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我国少数民族地区旅游资源的开发和利用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
分析和阐述了我国少数民族地区旅游资源的特点,探讨了过去开发迟缓的主要原因,提出了抓住机遇,因地制宜,加快开发和利用少数民族地区旅游资源的建议和措施。 相似文献
根据该区旅游资源的分布,交通条件,经济承受能力及接待条件,笔者认为近期开发的重点是(1)开发喀斯特景观系列旅游产品;(2)建设建水、罗平、邱北3个旅游集散中心;(3)开辟4条旅游主干线;(4)开发八大旅游商品系列。 相似文献
京九铁路南段沿线地区区域旅游开发与旅游业可持续发展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
近年来新形成的本铁路沿线地区旅游资源丰富,区位适中,具有较好的可进入性,其区域旅游开发存在明显优势;但同时存在资源优势与市场需求不相称、资源的组合结构上存在一定的“阴影”现象、旅游地主题形象不鲜明和旅游“软环境”欠佳等主要制约因素。本文在揭示优势、发现并分析问题的基础上,提出了该地区区域旅游业可持续发展的思路。 相似文献
广西边境地区旅游区位与资源优势及其利用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
广西边境地区背靠南西南腹地,面不南旅游热点地区,是中越边贸的主要集散地和我国与东南亚等地的重要通道,区域内具有在历史军事遗迹,壮文化风性、南亚热带滨海风光、喀斯特峰丛,峰林山水风光和森林与珍稀生物景观待特色性旅游资源,因此,本区应抓好政策与发展机遇,以资源优势为依托,积极参与区域旅游协作,发挥区位优势,加快边境跨国旅游的发展,注重旅游资源的持续利用,使旅游业稳步蓬勃发展。 相似文献
嵩山旅游资源开发初探 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
中岳嵩山有着数千年的文明史,蕴藏着丰富的自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源。然而,认识上的误区导臻嵩山旅游开发与其丰富的资源极不相称,嵩山进一步开发旅游业的潜力巨大,文章通过分析嵩山的自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源优势。以及资源特色。区域性特征,找出了目前开发中存在的问题,提出了加强包装和宣传促销,作好开发规划并分步实施,建立合理的旅游结构和围绕嵩山特色,搞好优势资源开发,以独特之处吸引游客等建议。 相似文献
永安市旅游业发展较快,但存在诸多问题,并受到周边县域旅游业发展挑战。本文在分析问题的基础上,就永安市的旅游市场拓展、产品开发、资源保护以及区域合作等旅游战略问题,进行深入探讨并提出相应对策建议。 相似文献
京九铁路南段沿线地区区域旅游开发与旅游业的可持续发展 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
近年来新形成的本铁路沿线地区旅游资源丰富,区位适中,具有较好的可进入性,其区域旅游开发存在明显优势;但同时存在资源优势与市场需求不相称、资源的组合结构上存在一定的"阴影"现象、旅游地主题形象不鲜明和旅游"软环境"欠佳等主要制约因素.本文在揭示优势、发现并分析问题的基础上,提出了该地区区域旅游业可持续发展的思路. 相似文献
闽东山海旅游资源的开发与评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
闽东具有良好的区位优势和丰富的山海旅游资源,为发展旅游业提供了基础。本文通过对闽东旅游资源的分析及评价,阐述发展旅游业的有利条件和存在问题,并提出加快闽东旅游业发展的若干途径。 相似文献
基于旅游公平理论,从政府民生活动对当地居民的影响角度提出了"旅游民生感"概念和实际民生感、期望民生感、比较民生感3个测量维度,通过问卷调研数据和对应分析方法进行了实证研究。结果发现:民族地区居民年龄越大对其实际民生感越满意,而工人和中等学历居民则倾向于不满意;对于期望民生感,学生、工人、中低收入和距离景区近的人群趋于不满意;农民的比较民生感趋于满意,而企事业人员、中低收入者、居住地与景区距离居中的人群和高学历人群则对比较民生感趋于不满意。最后,从统筹兼顾、社区公平和弱势群体改善民生诉求3个方面提出了政策建议。 相似文献
LIU Qiongying 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2018,9(5):471-476
With the rapid development of tourism in China’s Sichuan Province, research on the development of tourism resources in Sichuan has drawn increasing attention from the academic community. This article briefly reviews three aspects of the literature on the development of tourism resources in Sichuan: a survey and evaluation of Sichuan tourism resources, the development of tourism resources that are characteristic of Sichuan, and the development of tourism resources in Sichuan. The current situation of the development of Sichuan’s tourism resources was considered and seven factors were evaluated: tourism in ancient towns, tourism in ethnic areas, folk tourism, eco-tourism, rural tourism, red tourism and earthquake tourism. The article also addresses the development of tourism resources in Sichuan. Most existing studies of the development of tourism resources in Sichuan are based on applied research; they are deficient in both scope and depth, and cannot serve as a basis for the development of theory. Few studies have focused on market demand for tourism, the establishment of management mechanisms or the development of regional cooperation. In the future, tourism theories like space theory for space competition, RMP analysis theory, cultural ecology theory, and other tourism theories should be closely integrated with the development of tourism resources in Sichuan. Whether the subject matter is sustainable development, market demand, management mechanism construction, regional collaborative development or other concerns, this will allow more systematic, in-depth studies that produce improved results that are both pertinent and realistic. 相似文献
National parks are an important manifestation of the United States’ democratic ideal and attract more than 300 million visits annually. However, racial/ethnic minorities are substantially underrepresented among visitors, and this has led to three hypotheses—marginality, subculture, and discrimination—designed to help explain this pattern of visitation. Moreover, research suggests that the awareness of and visitation to national parks may relate to several variables, including race/ethnicity, socio-economic characteristics, and childhood visitation history. To investigate these issues, an online general population survey of New York City residents was conducted. Study findings suggest that (1) racial/ethnic minorities are underrepresented at some types of parks but not others, (2) Hispanics and Blacks generally have lower rates of awareness about national parks than Whites, and (3) awareness and childhood visitation history significantly affect visitation to national parks. These findings suggest potential approaches to enable and encourage diverse racial/ethnic groups to engage with national parks. 相似文献
贵州旅游资源开发浅析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
旅游资源是发展旅游业的基础,因此,对其进行分类和评价显得尤其重要文章先将贵州旅游资源分为三大类和若干小类,在此基础上对其资源价值和开发条件进行分析和评价。最后,指出开发中存在的问题并提出开发建议,旨在对贵州旅游业的发展有所裨益。 相似文献
点-轴系统理论在我国西北地区旅游开发中的运用 总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39
“点—轴系统”理论作为区域开发的基础性理论,对区域旅游开发具有非常重要的理论价值和现实指导意义。“点—轴开发”可以充分发挥城市对区域旅游的辐带作用、提高区域旅游的可达性、实现区域旅游的最佳发展。该文在分析西北地区旅游资源的空间分布特点、旅游开发空间布局现状的基础上,提出以“点—轴系统”理论为指导。构建西北地区分布有序的旅游“点—轴”开发结构,力求优化旅游空间结构,实现旅游业健康、持续发展的目的。 相似文献
高铁快速发展极大地提升了目的地可达性,民族地区交通条件落后但旅游资源独特,高铁开通能否成为推动民族地区旅游业发展的引擎,抑或加剧发展差距,亟待检验高铁的旅游经济效应。基于2000—2017年中国20个民族地区的省级面板数据,运用多期双重差分法评估高铁开通对民族地区旅游业发展的影响。结果发现,高铁开通促进了民族地区的国内旅游总人次和国内旅游总收入分别平均增长16.52%和23.29%,对站点地区具有增长效应,但对地区间旅游业发展差距的影响不显著,不具有分配效应,表明高铁开通能成为民族地区旅游业发展的引擎;影响机制检验发现,高铁开通具有扩散效应和结构效应,但未观察到虹吸效应和过道效应;动态性检验发现,高铁开通对旅游业发展的增长效应在开通后第一二年仍显著,而分配效应均不显著。 相似文献
WANG Shuxin TAN Chunping DU Jiankuo TANG Zi LIU Chenyan WANG Yarong 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2022,13(4):697-707
The anthropogenic heat release from tourism activities has a cumulative effect on glacial retreat when coupled with climate change. Mitigating the impacts of glacial tourism activities on glaciers and promoting the sustainable development of glacial tourism have become urgent issues. Taking Yulong and Hailuogou glacier tourism destinations as examples, we collected survey questionnaires related to glacial tourists (n=1113) and tourism companies (n=329) by systematic field surveys during 2016-2017, and we obtained data on energy consumption from catering, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment, and waste disposal. This study builds a responsible tourism system and discusses the strategies and measures used to engage stakeholders (mainly tourism companies, tourists, local governments, tourism associations, and the central government) in responsible tourism in order to reduce the impacts of tourism activities on glaciers. These strategies mainly include: improving the energy efficiency of the supply of tourism products and services, promoting the consumption of low-energy tourism products and services, strengthening the supervision and management of low-energy consumption tourism development, creating an environment for energy savings and consumption reduction, and establishing a long-term operational mechanism for responsible tourism management. A rewsponsible tourism system allows stakeholders to properly address this dilemma, internalize sustainable development goals to find their intrinsic self-discipline, and work together to fulfill the public responsibility of realizing the sustainable development of glacial tourism. 相似文献
南岳衡山是我国南方唯一的一处五岳名山,历史上也是我国南方最大的文化、宗教活动中心之一,素享"五岳独秀"、"文明奥区"、"宗教圣地"、"抗战名山"等盛名.在抗日战争中,衡山曾一度成为国民政府的军事指挥中心,留下了大量的抗战军事文化史话、遗存和胜迹等文化旅游资源.衡山抗战军事文化资源极具个性特色,拥有较高的开发利用价值.文中从衡山抗战军事文化资源形成的历史地理背景入手,全面阐述了衡山抗战军事文化资源,探讨如何把衡山"抗战名山"资源转变为现实旅游资源或现实的经济优势,提升南岳衡山生态文化旅游的品位,实现南岳衡山 相似文献