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北冰洋海域的水声学研究在冰下通讯、导航定位、目标探测以及海洋环境参数反演等方面起着重要作用。而研发集成极区冰下浅表层声学监测浮标系统,获取长期连续气-冰-海界面的主要环境参数数据及冰下声学特性信息,是开展冰下水文和声学环境特性研究的重要手段。本文研究了一种极区冰下浅表层声学监测浮标系统的设计,该系统主要由主控制模块、供电模块、数据采集模块、数据远程传输模块、远程监控中心五部分组成,通过各个模块的开发与集成测试、数据的采集与传输测试、野外试验等,实现了对极区气-冰-海界面主要环境参数以及冰下浅表层声学特性参数数据的持续观测。本系统于2021年8月在中国第12次北极科学考察任务中完成现场应用,在极地低温恶劣环境下运行可靠稳定,实现了包括水声数据在内的极区各项环境观测参数的远程传输。 相似文献
利用南北极极隙区与极光带纬度3个台站对电离层F2层峰值电子密度(NmF2)长达1个太阳活动周的观测数据,对国际参考电离层IRI-2016模型在极区的适用性进行系统的定量研究。结果表明,在极光带纬度的北极Troms?站,IRI预测与观测符合最好,大部分季节相对误差在40%以内,在太阳活动高年略好于太阳活动低年。在极隙区纬度的南极中山站和Longyearbyen站,IRI预测精度在太阳活动低年高于太阳活动高年。在中山站和北极Longyearbyen站仅个别月份相对误差在20%以内,大部分月份相对误差超过40%,冬季相对误差接近100%,特别是Longyearbyen站,在太阳活动高年冬季相对误差超过100%。从季节上看,3个台站都是冬季符合最差,夏季符合最好。IRI-2016模型对极区电离层进行预测时,难以如实反映极区等离子体对流和能量粒子沉降等极区特有的物理过程对极区电离层NmF2的影响。 相似文献
黄河全长5501.1 km,是全球超过5500 km的五大长河之一.对她的发育历史,有独特的研究方法.1963年12月23日,甘肃地质局区域地质调查队发现的黄河最早沉积层——下五泉砾石层,以及对黄河发育历史剖面——兰州剖面的认定,使黄河发育史研究有了划时代突破.作者1981—1984年1111天徒步考察黄河、长江全程并... 相似文献
镇江下蜀土剖面的化学风化强度与元素迁移特征 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
The chemical weathering intensity and element migration features of the Xiashu loess profile in Zhenjiang are studied in this paper.(1)The Xiashu loess profile underwent moderate chemical weathering.It seems that the precipitation is a more important factor than the temperature in controlling the process of the chemical weathering.(2)The major elements such as Si,K,Na,Ca,Mg,Mn and P were migrated and leached,while the elements Fe and Ti were slightly enriched.The migration features of the major elements reveal that the Xiashu loess finished the primary process of chemical weathering characterized by leaching of Ca and Na,and almost reached the secondary process characterized by leaching of K.Except the elements Sr and Ga,other trace elements such as Th,Ba,Cu,Zn,Co,Ni,Cr and V were enriched.It might be caused by both the biogeochemical process and the adsorption of trace elements by clay mineral and organic materials.(3)The difference of element migration down the Xiashu loess profile reveals that the climate was warm and wet at the early-middle stage of the middle Pleistocene.At the end of the middle Pleistocene,it became dry and cool.At the early stage of the Late Pleistocene,the paleoclimate became warm and wet again.As a whole,the paleoclimate generally became drier and cooler in this region from the beginning of the middle Pleistocene. 相似文献