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An analysis of the publicly available Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) archive on Her X-1, including data on 23 34.85-d cycles, is performed. The turn-on times for these cycles are determined. The number of cycles with a duration of 20.5 orbits has been found to be much larger than the number of shorter (20 orbits) or longer (21 orbits) cycles. A correlation between the duration of a cycle and its mean X-ray flux is noted. The mean X-ray light curve shows a very distinct short on-state. The anomalous X-ray absorption dip is found during the first orbit, after the turn-on in the main on-state for the cycles starting near the binary phase 0.25, and is present during two successive orbits in the low on-state. The post-eclipse recovery feature has not been found in the main on-state but appears at least for two orbits during the low on-state. The pre-eclipse dips are present in both main and low on-states and demonstrate a behaviour like that of early observations. The comparison of durations of the main and short on-states enables us to constrain the accretion disc semithickness and its inclination to the orbital plane.  相似文献   

We present new optical and infrared (IR) observations of Cir X-1 taken near apastron. Both sets of spectra show asymmetric emission lines. Archival optical observations show that an asymmetric H α emission line has been in evidence for the past 20 years, although the shape of the line has changed significantly. We present an eccentric ( e ∼0.7–0.9) low-mass binary model, where the system consists of a neutron star orbiting around a (sub)giant companion star of 3–5 M. We suggest that the broad components of the emission lines arise in a high-velocity, optically thick flow near the neutron star, while the narrow components of the optical and the IR lines arise near the companion star and a heated ejecta shell surrounding the binary respectively. In this model, the velocity of the narrow component reflects the space velocity of the binary; the implied radial velocity (+430 km s−1 after correcting for Galactic rotation) is the highest velocity known for an X-ray binary.  相似文献   

We have obtained I -band photometry of the neutron star X-ray transient Aql X-1 during quiescence. We find a periodicity at 2.487 cycles d−1, which we interpret as twice the orbital frequency (19.30±0.05 h). Folding the data on the orbital period, we model the light-curve variations as the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star. We determine the binary inclination to be 20°–30° (90 per cent confidence) and also determine the 95 per cent upper limits to the radial velocity semi-amplitude and rotational broadening of the secondary star to be 117 and 50 km s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Using RXTE /PCA data, we study the fast variability of the reflected emission in the soft spectral state of Cyg X-1 by means of Fourier frequency-resolved spectroscopy. We find that the rms amplitude of variations of the reflected emission has the same frequency dependence as the primary radiation down to time-scales of ≲30–50 ms. This might indicate that the reflected flux reproduces, with nearly flat response, variations of the primary emission. Such behaviour differs notably from that of the hard spectral state, in which variations of the reflected flux are significantly suppressed in comparison with the primary emission, on time-scales shorter than ∼0.5–1 s.
If related to the finite light-crossing time of the reflector, these results suggest that the characteristic size of the reflector, presumably an optically thick accretion disc, in the hard spectral state is larger by a factor of ≳5–10 than in the soft spectral state. Modelling the transfer function of the disc, we estimate the inner radius of the accretion disc to be R in∼100 R g in the hard state and R in≲10 R g in the soft state for a 10-M black hole.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONStudying short time scale variability of the X-ray emission of blaCk-hole systems and lowmass X-ray binaries is an importal approach to understanding the emitting region and elinssionmechanism of high-energy photons. The time-averaged spectra of hard X-rays from Cyg X-1and other black-hole candidates are relatively well explained in terms of a simple model: hardX-rays result from the Comptonization of soft photons in a hot electron cloud of constattemperature and optical d…  相似文献   

We present the results of simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of the peculiar Z-type neutron star X-ray binary Cir X-1, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite and the Australia Telescope Compact Array in 2000 October and 2002 December. We identify typical Z-source behaviour in the power density spectra as well as characteristic Z patterns drawn in an X-ray hardness–intensity diagram. Power spectra typical of bright atoll sources have also been identified at orbital phases after the periastron passage, while orbital phases before the periastron passage are characterized by power spectra that are typical neither of Z nor of atoll sources. We investigate the coupling between the X-ray and the radio properties, focusing on three orbital phases when an enhancement of the radio flux density has been detected, to test the link between the inflow (X-ray) and the outflow (radio jet) to/from the compact object. In two out of three cases, we associate the presence of the radio jet to a spectral transition in the X-rays, although the transition does not precede the radio flare, as detected in other Z sources. An analogous behaviour has recently been found in the black hole candidate GX 339-4. In the third case, the radio light curve shows a similar shape to the X-ray light curve. We discuss our results in the context of jet models, considering also black hole candidates.  相似文献   

Using data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer , we report the detection of a 5-Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the bright low-mass X-ray binary and Z source Cygnus X-2 during high overall intensities (the high-intensity state). This QPO was detected on the so-called normal-branch and can be identified with the normal-branch QPO or NBO. Our detection of the NBO is the first one during times when Cygnus X-2 was in the high-intensity state. The rms amplitude of this QPO decreased from 2.8 per cent between 2 and 3.1 keV to <1.9 per cent between 5.0 and 6.5 keV. Above 6.5 keV, its amplitude rapidly increased to ∼12 per cent rms above 16 keV. The time lags of the QPO were consistent with being zero below 5 keV (compared with the 2–3.1 keV band), but they rapidly increased to ∼70 ms (140°) around 10 keV, above which the time lags remained approximately constant near 70 ms. The photon energy dependences of the rms amplitude and the time lags are very similar to those observed for the NBO with other satellites ( Ginga , EXOSAT ) at different (i.e. lower) intensity states.  相似文献   

We present X-ray spectral analyses of the low-mass X-ray binary Cir X-1 dur- ing X-ray dips,using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)data.Each dip was divided into several segments,and the spectrum of each segment was fitted with a three-component blackbody model,in which the first two components are affected by partial covering and the third one is unaffected.A Gaussian emission line is also included in the spectral model to represent the Fe Kαline at~6.4 keV.The fitted temperatures of the two partially covered components are about 2 keV and 1 keV,while the uncovered component has a temperature of~0.5-0.6 keV.The equivalent blackbody emission radius of the hottest component is the smallest and that of the coolest component is the largest.During the dips the fluxes of the two hot components are linearly correlated,while that of the third component does not show any significant variation.The Fe line flux remains constant,within the errors,during the short dips.However,during the long dips the line flux varies significantly and is positively correlated with the fluxes of the two hot components.These results suggest:(1)that the tem- perature of the X-ray emitting region decreases with radius,(2)that the Fe Kαline emitting region is close to the hot continuum emitting region,and(3)that the size of the Fe line emit- ting region is larger than that of the obscuring matter causing the short dips but smaller than the region of that causing the long dips.  相似文献   

We use data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer to search for harmonics and sidebands of the two simultaneous kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in Sco X-1. We do not detect any of these harmonics or sidebands, with 95 per cent confidence upper limits to their power between ∼1 and ∼10 per cent of the power of the upper kHz QPO. The oscillations produced at these frequencies may be attenuated in a scattering corona around the neutron star. We find that upper limits to the unattenuated power of some of the strongest theoretically predicted harmonics and sidebands are as low as ∼2 per cent of the unattenuated power of the high-frequency QPO in Sco X-1.  相似文献   

We have analysed the kinematical parameters of Cir X-1 to constrain the nature of its companion star, the eccentricity of the binary and the pre-supernova parameter space. We argue that the companion is most likely to be a low-mass (≲2.0 M) unevolved star and that the eccentricity of the orbit is 0.94±0.04. We have evaluated the dynamical effects of the supernova explosion and we find it must have been asymmetric. On average , we find that a kick of ∼740 km s−1 is needed to account for the recently measured radial velocity of +430 km s−1 (Johnston, Fender & Wu) for this extreme system. The corresponding minimum kick velocity is ∼500 km s−1. This is the largest kick needed to explain the motion of any observed binary system. If Cir X-1 is associated with the supernova remnant G321.9-0.3 then we find a limiting minimum age of this remnant of ∼60 000 yr. Furthermore, we predict that the companion star has lost ∼10 per cent of its mass as a result of stripping and ablation from the impact of the supernova shell shortly after the explosion.  相似文献   

We report results from a spectral and timing analysis of M82 X-1, one of the brightest known ultraluminous X-ray sources. Data from a new 105-ks XMM–Newton observation of M82 X-1, performed in 2004 April, and of archival RossiXTE observations are presented. A very soft thermal component is present in the XMM spectrum. Although it is not possible to rule out a residual contamination from the host galaxy, modelling it with a standard accretion disc would imply a black hole (BH) mass of  ≈103 M  . An emission line was also detected at an energy typical for fluorescent Fe emission. The power density spectrum of the XMM observation shows a variable Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) at frequency of 113 mHz with properties similar to those discovered by Strohmayer and Mushotzky. The QPO was also found in seven archival RXTE observations, that include those analysed by Strohmayer and Mushotzky, and Fiorito and Titarchuk. A comparison of the properties of this QPO with those of the various types of QPOs observed in Galactic black hole candidates strongly suggests an association with the type-C, low-frequency QPOs. Scaling the frequency inversely to the BH mass, the observed QPO frequency range (from 50 to 166 mHz) would yield a BH mass anywhere in the interval few tens to  1000  M  .  相似文献   

We have observed variations in the optical emission lines from the X-ray binary Circinus X-1. These variations may be attributed both to orbital variations and to long term secular changes in line strength. We have detected double-peaked H α emission lines on two occasions, providing the first direct evidence for an accretion disc in the system. The separation of the peaks was different on the two occasions, suggesting that the disc might have a different size. The equivalent width of the emission lines dropped by more than a factor of three between 1999 and 2000; this continues the trend seen in earlier data, so that the H α equivalent width has now declined by a factor of 20 since 1976. The emission lines do not appear to show signature of orbital motion, except for the data taken near phase 0, which show a significant velocity shift.
We have observed an absorption component to the He  i lines on one occasion. We suggest that, unlike the P Cygni profiles seen in X-ray spectra, this absorption does not arise in the accelerating zone of a radiatively driven wind. Instead, the absorption arises in material previously ejected from the system. It was only seen on this one occasion because the strength of the emission line had dropped dramatically.  相似文献   

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