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Schmincke andSwanson (1967) explained laminar flowage structures as indicators for flow direction of pyroclastic flows that show a radial flow pattern away from the source. Several other authors have reported similar examples, but the influence of pre-flow topographic relief has not been analyzed. Flow lineations were measured for the Ata pyroclastic flow deposit, southwestern Japan. This deposit has covered an undulating basement topography. Preferred orientation of crystals and lithic fragments were measured on thin sections cut parallel to sedimentary layering. The following three factors which control the flow lineation have been recognized. 1) Flow lineations oriented radially away from the source, as described by previous authors, were obtained only for samples collected from the surface of the pyroclastic flow plateau where the basement valleys were nearly filled by earlier flow units. 2) Lineations near the floor of narrow valleys were parallel to the strike of the valley. 3) Flow lineations near the wall of valleys tend to be parallel to the dip of the valley walls. These data suggest that the initial radial movement of pyroclastic flows from the source gradually changes direction to parallel the strike of deep valleys due to confining effect of valley wall. Flows which are trapped within a valley, tends to move towards the bottom of the valley just prior to the final settlement. After the basement topographic relief has been filled up with earlier flow units, the later flows maintain their original radial movement until final settlement.  相似文献   

Lithic fragments in the ground layer of the Ata pyroclastic flow deposit, southwestern Japan, were supplied from two different sources. One is the eruptive vent and the other is the basement rock exposed underneath the path of flow. Lithic fragments captured at the eruptive vent gradually decrease in size with distance from the source. Local increases of ML or Md are proportional to increased amounts of captured lithic fragments. The pyroclastic flow eroded basement formations on slopes dipping away from the source, and deposited the lithics within the ground layer on slopes dipping towards the source. The ground layer was found only in the western half of the Ata pyroclastic flow deposit. The absence of the ground layer in the eastern half of the pyroclastic flow deposit is interpreted to result from a selective loss of lithics when the flow traversed a bay or a lake located just east from the vent.  相似文献   

Imbrication, indicating flow and source direction, occurs in three Pleistocene or upper Pliocene pumice-flow tuffs exposed in a 700-km2 area on the east flank of the Cascade Range near Bend, Oregon, and shows the location of previously unknown source vents of these tuffs. The imbrication is formed by inclined elongate and/or flat pumice or lithic fragments and locally by elongate plagioclase crystals. Imbrication is best developed within the lower zones of individual flow units; the pumiceous top zones also locally show imbrication directions parallel to that in the lower zones. Moreover, the areal pattern of size distribution of lithic and pumice fragments in the flows is concordant with the flow direction pattern indicated by imbrication.The upper pumice flow shows a fan-shaped pattern of flow directions indicated by imbrication which points to a western source. A possible vent, about 20 km west of Bend in the highland near Broken Top Volcano, is marked by many silicic domes and basaltic cinder cones where there is a 6–8 mgal negative Bouguer gravity anomaly. In contrast, imbrication in the middle and lower pumice flows indicates flow from a source southwest of Bend. Vents in this direction are not obvious. Possible buried vents are located about 30 km and 45 km southwest of Bend near Sitkum Butte and Lookout Mountain, respectively.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene trachytic Campanian Ignimbrite underlies much of the Campanian Plain near Naples, Italy, and occurs in valleys in the mountainous area surrounding the plain out to about 80 km from its source, the Campi Flegrei caldera. At sites within 15 km of the Campi Flegrei, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) principal directions indicate that, in the absence of significant topography, deposition came from a flow moving in a roughly radial direction. AMS studies of the more distal ignimbrite reveal downhill and/or downvalley flow directions prior to deposition, even where these directions are at high angles to a generally radial transport direction from the vent. On the flanks of Roccamonfina Volcano, flow was directly downhill, as if the source of the ignimbrite was the summit of the volcano. In most localities, the ignimbrite consists of a single massive deposit. In a few localities in the Apennine Mountains, however, the confluence of multiple drainage systems off mountains resulted in multiple local flow units that cannot be correlated between valleys. A detailed study of the ignimbrite in the flat Titerno River valley near Massa shows that the AMS fabrics are not due to late-stage creeping during deposition or compaction. Well-defined, but non-parallel AMS fabrics from vertical and lateral sections in the Massa area are best explained by the merging of gravity currents flowing down the valley and steep valley sides to form a single aggradational deposit. Clast compositions and AMS axes at Mondragone indicate that the pyroclastic flow encountered the Monte Massico massif and was partially blocked, so that flow during deposition was toward the Campi Flegrei. Similar AMS data from sites along the edge of the Campanian Plain indicate back-flow off the first ridge of the Apennine Mountains reached at least 5 km from their base. The Campanian Ignimbrite was deposited from a density-stratified pyroclastic flow. The depositional system consisted of the lower, denser portion of the current, and was controlled by topography. The grouping of the AMS axes is interpreted to indicate that deposition occurred under laminar flow conditions.  相似文献   

The asymmetrical distribution of the welded Ata large-scale pyroclastic flow deposit in Southern Kyushu, Japan was identified. This distribution pattern was defined as depositional ramps. Depositional ramps can be identified in valleys wider than 1 km and become smaller-scale with increasing distance from the source. Upslope directions of depositional ramps are generally radially away from the source caldera, suggesting that the structure was formed by the flow of pyroclastic material radially away from the source. The original depositional surface was reconstructed based on field mapping and density measurements of the pyroclastic flow deposit. Depositional ramps having a dip angle of more than 9° were reconstructed on the vent-facing slopes of the topography underlying the valley-filling deposits in the area within 10 km of the caldera rim. Such a dip angle is much larger than previously described dip angles. The size and gradient of the depositional ramps decreases with increasing distance from the source. Depositional ramps are recognized commonly in densely welded pyroclastic flow deposits. A high emplacement temperature is required to form the depositional ramps. This suggests that the pyroclastic flow was transported as a dense, fluidized layer to minimize heat loss.  相似文献   

The Croscat pyroclastic succession has been analysed to investigate the transition between different eruptive styles in basaltic monogenetic volcanoes, with particular emphasis on the role of phreatomagmatism in triggering Violent Strombolian eruptions. Croscat volcano, an 11 ka basaltic complex scoria cone in the Quaternary Garrotxa Volcanic Field (GVF) shows pyroclastic deposits related both to magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions.Lithofacies analysis, grain size distribution, chemical composition, glass shard morphologies, vesicularity, bubble-number density and crystallinity of the Croscat pyroclastic succession have been used to characterize the different eruptive styles. Eruptions at Croscat began with fissural Hawaiian-type fountaining that rapidly changed to eruption types transitional between Hawaiian and Strombolian from a central vent. A first phreatomagmatic phase occurred by the interaction between magma and water from a shallow aquifer system at the waning of the Hawaiian- and Strombolian-types stage. A Violent Strombolian explosion then occurred, producing a widespread (8 km2), voluminous tephra blanket. The related deposits are characterized by the presence of wood-shaped, highly vesicular scoriae. Glass-bearing xenoliths (buchites) are also present within the deposit. At the waning of the Violent Strombolian phase a second phreatomagmatic phase occurred, producing a second voluminous deposit dispersed over 8.4 km2. The eruption ended with a lava flow emission and consequent breaching of the western-side of the volcano. Our data suggest that the Croscat Violent Strombolian phase was related to the ascent of deeper, crystal-poor, highly vesicular magma under fast decompression rate. Particles and vesicles elongation and brittle failure observed in the wood-shaped clasts indicate that fragmentation during Violent Strombolian phase was enhanced by high strain-rate of the magma within the conduit.  相似文献   

Basal layered deposits of the large-volume Peach Springs Tuff occur beneath the main pyroclastic flow deposit over a minimum lateral distance of 70 km in northwestern Arizona (USA). The basal deposits are interpreted to record initial blasting and pyroclastic surge events at the beginning of the eruption; the pyroclastic surges traveled a minimum of 100 km from the (as yet unknown) source. Changes in bedding structures with increasing flow distance are related to the decreasing sediment load of the surges. Some bed forms in the most proximal part of the study area (Kingman, Arizona) can be interpreted as being shock induced, reflecting a blast origin for the surges. Component analyses support a hydrovolcanic origin for some of the blasting and subsequent pyroclastic surges. The eruption apparently began with magmatic blasts, which were replaced by hydrovolcanic blasts. Hydrovolcanic activity may be partially related to failure of the conduit walls that temporarily plugged the vent. A single large-volume pyroclastic flow immediately followed the blast phase, and no evidence has been observed for a Plinian eruption column. The stratigraphic sequence indicates that powerful hydrovolcanic blasting rapidly widened the vent, thus bypassing a Plinian fallout phase and causing rapid evolution to a collapsing eruption column. Similar processes may occur in other large-volume ignimbrite eruptions, which commonly lack significant Plinian fallout deposits.  相似文献   

The Sarikavak Tephra from the central Galatean Volcanic Province (Turkey) represents the deposit of a complex multiple phase plinian eruption of Miocene age. The eruptive sequence is subdivided into the Lower-, Middle-, and Upper Sarikavak Tephra (LSKT, MSKT, USKT) which differ in type of deposits, lithology and eruptive mechanisms.The Lower Sarikavak Tephra is characterised by pumice fall deposits with minor interbedded fine-grained ash beds in the lower LSKT-A. Deposits are well stratified and enriched in lithic fragments up to >50 wt% in some layers. The upper LSKT-B is mainly reversely graded pumice fall with minor amounts of lithics. It represents the main plinian phase of the eruption. The LSKT-A and B units are separated from each other by a fine-grained ash fall deposit. The Middle Sarikavak Tephra is predominantly composed of cross-bedded ash-and-pumice surge deposits with minor pumice fall deposits in the lower MSKT-A and major pyroclastic flow deposits in the upper MSKT-B unit. The Upper Sarikavak Tephra shows subaerial laminated surge deposits in USKT-A and subaqueous tephra beds in USKT-B.Isopach maps of the LSKT pumice fall deposits as well as the fine ash at the LSKT-A/B boundary indicate NNE–SSW extending depositional fans with the source area in the western part of the Ovaçik caldera. The MSKT pyroclastic flow and surge deposits form a SW-extending main lobe related to paleotopography where the deposits are thickest.Internal bedding and lithic distribution of the LSKT-A result from intermittent activity due to significant vent wall instabilities. Reductions in eruption power from (partial) plugging of the vent produced fine ash deposits in near-vent locations and subsequent explosive expulsion of wall rock debris was responsible for the high lithic contents of the lapilli fall deposits. A period of vent closure promoted fine ash fall deposition at the end of LSKT-A. The subsequent main plinian phase of the LSKT-B evolved from stable vent conditions after some initial gravitational column collapses during the early ascent of the re-established eruption plume. The ash-and-pumice surges of the MSKT-A are interpreted as deposits from phreatomagmatic activity prior to the main pyroclastic flow formation of the MSKT-B.  相似文献   

The 227 ka Yellow Trachytic Tuff (YTT) of the Roccamonfina volcano is a multiunit ash-, pumice-, scoria- and lithic-ignimbrite with a proximal sandwave surge deposit. The YTT has an estimated volume of 0.42 km3. It erupted in the northern, subsided sector of the volcano from Gli Stagli caldera, and was channelled down ravines northward between the limestone range of M.Cesima and M. Camino that bounds the depression. Up to 5 YTT units occur close to the outer part of the northern rim of Gli Stagli. The basal four units are separated by lithic-rich marker layers which are inferred to result from gravity segregation followed by shearing. The first three units are consolidated by chabazite cementation, the fourth one is not consolidated. The uppermost unit is altered. One or two units characterize the YTT deposits in medial to distal zones. Here, the unconsolidated unit underlies the consolidated one. Absence of markers precludes correlation with proximal stratigraphy. The YTT is poorly sorted and, except the surge deposit and the altered faciés which are very fine-grained, has moderate median diameter typical of pyroclastic flows. Matrix, pumice, and scoria clasts are poorly vesicular. Matrix shards are equant, blocky-shaped, hydrated, and range from non-vesicular to vesicular. These features suggest that magma-water interaction played a role in the YTT eruption process, with some magmatic fragmentation.The complex near-Gli Stagli-rim YTT sequence could record the arrival of successive flows from the source vent, or also form by interaction of one or two flows with the caldera rim. In both cases, the absence of basal Plinian deposits in YTT units suggests that the eruptions were low pyroclastic fountains. The YTT distribution was controlled by interaction with the northern rim of Gli Stagli caldera and with the limestone range that bounds the northern depression. The near-rim stratigraphy shows the complete record of the eruption, whereas the medial to distal sequences provide only the initial pyroclastic flow possibly with the final flow spilling over the caldera rim. The proximal surge episode probably resulted from higher velocity of a later pyroclastic flow due to steeper slope of the volcano in that locality.  相似文献   

We distinguish three eruptive units of pyroclastic flows (T1, T2, and T3; T for trass) within the late Quaternary Laacher See tephra sequence. These units differ in the chemical/mineralogical composition of the essential pyroclasts ranging from highly differentiated phonolite in T1 to mafic phonolite in T3. T1 and T2 flows were generated during Plinian phases, and T3 flows during a late Vulcanian phase. The volume of the pyroclastic flow deposits is about 0.6 km3. The lateral extent of the flows from the source vent decreases from > 10 km (T1) to < 4.5 km (T3). In the narrow valleys north of Laacher See, the total thickness of the deposits exceeds 60 m.At least 19 flow units in T1, 6 in T2, and 4 in T3 can be recognized at individual localities. Depositional cycles of 2 to 5 flow units are distinguished in the eruptive units. Thickness and internal structure of the flow units are strongly controlled by topography. Subfacies within flow units such as strongly enriched pumice and lithic concentration zones, dust layers, lapilli pipes, ground layers, and lithic breccias are all compositionally related to each other by enrichment or depletion of clasts depending on their size and density in a fluidized flow. While critical diameters of coarse-tail grading were found to mark the boundary between the coarse nonfluidized and the finer fluidized grain-size subpopulations, we document the second boundary between the fluidized and the very fine entrained subpopulations by histograms and Rosin-Rammler graphs. Grain-size distribution and composition of the fluidized middle-size subpopulations remained largely unchanged during transport.Rheological properties of the pyroclastic flows are deduced from the variations in flow-unit structure within the valleys. T1 flows are thought to have decelerated from 25 m/s at 4 km to < 15 m/s at 7 km from the vent; flow density was probably 600–900 kg/m3, and viscosity 5–50 P. The estimated yield strength of the flows of 200– > 1000 N/m2 is consistent with the divergence of lithic size/distance curves from purely Newtonian models; the transport of lithics must be treated as in a Bingham fluid. The flow temperature probably decreased from T1 (300°–500°C) to T3 (<200°C).A large-scale longitudinal variation in the flow units from proximal through medial to distal facies dominantly reflects temporal changes during the progressive collapse of an eruption column. Only a small amount of fallout tephra was generated in the T1 phase of eruption. The pyroclastic flows probably formed from relatively low ash fountains rather than from high Plinian eruption columns.  相似文献   

 Additional data from proximal areas enable a reconstruction of the stratigraphy and the eruptive chronology of phases III and IV of the 1982 eruption of El Chichón Volcano. Phase III began on 4 April at 0135 GMT with a powerful hydromagmatic explosion that generated radially fast-moving (∼100 ms–1) pyroclastic clouds that produced a surge deposit (S1). Due to the sudden reduction in the confining pressure the process continued by tapping of magma from a deeper source, causing a new explosion. The ejected juvenile material mixed with large amounts of fragmented dome and wall rock, which were dispersed laterally in several pulses as lithic-rich block-and-ash flow (F1). Partial evacuation of juvenile material from the magmatic system prompted the entrance of external water to generate a series of hydromagmatic explosions that dispersed moisture-rich surge clouds and small-volume block-and-ash flows (IU) up to distances of 3 km from the crater. The eruption continued by further decompression of the magmatic system, with the ensuing emission of smaller amounts of gas-rich magma which, with the strong erosion of the volcanic conduit, formed a lithic-rich Plinian column that deposited fallout layer B. Associated with the widening of the vent, an increase in the effective density of the uprising column took place, causing its collapse. Block-and-ash flows arising from the column collapse traveled along valleys as a dense laminar flow (F2). In some places, flow regime changes due to topographic obstacles promoted transformation into a turbulent surge (S2) which attained minimum velocities of approximately 77 ms–1 near the volcano. The process continued with the formation of a new column on 4 April at 1135 GMT (phase IV) that emplaced fall deposit C and was followed by hydromagmatic explosions which produced pyroclastic surges (S3). Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 12 November 1996  相似文献   

Pyroclastic deposits exposed in the caldera walls of Santorini Volcano (Greece), contain several prominent horizons of coarse-grained andesitic spatter and cauliform volcanic bombs. These deposits can be traced around most of the caldera wall. They thicken in depressions and are intimately associated with ignimbrite and co-ignimbrite lithic lag breccias. They are interpreted as a proximal facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Evidence for a flow origin includes the presence of a fine-grained pumiceous matrix, flow deformation of ductile spatter clasts, exceedingly coarse grain sizes several kilometres from any plausible vent, imbrication of flattened spatter clasts, intimate interbedding with normal pyroclastic flow deposits and the presence of inversely graded basal layers. The deposits contain hydrothermally altered, rounded lithic ejecta including gabbro nodules. The andesitic ejecta and the fine matrix are typically moderately to poorly vesicular indicating that magmatic gas had a subordinate role in the eruptive process. The andesitic clasts contain abundant angular lithic inclusions and some clasts are themselves formed of pre-existing agglutinate. We propose that these eruptions occurred when external water gained access to the vents, causing large-scale explosions which formed pyroclastic flows rich in coarse, semifluid but poorly vesicular ejecta. We postulate that large volumes of coarse pyroclastic ejecta and degassed lava accumulated in a deep crater prior to being disrupted by these large explosions to form pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

Thermal remanent magnetism provides a method of quantitatively determining the emplacement temperature of individual lithic clasts in a volcaniclastic rock. The technique is reviewed and applied to two types of Quaternary pyroclastic deposit on Santorini. Emplacement-temperature estimates for lithic clasts from two co-ignimbrite lithic breccias (Cape Riva and Middle Pumice eruptions) range from 250°C to 580°C, showing unambiguously that the breccias were emplaced hot. Good precision on temperature estimates (about ±20°C) were obtained from the Cape Riva breccias. Lithics in a Plinian airfall deposit from the Middle Pumice eruption give less precise results because the primary magnetisation has been partly overprinted by chemical (and/or viscous) remanence, and some clasts may have rotated during compaction of the deposit. Temperatures from proximal airfall are consistent with welding of the deposit within 1.5 km from vent. Temperature estimates for lithic clasts further from vent scatter, but a falloff of temperature away from vent can be recognised if an average emplacement temperature for the whole deposit is identified at each location. The study highlights some difficulties in interpreting quantitative temperature estimates for prehistoric pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   

In order to provide new information about the source area and depositional mechanisms of the Upper Member of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT), a prominent pyroclastic deposit of the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District (southern Italy), statistics on directional fabric, by means of computer-assisted image analysis on 32 rock samples, were compiled. Seventeen samples were collected along vertical direction on two selected exposures and fifteen were taken from outcrops widely distributed all around the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District. Fabric measurements within the investigated successions reveal a vertically homogeneous direction of the mean particle iso-orientation, with considerable variability in the strength of particle iso-orientation even at cm-scale. The existence of particle iso-orientation can be related to continuous sedimentation from a concentrated bedload region beneath suspension currents, producing massive or inversely graded beds by traction carpet sedimentation. The considerable vertical variability in the strength of iso-orientation is the result of very unstable flow regimes, up to the extreme condition of discrete depositional events, with a variable combination of traction carpet and/or direct suspension sedimentation. The vertical homogeneity in the mean orientation values, found in the investigated sections, may derive from the sequential deposition of laminae to thin beds, whose relatively flat upper surfaces were unable to significantly deflect the depositional system of the following currents. According to the observed homogeneous mean particle orientation values along the investigated vertical profiles, samples collected through areal distribution are considered representative of the local paleo-flow directions of the whole deposit. The mean directions of the samples collected areally show two different coherent patterns which point to the existence of two different source areas. The first, which includes all samples from the northern outcrops, appears to converge in a narrow area about 2 km NE of the town of Pozzuoli, largely in coincidence with the inferred area on the basis of the pumice fall distribution. The second, which includes samples from Capo Miseno and Posillipo areas, points to the central part of the Pozzuoli Bay, about 4 km offshore the town of Pozzuoli.  相似文献   

The grain orientations within the matrix of two large-scale welded, two small-scale nonwelded and two nonwelded low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits are measured to analyze flow behavior. Preferred grain alignments are especially apparent in the middle part of layer 2 of each deposit. Preferred grain alignments do not vary laterally within a 10 m interval. The grain alignments obtained are radial from the source caldera, especially in proximal to medial and plateau-forming facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Grain alignments are controlled by valley-channel directions for the valley-ponded facies of pyroclastic flow deposits, especially at medial to distal locations. Such local topographic factors strongly affect the data for high-aspect ratio and smallscale deposits, and weakly affect the data for widespread low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits. This work suggests that grain alignment analysis should be used with care when attempting to determine the location of an unknown source.  相似文献   

This paper deals with ground-hugging, gas–pyroclast currents from explosive volcanic eruptions and their deposits. Key field observations and laboratory determinations are proposed to relate specific deposit types with flow regimes and particle concentration in the transport and depositional systems. Three relevant flow scenarios and corresponding deposit types have been recognized from a survey of pyroclastic successions of the Vulsini Volcanic District (central Italy): (1) dilute, turbulent, pyroclastic currents producing normally or multiply graded beds by direct suspension sedimentation; (2) concentrated bedload regions beneath suspension currents, depositing inversely graded beds by traction carpet sedimentation; (3) self-sustained, high particle concentration, laminar, mass flows developing massive, poorly sorted bodies, with opposite grading of coarse lithic and pumice clasts, overlying fine-grained, inversely graded, basal layers. Main distinguishing criteria include the occurrence and pattern of clast grading, clast–thickness relationships, grain size, ash matrix componentry and pyroclast size–density relationships. Downcurrent and temporal transitions among identified flow scenarios are likely to occur for changing energy conditions and gas–pyroclast ratio both on regional and local scales. The nature and efficiency of magma fragmentation, volatile content, conduit geometry (which determine the characteristics of the erupted mixture and possible lateral blast component at the vent), and the angle of incidence of the column collapse, are suggested as the main factors controlling the generation of one type over the other at flow inception. Dilute, fine-grained, overpressured eruption clouds are thought to favor the formation of low particle concentration turbulent currents. Column collapse over slightly inclined volcano slopes, causing a high degree of compression of the collapsing mixture and of gas expulsion, would favor the generation of high particle concentration pyroclastic currents.  相似文献   

Inclined pipe vesicles and stretched vesicles near the base of basalt flows have long been regarded as reliable flow-direction indicators. However, attempts to use such structures in the Santa Rosa Basalt of Southern California to determine regional flow patterns, paleoslope, and source of eruption yielded inconclusive and contradictory results. Orientations of 1070 vesicles at 37 localities were obtained directions of inclination from vertical were plotted on circular histograms. At any specific locality vesicle orientations typically are normally distributed through a 40–60 degree sector. Commonly a pronounced maximum lies within a 20–40 degree sector. Even at localities having bimodal or trimodal distribution patterns, most vesicles plot within a 90 degree sector. The frequency distribution of oriented vesicles at individual localities strongly suggests a limited direction of flow and implies a source in the opposite direction. Comparison of such «flow directions» from locality to locality within the same flow, however, yielded highly divergent results over short distances. Likewise, comparison of directions from different flows yielded results ranging from parallel to diametrically opposed. Composite circular histograms from three small mesas censisting of thin, flat-lying flows showed little apparent preferred direction of vesicle inclination. Possible reasons for the highly divergent readings include sub-flow surface irregularities, turbulent rather than laminar flow, and/or convection in the lava during cooling. Although inclined vesicles may well indicate motion in a flow, their use for determination of flow directions and for regional paleogeographic interpretations is questionable.  相似文献   

The 274 ka “Basalt-Trachytic Tuff of Tuoripunzoli” (TBTT) from Roccamonfina volcano (Roman Region, Italy) consists of a basaltic scoria lapilli fall (Unit A) overlain by a trachytic sequence formed by a surge (Unit B), repetitive pumice lapilli and ash-rich layers both of fallout origin (Unit C) and a pyroclastic flow deposit (Unit D). The TBTT is widespread (40 km2) in the northern sector of the volcano, but limited to a small area on the southern slopes of the main cone. Interpolation between the northern deposits and the latter one yields a minimum depositional area of 123 km2, and an approximate bulk volume of 0.2-0.3 km3. Isopach and isopleth maps are consistent with a source vent within the main caldera of Roccamonfina.Unit A shows a fairly good sorting and a moderate grain size; glass fragments are cuspate and vesicular. Unit B is fine grained and poorly sorted; shards are blocky and nonvesicular. Pumice lapilli of Unit C are moderately sorted and moderately coarse grained. Glass shards are equant and vesicular. Lithic clasts are strongly comminuted to submillimetric sizes. By contrast, the ash-rich internal divisions are very fine grained and poorly sorted. They consist of a mixture of equant shards which are prevailingly blocky and poorly vesicular. Unit D is a massive, poorly sorted, moderately coarse-grained deposit. Glass fragments are nearly equant and slightly or nonvesicular.The TBTT is interpreted as due to eruption of a basaltic magma followed in rapid succession by one trachyte magma. Unit A formed by Subplinian fallout of a moderate, purely magmatic column. Interaction between a trachyte magma and water resulted in eruption of surge Unit B. A high-standing eruption column erupted alternating fallout pumice lapilli and fallout ashes. Pumice lapilli originated prevailingly from the inner part of the eruption column, whereas magma-water interaction on the external parts of the column resulted in ash fallout. The uppermost pyroclastic flow Unit D is interpreted as due to final collapse of the eruption column.  相似文献   

The pyroclastic flow that issued from the Arenal summit crater on 28 August 1993 came from the collapse of the crater wall of the cone and the drainage of a lava pool. The 3-km-long pyroclastic flow, 2.2ǂ.8᎒6 m3 in volume, was confined to narrow valleys (30-100 m wide). The thickness of the pyroclastic deposit ranged from 1 to 10 m, and its temperature was about 400 °C, although single bombs were up to 1,000 °C. The deposit is clast-supported, has a bimodal grain size distribution, and consists of an intimate mixture of finely pulverized rock ash, lapilli, small blocks, and cauliflower bread-crusted bombs, in which are set meter-size lava fragments and juvenile and non-juvenile angular blocks, and bombs up to 7 m in diameter. Large faceted blocks make up 50% of the total volume of the deposit. The cauliflower bombs have deep and intricate bread-crust texture and post-depositional vesiculation. It is proposed that the juvenile material was produced entirely from a lava pool, whereas faceted non-juvenile blocks come from the crater-wall collapse. The concentration and maximum diameter of cauliflower bread-crusted bombs increases significantly from the base (rockslide + pyroclastic flow) to the top (the pyroclastic flow) of the deposit. An ash cloud deposited accretionary lapilli in the proximal region (outside of the pyroclastic flow deposit), and very fine ash fell in the distal region (between 5 and 30 km). The accretionary lapilli deposit is derived from the fine, elutriated products of the flow as it moved. A turbulent overriding surge blew down the surrounding shrubbery in the flow direction. The pyroclastic flow from August 1993, similar to the flows of June 1975, May 1998, August 2000, and March 2001, slid and rolled rather than being buoyed up by gas. They grooved, scratched, and polished the surfaces over which they swept, similar to a Merapi-type pyroclastic flow. However, the mechanism of the outpouring of a lava pool and the resulting flows composed of high- to moderate-vesiculated, cauliflower bread-crusted bombs and juvenile blocks have not been described before. High-frequency earthquake swarms, followed by an increase in low-frequency volcanic events, preceded the 1975, 1993, and 2000 eruptions 2-4 months before. These pyroclastic flow events, therefore, may be triggered by internal expansion of the unstable cone in the upper part because of a slight change in the pressure of the magma column (gas content and/or effusive rate). This phenomenon has important short-term, volcanic hazard implications for touristic development of some parts on the flanks of the volcano.  相似文献   

A geological, chemical and petrographical study of the Campanian ignimbrite, a pyroclastic flow deposit erupted about 30,000 years ago on the Neapolitan area (Italy), is reported. The ignimbrite covered an area of at least 7,000 km2; it consists of a single flow unit, and the lateral variations in both pumice and lithic fragments indicate that the source was located in the Phlegraean Fields area. Textural features, areal distribution and its morphological constraints suggests that the eruption was of the type of highly expanded low-temperature pyroclastic cloud. The original composition was strongly modified by post-depositional chemical changes involving most of the major and trace elements. No primary differences in the composition of the magma have been recognized. The Campanian ignimbrite is a nearly saturated potassic trachyte, similar to many other trachytes of the Quaternary volcanic province of Campania. Its chemistry indicates an affinity with the so-called «low-K association» of the Roman volcanic province.  相似文献   

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