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N.A. Teanby  R. de Kok  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2009,204(2):645-657
Fine scale layering of haze and composition in Titan’s stratosphere and mesosphere was investigated using visible/UV images from Cassini’s Imaging Science Sub-system (ISS) and IR spectra from Cassini’s Composite Infra-Red Spectrometer (CIRS). Both ISS and CIRS independently show fine layered structures in haze and composition, respectively, in the 150-450 km altitude range with a preferred vertical wavelength of around 50 km. Layers are most pronounced around the north polar winter vortex, although some weaker layers do exist at more southerly latitudes. The amplitude of composition layers in each trace gas profile is proportional to the relative enrichment of that species in the winter polar vortex compared to equatorial latitudes. As enrichment is caused by polar subsidence, this suggests a dynamical origin. We propose that the polar layers are caused by cross-latitude advection across the vortex boundary. This is analogous to processes that lead to ozone laminae formation around Earth’s polar vortices.  相似文献   

We analyze observations taken with Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), to determine the current methane and haze latitudinal distribution between 60°S and 40°N. The methane variation was measured primarily from its absorption band at 0.61 μm, which is optically thin enough to be sensitive to the methane abundance at 20-50 km altitude. Haze characteristics were determined from Titan’s 0.4-1.6 μm spectra, which sample Titan’s atmosphere from the surface to 200 km altitude. Radiative transfer models based on the haze properties and methane absorption profiles at the Huygens site reproduced the observed VIMS spectra and allowed us to retrieve latitude variations in the methane abundance and haze. We find the haze variations can be reproduced by varying only the density and single scattering albedo above 80 km altitude. There is an ambiguity between methane abundance and haze optical depth, because higher haze optical depth causes shallower methane bands; thus a family of solutions is allowed by the data. We find that haze variations alone, with a constant methane abundance, can reproduce the spatial variation in the methane bands if the haze density increases by 60% between 20°S and 10°S (roughly the sub-solar latitude) and single scattering absorption increases by 20% between 60°S and 40°N. On the other hand, a higher abundance of methane between 20 and 50 km in the summer hemisphere, as much as two times that of the winter hemisphere, is also possible, if the haze variations are minimized. The range of possible methane variations between 27°S and 19°N is consistent with condensation as a result of temperature variations of 0-1.5 K at 20-30 km. Our analysis indicates that the latitudinal variations in Titan’s visible to near-IR albedo, the north/south asymmetry (NSA), result primarily from variations in the thickness of the darker haze layer, detected by Huygens DISR, above 80 km altitude. If we assume little to no latitudinal methane variations we can reproduce the NSA wavelength signatures with the derived haze characteristics. We calculate the solar heating rate as a function of latitude and derive variations of ∼10-15% near the sub-solar latitude resulting from the NSA. Most of the latitudinal variations in the heating rate stem from changes in solar zenith angle rather than compositional variations.  相似文献   

E.P. Turtle  J.E. Perry  A.S. McEwen 《Icarus》2011,212(2):957-959
Recent observations by Cassini’s Imaging Science Subsystem reveal that part of the shoreline of Titan’s Ontario Lacus has retreated by several kilometers and may indicate that the dark area that appeared at Arrakis Planitia (80°S, 120°W) in late 2004 has subsequently faded. These changes provide constraints on aspects of Titan’s methane cycle, as well as on the properties of Titan’s surface materials.  相似文献   

Large expanses of linear dunes cover Titan’s equatorial regions. As the Cassini mission continues, more dune fields are becoming unveiled and examined by the microwave radar in all its modes of operation (SAR, radiometry, scatterometry, altimetry) and with an increasing variety of observational geometries. In this paper, we report on Cassini’s radar instrument observations of the dune fields mapped through May 2009 and present our key findings in terms of Titan’s geology and climate. We estimate that dune fields cover ∼12.5% of Titan’s surface, which corresponds to an area of ∼10 million km2, roughly the area of the United States. If dune sand-sized particles are mainly composed of solid organics as suggested by VIMS observations (Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) and atmospheric modeling and supported by radiometry data, dune fields are the largest known organic reservoir on Titan. Dune regions are, with the exception of the polar lakes and seas, the least reflective and most emissive features on this moon. Interestingly, we also find a latitudinal dependence in the dune field microwave properties: up to a latitude of ∼11°, dune fields tend to become less emissive and brighter as one moves northward. Above ∼11° this trend is reversed. The microwave signatures of the dune regions are thought to be primarily controlled by the interdune proportion (relative to that of the dune), roughness and degree of sand cover. In agreement with radiometry and scatterometry observations, SAR images suggest that the fraction of interdunes increases northward up to a latitude of ∼14°. In general, scattering from the subsurface (volume scattering and surface scattering from buried interfaces) makes interdunal regions brighter than the dunes. The observed latitudinal trend may therefore also be partially caused by a gradual thinning of the interdunal sand cover or surrounding sand sheets to the north, thus allowing wave penetration in the underlying substrate. Altimetry measurements over dunes have highlighted a region located in the Fensal dune field (∼5° latitude) where the icy bedrock of Titan is likely exposed within smooth interdune areas. The hemispherical assymetry of dune field properties may point to a general reduction in the availability of sediments and/or an increase in the ground humidity toward the north, which could be related to Titan’s asymmetric seasonal polar insolation. Alternatively, it may indicate that either the wind pattern or the topography is less favorable for dune formation in Titan’s northern tropics.  相似文献   

We report on mid-resolution (R∼2000) spectroscopic observations of Titan, acquired in November 2000 with the Very Large Telescope and covering the range 4.75-5.07 μm. These observations provide a detailed characterization of the CO (1-0) vibrational band, clearly separating for the first time individual CO lines (P10 to P19 lines of 13CO). They indicate that the CO/N2 mixing ratio in Titan’s troposphere is 32±10 ppm. Comparison with photochemical models indicates that CO is not in a steady state in Titan’s atmosphere. The observations confirm that Titan’s 5-μm continuum geometric albedo is ∼0.06, and further indicates a ∼20% albedo decrease over 4.98-5.07 μm. Nonzero flux is detected at the 0.01 geometric albedo level in the saturated core of the 12CO (1-0) band, at 4.75-4.85 μm, providing evidence for backscattering on the stratospheric haze. Finally, emission lines are detected at 4.75-4.835 μm, coinciding in position with lines from the CO(1-0) and/or CO(2-1) bands. Matching them by thermal emission would require Titan’s stratosphere to be much warmer (by ∼ 25 K at 0.1 mbar) than indicated by the methane 7.7-μm emission and the Voyager radio-occultation. We show instead that a nonthermal mechanism, namely solar-excited fluorescence, is a more plausible source for these emissions. Improved observations and laboratory measurements on the vibrational-translational relaxation of CO are needed for further interpretation of these emissions in terms of a CO stratospheric mixing ratio.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of organic sedimentary deposits at the bottom of dry lakebeds near Titan’s north pole in observations from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). We show evidence that the deposits are evaporitic, making Titan just the third known planetary body with evaporitic processes after Earth and Mars, and is the first that uses a solvent other than water.  相似文献   

Saturn’s satellite Titan is a particularly interesting body in our solar system. It is the only satellite with a dense atmosphere, which is primarily made of nitrogen and methane. It harbours an intricate photochemistry, that populates the atmosphere with aerosols, but that should deplete irreversibly the methane. The observation that methane is not depleted led to the study of Titan’s methane cycle, starting with its atmospheric part. The features that inhabit Titan’s atmosphere can last for timescales varying from year to day. For instance, the reversal of the north–south asymmetry is linked to the 16-year seasonal cycle. Diurnal phenomena have also been observed, like a stratospheric haze enhancement or a possible tropospheric drizzle. Furthermore, clouds have been reported on Titan since 1993. From these first detections and up to now, with the recent inputs from the Cassini–Huygens mission, clouds have displayed a large range of shapes, altitudes, and natures, from the flocky tropospheric clouds at the south pole to the stratiform ones in the northern stratosphere. It is still difficult to compose a clear picture of the physical processes governing these phenomena, even though of lot of different means of observation (spectroscopy, imaging) are available now. We propose here an overview of the phenomena reported between 1993 and 2008 in the low atmosphere of Titan, with indications on the location, altitude, and their characteristics in order to give a perspective of our up-to-date understanding of Titan’s meteorological manifestations. We shall focus mainly on direct imaging observations, from both space- and ground-based facilities. All of these observations, published in more than 30 different refereed papers to date, allow us to build a precise chronology of Titan’s atmospheric changes (including the north–south asymmetry, diurnal and seasonal effects, etc). Since the interpretation is at an early stage, we only briefly mention some of the current theories regarding the features’ nature.  相似文献   

Five certain impact craters and 44 additional nearly certain and probable ones have been identified on the 22% of Titan’s surface imaged by Cassini’s high-resolution radar through December 2007. The certain craters have morphologies similar to impact craters on rocky planets, as well as two with radar bright, jagged rims. The less certain craters often appear to be eroded versions of the certain ones. Titan’s craters are modified by a variety of processes including fluvial erosion, mass wasting, burial by dunes and submergence in seas, but there is no compelling evidence of isostatic adjustments as on other icy moons, nor draping by thick atmospheric deposits. The paucity of craters implies that Titan’s surface is quite young, but the modeled age depends on which published crater production rate is assumed. Using the model of Artemieva and Lunine (2005) suggests that craters with diameters smaller than about 35 km are younger than 200 million years old, and larger craters are older. Craters are not distributed uniformly; Xanadu has a crater density 2-9 times greater than the rest of Titan, and the density on equatorial dune areas is much lower than average. There is a small excess of craters on the leading hemisphere, and craters are deficient in the north polar region compared to the rest of the world. The youthful age of Titan overall, and the various erosional states of its likely impact craters, demonstrate that dynamic processes have destroyed most of the early history of the moon, and that multiple processes continue to strongly modify its surface. The existence of 24 possible impact craters with diameters less than 20 km appears consistent with the Ivanov, Basilevsky and Neukum (1997) model of the effectiveness of Titan’s atmosphere in destroying most but not all small projectiles.  相似文献   

TitanWRF general circulation model simulations performed without sub-grid-scale horizontal diffusion of momentum produce roughly the observed amount of superrotation in Titan’s stratosphere. We compare these results to Cassini-Huygens measurements of Titan’s winds and temperatures, and predict temperature and winds at future seasons. We use angular momentum and transformed Eulerian mean diagnostics to show that equatorial superrotation is generated during episodic angular momentum ‘transfer events’ during model spin-up, and maintained by similar (yet shorter) events once the model has reached steady state. We then use wave and barotropic instability analysis to suggest that these transfer events are produced by barotropic waves, generated at low latitudes then propagating poleward through a critical layer, thus accelerating low latitudes while decelerating the mid-to-high latitude jet in the late fall through early spring hemisphere. Finally, we identify the dominant waves responsible for the transfers of angular momentum close to northern winter solstice during spin-up and at steady state. Problems with our simulations include peak latitudinal temperature gradients and zonal winds occurring ∼60 km lower than observed by Cassini CIRS, and no reduction in zonal wind speed around 80 km, as was observed by Huygens. While the latter may have been due to transient effects (e.g. gravity waves), the former suggests that our low (∼420 km) model top is adversely affecting the circulation near the jet peak, and/or that we require active haze transport in order to correctly model heating rates and thus the circulation. Future work will include running the model with a higher top, and including advection of a haze particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Since Saturn orbital insertion in July 2004, the Cassini orbiter has been observing Titan throughout most of the northern winter season (October 2002–August 2009) and the beginning of spring, allowing a detailed monitoring of Titan’s cloud coverage at high spatial resolution with close flybys on a monthly basis. This study reports on the analysis of all the near-infrared images of Titan’s clouds acquired by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) during 67 targeted flybys of Titan between July 2004 and April 2010.The VIMS observations show numerous sporadic clouds at southern high and mid-latitudes, rare clouds in the equatorial region, and reveal a long-lived cloud cap above the north pole, ubiquitous poleward of 60°N. These observations allow us to follow the evolution of the cloud coverage during almost a 6-year period including the equinox, and greatly help to further constrain global circulation models (GCMs). After 4 years of regular outbursts observed by Cassini between 2004 and 2008, southern polar cloud activity started declining, and completely ceased 1 year before spring equinox. The extensive cloud system over the north pole, stable between 2004 and 2008, progressively fractionated and vanished as Titan entered into northern spring. At southern mid-latitudes, clouds were continuously observed throughout the VIMS observing period, even after equinox, in a latitude band between 30°S and 60°S. During the whole period of observation, only a dozen clouds were observed closer to the equator, though they were slightly more frequent as equinox approached.We also investigated the distribution of clouds with longitude. We found that southern polar clouds, before disappearing in mid-2008, were systematically concentrated in the leading hemisphere of Titan, in particular above and to the east of Ontario Lacus, the largest reservoir of hydrocarbons in the area. Clouds are also non-homogeneously distributed with longitude at southern mid-latitudes. The n = 2-mode wave pattern of the distribution, observed since 2003 by Earth-based telescopes and confirmed by our Cassini observations, may be attributed to Saturn’s tides.Although the latitudinal distribution of clouds is now relatively well reproduced and understood by the GCMs, the non-homogeneous longitudinal distributions and the evolution of the cloud coverage with seasons still need investigation. If the observation of a few single clouds at the tropics and at northern mid-latitudes late in winter and at the start of spring cannot be further interpreted for the moment, the obvious shutdown of the cloud activity at Titan’s poles provides clear signs of the onset of the general circulation turnover that is expected to accompany the beginning of Titan’s northern spring. According to our GCM, the persistence of clouds at certain latitudes rather suggests a ‘sudden’ shift in near future of the meteorology into the more illuminated hemisphere. Finally, the observed seasonal change in cloud activity occurred with a significant time lag that is not predicted by our model. This may be due to an overall methane humidity at Titan’s surface higher than previously expected.  相似文献   

Five years of thermal infrared spectra from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) are analyzed to determine the response of Saturn’s atmosphere to seasonal changes in insolation. Hemispheric mapping sequences at 15.0 cm−1 spectral resolution are used to retrieve the variation in the zonal mean temperatures in the stratosphere (0.5-5.0 mbar) and upper troposphere (75-800 mbar) between October 2004 (shortly after the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere) and July 2009 (shortly before the autumnal equinox).Saturn’s northern mid-latitudes show signs of dramatic warming in the stratosphere (by 6-10 K) as they emerge from ring-shadow into springtime conditions, whereas southern mid-latitudes show evidence for cooling (4-6 K). The 40-K asymmetry in stratospheric temperatures between northern and southern hemispheres (at 1 mbar) slowly decreased during the timespan of the observations. Tropospheric temperatures also show temporal variations but with a smaller range, consistent with the increasing radiative time constant of the atmospheric response with increasing pressure. The tropospheric response to the insolation changes shows the largest magnitude at the locations of the broad retrograde jets. Saturn’s warm south-polar stratospheric hood has cooled over the course of the mission, but remains present.Stratospheric temperatures are compared to a radiative climate model which accounts for the spatial distribution of the stratospheric coolants. The model successfully predicts the magnitude and morphology of the observed changes at most latitudes. However, the model fails at locations where strong dynamical perturbations dominate the temporal changes in the thermal field, such as the hot polar vortices and the equatorial semi-annual oscillation (Orton, G., and 27 colleagues [2008]. Nature 453, 196-198). Furthermore, observed temperatures in Saturn’s ring-shadowed regions are larger than predicted by all radiative-climate models to date due to the incomplete characterization of the dynamical response to the shadow. Finally, far-infrared CIRS spectra are used to demonstrate variability of the para-hydrogen distribution over the 5-year span of the dataset, which may be related to observed changes in Saturn’s tropospheric haze in the spring hemisphere.  相似文献   

R. de Kok  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2010,209(2):854-857
We use Cassini far-infrared limb and nadir spectra, together with recent Huygens results, to shed new light on the controversial far-infrared opacity sources in Titan’s troposphere. Although a global cloud of large CH4 ice particles around an altitude of 30 km, together with an increase in tropospheric haze opacity with respect to the stratosphere, can fit nadir and limb spectra well, this cloud does not seem consistent with shortwave measurements of Titan. Instead, the N2-CH4 collision-induced absorption coefficients are probably underestimated by at least 50% for low temperatures.  相似文献   

The Cassini Huygens mission provides a unique opportunity to combine ground-based and spacecraft investigations to increase our understanding of chemical and dynamical processes in Titan’s atmosphere. Spectroscopic measurements from both vantage points enable retrieving global wind structure, temperature structure, and atmospheric composition. An updated analysis of Titan data obtained with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer (IRHS) and Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition (HIPWAC) prior to and during the Cassini Huygens mission is compared to retrievals from measurements with the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS). IRHS/HIPWAC results include the first direct stratospheric wind measurements on Titan, constraints on stratospheric temperature, and the study of atmospheric molecular composition. These results are compared to CIRS retrievals of wind and temperature profile from thermal mapping data and ethane abundance at 10-15° South latitude, near the equatorial region. IRHS/HIPWAC wind results are combined with other direct techniques, stellar occultation measurements, and CIRS results to explore seasonal variability over nearly one Titan year and to provide an empirical altitude profile of stratospheric winds, varying from ∼50 to 210 m/s prograde. The advantage of fully resolved line spectra in species abundance measurements is illustrated by comparing the possible effect on retrieved ethane abundance by blended spectral features of other molecular constituents, e.g., acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), allene (C3H4), and propane (C3H8), which overlap the ν9 band of ethane, and are not resolved at lower spectral resolution. IR heterodyne spectral resolution can discriminate weak spectral features that overlap the ν9 band of ethane, enabling ethane lines alone to be used to retrieve abundance. Titan’s stratospheric mean ethane mole fraction (8.6±3 ppmv) retrieved from IRHS/HIPWAC emission line profiles (resolving power λλ∼106) is compared to past values obtained from lower resolution spectra and from CIRS measurements (resolving power λλ∼2×103) and more compatible recent analysis. Results illustrate how high spectral resolution ground-based studies complement the spectral and spatial coverage and resolution of moderate spectral resolution space-borne spectrometers.  相似文献   

The spectrometers of the Cassini mission to the Saturn system have detected haze layers reaching up to 800 km in Titan’s atmosphere. Knowledge of the complex refractive index (k) of the haze is important for modeling the surface and atmosphere of Titan and retrieving some information about the functional groups present in the aerosols. Plasma discharges or ultraviolet radiation are commonly used to drive the formation of solid organics assumed to be good analogs of the Titan aerosols. [Tran, B.N., Ferris, J.P., Chera, J.J., 2003a. The photochemical formation of a Titan haze analog. Structural analysis by X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopy. Icarus 162, 114-124; Tran, B.N., Force, M., Briggs, R., Ferris J.P., Persans, P., Chera, J.J., 2008. Photochemical processes on Titan: Irradiation of mixtures of gases that simulate Titan’s atmosphere. Icarus 177, 106-115] reported the index of refraction of analogs synthesized by far ultraviolet irradiation of various gas mixtures. k was determined in the 200-800 nm wavelength range from transmission and reflection spectroscopy. However, this technique is limited by (i) uncertainties in the absorption values because of the small amounts of organics available, (ii) light scattering by the surface roughness and particulates in the sample. These limitations prompted us to perform new measurements using photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), a technique based on the conversion of absorbed light into heat in the material of interest. By combining traditional spectroscopy (λ < 500 nm) and PDS (λ > 500 nm), we determined values of k over the 375-1550 nm range. k values as low as 10−4 above 1000 nm were determined. This is one order of magnitude lower than the measurements generally used as a reference for Titan’s aerosols analogs [Khare, B.N., Sagan, C., Arakawa, E.T., Suits, F., Callicott, T.A., Williams, M.W., 1984. Optical-constants of organic Tholins produced in a simulated Titanian atmosphere—from soft-X-ray to microwave-frequencies. Icarus 60(1), 127-137]. We recommend that these results were used in models to describe the optical properties of the aerosols produced in Titan’s stratosphere.  相似文献   

The Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) and Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) reported a North Equatorial Belt (NEB) wave in Jupiter's atmosphere from optical images [Porco, C.C., and 23 colleagues, 2003. Science 299, 1541-1547] and thermal maps [Flasar, F.M., and 39 colleagues, 2004. Nature 427, 132-135], respectively. The connection between the two waves remained uncertain because the two observations were not simultaneous. Here we report on simultaneous ISS images and CIRS thermal maps that confirm that the NEB wave shown in the ISS ultraviolet (UV1) and strong methane band (MT3) images is correlated with the thermal wave in the CIRS temperature maps, with low temperatures in the CIRS maps (upwelling) corresponding to dark regions in the UV1 images (UV-absorbing particles) and bright regions in the MT3 images (high clouds and haze). The long period of the NEB wave suggests that it is a planetary (Rossby) wave. The combined observations from the ISS and CIRS are utilized to discuss the vertical and meridional propagation of the NEB wave, which offers a possible explanation for why the NEB wave is confined to specific latitudes and altitudes. Further, the ISS UV1 images reveal a circumpolar wave centered at 48.5° S (planetocentric) and probably located in the stratosphere, as suggested by the ISS and CIRS observations. The simultaneous comparison between the ISS and CIRS also implies that the large dark oval in the polar stratosphere of Jupiter discovered in the ISS UV1 images [Porco, C.C., and 23 colleagues, 2003. Science 299, 1541-1547] is the same feature as the warm regions at high northern latitudes in the CIRS 1-mbar temperature maps [Flasar, F.M., and 39 colleagues, 2004. Nature 427, 132-135]. This comparison supports a previous suggestion that the dark oval in the ISS UV1 images is linked to auroral precipitation and heating [Porco, C.C., and 23 colleagues, 2003. Science 299, 1541-1547].  相似文献   

Using spectra taken with NIRSPEC (Near Infrared Spectrometer) and adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope, we resolved the latitudinal variation of the 3ν2 band of CH3D at 1.56 μm. As CH3D is less abundant than CH4 by a factor of 50±10×10-5, these CH3D lines do not saturate in Titan’s atmosphere, and are well characterized by laboratory measurements. Thus they do not suffer from the large uncertainties of the CH4 lines that are weak enough to be unsaturated in Titan. Our measurements of the methane abundance are confined to the latitude range of 32°S-18°N and longitudes sampled by a 0.04″ slit centered at ∼195°W. The methane abundance below 10 km is constant to within 20% in the tropical atmosphere sampled by our observations, consistent with the low surface insolation and lack of surface methane [Griffith, C.A., McKay, C.P., Ferri, F., 2008. Astrophys. J. 687, L41-L44].  相似文献   

The origin of Titan’s atmospheric methane is a key issue for understanding the origin of the saturnian satellite system. It has been proposed that serpentinization reactions in Titan’s interior could lead to the formation of the observed methane. Meanwhile, alternative scenarios suggest that methane was incorporated in Titan’s planetesimals before its formation. Here, we point out that serpentinization reactions in Titan’s interior are not able to reproduce the deuterium over hydrogen (D/H) ratio observed at present in methane in its atmosphere, and would require a maximum D/H ratio in Titan’s water ice 30% lower than the value likely acquired by the satellite during its formation, based on Cassini observations at Enceladus. Alternatively, production of methane in Titan’s interior via radiolytic reactions with water can be envisaged but the associated production rates remain uncertain. On the other hand, a mechanism that easily explains the presence of large amounts of methane trapped in Titan in a way consistent with its measured atmospheric D/H ratio is its direct capture in the satellite’s planetesimals at the time of their formation in the solar nebula. In this case, the mass of methane trapped in Titan’s interior can be up to ∼1300 times the current mass of atmospheric methane.  相似文献   

A numerical modeling of the electromagnetic characteristics of Titan’s atmosphere is carried out by means of the TLM numerical method, with the aim of calculating the Schumann resonant frequencies of Saturn’s satellite. The detection and measurement of these resonances by the Huygens probe, which will enter Titan’s atmosphere at the beginning of 2005, is expected to show the existence of electric activity with lightning discharges in the atmosphere of this satellite. As happens with the Schumann frequencies on Earth, losses associated with electric conductivity will make these frequencies lower than theoretically expected, the fundamental frequency being located between 11 and 15 Hz. This numerical study also shows that the strong losses associated to the high conductivity make it impossible for an electromagnetic wave with a frequency of 10 MHz or lower, generated near the surface, to reach the outer part of Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

We have performed an analysis of ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) observations of Titan at 2 μm. The data were acquired with the Nasmyth Adaptative Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph (NAOS/CONICA), on the 16th of January 2005, that is 2 days after the landing of the Huygens probe (Hirtzig et al., 2007). The data consist in 21 spectra taken along two diameters of Titan’s disk at wavelengths between 2.03 and 2.5 μm. This range covers a part of the 2 μm methane window and the adjacent band. The data received a preliminary analysis in a recent paper (Negrão et al., 2007), essentially focused on the surface albedo near Huygens landing site. In this work, we perform an in-depth analysis to retrieve information about several aspects: the latitude haze distribution in the stratosphere and in the low atmosphere, the latitudinal variation of the surface albedo and its spectral behaviour. Also, this analysis allowed us to make sensitivity tests on the influence of the scatterer profiles on the retrieved surface albedo and its spectral slope. The news analysis confirms that, as was the case with VIMS observations at the same epoch, the Northern (currently winter) Hemisphere contains more haze than the southern one (Summer Hemisphere). The sensitivity tests show that the scatterer profiles have just a little impact on the surface albedo and its spectral slope. The analysis seems to confirm the presence of H2O and CH4 ices.  相似文献   

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