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刘许生 《湖南地质》2010,(5):87-87,89,91
这一年,除了2月,9月和12月,因为特殊事情而中断外,其他的9个月,我们都致力于湖南省地质公园的了解与宣传,红石林,白龙洞,飞天山,凤凰,乌龙山等等,随着我们的笔底波澜,带给大家不一样的视觉享受。  相似文献   

在全省上下掀起“和谐创业、富民兴赣”,加快江西经济崛起新高潮的重要时刻,我们走出江西,来到乌鲁木齐召开全局产品业发展研讨会,别开生面,意义重大。这次会议的主要任务是:学习贯彻全省领导干部会议精神,分析形势,交流经验,参观考察,启迪思路,进一步统一思想,坚定信心,以奋发进取,锲而不舍的精神,谋划好我局产品业在新的起点上实现新的发展,开创“和谐创业,富民兴局”的新局面。  相似文献   

世界首例独立碲矿床的矿物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界首例独立碲矿床的矿物学研究银剑钊,陈毓川,周剑雄,杨百川,张渊,毛景文中国地质科学院,北京100037四川有色稀贵金属公司,成都610036长春地质学院,长春130061关键词矿物学,碲矿床,四川石棉,碲矿物长期以来,碲由于极低的克拉克值(0.0...  相似文献   

近二十年来,热带地区普遍存在的红土型风化作用及其对矿床与矿化带的影响引起了普遍的关注,红土型风化壳的主要矿物成分是以铁铝的氧化物及氢氧化物和粘土矿物为主,如针铁矿,赤铁矿,铝土矿,高岭石及石英等,与其未风化的母岩相比,含有相当高的铁和铝,红土型风化过程中,易溶元素均不同程序地被淋滤,而难溶元素则相对富集,红土型金矿床是就在这样强烈的风化作用中由原生的金矿带进一步富集而成,并可形成极富的矿体,金矿体常常赋存于风化壳的上部,易于露天开采,目前,在澳大利亚,巴西,巴布亚新内内亚,印度以及非洲的一些国家均发现了红土型金矿床,红土型风化剖面一般可分为5个特征带,由上而下为:表土带,铁质带,斑点带,浅色带,座岩带,下面即为未风化的母岩,金矿体说要赋存于铁质带和斑点带带中,红土型风化壳变化很大,薄则几,厚可达数百米,金在风化过程中往往向矿化带两侧运移,矿体常呈上宽下窄状,次生金常呈自形晶,树枝晶,浑圆状及不规则状产出,并常常与铁质结核共生,一般地说,次生金的成色很高,因为红土化作用常常是在氧化并且酸性的地球化学环境中运行,金和银主要以氯化物的形式运移,局部地球化学环境的变化可导致金的沉淀,而银的氯化物则较稳定,常随地下水一起从风化壳中流失,系统研究表明,金的成色往往随风化作用的进行而增加,即越到剖面上部奖金铁成色越高,同一金颗粒也往往在边部具有较高的成色,但是,如果原生母岩中含有大量的碳酸盐矿物及硫化物矿物时,常常导致中碱性及较还原的环境,这时金和银常呈硫化硫酸盐的形式运移,环境的变化可导致金和银几站同时沉淀,形成的次生金则与原生金的成色相近,一般成色较低,由此可见,次生金的成色反映了红土风化过程的地球化学条件,虽外,中性及碱性条件下,金也可呈水合物的形式运移,有时地下水中微量的生物成因氰化物会使金呈氰化物的形式运移,再则金也可呈胶体形式运移,然而,金的沉淀则主要由于地下水溶液的稀释或地球化学环境的变化所引起的。  相似文献   

林锦荣,男,广东揭西人,1963年10月生,中共党员,硕士,高级工程师(研究员级),硕士生导师,所级学科带头人,兼任中国地质学会岩石专业委员会委员,《世界核地质科学》编辑委员会委员。  相似文献   

“暮春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归!”孔夫子这段关于春天的境界,被用烂了,但是,我还是想用,因为,没有比这更美的境界了。其中,“浴乎沂”,就是在沂水里洗澡。凉凉的春水,淡淡的情感,蓝蓝的天空,一切都是那么美好。  相似文献   

朱菂 《湖南地质》2011,(5):89-90
在韩昌晟眼中,石头仿佛立体的画,无言的诗,或崇高,或沧桑,或大气,或灵动,或热烈,或清冷……  相似文献   

长沙县位于湖南中东部,紧邻长沙市,属江南典型丘陵地区,全县处于东亚季风湿润区,气候温和,热量丰富,雨水充沛,四季分明,生长期长,适合水稻、茶、花卉苗木等多种作物生长。辖内土地总面积1997平方公里,人口73.8万,耕地总面积863431亩,基本农田768000亩,人均耕地1.17亩。  相似文献   

农村土地综合整治是一项关乎民生、牵系长远、艰巨复杂的社会系统工程。开展农村土地综合整治,有利于充分挖掘农村土地整理复垦潜力,增加有效耕地面积,改善耕地质量,坚守耕地保护红线,提高农业综合生产能力。同时,通过土地整治,可以提高土地的规划使用,提升土地的利用价值,促进土地的规模化使用,加速土地的流转。此外,土地整治有利于地方经济发展,突破地方建设用地规模,突破制约各地加快发展的土地瓶颈。  相似文献   

一路上,是一座座突兀而起的山峰。 张家界的山是世界上罕见的石英砂岩峰林,它不似黄山庐山的峰林那样俊朗恢宏,边绵不绝,却如同一个性格怪张的画师,想到哪便行至哪,或是大笔一挥或是微微小拂,那山便没有规则的随意耸出,它们一律清瘦孤立,似乎没有根地平地而空,直冲云霄,又似杂技大师的叠罗汉层层叠叠,半悬半靠,待你为它的孤绝悬心之时,却突然现出那样两至三座山峰安然相望,相依非靠。  相似文献   

RS和GIS技术集成及其应用   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
本文简要地介绍了RS(遥感图像处理系统)和GIS(地理信息系统)技术及其集成的基本概念和方法。讨论了RS和GIS技术及其集成的内在涵义、相互关系,认为RS是GIS重要的外部信息源,是其数据更新的重要手段,尤其对于全球性的 地理动力学分析,更必须有RS所提供的覆盖全球的动态数据与GIS的结合。反之,GIS则可以提供RS所需要的一些辅助数据,以提高RS图像的信息量和分辨率,同时,GIS可以将实地调查所  相似文献   

在分析和总结前人对红藻石和蓝藻石研究成果基础上,结合岩石薄片显微镜下观察实例,发现在以往碳酸盐岩颗粒分类中没有红藻石和蓝藻石的合适位置。鉴于红藻石重要的成因意义和造礁作用,有必要明确红藻石的概念和归属。珊瑚藻本身极易钙化,经生物矿化作用最终保存下来的珊瑚藻屑一直放在生物碎屑中,而红藻石是由非固着的珊瑚藻构成的钙质独立结核,因此也可以被划分到生物碎屑中。蓝藻石作为蓝细菌钙化作用的产物,同时鉴于蓝藻石的广泛存在,把钙化蓝细菌形成的核形石命名为蓝藻石,这一重要概念从提出到现在一直被使用。然而蓝绿藻概念已变更为蓝细菌,蓝藻石的形成与藻类无关,显然将其称作蓝菌石更加确切。因此,应将红藻石和蓝藻石分别归为生物碎屑和核形石当中,并用新的术语蓝菌石替代蓝藻石。其意义在于使红藻石和蓝藻石的概念及归属更为规范,并为碳酸盐岩颗粒的深入研究提供有益线索。  相似文献   

自动化智能化地质岩芯钻探技术装备研发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张金昌  尹浩  刘凡柏  黄洪波  梁健  王瑜  吴敏  陶士先 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030029-2022030029
为解决5000 m地质岩芯钻探基础准则与依据缺失问题,提高钻探装备的自动化、智能化水平,启动了5000 m智能地质钻探技术装备研发工作,通过钻机装备、钻探器具研制,钻探工艺技术研究并经试验示范验证,取得多项创新成果,形成了5000 m地质岩芯钻探技术体系。通过特深孔钻孔口径与管柱规格优化研究、钻杆规格设计、装备性能参数选配,形成了5000 m地质岩芯钻探技术规范体系;基于5000 m特深孔地质岩芯钻机、孔口自动化作业装置等关键设备研制,实现了绳索取芯钻进的孔口作业全流程自动化,形成了轻量化钻机孔口管柱柔顺控制技术;基于复杂地层孔内工况判别、钻进参数优化与轨迹优化控制等技术问题研究,形成了多源信息融合的地面与孔底一体化钻进过程智能控制技术;基于高性能薄壁绳索取芯钻杆和系列小口径高效钻具研制,形成了大深度绳索取芯系列钻杆钻具技术;研发了耐高温环保型冲洗液、生物破胶废浆处理技术、“广谱型”双浆堵漏技术,形成了绿色环保型冲洗液体系与护壁堵漏技术。  相似文献   

为解决5000 m地质岩芯钻探基础准则与依据缺失问题,提高钻探装备的自动化、智能化水平,启动了5000 m智能地质钻探技术装备研发工作,通过钻机装备、钻探器具研制,钻探工艺技术研究并经试验示范验证,取得多项创新成果,形成了5000 m地质岩芯钻探技术体系。通过特深孔钻孔口径与管柱规格优化研究、钻杆规格设计、装备性能参数选配,形成了5000 m地质岩芯钻探技术规范体系;基于5000 m特深孔地质岩芯钻机、孔口自动化作业装置等关键设备研制,实现了绳索取芯钻进的孔口作业全流程自动化,形成了轻量化钻机孔口管柱柔顺控制技术;基于复杂地层孔内工况判别、钻进参数优化与轨迹优化控制等技术问题研究,形成了多源信息融合的地面与孔底一体化钻进过程智能控制技术;基于高性能薄壁绳索取芯钻杆和系列小口径高效钻具研制,形成了大深度绳索取芯系列钻杆钻具技术;研发了耐高温环保型冲洗液、生物破胶废浆处理技术、“广谱型”双浆堵漏技术,形成了绿色环保型冲洗液体系与护壁堵漏技术。  相似文献   

赵振华  严爽 《岩石学报》2019,35(1):31-68
单颗粒矿物微量元素激光原位定量分析测试数据的大量积累和研究,使矿物成为矿床地球化学研究和矿床勘查的重要示踪剂。本文重点选择磁铁矿、磷灰石、石榴子石、榍石、锆石、绿泥石和绿帘石等的原位分析研究所获得的认识,介绍单颗粒矿物成分组合及变化在矿床类型划分、成矿年龄测定、氧逸度、成矿过程与物质来源、找矿与勘探等方面的应用。不同矿床类型中普遍存在的矿物,如磁铁矿、磷灰石等的微量元素含量及组合差异,提供了矿床类型识别的标志。单颗粒矿物,特别是矿石矿物和密切共生矿物如锡石、铌钽铁矿、赤铁矿、石榴子石、方解石等的原位定年,使成矿年龄的直接准确测定成为现实。矿物中变价元素,如Fe、V、Mn、Ce、Eu含量和/或比值的变化,指示了成矿过程氧逸度及其变化特点。从矿物核部向震荡环带与边部的微量元素含量或同位素组成的变化,示踪了成矿过程中流体来源或性质的变化。斑岩和矽卡岩矿床中与成矿作用关系密切的蚀变矿物,如绿泥石、绿帘石的形成温度、特征微量元素比值,如Ti/Sr、Ti/Co、V/Ni、Mg/Sr等,与距矿床中心距离呈线性函数关系,可定量预测距矿床中心的距离,使以绿泥石、绿帘石为代表的找矿指示矿物研究迅速发展。  相似文献   

宋兵  蔡健 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2313-2318
研究桩与岩石的侧摩阻力组成及影响因素,有助于准确地把握桩与岩石的侧摩阻力取值原则。在对桩与岩层的摩擦黏着机制分析的基础上,指出界面力与岩层抗剪力的区别,并提出岩层的极限侧摩阻力由界面强度及岩石强度两者较弱一方决定的观点。进行了中风化岩中4组混凝土短桩的抗压及抗拔极限摩阻力对比试验,获得了相应的极限侧摩阻力值以及抗拔与抗压极限侧摩阻力值的比值。抗拔时由于上部岩层对桩侧岩层的约束作用较弱,会使侧摩阻力相对抗压时有较大降低。通过有限元计算及其与试验值的比较分析,研究短桩与岩层的界面强度条件,发现岩层和混凝土灌注桩间的侧摩阻力中界面黏着力占很大比例。  相似文献   

Cumulate and Cumulative Granites and Associated Rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Processes that move crystals relative to melt, that is crystal fractionation, are of major importance in producing variations that are observed within cogenetic suites of granites. In low‐temperature granite suites, crystal fractionation initially involves the progressive separation of crystals residual from partial melting from that partial melt. Once separation of those crystals, or restite, has been completed, further fractionation may occur through the separation of crystals that had precipitated from the melt, the process known as fractional crystallization. High‐temperature granite magmas are largely or completely molten and elements such as Ca, Mg and Fe, and their associated minor elements, are in that case dissolved in the melt. Such magmas, particularly those that are more potassic and hence contain a higher fraction of low temperature melt, may evolve compositionally through fractional crystallization. Cumulate rocks result, comprising a framework of cumulus minerals with interstitial melt. In this process some of the melt is also displaced to form more felsic rocks. Such cumulate rocks may have distinctive chemical compositions, but that is often not the case. Distinctive features include SiC>2 contents near or below 50 % in rocks that are transitional in the field to more felsic granites, very high Cr and Ni, very low K, P, Ba, Rb and Zr, and anomalous abundances of the anorthite components Ca and Al. These rocks may also have positive Eu anomalies. Cumulate rocks do not necessarily have distinctive textures, at least as such features are understood at this time. Fractional crystallization can also involve the movement of precipitated crystals relative to melt. We refer to rocks as cumulative when formed from the fractions in which the abundance of crystals has increased. The production of cumulative granites typically occurs at more felsic melt compositions than is the case for cumulate granites, and this process may have its greatest significance in the fractional crystallization of the felsic haplogranites. Relative to felsic granites of broadly similar compositions lying on a liquid line of descent, cumulative granites contain more Ca, reflecting the addition from elsewhere of plagioclase crystals with solidus compositions. The abundances of Sr and Ba may be high to very high, and sometimes there are positive Eu anomalies. Cumulative I‐type granites may have low abundances of Y and the heavy REE, while the S‐type granites can be very distinctive with anomalously high abundances of Th and the heavy REE resulting from the concentrating of monazite. Generally, but not always, those who propose fractional crystallization as a mechanism for producing compositional variation within a suite of granites do not state whether the rocks in that particular case are thought to lie on a liquid line of descent or are cumulates/cumulative, although it is generally presumed that they were melts. Our experiences in eastern Australia have shown that the mechanism of fractional crystallization was quantitatively not as important during granite evolution as many workers would expect. However, there are some excellent examples of that process, most notably the Boggy Plain Supersuite. Overall in eastern Australia, varying degrees of separation of restite is a much more common mode of crystal fractionation, and that may also be seen to be the case for some other granite provinces if they are examined with that possibility in mind.  相似文献   

现代新技术新方法与工程地质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了瓣技术,新方法应用于工程地质研究取得的进展,内容涉及原位测试技术,数值模拟技术,物理模拟技术和物探测技术,这些方面的研究推动了工程地质学的发展。  相似文献   

Etch and intracutaneous landforms and their implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many landforms, major and minor, and including plains of various types, inselbergs, boulders, flared slopes, Rillen and rock basins, are initiated beneath the land surface, at the weathering front. They have evolved in various lithological settings. Most are formed by differential moisture attack, either controlled, or strongly influenced, by bedrock structure. Such forms of subsurface derivation may be differentiated into etch or subcutaneous features that were initiated at the base of the regolith, and intracutaneous forms that had their origin within the weathering zone. Although the agent or agents responsible for eroding the regolith and exposing the bedrock forms have varied in space and time, the similarity of etch and intracutaneous forms is such that their basic morphology persists regardless of the climatic regime in which they now occur. As the regolith is widely developed on the land surface, the forms initiated beneath and within it cannot be taken as climatic indicators. Indeed, like structural forms, these convergent forms represent a varied but significant azonal element in the physiographic landscape.  相似文献   

Results of numerical analyses of boundary value problems in geomechanics include output of three‐dimensional stress and strain states. Two‐dimensional plots of stress–stress or stress–strain quantities, often used to represent such output, do not fully communicate the evolution of stress and strain states. This paper describes the use of glyphs and hyperstreamlines for the visual representation of three dimensional stress and strain tensors in geomechanics applications. Glyphs can be used to represent principal stress states as well as normal stresses at a point. The application of these glyphs is extended in this paper to represent strain states. The paper introduces a new glyph, called HWY glyph for the representation of shear tensor components. A load step‐based hyperstreamline is developed to show the evolution of a stress or strain tensor under a general state of loading. The evolution of stress–strain states from simulated laboratory tests and a general boundary value problem of a deep braced excavation are represented using these advanced visual techniques. These visual representations facilitate the understanding of complex multidimensional stress–strain soil constitutive relationships. The visual objects introduced in this paper can be applied to stress and strain tensors from general boundary value problems. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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