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The 1998 Demographic Trends Survey represents a snapshot of the astronomical community as it was in February 1998. On the positive side, there was a modest increase in the number of permanent academics in university positions over the five years covered by the survey. However, the survey also highlights several areas of concern. These include: the tension between the expansion in the university research groups on the one hand, and the decrease in PPARC funding for central facilities and grants on the other; the significant fall in the numbers of permanent technical staff in the universities; the lack of women in permanent and senior positions in UK astronomy; and the overall poor job prospects in astronomy for recent PhD students and postdocs.
Clive Tadhunter reports on the state of astronomy in the UK.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2009,50(5):5.29-5.31
M eeting report The interaction between archaeology and astronomy has a long, tangled and not entirely creditable history, marred by misunderstandings on both sides. But statistics and cultural awareness are bringing a better picture of how and why lasting monuments such as Stonehenge were built. Sue Bowler reports on a joint meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Prehistoric Society, held at Jodrell Bank on 17 July 2009.  相似文献   

Pro-Am astronomy     
The long history of close collaboration between amateur and professional in astronomy continued with an RAS discussion meeting held in September. Margaret Penston reports on the lively and enthusiastic discussion.  相似文献   

Samuel Pepys' Diary of the 1660s is a rich record of the science of the time. Pepys was a Fellow of the Royal Society and met or corresponded with many leading scientists and astronomers as David Wright explains.  相似文献   

Ken Barker puts forward an idea that may have a place in astrophysical modelling.
Torus structures that roll and orbit the centre of mass can produce a family of nested, almost elliptical orbits. These orbits, with the centre of mass at one focus, have a range of eccentricities and are inclined to the principal plane of the torus. Individual orbiting particles have an "anti-collision feature" from the nature of the rolling torus. In turn, because the torus can be regarded as a family of nested elliptical orbits, it rolls without needing any additional force. The system is acted upon only by central gravitational attraction and has low dissipation and a long lifetime.  相似文献   

David A Williams, Wendy A Brown, Stephen D Price, Jonathan M C Rawlings and Serena Viti of University College London review how far experimental work on molecular synthesis can be applied to the interstellar medium – and how it is becoming a tool for the understanding of astrophysical processes.  相似文献   

A two-day discussion meeting on the latest developments in X-ray astronomy was held on 19 and 20 February 2002 at the Royal Society, organized by Roger Blandford, Andy Fabian and Ken Pounds. Ian Carstairs reports.  相似文献   

Jocelyn Bell Burnell ponders the achievements and status of women in astronomy, past, present and future.  相似文献   

Alex Ellery reviews current and forthcoming applications of robotics in the development and performance of astronomical and space instruments.  相似文献   

Ragbir Bhathal reports on the ambitious plans of Australian astronomers to keep Australian astronomy competitive on the international scene for the next decade and beyond.  相似文献   

Mike Edmunds summarizes an exciting and inspiring RAS Discussion Meeting which looked forward to the new world of powerful astronomical instruments that are becoming available to UK researchers, through GEMINI and ESO.  相似文献   

In his Address for 2006, RAS President Michael Rowan-Robinson examines the development of the terahertz waveband: submillimetre and far-infrared astronomy.  相似文献   

Gary Poyner and Roger Pickard report on the Joint Royal Astronomical Society/British Astronomy Association Professional-Amateur Meeting on explosive and variable stars held in Cambridge in January 2002.  相似文献   

James Hough describes the importance of polarimetry to astronomers – and the need to ensure that this key tool remains available at future telescopes.  相似文献   

Ever wanted to give school students or the public a closer look at the stars, without worrying about the vagaries of the UK weather? Paul Roche and Rachel Dodds from the Faulkes Telescope Project explain how you can do just that – without even leaving the classroom!  相似文献   

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