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A coupled regional climate and aerosol-chemistry model, RIEMS 2.0 (Regional Integrated Environmental Model System for Asia), in which anthropogenic sulfate, black carbon, and organic carbon were assumed to be externally mixed (EM), internally mixed (IM) or partially internally mixed (IEM), was used to simulate the impacts of these anthropogenic aerosols on East Asian climate for the entire year of 2006. The distributions of aerosol mass concentration, radiative forcing and hence the surface air temperature and precipitation variations under three mixing assumptions of aerosols were analyzed. The results indicated that the mass concentration of sulfate was sensitive to mixing assumptions, but carbonaceous aerosols were much less sensitive to the mixing types. Modeled results were compared with observations in a variety of sites in East Asia. It was found that the simulated concentrations of sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols were in accord with the observations in terms of magnitude. The simulated aerosol concentrations in IM case were closest to observation results. The regional average column burdens of sulfate, black carbon, and organic carbon, if internally mixed, were 11.49, 0.47, and 2.17 mg m−2, respectively. The radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols at the top of the atmosphere increased from −1.27 (EM) to −1.97 W m−2 (IM) while the normalized radiative forcing (NRF) decreased from −0.145 (EM) to −0.139 W mg−1 (IM). The radiative forcing and NRF were −1.82 W m−2 and −0.141 W mg−1 for IEM, respectively. The surface air temperature changes over the domain due to the anthropogenic sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols were −0.067, −0.078, and −0.072 K, with maxima of −0.47, −0.50, and −0.49 K, for EM, IM, and IEM, respectively. Meanwhile, the annual precipitation variations were −8.0 (EM), −20.6 (IM), and −21.9 mm (IEM), with maxima of 148, 122, and 102 mm, respectively, indicating that the climate effects were stronger if the sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols were internally mixed.  相似文献   

The air quality model system RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)-CMAQ (Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality) coupled with an aerosol optical/radiative module was applied to investigate the impact of different aerosol mixing states (i.e., externally mixed, half externally and half internally mixed, and internally mixed) on radiative forcing in East Asia. The simulation results show that the aerosol optical depth (AOD) generally increased when the aerosol mixing state changed from externally mixed to internally mixed, while the single scattering albedo (SSA) decreased. Therefore, the scattering and absorption properties of aerosols can be significantly affected by the change of aerosol mixing states. Comparison of simulated and observed SSAs at five AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sites suggests that SSA could be better estimated by considering aerosol particles to be internally mixed. Model analysis indicates that the impact of aerosol mixing state upon aerosol direct radiative forcing (DRF) is complex. Generally, the cooling effect of aerosols over East Asia are enhanced in the northern part of East Asia (Northern China, Korean peninsula, and the surrounding area of Japan) and are reduced in the southern part of East Asia (Sichuan Basin and Southeast China) by internal mixing process, and the variation range can reach 5 W m-2. The analysis shows that the internal mixing between inorganic salt and dust is likely the main reason that the cooling effect strengthens. Conversely, the internal mixture of anthropogenic aerosols, including sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, black carbon, and organic carbon, could obviously weaken the cooling effect.  相似文献   

The authors used a high-resolution regional climate model(RegCM3) coupled with a chemistry/aerosol module to simulate East Asian climate in 2006 and to test the climatic impacts of aerosols on regionalscale climate.The direct radiative forcing and climatic effects of aerosols(dust,sulfate,black carbon,and organic carbon) were discussed.The results indicated that aerosols generally produced negative radiative forcing at the top-of-the-atmosphere(TOA) over most areas of East Asia.The radiative forcing induced by aerosols exhibited significant seasonal and regional variations,with the strongest forcing occurring in summer.The aerosol feedbacks on surface air temperature and precipitation were clear.Surface cooling dominated features over the East Asian continental areas,which varied in the approximate range of-0.5 to-2°C with the maximum up to-3-C in summer over the deserts of West China.The aerosols induced complicated variations of precipitation.Except in summer,the rainfall generally varied in the range of-1 to 1 mm d-1 over most areas of China.  相似文献   

Why Is the Climate Forcing of Sulfate Aerosols So Uncertain?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
l. IntroductionAlthough the aerosol has been recognized as an important factor which has innuence onthe past, present and future climate for a long time, it still has much uncertainty in assessingits climate forcing. The direct radiative forcing of sulfate aerosols has been estimated rangingfrom --0.3 W/ m2 to --0.9 W/ m2 in recent publications (Charlson et al., l992, Kiehl andBriegleb l993; Taylor and Penner 1994, Boucher and Anderson l995, Kieh1 and Rodhe l995;Chuang et al., l997, Penne…  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols influence the earth's radiative balance directly through scattering and absorbing solar radiation, and indirectly through affecting cloud properties. An understanding of aerosol optical properties is fundamental to studies of aerosol effects on climate. Although many such studies have been undertaken, large uncertainties in describing aerosol optical characteristics remain, especially regarding the absorption properties of different aerosols. Aerosol radiative effects are considered as either positive or negative perturbations to the radiation balance, and they include direct, indirect (albedo effect and cloud lifetime effect), and semi-direct effects. The total direct effect of anthropogenic aerosols is negative (cooling), although some components may contribute a positive effect (warming). Both the albedo effect and cloud lifetime effect cool the atmosphere by increasing cloud optical depth and cloud cover, respectively. Absorbing aerosols, such as carbonaceous aerosols and dust, exert a positive forcing at the top of atmosphere and a negative forcing at the surface, and they can directly warm the atmosphere. Internally mixed black carbon aerosols produce a stronger warming effect than externally mixed black carbon particles do. The semi-direct effect of absorbing aerosols could amplify this warming effect. Based on observational (ground-and satellite-based) and simulation studies, this paper reviews current progress in research regarding the optical properties and radiative effects of aerosols and also discusses several important issues to be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

利用耦合化学过程的区域气候模式RegCM3,模拟研究3种主要人为排放气溶胶(硫酸盐、黑碳、有机碳)对东亚区域气候的影响.计算分析近20 a来3种气溶胶的时空分布、综合辐射强迫作用及其对地面气温和降水的影响.模拟结果表明:3种气溶胶冬夏季分布有所不同,冬季气溶胶大值区主要分布在南方地区,而夏季大值区北移;气溶胶短波辐射强迫在大气层顶和地面均为负值;气溶胶的加入对东亚地区地表气温有明显影响,冬季降温中心位于四川盆地,夏季降温大值区位于华北地区.气溶胶直接气候效应使得冬季东亚大部分地区降水减少,夏季东亚地区降水与中国南方地区夏季气溶胶浓度有较好的相关关系,中国东部雨带有南移趋势.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic aerosols play an important role in the atmospheric energy balance. Anthropogenic aerosol optical depth (AOD) and its accompanying shortwave radiative forcing (RF) are usually simulated by nu- merical models. Recently, with the development of space-borne instruments and sophisticated retrieval algorithms, it has become possible to estimate aerosol radiative forcing based on satellite observations. In this study, we have estimated shortwave direct radiative forcing due to anthropogenic aerosols over oceans in all-sky conditions by combining clouds and the Single Scanner Footprint data of the Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES/SSF) experiment, which provide measurements of upward shortwave fluxes at the top of atmosphere, with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol and cloud products. We found that globally averaged aerosol radiative forcing over oceans in the clear-sky conditions and all-sky conditions were -1.03±0.48 W m-2 and -0.34 ±0.16 W m-2, respectively. Direct radiative forcing by anthropogenic aerosols shows large regional and seasonal variations. In some regions and in particular seasons, the magnitude of direct forcing by anthropogenic aerosols can be comparable to the forcing of greenhouse gases. However, it shows that aerosols caused the cooling effect, rather than warming effect from global scale, which is different from greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

利用区域气候模式RegCM3模拟2000年我国黑碳气溶胶的分布特征和辐射强迫。结果表明,黑碳气溶胶主要分布在我国黄河以南、青藏高原以东的广大区域,柱含量由南向北递减;柱含量最大值在0.6mg/m^2以上,出现在中南、四川盆地、湖南、贵州、广西、广东西部和云南南部等地区;青藏高原南侧黑碳气溶胶次高值区的存在,反映了气溶胶的跨国界输送并影响区域气候的特点。黑碳气溶胶的大气顶辐射强迫介于0.1—0.8w/m^2之间,地表辐射强迫介于-0.1— -2.0W/m^2之间,两者分布特征与柱含量分布特征基本一致。同柱含量相似,黑碳气溶胶大气顸辐射强迫和地表辐射强迫也有明显的季节性变化,春季最大,秋、冬季次之,夏季最小。  相似文献   

The WRF model with chemistry(WRF-Chem) was employed to simulate the impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on summer precipitation over the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei urban agglomeration in China. With the aid of a high-resolution gridded inventory of anthropogenic emissions of trace gases and aerosols, we conducted relatively long-term regional simulations,considering direct, semi-direct and indirect effects of the aerosols. Comparing the results of sensitivity experiments with and without emissions, it was found that anthropogenic aerosols tended to enhance summer precipitation over the metropolitan areas. Domain-averaged rainfall was increased throughout the day, except for the time around noon. Aerosols shifted the precipitation probability distribution from light or moderate to extreme rain. Further analysis showed that the anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing had a cooling effect at the land surface, but a warming effect in the atmosphere. However, enhanced convective strength and updrafts accompanied by water vapor increases and cyclone-like wind shear anomalies were found in the urban areas. These responses may originate from cloud microphysical effects of aerosols on convection, which were identified as the primary cause for the summer rainfall enhancement.  相似文献   

人为气溶胶的直接辐射效应及其对南亚冬季风的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用区域气候模式RegCM4.0(Regional Climate Model Verson 4.0)耦合入一个化学过程,对硫酸盐、黑碳、有机碳这3种人为气溶胶的时空分布特征和直接辐射效应进行了数值模拟,进而研究了气溶胶对南亚冬季风的影响。结果表明:光学厚度和地表短波辐射强迫的时空变化可能主要受硫酸盐气溶胶的影响。在南亚夏季风向冬季风转换时期和南亚冬季风盛行时期,大气层顶和地表的负短波辐射强迫分布与气溶胶分布基本一致,地表辐射强迫强度绝对值比大气层顶辐射强迫强度绝对值大得多。相关分析和合成分析表明:在南亚夏季风向冬季风转换时期和南亚冬季风盛行时期,南亚人为气溶胶主要分布区中的气溶胶柱浓度含量与南亚冬季风的建立和强度有反相关关系。这与气溶胶吸收太阳辐射,从而引起气温和位势高度的变化有关。  相似文献   

西北地区气溶胶光学特性及辐射影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用SACOL(兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站)2006~2012年AERONET(全球气溶胶自动监测网)level 2.0和太阳短波辐射计资料,分析了中国西北地区气溶胶的光学特性与辐射影响。利用辐射传输模式SBDART(平面平行大气辐射传输模式)检验TOA(大气层顶)处辐射强迫为正的原因。BOA(地表)、TOA、Atmosphere(大气)的辐射强迫年均值分别是-59.43 W m-2、-17.03 W m-2、42.40 W m-2,AOD(光学厚度,550 nm)年均值0.37,α(波段的波长指数,440~675 nm)年均值0.91,变化趋势与AOD位相相反,当AOD为0.3~2.2时,α很小(0.0~0.2),表明粒子尺度很大。SSA(单次散射反照率,675 nm)年均值0.93,g(不对称因子,675 nm)年均值0.68,复折射指数(675 nm)实部年均值1.48,虚部0.007。复折射指数实部的年变化趋势与AOD一致,虚部与AOD反位相,所以西北地区多为粗模态散射性气溶胶。气溶胶对大气的加热率最大值出现在0~2 km,随高度递减。冬、夏半年在地表加热率分别是2.6 K d-1和0.6 K d-1;季节变化中,冬季、秋季、春季和夏季,在地表的加热率依次是2.5 K d-1、1.4 K d-1、1.2 K d-1和0.2 K d-1,主要因为秋季气溶胶的吸收性大于春季。地表反照率和SSA对TOA正辐射强迫贡献率分别是22.5%和77.5%。  相似文献   

使用RegCM4.6区域气候模式,选取Emanuel和Mix(Grell+Emanuel)两种积云对流参数化方案,以2016年为例,分别对中国地区云短波辐射强迫及其涉及的物理量进行数值模拟,揭示其时空分布特征,并探究两种积云对流参数方案模拟效果的差异及其原因。结果表明:从季节平均来看,全国地表云短波辐射强迫均为负值,云对地表为冷却效应,冬季最小,春夏季较大。塔里木盆地四季均为辐射强迫低值区,夏季冷却效应最弱,辐射强迫绝对值低于40 W·m-2;全天空地表净短波辐射分布也呈显著季节差异,除夏季外均呈由南向北逐渐递减的分布趋势;晴空地表净短波辐射在横断山脉处和塔里木盆地处均比较低,其中春季最为明显;两个方案所得的季节空间分布特征大致相同,但在数值上存在差异。春季时全国大部分地区全天空地表净短波辐射通量差异最大,在55 W·m-2左右,晴空地表净短波辐射通量在青藏高原处差异在60W·m-2左右。  相似文献   

The indirect radiative and climatic effects of sulfate and organic carbon aerosols over East Asia were investigated using a Regional Integrated Environment Model System (RIEMS) with an empirical aerosol-cloud parameterization.The first indirect radiative forcing was negative and ranged from-9-0 W m-2 in the domain.The maximum cooling,up to-9 W m-2,occurred in the Chongqing District in winter,whereas the cooling areas were larger during summer than in winter.Organic carbon (OC) aerosols were more abundant in winter than in summer,whereas the sulfate concentration during summer was much higher than during winter.The concentrations of sulfate and OC were comparable in winter,and sulfate played a dominant role in determining indirect radiative forcing in summer,whereas in winter,both sulfate and OC were important.The regional mean indirect radiative forcings were-0.73 W m-2 and-0.41 W m-2 in summer and winter,respectively.The surface cooling caused by indirect effects was more obvious in winter than that in summer.The ground temperature decreased by ~1.2 K in most areas of eastern China in winter,whereas in summer,the temperature decreased (~-1.5 K) in some regions,such as the Yangtze River region,but increased (~0.9 K) in the areas between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers.In winter,the precipitation decreased by 0-6 mm in most areas of eastern China,but in summer,alternating bands of increasing (up to 80 mm) and decreasing (~-80 mm) precipitation appeared in eastern China.  相似文献   

As part of the development work of the Chinese new regional climate model (RIEMS), the radiative process of black carbon (BC) aerosols has been introduced into the original radiative procedures of RIEMS,and the transport model of BC aerosols has also been established and combined with the RIEMS model.Using the new model system, the distribution of black carbon aerosols and their radiative effect over the China region are investigated. The influences of BC aerosole on the atmospheric radiative transfer and on the air temperature, land surface temperature, and total rainfall are analyzed. It is found that BC aerosols induce a positive radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), which is dominated by shortwave radiative forcing. The maximum radiative forcing occurs in North China in July and in South China in April. At the same time, negative radiative forcing is observed on the surface. Based on the radiative forcing comparison between clear sky and cloudy sky, it is found that cloud can enforce the TOA positive radiative forcing and decrease the negative surface radiative forcing. The responses of the climate system in July to the radiative forcing due to BC aerosols are the decrease in the air temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River and Huaihe area and most areas of South China, and the weak increase or decrease in air temperature over North China. The total rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River area is increased, but it decreased in North China in July.  相似文献   

利用2006年区域气候模式RegCM3和Streets气溶胶排放源清单,在原模式中引入间接气候效应模块,改进云降水方案,对硫酸盐气溶胶的时空分布、辐射强迫效应进行了模拟研究。结果表明:硫酸盐气溶胶辐射强迫有明显季节变化;直接效应使地表温度降低,冬春季大值区出现在四川盆地,夏季大值区出现在华北平原。对降水的影响,主要表现在西南—东北水汽输送带上降水减少;其间接气候效应主要表现在使南方地区温度上升、北方地区温度下降;珠江流域和黄河流域降水减少,长江流域和东北地区降水增加。总的来说,直接效应大于间接效应。  相似文献   

Simulations with the IPSL atmosphere–ocean model asynchronously coupled with the BIOME1 vegetation model show the impact of ocean and vegetation feedbacks, and their synergy, on mid- and high-latitude (>40°N) climate in response to orbitally-induced changes in mid-Holocene insolation. The atmospheric response to orbital forcing produces a +1.2 °C warming over the continents in summer and a cooling during the rest of the year. Ocean feedback reinforces the cooling in spring but counteracts the autumn and winter cooling. Vegetation feedback produces warming in all seasons, with largest changes (+1 °C) in spring. Synergy between ocean and vegetation feedbacks leads to further warming, which can be as large as the independent impact of these feedbacks. The combination of these effects causes the high northern latitudes to be warmer throughout the year in the ocean–atmosphere-vegetation simulation. Simulated vegetation changes resulting from this year-round warming are consistent with observed mid-Holocene vegetation patterns. Feedbacks also impact on precipitation. The atmospheric response to orbital-forcing reduces precipitation throughout the year; the most marked changes occur in the mid-latitudes in summer. Ocean feedback reduces aridity during autumn, winter and spring, but does not affect summer precipitation. Vegetation feedback increases spring precipitation but amplifies summer drying. Synergy between the feedbacks increases precipitation in autumn, winter and spring, and reduces precipitation in summer. The combined changes amplify the seasonal contrast in precipitation in the ocean–atmosphere-vegetation simulation. Enhanced summer drought produces an unrealistically large expansion of temperate grasslands, particularly in mid-latitude Eurasia.  相似文献   

The direct and semi-direct radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the radiative transfer and cloud fields in the Western United States (WUS) according to seasonal aerosol optical depth (AOD) and regional climate are examined using a regional climate model (RCM) in conjunction with the aerosol fields from a GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model (CTM) simulation. The two radiative effects cannot be separated within the experimental design in this study, thus the combined direct- and semi-direct effects are called radiative effects hereafter. The CTM shows that the AOD associated with the anthropogenic aerosols is chiefly due to sulfates with minor contributions from black carbon (BC) and that the AOD of the anthropogenic aerosol varies according to local emissions and the seasonal low-level winds. The RCM-simulated anthropogenic aerosol radiative effects vary according to the characteristics of regional climate, in addition to the AOD. The effects on the top of the atmosphere (TOA) outgoing shortwave radiation (OSRT) range from ?0.2?Wm?2 to ?1?Wm?2. In Northwestern US (NWUS), the maximum and minimum impact of anthropogenic aerosols on OSRT occurs in summer and winter, respectively, following the seasonal AOD. In Arizona-New Mexico (AZNM), the effect of anthropogenic sulfates on OSRT shows a bimodal distribution with winter/summer minima and spring/fall maxima, while the effect of anthropogenic BC shows a single peak in summer. The anthropogenic aerosols affect surface insolation range from ?0.6?Wm?2 to ?2.4?Wm?2, with similar variations found for the effects on OSRT except that the radiative effects of anthropogenic BC over AZNM show a bimodal distribution with spring/fall maxima and summer/winter minima. The radiative effects of anthropogenic sulfates on TOA outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the surface downward longwave radiation (DLRS) are notable only in summer and are characterized by strong geographical contrasts; the summer OLR in NWUS (AZNM) is reduced (enhanced) by 0.52?Wm?2 (1.14?Wm?2). The anthropogenic sulfates enhance (reduce) summer DLRS by 0.2?Wm?2 (0.65?Wm?2) in NWUS (AZNM). The anthropogenic BC affect DLRS noticeably only in AZNM during summer. The anthropogenic aerosols affect the cloud water path (CWP) and the radiative transfer noticeably only in summer when convective clouds are dominant. Primarily shortwave-reflecting anthropogenic sulfates decrease and increase CWP in AZNM and NWUS, respectively, however, the shortwave-absorbing anthropogenic BC reduces CWP in both regions. Due to strong feedback via convective clouds, the radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the summer radiation field are more closely correlated with the changes in CWP than the AOD. The radiative effect of the total anthropogenic aerosols is dominated by the anthropogenic sulfates that contribute more than 80% of the total AOD associated with the anthropogenic aerosols.  相似文献   

This study investigated the second indirect climatic effect of anthropogenic aerosols,including sulfate,organic carbon(OC) ,and black carbon(BC) ,over East Asia.The seasonal variation of the climatic response to the second indirect effect was also characterized.The simulation period for this study was 2006.Due to a decrease in autoconversion rate from cloud water to rain as a result of aerosols,the cloud liquid water path(LWP) ,and radiative flux(RF) at the top of the atmosphere(TOA) changed dramatically,increasing by 14.3 g m-2 and decreasing by-4.1 W m-2 in terms of domain and annual average.Both LWP and RF changed most in autumn. There were strong decreases in ground temperature in Southwest China,the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in spring and autumn,while maximum cooling of up to-1.5 K occurred in the Chongqing district.The regional and annual mean change in ground temperature reached-0.2 K over eastern China.In all seasons except summer,precipitation generally decreased in most areas north of the Yangtze River,whereas precipitation changed little in South China.Precipitation changed most in summer,with alternating bands of increasing(~40 mm) and decreasing(~40 mm) precipitation appearing in eastern China.Precipitation decreased by 1.5-40 mm over large areas of Northeast China and the Huabei Plain.The domain and annual mean change in precipitation was approximately-0.3 mm over eastern China.The maximum reduction in precipitation occurred in summer,with mean absolute and relative changes of-1.2 mm and-3.8%over eastern China.This study revealed considerable climate responses to the second indirect effect of aerosols over specific regions of China.  相似文献   

利用NCAR的新一代GCM CAM3.0模式耦合一个气溶胶同化系统,研究了中国区域黑碳气溶胶的直接气候效应。结果显示,中国区域黑碳气溶胶引起全球平均辐射强迫为0.13 W/m2,导致除了青藏高原和广西以外的中国大部分地区降温,其中东北、四川和内蒙古中北部降温最显著。由此造成海陆温差缩小,气压差降低,从而总体上使东亚夏季风减弱。但与硫酸盐气溶胶的影响相比,黑碳气溶胶使季风减弱的程度较小,长江中下游地区的降水有所增加。黑碳气溶胶加强了中国东南部地区的对流活动,这与硫酸盐气溶胶的作用相反。同时,探讨了中国区域硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合直接气候效应。结果表明,硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合作用与仅有硫酸盐气溶胶的情形十分相似,降水变化的区域也和硫酸盐的保持一致。  相似文献   

 利用NCAR的新一代GCM CAM3.0模式耦合一个气溶胶同化系统,研究了中国区域黑碳气溶胶的直接气候效应。结果显示,中国区域黑碳气溶胶引起全球平均辐射强迫为0.13 W/m2,导致除了青藏高原和广西以外的中国大部分地区降温,其中东北、四川和内蒙古中北部降温最显著。由此造成海陆温差缩小,气压差降低,从而总体上使东亚夏季风减弱。但与硫酸盐气溶胶的影响相比,黑碳气溶胶使季风减弱的程度较小,长江中下游地区的降水有所增加。黑碳气溶胶加强了中国东南部地区的对流活动,这与硫酸盐气溶胶的作用相反。同时,探讨了中国区域硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合直接气候效应。结果表明,硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合作用与仅有硫酸盐气溶胶的情形十分相似,降水变化的区域也和硫酸盐的保持一致。  相似文献   

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