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Organic matter in cobalt-rich crust(CRC) from the Marcus–Wake Seamounts of the western Pacific Ocean, Sample CM1D03, has been analyzed to understand the source, geochemistry and mineralization of organic matter, and the mineralization environment. Biomarkers, including n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and sterols, have been detected in various layers of the CRC sample, using gas chromatography(GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC–MS). The content of organic carbon(OC) and its stable isotope(δ13C), and the combined features of the biomarkers show that the mineralized organic matter in CM1D03 CRC was mainly derived from microorganisms and lower plankton(e.g., bacteria and algae, respectively) from marine surface water, with some terrestrial higher plant components. The ratio of chloroform bitumen "A": OC was high in the CRC, between 10.51 and 20.66, showing significant migration characteristics of n-alkanes. Four mineralization categories of organic matter were recognized based on GC chromatograms of n-alkane molecules:(1) primitive type(bacteria and algae), which is characterized by moderately mature of n-alkanes preserving the original characteristics of the organic matter from microorganisms and lower plankton;(2) microbial degradation type, which is characterized by low contents of n-alkanes and rising baseline in the chromatogram, with the "bulge" being the products of organic matter by biodegradation;(3) organic matter migration type, which is characterized by low carbon number of n-alkanes with n C18 as the main peak carbon, without odd even predominance, and low concentrations of isoprenoids and hydrocarbons with high carbon number; and(4) organic matter hydrothermal type, which is characterized by relatively low concentration of small molecular weight n-alkanes, pristane, and phytane, accompanied by higher concentration of n-alkanes with carbon number greater than n C18. This study shows that biomarkers can record controlling factors of mineralization and their variation.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution patterns of grain-size parameters, carbonate and organic carbon contents, and clay mineral abundances were examined in ten sediment cores from basins of the northern Aegean Sea. Sedimentation rates for Holocene deposition were determined on the basis of 11 14C datings and indirectly from the age of the lower sapropel S1; they were estimated at 14.9, 18.9–21.8 and 34.7 cm 103 year–1 for the North Skyros, Athos, and North Limnos basins respectively. The sedimentation rates decrease gradually towards the southern basins, as a consequence of the greater distance from sediment supply sources. Also, sedimentation rates appear to decrease from the last glacial to Holocene units. The clay minerals illite, smectite, kaolinite and chlorite were identified in the cores. Generally, illite is the predominant mineral, showing a north–south-decreasing trend, followed by smectite; both minerals have a terrigenous origin, and smectite occurrence is higher in basins located near Limnos Island where volcanic formations prevail. Terrigenous illite is abundant in the sapropel S1, exhibiting the highest content of all sedimentological units. High illite content is unusual in eastern Mediterranean sapropels. This pattern is attributed to the proximity of the N. Aegean Sea basins to Balkan and Turkish land sources. In general, sediment mass gravity flow processes coupled with seasonal deposition from nepheloid layers are the predominant sedimentation mechanisms in the N. Aegean basins. The relative sea-level stand, the proximity to terrigenous sources (rivers), the morphology of the N. Aegean basins (small dimensions, isolated, steep slopes), as well as seismic activity and strong bottom currents are probably the major factors controlling sedimentation in the region.  相似文献   

Eocene–Oligocene dolomite concretions and beds from the Grybów and Dukla units of the Polish Outer Carpathians were studied. These rocks occur in the organic carbon-rich, marine and fine-grained deposits of hemipelagic or turbiditic origin. Mineralogic, elemental and stable C and O isotopic composition of the dolomites was determined. Results indicate that the rocks were formed by precipitation of predominantly Fe-rich dolomite cement close to the sediment-water interface prior to significant compaction. The main source of bicarbonate for dolomite formation was bacterial methanogenesis as evidenced by the high δ13C values up to 16.6‰. The main source of alkalinity was probably weathering of silicate minerals which might have also liberated Ca and Mg ions for the dolomites to form. The distribution of these dolomites indicates that microbial methane production was widespread in the Silesian basin. Moreover, formation of some dolomites in the Eastern part of the Dukla unit was probably associated with gas hydrates as suggested by the elemental and oxygen isotopic composition of dolomitic matrix. Therefore, the dolomites may serve as a proxy of areas where biogenic methane was produced, where the rocks had high hydrocarbon potential, and where hydrates could have existed.Detailed mineralogic and petrographic analyses allowed for the reconstruction of the diagenetic sequence and the evolution of pore fluids. Textural relationships between successive cement generations indicate that the central parts of the composite dolomite crystals experienced corrosion and that the latest ankerite cement filled the secondary intragranular cavities within those crystals. This observation shows that reconstructions of pore fluid evolution based on core-to-rim analyses of such composite crystals may lead to wrong interpretations. Septarian cracks developed in the dolomites are often filled with multistage cements. The earliest generations are ferroan dolomite and ankerite cements which precipitated within the cracks simultaneously to the ferroan dolomite and ankerite cements from the matrix of the dolomitic rocks which shows that septarian cracking occurred very early, during the final stages of concretionary formation. These cements were followed by the late-diagenetic precipitates, mainly quartz, kaolinite and blocky calcite. This calcite is commonly associated with bitumen which shows that it precipitated during or after oil migration in the decarboxylation zone.  相似文献   

Samples from mytilid mollusk and alvinellid polychaet communities and associated fauna were collected during cruise 49 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh at 9° N of the East Pacific Rise. The mytilids Bathymodiolus thermophylus occupied zones of diffuse releases of hydrothermal solutions with temperature anomalies a few degrees in amplitude. The alvinellid assemblages were located in the hottest parts of hydrothermal vents (~ 40°C) over sulfide mounds. The taxonomic compositions of these kinds of assemblages are different. The taxonomic richness of mytilid communities is almost twice higher. A comparison of the samples using Jaccard’s index showed a greater similarity among the alvinellid samples than that between the mytilid ones. With respect to the species number, polychaets formed the most diverse group, while gastropods were the second most diverse. The dominant species had greater proportions in alvinellid communities than in mytilid ones. This study showed great differences between the mytilid and alvinellid associations in their species composition and community structure.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - An analysis of the spatiotemporal variability of advective heat transfer in the atmosphere over the oceans in the Northern Hemisphere has been carried...  相似文献   

Based on the numerical experiment on simulation of the Japan/East Sea (JES) water circulation response to the atmospheric forcing for 1958–2006, the analysis is made of its long-term variability in the JES Central Basin (CB). It was found that during the climatic year, the circulation remains cyclonic, strengthening in spring and weakening in autumn. The analysis of mean relative vorticity (MRV) at intermediate depths in the JES CB showed one that the spectrum of its interannual variability is formed mainly by oscillations of periods ~2, ~4 and ~5 years, and in the decadal range with ~10 and ~14 years. Along the depth, the spectral composition of MRV variability does not change, but there is a noticeable weakening of decadal variability amplitude, which does not occur with the 4- and 5-year oscillations. Using SVD-analysis, the connection is established between MRV variability, wind stress curl (WSC), as well as sensible heat flux. The strong connection between MRV and WSC is revealed in the range of 4–5 years, and in the decadal range (period is 10 years) the significant connection is with both WSC and air-sea temperature as a result of winter cooling and following deep convection.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of organic matter in the profiles of Dukla, Silesian, Sub-Silesian and Skole units of the Polish Outer Carpathians and of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement in the Dębica-Rzeszów-Leżajsk-Sanok area were established based on Rock-Eval, vitrinite reflectance, isotopic and biomarker analyses of 485 rock samples. The Oligocene Menilite beds have the best hydrocarbon potential of all investigated formations within the Dukla, Silesian, and Skole units. The Ordovician, Silurian, Lower Devonian and locally Middle Jurassic strata of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement are potential source rocks for oil and gas accumulated in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic reservoirs. Thirty one natural gas samples from sandstone reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous-Lower Miocene strata within the Outer Carpathian sequence and eight from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement were analysed for molecular and isotopic compositions to determine their origin. Natural gases accumulated both in the Outer Carpathian and the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement reservoirs are genetically related to thermogenic and microbial processes. Thermogenic gaseous hydrocarbons that accumulated in the Dukla and Silesian units were generated from the Menilite beds. Thermogenic gaseous hydrocarbons that accumulated in the Sub-Silesian Unit most probably migrated from the Silesian Unit. Initial, and probably also secondary microbial methane component has been generated during microbial carbon dioxide reduction within the Oligocene Menilite beds in the Dukla Unit and Oligocene-Lower Miocene Krosno beds in the Silesian Unit. Natural gases that accumulated in traps within the Middle Devonian, Mississippian, Upper Jurassic, and Upper Cretaceous reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement were mainly generated during thermogenic processes and only sporadically from initial microbial processes. The thermogenic gases were generated from kerogen of the Ordovician-Silurian and Middle Jurassic strata. The microbial methane component occurs in a few fields of the Dukla and Silesian units and in the two accumulations in the Middle Devonian reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement.  相似文献   

The relationship between euphausiid community structure and water region was studied during a 2-year seasonal survey in the northwestern (NW) Pacific Ocean. The euphausiid community structure and its associated species were analyzed from 38 micronekton samples collected during eight cruises. The euphausiid community structure and its distribution patterns clearly corresponded to physical oceanographic features in the Oyashio region, Oyashio–Kuroshio Mixed Water Region (OKMWR), and Kuroshio region. In contrast, community structure was unrelated to seasonality. The 19 species out of 40 identified in this area were grouped and named after their habitats. The six cold-water species were grouped into three regional types: two coastal Oyashio species, three Oyashio–OKMWR species, and one Oyashio–Kuroshio species. The four species dominating in the OKMWR were categorized into each specific types: Nematoscelis difficilis as OKMWR–Oyashio species, Euphausia gibboides as OKMWR species, Euphausia similis as OKMWR–Oyashio & OKMWR–Kuroshio species, and Euphausia recurva as OKMWR–Kuroshio species. The seven warm-water species were categorized as Kuroshio–OKMWR species or Kuroshio species. The other two species were categorized as cosmopolitan species. In particular, regarding the result in the OKMWR, our study suggest that (1) the OKMWR has high species diversity, and (2) the dominant species, such as Euphausia pacifica, N. difficilis, E. similis, and E. gibboides, are considered to be key species in the food webs in this region.  相似文献   

The behavior of the vertical aerosol structure (profiles of the ratio of the coefficients of the backward total and molecular scattering) in the height interval 30–80 km is analyzed from the results of lidar observations in Kamchatka over the period from October 2007 through December 2009. The obtained data revealed a regular two-layer aerosol structure in this height range with the maxima of the ratio of the scattering coefficients in the upper stratosphere at heights 35–50 km and in the mesosphere at heights of 60–75 km, as well as a relation between seasonal variations in the aerosol stratification and the circumpolar vortex affecting dynamic processes in the atmosphere of midlatitudes. The procedure of including the aftereffect of the Hamamatsu-M8259-01 PEM, which influences the error in the calculation of the ratio of scattering coefficients, is described.  相似文献   

Our understanding of burial diagenesis within carbonates is often limited by poor constraints on available fluid volumes and geochemistry. However, regional stratigraphic and burial history data are often readily available. Using these data to develop numerical models which couple sedimentological and hydrological basin evolution, we estimate the volumes and geochemistry of fluids that were available to drive dolomitisation and Pb-ore genesis within the Carboniferous, Derbyshire Platform of northern England. Current conceptual models of these processes invoke tectonic release of burial-induced overpressure developed within adjacent Dinantian basins as a drive for reactive fluid flow to the platform. Our simulations show that compaction-driven flow may lead to a supply of fluids that is more complex in its temporal evolution than may be expected. Spatial variations in the rate of fluid expulsion from different sediments lead to a staggered delivery of fluids from different sources. Rapid fluid expulsion within deeper sediments leads to a downwards-decreasing pressure gradient that subsequently draws down fluid from within overlying sediments. Thus, early fluid supply to the platform is sourced from the deep basins while later fluid supply descends from above the platform as well as from the sides. We suggest that such a flow development may have important implications for the relative timing and distribution of a sequence of diagenetic products within the platform. This hypothesis is tested using volume estimates from our simulations. We conclude that although this staggered fluid supply model may be applicable generically, it appears that it is only valid for explaining mineralisation in the Derbyshire Platform. Fluid volumes supplied to the platform are insufficient to explain dolomitisation. Our simulations are supported by a sensitivity analysis that identifies that compaction-driven flow in this system is strongly controlled by the rate of burial and sediment permeabilities within the compacting basins.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a geochemical study of volcanogenic rocks from the southern part of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge. Volcanic structures, such as plateaulike rises, mountain massifs, and single volcanoes, are the major relief-forming elements of the southern part of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge. They are divided into three types according to the features of the relief and geological structure: shield, cone-shaped, and dome-shaped volcanoes. The ridge was formed on oceanic crust in the Late Mesozoic and underwent several stages of evolution with different significance and application of forces (tension and compression). Change in the geodynamic conditions during the geological evolution of the ridge mostly determined the composition of volcanic rocks of deep-mantle nature. Most of the ridge was formed by the Early Paleogene under geodynamic conditions close to the formation of oceanic islands (shield volcanoes) under tension. The island arc formed on the oceanic basement in the compression mode in the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene. Dome-shaped volcanic edifices composed of alkaline volcanic rocks were formed in the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene under tension. Based on the new geochemical data, detailed characteristics of volcanic rocks making up the shield, cone-shape, and dome-shape stratovolcanoes resulting in the features of these volcanic edifices are given for the first time. Continuous volcanism (with an age from the Cretaceous to the Late Miocene and composition from oceanic tholeiite to calc-alkaline volcanites of the island arc type) resulting in growth of the Earth’s crust beneath the Kyushu–Palau Ridge was the major factor in the formation this ridge.  相似文献   

D. M. Polyakov 《Oceanology》2016,56(3):406-414
The REE contents (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) are determined by atomic emission spectroscopy in the subcolloidal fraction of bottom sediments in the Razdol’naya River–Amur Bay section. The mean contents of lanthanides in soils and river bottom sediments (before the mixing zone) are calculated. The increase in REE content and the fractioning in the series from light to middle and heavy REE in sediments of different estuary zones (river, water mixing, and marine), with the latter related to flocculation, sorption on iron and manganese hydroxides, clay minerals (hydromica, smectites), and lifetime accumulation of marine plankton, are dtermined. Via extraction of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide solution, the content of lanthanides associated with humic substances of subcolloidal fraction from the Amur Bay sediments are determined: 1.3 to 8.2% of La; 1.1 to 11% of Ce; and 0.3 to 1.5 of Gd.  相似文献   

Detailed bathymetric data from a Hydrosweep multibeam sonar survey of a 250 km-long portion of the superfast-spreading southern East Pacific Rise crest and flanks show that the along-axis variation in morphology and axial depth differs significantly from that observed at the fast-spreading northern East Pacific Rise. While the deep mantle upwelling pattern is similar under the northern and southern East Pacific Rise, our observations require that the connectivity of the shallow, subcrestal plumbing system be more efficient beneath the super-fast spreading southern East Pacific Rise than beneath the slower spreading northern East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of heterotrophic ciliates, environmental factors and potential food items (bacteria, Synechococcus spp. and nanoflagellates) were measured in the East China Sea to examine which variables contributed importantly to the long-term distribution of ciliates between 1998 and 2007. In July 1998 and June 2003, heterotrophic ciliates were found to be abundant (1,000–2,000 × 103 cells m−3) in regions where surface salinity <32 but extremely low (<500 × 103 cells m−3) in shelf waters of surface salinity >32. After August 2003, shortly after the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, we found no significant areal differences in the abundance of heterotrophic ciliates (HC). However, we found a significantly negative correlation between temperature and HC abundance of surface water after the completion of the dam, suggesting that temperature had a greater influence on HC abundance, once the original saline state had changed. For the long-term trends on the vertical distribution of HC, their abundance was significantly higher in the upper 50 m of the water column than at either 75 or 100 m. Abundance of Synechococcus spp. at these levels varied significantly in regions of surface salinity <32, suggesting that ciliates and picophytoplankton contribute greatly to mediating the transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels in this marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of shipboard and satellite measurements in the surface layer of the Baltic, Norwegian, and Barents seas during legs from the Baltic to the White Sea in June–August 2014–2016. Special attention is paid to marine phytoplankton blooms of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea and coccolithophores in the Barents Sea. No blooms were found in the Norwegian Sea. The efficiency of combined application of in situ and satellite optical methods for studying the parameters of phytoplankton blooms is shown.  相似文献   

Deep sea photographs were collected for several camera-tow transects along and across the axis at the East Pacific Rise crest between 9°49 and 9°52 N, covering terrain out to 2 km from the ridge axis. The objective of the surveys was to utilize fine-scale morphology and imagery of seafloor volcanic terrain to aid in interpreting eruptive history and lava emplacement processes along this fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. The area surveyed corresponds to the region over which seismic layer 2A, believed to correspond to the extrusive oceanic layer, attains full thickness (Christeson et al., 1994a, b, 1996; Hooft et al., 1996; Carbotte et al., 1997). The photographic data are used to identify the different eruptive styles occurring along the ridge crest, map the distribution of the different morphologies, constrain the relative proportions of the three main morphologies and discuss the implications of these results. Morphologic distributions of lava for the area investigated are 66% lobate lava, 20% sheet lava, 10% pillow lava, and 4% transitional morphologies between the other three main types. There are variations in inferred relative lava ages among the different morphological types that do not conform to a simple increase in age versus distance relationship from the spreading axis, suggesting a model in which off-axis transport and volcanism contribute to the accumulation of the extrusive layer. Analysis of the data suggests this ridge crest has experienced three distinctly different types of volcanic emplacement processes: (1) axial summit eruptions within a 1 km wide zone centered on the axial summit collapse trough (ASCT); (2) off-axis transport of lava erupted at or near the ASCT through channelized surface flows; and (3) off-axis eruptions and local constructional volcanism at distances of 0.5-1.5 km from the axis. Major element analyses of basaltic glasses from lavas collected by Alvin, rock corer and dredging in this area indicate that the most recent magmatic event associated with the present ASCT erupted relatively homogeneous and mafic (>8.25 weight percent wt.% MgO) basalts compared to older, off-axis lavas which tend to be more chemically evolved (Perfit and Chadwick, 1998; Perfit and Fornari, unpublished data). The more primitive lavas have a more extensive distribution within and east of the ASCT. More evolved basalts (MgO <8.0wt.%) are concentrated in a broad area a few kilometers east of the axis, and in an oval-shaped area south of 9°50 N, west of the ASCT. Transitional and enriched (T- and E-) mid-ocean ridge basalts exist in relatively small areas (<1 km2) on the crestal plateau and correlate with scarps or fissures where pillow lavas were erupted. Mafic lavas in this area are primarily related to the youngest magmatic events. Geochemical analysis of samples collected at distances >500 m from the ASCT suggests that regions of off-axis volcanism may be sourced from older and cooler sections of the axial magma lens. Analysis of these data suggests that this portion of the EPR has not experienced large scale volcanic overprinting in the past 30 ka. The predominance of lobate flows (66%) throughout much of the crestal region, and subtle variations in sediment cover and apparent age between flows, suggest that eruptive volumes and effusion rates of individual eruptions have been similar over much of the last 30 ka and that most of the eruptions have been small, probably similar in volume to the 1991 EPR flow which had an estimated volume of 1×106 m3 (Gregg et al., 1996).  相似文献   

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