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发生在中国大陆的台风变性加强过程分析   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
通过对登陆台风Winnie(1997)的演变过程分析,发现登陆后的台风经历三个阶段:衰减阶段、变性阶段、重新加强阶段。其变性过程类似于Sekioka等人提出的复合型,变性后逐渐演变为Shapiro—Keyser气旋模型。通过对物理量的诊断分析发现,对流层中高层冷空气的下沉入侵以及对流层低层的暖平流是热带气旋变性的原因。冷空气的入侵使具有暖心结构的热带气旋演变为斜压结构的温带气旋。变性后气旋得到了重新发展,低层维持的较明显暖平流以及与高空急流相对应的散度区和高空涡度平流是导致气旋重新发展的重要物理因子。  相似文献   

尹尽勇  李泽椿  杜秉玉 《气象》2009,35(8):16-26
利用中尺度模式MM5对西北太平洋9617号热带风暴Tom转变温带气旋的变性过程进行了模拟.通过对其变性过程的模拟分析发现:热带风暴Tom与西风槽相互作用,风暴东侧低层暖湿气流与槽前正涡度平流发生耦合有利于气旋发展;槽前暖平流与槽后冷平流使风暴形成具有西冷东暖的热力分布结构,诱使风暴向斜压转变;高空急流入口处右侧的气旋式切变及出口处右侧的反气旋式切变有利于风暴右侧气流上升和左侧气流下沉运动,有利于风暴由正压向斜压性转变;来自风暴西北侧的干冷空气自700hPa附近向风暴中心侵入,使风暴中心暖柱体发生自低层向高层的西北一东南向的倾斜,其暖性特征遭到破坏;由于干冷空气的侵入,低层700hPa分为南北两个暖中心,北侧暖中心北侧出现了明显的暖锋锋生,西南侧另一个暖心附近有冷锋锋生迹象;平流层高值PV异常下传有利于变性后的热带风暴的再次加强.  相似文献   

利用气旋相空间法(cyclone phase space,CPS)对1403号台风Faxai变性前后的环境场及结构演变特征进行分析。结果表明:相空间法能够很好地指示低纬变性台风Faxai的变性起止时间。此次过程是由减弱的台风环流与TC西北侧的短波槽结合发展产生,分析台风Faxai的结构演变特征可知,变性阶段TC低层厚度场由均匀对称分布转为非均匀分布,增大了环境斜压性,变性后B值最大达30 m,为弱的斜压非对称结构。Faxai东侧的偏南风暖湿气流与偏北风气流相交汇,使得经向位温梯度增加从而在TC东北象限形成一带状锋区,锋区正好位于南北两大风圈之间的位置。整个变性阶段Faxai西侧几乎无明显冷锋锋生,只在环流东北侧有一定程度的暖锋锋生,这与典型的锋面气旋的发展过程有所不同。变性前,TC呈现对称分布的暖核结构;变性阶段,冷空气从热带低压西侧对流层中低层下沉入侵,TC呈现左侧冷、右侧暖的非对称斜压结构,中层增温可能与槽后强的下沉气流有关。对锋生函数各分量分析发现,散度场主导了气旋周围的标量锋生,倾斜项的贡献次之,涡度场是引起旋转锋生的主要因素,其余两项可忽略不计。   相似文献   

利用NCEP GDAS/FNL再分析数据,根据TFP(Thermal Front Parameter)参数和锋生函数,对1909号热带气旋“利奇马”生命史中各主要阶段暖心特征和变性过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:“利奇马”强度为热带风暴时,其暖心结构较为松散,500 hPa以上和600 hPa以下分别存在一个最强中心,在强度减弱阶段上下层暖心均偏离气旋中心;当其强度升至强热带风暴及以上级别时,低层暖心消失,高层暖心显著增强,结构变得紧凑,气旋中心上空暖区呈棒槌状分布。高层暖心强度与“利奇马”强度呈正相关,当“利奇马”维持超强台风时,其暖心可达10~14℃。“利奇马”与中纬度西风槽接触后,冷空气开始自对流层中低层进入其环流,低层冷空气入侵的程度比中层更明显;低层暖心被冷空气侵蚀而消失,高层暖心则逐渐减弱,结构亦变得松散。TFP参数和锋生函数计算结果表明受冷空气影响,“利奇马”斜压性逐渐增强,其中心西北侧形成一支暖锋,逐渐变性为温带气旋,但冷锋未见发展。变性过程中“利奇马”高层暖心强度虽减弱但仍然维持,但低层暖区被冷空气完全填塞,导致其变性后较快消亡。  相似文献   

刘硕  李得勤  赛瀚  田莉  赵明 《高原气象》2019,38(4):804-816
使用常规观测、最佳台风路径数据、风云二号气象卫星亮温(Black body temperature equivalent,TBB)、全球协同探空站资料和NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,对2016年第10号台风"狮子山"并入温带气旋过程中,二者相互作用下引发的东北地区强降水进行了分析。结果发现,台风"狮子山"并入温带气旋过程中,其结构由对称的热带涡旋云系向非对称斜压云系发展,最终演变为成熟的温带气旋云系。受温带气旋的影响,台风"狮子山"逐渐进入到强垂直风切变环境,台风涡旋环流、水汽输送、垂直运动呈现明显的不对称和垂直向西倾斜结构,暖心结构遭遇破坏,水汽输送逐渐远离台风环流;台风影响下的高低空急流有利配置对温带气旋形成正涡度平流输送,伴随着锋生作用,使得温带气旋获得动力和能量而发展。对东北地区强降水的分析发现,台风并入温带气旋过程中,温带气旋加强发展,带来了增强的动力、水汽和能量的输送,是引发东北地区强降水的主要原因,降水主要发生在暖平流带中,600 h Pa与900 h Pa之间的厚度梯度大值区对强降水的落区具有很好的指示,强低层辐合、高层辐散,促使强的垂直上升运动,配合强暖平流和充沛水汽的输送,对应着强降水的发生。高层弱的干冷空气缓慢向低层侵入,使得降水持续时间长、结束缓慢。降水总体具有持续性,伴有较强对流降水的发生。  相似文献   

应俊  陈光华  黄荣辉  曹杰 《大气科学》2013,37(4):773-785
选取西北太平洋上两个生命史中发生变性的热带气旋Yagi和Francisco,前者变性后有一个24小时的再增强过程,而后者则继续减弱直至消亡。利用日本气象厅提供的热带气旋资料和美国环境预报中心(NCEP)提供的FNL全球分析资料,对比分析两个TC在变性阶段的形势场,发现两者在高低层的环境场均具有明显的差异:Yagi在变性阶段其高空槽较强且在低层有一个与中纬度原先存在的温带气旋合并的过程;而Francisco在变性阶段其高空槽较弱,且变性后自行消亡。另外探讨了导致Yagi变性增强的原因,结果表明:(1)Yagi变性阶段与高空槽前的急流相互作用时,高空急流入口区左侧和出口区右侧的次级环流将产生高空辐散低空辐合的趋势,有利于低层TC低压的发展。同时,当Yagi在穿越急流的过程当中,垂直风切变的增加将导致斜压不稳定增强,低层锋区强烈发展,锋区内的斜压能量可能向TC动能转化,从而使得Yagi发展增强;(2)高空槽所对应的高层湿位涡下传可使得低层正涡度增长,从而在低层诱生出气旋性环流,有利于Yagi变性后重新发展;(3)Yagi与中纬度原先存在的温带气旋发生合并,温带气旋所带来的较高纬度冷空气的入侵增强了低层的水平温度梯度,使得低层锋区强烈发展,从Yagi以一个锋面气旋的形式而再度发展,促使其变性后进一步增强。而这些特征都是Francisco所不具备的。  相似文献   

尽管关于温带气旋发展和演变的观点不尽相同,但目前普遍被接受的两种模型是:挪威气旋模型、Shapiro和Keyser模型。以FY-2E卫星云图为基础,先给出8个温带气旋过程实例,然后结合常规高空、地面观测及NCEP的1°×1°再分析场等资料,通过个例分析,对暖锋后弯气旋发生发展的环流背景、结构及成因进行分析。结果表明:(1)卫星云图显示东亚陆地上温带气旋存在T-bone结构和暖锋后弯的事实。(2)温带气旋发生在500 h Pa东亚大陆中高纬两脊一槽的背景下,槽加深及下游脊的发展有利于气旋的发展,与经典温带气旋发生发展的环流背景类似。(3)2012年5月11—13日个例分析表明蒙古气旋中存在锋面波动、锋面断裂、T-bone结构和暖锋后弯、暖核被隔离现象;暖核可从地面向上伸展到600 h Pa。(4)在地面气旋初生和发展阶段,地面气旋中心西侧高低层正相对涡度区呈后倾结构;当高低层正涡度区几乎垂直重合时,地面气旋停止发展;气旋中心西侧对流层中低层的锋区一直存在。(5)当高低层涡度平流差值为正、300 h Pa正涡度平流引起的辐散叠加到对流层中低层锋区之上,地面气旋才会生成和发展。逐渐增强的暖平流从气旋中心的东部和北部向气旋的西部和西南部输送,从而形成了卫星云图上的T-bone结构和暖锋后弯现象。  相似文献   

一次辽宁秋季暴雨天气的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙欣  蔡芗宁  黄阁 《气象》2007,33(9):83-93
使用1.0°×1.0°NCEP再分析资料,对2006年10月21—22日深秋暴雨在天气形势分析的基础上,进行物理量诊断。结果表明:在有利的环境背景形势下,高位涡从对流层高层向低层伸展并形成湿位涡柱,引起气旋性环流与低涡环流叠加。对流层低层的湿斜压性增强,引起低层的锋区加强及垂直涡度发展,高空入侵干冷空气锲入底层,低层暖湿空气强迫抬升,使地面发展为气旋;高低空急流耦合产生上升气流,同时较强的补偿下沉运动激发上升运动加强,使次级环流加强,触发不稳定能量的释放;低空急流和超低空急流向辽宁输送暖湿空气及能量,对流层中低层形成湿柱并积聚高不稳定能量;中尺度气旋、高低空急流、湿位涡柱、次级环流上升支、地面高水汽含量湿区、高假相当位温出现的时间、强度、位置和结构决定了暴雨的时间和落区。  相似文献   

陆地上爆发性温带气旋的暖锋后弯结构分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
熊秋芬  牛宁  章丽娜 《气象学报》2013,71(2):239-249
温带气旋的暖锋后弯是20世纪80年代末从北大西洋爆发性气旋现场科学试验中发现的一个重要科学成果, 修正了 经典温带锋面气旋模式中锢囚锋的概念。在地球同步卫星云图上, 经常可以观测到欧亚大陆的气旋云系也存在与暖锋后弯 非常类似的演变过程。利用常规的高空、地面观测, NCEP的1°×1°再分析场和FY-2E 水汽图像等资料, 通过分析2012年5 月11-14日一次蒙古气旋强烈发展的结构特征, 揭示了在内陆地区温带气旋发展过程中若暖锋锋区增强而冷锋锋区减弱, 则 该类气旋也存在暖锋后弯和暖核被隔离的事实。分析结果还表明该类蒙古气旋中暖核强度虽不如海洋爆发性气旋, 但其厚 度可伸展到600hPa,在对流层低层850hPa低压中心附近不仅有暖核, 而且存在与暖核近乎重合的干中心, 但干暖中心与气 旋中心并不重合。另外, 单站探空及垂直剖面的分析显示, 在后弯的暖锋锋区附近存在强的湿上升运动, 干暖核内以干空气 和下沉运动为主, 在边界层内后弯暖锋锋区比冷锋锋区强;在冷锋后部的干输送带中对流层中高层锋区明显, 且总体上相对 湿度较小、上升运动微弱, 最显着的干区位于锋区上方下沉的暖空气中。  相似文献   

春夏季节黄河气旋经渤海发展时影响因子对比研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
苗春生  宋萍  王坚红  牛丹 《气象》2015,41(9):1068-1078
利用2008—2012年台站资料、NCEP(National Centers for Environ mental Prediction) FNL(Final Operational Global Analysis)1°×1°再分析资料,将近5年经过渤海持续发展的黄河气旋分为夏季型和春季型,采用动态合成法对两类气旋的结构和黄渤海海域的热力、动力、水汽等影响因子进行对比分析。结果表明:经过渤海时,夏季型气旋主要伴随大范围的强降水,而春季型气旋主要形成强风区。春夏季黄河气旋均为冷暖交汇的斜压性结构,但夏季型有偏暖中心,斜压性弱于春季型。春季高空急流位于气旋南部,其左侧正涡度区维持气旋的深厚,且气旋后部高空动量下传与锋面二级环流及平坦海面配合有利于气旋低层大风迅速增强。夏季高空急流位于气旋北部,高空强辐散区和低层辐合区配置加强了气旋中的上升运动,有利于气旋强降水和凝结潜热释放。气旋发展阶段,扰动位能向动能的转化,支持气旋动能的维持与加强。湿位涡计算显示,夏季气旋中有深厚的干空气下沉,干湿梯度强,尺度大,有利于气旋的强降水,春季气旋中干湿梯度小,分布零散,对应降水强度和范围均小。黄渤海为气旋主要水汽输送通道,夏季海温相对春季高,水汽充沛,春季水汽辐合量仅为夏季三分之一。海洋下垫面作用对春季气旋影响大,在夏季作用不明显。夏季海面潜热加热影响为主,春季感热加热影响明显。  相似文献   

高空槽对9711号台风变性加强影响的数值研究   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:26  
李英  陈联寿  雷小途 《气象学报》2006,64(5):552-563
9711号台风Winnie是一个在中国大陆长久维持(2—3 d)并产生强降水的热带气旋(TC),在其深入内陆过程中变性加强为一个温带气旋。用MM5V3对不同强度高空槽影响下Winnie的变性加强过程进行了数值研究。结果表明:(1)Winnie变性加强过程表现为强锋面侵入台风内部、冷空气包裹台风中心、一个温带气旋在近地层锋面上强烈发展的过程;(2)Winnie在陆上的变性加强与西风带高空槽的强度密切相关。TC与不同强度高空槽相互作用过程中,较深槽携带较强冷平流、正涡度平流以及较强的槽前高空辐散,从而有利于TC的维持和变性发展。数值试验中,高空槽越强,Winnie变性加强越明显,温带气旋的发展越快;(3)模拟结果的位涡分析表明,Winnie的温带变性发展与对流层高层正位涡下传、低层锋区和TC低压环流三者之间的相互作用有关。  相似文献   

The extratropical transitions(ETs)of tropical cyclones(TCs)over China and the ocean east to 150°E are investigated by the use of best-track data and JRA-25 reanalysis spanning 1979-2008.The ET events occurring north of 25°N and in the warm season(from May to October)are extracted from the reanalysis to emphasize the interaction between TC and midlatitude circulation.Statistical analysis shows that 18.5%of the warm-season TCs go through land ETs north of 25°N in the western North Pacific.And 20.5%of the ET events occur over the ocean east of 150°E.Most(62.2%)ET TCs over China gradually die out after ET,but more(70.7%)ocean ET cases have post-ET reintensification.The evolutions in cyclone phase space and the composite fields for land and ocean ETs,as well as the ET cases with and without post-ET reintensification,are further analyzed.It is found that most TCs with ET over China and those without post-ET reintensification evolve along the typical ET phase path as follows:emergence of thermal asymmetry→losing upper-level warm core→losing lower-level cold core→evolving as extratropical cyclone.The TCs undergoing ETs over ocean and those with post-ET reintensification form a high-level cold core before the ET onset.The TCs with land ET have long distance between the landing TC and a high-level trough.That makes the TC maintain more tropical features and isolates the TC flow from the upstream and downstream jets of the midlatitude trough.The structure of circulation leads to weak development of baroclinicity in land ET.On the contrary,shorter distance between ocean TC and high-level trough makes the high-level trough absorb the TC absolutely.Under that baroclinicity-favorable environment,strong cold advection makes the TC lose its high-level warm core before ET onset.The composite fields confirm that the TC with ocean ET has stronger baroclinic features.Generally,the TC at land ET onset is located to the south of the ridge of the subtropical high,which tends to prevent the TCs from interacting with midlatitude circulation.But for the ocean ET,the situation is just the opposite.Similar analyses are also carried out for the TCs with and without post-ET reintensification over both land and ocean east of 150°E.The results further prove that the TC with stronger baroclinic characteristics,especially in the circumstance favorable to its interaction with high-level midlatitude systems,has more opportunity to reintensify as an extratropical cyclone after ET.  相似文献   

A Study of the Extratropical Transformation of Typhoon Winnie (1997)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complicated evolutive process of how a tropical cyclone transforms into an extratropical cyclone is still an unresolved issue to date, especially one which arises in a weakly baroclinic environment. Typhoon Winnie (1997) is studied during its extratropical transformation stage of extratropical transition (ET) with observational data and numerical simulations. Results show that Winnie experienced its extratropical transformation to the south of the subtropical high without intrusion of the mid-latitude baroclinic zone. This is significantly different from previous studies. Analyses reveal that the cold air, which appeared in the north edge of Winnie circulation, resulted from the precipitation drag and cooling effect of latent heat absorption associated with the intense precipitation there. The cooling only happened below 3 km and the greatest cooling was below 1 km. With the cold air and its advection by the circulation of Winnie, a front was formed in the lower troposphere. The front above is related not only to the cooling in the lower level but also to the warming effect of latent heat release in the middle-upper levels. The different temperature variation in the vertical caused the temperature gradient over Winnie and resulted in the baroclinicity.  相似文献   

Both of Typhoon Winnie (9711) and Matsa (0509) underwent an extratropical transition (ET) process when they moved northward after landfall and affected Liaodong Peninsula. However, Matsa produced half as much rainfall as Winnie, although it struck Liaodong Peninsula directly while Winnie passed through the Bohai Sea. The relations between the ET processes and the precipitation over Liaodong Peninsula are examined. The result shows that the precipitation difference between Winnie and Matsa was closely related to the interactions between the westerly systems and typhoons during their ET processes. Winnie was captured by the upper westerly trough and then coupled with it when moving to the mid-latitudes, and the positive anomaly of moist potential vorticity (MPV) was transported downward from the upper troposphere over the remnant circulation of the tropical cyclone (TC). It was favorable to the interaction between tropical warm and wet air and westerly cold air, causing convective cloud clusters to form and develop. The rain belt composed of several meso-β cloud clusters over the Liaodong Peninsula, resulting in heavy rainfall. On the other hand, Matsa did not couple with any upper trough during its ET process and the positive anomaly of MPV in the upper troposphere and its downward transfer were weak. Only one meso-β cloud cluster occurred in Matsa’s rain belt during its ET process that tended to lessen rainfall over Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

采用动态合成分析方法,对1970-2006年登陆后北上类TC(tropicalcyclone)和西行类TC各7个样本做动态合成分析和诊断,结果表明:(1)北上类TC在背景场长波槽前北移靠近中纬度斜压锋区,通过吸附运动使TC低压并入西风槽,而西行类TC背景场没有长波槽,离中纬度斜压锋区较远;(2)北上类TC登陆时存在西南低空急流水汽输送带,当其强度减弱后,TC东南侧存在东南暖湿气流作为补充,而西行类TC减弱后逐渐与之分离,且不存在东南暖湿气流作为补充;(3)北上类TC高层辐散区与高空急流边界靠近,因此增强了其向东北方向的辐散,低层由于高层动量下传,加强了低空西风,从而使TC低压环流维持,而西行类TC离高空急流边界较远;(4)北上类TC从中纬度斜压锋区获取斜压能量,其环流垂直切变增强,相对涡度差负值增大,在高空TC中心散度由大变小后又由小变大的过程中,TC发生了变性,而西行类TC没有环境能量补给,逐渐填塞消亡。因此,当一个TC登陆后,其预报移动方向、水汽输送状况、与斜压锋区的关系以及高空辐散气流等特征,可以作为初步判定登陆TC将减弱消亡还是将变性加强的可能原因。  相似文献   

Based on best-track data and JRA-25 reanalysis, a climatology of western North Pacific extratropical transition (ET) of tropical cyclone (TC) is presented in this paper. It was found that 35% (318 out of 912) of all TCs underwent ET during 1979–2008. The warm-season (June through September) ETs account for 64% of all ET events with the most occurrence in September. The area 120°E–150°E and 20°N–40°N is the most favorable region for ET onsets in western North Pacific. The TCs experience ET at latitudes 30°N–40°N and have the greatest intensity in contrast to other latitude bands. The distribution of ET onset locations shows obviously meridional migration in different seasons. A cyclone phase space (CPS) method was used to analyze the TC evolution during ET. Except for some cases of abnormal ET at relatively high latitudes, typical phase evolution paths—along which TC firstly showed thermal asymmetry and an upper-level cold core and then lost its low-level warm core—can be used to describe the main features of ET processes in western North Pacific. Some seasonal variations of ET evolution paths in CPS were also found at low latitudes south of 15°N, which suggests different ET onset mechanisms there. Further composite analysis concluded that warm-season ETs have generally two types of evolutions, but only one type in cold season (October through next May). The first type of warm-season ETs has less baroclinicity due to long distance between the TC and upper-level mid-latitude system. However, significant interactions between a mid-latitude upper -level trough and TC, of either approaching or being absorbed into the trough, and TC’s relations with downstream and upstream upper-level jets, are the fingerprints for both a second type of warm-season ETs and almost all the cold-season ETs. For each type of ETs, detailed structural characteristics as well as precipitation distribution are illustrated by latitude.  相似文献   

In the case study of this paper, sensitivity experiments are carried out using the mesoscale non-hydrostatic Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to investigate the impact of tropical cyclone (TC) Soudelor (2003) on the East Asian subtropical upper-level jet (EASJ) before TC Soudelor transformed into an extratropical cyclone. The physical mechanism for changes in the EASJ intensity and position caused by TC Soudelor is explored. Results indicate that TC Soudelor would warm the air in the middle and upper troposphere over the Japan Sea and the adjacent areas through stimulating northward propagating teleconnection pattern as well as releasing large amounts of latent heat, which led to increase (decrease) the meridional air temperature gradient to the south (north) below the EASJ axis. As a result, the geopotential height abnormally increased in the upper troposphere, resulting in an anomalous anticyclonic circulation belt along the EASJ axis. Correspondingly, the westerly winds to the north (south) of the EASJ axis intensified (weakened) and the EASJ axis shifted northward by one degree. The case study also suggests that before the extratropical cyclone transition of TC Soudelor, the TC activities had exerted significant impacts on the EASJ through thermodynamic processes.  相似文献   

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