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Recent high resolution, high incidence angle Arecibo radar images of southern Ishtar Terra and flanking plains of Guinevere and Sedna on Venus reveal details of topographic features resolved by Pioneer Venus. The high incidence angles of Arecibo images favor the detection of surface roughness-related features, and complement recently obtained low incidence angle Venera 15/16 images in which changes in surface topographic slope are well portrayed. Four provinces have been defined on the basis of radar characteristics in Arecibo images and topography. Volcanism and tectonism are the dominant processes in the mapped area, which has an average age of about 0.5–1.0 billion years (Ivanov et al., 1986). These processes vary in relative significance in the mapped provinces and it is likely that geologic activity has occurred simultaneously in all four provinces. On the basis of stratigraphic evidence, however, a general sequence is proposed which represents the major activity in each area. The low predominantly volcanic plains of Guinevere and Sedna Planitiae are the relatively oldest terrain. A major region of complex tectonic deformation, the Southern Ishtar Transition Zone, postdates much of the low plains and delineates the steep-sloped flanks of Ishtar Terra. Lakshmi Planum is characterized by a distinctive volcanic style (large low edifices, calderas, flanking plains) and at least in part postdates the Southern Ishtar Transition Zone. Relatively recent plains-style volcanism occurs locally in Sedna Planitia and embays the Southern Ishtar Transition Zone. Compressional deformation appears to dominate the mountains of the Ishtar plateau, but the nature of the tectonic deformation in the Southern Ishtar Transition Zone is very complex and likely represents a combination of extension, compression and strikeslip deformation. Arecibo data reveal additional coronae in the lowlands, suggesting that corona formation is an even more widespread process than indicated by the Venera data.  相似文献   

New radar images (resolution 1.5–2.0 km) obtained from the Arecibo Observatory are used to assess the geology of a portion of the equatorial region of Venus (1 S to 45 N and from 270 eastward to 30). Nine geologic units are mapped on the basis of their radar characteristics and their distribution and correspondences with topography are examined. Plains are the most abundant unit, make up 80%; of the area imaged, and are divided into bright, dark, and mottled. Mottled plains contain abundant lava flows and domes suggesting that volcanism forming plains is a significant process in the equatorial region of Venus. Tesserae are found primarily on Beta Regio and its eastern flank and are interpreted to be locally stratigraphically older units, predating episodes of faulting and plains formation. Isolated regions of tesserae concentrated to the north of Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to predate the formation of plains in this area. The volcanoes Sif Mons, Gula Mons, Sappho, Theia Mons, and Rhea Mons, are found exclusively in highland regions and their deposits are interpreted as contributing only a small percentage to the overall volume of the regional topography. The northern 15 of the image data overlap with Venera 15/16 images making it possible to examine the characteristics of geologic units mapped under various illumination directions and incidence angles. Surface panoramas and geochemical data obtained from Venera landers provide ground truth for map units, evidence that plains are made up of basaltic lava flows, and that linear deformation zones contain abundant blocks and cobbles. On the basis of spatial and temporal relationships between geologic units, the highlands of Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to have formed in association with areas of mantle upwelling which uplift plains, cause rifting, and in the case of Beta Regio, disrupt a large region of tessera. Zones of linear belt deformation in Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to be extensional and indicate that at least limited extension has occurred in both regions. The images reveal for the first time that southern Devana Chasma is a region of overlapping rift valleys separated by a distance of 600 km. Linear deformation zones in Guinevere Planitia, separating Beta Regio and Eistla Regio, converge at a region of ovoids forming a discontinuous zone of disruption and completes an equatorial encompassing network of highlands and tectonic features. The similarity between ovoids and coronae suggests a mechanism of formation associated with hotspots or mantle plumes. Analysis of the distribution and density of impact craters suggests a surface age for this part of the planet similar to or slightly less than that determined for the northern high latitudes from Venera 15/16 data (0.3 to 1.5 by) and comparable to that calculated for the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Various tectonic structures to the south and southeast of Ishtar Terra indicate areal stresses. Compression from east-southeast against Ishtar Terra has resulted in ridge belt formation and surface bending at Salme Dorsa, probably along the seam between two crustal units. En echelon fault zone indicates dextral strike-slip shear(s) resulted in the westward movement of planitia crust related to Ishtar Terra. Meshkenet Tessera displays differential dextral strike-slip faulting where the southernmost bar-like blocks have had largest relative movements. Compression against Tusholi Corona has resulted in foreland surface bending similar to that of Salme Dorsa. The tectonic zone as a whole resembles a dextral transform fault extending from a concave arc in the west to another concave arc in the east. The Cytherean surface, crust or uppermost lithosphere seems to be able to transmit stresses over distances. Deeper understanding of these processes is needed to gain a new idea of the crustal deformation on terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the Venus atmosphere, made by the entry probes Venera 4, 5, 6, and 7, and data from the Mariner 5 flyby, have provided essentially new and reliable information and have powerfully contributed to our understanding of the nearest planet. The abundances of the principal atmospheric constituents and the temperature and pressure profiles down to the Venus surface were obtained for the first time. It was shown that the atmosphere is composed primarily of CO2 and that N2 (if any) and H2O are relatively minor admixtures. In the region of the Venera 7 landing, the temperature and pressure at the Venus surface were established as equal to 747 ± 20°K and 90 ± 15 kgcm−2. Space vehicles have also provided limited but quite important information on the physical properties of the Venus upper atmosphere and ionosphere, and on the interaction of the planet with the interplanetary environment. The main characteristics of the Venus atmosphere are discussed here with emphasis on the Venera results, including instrumentation, data processing, and altitude profiles.  相似文献   

On Venus, present evidence indicates a crust of predominantly basaltic composition and a relatively young average age for the surface (several hundreds of millions of years). Estimates of crustal thickness from several approaches suggest an average crustal thickness of 10–20 km for much of the lowlands and rolling plains and a total volume of crust of about 1 × 1010 km3, approximately comparable to the present crustal volume of the Earth (1.02 × 1010 km3). The Earth's oceanic crust is thought to have been recycled at least 10–20 times over Earth history. The near-coincidence in present crustal volumes for the Earth and Venus suggests that either: (1) the presently observed crust of Venus represents the total volume that has accumulated over the history of the planet and that crustal production rates are thus very low, or (2) that crustal production rates are higher and that there is a large volume of missing crust unaccounted for on Venus which may have been lost by processes of crustal recycling.Known processes of crustal formation and thickening (impact-related magma ocean, vertical differentiation, and crustal spreading) are reviewed and are used as a guide to assess regional geologic evidence for the importance of these processes on Venus. Geologic evidence for variations in crustal thickness on Venus (range and frequency distribution of topography, regional slopes, etc.) are outlined. The hypothesis that the topography of Venus could result solely from crustal thickness variations is assessed and tested as an end-member hypothesis. A map of crustal thickness distribution is compiled on the basis of a simple model of Airy isostasy and global Venus topography. An assessment is then made of the significance of crustal thickness variations in explaining the topography of Venus. It is found that the distinctive unimodal hypsometric curve could be explained by: (1) a crust of relatively uniform thickness (most likely 10–20 km thick) comprising over 75% of the surface, (2) local plateaus (tessera) of thickened crust (about 20–30 km) forming less than 15% of the surface, (3) regions of apparent crustal thicknesses of 30–50 km (Beta, Ovda, Thetis, Atla Regiones and Western Ishtar Terra) forming less than 10% of the surface and showing some geologic evidence of crustal thickening processes (these areas can be explained on the basis of geologic observations and gravity data as combinations of thermal effects and crustal thickening), and (4) areas in which Airy isostasy predicts crustal thicknesses in excess of 50 km (the linear orogenic belts of Western Ishtar Terra, less than 1% of the surface).It is concluded that Venus hypsometry can be reasonably explained by a global crust of generally similar thickness with variations in topography being related to (1) crustal thickening processes (orogenic belts and plateau formation) and (2) local variations in the thermal structure (spatially varying thermal expansion in response to spatially varying heat flow). The most likely candidates for the formation and evolution of the crust are vertical differentiation and/or lateral crustal spreading processes. The small average crustal thickness (10–20 km) and the relatively small present crustal volume suggest that if vertical crustal growth processes are the dominant mechanism of crustal growth, than vertical growth has not commonly proceeded to the point where recycling by basal melting or density inversion will occur, and that therefore, rates of crustal production must have been much lower in the past than in recent history. Crustal spreading processes provide a mechanism for crustal formation and evolution that is consistent with observed crustal thicknesses. Crustal spreading processes would be characterized by higher (perhaps more Earth-like) crustal production rates than would characterize vertical differentiation processes, and crust created earlier in the history of Venus and not now observed (missing crust) would be accounted for by loss of crust through recycling processes. Lateral crustal spreading processes for the formation and evolution of the crust of Venus are interpreted to be consistent with many of the observations derived from presently available data. Resurfacing through vertical differentiation processes also clearly occurs, and if it is the major contributor to the total volume of the crust, then very low resurfacing rates are required.Although thermal effects on topography are clearly present and important on both Venus and the Earth, the major difference between the hypsometric curves on Earth (bimodal) and Venus (unimodal) is attributed primarily to the contrast in relative average thickness of the crust between the two terrains on Earth (continental/oceanic; 40/5 km = 35 km, 8:1) and Venus (upland plateaus/lowlands; about 30/15 km = 15 km, 2:1) (35 – 20 km = a difference of 20 km). The Venus unimodal distribution is thus attributed primarily to the large percentage of terrain with relatively uniform crustal thickness, with the skewness toward higher elevations due to the relatively small percentage of crust that is thickened by only about a factor of two. The Earth, in contrast, has a larger percentage of highlands (continents), whose crust is thicker by a factor of eight, on the average, leading to the distinctive bimodal hypsometric curve.Data necessary to firmly establish the dominant type of crustal formation and thickening processes operating and to determine the exact proportion of the topography of Venus that is due to thermal effects versus crustal thickness variations include: (1) global imaging data (to determine the age of the surface, the distribution and age of regions of high heat flux, and evidence for the nature and global distribution of processes of crustal formation and crustal loss), and (2) high resolution global gravity and topography data (to model crustal thickness variations and thermal contributions and to test various hypotheses of crustal growth).'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Analyzing the tectonics of planets and their satellites we use all the information available from the studies of the Earth and other celestial bodies such as the Moon, Mars and Mercury. An important condition in such analysis is naturally the scale of the phenomena compared. Most surface structures of Venus are known to have no direct analogues on the surface of the present Earth, with its global systems of mid-oceanic ridges, deep trenches and vast lithospheric plates. This might be due to the sharp differences in the present thermal regimes of the Earth and Venus. It has already been suggested in numerous papers that the key to the genesis of the Cytherean surficial structures must be looked for in the geodynamics of the Early Precambrian Earth.Such an approach appears very logical indeed since the rheology of the present Cytherean crust must be closer to that of the Precambrian rigid lithosphere of the Earth which is as if floating in the low-viscous asthenosphere. An attempt has therefore been made to evaluate certain elements in the tectonics of Venus through the theological properties of its crust comparing structural formation in the low-viscous layers of the Earth crust in the Early Precambrian with data on the morphology of structures on the surface of Venus.  相似文献   

New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   

The Venera 8 descent module measured pressure, temperature, winds and illumination as a function of altitude in its landing on July 22, 1972, just beyond the terminator in the illuminated hemisphere of Venus. The surface temperature and pressure is 741 ± 7°K and 93 ± 1.5kgcm?2, consistent with early Venera observations and showing either no diurnal variation or insignificant diurnal variation in temperature and pressure in the vicinity of the morning terminator. The atmosphere is adiabatic down to the surface. The horizontal wind speed is low near the surface, about 35m/sec between 20 and 40km altitude, and increasing rapidly above 48km altitude to 100–140m/sec, consistent with the 4-day retrograde rotation of the ultraviolet clouds. The illumination at the center of the day hemisphere of Venus is calculated to be about 1% of the solar flux at the top of the atmosphere, consistent with greenhouse models and high enough to permit photography of the Venus surface by future missions. The attenuation below 35km altitude is explained by Rayleigh scattering with no atmospheric aerosols; above 35km there must be substantial extinction of incident light.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to estimate the possible composition of the tessera material on the basis of an interpretation of the morphology of the tessera precursor terrain. The results of detailed photogeologic analysis of tessera are presented. For the study, 56 randomly chosen areas that characterize the surface of large and small tessera massifs were selected. Each area represents a portion of the F-MAP photomosaics acquired at a 75 m/px resolution. The results of this study show that the tessera precursor terrain appears everywhere as plains. In its morphology, these plains are similar to the plains outside the tessera massifs. An overview of all possible mechanisms of the formation of plains on Venus and comparison of these mechanisms with the data of the chemical measurements on the surface of Venus suggests that the Venusian plains were formed as a result of the emplacement of low-viscous basaltic lava. This rather well-known conclusion is made here for the first time in order to estimate the possible composition of the tessera material. Thus, it is likely that the composition of the tessera precursor plains is similar to the composition of the basaltic plains on Venus. The products of posttessera volcanism in the form of morphologically smooth plains commonly occur within the tessera terrains. Morphologically, these plains are similar to the regional Venusian plains, which strongly suggests a basaltic composition of such plains. There are only two volcanic flows within the whole tessera terrain on Venus whose morphology permits one to interpret them as a manifestation of nonbasaltic, more siliceous volcanism. This means that the material of the regional tessera-bearing highlands very rarely responded to the thermal influence from below by siliceous volcanism. If some hypothetical granitelike material makes up the main portion of the tessera highlands, this material remains hidden. Therefore, the hypothesis of the granitelike bulk composition of the tessera highlands has little support from observations. At the current stage of the study of Venus, a model in which tessera highlands are composed predominantly of basalt with a possible, but insignificant component of more siliceous material is thought to be correct.  相似文献   

We discuss a change in the resurfacing regimes of Venus and probable ways of forming the terrain types that make up the surface of the planet. The interpretation of the nature of the terrain types and their morphologic features allows us to characterize their scientific priority and the risk of landing on their surface to be estimated. From the scientific point of view, two terrain types are of special interest and represent easily achievable targets: the lower unit of regional plains and the smooth plains associated with impact craters. Regional plains are probably a melting from the upper fertile mantle. The material of smooth plains of impact origin is a well-mixed and representative sample of the Venusian crust. The lower unit of regional plains is the most widespread one on the surface of Venus, and it occurs within the boundaries of all of the precalculated approach trajectories of the lander. Smooth plains of impact origin are crossed by the approach trajectories precalculated for 2018 and 2026.  相似文献   

We analyze night-time near-infrared (NIR) thermal emission images of the Venus surface obtained with the 1-μm channel of the Venus Monitoring Camera onboard Venus Express. Comparison with the results of the Magellan radar survey and the model NIR images of the Beta-Phoebe region show that the night-time VMC images provide reliable information on spatial variations of the NIR surface emission. In this paper we consider if tessera terrain has the different NIR emissivity (and thus mineralogic composition) in comparison to the surrounding basaltic plains. This is done through the study of an area SW of Beta Regio where there is a massif of tessera terrain, Chimon-mana Tessera, surrounded by supposedly basaltic plains. Our analysis showed that 1-μm emissivity of tessera surface material is by 15–35% lower than that of relatively fresh supposedly basaltic lavas of plains and volcanic edifices. This is consistent with hypothesis that the tessera material is not basaltic, maybe felsic, that is in agreement with the results of analyses of VEX VIRTIS and Galileo NIMS data. If the felsic nature of venusian tesserae will be confirmed in further studies this may have important implications on geochemical environments in early history of Venus. We have found that the surface materials of plains in the study area are very variegated in their 1-μm emissivity, which probably reflects variability of degree of their chemical weathering. We have also found a possible decrease of the calculated emissivity at the top of Tuulikki Mons volcano which, if real, may be due to different (more felsic?) composition of volcanic products on the volcano summit.  相似文献   

Approximately 22,000 small domes have been identified on the 25% of the surface of Venus imaged by Venera 15/16. The word dome is used to imply a broad, lens-shaped, positive topographic feature. The domes: (1) are generally circular in planimetric outline; (2) range in diameter from the effective limit of Venera resolution (2 km) to 20 km; (3) show flank slopes generally 10 ° and possibly 5 °; and (4) occur in association with mottled plains units. Associated features include summit pits, radar bright surfaces, and basal topographic platforms. There are two significant areas of major dome concentrations approximately 180 ° in longitude apart: (1) the largest concentration occurs in the Akkruva Colles area of Niobe Planitia, centered at approximately 45 ° N/120 ° E, just north of the flanks of the Thetis Regio rise; and (2) another concentration occurs in northwestern Guinevere Planitia, centered at approximately 35 ° N/300 ° E, on the north flank of the Beta Regio rise. In addition to these major areas of concentrations, domes occur in smaller concenrations throughout the imaged area of Venus, in association with coronae, arachnoids, intermediate sized hills interpreted to be volcanic constructs, large volcanic centers and calderas. The characteristics and geologic associations of small domes are consistent with an interpretation of their origin as volcanic, and on the basis of their low slopes, individual characteristics, and geologic associations they are interpreted to represent dominantly effusive low shield volcanoes. The large number of small domes implies a large number of multiple centralized eruptions, each one of which represents a discrete, relatively small, volume of material available to build an edifice over a finite time period. Calculated modal volume is 0.73 km3 for individual edifices. Based on the number identified by Venera, the total number of small domes estimated for the entire planet 4.4 × 106 and total edifice volume over the entire planet represents a minimum volume equivalent to a layer approximately 7 m thick over the planet and representing 0.03% of the estimated crustal volume of Venus. In absolute number, size range, and distribution they appear to be similar to terrestrial oceanic seamounts. The global abundance and distribution, size frequency distribution, minimum size, and changes in these characteristics with latitude for the domes will be particularly important in understanding the way in which the domes form and their relationship to global models of tectonism and heat flow on Venus. Increased spatial resolution and coverage from Magellan data will enable a more thorough assessment of these features and associated questions, particularly where radar incidence angles are 15 °.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus radar data has provided images (resolution 20- to 40-km) of approximately 50% of the total surface of Venus in a band between 45 ° N to 15 ° S. These data are used to map the broad radar characteristics of the equatorial region on the basis of radar brightness and texture. Seven radar units are defined and are used to assess the geologic character of the equatorial region. These units fall into two distinct classes, those that are radar-bright (35% of the equatorial region) which correspond to highlands and zones of intense tectonic deformation, and radar-dark units, corresponding primarily to plains (65% of the equatorial region). The correspondence between features in the 15 ° region of overlap between the Pioneer Venus and Venera 15/16 images is examined and used to extend units mapped in the northern high latitudes into the equatorial region. On the basis of the distribution of the radar units, properties of RMS slope, reflectivity, the scattering behavior of the surface, and topographic signature, seven physiographic units are mapped in the equatorial region and are identified by increasing complexity as plains (undivided), dark halo plains, upland rises, upland plateaus, interhighland tectonic zones, tectonically segmented linear highlands, and tectonic junctions. The physiographic units are distributed in a nearly continuous interconnecting zone of volcanic rises and tectonic features that extends for nearly 360 ° around the equator of the planet. The distribution of large circular structures interpreted as coronae is also examined and it is concluded that the abundances of the largest structures, diameters greater than 500 km, is less than in the northern high latitudes with a notable absence of smaller coronae. The absence of small coronae may be due to the resolution limit of the Pioneer Venus data since analyses of higher resolution Arecibo and Goldstone imagery suggests that a number of corona-like features not identified in the PV data are present.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

M.V. Keldysh 《Icarus》1977,30(4):605-625
In October 1975 the Venera 9 and 10 space vehicles reached Venus. Two landers separated from the spacecraft and soft-landed on the illuminated side of the planet while their remaining orbiters were inserted into highly elliptical orbits, with pericenters at about 7600 km. These flights became a very important step in the Soviet program of Venus exploration. For the first time two panoramas of the Venus surface were returned to the Earth. Both landers and orbiters were equipped with various scientific instruments for studying the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere, physical properties and structure of the clouds, light attenuation in the atmosphere and illumination properties of the surface at the landing sites, and the composition, structure, and interaction processes in the Venus upper atmosphere and environment. The experiments were of complex character due to the simultaneous measurements from landers and orbiters, while the orbiters delivered very important information provided by systematic observations of the planet with great time and space coverage. In this report the principal characteristics of the flights, construction of the spacecraft, instrumentation, and scheme of landing on the surface are described. The preliminary results of the measurements obtained and their tentative interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

While low level shield volcanoes have formed on Venus, major volcanic structure formation in Ishtar Terra has been restricted to caldera formation. It is possible that the combination of compression tectonics and crustal thickening inhibits the amount of magma which reaches the surface in Ishtar Terra. In certain situations, coronae on Venus may form as undeveloped volcanic structures due to restricted magma rise in thick crustal areas.  相似文献   

In anticipation of MAGELLAN data on the Venera 8 and Venera 13 geologic-tectonic settings, I have restudied the possible terrestrial chemical counterparts of the materials at these landing sites on the basis of the most recent terrestrial geochemical data. My results indicate that the primitive mafic composition of the Venera 13 material is quite dissimilar to the inferred evolved intermediate composition of the Venera 8 material, suggesting the existence of continental crust on Venus.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Dynamical evolution of the rotation of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By considering the torque of the bodily tides, the effect of the core-mantle viscous coupling and the torque of the atmospheric tides have been obtained by numerical calculation: the evolution of the spin angular velocity and the obliquity of the Venus are calculated numerically with the step-variable Runge-Kutta method of 7th order; and 7 sets of the probable Cytherean spin evolution have been obtained. It is indicated that the present spin state of Venus is the result of long-term evolution within the reasonable ranges of some disposable parameters. The early spin period is between 7 h to 2 d and the corresponding obliquity is about 90 ° ~ 100 °. The effects of the torques of body and atmospheric tides and the core-mantle viscous coupling of Venus on its spin angular velocity could nearly cancel out each other about a billion years ago. Therefore, Venus could have been captured in a spin-orbit resonant state by the gravitational torque of the Earth on the permanent deformation part of Venus; and this resonant state has lasted up to the present time.  相似文献   

A gamma ray spectrometer recording on the surface of Venus from Venera 8 reveals a content of radioactive potassium, uranium, and thorium very similar to acid magmatic rocks on the Earth. Venus is evidently a differentiated planet.  相似文献   

The following parameters have been computed for the Cytherean atmosphere: pressure, density, speed of sound, collisional frequency, column mass, density scale, mean-free-path, viscosity, pressure scale, mean particle velocity, number density at an altitude from 0 to 170 km.The chemical composition, the temperature distribution function of the altitude, the surface pressure and the surface temperature measured by Pioneer Venus have been used as input data for these computations.  相似文献   

Radio emissions attributed to lightning on Venus have been recorded by Venera 11 and 12 and by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. The Venera descent records are compared to patterns of radio propagation within the Venusian atmosphere and an explanation is found for some timing trends that, if correct, indicates the lightning was below 33 km in altitude.  相似文献   

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