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We study the inhomogeneous reionization in a critical density CDM universe resulting from stellar sources, including Population III objects. The spatial distribution of the sources is obtained from high-resolution numerical N -body simulations. We calculate the source properties, taking into account a self-consistent treatment of both radiative (i.e. ionizing and H2-photodissociating photons) and stellar (i.e. SN explosions) feedbacks regulated by massive stars. This allows us to describe the topology of the ionized and dissociated regions at various cosmic epochs, and to derive the evolution of H, He and H2 filling factors, soft UV background, cosmic star formation rate and the final fate of ionizing objects. The main results are: (i) galaxies reionize the intergalactic medium by z ≈10 (with some uncertainty related to the gas clumping factor), whereas H2 is completely dissociated already by z ≈25; (ii) reionization is mostly caused by the relatively massive objects which collapse via H line cooling, while objects the formation of which relies on H2 cooling alone are insufficient for this purpose; (iii) the diffuse soft UV background is the major source of radiative feedback effects for z ≤15; at higher z direct flux from neighbouring objects dominates; (iv) the match of the calculated cosmic star formation history with that observed at lower redshifts suggests that the conversion efficiency of baryons into stars is ≈1 per cent; (v) we find that a very large population of dark objects which failed to form stars is present by z ≈8. We discuss and compare our results with similar previous studies.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of modified gravity on cluster abundance and the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) angular power spectrum. Our modified gravity is based on a phenomenological extension of the Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati model which includes two free parameters characterizing deviation from Λ cold dark matter cosmology. Assuming that Birkhoff's theorem gives a reasonable approximation, we study the spherical collapse model of structure formation and show that while the growth function changes to some extent, modified gravity gives rise to no significant change in the linear density contrast at collapse time. The growth function is enhanced in the so called normal branch, while in the 'self-accelerating' branch it is suppressed. The SZ angular power spectrum is computed in the normal branch, which allows us to put observational constraints on the parameters of the modified gravity model using small scale cosmic microwave background observation data.  相似文献   

A cosmological model has been constructed in the framework of Brans-Dicke(BD) gravity,based on an inter-conversion between matter and dark energy, for a spatially flat universe in the era of pressureless dust. To account for the non-conservation of the matter content, a function of time f(t) has been arbitrarily put into the expression for the density of matter(ρa^3= f(t)ρ_0 a_0~3). By definition, f(t) is proportional to the matter content of the universe. Using suitable ansatzes for the scale factor and scalar field, the functional form of f(t) has been determined from the BD field equations. The scale factor has been so chosen that it would cause a signature flip in the deceleration parameter with time. The function f(t) decreases monotonically with time, indicating a transformation of matter into dark energy. The time dependence of the proportions of matter and dark energy in the universe has been determined. The effect of non-conservation of the matter content upon various cosmological parameters has been explored in the present study. Two models of matter-energy interaction have been proposed and f(t) has been expressed as a function of their interaction term. The dark energy equation-of-state(EoS) parameter has been expressed and analyzed in terms of f(t).  相似文献   

In maximum-likelihood analyses of the Local Group (LG) acceleration, the object describing non-linear effects is the coherence function (CF), i.e. the cross-correlation coefficient of the Fourier modes of the velocity and gravity fields. We study the CF both analytically, using perturbation theory, and numerically, using a hydrodynamic code. The dependence of the function on Ωm and the shape of the power spectrum is very weak. The only cosmological parameter that the CF is strongly sensitive to is the normalization σ 8 of the underlying density field. A perturbative approximation for the function turns out to be accurate as long as σ 8 is smaller than about 0.3. For higher normalizations we provide an analytical fit for the CF as a function of σ 8 and the wavevector. The characteristic decoherence scale which our formula predicts is an order of magnitude smaller than that determined by Strauss et al. This implies that present likelihood constraints on cosmological parameters from analyses of the LG acceleration are significantly tighter than hitherto reported.  相似文献   

Non-linear evolution of cosmological energy density fluctuations triggers deviations from Gaussianity in the temperature distribution of the cosmic microwave background. A method to estimate these deviations is proposed. N -body simulations – in a Λ cold dark matter cosmology – are used to simulate the strongly non-linear evolution of cosmological structures. It is proved that these simulations can be combined with the potential approximation to calculate the statistical moments of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies produced by non-linear gravity. Some of these moments are computed and the resulting values are different from those corresponding to Gaussianity.  相似文献   

Until now, it has been common to use Newtonian gravity to study the non-linear clustering properties of large-scale structures. Without confirmation from Einstein's theory, however, it has been unclear whether we can rely on the analysis (e.g. near the horizon scale). In this work we will provide confirmation of the use of Newtonian gravity in cosmology, based on the relativistic analysis of weakly non-linear situations to third order in perturbations. We will show that, except for the gravitational-wave contribution, the relativistic zero-pressure fluid equations perturbed to second order in a flat Friedmann background coincide exactly with the Newtonian results. We will also present the pure relativistic correction terms appearing in the third order. The third-order correction terms show that these terms are the linear-order curvature perturbation times the second-order relativistic/Newtonian terms. Thus, the pure general relativistic corrections in the third order are independent of the horizon scale and are small when considering the large-scale structure of the Universe because of the low-level temperature anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Since we include the cosmological constant, our results are relevant to currently favoured cosmology. As we prove that the Newtonian hydrodynamic equations are valid in all cosmological scales to second order, and that the third-order correction terms are small, our result has the important practical implication that one can now use the large-scale Newtonian numerical simulation more reliably as the simulation scale approaches and even goes beyond the horizon. In a complementary situation, where the system is weakly relativistic (i.e. far inside the horizon) but fully non-linear, we can employ the post-Newtonian approximation. We also show that in large-scale structures, the post-Newtonian effects are quite small.  相似文献   

A major recent development in observational cosmology has been an accurate measurement of the luminosity distance–redshift relation out to redshifts z =0.8 from Type Ia supernova standard candles. The results have been argued as evidence for cosmic acceleration. It is well known that this assertion depends on the assumption that we know the equation of state for all mass–energy other than normal pressureless matter; popular models are based either on the cosmological constant or on the more general quintessence formulation. However, this assertion also depends on a number of other assumptions, implicit in the derivation of the standard cosmological field equations: large-scale isotropy and homogeneity, the flatness of the Universe, and the validity of general relativity on cosmological scales (where it has not been tested). A detailed examination of the effects of these assumptions on the interplay between the luminosity distance–redshift relation and the acceleration of the Universe is not possible unless one can define the precise nature of the failure of any particular assumption. However a simple quantitative investigation is possible and reveals a number of considerations about the relative importance of the different assumptions. In this paper we present such an investigation. We find that the relationship between the distant-redshift relation and the sign of the deceleration parameter is fairly robust and is unaffected if only one of the assumptions that we investigate is invalid so long as the deceleration parameter is not close to zero (it would not be close to zero in the currently favoured ΩΛ=1−Ωmatter=0.7 or 0.8 Universe, for example). Failures of two or more assumptions in concordance may have stronger effects.  相似文献   

The Advanced Liquid-mirror Probe of Asteroids, Cosmology and Astrophysics (ALPACA) is a proposed 8-m liquid-mirror telescope surveying  ∼1000 deg2  of the Southern hemisphere sky. It will be a remarkably simple and inexpensive telescope that none the less will deliver a powerful sample of optical data for studying dark energy. The bulk of the cosmological data consist of nightly, high signal-to-noise ratio, multiband light curves of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). At the end of the 3-yr run, ALPACA is expected to collect  ≳100 000  SNe Ia up to   z ∼ 1  . This will allow us to reduce present systematic uncertainties affecting the standard-candle relation. The survey will also provide several other data sets such as the detection of baryon acoustic oscillations in the matter power spectrum and shear weak-lensing measurements. In this preliminary analysis, we forecast constraints on dark energy parameters from SNe Ia and baryon acoustic oscillations. The combination of these two data sets will provide competitive constraints on the dark energy parameters under minimal prior assumptions. Further studies are needed to address the accuracy of weak-lensing measurements.  相似文献   

The inner product provides a conceptually and algorithmically simple method for calculating the comoving distance between two cosmological objects given their redshifts, right ascension and declination, and arbitrary constant curvature. The key to this is that just as a distance between two points 'on' the surface of the ordinary 2-sphere 2 is simply an arc-length (angle multiplied by radius) in ordinary Euclidean 3-space ℰ3, the distance between two points 'on' a 3-sphere 3 (a 3-hyperboloid ℋ3) is simply an 'arc-length' in Euclidean 4-space ℰ4 (Minkowski 4-space ℳ4), i.e. an 'hyper-angle' multiplied by the curvature radius of the 3-sphere (3-hyperboloid).  相似文献   

We analyse scale dependence of redshift-space bias b and β  ≡ Ωm0.6/ b in the context of the halo model. We show that linear bias is a good approximation only on large scales, for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 . On intermediate scales the virial motions of galaxies cause a suppression of the power spectrum relative to the linear one and the suppression differs from the same effect in dark matter. This can potentially mimic the effect of massive neutrinos, and the degeneracy can only be broken if the power spectrum is measured for k ≪0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Different methods to determine β converge for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 , but give drastically different results on smaller scales, which explains some of the trends observed in the real data. We also assess the level of stochasticity by calculating the cross-correlation coefficient between the reconstructed velocity field divergence and the galaxies, and show that the two fields decorrelate for k >0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Most problematic are galaxies predominantly found in groups and clusters, such as bright, red or elliptical galaxies, where we find poor convergence to a constant bias or β even on large scales.  相似文献   

The cloud-in-cloud problem is studied in the context of the extension to non-Gaussian density fields of the PS approach for the calculation of the mass function. As an example of a non-Gaussian probability distribution function (PDF), we consider the chi-square distribution with various degrees of freedom. We generate density fields in cubic boxes with periodic boundary conditions, and then determine the number of points considered collapsed at each scale through a hierarchy of smoothing windows. We find that the mass function we obtain differs from that predicted using the extended PS formalism, particularly for low values of σ and for those PDFs that differ most from a Gaussian.  相似文献   

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