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徐则民 《地学前缘》2009,16(3):364-373
发育于斜坡非饱和带的结晶岩与碎屑岩腐岩多夹于残坡积土层和风化岩带之间,保留有裂隙及层理等构造,但质地松软。腐岩结构体与母岩色差显著,保留原岩结构和构造特征,矿物成分以次生粘土矿物、次生石英及褐铁矿最为常见。腐岩次生微孔隙发育,具有低密度、高孔隙度、高渗透率、高容水度及高持水度特征。腐岩发育是通过低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋的渐进性扩展实现的,非饱和带高湿度空气形成的凝结水和降水入渗形成的非饱和渗流是该过程的核心动力。气态水分子能够扩散到低渗透岩石结构体表面内侧一定宽度范围内的孔隙系统之中凝结为液态水并溶蚀造岩矿物。雨季入渗降水在结构体表面形成的薄膜水流通过分子扩散机制接受其内侧结构体粒间溶液中的溶出组分并将其携入饱水带,同时恢复粒间溶液的侵蚀动力。当上述过程循环到一定程度时,结构面内侧便形成一定厚度的腐岩壳。腐岩壳在雨季直接吸收、贮存流经其表面的液态渗入水,在核心石外侧形成富水结构层并在旱季向包气带或其内侧的风化前锋提供水汽。随着时间推移,腐岩壳越来越厚,核心石最终消失;当某一范围内的岩石结构体全部演变为腐岩结构体时,该范围内的岩体也就完成了向腐岩体的转变。  相似文献   

发育完整的灰岩风化壳及其矿物学和地球化学特征   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
对于碳酸盐岩土覆土壤成因、尽管碳酸盐岩风化残积成土说被多数学者认同,但由于碳酸盐岩中酸不溶物含量极低,在风化成土过程中会伴随着巨大的体积缩小变化,原岩结构和半风化带无法保留,从而缺失了探索上覆土壤物质来源的重要中间环节,使得这种观点缺乏野外宏观证据的支持。最近,我们在贵州、湖南等地发现了数个以泥质灰岩和泥质白云岩为基岩的碳酸盐岩风化壳剖面,尚保留有较好的原岩结构,具有明显的风化壳分带和过渡现象。这些风化壳剖面的发现为深入研究碳酸盐岩风化成土过程提供了良好的研究场所。本文选取了较为典型的吉首泥灰岩风化壳剖面,从矿物学地球化学的角度来探讨碳酸盐岩风化壳的形成过程和发育特征,结果表明该风化壳既遵循非碳酸盐岩(主要是结晶岩类)风化壳的发育特征,也具有自己独特的地球化学演化规律。风化壳总体特点受碳酸盐中的酸不溶物矿物组合及化学成分的影响甚至控制,风化非碳酸盐风壳相似的发育特征。吉首泥灰岩风化壳剖面的发育特征和作者早先提出 的碳酸盐岩风化成土的两阶段模式是一致的,即以碳酸盐矿物大量淋失、酸不溶物逐渐堆积或残积为特征的早期阶段和残积物进一步风化成土的阶段,后一阶段的演化类似非碳酸盐岩类的风化过程。  相似文献   

Gold, a principal ore commodity, is sought in third world countries, which are situated mainly in the tropics, where extensive lateritic terrains exist. The high value of gold on the international market and balance of payment problems cause gold to be especially important. Present intensive propecting for gold in the Third World countries are, for those reasons, in lateritic terrains. Laterites, formed during the Tertiary and the Recent in inner tropical morphoclimatic zones covered by dense rain forests, in places such as the Amazon region and West Africa, are presently undergoing strong weathering and erosion that truncates lateritic profiles. Consequently, the thick soils still forming today cover in different places, different parts of truncated profiles. Samples of thick soils taken from the surface down, may begin not at the original top of the laterite but somewhere along the profile. Inasmuch as elements in lateritic profiles are not homogeneously distributed, problems in interpretation can result. Gold distribution in non-truncated laterites tends to be sigmoidal in distribution. Two convexities (highest contents) can be distinguished: one in surficial iron crusts or equivalents, the other at the base of saprolite. The sigmoidal curve can be cut off, strongly modified, or concealed by tropical weathering. The intense weathering can diminish concentrations, i.e., elements can be dispersed. Geochemical exploration becomes difficult, because interpretations of the geochemical anomalies based on high concentrations becomes unreliable. If the amount of truncation of lateritic profiles can be assessed, weak or even negative anomalies can become as good or better than strong anomalies.  相似文献   

The recently discovered lateritic nickel ore deposit on the summit area of the Tagaung Taung contains about 40 million DMT nickel-saprolite ore with approximately 2% Ni. The serpentinite massif is covered with a thick weathering mantle consisting of saprolite, limonite, and an allochthonous lateritic surface layer. The thickness, nickel content, and physical properties of the ore are very variable. The main minerals in the nickel saprolite ore are nickeliferous serpentine and smectite. Microprobe analyses show a strong depletion of Mg with increasing nickel content in the serpentine minerals; smectite generally contains less nickel than serpentine. Chemical analyses of samples from more than 100 drill holes are used to calculate the mean chemical compositions, mean accumulation factors, and gain and loss of major and trace elements for the various layers. This permits a quantitative approach to be made to the genetic history of the weathering mantle. Gain and loss determinations on the basis of constant chromium content and of constant volume give nearly identical results for the saprolite layer. Calculations on the basis of Ni/Cr ratios indicate that three-quarters of a former 20-m-thick limonite layer has been eroded away. Only the lower part of the original limonite layer with a relatively high SiO2 content is preserved. The kaolinite- and illite-rich surface layer is a mixture of limonite and weathered clayey material, which was probably derived from adjacent rocks. Part of the autochthonous weathering section is contaminated with infiltrated allochthonous surface material. It is not possible that colluvial-alluvial deposition of clayey material from nonultramafic rocks could have taken place under the present geomorphic regime. Thus, lateritization of the serpentinite and deposition of siallitic material must have occurred before exposure of the Tagaung Taung in its present form.  相似文献   

湖北蛇屋山金矿床含金碳酸盐岩风化成矿过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高帮飞 《地质与勘探》2011,47(3):361-369
为阐述含金碳酸盐岩的风化成土过程,以湖北蛇屋山红土型金矿床为例,系统开展了元素地球化学和矿物学研究.研究发现,从风化壳腐泥层→杂色粘土带,碱金属、FeO、MnO、有机碳(Morg)、稀土元素(REE)和高场强元素(HFSE)等元素,以及钾长石、斜长石和黄铁矿等矿物的含量逐渐降低.质量平衡计算表明,风化过程中Si、Fe、...  相似文献   

<正>Red clay type gold deposits,located in the south of China,are situated not only in orogenic belts,but also in inner cratons,where climate is tropical-subtropical with clear arid and humid.The lateritic weathering crust often can be divided into five zones,including topsoil,siliceous duricrust zone,multi-color zone(or red clay zone in some deposits),pallid zone and saprolite zone from surface to the base rock,several of which are absent in some deposits.The base rocks are composed mainly of carbonate rocks with minor clastic rocks,intermediate-basic volcanic rocks and intermediate-acid and alkalic intrusions.The orebodies are mainly located in the multi-color zone with part of them in the pallid and saprolite zones.The ore sources include orebodies of Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits,as well as gold-rich base rocks.The red clay type gold deposits experienced early-stage endogenic gold mineralization and laterization during the Tertiary and Quaternary.The areas with endogenic gold deposits,especially Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits in karst depressions on the plateau,structual erosional platforms in the middle-lower mountains,and intermountain basins in southern China are well worth studying to trace red clay type gold deposits.  相似文献   

The intra- and epicontinental basins in north-east Africa (Egypt, Sudan) bear ample evidence of weathering processes repeatedly having contributed to the formation of mineral deposits throughout the Phanerozoic.The relict primary weathering mantle of Pan-African basement rocks consists of kaolinitic saprolite, laterite (in places bauxitic) and iron oxide crust. On the continent, the reaccumulation of eroded weathering-derived clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) occurred predominantly in fluvio-lacustrine environments, and floodplain and coastal plain deposits. Iron oxides, delivered from ferricretes, accumulated as oolitic ironstones in continental and marine sediments. Elements leached from weathering profiles accumulated in continental basins forming silcrete and alunite or in the marine environment contributing to the formation of attapulgite/saprolite and phosphorites.The Early Paleozoic Tawiga bauxitic laterite of northern Sudan gives a unique testimony of high latitude lateritic weathering under global greenhouse conditions. It formed in close spatial and temporal vicinity to the Late Ordovician glaciation in north Africa. The record of weathering products is essentially complete for the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary. From the continental sources in the south to the marine sinks in the north, an almost complete line of lateritic and laterite-derived deposits of bauxitic kaolin, kaolin, iron oxides and phosphates is well documented.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(23-24):3939-3957
A simple geochemical balance of lateritization processes governing the development of several tens of meters of weathering profiles overlain by ferricretes is estimated on the basis of detailed mineralogical and geochemical data. The lateritic weathering mantle of the “Haut–Mbomou” area in Central Africa is composed of different weathering layers described from the base to the top of vertical profiles as a saprolite, a mottled clay layer, a soft nodular layer, a soft ferricrete, and a ferricrete in which kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite, and hematite occur in various quantities. Incongruent dissolution of kaolinite leads to the formation of gibbsite in the upper saprolite, whereas the hematite does not clearly replace the kaolinite according to an epigene process in the upper ferruginous layers of the profiles. Instead, that kaolinite is also transformed into gibbsite according to an incongruent dissolution under hydrated and reducing conditions induced by a relatively humid climatic pattern. The respective relations of the silica, iron, and aluminum balances and the Al substitution rate of the hematite on the one hand, and of RHG [RHG = 100 (hematite/hematite + goethite)] and the kaolinite on the other hand, to the consumption or the release of protons H+ permit differentiation of aggrading ferruginization and degradation processes operating in the different lateritic weathering profiles. The Al substitution rate of the Fe–oxyhydroxides varies according to the nature of lateritization processes, e.g., saprolitic weathering and aggrading ferruginization vs. degradation. The observations and results indicate that the ferruginization process of the weathering materials of parent rocks is not a simple ongoing process as often thought. This suggests that the actual lateritic weathering mantle of the Haut–Mbomou area may result from different stages of weathering and erosion during climatic changes.  相似文献   

Many nickel deposits are known in Brazil, accounting for about 350 · 106 tons of ore with an average of 1.5% Ni. All are of the lateritic type. These deposits are scattered throughout the country, being rarer in the Northeastern Region and in the South, below 25 °S latitude. They are mainly associated with mafic-ultramafic massifs of large dimensions and ultramafic alkaline complexes, and occur in climatic regions of contrasting seasons. The weathering profile developed over the fresh rock consists, from bottom to top, of the following horizons: altered rock, coarse saprolite, argillaceous saprolite, ferruginous saprolite and lateritic overburden. The thickness of each horizon varies from one deposit to another, the whole profile generally exceeding 20 m. The saprolitic horizons with inherited minerals (serpentine, chlorite) or neoformed minerals (smectites) constitute the silicated nickel ore and are thicker were climatic conditions are drier; the ferruginous upper horizons made up of iron oxide-hydroxides are more developed in more humid regions. In Brazil, the silicated ore generally prevails over the oxidized ore. The main Ni-bearing minerals are serpentine, smectite, garnierite and goethite. The lateritic nickel deposits of Brazil may be correlated with two erosion surfaces, corresponding to the Sul Americano (Lower Tertiary) and Velhas (Upper Tertiary) levelling cycles. The degree of dismantling of the higher and more ancient surface and the consequent development of the Velhas Surface control the position of the nickel accumulation in the landscape. Thus, the deposits may be found either in the lowlands or in the highlands, where they are always covered by a silcrete layer. The alteration profiles in the Brazilian lateritic nickel deposits are broadly similar to those described elsewhere in the world. However, they present two characteristic features: the silicated ore prevails over the oxidized ore, and a silicified layer covers the profies developed on the highlands.  相似文献   

The Pinxiang weathering profile is well developed on Early Triassic dacite lavas of the Baisi Formation. At the top of the profile is developed a red clay zone which is characterized mineralogically by kaolinite, iron oxide minerals, quartz, and a small amount of illite, montmorillonite and vermiculite. In going downwards the red clay zone gives way to a saprolite zone in which plagioclase pseudomorphs have been well preserved although replaced by kaolinite. Beneath the saprolite zone is the saprock zone characterized by less weathering for dacite. At the bottom of the weathering profile is the parent material, dacite, which is composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar and biotite which have been largely altered into chlorite owing to submarine extrusion of dacite lavas. Some layers in the weathering profile show obvious sodium enrichment and potassium depletion relative to others. In the Al2O3-(CaO* Na2O)-K2O triangular diagram, the weathering trends of these layers in the middle stage are remarkably deviated from normal ones. Both mineralogy and micro-morphology of these layers indicate such deviation resulted from sodic metasomatism of orthoclase.  相似文献   

A ferricrete-capped lateritic profile developed on basaltic saprolite is described.

Within both ferricrete and the immediately underlying soft laterite, two types of sesquioxidic cement are distinguished: the isopachous goethitic intergranular cement which is predominant and is interpreted as an indication of past phreatic conditions; and the Fe-stained meniscus cement which is interpreted as a sign of vadose conditions.

The observed features are suggested to reflect changing drainage conditions related to morphological rejuvenation of the profile, in full accordance with previous hypotheses developed on the basis of geomorphological consideration.  相似文献   

An investigation of vadose zone weathering processes has been undertaken on grussic saprolites developed on Californian granitoids. Preliminary results indicate strong climatic control, through infiltration, on the depth and intensity of weathering. At sites with higher infiltration, the vadose zone is comprehensively altered to grussic saprolite and saprock. Conversely, lower infiltration sites display only thin grussic saprolites, strongly influenced by rock texture. Both vadose zone and weathering depth appear to be governed by local base level, and vadose zone hydrology exerts a fundamental control on the effective operation and relative dominance of the key weathering reactions. In zones of matrix permeability, oxidation of biotite comprehensively disaggregates the rock but results in little mass loss and clay mineral formation. Conversely, the higher transient flow rates that characterize zones of fracture permeability result in plagioclase hydrolysis, significant mass losses and accompanying clay mineral formation. A variable hydrological regime may also contribute to high partial pressures of O2 in vadose zone pore waters and pore spaces, thereby enhancing the oxidative environment and further predisposing grussic saprolite formation.  相似文献   

铝土矿是化学风化作用的细粒终极产物,与强烈的化学风化作用密切相关。根据母岩的类别及作用过程,风化作用进一步分为铝硅酸盐岩强化学风化形成的红土化作用和碳酸盐岩强化学风化形成的钙红土化作用。在强烈的化学风化过程中,地表的原始沉积物(母岩)的原生矿物发生溶蚀、水解、水化、碳酸化、氧化,破坏原始的矿物结构,形成新的细粒矿物(主要是黏土质矿物)。在适合的地质条件下,持续的强烈化学风化作用会造成大部分活动的元素(如K、Na、Ca、Mg、Si)的流失与Al的残留富集从而形成铝土矿。现在观察到的沉积型铝土矿,虽然与古风化壳具有密切联系,但沉积型铝土矿多数是由沉积过程搬运到沉积盆地中所形成的强化学风化产物的沉积层,与古风化壳的残坡积层具有显著差别,只有少数工业价值不大(品位低、品质差)的残坡积相铝土矿。铝土矿含矿岩系的沉积环境与铝土矿(尤其是高品位、高品质的铝土矿)的成矿环境不尽相同。铝土矿主要形成于暴露于大气中的陆表环境(而非水下环境),由地下水淋滤作用形成(在渗流带由活动元素流失、Al等稳定元素残留富集而成)。本研究在铝土矿成矿作用分析等基础上,提出了以铝土矿沉积物等物源和沉积、成矿作用为依据的中国铝土矿床分类方案,包括原地或准原地残坡积物成因的红土型和喀斯特型,和异地物源沉积成因的沉积型。  相似文献   

Bauxite is the ultimate fine-grained products of chemical weathering,and thus it is closely linked with the intense chemical weathering. Based on variations of parent rock and weathering processes,the weathering products can be subdivided into laterite and terra rossa,of which the former is formed by weathering of aluminosilicates and the latter is produced by the weathering of carbonates. During the intense chemical weathering,minerals in original subaerial sediments(parent rocks)would suffer a series of processes(dissolution,hydrolyzation,hydration,carbonation,and oxidation)and be destroyed or transformed,leading to formation of new minerals. In the favorable environment,continuously intense chemical weathering would cause the loss of most mobile elements(e.g., K,Na,Ca,Mg,Si)and the enrichment of Al,resulting in the formation of bauxite. Although sedimentary bauxites are closely linked with the weathering curst,they show obvious differences in formation processes. Sedimentary bauxites are composed of intense chemical weathering products that are transported from outside of the basin and re-deposited in the basin,while most weathering crusts are transformed from saprolite and/or deluvium in-situ,and they can only form low-grade bauxites. Sedimentary environments also differ in bauxite ore layers and bauxitic claystone layers. Bauxite ore layers are formed in the subaerial environment and controlled by the leaching process of groundwater in the vadose zone. Based on the analysis of bauxitization,this study proposes to use multiple parameters,such as provenance,sedimentation and mineralization,to build the new classification of Chinese bauxite deposits. In this classification,lateritic and karstic types of bauxite deposits are autochthonous or parautochthonous saprolite and/or deluvium,while sedimentary type is dominated by heterochthonous provenance.  相似文献   

Many physico-chemical variables like rock-type, climate, topography and exposure age affect weathering environments. In the present study, an attempt is made to understand how the nature of clay minerals formed due to weathering differs in tropical regions receiving high and low rainfall. Clay mineralogy of weathering profiles in west coast of India, which receives about 3 m rainfall through two monsoons and those from the inland rain-shadow zones (<200 cm rainfall) are studied using X-ray diffraction technique. In the west coast, 1:1 clays (kaolinite) and Fe—Al oxides (gibbsite/goethite) are dominant clay minerals in the weathering profiles while 2:1 clay minerals are absent or found only in trace amounts. Weathering profiles in the rain shadow region have more complex clay mineralogy and are dominated by 2:1 clays and kaolinite. Fe—Al oxides are either less or absent in clay fraction. The kaolinite—smectite interstratified mineral in Banasandra profiles are formed due to transformation of smectites to kaolinite, which is indicative of a humid paleoclimate. In tropical regions receiving high rainfall the clay mineral assemblage remains the same irrespective of the parent rock type. Rainfall and availability of water apart from temperature, are the most important factors that determine kinetics of chemical weathering. Mineral alteration reactions proceed through different pathways in water rich and water poor environments.  相似文献   

东南亚地区红土型镍矿分布较广,成矿地质条件优越。该类矿床产于超基性岩带顶部红土型风化壳内,矿石多为含镍的褐铁矿化黏土,其产出规模、分布范围和品位高低与原岩类型、气候变化、地形地貌和构造条件关系密切。成矿物质主要来源于超基性岩体,是镁铁质-超镁铁质岩体风化-淋滤-淀积的产物,矿石的矿物组分与风化土的矿物组分大体一致,属黏土硅酸盐镍矿床。本文在收集前人资料的基础上,系统地阐述了矿床区域地质背景、矿床地质特征及成矿分布规律初步研究,总结出了该类矿区找矿标志及成矿规律,对寻找红土型镍矿床具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

海南岛第四纪玄武岩的红土化作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
我国海南岛北部广泛分布着第四纪玄武岩,其中喷出规模最大、分布面积最广的是早更新世玄武岩(Q1),其上覆盖着一层较厚的红土风化壳,有的成为可供开采的铝土矿和褐铁矿。晚更新世玄武岩(Q3)出露范围较小,地表亦多风化成红土,但发育较差。笔者研究的红土风化剖面便发育在早更新世橄榄玄武岩上(图1)。  相似文献   

Chemical and physical weathering of primary minerals during the formation of laterite profiles in the Darling Range has formed distinct secondary mineral and morphological zones in the regolith. Erosion and human activity such as mining have exposed large areas of lateritic regolith, and its classification is important for land management, especially for mine rehabilitation. Preserved rock fabrics within regolith may enable the identification of parent rock type and degree of weathering, thus providing explanations for variations in important physical properties such as the strength and water retention of regolith. Feldspar, quartz, biotite and muscovite in porphyritic and fine-grained monzogranite in lateritic profiles have weathered via a series of gradational changes to form saprolite and pedolith consisting of kaolin, quartz, iron oxides, muscovite and gibbsite. Local reorganisation in the upper regolith or pedoplasmation zone has included illuviation of kaolin, which may be iron oxide-stained and which has disrupted the preserved rock fabric of saprock and saprolite. Quartz grain- or matrix-supported fabrics have developed, with greater pedoplasmation resulting in a quartz-grain-supported fabric. The recognition of these processes enables the use of gibbsite grainsize and distribution in regolith to infer original feldspar grainsize. Muscovite-rich or muscovite-deficient kaolin matrix indicates where plagioclase or alkali feldspar, respectively, was present in the parent rock. In some regolith, cementing by iron oxides has faithfully preserved rock fabric. The recognition of these various regolith types provides a basis for identifying the parent materials of lateritic regolith developed from granitic and doleritic rocks. Rock fabric is sometimes preserved in iron oxide-cemented bauxite mine floor regolith (Zh) due to the pseudomorphic gibbsite grains and iron oxide cement which forms a porous, rigid fabric. Plagioclase-rich granitoid is more likely to have weathered to dense clay-rich regolith (Zp), whereas albite and alkali feldspar have weathered to quartz-rich regolith (Zm) with the random orientation of quartz grains indicating that substantial reorganisation of rock fabric has occurred. It is possible to predict the response of regolith materials exposed in mine floors to management practices including ripping and re-vegetation, thus allowing targeted use of deep-ripping and planting density based on regolith type.  相似文献   

The Albany-Fraser Orogen (AFO), southeast Western Australia, is an underexplored, deeply weathered regolith-dominated terrain that has undergone complex weathering associated with various superimposed climatic events. For effective geochemical exploration in the AFO, integrating landscape evolution with mineralogical and geochemical variations of regolith and bedrock provides fundamental understanding of mechanical and hydromorphic dispersion of ore and pathfinder elements associated with the different weathering processes.In the Neale tenement, northeast of the AFO, a residual weathering profile that is 20-55 m thick was developed under warm and humid climatic conditions over undulating Proterozoic sheared granitoids, gneisses, schists and Au-bearing mafic rocks. From the base, the typical weathering profile consists of saprock, lower ferruginous saprolite, upper kaolinitic saprolite and discontinuous silcrete duricrust or its laterally coeval lateritic residuum. These types of duricrusts change laterally into areas of poorly-cemented kaolinitic grits or loose lateritic pisoliths and nodules.Lateritic residuum probably formed on remnant plateaus and was transported mechanically under arid climatic conditions over short distances, filling valleys to the southeast. Erosion of lateritic residuum exposes the underlying saprolite and, together with dilution by aeolian sands, constitutes the transported overburden (2-25 m thick). The reworked lateritic materials cover the preserved silcrete duricrusts in valleys. The lower ferruginous saprolite and lateritic residuum are well developed over mafic and sulphide-bearing bedrocks, where weathering of ferromagnesian minerals and sulphides led to enrichment of Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, V and Zn in these units. Kaolinitic saprolite and the overlying pedogenic silcrete are best developed over alkali granites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses, which are barren in Au and transition elements, and enriched in silica, alumina, rare earth and high field strength elements.A residual Au anomaly is formed in the lower ferruginous saprolite above a Au -bearing mafic intrusion at the Hercules prospect, south of the Neale tenement, without any expression in the overlying soil (< 20 cm). Conversely, a Au anomaly is recorded in the transported cover, particularly in the uppermost 3 m at the Atlantis prospect, 5 km southwest of the Hercules prospect. No anomalies have been detected in soils using five different size fractions (> 2,000 μm, 2,000-250 μm, 250-53 μm, 53-2 μm and < 2 μm). Therefore, soil cannot be efficiently applied as a reliable sampling medium to target mineralization at the Neale tenement. This is because mechanical weathering was interrupted by seasonal periods of intensive leaching under the present-day surface conditions and/or dilution by recently deposited aeolian sediments which obscure any signature of a potential Au anomaly in soils. Therefore, surface soil sampling should extend deeper than 20 cm to avoid dilution by aeolian sands and seasonal leaching processes. Regolith mapping and the distinction between the residual and transported weathering products are extremely significant to follow the distal or proximal mineralization.  相似文献   

以湖北蛇屋山、云南北衙、湖南龙形寨三个红土型金矿为例,本文分析了矿床构造特征和构造在红土型金矿成矿过程中的控制作用。红土型金矿的形成与构造也有密切的关系,区域构造和矿区构造通过控制区域成矿带、原生金矿床(矿体)或高含金地质体的风化母岩的形成、风化母岩的抬升、出露与风化作用、古地理及古构造地貌、古水文地质条件等方面而对红土型金矿的形成产生间接或直接的影响。动力学模拟表明,断裂构造可以显著增高岩石渗透率、促进地下水的流动,从而有利于岩石的化学风化与红土化作用、促进金的溶解、迁移、富集与红土型金矿的形成,并导致断裂部位的风化壳与金矿体厚度显著增大。  相似文献   

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