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报道了河南省栾川县秋扒乡晚白垩世秋扒组发现的甲龙类化石。化石包括单枚牙齿、一几乎完整的背椎体、不完整的肋骨和坐骨。虽然化石材料少,难以确立属种,但是这是除中原龙产地外,中原地区发现的第二个甲龙类化石点。该化石的发现为研究甲龙类的迁徙及其古地理分布特点提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

报道了河南省栾川县秋扒乡晚白垩世秋扒组发现的甲龙类化石。化石包括单枚牙齿、一几乎完整的背椎体、不完整的肋骨和坐骨。虽然化石材料少,难以确立属种,但是这是除中原龙产地外,中原地区发现的第二个甲龙类化石点。该化石的发现为研究甲龙类的迁徙及其古地理分布特点提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

根据以下特征,建立驰龙类恐龙一新属新种——河南栾川盗龙(Luanchuanraptor henanensisgen.etsp.nov):牙齿后缘每5mm有24个小锯齿;前部背椎椎体具有小的椎体侧孔;后部脉弧的前后突短且为三分支;最后部的尾椎体的椎体前突拉长且包裹与其相邻的前部椎体,两椎体前突之间夹有低的刀片状的神经棘;乌喙骨的内面强烈凹陷;肱骨骨干直,肱骨三角脊几乎占肱骨长度的前部一半。河南栾川盗龙代表除在亚洲戈壁地区及中国东北地区之外发现的第一件驰龙类化石标本。  相似文献   

豫西栾川地区晚白垩世秋扒组一新的驰龙类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据以下特征,建立驰龙类恐龙一新属新种——河南栾川盗龙(Luanchuanraptor henartens/sgen.et sp.nov):牙齿后缘每5mm有24个小锯齿;前部背椎椎体具有小的椎体侧孔;后部脉弧的前后突短且为三分支;最后部的尾椎体的椎体前突拉长且包裹与其相邻的前部椎体,两椎体前突之间夹有低的刀片状的神经棘;乌喙骨的内面强烈凹陷;肱骨骨干直,肱骨三角脊几乎占肱骨长度的前部一半。河南栾川盗龙代表除在亚洲戈壁地区及中国东北地区之外发现的第一件驰龙类化石标本。  相似文献   

栾川地区脊椎动物化石赋存在上白垩统秋扒组的中下部,时代可能为坎潘期晚期,以小型兽脚类恐龙骨骼为主。化石点大多分布在潭头盆地北部边缘2 km的范围,搬运距离不远。栾川动物群的化石组合包括至少8种恐龙(其中已命名6种)、2种蜥蜴类、2种哺乳类及数量众多的恐龙蛋等,代表一典型晚白垩世动物群,称为栾川动物群。栾川动物群与中国南方的赣州盆地和蒙古Nemegt盆地晚白垩世恐龙动物群具有很高的相似性,均以兽脚类恐龙为主,兼有其他脊椎动物组合。栾川动物群的研究对了解东亚晚白垩世恐龙动物群的生态面貌、恐龙多样性演化,以及环境变化对恐龙迁徙和灭绝的影响等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):28-35
An alvarezsaurid dinosaur skeleton was discovered from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan, Henan Province of central China. It represents a new alvarezsaurid dinosaur Qiupanykus zhangi gen. et sp. nov. A phylogenetic analysis recovers Qiupanykus nested within the unresolved clade, which includes Asian and north American taxa. The skeleton of the new specimen is preserved in association with eggshells. The eggshell morphologies show that these eggs belong to oviraptorid eggs, skeletal remains of which were discovered from the same area. The alvarezsaurid skeleton associated with eggshell fragments may indicate that these eggs were broken by the strong thumb-claws of the former and that alvarezsaurid dinosaurs may be egg-eaters.  相似文献   

Funiusaurus luanchuanensis gen. et sp. nov. was described on the basis of an incomplete skull from the Upper Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of the Tantou Basin in Luanehuan County, Henan Province. It is the second representative of lizards known from Luanchuan and adds a new member to the Luanchuan Fauna. F. luanchuanensis is a small-sized lizard and systematically assigned to the Polyglyphanodontidae of the Teiioidea because of the presence of a caniniform tooth and an elongate posterior process of the postorbital. It is distinctive in that the heterodont dentition bears 19 teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, the 3^rd maxillary tooth is large and caniniform, the post-caniniform teeth in maxilla and those posterior to the 3^rd dentary tooth are chisel-like in lateral view, the prefrontal possesses a fossa on its lateral surface, the postorbital with an extremely elongate posterior process and the well-developed retroarticular process has a deep fossa on its dorsal surface. In phylogeny, our analysis suggests a close relationship of Funiusaurus to the large-sized Tianyusaurus from the same basin within the Tuberocephalosaurinae. The discovery of Funiusaurus is significant in confirming the status of the Tuberocephalosaurinae, which includes a group of the Asian members of the Polyglyphanodontidae only.  相似文献   

A new sauropod dinosaur Baotianmansaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Cretaceous Gaogou Formation of Neixiang, Henan Province is erected. It is characterized by somphospondylous presacral vertebrae; a highly-developed lamina system on the dorsal vertebrae; transverse process supported by four laminae; and the dorsal portion of the anterior centroparapophyseal lamina is bifurcated, with a small branch extending to the ventral surface of the prezygapophysis. It represents a new titanosauriform sauropod.  相似文献   

A new sauropod dinosaur Baotianmansaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Cretaceous Gaogou Formation of Neixiang, Henan Province is erected. It is characterized by somphospondylous presacral vertebrae; a highly-developed lamina system on the dorsal vertebrae; transverse process supported by four laminae; and the dorsal portion of the anterior centroparapophyseai lamina is bifurcated, with a small branch extending to the ventral surface of the prezygapophysis. It represents a new titanosauriform sauropod.  相似文献   

采用电子探针、等离子质谱、等离子光谱等测试方法对河南栾川透闪石玉进行了研究,并结合国内其他产地的透闪石玉进行了分析比较.结果表明,河南透闪石玉的主要矿物组成为透闪石,其化学组成特征与和田玉相似.初步推断其矿床成因为岩浆热液交代成因.  相似文献   

A partial skeleton of the ornithomimid dinosaur, discovered from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan County, Tantou Basin, Henan Province, China, is described here and assigned to a new genus and species, Qiupalong henanensis, with unique features (a notch on the lateral surface of the lateral posterior process of the proximal end of tibia and a small pit at the contact between astragalus and calcaneum). A phylogenetic analysis in this study suggests that it is a derived ornithomimid and form a monophyly with North American ornithomimids (Struthiomimus altus and Ornithomimus edmontonicus), sharing two characters (straight pubic shaft and large acute angle between pubic shaft and boot). Some characters (small anterior process of the pubic boot and curved pedal unguals) are seen in basal ornithomimosaurs as well, but these features in Q. henanensis are reversal. Qiupalong is the first definitive ornithomimid from outside of the Gobi Desert and is the southern-most occurrence of Late Cretaceous ornithomimid from eastern Asia, demonstrating southern extension of ornithomimid distribution in Asia.  相似文献   

A new ootype collected from the Upper Cretaceous Lijiacun Formation in the Shangdan Basin, Shaanxi Province is described in this paper. Based on general external shape, size, eggshell thickness and honeycomb‐like eggshell microstructure, eggs are referable to the oofamily Faveoloolithidae. Compared with other members of Faveoloolithidae, specimens described in this paper show special characteristics: adjacent pores are usually separated by two eggshell units between which often develop interspaces; columnar eggshell units are relatively closely arranged in radial view. According to these characteristics, we erect a new oogenus and a new oospecies: Duovallumoolithus shangdanensis oogen. et oosp. nov. The new discovery expands the diversity of Faveoloolithidae.  相似文献   

黑龙江嘉荫地区晚白垩世兽脚类恐龙牙齿的发现及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕君昌  韩建新 《地质学报》2012,86(3):363-370
黑龙江嘉荫地区是中国最早发现恐龙化石的产地,在我国晚白垩世恐龙的研究史上具有极其重要的意义。该地区曾发掘出土大量鸭嘴龙类化石,是研究大型鸟脚类恐龙尤其是鸭嘴龙类系统分类和演化的理想地区。但相对应于鸭嘴龙类化石来说,兽脚类恐龙化石在该地区的发现却较为鲜见,主要以牙齿的形式出现。本文主要对最近在该地发现的一批兽脚类恐龙的牙齿化石进行详细描述对比,初步研究显示含有霸王龙类、驰龙类、白鲨齿龙、福井盗龙以及可能为新的兽脚类恐龙的牙齿。  相似文献   

本文报道了首次在山东青岛莱西地区晚白垩世红土崖组发现的恐龙蛋化石, 蛋化石呈圆形, 其直径为11 cm, 蛋壳的显微构造研究表明, 它属于树枝蛋类, 可能为镰刀龙类恐龙所产.沉积环境和岩石地球化学分析显示, 该时期研究区主要为河道—河漫滩沉积环境, 适宜的古气候条件是恐龙蛋孵化的理想地区;同时镰刀龙类蛋的发现, 预示着将来在该地区很有可能发现镰刀类恐龙骨骼化石.  相似文献   

季强 《地球学报》2009,30(3):285-290
本文对我国恐龙蛋研究历史作了简略回顾,大致分为三个研究阶段:形态分类、半自然分类和自然分类阶段.本文根据中国江西赣州晚白垩世南雄组产出的两枚含胚胎恐龙蛋的研究,认为这两枚恐龙蛋处于不同的发育阶段,蛋体形态和蛋壳显微结构表明它们同属于以往在广东发现的瑶屯巨型蛋(Macroolithus yaotunensis),骨骼学研究表明它们可能是黄氏河源龙(Heyuannia huangi)或与其亲缘关系相近的窃蛋龙所产.江西赣州晚白垩世含胚胎恐龙蛋的首次发现标志着我国恐龙蛋研究已进入自然分类阶段.  相似文献   

河南栾川Mo多金属矿集区构造地球化学特征及找矿预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙社良 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):405-416
栾川Mo多金属矿集区位于华北陆块南缘与北秦岭造山带的结合部。本文在对栾川Mo多金属矿集区地质特征、构造控岩控矿特征总结的基础上,运用数学地质的方法对矿集区构造裂隙地球化学特征进行分析,根据构造地球化学异常特征圈出有利找矿靶区,工程验证取得明显的找矿效果。这表明构造地球化学-数学地质方法具有良好的找矿效果,为栾川Mo多金属矿集区开展深部矿产勘查工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对近631个大气降水量和平均气温数据的分析发现,河南省栾川县近50 a来年降水量呈下降趋势,20世纪60年代降水量偏高,90年代降水量偏低,而年平均气温整体呈现上升趋势,与近20 a全球变暖的规律一致.另外,研究区大气降水氧同位素值和日降水量及日平均气温呈现负相关的关系,结合栾川县近50 a器测资料与相邻地区洞穴石...  相似文献   

A new genus and species of nodosaurid dinosaur: Zhejiangosaurus lishuiensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected herein. It is characterized by the sacrum consisting of at least three true sacral vertebrae, 5 caudal dorsal vertebrae fused to form the presacral rod, wide divergence of long slender preacetabular process of the ilium from the middle line of the body, and the fourth trochanter located at the femoral mid-length.  相似文献   

甘肃省永靖县盐锅峡发现大型蜥脚类恐龙足迹   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杜远生  李大庆  彭冰霞  雷汝林  白仲才 《地球科学》2002,27(4):367-372,T001
甘肃永靖盐锅峡下白垩统河口群盐锅峡组发现大量恐龙足迹化石 .初步调查发现了 10个化石点 2 93个足印化石 .其中在 1号点 6 0 0m2 的发掘面上 ,保存有 7组蜥脚类 138个足印、9组兽脚类 6 0个足印、1组鸟脚类 3个脚印和 1组翼龙类 11个足印 .7组蜥脚类足印形成4组保存完好的行迹和 3组的足迹组合 .最大的蜥脚类足印化石前脚 790mm× 112 0mm ,后脚 15 0 0mm× 14 2 0mm ,是目前发现的世界上最大的恐龙足印之一 .盐锅峡蜥脚类恐龙足迹可以分为 3种类型 :第 1类足迹前脚为新月形 ,后脚为椭圆形 ,前后足印不重合并均向外偏转 ;第 2类足迹前脚为半圆形 ,后脚为椭圆形 ,前后足印部分重合 ,后脚印向外偏转 ;第 3类足迹前脚半圆形 ,后脚U形 ,前后足印明显分离并均向外偏转 .蜥脚类恐龙足迹向外偏转反映恐龙成“外八字”型行走 ,这种行进方式可能与其巨大的体重有关 .根据计算 ,盐锅峡蜥脚类恐龙臀高最小为 3.0 4m ,最大可达到 5 .3m .恐龙行走的速度 2 .3~ 3.4km/h .古环境、古地理分析认为白垩纪甘肃兰州—青海民和一带为一内陆淡水湖盆 .盐锅峡一带的恐龙足迹化石就发现于最近湖中心的“雾宿山古岛”西侧湖岸上 .虽然白垩纪当地气候并不湿润 ,但湖岸地区草肥水美 ,是恐龙及其他陆生生物的乐园 .  相似文献   

We herein describe a partial postcranial skeleton of a sauropod dinosaur recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group in the Beipiao area of western Liaoning Province, northeastern China. A suite of features it possesses, including the camellate internal structure of its presacral elements, the existence of pneumatocoels on the proximal ends of the dorsal ribs, and especially the medially deflected proximal portion of the femur, definitively establish the titanosauriform affinities of the specimen. It differs from other titanosauriforms in having a craniocaudally elongate coracoid with a squared cranioventral extreme and a long, smooth, and slightly convex acetabular edge of the pubis. It represents a new taxon, Dongbeititan dongi gen. et sp. nov. Comparative studies suggest that Dongbeititan is a basal titanosauriform, more derived than Euhelopus, Fusuisaurus, and Huanghetitan, but less derived than Gobititan and Jiutaisaurus. Dongbeititan represents the first sauropod dinosaur reported from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

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