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In the present paper certain analytical aspects of the separability of the three-dimensional Laplace's equation in Roche harmonics (cf. Kopal, 1969, 1970) are discussed. The intention is to provide a rigorous analytical basis for a further, more detailed investigation of the properties of Roche harmonics which will be developed more fully in subsequent communications. The arguments presented in this paper provide a generalization of some well known techniques in potential theory and as such can be shown to lead to a successively refinable approximation theory.  相似文献   

Kopal's analysis for Roche harmonics associated with the Roche model of a star, distorted by the tidal forces of a companion star, has been extended further to obtain the explicit expressions for Roche harmonics when terms up to second order of smallness in tidal effects are considered.On leave from University of Roorkee, Institute of Paper Technology, Saharampur (U.P.), India.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to prove that the system of partial differential equations, which define a set of curvilinear coordinates , , that are orthogonal to the Roche equipotentials (r, , ) incorporating the effects of both rotationaland tidal distortion, does not admit of any formal integrals; and can be solved only numerically in an asymptotic manner. This fact is related with analytic properties of the problem of three bodies, in which represents the potential.  相似文献   

We have analyzed two powerful correlation harmonics ( = 3and = 6) found in the correlation of the ILC WMAP signal with the submillimeter and infrared range data from the FSC IRAS and Planck catalogs. The mode phases of thesemultipoles were computed. In the spots we have found in the harmonics, the source counts were made from the NVSS, FIRST, FSC IRAS and Planck surveys. The correlation harmonic phases are close at different observational frequencies both for = 3and = 6.We do not exclude that a part of the weak signal in the ILCWMAP data, manifested in the strong correlation properties of the investigated multipoles may be due to extragalactic radiation sources.  相似文献   

The Fourier coefficients of the hydrodynamic variables are calculated for the limit-cycle models of classical Cepheids having periods from 7.2 to 10.9 days. In adiabatically pulsating layers of the stellar envelope, each Fourier harmonic of orderk 8 is shown to be identified with a corresponding standing wave, so that the pulsation motions of the adiabatic layers may be represented as a superposition of standing waves. Each Fourier harmonic of orderk may also be identified with the eigenfunction of orderl of the linear adiabatic wave equation when the resonance condition l /0 =k is fulfilled. The spectra of the oscillatory moment of inertia and the spectra of kinetic energy obey the power law for the Fourier harmonics of orderk 15, the spectrum slope being steeper for shorter pulsation periods. In the helium and hydrogen ionizing regions all of the Fourier harmonics drive the pulsation instability, whereas in the radiative damping region the mechanical work done by each Fourier harmonic is negative. In classical Cepheids having periods shorter than 10 days the period dependence of the secondary bump is due to phase changes of the second order Fourier harmonic in the outer nonadiabatic layers of the stellar envelope. At a pulsation period of II 9.7 days the second order Fourier harmonic is identified with the second overtone. At periods II > 10 days the second order Fourier harmonic tends to be attracted by the fundamental mode in such a way that their phases coincide in the outer layers of the stellar envelope.  相似文献   

Kopal (Adv. Astron. Astrophys., 9, 1, 1972) introduced the concept of Roche equipotentials to analyse the effects of rotational and tidal distortions in case of stars in binary systems. In this approach a mathematical expression for the potential of a star in a binary system is obtained by approximating its inner structure with Roche model. This expression for the potential has been used in subsequent analysis by various authors to analyse the problems of structures and oscillations of synchronous and nonsynchronus binary stars as well as single rotating stars. Occasionally, doubts have been expressed regarding the validity of the use of this approach for analysing nonsynchronous binaries and rotationally and tidally distorted single stars. In this paper we have tried to clarify these doubts.  相似文献   

In literature, there is no exact analytical solution available for determining the radius of Roche equipotential surfaces of distorted close binary systems in synchronous rotation. However, Kopal (Roche Model and Its Application to Close Binary Systems, Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, New York 1972) and Morris (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 106:154, 1994) have provided the approximate analytical solutions in the form of infinite mathematical series. These series expressions have been commonly used by various authors to determine the radius of the Roche equipotential surfaces, and hence the equilibrium structures of rotating stars and stars in the binary systems. However, numerical results obtained from these approximating series expressions are not very accurate. In the present paper, we have expanded these series expressions to higher orders so as to improve their accuracy. The objective of this paper is to check, whether, there is any effect on the accuracy of these series expressions when the terms of higher orders are considered. Our results show that in most of the cases these expanded series give better results than the earlier series. We have further used these expanded series to find numerically the volume radius of the Roche equipotential surfaces. The obtained results are in good agreement with the results available in literature. We have also presented simple and accurate approximating formulas to calculate the radius of the primary component in a close binary system. These formulas give very accurate results in a specified range of mass ratio.  相似文献   

The exact geometry of the Roche curvilinear coordinates (, , ) in which corresponds to the zero-velocity surfaces is investigated numerically in the plane, as well as in the spatial, case for various values of the mass-ratio between the two point-masses (m 1,m 2) constituting a binary system.The geometry of zero-velocity surfaces specified by -values at the Lagrangian points are first discussed by taking their intersections with various planes parallel to thexy-, xz- andyz-planes. The intersection of the zero-velocity surface specified by the -value at the Lagrangian equilateral-triangle pointsL 4,5 with the planex=1/2 discloses two invariable curves passing through the pointsL 4,5 and situated symmetrically with respect to thexy-plane whose form is independent of the mass-ratio.The geometry of the remaining two coordinates (, ) orthogonal to the zero-velocity surfaces is investigated in thexy- andxz-planes from extensive numerical integrations of differential equations generated from the orthogonality relations among the coordinates. The curves (x, y)=constant in thexy-plane are found to be separated into three families by definite envelopes acting as boundaries whose forms depend upon the mass-ratio only: the inner -constant curves associated with the masspointm 1, the inner -constant curves associated with the mass-pointm 2 and the outer -constant curves. All the -constant curves in thexy-plane coalesce at either of the Lagrangian equilateraltriangle pointsL 4,5, except for a limiting case coincident with thex-axis. The curves (x, z)=constant in thexz-plane are also separated by definite envelopes depending upon the mass-ratio into different families: the inner -constant curves associated with the mass-pointm 1, the inner -constant curves associated with the mass-pointm 2 and the outer -constant curves on both sides out of the envelopes. For larger values ofz, the curves =constant tend asymptotically to the line perpendicular to thex-axis and passing through the centre of mass of the system, except for a limiting case coincident with thex-axis. The geometrical aspects of the envelopes for the curves (x, y)=constant in thexy-plane and the curves (x, z)=constant in thexz-plane are also discussed independently.In the three-dimensional space, the Roche coordinates can be conveniently defined in such a way as to correspond to the polar coordinates in the immediate neighbourhood of the origin, and to the cylindrical coordinates at great distances. From numerical integrations of simultaneous differential equations generating spatial curves orthogonal to the zero-velocity surfaces, the surfaces (x, y, z)=constant and the surfaces (x, y, z)=constant are constructed as groups of such spatial curves with common values of some parameters specifying the respective surfaces.On leave of absence from the University of Tokyo as an Honorary Fellow of the Victoria University of Manchester.  相似文献   

The Roche Limit     
The role of tides in deforming and possibly disrupting a secondary body orbiting about a primary body has been known for a considerable time. This was first inspired by the observations of ocean tides on Earth and then seen as playing an important role in the formation and evolution of the Earth–Moon system. Finally, in the beginning of the 20th century it was generally thought to have a significant role in the formation of the solar system through the tidal disruption of the Sun. Here, an overview of the historical developments of the ideas concerned with tidal disruption of a secondary body that can lead to mass loss is given. Some discussion of possible extensions to consider more realistic situations where the secondary body may not be moving on a circular orbit and may not rotate so as to maintain the phase-on configuration to the primary body is also given.  相似文献   

The aim of the first part of this investigation will be to establish the explicit form of the linearized systems of differential equations governing arbitrary oscillations (of amplitudes small enough for their squares and higher powers to be negligible) of the rotating Roche model in Clairaut's coordinates (in which their radial component is identified with the total potential). By solving these equations in a closed form we shall prove that this model is incapable of performing such oscillations (for any type of symmetry) about equipotential surfaces representing the figures of equilibrium, as soon as the centrifugal force will cause their equilibrium form to depart from a sphere.In the second part of this paper we shall set up the closed forms of the Laplace equation in Clairaut (non-orthogonal) as well as Roche (orthogonal) coordinates associated with the rotating Roche model; and by a construction of their solution establish successively the explicit forms of the respective harmonic functions associated with such figures (as a generalization of Legendre functions which are similarly associated with a sphere.  相似文献   

The gravity potential of an arbitrary bodyT is expanded in a series of spherical harmonics and rigorous evaluations of the general termV n of the expansion are obtained. It is proved thatV n decreases on the sphere envelopingT according to the power law if the body structure is smooth. For a body with analytic structure,V n decreases in geometric progression. The exactness of these evaluations is proved for bodies having irregular and analytic structures. For the terrestrial planetsV n =O (n –5/2).
I I V n IV n I . . IV n I . I. IV n =O(n –5/2 )

Curvilinear coordinates in three dimensions associated with the Roche model distorted by centrifugal force alone constitute a Lamé family, of which one (-) coordinate can be defined by equipotential surfaces which are known in closed algebraic form; the other () becomes identical with the meridional planes of the rotationally distorted Roche model; while the third () then follows from the requirements of orthogonality to the others. The explicit form of such coordinates in terms of the polar or cartesian systems has already been established by the author (Kopal, 1970) correctly to quantities of the first order in superficial distortion of the respective Roche model. In the present paper this latter restriction on accuracy will be removed, and expressions constructed for the -coordinate in the form of infinite series which are exact and converge rapidly for any distortion below that which entails equatorial break-up.  相似文献   

The concept of Roche equipotentials has been frequently used in literature to study the problems of rotating stars and stars in binary systems. However in spite of using this simplifying concept, it is still not possible to express the position of a point in the potential field of such a system in a closed analytic form. In order to carry out further analytic studies, Kopal (Adv. Astron. Astrophys. 9:1–65, 1972), therefore, developed a series expansion for it. The series expansion of Kopal has often been used in the analysis of the problem of equilibrium structure and the periods of oscillations of rotating stars and stars in binary systems, but its validity and convergence has not been analytically established. It is important that this aspect of the problem is checked so that one is sure of the correctness of subsequent analysis and results based on this series expansion. In the present brief note, we have addressed ourselves to this problem and validated the correctness of the numerical results obtained through the use of this series expansion.  相似文献   

With the Hamiltonian parameters developed for the two-fixed-centers problem a simple and very accurate expression of the quasi-integral can be given for the motion of artificial satellites perturbed by the Earth's zonal harmonics. This motion can be considered as integrable.A theoretical analysis shows that Hénon's semi-ergodic regions or chaotic regions are extremely small in this problem, and almost all orbits are of the regular or quasi-periodic type. Furthermore, the relative difference between the true motion and the corresponding integrable motion remains forever less than 10–14 for all regular orbits even in the vicinity of critical inclinations.For chaotic orbits this very small difference remains verified at least for centuries, nevertheless there are some exceptional orbits that finally diverge from the integrable model.  相似文献   

In this note a simple formula is given for the perturbation of the anomalistic period of a highly eccentric orbit due to the zonal harmonics. This perturbation depends essentially only on the semi-major axisa, the eccentricitye (or pericentre radius r =a(1-e)) and the latitude of the pericentre.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to extend the methods of our previous investigations (Kopal, 1980, 1987) by employing the Clairaut coordinates (in which the radial component is identified with the total potential) to analyze the nature of small oscillations about the equilibrium form of Roche double-star model (identical, in fact, with zero-velocity surfaces of the restricted problem of three bodies).Linearized equations of this problem have been set up in Clairaut coordinates, and solved in a closed form. This solution turns out to be closely analogous to that obtained already for the rotating single-star Roche model, and discloses that (like in the preceding case) the terms secular in time appear already in the linear approximation. However, whether or not a retention of nonlinear terms in the equations of motion can regain secular stability of the respective configurations remains yet to be clarified by future investigations.  相似文献   

Nonradial oscillations of certain models of the generalized Roche series have been investigated numerically to further understand the nature of the eigen-values and the eigen-functions of the modes of nonradial oscillations of stellar models.  相似文献   

A modified Roche potential which incorporates the effects of radiation pressure due to one component of a binary system is mathematically explored. In some cases, the resulting potentials do not exhibit the familiar contact surfaces of the classical Roche potential. The concept of a contact surface, which has been fundamental to the investigations of close binary systems, must be used with discretion for close binaries in which one component is very luminous. A convenient criterion for the existence of a contact surface is given by (1-μ) ? 3δc 3/2 \((1 - 2(\tfrac{2}{3})^4 \delta _c )\) , (δc?1) where μ is the mass of the very luminous star in terms of the system mass. For systems of given μ, no contact surface exists if δ is greater than δc where δ is the ratio of radiation pressure force to gravitational attraction. Furthermore, energy considerations of the modified Roche potential indicate that binary systems with δ < δc should have a greater tendency to form rings than those with δ < δc.  相似文献   

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