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The gravitational interaction in the Earth–Moon–Sun system is considered from the standpoint of influencing the formation of time variations in the geophysical fields and some natural processes. The analysis of the results of instrumental observations revealed the main periodicities and cycles in the time variations of subsoil radon volumetric activity with the same periods as the vertical component of the variations of the tidal force. The amplitude modulation of seismic noise by the lunar-solar tide is demonstrated. It is shown that the intensity of relaxation processes in the Earth’s crust has a near-diurnal periodicity, whereas the spectrum of groundwater level fluctuations includes clearly expressed tidal waves. Based on the data on the tilts of the Earth’s surface, the role of tidal deformation in the formation of the block motions in the Earth’s crust is analyzed. A new approach is suggested for identifying tidal waves in the atmosphere by analyzing micropulsations of the atmospheric pressure with the use of adaptive rejection filters. 相似文献
A. A. Vazhenin 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2010,50(2):225-230
The molecular oxygen concentration at altitudes of 90–120 km has been estimated, using the CORONAS-F/VUSS-L data on the extreme
UV absorption in the Earth’s atmosphere. It has been indicated that the concentration at these altitudes is a factor of 1.3
as high as the concentration according to the Jacchia-77 model. It has been revealed that the level of solar activity slightly
affects the molecular oxygen concentration at these altitudes. 相似文献
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Calculated insolations of the Earth are analyzed. The main trends in the modern solar climate change are identified: increased latitudinal contrast and smoothed seasonal... 相似文献
S. A. Grib 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2013,53(4):424-429
The motion of the MHD nonlinear shock in the Earth’s magnetosphere is considered in the scope of magnetic hydrodynamics. This wave comes from the solar wind and is refracted into the magnetosphere, generating a fast return rarefaction wave. It has been indicated that a wave refracted into the magnetosphere is a weak fast dissipative shock, propagating in magnetospheric plasma at a velocity higher than its propagation velocity in a solar wind stream. The wave motion near the Earth-Sun line with regard to the effect of the geomagnetic field transverse component is described. In this case, shock damping follows the generalized Crussard-Landau law and a wave retains its shock character up to the plasmapause, interacting with this region when an arbitrary MHD discontinuity is disintegrated. It is stated that an MHD shock loses its shock character when moving in a strongly inhomogeneous plasma within the plasmasphere and a weak shock reflected from the plasmapause can combine with a return secondary shock in the magnetosheath, promoting the experimentally observed backward motion of the bow shock front. 相似文献
The relationships between different manifestations of solar and geomagnetic activity and the structural peculiarities of the dynamics of the pole wobble and irregularities in the Earth??s rotation are studied using singular spectrum analysis. There are two close major peaks and several lower ones in the same frequency range (1.1?C1.3 years) in the Chandler wobble (CW) spectrum. Components in the geomagnetic activity were distinguished in the same frequency band (by the Dst and Ap indices). Six- to seven-year oscillations in the Earth??s rotation rate with a complex dynamics of amplitude variations are shown in variations in geomagnetic activity. It is revealed that secular (decade) variations in the Earth??s rotation rate on average repeat global variations in the secular trend of the Earth??s geomagnetic field with a delay of eight years during the whole observation period. 相似文献
Deep magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data were collected and processed in the western part of the East European Craton (EEC). The MT sounding results correspond well with impedances obtained by magnetovariation (MV) sounding on the new geophysical observatory situated not far from the western border of Russia. Inversion based on combined data of both induction soundings let us evaluate geoelectrical structure of the Earth’s crust and upper and mid-mantle at depths up to 2000 km, taking into account the harmonics of 11-year variations. Results obtained by different authors and methods are compared with similar investigations on the EEC such as international projects CEMES in Central Europe and BEAR in Fennoscandia. 相似文献
Steblov G. M. Agibalov A. O. Mel’nik G. E. Perederin V. P. Perederin F. V. Sentsov A. A. 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2022,58(4):459-468
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—An analysis of the displacement rates of GNSS points indicates that the values of current deformations gradually decrease from the center of... 相似文献
The origination of various plasma inhomogeneities in the magnetosheath in front of the Earth’s magnetosphere is analyzed within classical magnetohydrodynamics. The effect of directional discontinuities or tangential and rotational discontinuities of the solar wind on plasma is studied. The origination of inhomogeneities of the type of secondary MHD waves in the magnetosheath is shown; the former equalize plasma parameters when restoring the stationary state. The effect of a rotational discontinuity on the bow shock–Earth’s magnetosphere system is of special interest, with distinguishing of plasma inhomogeneities of the plateau type observed in the near-Earth space. 相似文献
The Earth masses reside in a near-hydrostatic equilibrium, while the deviations are, for example, manifested in the geoid, which is nowadays well determined by satellite gravimetry. Recent progress in estimating the density distribution of the Earth allows us to examine individual Earth layers and to directly see how the sum approaches the observed anomalous gravitational field. This study evaluates contributions from the crust and the upper mantle taken from the LITHO1.0 model and quantifies the gravitational spectra of the density structure to the depth of 435 km. This is done without isostatic adjustments to see what can be revealed with models like LITHO1.0 alone. At the resolution of 290 km (spherical harmonic degree 70), the crustal contribution starts to dominate over the upper mantle and at about 150 km (degree 130) the upper mantle contribution is nearly negligible. At the spatial resolution \(<150\,\hbox {km},\) the spectra behavior is driven by the crust, the mantle lid and the asthenosphere. The LITHO1.0 model was furthermore referenced by adding deeper Earth layers from ak135, and the gravity signal of the merged model was then compared with the observed satellite-only model GOCO05s. The largest differences are found over the tectonothermal cold and old (such as cratonic), and over warm and young areas (such as oceanic ridges). The misfit encountered comes from the mantle lid where a velocity–density relation helped to reduce the RMS error by 40%. Global residuals are also provided in terms of the gravitational gradients as they provide better spatial localization than gravity, and there is strong observational support from ESA’s satellite gradiometry mission GOCE down to the spatial resolution of 80–90 km. 相似文献
E. S. Belenkaya 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2014,54(3):287-291
When the effect of a solar wind dynamic pressure pulse on the magnetospheric and ionospheric dynamics is studied, it is usually difficult to detect the effect of a sudden change in the density against the background of the other varying solar wind parameters, which often play a most pronounced role. Cases in which the solar wind plasma density gradient dominated in the dynamics of the different parameters of an interplanetary medium and its magnetic field are considered in this work. Variations in the Earth’s dayside magnetopause current caused by a change in the solar wind ion density are presented for two such cases (February 11 and January 11, 1997) based on the method developed by us previously. Variations in the dayside magnetopause current for collisions of the magnetosphere with corotating interacting flows in January 2004, studied in detail by us previously, are also presented for Saturn. The estimates are comparable with the current values in the transitional three-dimensional current systems of Saturn that were previously calculated by us. 相似文献
M. I. Verigin G. A. Kotova V. V. Bezrukikh O. S. Aken’tieva 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2012,52(6):725-729
Based on experimental data obtained in 1995?C2000 on board the INTERBALL-1 spacecraft using the ALPHA-3 instrument, a semi-empirical two-dimensional model of the Earth plasmasphere is developed, which allows for the plasma distribution in the entire meridional plane to be restored from the temperature and proton density measurements along the satellite orbit. The model has also been tested using the data of the IMAGE spacecraft. The model uses theoretical expressions (Lemaire and Schere, 1974) that describe the plasma distribution in the plasmasphere for the cases of thermal equilibrium and collisionless initial partial filling of plasmaspheric shells; therefore, the parameters of the constructed model have a clear physical meaning and make it possible, in particular, to estimate the degree of plasmasphere filling. 相似文献
S. I. Boldyrev G. S. Ivanov-Kholodny O. P. Kolomiitsev A. I. Osin 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2011,51(4):546-549
This article studies long-period variations in the Earth’s upper atmosphere density over several solar activity cycles, using
long-term data on the evolution of motion of three artificial satellites (Intercosmos-19, Meteor-1-2, and Cosmos-1154) in
orbits at heights of 400–1000 km. The time interval when the satellites were in the orbits covered three solar activity cycles
(partly the 21st, completely the 22nd, and partly the 23rd). It is found that the variations in the average density of the
upper atmosphere at heights of 400–600 km in the 1980–2000 period were governed by the changes in the solar activity level. 相似文献
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this article, the dynamics of the annual variation in the mean monthly values of temperature and precipitation is studied via the expansion of series into natural... 相似文献
The work describes the results of calculations obtained with the Atmospheric Research Model (ARM) general circulation model. The temperature response of the troposphere and middle atmosphere to variations in UV solar radiation were found to have a large-scale wave structure when planetary waves at the lower model boundary were taken into account. In the present paper, the results from the processing of global temperature fields with three databases (ERA-20C, NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis, v2, and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I) are provided. Analysis of the differences of the mean monthly temperature global fields (January and July) between the maxima and minima of three solar activity cycles (21, 22, and 23 cycles) also demonstrated their nonzonal structure. It was shown that the amplitude of this difference in January in the stratosphere (10 hPa) can be 7–29 K in the Northern Hemisphere. In July, this effect is prominent in Southern Hemisphere. In the troposphere (500 hPa), a nonzonal temperature effect is present in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; the amplitude of the effects amounts to approximately 5–12 K. In conclusion, we discuss that the mechanism of solar energy impact on atmospheric temperature discovered by numerical modeling is supported after reanalysis data processing. 相似文献
The diurnal variations in the electric conductivity, electric-field strength, and meteorological parameters in the near-Earth’s atmosphere during the solar events in October 21–31, 2003, have been studied. It has been indicated that the conductivity and electric-field strength strongly depend on the air temperature and humidity. It has been found that the conductivity increased for 2 days before the geomagnetic storm on October 29–30 as a result of the effect of solar cosmic rays and decreased during a Forbush decrease in galactic cosmic rays, which was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the electric-field strength. It has been found that the air temperature and humidity anomalously increased in the process of solar activity, which resulted in the formation of different clouds, including thunderclouds accompanied by thunderstorm processes and showers. Simultaneous disturbances of the regular meteorological processes, solar flare series, and emission intensification in the near ultraviolet band, and visible and infrared spectral regions make it possible to consider these processes as a source of additional energy inflow into the lower atmosphere. 相似文献
Ogurtsov M. G. Jungner H. Lindholm M. Helama S. Dergachev V. A. 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2009,49(7):1056-1062
Paleoclimatological reconstructions of temperature of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere for the last thousand years have been
studied using the up-to-date methods of statistical analysis. It has bee indicated that the quasisecular (a period of 60–130
years) cyclicity, which is observed in the climate of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, has a bimodal structure, i.e., being
composed of the 60–85 and 85–130 year periodicities. The possible relation of the quasisecular climatic rhythm to the corresponding
Gleissberg solar cycle has been studied using the solar activity reconstructions performed with the help of the solar paleoastrophysics
methods. 相似文献
N. A. Barkhatov L. I. Gromova A. E. Levitin S. E. Revunov 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2008,48(6):713-718
The relation of the Kp index of geomagnetic activity to the solar wind electric field (E SW) and the projection of this field onto the geomagnetic dipole has been estimated. An analysis indicated that the southward component of the IMF vector (B z < 0) is the main geoeffective parameter, as was repeatedly indicated by many researchers. The presence of this component in any combinations of the interplanetary medium parameters is responsible for a high correlation between such combinations and geomagnetic activity referred to by the authors of different studies. Precisely this field component also plays the main role in the relation between the Kp index and the relative orientation of E SW and the Earth’ magnetic moment. 相似文献