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马睿  张晓帆  陈川 《遥感学报》2015,19(2):195-208
本文运用ASTER遥感数据识别与提取新疆南天山铜花山地区蛇绿混杂岩带岩性信息。首先,利用比值法快速区别岩性,并比较了识别同一种岩性的不同指数的性能;然后,将对数残差算法应用在ASTER数据的短波红外波段上,在区域尺度上把蛇绿岩杂岩体同围岩区分开来;最后,运用标准光谱数据和光谱角填图法识别出多种蛇绿岩成分及其空间分布。现有地质图和野外验证反映出该方法有一定效果。利用混淆矩阵对光谱角填图法分类结果定量评价,结果表明,把ASTER的可见光-近红外、短波红外波段数据结合在一起进行岩性分类,可以达到比单独用短波红外数据分类更高的分类精度。  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphological mapping in Varaha River Basin (VRB) was carried out to develop relationship between groundwater condition and geomophology of the area. The VRB is located in the north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh is characterised by variability in precipitation, temperature, vegetation, infiltration and run-off. Realising the significance of remote sensing in natural resource management and development, IRS 1A data was used in the study. It is inferred that various hydrogeomorphological units identified in the study area, are the outcome of different geomorphic processes that have been operating in the area and reveal which close relationship between groundwater condition and geology and geomorphol-ogy of the area. Areas covered by buried channels have shallow aquifers of good quality wa-ter with excellent yield. Lineaments and fractures may prove to be potential zones for ground-water development.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to introduce the role of earth observation technology and a type of digital earth processing in mineral resources exploration and assessment. The sub-pixel distribution and quantity of alteration minerals were mapped using linear spectral unmixing (LSU) and mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF) algorithms in the Sarduiyeh area, SE Kerman, Iran, using the visible-near infrared (VNIR) and short wave infrared (SWIR) bands of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument and the results were compared to evaluate the efficiency of methods. Three groups of alteration minerals were identified: (1) pyrophylite-alunite (2) sericite-kaolinite, and (3) chlorite-calcite-epidote. Results showed that high abundances within pixels were successfully corresponded to the alteration zones. In addition, a number of unreported altered areas were identified. Field observations and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of field samples confirmed the dominant mineral phases identified remotely. Results of LSU and MTMF were generally similar with overall accuracy of 82.9 and 90.24%, respectively. It is concluded that LSU and MTMF are suitable for sub-pixel mapping of alteration minerals and when the purpose is identification of particular targets, rather than all the elements in the scene, the MTMF algorithm could be proposed.  相似文献   


Geological mapping is one of the primary tasks of remote sensing. Remote sensing applications are especially useful when extreme environmental conditions inhibit direct survey such as in Antarctica. In this investigation, a satellite-based remote sensing approach was used for mapping alteration mineral zones and lithological units using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data in the Oscar II coast area, north-eastern Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Specialized band ratios and band combinations were developed using visible and near infrared, shortwave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared spectral bands of ASTER for detecting alteration mineral assemblages and lithological units in Antarctic environments. Constrained Energy Minimization, Orthogonal Subspace Projection and Adaptive Coherence Estimator algorithms were tested to ASTER SWIR bands for detecting sub-pixels’ abundance of spectral features related to muscovite, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, epidote, chlorite and biotite. Results indicate valuable applicability of ASTER data for Antarctic geological mapping.  相似文献   

The Ahar area is located in East Azarbaijan province, and covers an area of about 2,500 km2. Spectral mapping techniques were applied on VNIR and SWIR of ASTER data for discriminating between hydrothermal alteration zones and the identification of high potential mineralized lithological unit associated with hydrothermal porphyry copper mineralization in the Ahar. In this research to remove atmospheric and topographic effects from ASTER data, the log-residual method (LRM) was used. Four methods, Relative Band Depth Ratios (RBD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) and matched filtering (MF), were used to processing and interpretation of remote sensing data in the study area. Results show that ASTER images provide preliminary mineralogy information and geo-referenced alteration maps at low cost and with high accuracy for reconnaissance porphyry copper mineralizations.  相似文献   


Spaceborne multispectral measurements have been found very useful tool in delineating soilscape boundaries. The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS 1B) Linear Imaging Self‐scanning Sensor (LISS‐II) data in the form of false colour composite (FCC) prints at 1:50,000 scale covering part of a complex terrain ‐ hard rock intermixed with the alluvium, were interpreted visually for mapping soil resources. The physiography and lithology of the terrain have been found to have a direct bearing on the occurrence of soils. The image elements which are the reflection of surface drainage, land use/land cover, wetness, etc have been helpful in segregating the broad physiographic units into their components. These sub‐divisions were ultimately found to be associated with the characteristic soils. The methodology and results are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Earthquakes cause huge loss of lives and infrastructure every year in Iran. Many settlement areas (urban & rural) as well as Tehran, the capital city of Iran are located in the hazardous area. This research deals with the earthquake risk assessment and mapping based on recent remote sensing information on a GIS platform. The study area is part of Central Alborz in southern Caspian Sea and north of capital city of Tehran called Marzanabad area. It is a potentially high-risk zone as several earthquakes have occurred in the past. The study’s main objective is to develop an Earthquake Risk Map at the scale of 1:25,000 to identify high-risk zone and vulnerability areas to the settlements and infrastructure of area. Digital lineaments wear extraction and analysis for identification the faults using several RADAR and optical images with spatial analysis techniques. The probable faults were detected by superimposition of the lithological and geomorphologic features and their variance over the lineaments in a GIS environment. This research work involved fault identification on the remote sensed dataset as well as field studies and the risky areas were classified in the vicinity of the faults by applying different buffer with specifying distance of the source/site of risk to fault location. Statistical analysis of Earthquake Risk Map (ERM) by GIS indicated that 32% of the total area with about 66% of settlements and 52% of population is located in strongly high-risk and high-risk zone. Moderately low risk and low risk zones cover 38.67% of total area, which is free of settlements as well as population. The Earthquake map elaborated in this research work will be a useful tool for disaster management as well as urban and regional planning of future activities in the area.  相似文献   

运用WorldView-2全像素融合图像,在三叠纪巴颜喀拉山群复理石地层分布的新疆西昆仑地区,进行岩层及细微构造的判读,可区分出大量岩性单元。在南北向应力挤压作用下,巴颜喀拉山岩群的中上部构造层发生了弹塑性纵弯曲变形,并以复式紧闭倾竖褶皱的形式表现出来,形成大量平行轴线、轴面,这一地质现象在高分遥感影像上清晰显示。不通过影像的俯视观察,很难在地面调查中掌握其地层真实厚度,一般会使地层剖面测量厚度呈几何级尺度放大,并通过实验佐证了高分遥感地质调查结果。可以看出,复理石岩层的厚度受各种构造样式控制,可通过高分数据进行详细调查。  相似文献   

Moraine-dammed lakes are normally formed near glacier terminus. These lakes can burst due to excessive melting and can cause floods in the valleys. Many such floods have been reported in the Himalayas and other parts of the World. In this paper, an inventory of these lakes in the Satluj and the Chenab basins has been reported. During the investigation, 22 lakes in the Satluj and 31 lakes in the Chenab basin were mapped. In the Chenab basin, two lakes are of very large size, their areal extent is 105 and 55 ha, located in toposheet number 52 HI 1 and 52H02, respectively. These lakes were selected for detail monitoring. The lake near the Geepang glacier, is located in toposheet number 52H 02 and its area was 27 ha in 1976. Using the satellite data, areal extent of the lake was monitored. The lake area was almost doubled to 55 ha in 2001. This suggested that, lake size is constantly increasing and it can cause outburst flood. The maximum possible depth of lake was estimated by taking the average difference of maximum and minimum height of moraine dam from the Survey of India toposheet. By considering the average depth, the volume of the lake water and the instantaneous discharge of 350 mVsec were estimated. This is large discharge for a small stream like the Geepang Gath and it can damage many civilian and defense establishments. Therefore, further detail field investigations of this lake are needed to assess threat potential and to develop strategy to avoid this flash flood.  相似文献   

Supervised classification and Crosta technique is widely used for lithological and alteration zone mapping respectively. Landsat ETM+ digital imagery has been used to generate Crosta and Supervised classification image using digital image processing (DIP) technique. In the study, The Crosta technique has been used for the first time in lithological mapping. These techniques were applied to distinguish the litho-contacts between Alwar and Ajabgarh quartzite in the south-western part of North Delhi Fold Belt (NDFB) on the basis of argillaceous and arenaceous nature of the rocks. Litho contacts between Alwar and Ajabgarh groups are varying from quartzite to biotite schist in the Khetri basin whereas in the study area the litho-contacts are Alwar quartzite to Ajabgarh quartzite which are very difficult to classify on naked eye. Therefore, this area has been selected for this study. Several authors have studied the geological setting of Khetri sub basin and classified on the basis of argillaceous, arenaceous nature and primary sedimentary structural features like ripple marks and cross bedding. This is the first attempt in the Khetri sub basin for lithological classification based on remote sensing and digital image processing technique. This study revealed that Crosta image has significant spatial correlation with the lithology discriminated using Supervised classification technique. Lithological variations were clearly demarcated using these technique around Rahunathgarh and Golyana areas. The litho units between these areas were marked under the Group of Ajabgarh quartzite by the GSI people during 1994. However, the present study classified those area under the Group of Alwar quartzite. Similar type of studies can also be carried out where these type of lithological problems arises.  相似文献   

为了对甘肃省金昌市金川铜镍矿床外围地区进行遥感找矿预测,首先根据ASTER数据不同波段的特性分别提取岩性信息和蚀变信息,对热红外(TIR)波段,在采用波段比值法定量提取二氧化硅含量的基础上,利用波段比值计算的岩性指数(lithological index,LI)定量提取基性-超基性岩信息;对可见光-近红外(VNIR)及短波红外(SWIR)波段,运用主成分分析法定性提取高岭土-绢云母化、绿泥石化和蛇纹石化等矿化蚀变信息;然后在ArcGIS平台上,对所提取的矿化蚀变信息进行量化定级和叠加处理,制作综合矿化蚀变异常信息图(其反映的异常范围和强度与已知矿区十分一致);最后利用综合矿化蚀变异常信息,对金川铜镍矿床外围地区进行找矿预测,共圈定出3个找矿预测区,可为寻找同类型的矿床提供参考。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate the potential use of Terra ASTER data—the L3A DEM and its derivatives in landslide susceptibility mapping. For the purpose, an appropriate application site from the Western Black Sea region of Turkey—the Kelemen catchment area was selected. During the analyses, a two-stage comparative evaluation was carried out. In the first stage, the differences between the DEMs obtained from Terra ASTER L3A data and the conventional topographic data; and their first and second derivatives were investigated. Subsequently, different susceptibility maps were produced by using the DEMs and the topographic attributes obtained from both source of data in addition to the spectral information acquired from satellite sensor. According to the results of the comparative evaluations, a strong correlation between Terra ASTER L3A DEM and the conventional topographic data was obtained. However, depending on the increment of the degree of the derivative, an evident decrease in the spatial correlations was observed. On the contrary, the final model performance, prediction capacity, and the spatial performance statistics for the landslide susceptibility maps produced by using both source of data were found as very high and close to each other.  相似文献   

干涉雷达在DEM测量中的精度影响及处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干涉合成孔径雷达 (INSAR)为数字高程模型 (DEM)测量提供了一种新的手段。它具有同时获取三维信息、测量范围广、空间和高程分辨率高等优点。文中首先扼要介绍了干涉雷达的原理 ,然后重点讨论几个影响测量精度的因素及其处理方法 ,如相关、运动补偿、配准、相位展开等。  相似文献   

The Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, a man-made fresh water wetland carved out of a natural depression on the floodplain of two minor tributaries of the Yamuna-Gambhir and the Banganga is the country’s finest waterfowl habitat. This important wetland was set aside as a bird sanctuary in 1956 and it was elevated to the status of a National Park in 1981. It was also designated a Ramsar site- a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar convention. This important wetland has distinction of being the only Indian wetland to be included under both the Ramsar and the World Heritage convention. The attempt has been made to evaluate the habitat of Sarus crane in the Keoladeo National Park using satellite data — IRS LISS III and PAN merged product and GIS. Geocoded data of IRS —1C LISS III of 21 March 1999 on 1: 50,000 scale and PAN data of March 17, 1999 were used to generate the vegetation cover type map and open water. The maps showing drainage, human habitations, contours, roads, etc. were prepared using the Survey of India topographical sheets and contour map of park area. Information regarding habitat parameters was collected from the existing literature and field observations. The Sarus crane mainly fed in the wetland on the rhizome ofNymphaea sp.,Scirpus tuberosus andEleocharis plantaginea. As there were changes in their habitat requirements at different seasons, the sighting of Sarus crane in each habitat were recorded along with the time and activity during observation. The most utilized habitat for the entire period of study was moderately wet grassland followed by pools. The pools were used mainly during the summer. The water depth requirement observed was between 30–40 cm and 20–40 cm. The suitability maps for Sarus crane were then generated using all remote sensing based and conventional information using rule based equations in the GIS within the Keoladeo National Park.  相似文献   

Many regions remain poorly studied in terms of geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions especially in the Arctic and Antarctica due to harsh conditions and logistic difficulties. Application of specialized image processing techniques is capable of revealing the hidden linear mixing spectra in multispectral and hyperspectral satellite images. In this study, the applications of Independent component analysis (ICA) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms were evaluated for Landsat-8 and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data for geological mapping in Morozumi Range and Helliwell Hills areas, Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. The results of this investigation demonstrate the capability of the two algorithms in distinguishing pixel and subpixel targets in the multispectral satellite data. The application of the methods for identifying poorly exposed geologic materials and subpixel exposures of alteration minerals has invaluable implications for geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions.  相似文献   

RTK结合无人机低空摄影在高原地区测绘中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无人机低空摄影是一种新的数字测绘航空摄影技术。探讨了RTK结合无人机低空摄影测量的具体思路,提出了利用模型精化技术提高高程精度的解决方案,结合无人机特点,阐释了无人机低空摄影测量的关键技术。并利用高原地区的试验数据,分析总结了该作业模式的精度和效率。  相似文献   

In the present study, landforms and soils have been characterized in Borgaon Manju watershed of basaltic terrain located in Akola district, Maharashtra, Central India. Terrain characterization using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data (90 m) and IRS-P6 LISS IV data in conjunction with adequate field surveys shows nine distinct landforms. Soil resource inventory shows fourteen soil series in the study area. Soils formed on gently sloping (3–8 %) subdued plateau are very shallow (23 cm), moderately well drained, moderate (15–40 %) surface stoniness, severely eroded, clayey and slightly alkaline in reaction, whereas, the soils formed on level to nearly level (0–1 %) slope in the main valley are very deep (>150 cm), well drained, very slight (<3 %) surface stoniness, moderately eroded with clayey surface and moderately alkaline in reaction. Soils in the watershed are grouped into Lithic Ustorthents, Vertic Haplustepts, Calcic Haplustepts, Typic Haplustepts, Typic Haplusterts and Sodic Calciusterts. The study demonstrates that the analysis of SRTM elevation data and IRS P6–IV data in Geographic Information System (GIS) with adequate field surveys helps in characterization of landforms and soils in analysis of landscape-soil relationship.  相似文献   

上黑龙江成矿带主要由早-中侏罗世河流-湖泊-洪积相含煤碎屑岩组成,目前已发现多个中小型矿床,在该区进行成矿预测意义重大。文章利用MORPAS成矿预测系统,采用证据权重法进行了成矿预测工作,在充分研究区内已知矿床的成矿规律基础上,以1:257Y地质图为背景,物化探异常分析子系统对1:20万区域化探数据进行C—A分形确定异常下限,综合现有的找矿标志,提取有利的成矿要素,进行针对处理,制成上黑龙江成矿带MORPAS金成矿预测分析图,提供成矿靶区,为森林高覆盖区提供找矿有利单元。  相似文献   

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