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郝杰  刘小汉  桑海清 《地质通报》2003,22(3):165-169
对出露在新疆东昆仑落雁山—阿尔喀山一带闪长岩-花岗闪长岩带中的野牛泉石英闪长岩中的角闪石和次火山岩英安斑岩中的黑云母2种单矿物进行40Ar39/Ar同位素定年,分别获得角闪石(219±1.4)Ma坪年龄和(220±11)Ma等时年龄,黑云母(218.59±0.94)Ma坪年龄和(226±11)Ma等时年龄,证实它们形成于晚三叠世。由于它们具有弧侵入体的岩石学和地球化学特征,因此该年龄的确定对于以木孜塔格-鲸鱼湖蛇绿混杂带为标志的南昆仑造山带构造演化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

秋格明塔什—黄山巨型韧性剪切带产出在东天山北部,其活动时期的系统厘定对东天山大地构造演化极为关键,因而对揭示中亚造山带南部晚期的历史有着重要意义。系统的Ar-Ar同位素年代学研究表明,该剪切带的活动在时间上具有多期性:剪切带早期为挤压推覆剪切作用,发生于300Ma之后,至少延续到了283.7Ma,但在280.2Ma时已经终止;晚期为右行走滑剪切变形作用,主活动期的时代为262.9~242.8Ma,历时近20Ma。在右行走滑剪切变形阶段,秋格明塔什—黄山韧性剪切带出现差异抬升现象,导致剪切带不同区段糜棱岩的同位素年龄有较大差别:剪切带中—西段(康古尔地区)走滑剪切变形作用产生的糜棱岩的时代为262.9~256.1Ma,快速抬升发生在262.9~261.5Ma,冷却速率>100℃/Ma。剪切带东段(土屋—延东地区)走滑剪切变形作用产生的糜棱岩的时代为247.1~242.8Ma,快速抬升发生在247.1~246.9Ma期间,冷却速率>200℃/Ma。结合区域地质资料,笔者认为早期的挤压推覆剪切作用可能与东天山晚古生代板块俯冲—碰撞过程有关,而晚期的走滑剪切变形则可能反映了东天山北部地区碰撞后陆内变形特征。  相似文献   

王松山  桑海清  裘冀 《地质论评》1997,43(3):303-309
H_s型恩施球粒陨石K-Ar年龄为4503±91Ma,~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar坪年龄为4518±8Ma,总气体年龄为4515±23Ma,等时线年龄为4505±16Ma,年龄的一致性表明该陨石未经受过明显的热扰动,它是我国首次发现的Ar保存年龄高达45亿年以上的陨石。陨石形成早期有过短期的快速冷却。陨石母体在4.66±0.04Ma时破裂。恩施球粒陨石原始捕获(~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar)_t为0.89±0.44,推测4.5Ga前太阳风中~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar近于l。  相似文献   

氯对40Ar-39Ar定年的制约及数据处理   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
王松山 《地质科学》1992,(4):369-378
核反应35Cl(n,γ)36Cl和37Cl(n,γ)38Cl的最终产物36Ar和38Ar,对40Ar-39Ar定年影响不可忽视,尤其是在测定某些含K量低的沉积成因矿物时更为重要。本文介绍含Cl样品的40Ar-39Ar定年技术及全部数据处理步骤,以及ppm级K、Ca、Cl含量的测定及计算方法。  相似文献   

Furong, Hunan, is a large tin orefield discovered in China in recent years, which is mainly of the skarn-greisen-chlorite type. On the basis of the geological characteristics of the orefield, 40Ar-39Ar dating was performed on muscovite from greisen-type tin ore and biotite from related amphibole-biotite granite, which yielded three sets of age data, i.e., a plateau age of 157.5±0.3 Ma and an isochron age of 156.9±3 Ma for amphibole-biotite granite; a plateau age of 156.1±0.4 Ma and an isochron age of 155.7±1.7 Ma for the Sanmen greisen-type tin ore; and a plateau age of 160.1±0.9 Ma and an isochron age of 157.5±1.5 Ma for the Taoxiwo greisen-type tin ore. The three sets of age data coincide well with each other. They not only accurately reflect the timing of rock and ore formation but also indicate close relations between granite and tin deposits. In addition, the plateau ages of all three sets suggest that no subsequent thermal perturbation event occurred after the formation of granite and tin dep  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe Sawur gold belt is an eastward extending section ofthe Zarma-Sawur gold-copper belt in Kazakhstan, locatedin the Sawur Mountain, northern Xinjiang, and mainlycomprises two large- to medium-sized gold deposits,accompanied by five small gold deposits and a series ofgold ore spots (Yin et al., 1996, 2003; Wang et al., 1999; Liet al., 2000; Liu et al., 2003; Shen et al., 2004a). TheKuo'erzhenkuola and Bu'erkesidai gold deposits are thebiggest and most important ones in this …  相似文献   

云开群硅质岩的40Ar/39Ar年龄及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粤西云开群浅变地层年代的确定对于研究华南地壳演化有重要意义。以往的同位素年龄值多测自其中的顺层火成岩,故对其他质意义有不同的理解。本文首次测得了云开群中硅质岩的40Ar/39Ar年龄,从而提供了云开群的沉积年代。  相似文献   

By using the 40Ar-39Ar chronological method to date K-feldspar from K-feldspar granite in the Qiaohuote copper district, the authors obtained a plateau age of 274.78±0.44 Ma and an isochron age of 272.7±3.0 Ma. Because there is no tectonic deformation overprinted or hydrothermal alteration in the K-feldspar granite intrusion after its emplacement, the 40Ar-39Ar age represents the crystallization age of K-feldspar in K-feldspar granite, i.e. the late crystallization age of the K-feldspar granite intrusion, which indicates that the K-feldspar granite formed in the intraplate extensional stage during the Early Permian. Moreover, based on the spatial relationship between the K-feldspar granite intrusion and copper orebodies, variations of copper ore grade, REE characteristics of K-feldspar granite and copper ores, and H and O isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in copper ores, the metallogenesis of the Qiaohuote copper deposit is directly related to intrusive activities of the K-feldspar granite, and  相似文献   

迁安紫苏花岗岩的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对采自河北省迁安县水厂地区的紫苏花岗岩中的黑云母和紫苏辉石进行了~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄测定,分别给出了18.7亿年和19.6亿年的~(40)Ar保存年龄。这两种矿物的年龄谱的视年龄的梯度变化表明,紫苏花岗岩形成后是缓慢冷却的。3.9亿年左右的一次热事件,造成了放射成因~(40)Ar的丢失。根据热历史和封闭温度的研究,从27亿年(侵入到该区紫花岗岩中的花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄)到19.6亿年,紫苏花岗岩岩体的抬升速率为6.5m/Ma,但从19.6亿年到18.7亿年,其抬升速率高达111m/Ma,具有明显的构造抬升作用。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地瓦基里塔格辉长岩^40Ar—^39Ar年龄及其意义   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
瓦基里塔格位于新疆塔里木盆地塔中构造带 (即中央隆起) 的西部, 巴楚县城南东约40km 。这里发育一套轻微变质的碎屑岩哑地层, 其中有基性-超基性岩体侵入。对在此采集的2 块辉长岩样品进行Ar-Ar定年, 获得的坪年龄分别为825.0±2.0Ma 和837.3±2.0Ma, 相应的等时年龄为821.4±8.0Ma和833.3±15.3Ma。这是首次获得的塔里木盆地腹地较可靠的前寒武纪同位素年龄数据, 为塔里木盆地的构造类型、基底性质、组成和时代等地质问题的正确认识, 提供了一份重要的基础资料, 对于该地区的油气勘探部署也有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江省鸡西盆地基性岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省鸡西盆地张新地区辉绿玢岩呈岩床状侵入晚中生代城子河组地层中;辉绿玢岩较纯净,无捕虏体,呈斑状结构,斑晶由普通辉石、斜长石组成,斑晶体积分数为35%~40%;基质由微晶斜长石、辉石、磁铁矿及玻璃质组成。辉绿玢岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年结果表明,其等时线年龄与坪年龄在误差范围内较为接近,该辉绿玢岩的形成时代介于96~101 Ma,即形成于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期的Albian-Cenomanian阶。结合区域上该期岩浆事件的特点,暗示早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世时期鸡西盆地处于古太平洋板块(Izanagi-Kula 板块 )向东亚大陆边缘斜向俯冲背景之下的弧后伸展环境。  相似文献   

Seventeen new 40Ar/39Ar analyses reported for ten Tarim Precambrian basement samples from the Kuluketage area, are applied to reconstruct the regional thermo-tectonic history together with previously published data. Eight samples were taken adjacent to the Xingdi and Xinger faults, major structures in the study area, whereas a further two were sampled at some distance from the faults. 40Ar/39Ar data from the latter record rapid cooling following a Neoproterozoic magmatic/metamorphic event and mild Paleozoic thermal disturbance. Paleozoic 40Ar/39Ar ages from the study area, as well as from the Central Tianshan and eastern Southern Tianshan suggest two strong deformational periods at ~390 Ma and ~300 Ma. During the older period, argon isotopic systems were reset/disturbed by high temperature related to arc magmatism resulting from subduction of the South Tianshan paleo-oceanic crust, possibly in combination with reactivation of Precambrian faults. The younger period is characterized by widespread late Carboniferous-early Permian intracontinental deformation, which is related to the final amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Previously published apatite fission track data attest to a long history of post-collisional cooling, which is attributed to continued propagation of deformation within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

油气成藏^40Ar-^39Ar定年难题与可行性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
油气成藏作用伴生的矿物种类少,主要为碳酸盐矿物,以及少量石英和黄铁矿等,这些矿物均不适合用传统同位素年代学方法进行年龄测定,因此,油气成藏年龄是同位素年代学尚未解决的一大科学难题。^40Ar-^39Ar(K-Ar)法是可能应用于油气成藏年龄测定的首选同位素定年方法。从^40Ar-^39Ar法的优点和实验技术的角度,讨论了油气田样品^40Ar-^39Ar定年面临的主要技术难题、测定对象、测定方法和可行性。有机杂质气体纯化装置的研制成功,为开展油气成藏^40Ar-^39Ar年代学研究,并获得可靠的同位素年龄数据奠定了实验技术基础。  相似文献   

The Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic orefield in Hunan Province, southern China, is a large-size tin orefield. Although numerous studies have been undertaken on this orefield, its genesis, mineralization age, and tectonic setting are still controversial, mainly because of the lack of reliable geochronological data on tin mineralization. The 40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating dating method was first employed on muscovite from different deposits in this orefield. The muscovite sample from the Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic deposit defines a plateau age of 154.4±1.1 Ma and an isochron age of 151.9±3.0 Ma; muscovite from the Xianghuapu W-polymetallic deposit yields a plateau age of 161.3±1.1 Ma and an isochron age of 160.0±3.2 Ma; muscovite from the Jianfengling greisen-type Sn-polymetallic deposit gives a plateau age of 158.7±1.2 Ma and an isochron age of 160.3±3.2 Ma. The tungsten-tin mineralization ages in the Xianghualing area are therefore restricted within 150-160 Ma. The tungsten -tin mineralization in Xianghualing occurred at the same time as the regional tin-tungsten mineralization including the Furong tin orefield, Shizhuyuan tungsten-tin polymetallic deposit and Yaogangxian tungsten-polymetallic deposit. Thus, the large-scale tungsten-tin metallogenesis in South China occurring at 160-150 Ma. probably is closely related to asthenospheric upwelling and crust-mantle interaction under a geodynamic setting of crustal extension and lithosphere thinning during the transformation of tectonic regimes during the Mid-Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

豫西小秦岭金矿区的一组^40Ar/^39Ar定年数据   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
徐启东  杨发城 《地质论评》1998,44(3):323-327
本文提供了一组小秦岭金矿区的^40Ar/^39Ar定年数据。根据地质体的形成温度和被测定矿物封闭温度之间的关系,讨论了各个年龄的地质含义。认为东闯钾长花岗岩墙和文峪二长花岗岩体分别形成于印支期和燕山早期,主要金矿化发生在文峪二长花岗岩体已固结之后(132Ma),自1.3Ga以来,本区遭受过的区域性热事件温度不会超过350℃。  相似文献   

雄村铜金矿Ⅱ号矿体在2007-2008年取得了重大的找矿突破,详细的地质编录成果表明,矿体同样受含眼球状石英斑晶的角闪石英闪长玢岩和角闪石英闪长玢岩控制.含眼球状石英斑晶的角闪石英闪长玢岩和角闪石英闪长玢岩的锆石U-Pb年龄已经确定(164~177 Ma),因此,雄村铜金矿不同地质体的云母类、长石类矿物Ar-Ar同位素年龄的测定显得尤为关键.文章通过对穿切I号矿体的黑云母花岗闪长岩、云煌岩脉的黑云母Ar-Ar同位素测年,结合其他研究者的成果,得到一组十分重要的年龄数据.穿插矿体的黑云母花岗闪长岩中的黑云母(样号6187-335)坪年龄(46.96±0.42)Ma,穿插矿体的无矿化的云煌岩(5053-324.4)(Cu含量0.0551%,Au含量0.034 g/t,Ag0.6 g/t)中的黑云母给出了一个较好的似坪年龄,加权平均年龄为(49.59±0.58)Ma.结合其他研究者测定的中侏罗世侵位的角闪石英闪长玢岩(不含矿)[锆石U-Pb年龄为(177.1±2.0)Ma]中黑云母的At-At同位素年龄为(48.57±0.31)Ma;含矿凝灰岩围岩[锆石U-Pb年龄为(176±5)Ma,MS3VD=0.63}的蚀变绢云母Ar-Ar年龄为(47.07±0.30)Ma;似伟晶岩中长石的At-At年龄为(47.62±0.7)Ma,认为不同形成时代、不同产出空间、不同矿化程度的地质体的云母类、长石类矿物的Ar-Ar同位素年龄的一致性,反映了后期岩浆热事件对中侏罗世早期形成的地质体和矿体的黑云母氩同位素体系产生了较强的扰动或置换.谢通门大岩基黑云母花岗闪长岩的侵位致使各地质体发生显著的退变质,形成典型的角岩化带,这种退变质的时限在46-48 Ma之间的始新世lutetian期,进而认为各地质体中云母类矿物的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar同位素年龄不能作为成矿年龄.  相似文献   

A suite of continental flood basalts sampled over a vast exposure and stratigraphic thickness in the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP), SW China was investigated for laser microprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating. There are two 40Ar/39Ar age groups for these basalts, corresponding to 259-246 Ma and 177-137 Ma, respectively. A well-defined isochron gives an eruption age of huge quantities of mafic magmas at 258.9±3.4 Ma, which is identical to previous dating and paleontological data. Much younger 40Ar/39Ar ages for some basalts with low-greenschist metamorphic facies probably recorded a late thermo-tectonic event caused by collision between the Yangtze and Qiangtang continental blocks during the Mesozoic, which resulted in the reset of argon isotope system. The 40Ar/39Ar age data, we present here, combined with previous dating and paleontological data, suggest relatively short duration (about 3 Ma) of mafic volcanism, which have important implication on mantle plume genesis of the Emeishan continental flood basalts in the LIP.  相似文献   

福建同安角闪辉长岩的矿物化学、40Ar-39Ar年龄及地质意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈荣  周金城 《地质论评》2001,47(6):602-607
福建同安角闪辉长岩的岩石化学成分具有低MgO高铝玄武岩的特征,其中的角闪石是富钙钙镁闪石,斜长石是An=91~95的钙长石.在基性的弧岩浆中,低MgO高铝玄武岩浆富水是导致结晶出高钙斜长石的关键因素.钙镁闪石的40Ar-39Ar年龄为129.62±0.15 Ma,说明同安角闪辉长岩是东南沿海早白垩世"初始引张阶段"岩浆活动的产物.  相似文献   

西藏多不杂斑岩铜金矿是在班公湖—怒江成矿带发现的第一个斑岩型矿床。通过对多不杂矿床蚀变钾长石进行40Ar/39Ar年代学测试获得,蚀变钾长石的坪年龄为(118.31±0.60)Ma,反等时线年龄为(118.30±0.79)Ma,它们代表多不杂矿床钾化蚀变的年龄为119~118 Ma,与成矿年龄同期。多不杂矿床形成的岩浆-热液过程为,由岩浆期(约120Ma)演化至钾化和成矿期(119~118 Ma),再演化至绢英岩化期(118~115 Ma)。  相似文献   

河南桐柏老湾金矿白云母氩-氩年龄及其地质意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
河南老湾金矿是秦岭-大别造山带中代表性金矿之一,其容矿围岩是元古宙变质岩,矿体受到NWW向老湾剪切带的控制,同时附近又有燕山期花岗岩.结合前人工作,本次研究表明,老湾金矿的形成经历了一个漫长过程,其韧性剪切带的演化(138 Ma)早在花岗岩(108~102 Ma)之前就开始了.韧性剪切带既是导岩构造也是导矿构造,含金石英脉的定位最晚(91 Ma).这一漫长过程与秦岭-大别造山带在燕山期的演化过程一致.  相似文献   

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