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Patagonia, including the island of Tierra del Fuego, lies in southernmost South America at the junction of the South American, Antarctic, and Scotia tectonic plates. Historical and instrumental records have documented several local earthquakes of damaging magnitude, posing a threat to the rapidly growing population of 300,000 and the expanding industrial and service infrastructure. Short and inaccurate instrumental records of local seismic events and a diffuse epicenter distribution not clearly related to the recognized seismogenic structures have hindered an adequate evaluation of the seismic hazard for this region. To improve this situation, a paleoseismological study was carried out on two gravelly strandplains on the Atlantic coast of Patagonia. Surveying combined ground-probing radar, vertical electric sounding, and seismic refraction. Coseismic normal faults buried beneath the strandplain bodies were revealed and related to the morphology of the strandplains. The faults have probable ages between 0.9 and 6.4 kyr BP and a recurrence rate of about 1 kyr. The more likely source for these structures is the Magallanes-Fagnano fault, a continental transform fault that crosses Tierra del Fuego. The distance of more than 300 km from the buried coseismic structures to the trace of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault argues for high-magnitude earthquake activity on this fault throughout the Holocene. Urban development on soft glacial and alluvial substrates increases the hazard.  相似文献   

The traditional idea proposes that granites on the east and west coasts of the Pacific Ocean are different. According to field investigations of the geology of the western United States coupled with the authors' long-term studies on granites in South China, granites both in eastern China and in the western United States are similar.  相似文献   

The study deals spatial mapping of earthquake hazard parameters like annual and 100-years mode along with their 90% probability of not being exceeded (NBE) in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and adjoining regions. For this purpose, we applied a straightforward and most robust method known as Gumbel’s third asymptotic distribution of extreme values (GIII). A homogeneous and complete earthquake catalogue during the period 1900–2010 with magnitude MW  4.0 is utilized to estimate these earthquake hazard parameters. An equal grid point mesh, of 1° longitude X 1° latitude, is chosen to produce detailed earthquake hazard maps. This performance allows analysis of the localized seismicity parameters and representation of their regional variations as contour maps. The estimated result of annual mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the values of MW 6.0 in the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan and northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings in the examined region. The 100-years mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the value of MW 8.0 in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya with Caucasus mountain belt, the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan, northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings, the Kangra–Himanchal Pradesh and Kashmir of India. The estimated high values of earthquake hazard parameters are mostly correlated with the main tectonic regimes of the examined region. The spatial variations of earthquake hazard parameters reveal that the examined region exhibits more complexity and has high crustal heterogeneity. The spatial maps provide a brief atlas of the earthquake hazard in the region.  相似文献   


It has been demonstrated for the first time that the isotopic compositions of carbon (δ13C) in magmatic calcites from the Udachnaya–East pipe kimberlite groundmass varies from–2.5 to–1.0‰ (V-PDB), while those of oxygen (δ18O) range from 15.0 to 18.2‰ (V-SMOW). The obtained results imply that during the terminal late magmatic and postmagmatic stages of the kimberlite pipe formation, the carbonates in the kimberlite groundmass became successively heavier isotopically, which indicates the hybrid nature of the carbonate component of the kimberlite: it was formed with contributions from mantle and sedimentary marine sources.


Most of the hydrocarbon resources of the Russkoe–Chaselka Mega-Arch are related to the Pokur Formation reservoirs. They are generally composed of alluvial sandstones and shales. Due to their genesis the Pokur reservoirs have a complex structure and a localized spread within ancient alluvial plains. The performed integrated interpretation of the well and 3D seismic data made it possible to estimate new perspective fields and to geometrize the oil and gas deposits.  相似文献   

Ordovician igneous rocks in the western Acatlán Complex (Olinalá area) of southern Mexico include a bimodal igneous suite that intrudes quartzites and gneisses of the Zacango Unit, and all these rocks were polydeformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite facies during the Devono-Carboniferous. The Ordovician igneous rocks consist of the penecontemporaneous amphibolites, megacrystic granitoids and leucogranite, the latter dated at ca. 464 Ma. Geochemical and Sm–Nd data indicate that the amphibolites have a differentiated tholeiitic signature, and that its mafic protoliths formed in an extensional setting transitional between within-plate and ocean floor. The amphibolites are variably contaminated by a Mesoproterozoic crustal source, inferred to be the Oaxacan basement exposed in the adjacent terrane. The most primitive samples have εNdt (t = 465 Ma) values significantly below that of the contemporary depleted mantle and were probably derived from the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The megacrystic granites were most probably derived by partial melting of an arc crustal source (similar to the Oaxacan Complex) and triggered by the ascent of mafic magma from the lithospheric mantle. Sm–Nd isotopic signatures suggest that metasedimentary rocks from Zacango Unit were derived from adjacent Oaxacan Complex. Trace elements relationships (e.g. La/Th vs. Hf) and REE patterns suggest provenance in felsic-intermediate igneous rocks with a calc-alkaline signature. The Ordovician bimodal magmatism is inferred to have resulted from rifting on the southern flank of the Rheic Ocean and is an expression of a major rifting event that occurred along much of the northern Gondwanan margin in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Results of study of eclogite–gneiss complex of the Muya Block (East Siberia) are presented. Several structural types of the studied eclogites have been recognized. Kyanitic eclogite has been found for the first time. The host granite-gneisses are two-mica and biotite varieties, mainly garnet-bearing. The exposure of eclogites from different depths of the subducted plate at the present-day denudation level might be the reason for the wide range of the equilibrium temperatures of the Muya block eclogites (590–740 °C). The Sm–Nd dating of the eclogites and host gneisses showed the Neoproterozoic age of high-pressure metamorphism (~630 Ma). The model age (TDM) of the eclogites (720 Ma) differs considerably from the model age of the host gneisses (>1.3 Ga). The geochemical features of the eclogites point to the mobility of LILE (Rb, Cs, Ba, K) and LREE during their interaction with fluids, whereas the gneisses in the same process showed the mobility of LILE only. The oxygen isotope composition of minerals in the eclogites varies over a narrow range (δ18O = 5.5–3.9) and is close to the average mantle value, which evidences a negligible interaction between the eclogite protoliths and meteoric or sea water. The study of fluid inclusions in quartz from the eclogites and host gneisses showed a predominance of liquid-nitrogen inclusions in the former and carbon dioxide inclusions in the latter.  相似文献   

The southern Qiangtang magmatic belt was formed by the north-dipping subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean during Mesozoic. To better understand the petrogenesis, time–space distribution along the length of this belt, 21 samples of several granitoid bodies, from west to east, in the Bangong Co, Gaize, Dongqiao and Amdo areas were selected for in-situ zircon U–Pb dating, Hf isotopic and whole-rock chemical analyses. The results suggest a prolonged period of magmatic activity (185–84 Ma) with two major stages during the Jurassic (185–150 Ma) and the Early Cretaceous (126–100 Ma). Both the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids are high-K calc-alkaline I-type rocks, except the Cretaceous two-mica granite from Amdo in the east, which belongs to S-type. The granitoids are generated from different source materials as indicated by zircon Hf isotopic compositions. The Bangong Co and Dongqiao granitoids show high zircon εHf(t) values of − 1.3–13.6 with younger TDMC ages of 293–1263 Ma, suggesting a relatively juvenile source; whereas the Gaize and Amdo granitoids have low εHf(t) values of − 16.1–2.9 with older TDMC ages of 999–2024 Ma, indicating an old crustal contribution. These source rocks melt at different P–T conditions as suggested by Sr/Y ratio and TZr. The Sr/Y ratio of both stage granitoids increases with decreasing age. However, the TZr of the Jurassic granitoids decreases, whereas the TZr of the Cretaceous granitoids increases with decreasing age. The contrasting geochemical signatures of these granitoids may be controlled by the varying contribution of slab-derived fluids involved in the generation of the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic magmas; i.e. increasing amount of fluids in the Jurassic, whereas decreasing amount of fluids in the Cretaceous. Therefore, it is proposed that the Jurassic and Cretaceous magmatism may be related to subduction and closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean, respectively. The age pattern of the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids suggests an oblique subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean and a diachronous collision between the Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks.  相似文献   

On the basis of the geological and geochemical studies, including chemical analysis of bulk rocks, rare-earth and trace element studies, fluid inclusion, and S and O isotopic analyses, the authors described the geo-logical background of the deposit in detail and presented significant proofs for the conditions of formation of the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit. Compared with other large and supper-large porphyry copper deposits in China and the adjacent Cu-Au mineralized areas, the ore-forming processes and conditions were analyzed; and the possibil-ity of forming large porphyry copper deposits in the Shaxi area was discussed. The present study indicated that the ore-forming fluid and material were mainly of magmatic origin, while meteoric water played a certain role in the ore-forming processes. Interactions between subducting and overriding plates provided a major driving force for the formation of igneous rocks and the deposition of metal elements in East China since Jurassic. Based on the geo-chemical data of the Shaxi intrusive, it is found that the copper (gold) mineralization is closely related to the genesis of adakite-like intrusive in the Shaxi area. This adakite-like intrusive was formed in the subduction environment as a result of the subduction of the West Pacific plate toward the East China continent, where there is a great potential-ity to form a large porphyry copper deposit.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the geoecological state of landscapes of oil and gas fields in the Ural–Volga steppe zone. Large-scale direct disturbances and impacts with dramatic aftereffects have been revealed on the basis of field research using the geographic information system (GIS) and data from remote sensing of the Earth. It has been shown that the current land-use pattern in oil and gas production areas is in need of professional control to protect and recover the landscapes in the steppe zone.


The study of base-metal massive sulfide and tin–sulfide deposits in Siberia and the Russian Far East has revealed that the indium content in ores exceeding the average statistical value at similar deposits worldwide could be economically important. Sphalerite and chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite, bornite, and sphalerite are the major indium carriers in the base-metal massive sulfide and tin–sulfide ores, respectively. In addition, base-metal massive sulfide ores have high Cd, Ag, and Te contents, whereas tin–sulfide ores have elevated Ge, Ga, and Nb contents. This has stimulated the investment attractiveness of these deposits.  相似文献   

An association of westerly verging asymmetric folds, easterly dipping cleavages and contractional faults control the pattern and intensity of structures at different scales in the southern Nallamalai fold–fault belt, Cuddapah district of Andhra Pradesh, Southern India. Variation in structural geometry is manifested across the section by the occurrence of relatively low amplitude folds, sometimes only a monocline and by the near absence of contractional faults in the WSW, but tight to isoclinal folds with frequent fold–fault interactions through the central areas towards ENE.The relationships of structural elements in terms of orientation, style, sense of movement and general vergence indicate their development under a progressive contractional deformation. The structures are interpreted to result from a combination of bulk inhomogeneous shortening across the belt and a top-to-west, variable simple shear. Localized developments of crenulation cleavage, rotation of cleavage in the shorter limbs of some mesoscale asymmetric folds and general variation of structural elements in morphology and associations across the belt, indicate partitioning of deformation and a varying degree of non-coaxiality in discrete domains of the bulk deformation.  相似文献   

The results of this study were used to identify a reversed polarity magnetozone, referred to as M17r, in Berriasian sections of the Nordvik Peninsula (northern East Siberia) within the normal polarity magnetozone (M18n) from previous studies. The new magnetozone embraces the Volgian–Ryazanian boundary (Chetaites chetae/C. sibiricus zonal boundary). It was also found that the former magnetozone M17r at Nordvik, which includes the C. sibiricus/Hectoroceras kochi zonal boundary should correspond to magnetozone M16r. Using magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic criteria proves that the Boreal C. sibiricus Zone is correlated with at least the major part of the Tethyan Tirnovella occitanica Zone, and the Boreal H. kochi Zone is correlated with the lower part of the Malbosiceras paramimounum Subzone of the Tethyan Fauriella boissieri Zone.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2023,6(2):228-240
The Sichuan-Tibet transportation corridor is located at the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the complex topography and geological conditions, developed geo-hazards have severely restricted the planning and construction of major projects. For the long-term prevention and early control of regional seismic landslides, based on analyzing seismic landslide characteristics, the Newmark model was used to carry out the potential seismic landslide hazard assessment with a 50-year beyond probability 10%. The results show that the high seismic landslide hazard is mainly distributed along large active tectonic belts and deep-cut river canyons, and are significantly affected by the active tectonics. The low seismic landslide hazard is mainly distributed in the flat terrain such as the Quaternary basins, broad river valleys, and plateau planation planes. The major east-west linear projects mainly pass through five areas with high seismic landslide hazard: Luding-Kangding section, Yajiang-Xinlong (Yalong river) section, Batang-Baiyu (Jinsha river) section, Basu (Nujiang river) section, and Bomi-Linzhi (eastern Himalaya syntaxis) section. The seismic action of the Bomi-Linzhi section can also induce high-risk geo-hazard chains such as the high-level glacial lake breaks and glacial debris flows. The early prevention of seismic landslides should be strengthened in the areas with high seismic landslide hazard.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The results of study of rutile inclusions in pyrope from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe are presented. Rutile is characterized by unusually high contents of impurities (up to 25 wt %). The presence of Cr2O3 (up to 9.75 wt %) and Nb2O5 (up to 15.57 wt %) are most typical. Rutile inclusions often occur in assemblage with Ti-rich oxides: picroilmenite and crichtonite group minerals. The Cr-pyropes with inclusions of rutile, picroilmenite, and crichtonite group minerals were formed in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Mirnyi field during their joint crystallization from melts enriched in Fe, Ti, and other incompatible elements as a result of metasomatic enrichment of the depleted lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The rupture process of the disastrous Sumatra–Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 was analyzed by array processes for teleseismic P-waves recorded by a dense broadband seismic array in Taiwan with epicentral distances of close to 31°. The azimuthal variation from the BATS array center to both ends of the rupture fault is approximately 21°, which is larger than that reported previously for seismic arrays used to image the rupture process of this earthquake, thereby providing a high spatial resolution in studying the source rupture behavior. Two array-processing methods were used to analyze teleseismic P-wave trains. Both analyses were based on data recorded by a broadband network, covering a region of 200 × 400 km, with the aim of evaluating the rupture behavior of the earthquake. Consistent results from both analyses indicate that the earthquake had a rupture duration exceeding 500 s, with major asperities encountered at 80, 260, and 330 s after the initiation of rupturing. We traced the ruptured fault for more than 1200 km from the point of initial rupture. The average rupture velocity was approximately 3.0 km/s and the major northward rupture propagation began at 80 s after the initiation of rupturing.  相似文献   

A 2000 km long dextral Talas-Fergana strike–slip fault separates eastern terranes in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from western terranes. The aim of this study was to constrain an age of dextral shearing in the central part of the fault utilizing Ar–Ar dating of micas. We also carried out a U–Pb–Hf zircon study of two different deformed granitoid complexes in the fault zone from which the micas for Ar dating were separated. Two samples of the oldest deformed Neoproterozoic granitoids in the area of study yielded U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages 728 ± 11 Ma and 778 ± 11 Ma, characteristic for the Cryogenian Bolshoi Naryn Formation, and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and their calculated tHfc ages varied from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga. Thus varying Cryogenian ages and noticeable heterogeneity of Meso- to Paleoproterozoic crustal sources was established for mylonitic granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation. Two samples of mylonitized pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of 279 ± 5 Ma corresponding to the main peak of Late-Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Tien Shan (Seltmann et al., 2011), and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and calculated tHfc ages from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga indicating derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source. Microstructural studies showed that ductile/brittle deformation of pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex occurred at temperatures of 300–400 °C and caused resetting of the K–Ar isotope system of primary muscovite. Deformation of mylonitized granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation occurred under high temperature conditions and resulted in protracted growth and recrystallization of micas. The oldest Ar–Ar muscovite age of 241 Ma with a well defined plateau from a pegmatoidal granite of the Kyrgysh Complex is considered as a “minimum” age of dextral motions along this section of the fault in the Triassic while younger ages varying from 227 Ma to 199 Ma with typical staircase patterns indicate protracted growth and recrystallization of micas during ductile deformations which continued until the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

A new approach for paleostress analysis using the multiple inverse method with calcite twin data including untwinned e-plane was performed in the East Walanae fault (EWF) zone in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Application of untwinned e-plane data of calcite grain to constrain paleostress determination is the first attempt for this method. Stress states caused by the collision of the south-east margin of Sundaland with the Australian microcontinents during the Pliocene were successfully detected from a combination of calcite-twin data and fault–slip data. This Pliocene NE–SW-to-E–W-directed maximum compression activated the EWF as a reverse fault with a dextral component of slip with pervasive development of secondary structures in the narrow zone between Bone Mountain and Walanae Depression.  相似文献   

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