANNs approach is used to predict the geometric properties of the scour around vertical pile. Two different ANNs including multilayer perceptron (with four different learning rules) and radial basis functions neural networks are used for this purpose. The results show that a three-layer normal feed-forward multilayer perceptron with quick propagation (QP) learning rule can predict the scour hole properties successfully.  相似文献   

The local scour around bridge abutments has been an active research topic for many decades. But very few studies have been conducted regarding the impacts of ice cover on the local scour phenomenon aro...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Protection of bridge piers against local scour is of major importance to bridge maintenance. The safety of bridges is seriously threatened by the river flood during typhoons or thunderstorms. In Taiwan typhoon’s floods are often so strong in possession of high energy to transport a large amount of bed sediment in river. The average velocity in a flood river can go typically over 3 m/s even up to 5 m/s, several times of the regular flow speed. The peak discharge of flood i…  相似文献   

1 wrsoooCTIoxThe Yeuow mver crtes a huge amoun of sedimcht and the noods often cause raPid and severeerosinn and dePOsihon. The channl bed of the YelOw mver often exPeriences degIadation in the mainchannel during fioods. In some cases vigorous erosion uP to l0 meters takes place in a shOrt Period oftiIn. Such phenomenon usually occurs in the ndddie reaChs of the Yelow mver and its tributaries suchas the Wdse mVer the Beiluohe mver etc. For examPle, th6 hyPenconcentraed nood in July l…  相似文献   

A novel scanning technique using a rotating-head sonar profiler attached to a slider mechanism is presented as a means to directly measure the complex erosion and deposition features of local scour holes developing in clear-water conditions around vertical cylinders mimicking bridge piers.Extensive validation shows that the method produces high-density elevation surfaces to within≌1.5±2 mm accuracy in a quasi-non-invasive manner.This equates to 0.5±0.7% relative to the flow depth which sonar resolution is well known to scale with.Experimental data from three trials using different cylinder diameters indicate that monitoring of the entire scour hole over time(instead of only the maximum depth as is commonly done in laboratory experiments) can reveal important information about local scour evolution.In particular,results show that the scour-hole volume scales with the maximum scour depth cubed(V_(OL)-y_S~3) through three linear regimes.The transition to the third linear regime was found to represent a step change in the scour evolution process.Following the recent theoretical framework proposed by Manes and Brocchini(2015),this change,termed the crossover point,was interpreted as the point where the production of turbulent kinetic energy plateaus which corresponds to a stabilization in the erosive power of the horseshoe vortex.Scour development beyond the crossover point is characterised by a significant reduction in the rate of volumetric scour,relative to the steadily-increasing maximum scour depth.This overall reduction in volume-development is attributed to a balance between erosion from in-front of the pier and deposition around the sides using topography analysis.It is speculated that the existence of the crossover point may help to identify the characteristic length and time scales describing the evolution of local scour,which may be used for modeling purposes.  相似文献   

The effect of scour countermeasures on the mechanism of local scour around a cylinder requires clarification in order to develop design methodology for use in practice. Previous investigations on countermeasure performance, though useful, have not provided adequate measurements to support this understanding. In the present investigation, particle image velocimetry(PIV) measurements were acquired at several streamwise-vertical planes in the flow field surrounding a submerged circular cylinder wit...  相似文献   

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