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Using an ionospheric diagnostic technique developed by the authors and single-frequency GPS receivers, we obtained the first results of these diagnostics. In particular, we show that the ionosphere is characterized by large-scale periodic processes with frequencies of 3–5 mHz.  相似文献   

The mathematical model of radio sounding of the horizontally inhomogeneous ionosphere is proposed. Its validity is confirmed by the results of the experiment carried out onboard the Mir orbital station at heights below the electron density maximum in the ionosphere. In its turn, the mathematical model makes it possible to explain the appearance of new traces on ionograms obtained in this experiment as the result of the existence of backward trajectories toward the satellite during the radiowave propagation in the inhomogeneous ionosphere.  相似文献   

An overall consistent scheme is presented of using VLF transmitter signal spectral broadening observed on a satellite as a detection means of seismic activity. This includes the mechanisms for formation of small-scale plasma density irregularities, and generation of quasi-electrostatic lower hybrid resonance waves due to the scattering of transmitter signal from small-scale plasma irregularities. Both points are discussed in detail on quantitative level.  相似文献   

Approximate functional relationships for the calculation of a disturbed transionogram with a trace deformation caused by the influence of a large-scale irregularity in the electron density are obtained. Numerical and asymptotic modeling of disturbed transionograms at various positions of a spacecraft relative to a ground-based observation point is performed. A possibility of the determination of the intensity and dimensions of a single large-scale irregularity near the boundary of the radio transparency frequency range of the ionosphere is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The problem of radio wave propagation allowing for 3D localized lower ionosphere irregularity appears in accordance with the necessity of the theoretical interpretation of VLF remote sensing data. The various processes in the Earth's crust and in space (earthquakes, magnetic storms, sporadic E-layers, lightning induced electron precipitations, rocket launches, artificial ionosphere heating, nuclear explosions, etc.) may cause different power and size ionospheric disturbances. This paper presents a further development of the numerical–analytical method for 3D problem solving. We consider a vector problem of VLF vertical electric dipole field in a plane Earth-ionosphere waveguide with a localized anisotropic ionosphere irregularity. The possibility of lowering (elevating) of the local region of the upper waveguide wall is taken into account. The field components on the boundary surfaces obey the Leontovich impedance conditions. The problem is reduced to a system of 2D integral equations taking into account the depolarization of the field scattered by the irregularity. Using asymptotic (kr⪢1) integration along the direction perpendicular to the propagation path, we transform this system to a system of 1D integral equations. The system is solved in the diagonal approximation, combining direct inversion of the Volterra integral operator and the subsequent iterations. The proposed method is useful for study of both small-scale and large-scale irregularities. We obtained estimates of the TE field components that originate entirely from field scattering by a 3D irregularity.  相似文献   

An analysis of amplitude variations in the noise and storm-induced impulsive VLF electromagnetic signals recorded at Yakutsk along paths above earthquakes is reported. It is shown that amplitude characteristics of storm-induced VLF signals can usefully supplement signals of radio stations as used in the radio monitoring of regions above earthquakes. The effect on these signals due to earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5 is observed as an amplitude increase within the three days following an earthquake. The pre-seismic variations in the storm-induced signal amplitude which can be regarded as precursors are generally observed as increased amplitudes (within 10 days before the earthquake) with a subsequent minimum.  相似文献   

电离层人工调制可以激发甚低频(VLF)波,其中向上传播进入磁层的VLF波,不但能够用来研究磁层中的各种物理现象,且具有人工沉降高能粒子,消除辐射带等实际用途.本文使用射线追踪方法,模拟电离层调制激发的VLF波在磁层的传播路径,分析激发纬度和调制频率对传播路径和传播特性的影响;并基于低频波的色散方程和波粒共振条件,分析VLF波传播路径上与磁层高能粒子的最低共振能及其分布.研究表明,VLF波通过在磁层来回反射向更高的L-shell传播,最终稳定在某一L-shell附近.以较低的调制频率或者从较高的纬度激发的VLF波能够传播到更高的L-shell,但是,当激发纬度过高时,低频波也可能不发生磁层反射而直接进入电离层和大气层.低频波在磁层的传播过程中,在较高的纬度或者较低的L-shell能够与较高能量的电子发生共振相互作用,在较高的L-shell并且低纬地区,能够与较低能量的电子发生共振相互作用.共振谐数越高,能发生波粒共振的电子能量越高.  相似文献   

Total electron content (TEC) and foF2 ionosonde data obtained at Tucumán (26.9°S; 65.4°W) from April 1982 to March 1983 (high solar activity period) are analyzed to show the seasonal variation of TEC, NmF2 (proportional to square of foF2) and the equivalent slab thickness EST. Bimonthly averages of the monthly median for January–February, April–May, July–August and October–November have been considered to represent summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons, respectively. The results show that the higher values of TEC and maximum electron density of F2-layer NmF2 are observed during the equinoxes (semiannual anomaly). During daytime, both in TEC and in NmF2 the seasonal or winter anomaly can be seen. At nighttime, this effect is not observed. Also, the observed NmF2 values are used to check the validity of International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) to predict the seasonal variability of this parameter. In general, it is found that averaged monthly medians (obtained with the IRI model) overestimate averaged monthly median data for some hours of the day and underestimate for the other hours.  相似文献   

Observations of the Langmuir Probe Instrument(ISL,Instrument Sonde de Langmuir) onboard the DEMETER satellite during four years from 2006 to 2009 were used to analyze the tempo-spatial variations of electron density(Ne) and temperature(Te) in the ionosphere.Twenty four research bins with each covering an area with 10° in longitude and 2° in latitude were selected to study the spatial distributions of Ne and Te.The results indicate that both Ne and Te have strong annual variations in the topside ionosphere at 660 km altitude.The semiannual anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry which are usually well known as the features of F-layer also exist in the topside ionosphere at low-and mid-latitudes.The yearly variation of Ne is opposite to the peak electron density of the F2-layer(NmF2) at higher latitudes in daytime and both are similar in nighttime.Also the yearly variations of Te at low-latitude are contrary to that at 600 km in daytime and similar in nighttime.An interesting feature of nighttime Te at low-latitude is an obvious annual variation in the northern hemisphere and semiannual variation in the southern hemisphere.The yearly variations of Te in daytime have negative and positive correlation with Ne at mid-and high-latitudes,respectively.Both Ne and Te in the neighborhood bins at the same latitude have a high correlation.In ionospheric events analyzing,this information may help to understand the characteristics of the variation and to distinguish the reliable abnormality from the normal background map.  相似文献   

An analysis of the key parameters of HF/UHF radio signals was carried out for land-satellite radio channels, which determine the effects of fading in a perturbed ionosphere. Using the parameters of the perturbed plasma, the effects of the absorption and phase fluctuations of radio signals are analyzed for a channel with fading. For the evaluation of the effect of scattering of a radio signal by ionospheric inhomogeneities in an approximation of small-scale scintillations, expressions for the root-mean-square (RMS) magnitude of signal intensity and phase scintillations are presented. Scintillation index σ I 2 that corresponds to variations in a signal under the conditions of multipath propagation with fading is investigated by using experimental data. It is shown that roughly ~10% of inhomogeneities of the electron concentration in the F region of the ionosphere, perturbed during a magnetic storm, yield strong quickly fading radio signals in the VHF/UHF range with significant fluctuations (up to 1%) in the intensity of the signal and phase fluctuations (up to hundreds of radians). The calculated magnitudes of the scintillation index are in good agreement with experimentally observed data.  相似文献   

Time variations in the amplitude and phase of signals of the Russian telecommunication station (the frequency is 25 kHz) on the Arkhangelsk—Kharkov path with a length of about 1600 km on the day of the August 1, 2008 solar eclipse (SE) and on the adjacent days are analyzed. Two types of effects are detected. An increase of the signal amplitude by approximately 32% in comparison with the background days and the 2.1 μs time shift of the signal during 2—2.5 h is referred to the first type. Changes in the spectral composition of the quasiperiodic disturbances in the ionosphere presented the second type of the effects. For spectral analysis of the quasiperiodic variations in the amplitude and phase of the radio signal, the window Fourier transform, adaptive Fourier transform, and wavelet transformation were applied simultaneously. In the period of SE and after it, oscillations with periods of 10—15 min (according to the amplitude data) and also about 10 and 18 min (according to the phase data) were intensified. Based on radio signal characteristics, the parameters of ionospheric disturbances are estimated.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the abnormal variations in the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere observed before the earthquake of January 12, 2010, in Haiti. Global and regional maps of TEC relative (%) deviations from the quite background state are built for January 9–12, 2010. Using the UAM (Upper Atmosphere Model) global numerical model of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, the variations in the electric potential in the ionosphere and TEC are calculated using external seismic current above faults between the Earth and the ionosphere as a lower boundary condition. The numerical simulation results are compared with observations. It is shown that the simulated variations in the TEC at a specified current density of about 1 × 10?8 A/m2 on an area of 200 km (latitude) × 4000 km (longitude) above the focus represent all main features of the observations: prevalence of increased TEC values (positive disturbances), neighboring negative disturbances of lower magnitudes, localization, magnetic conjugacy of high-intensity effects in the Southern Hemisphere, and disappearance of disturbances around midday. Methodological recommendations are given to reveal variations in the TEC related to the preparation of seismic events.  相似文献   

Here we used the VLF signal data received by the DEMETER satellite, transmitted from various ground VLF transmitters which are located around China, to study the changes in the signal to noise ratio (SNR) before and after the Wenchuan earthquake, which had a magnitude of 8.0. We also found that the SNRs of different frequency signals decreased significantly over the epicenter region before the earthquake, and reverted to their original levels after the earthquake. This phenomenon may be related to the earthquake. Special Foundation of Basic Research from Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB08Z08), National Key Technology R & D Program (Grant No. 2008BAC35B01)  相似文献   

Summary Wave propagation through the ionospheric plasma containing irregularities has been studied. The excess electron number density due to the presence of irregularities has been calculated in a way which may be suitably used for practical purposes.  相似文献   

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