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Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of five Indosinian granitoid intrusions from the western Qinling belt provide insights into basement nature and tectonic affinity. The results show that the western Qinling granitoids incline towards basic in their bulk chemical composition. The granitoids belong to high-K to shoshonitic series with K2O/Na2O=1.04-1.86 and are dominantly metaluminous with A/CNK=0.90-1.05 (most samples have A/CNK of <1.0). They have similar trace elemental compo- sitional patterns. In Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, they display some extent heterogeneity with Isr=0.70682-0.70845, εNd(t)=?4.85 to ?9.17 and TDM=1.26-1.66 Ga. They are characterized by high ra- diogenic Pb isotopic compositions. Their initial Pb isotopic ratios are 206Pb/204Pb=17.996-18.468, 207Pb/204Pb=15.565-15.677 and 208Pb/204Pb=38.082-38.587. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic composi- tions reveal that magma for the granitoids was derived from partial melting of high-K (Rb) basaltic rocks, which might be formed in 900-1400 Ma. It is suggested that a large amount of the Proterozoic high-K (Rb) basaltic rocks, which underlie the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover, constitute the crustal basement of the western Qinling belt. Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositional comparison between the east- ern Qinling and the western Qinling Indosinian granitoids indicates that the crustal basement of the western Qinling is distinct from that of the eastern Qinling. The Baoji-Chengdu railway close to south-north orientation can be taken as an approximate boundary between both basements. The Pb-Nd isotopic compositional characteristics of the western Qinling granitoids suggest that the basement of the western Qinling belt has an affinity with the Yangtze block.  相似文献   

李建军  蔡瑶瑶  张军龙 《地震》2019,39(1):20-28
塔藏断裂位于东昆仑断裂带东段,长约170km,与岷山断裂带共同构成巴颜喀拉块体的东北构造边界,中部与岷江断裂、荷叶断裂、虎牙断裂的北延段交会,构成岷山隆起的地貌边界。通过卫星影像解译结合构造地貌调查,确定了断层属于全新世活动断层,并利用断层走向弯曲和活动性、阶区等标志将塔藏断裂分为三段。西段为罗叉段,总体走向NWW,西侧与玛曲断裂形成左行左阶拉分区,东侧在下黄寨村走向顺时针偏转至东北村段。中段为东北村段,总体走向NW,东侧在九寨沟口附近走向逆时针偏转至马家磨段。东段为马家磨段,总体走向NWW,西侧隔荷叶断裂、虎牙断裂的北延段与中段相接。东北村段以岷江断裂斜交点为界可分为南北两个次级段,马家磨段以阶区为界划分为扎如次段、唐寨次段、勿角次段。罗叉段和马家磨段的地震离逝时间较近,东北村段相对较远。断裂带整体呈反"S"形,自西向东滑动速率总体呈减小趋势,大部分水平变形转化为垂向的岷山隆升。结合不同段上的滑动速率,发现东昆仑断裂东段滑动速率呈梯度下降特征与东昆仑断裂带东段断层弯曲的几何特征相对应。  相似文献   

There is no temperature effect in the southern Tibetan Plateau and South Asia to the south of the Tanggula Mountains. Amount effect has been observed at a few sampling stations accounting for about a half of the statistical stations. There is notable temperature effect in the middle and northern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent Central Asia to the north of the Tanggula Mountains. Because vapor directly originates from low-latitude oceans, the relative heavy δ18O with small variation characterizes the rainfall in South Asia. A sharp depletion of the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation takes place from Kyangjin on the southern slope of the Himalayas to the Tanggula Mountains in the middle plateau. From the Tanggula Mountains to the northern Tibetan Plateau, the δ18O in precipitation increases with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

Abstract We present chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of three Triassic (226–241 Ma) calc‐alkaline granitoids (the Yeongdeok granite, Yeonghae diorite and Cheongsong granodiorite) and basement rocks in the northern Gyeongsang basin, south‐eastern Korea. These plutons exhibit typical geochemical characteristics of I‐type granitoids generated in a continental magmatic arc. The Yeongdeok and Yeonghae plutons have similar initial Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0.7041 ~ 0.7050, ?Nd(t) = 2.3 ~ 4.0, 206Pb/204Pbfeldspar = 18.22 ~ 18.34), but distinct rare earth element patterns, suggesting that the two plutons formed from partial melting of a similar source material at different depths. The Cheongsong pluton has slightly more enriched Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0.7047 ~ 0.7065, ?Nd(t) = 3.9 ~ 2.8, 206Pb/204Pbfeldspar = 18.24 ~ 18.37) than the other two plutons. The Nd model ages of the basement rocks (1.1 ~ 1.4 Ga) are slightly older than those of the plutons (0.6 ~ 1.0 Ga). The initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of the plutons can be modeled by the mixing between the mid‐oceanic ridge basalt‐like depleted mantle component and the crustal component represented by basement rocks, which is also supported by Pb isotope data. The Sr and Nd isotope data from granitoids and basement rocks suggest that the Gyeongsang basin, the Hida belt and the inner zone of south‐western Japan share relatively young basement histories (middle Proterozoic), compared with those (early Proterozoic to Archean) of the Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs and the Okcheon belt. The Nd isotope data of basement rocks suggest that the Hida belt might be better correlated with the basement of the Gyeongsang basin than the Gyeonggi massif, the Okcheon belt or the Yeongnam massif, although it may represent an older continental margin of East Asia than the Gyeongsang basin considering its slightly older Nd model ages.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau are an important indicator of climate change. Due to the high elevation, inaccessibility and limited availability of historical observations, water budget evaluation of typical lake basins has been inadequate. In this study, stable isotopes are used to trace the multiple water sources contributing to two adjacent lakes on the north slope of the Himalayas, Gongmo‐tso and Drem‐tso. The two lakes have nearly the same elevation, lake area and climatic condition. However, the isotopic composition of the two lakes presents significant differences. Qualitative observations attribute the differences to hydrological discrepancies: Gongmo‐tso is a through‐flow lake, whereas Drem‐tso is a terminal lake. Quantitative analyses, including water and isotope mass balance modelling, clarify the fluxes and isotopic compositions among the various hydrological elements. The isotopic composition of input water, calculated as the summation of rainfall and upstream runoff, is estimated using the local meteoric water line (LMWL) combined with the time series of lake water isotope values. The isotopic composition of evaporation is calculated with a linear resistance model using local meteorological data. The results show that Drem‐tso is a closed lake in a hydrological steady state with relatively more enriched lake water isotope values resulting mainly from evaporation. In contrast, through‐flow accounts for more than 88% of the water input into Gongmo‐tso. The large amount of upstream runoff with lower isotopic composition and enrichment due to evaporation are the major contributions to the observed lake water isotope values. Isotopic modelling of the two neighbouring lakes is effective for isotopic and hydrological research in this region with limited in situ observations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Eastern Kunlun Mountains play an important role in the growth and eastward extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonic and sedimentary study of the Cenozoic Qaidam Basin, especially the southern part, provides key evidence for understanding their evolution. Here we present evidence including isopach maps, seismic sections and sedimentary analysis of single well to illustrate the sedimentary development of the basin and the structural features of its southern margin. The Qaidam Basin extended across Qiman Tagh-Eastern Kunlun Mountains in the early Cenozoic and withdrew northward at ca. 35.5 Ma, and then buckled as an EW striking elliptical depression since ca. 14.9 Ma, with the main depocenter migrating eastward. Our results support the view that the Kumukol and Hoh Xil basins joined the Qaidam Basin in the early Cenozoic time and we propose the Eastern Kunlun Mountains uplifted in the mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

Crust evolution in Southeast China:evidence from Nd model ages of granitoids   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Nd isotopic compositions of 58 granitoids in South China have been reported in this paper.These data together with other published data reveal that granites with Nd model ages (tDM) greater than 1.8 Ga are distributed mainly in three areas:southwestern Zhejiang-northwestern Fujian,two sides of the Wuyi Mountain and Wanyangshan-Zhuguangshan.These granites are believed to be derived from partial melting of old crust in these areas.The Mesozoic granites with tDM<1.6 Ga are distributed in three zones:the Gangang structural zone,Nanling latitudinal structural zone and Fujian-Zhejiang coastal zone.These zones may have been an extensional tectonic setting and mantle-derived components or magmas may have been involved to different extents in the granite formation.Based on Nd model ages of granites and published chronological data of mafic and ultramafic rocks,it is believed that the crust in South China experienced episodic accretions,among which the early-middle Proterozoic is the most important period of crustal accretion.  相似文献   

2001年昆仑山口西地震之后,相当多的研究文章使用了震级8.1的数据,但也有人对该震级表示怀疑.为了澄清数据来源,本文整理了国内外主要的地震目录网站,以及已有文章对该地震震级的使用情况,给出了不同的结果.最终表明,震级8.1的说法来自于国内大震速报目录.  相似文献   

王恒  杨振宇 《地球物理学报》2019,62(5):1789-1808

印度-欧亚板块碰撞以来青藏高原内部及其周缘地区经历了复杂的构造演化,复杂构造变形区的复合构造使得古地磁的数据解释究竟代表区域的构造旋转还是只能反映局部的构造变形一直是备受关注的问题.本文通过采集川滇地块西缘渔泡江断裂东侧三岔河地区白垩纪红层古地磁样品,揭示采样区差异性旋转并探讨川滇地块西部自中新世以来的构造演化规律.前人的地质调查表明川滇地块渔泡江断裂东侧上白垩统赵家店组地层发育倾伏褶皱.三岔河剖面以三岔河镇为界分为南北两段,三岔河南段剖面高温剩磁分量平均方向在倾斜校正后Ds=29.3°,Is=45.7°,ks=54.3,α95=6.6°,倾伏地层产状校正后Ds=30.6°,Is=46.6°,ks=69.3,α95=5.8°;而三岔河北侧剖面高温剩磁分量平均方向在倾斜校正后Ds=350.4°,Is=42.1°,ks=69.4,α95=9.2°,倾伏地层产状校正后Ds=347.4°,Is=41.9°,ks=96.6,α95=7.8°;两组高温剩磁分量均通过了褶皱检验,表明其获得于褶皱形成之前.相对于东亚稳定区80 Ma古地磁极,三岔河南侧剖面发生了20.5°±4.8°的顺时针构造旋转量,与楚雄盆地核部之间不存在差异性旋转;但三岔河镇以北剖面却发生了22.7°±6.6°的逆时针旋转.综合分析川滇地块内部的古地磁数据表明自中新世以来川滇地块南部楚雄盆地经历了约20°的顺时针构造旋转,而三岔河镇北侧经历了约20°逆时针旋转.进一步分析表明三岔河北侧剖面相对于南侧剖面经历了约40°的逆时针旋转,可能由于研究区的滑脱构造导致岩石薄弱层拆离滑脱所引起.


The Qimantag in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt has widespread Triassic magmatic rocks that have received scant attention, with an unresolved issue relating to its petrogenesis and geodynamics. In this paper, we used zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry to trace the petrogenesis and tectonic settings of the moyite and monzogranite from the Qimantag Alananshan, East Kunlun. The moyite and monzogranite are silicic(SiO2-~ 69.9–76.41%), highly alkali(Na2O + K2...  相似文献   

2001 年11月14日昆仑山口西MS8.1地震是有现代仪器记录以来发生在青藏高原区域最大地震之一,对研究青藏高原的运动学模式具有重要意义.从地震发生至今,不同研究者运用不同资料和方法获取的地震破裂分布还存在一定差异.基于此,本文采用GPS和InSAR资料数据,参考最新研究成果,构建更为合理的断层几何模型,运用SDM方法反演本次地震的破裂分布.在反演中充分考虑不同数据权重的影响及InSAR数据中存在的整体偏移.结果显示本次地震断层性质以左旋走滑为主,最大破裂位错为~6.9 m,分布在35.76°N、93.40°E附近,地震较大破裂区域主要分布在地下20 km以内.同时,反演的位错分布在断层浅部与地质考察得到的地表破裂分布较为吻合.在与前人相关研究的对比中,显示本文结果的可靠性是较高的,例如,近地表破裂包络线与地表考察结果相近,地下破裂分布特征与前人提出的3次子地震事件相一致等,再一次佐证了此次地震由多次子地震事件组成的研究结论.  相似文献   

本文利用新疆测震台网记录的宽频带波形数据,采用CAP方法反演西昆仑东段2010年1月—2018年12月MS≥3.0地震震源机制,并结合研究区早期的震源机制数据分区反演构造应力场。结果表明:研究区地震破裂类型以逆断型和走滑型为主,其次为正断型,过渡型最少;震源机制节面在NWW向存在明显优势分布且倾角较陡,压应力P轴在NNE向有优势分布且倾角较小,张应力T轴在NW-SE向有优势分布且倾角较小,说明研究区总体上主要以NNE向的水平挤压和NW-SE向水平拉张作用为主;西南区域应力结构为走滑型,东北区域应力结构为逆断型,最大主应力轴σ1方位的最优解都呈NNE向,但西南区域更偏东,东北区域水平作用更明显。东北区域的应力形因子R值较小,体现该区域的物质隆升相对于西南区域物质隆升分量大。  相似文献   

新疆库科西鲁克地区广泛发育基性岩脉,多呈岩墙、岩枝和小岩滴。基性岩脉岩石类型为辉长岩和辉绿岩。辉长岩属于碱性玄武岩,而辉绿岩属于过铝质碱性系列碱玄武岩与粗面玄武岩过渡型,其形成深度(浅成相)比辉长岩浅(中深成相)。区内基性岩脉形成于闭合边缘岛弧、活动陆缘造山带环境,是由幔源原生岩浆经过分异并同化混染地壳物质而形成,结晶分异是控制岩浆演化的主要因素。辉长岩中δEu具有弱的亏损。辉绿岩δEu为正异常,而C e均具弱亏损,成岩氧逸度较高,其成因与典型的I型花岗岩类相似,为壳幔混合型。辉长岩偏幔源,而辉绿岩偏壳源,可能为幔源岩浆上侵受围岩混染所致。辉长岩年龄(119 M a)要比辉绿岩年龄(46.1M a)老,辉长岩为冈底斯陆块向欧亚大陆板块碰撞拼贴过程中,逆冲挤压结束的标志,辉绿岩为大规模逆冲挤压剪切结束,青藏高原隆升初期拉张作用的产物。  相似文献   

Two types of Hepialus larvae with different diets were distinguished in the Sejila Mountain,Tibetan Plateau based on the stable carbon isotope data of the host Hepialus larva of Cordyceps sinensis and its closely adjacent tender plant roots and humus fractions.Type I is the larva chiefly fed by soil humus,and characterized by the δ 13C values of -22.6‰ to-23.4‰,and more than -23.4‰ in its heads.Type II is the larva chiefly fed by tender plant roots,and characterized by the δ 13C values of-24.6‰ to -27.6‰,an...  相似文献   

2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震经历了一个复杂的破裂过程,其破裂长、幅度大、破裂速度多变,成为大陆型地震研究的典型地震。本文融合近场高精度大地测量观测(4幅InSAR影像,34个GPS点位同震位移)和高信噪比远震波形记录,基于有限断层反演理论,联合反演得到该地震同震破裂时空过程的统一模型;同时,基于欧洲区域台网波形数据,利用反投影方法获得高频破裂的时空展布。联合反演结果表明,破裂自西向东传播的过程中走向有所变化,破裂尺度达400km,最大滑移量达8m,地震矩大小为6.1×1020Nm,对应的矩震级MW为7.78。主断层破裂经历了3个阶段,其中,超剪切破裂阶段对应最大位错区域,破裂到达西大滩段与昆仑山口断层交叉处时,破裂速度与尺度迅速下降。反投影结果同样显示破裂的3个阶段空间上对应大地测量反演的3个最大破裂区,最大破裂区的扩展速度达6km/s,但超剪切破裂终止在断层交叉口东部约30km处断层走向发生转变的位置。  相似文献   

Here described are the cyprinid fossils from the Pliocene Lower Member of Qiangtang Formation of the Kunlun Pass Basin,northeastern Tibetan Plateau,collected at a locality 4769 m above the sea level(asl).The materials consist of numerous disarticulated and incomplete bones as well as thousands of pharyngeal teeth,fin rays,and vertebrae.The fossils were referred to the genus Gymnocypris,lineage Schizothoracini,family Cyprinidae;the lineage Schizothoracini;and the family Cyprinidae respectively.The Schizothor...  相似文献   

Archean komatiites, high-Mg basalts and tholeiites from the North Star Basalt and the Mount Ada Basalt formations of the Talga-Talga Subgroup, Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Block, Western Australia, define a linear correlation on the normal143Nd/144Nd vs.147Sm/144Nd isochron plot. The data give an age of 3712 ± 98 Ma and initialεNd(T) of +1.64 ± 0.40. The 3712 ± 98 Ma date is consistent with the regional stratigraphic sequence and available age data and the SmNd linear array may be interpreted as an isochron giving the eruption age of the Talga-Talga Subgroup. An alternative interpretation is that the isochron represents a mixing line giving a pre-volcanism age for the Subgroup. Consideration of geochemical and isotopic data indicates that the true eruptive age of the Talga-Talga Subgroup is possibly closer to about 3500 Ma. Regardless of the age interpretation, the new Nd isotopic data support an existence of ancient LREE-depleted reservoirs in the early Archean mantle, and further suggest that source regions for the Pilbara volcanic rocks were isotopically heterogeneous, withεNd(T) values ranging from at least 0 to +4.0.  相似文献   

Based on deep geophysical detections, we have reconstructed the crustal structure from the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau to the Jiangnan-Xuefeng orogenic belt. The results suggest that the Yangtze Block was overthrusted by crustal materials in its NW direction from the eastern Tibetan Plateau but in its SE direction from the Jiangnan orogen. These overthrusting effects control the crustal structure from the western Sichuan to the western area of the Jiangnan orogen-Xuefeng orogenic belt. The eastward extruded materials from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were blocked by the rigid basement in the Sichuan Basin, where upper-middle crust was overthrusted whereas the lower crust was underthrusted beneath the Sichuan Basin. The underthrusted unit was absorbed by crustal folding, shortening and thickening in the Yangtze Block, forming the Xiongpo and Longquan Mountains tectonic belts and resulting in the NW-directed thrusting of the Pujiang-Chengdu-Deyang fault, and the western hillsiden fault in the Longquan Mountain. These results provide resolution to the controversy where the eastward extrusion material from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had gone. Overall, that Yangtze Block was subjected to thrusting of the crustal materials from the orogenic belts over its both sides. This finding has implications for the study of the intracontinental orogenic mechanism in South China, the reconstruction of tectonic evolutionary history and the kinematics processes during the lateral extrusion of the Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

东昆仑中段是昆仑山地区基础研究的热点,区内地质构造复杂、地层类型多样。对构造混杂岩地层必须坚持活动论思想,采取以反序方法,有助于正确进行构造古地理的恢复。对成层有序的浅变质砂岩、板岩必须摒弃传统做法.即按一个岩系的自然成因单元结构进行。通过对东昆仑中段构造构混杂岩的万保沟岩群研究,获得了洋岛地层序列的新认识,识别了东昆仑中三叠世希里可特组的存在。对巴颜喀拉山群作了许多新研究,对中新世地层取得丁重大发现,提出了青藏高原隆升的具体时间和一系列特点。  相似文献   

In this study, a number of typical precursory anomalies recorded by stations in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Hebei and Shaanxi provinces and autonomous regions before the M_S8.1 earthquake in the west of Kunlun Mountains Pass are collected and checked. According to the standards of earthquake cases in China, the criteria of the precursory anomalies are determined, and 53 distinguished. The characteristics of these anomalies before the M_S8.1 earthquake are analyzed, with results showing a very large earthquake affected area. The precursory anomalies recorded by instruments were 2900 km away from the epicenter, and according to the study in this paper, reached 2100 km away. The results also show that the anomalies present characteristics of long duration, multi-measurement items and large-amplitude variation. The authors believe that in large earthquake monitoring, attention should be paid to the variation of data over a large area, ranging up to thousands kilometers, with much denser earthquake observation networks.  相似文献   

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