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This work is intended to investigate the influence of temperature-dependent metamorphism of ice on the shape of small depressions in the surface of cometary nuclei. We are mainly interested in the role of initial cohesivity of a nucleus. For this purpose we simulate sublimation of ice from the facets of initially cylindrical depressions in ice of different initial structure. The simulations account for the diurnal and orbital changes of insolation and its dependence on the current shape of the depressions. Our model includes heat transport in the cometary material and metamorphism of ice. We present the results obtained for the nucleus of the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, target of the ESA cornerstone mission Rosetta.  相似文献   

An explosion on Comet 17P/Holmes occurred on 2007 October 23, projecting particulate debris of a wide range of sizes into the interplanetary medium. We observed the comet using the mid-Infrared Spectrograph (5-40 μm), on 2007 November 10 and 2008 February 27, and the imaging photometer (24 and 70 μm), on 2008 March 13, on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The 2007 November 10 spectral mapping revealed spatially diffuse emission with detailed mineralogical features, primarily from small crystalline olivine grains. The 2008 February 27 spectra, and the central core of the 2007 November 10 spectral map, reveal nearly featureless spectra, due to much larger grains that were ejected from the nucleus more slowly. Optical images were obtained on multiple dates spanning 2007 October 27-2008 March 10 at the Holloway Comet Observatory and 1.5-m telescope at Palomar Observatory. The images and spectra can be segmented into three components: (1) a hemispherical shell fully 28′ on the sky in 2008 March, due to the fastest (262 m s−1), smallest (2 μm) debris, with a mass ; (2) a ‘blob’ or ‘pseudonucleus’ offset from the true nucleus and subtending some 10′ on the sky, due to intermediate speed (93 m s−1) and size (8 μm) particles, with a total mass ; and (3) a ‘core’ centered on the nucleus due to slower (9 m s−1), larger (200 μm) ejecta, with a total mass . This decomposition of the mid-infrared observations can also explain the temporal evolution of the millimeter-wave flux. The orientation of the leading edge of the ejecta shell and the ejecta ‘blob,’ relative to the nucleus, do not change as the orientation of the Sun changes; instead, the configuration was imprinted by the orientation of the initial explosion. The distribution and speed of ejecta implies an explosion in a conical pattern directed approximately in the solar direction on the date of explosion. The kinetic energy of the ejecta >1021 erg is greater than the gravitational binding energy of the nucleus. We model the explosion as being due to crystallization and release of volatiles from interior amorphous ice within a subsurface cavity; once the pressure in the cavity exceeded the surface strength, the material above the cavity was propelled from the comet. The size of the cavity and the tensile strength of the upper layer of the nucleus are constrained by the observed properties of the ejecta; tensile strengths on >10 m scale must be greater than 10 kPa (or else the ejecta energy exceeds the binding energy of the nucleus) and they are plausibly 200 kPa. The appearance of the 2007 outburst is similar to that witnessed in 1892, but the 1892 explosion was less energetic by a factor of about 20.  相似文献   

In the current work we analyze properties of the dust mantle, its thickness and thermal conductivity, necessary to reproduce observed rate of water production of Comet 9P/Tempel 1. For this purpose we considered simplified shape of the comet nucleus approximated by the symmetric prolate ellipsoid with smooth surface. We have performed simulations, using models with dust mantle of the thickness either constant, but nonuniform (Model A), or evolving (Model B). The simulated profiles of water production versus time were compared with observations. In addition, we compared the calculated surface temperature with the real temperatures derived from IR observations (the Deep Impact mission). This new double-stage verification procedure, shows that our model A is a good representation for the nucleus of Comet Tempel 1. This indicates, that the dust mantle thickness should be nonuniform, but does not change significantly with time. We show, that reproducing observed high temperatures of the nucleus requires dust mantle, that is almost everywhere thick and has extremely low thermal inertia. The latter should be close to zero as already predicted by others. The agreement between the simulated and measured water production can be obtained when the dust is regionally thin and has the thermal inertia higher than average, according to our simulations about 100 W s1/2 K−1 m−2. Such regions should be located in the south hemisphere of the nucleus.  相似文献   

P. Rousselot  C. Dumas 《Icarus》2011,211(1):553-558
Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro, known to be a main-belt asteroid with a cometary activity, was observed with the near-infrared integral field spectrograph SINFONI at the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in J, H, and K bands during its 2007 perihelion passage. The goal of these observations was to attempt detection of water ice absorption bands. We present here the details of the data processing, the results of these observations, and our compositional modeling of the final spectrum. No water ice absorptions were detected within the noise of the spectrum but we show that this spectrum is compatible with a reasonable near-infrared albedo value of 7-10% and a mixture of water ice, black carbon, Tholin and silicates. This interpretation, nevertheless, is not unique.  相似文献   

I. Pat-El 《Icarus》2009,201(1):406-411
From recent close encounters with Comets Wild-2 and Tempel 1 we learned that their surfaces are very rugged and no simple uniform layers model can be applied to them. Rather, a glaciological approach should be applied for describing their surface features and behavior. Such intrinsically rugged surface is formed in our large scale experiments, where an agglomerate of ∼200 μm gas-laden amorphous ice particles is accumulated to form a 20 cm diameter and few cm high ice sample. The density, tensile strength and thermal inertia of our ice sample were found to be very close to those found by Deep Impact for Comet Tempel 1: density 250-300 kg m−3 vs DI 350-400 kg m−3; tensile strength 2-4 kPa vs DI 1-10 kPa; thermal inertia 80 W K−1 m−2 s1/2 vs <100 W K−1 m−2 s1/2 and <50 W K−1 m−2 s1/2. From the close agreement between the thermal inertias measured in our ice sample, which had no dust coverage and that of Comet Tempel 1, we deduce that the low thermal inertia is an intrinsic property of the fluffy structure of the ice as a result of its low density, with an addition by the broken terrain and not due to the formation of a dust layer. Upon warming up of the ice, water vapor migrates both outward into the coma and inward. Reaching cooler layers, the water vapor condenses, forming a denser ice crust, as we show experimentally. We also demonstrate the inward and outward flow of water vapor in the outer ice layers through the exchange between layers of D2O ice and H2O ice, to form HDO.  相似文献   

We detected the nucleus of Comet 22P/Kopff at 4.87 AU from the Sun with the two IRS peak-up cameras of the Spitzer Space Telescope on April 19, 2007. Using the thermal model of [Groussin, O., and 15 colleagues, 2007. Icarus 187, 16-25], we derive a nucleus size of 1.89±0.16 km, in agreement with [Lamy, P., Toth, I., Jorda, L., Groussin, O., A'Hearn, M.F., Weaver, H.A., 2002. Icarus 156, 442-455], and a thermal inertia .  相似文献   

We suggest that the regions of smooth terrain which were observed on Comet 9P/Tempel 1 by the Deep Impact spacecraft were formed by blowing ice grains in an outburst of gas from the comet interior. When gas is released from 10 to 20 m deep layers which were heated to 135 K, it is released quiescently onto the surface by individual conduits. If large amounts of gas are released, the drainage system cannot release them fast enough and wider interconnected channels are formed, leading to sudden outburst of gas. Instability triggering a sudden shift of flow is well known in subglacial drainage of water. The ballistic trajectory of the ice particles reach a distance of 3 km in the atmosphereless comet, whose gravity is 0.034 cm s−1, if ejected at an angle of 45° at a speed of 95 cm s−1. This speed is close to the speeds measured in laboratory experiments: 167, 140×sini and 167 cm s−1, for particles of 0.3, 1000 and 14-650 μm, respectively. Blowing of ice grains can overcome the 1650 m long horizontal section of smooth terrain i1 (Fig. 1), whereas simple flow of material downhill would stop close to the foot of the hill. The ice particles at the end of their trajectory have a horizontal velocity component and this low velocity ballistic sedimentation would lead to formation of lineaments on the smooth terrain, like in solid-particulate volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Comet Hale-Bopp was imaged at wavelengths from 1.87 to 2.22 μm by HST/NICMOS in post-perihelion observations starting on UT 1997 August 27.95. Diffraction-limited (∼02) images were obtained at high signal-to-noise (∼1500) to probe the composition and dynamics of the inner coma and also the size and activity of the nucleus. The velocities of several unusual morphological features over a 1.7 h period, indicate that a significant outburst occurred 7.4 h prior to these images while the comet was at a heliocentric distance of 2.49 AU. Similar features are also apparent after re-analysis of pre-perihelion ground-based images. The inner coma (radius ?2500 km) is dominated by an “arc” feature, which expanded and became more diffuse with time. This feature can be modeled as the bright central portion of a “jet of outburst” from a near-equatorial region of the nucleus. Less prominent, time-variable linear and circular morphologies are also apparent. The expansion rates of both the arc feature and the circular morphologies imply a common origin and also suggest a grain size distribution with two broad maxima. In addition, several static linear features extend to the edge of the field of view (21,100 km). Radial brightness profiles are highly asymmetric and only approach a ρ−1 decline at distances ?15,000 km. Images in a narrow-band filter at 2.04 μm exhibit a ∼4% absorption feature relative to nearly simultaneous images at wavelengths of 2.22, 1.90, and 1.87 μm. This absorption is attributed to H2O ice in the coma grains. The spatial distribution and expansion velocity of the absorption at 2.04 μm indicate that these grains are associated with the outburst. The constancy of the absorption feature indicates no appreciable sublimation over 1.7 h. The unresolved nucleus has a flux density consistent with a 40±10 km diameter assuming a 4% geometric albedo.  相似文献   

Ignacio Ferrín 《Icarus》2007,187(1):326-331
In support of the Deep Impact Mission, we have updated the secular light curve of 9P/Tempel 1 presented in Paper I [Ferrín, I., 2005. Icarus 178, 493-516], with new data sets. The secular light curves (SLC) of the comet are presented in the log and time plots (Figs. 1 and 2) and provide a clear profile of the overall shape of the envelope. We arrive at the following conclusions: (1) Improved values of 18 photometric parameters are derived including the turn on and turn off points, RON=−3.47±0.05 AU, ROFF=+4.20±0.05 AU, and TON=−410±25 d, TOFF=+555±25 d. (2) The improved SLC shows a most interesting and peculiar shape, with a linear power law of slope n=7.7±0.1 from RON=−3.47 AU to RBP=−2.08±0.05 AU, and then converts to a law with curvature. The break point of the power law at RBP=−2.08 AU, mV(1,R)=14.0±0.1 mag, is interpreted as a change in sublimating something more volatile than water ice (most probably CO2), to water ice sublimation. In other words, the comet's sublimation is controlled by two different substances. (3) The photometric-age (defined in Paper I) and the time-age of the comet [Ferrín, I., 2006. Icarus. In press] are recomputed, and results in a value P-AGE=21±2 and T-AGE=11±2 comet years. Thus 9P is a young comet. (4) The comet is active almost up to aphelion since the turn off point has been determined at ROFF=+4.20±0.05 AU while aphelion takes place at Q=+4.74 AU. (5) The comet exhibits activity post-aphelion which is not understood. Two hypothesis are advanced to explain this behavior.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact (DI) spacecraft encountered Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on July 4th, 2005 and observed it with several instruments. In particular, we obtained infrared spectra of the nucleus with the HRI-IR spectrometer in the wavelength range of 1.0-4.9 μm. The data were taken before impact, with a maximum resolution of ∼120 m per pixel at the time of observation. From these spectra, we derived the first directly observed temperature map of a comet nucleus. The surface temperature varied from 272±7 to 336±7 K on the sunlit hemisphere, matching the surface topography and incidence angle. The derived thermal inertia is low, most probably <50 W K−1 m−2 s1/2. Combined with other arguments, it is consistent with the idea that most of rapidly varying thermal physical processes, in particular the sublimation of volatiles around perihelion, should occur close to the surface. Thermal inertia is sufficient to explain the temperature map of the nucleus of Comet Tempel 1 to first order, but other physical processes like roughness and self-radiation are required to explain the details of the temperature map. Finally, we evaluated that the Standard Thermal Model is a good approximation to derive the effective radius of a cometary nucleus with an uncertainty lower than ∼10% if combined with a thermal infrared light curve.  相似文献   

Arecibo radar observations of Comet P/2005 JQ5 (Catalina) have produced the first delay-Doppler images of a comet nucleus and the first radar detection of large-grain ejection from a Jupiter-family comet. The nucleus is small (1.4 km diameter), rough, and rapidly rotating. The large (>cm) grains have low velocities (∼1 m/s) and a low production rate.  相似文献   

We present results from CCD observations of Comet 2P/Encke acquired at Steward Observatory's 2.3 m Bok Telescope on Kitt Peak. The observations were carried out in October 2002 when the comet was near aphelion. Rotational lightcurves in B-, V-, and R-filters were acquired over two nights of observations, and analysed to study the physical and color properties of the nucleus. The average apparent R-filter magnitude across both nights corresponds to a mean effective radius of 3.95±0.06 km, and this value is similar to that found for the V- and B-filters. Taking the observed brightness range, we obtain a/b?1.44±0.06 for the semi-axial ratio of Encke's nucleus. Applying the axial ratio to the R-filter photometry gives nucleus semi-axes of [3.60±0.09]×[5.20±0.13] km, using the empirically-derived albedo and phase coefficient. No coma or tail was seen despite deep imaging of the comet, and flux limits from potential unresolved coma do not exceed a few percent of the total measured flux, for standard coma models. This is consistent with many other published data sets taken when the comet was near aphelion. Our data includes the first detailed time series multi-color measurements of a cometary nucleus, and significant color variations were seen on October 3, though not repeated on October 4. The average color indices across both nights are: (VR)=0.39±0.06 and (BV)=0.73±0.06 (). We analysed the R-filter time-series photometry using the method of Harris et al. [Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W., 1989. Icarus 77, 171-186] to constrain the rotation period of the comet's nucleus, and find that a period of ∼11.45 h will satisfy the data, however the errors bars are large. We have successfully linked our data with the September 2002 data from Fernández et al. [Fernández, Y.R., Lowry, S.C., Weissman, P.R., Mueller, B.E.A., Samarasinha, N.H., Belton, M.J.S., Meech, K.J., 2005. Icarus 175, 194-214]—taken just 2-3 weeks before the current data set—and we show that a rotation period of just over 11 h works extremely well for the combined data set. The resulting best-fit period is 11.083±0.003 h, consistent with the Fernández et al. value.  相似文献   

The Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE) made detailed observations of the plasma environment of Comet 19P/Borrelly during the Deep Space 1 (DS1) flyby on September 22, 2001. Several distinct regions and boundaries have been identified on both inbound and outbound trajectories, including an upstream region of decelerated solar wind plasma and cometary ion pickup, the cometary bow shock, a sheath of heated and mixed solar wind and cometary ions, and a collisional inner coma dominated by cometary ions. All of these features were significantly offset to the north of the nucleus-Sun line, suggesting that the coma itself produces this offset, possibly because of well-collimated large dayside jets directed 8°-10° northward from the nucleus as observed by the DS1 MICAS camera. The maximum observed ion density was 1640 ion/cm3 at a distance of 2650 km from the nucleus while the flow speed dropped from 360 km/s in the solar wind to 8 km/s at closest approach. Preliminary analysis of PEPE mass spectra suggest that the ratio of CO+/H2O+ is lower than that observed with Giotto at 1P/Halley.  相似文献   

We present observational data for Comet 9P/Tempel 1 taken from 1997 through 2010 in an international collaboration in support of the Deep Impact and Stardust-NExT missions. The data were obtained to characterize the nucleus prior to the Deep Impact 2005 encounter, and to enable us to understand the rotation state in order to make a time of arrival adjustment in February 2010 that would allow us to image at least 25% of the nucleus seen by the Deep Impact spacecraft to better than 80 m/pixel, and to image the crater made during the encounter, if possible. In total, ∼500 whole or partial nights were allocated to this project at 14 observatories worldwide, utilizing 25 telescopes. Seventy percent of these nights yielded useful data. The data were used to determine the linear phase coefficient for the comet in the R-band to be 0.045 ± 0.001 mag deg−1 from 1° to 16°. Cometary activity was observed to begin inbound near r ∼ 4.0 AU and the activity ended near r ∼ 4.6 AU as seen from the heliocentric secular light curves, water-sublimation models and from dust dynamical modeling. The light curve exhibits a significant pre- and post-perihelion brightness and activity asymmetry. There was a secular decrease in activity between the 2000 and 2005 perihelion passages of ∼20%. The post-perihelion light curve cannot be easily explained by a simple decrease in solar insolation or observing geometry. CN emission was detected in the comet at 2.43 AU pre-perihelion, and by r = 2.24 AU emission from C2 and C3 were evident. In December 2004 the production rate of CN increased from 1.8 × 1023 mol s−1 to QCN = 2.75 × 1023 mol s−1 in early January 2005 and 9.3 × 1024 mol s−1 on June 6, 2005 at r = 1.53 AU.  相似文献   

The interaction of carbon dioxide and amorphous water ice at 95 K is studied using transmission infrared spectroscopy. Samples are prepared in two ways: co-deposition of the gases admitted simultaneously or sequential deposition, in which amorphous water ice (ASW) is grown first and CO2 vapor is added subsequently. In either case, a fraction of the CO2 molecules is found to interact with water in a way that gives rise to shifts and splittings in the infrared bands with respect to those of a pure CO2 solid. In co-deposition experiments, a larger amount of carbon dioxide is trapped within the amorphous water than in sequential deposition samples, where a substantial proportion of molecules appears to be trapped in macropores of the ASW. The specific surface area of sequential samples is evaluated and compared to previous literature results. When the sequential samples are heated to 140 K, beyond the onset temperature at which water ice undergoes a phase transition, the CO2 molecules at the pores relocate inside the bulk in a structure similar to that found in co-deposited samples, as deduced by changes in the shape of the CO2 infrared bands.  相似文献   

We report time-resolved imaging UV photometry of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the interval 2005 June 29-2005 July 21, including intensive coverage of the collision with the Deep Impact probe and its immediate aftermath. The nuclear flux of the comet begins to rise within minutes of the collision, and peaks about 3 h after impact. There is no evidence for a prompt flash at the time of impact. The comet exhibits a significant re-brightening about 40 h after the initial outburst, consistent with the rotation period of the comet, with evidence for further periodic re-brightenings on subsequent rotations. Modelling of the brightness profile of the coma as a function of time suggests two distinct velocity systems in the ejecta, at de-projected expansion speeds of 190 and 550 m/s, which we suggest are due to dust and gas, respectively. There is a distinct asymmetry in the slower-moving (dust) component as a function of position angle on the sky. This is confirmed by direct imaging analysis, which reveals an expanding plume of material concentrated in the impact hemisphere. The projected expansion velocity of the leading edge of this plume, measured directly from the imaging data, is 190 m/s, consistent with the velocity of the dust component determined from the photometric analysis. From our data we determine that a total of (1.4±0.2)×1032 water molecules were ejected in the impact, together with a total scattering area of dust at 300 nm of 190±20 km2.  相似文献   

I. Busko  D. Lindler  R.L. White 《Icarus》2007,187(1):56-68
In this work we attempt to obtain direct images of the crater associated with the impact of the Deep Impact impactor spacecraft on the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005. The impact generated a large and bright ejecta cloud that hampers the clear view of the post-impact nucleus surface. We used image restoration techniques to enhance spatial resolution and contrast on a subset of selected post-impact high resolution images. No unambiguous evidence for the crater can be found; however, indirect evidence is consistent with a crater size in the 150-200 m range.  相似文献   

A. Bar-Nun  G. Notesco 《Icarus》2007,190(2):655-659
Recent attempts using high resolution spectra to detect N+2 in several comets were unsuccessful [Cochran, A.L., Cochran, W.D., Baker, E.S., 2000. Icarus 146, 583-593; Cochran, A.L., 2002. Astrophys. J. 576, L165-L168]. The upper limits on N+2 in comparison with the positively detected CO+ for Comets C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp, 122P/1995 S1 de Vico and 153P/2002 C1 Ikeya-Zhang range between . Ar was not detected in three recent comets [Weaver, H.A., Feldman, P.D., Combi, M.R., Krasnopolsky, V., Lisse, C.M., Shemansky, D.E., 2002. Astrophys. J. 576, L95-L98], with upper limits of Ar/CO<(3.4-7.8)×10−2 for Comets C/1999 T1 McNaught-Hartley, C/2001 A2 LINEAR and C/2000 WM1 LINEAR. The Ar detected by Stern et al. [Stern, S.A., Slater, D.C., Festou, M.C., Parker, J.Wm., Gladstone, G.R., A'Hearn, M.F., Wilkinson, E., 2000. Astrophys. J. 544, L169-L172] for Comet C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp, gives a ratio Ar/CO=7.25×10−2, which was not confirmed by Cosmovici et al. [Cosmovici, C.B., Bratina, V., Schwarz, G., Tozzi, G., Mumma, M.J., Stalio, R., 2006. Astrophys. Space Sci. 301, 135-143]. Trying to solve the two problems, we studied experimentally the trapping of N2+CO+Ar in amorphous water ice, at 24-30 K. CO was found to be trapped in the ice 20-70 times more efficiently than N2 and with the same efficiency as Ar. The resulting Ar/CO ratio of 1.2×10−2 is consistent with Weaver et al.'s [Weaver, H.A., Feldman, P.D., Combi, M.R., Krasnopolsky, V., Lisse, C.M., Shemansky, D.E., 2002. Astrophys. J. 576, L95-L98] non-detection of Ar. However, with an extreme starting value for N2/CO = 0.22 in the region where the ice grains which agglomerated to produce comet nuclei were formed, the expected N2/CO ratio in the cometary ice should be 6.6×10−3, much higher than its non-detection limit.  相似文献   

G. Notesco 《Icarus》2005,175(2):546-550
Following the observations of ice grains in cometary comae and their size distributions, we reexamined experimentally our previous conclusion that the ice grains which agglomerated to form comet nuclei were formed at ∼25 K. The suggestion of a ∼25 K formation temperature was confirmed experimentally. Moreover, we suggest that these ice grains had to be of submicron size.  相似文献   

The nucleus mass and bulk density of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 have been estimated by utilizing the non-gravitational force modeling technique. Here, the water production rates and non-gravitational perturbations of the orbit are calculated for a large number of model nuclei with different surface ice distribution patterns. By requiring that the empirical water production rate curve is reproduced, a subset of model nuclei are selected, for which masses are calculated by demanding that empirical non-gravitational changes of the orbital period and in the longitude of perihelion (per revolution) are reproduced. We obtain a mass M=5.8(±1.6)×1013 kg, and a bulk density , which compares very well with measurements made by the Deep Impact Science Team. The main goal of the current work is therefore to demonstrate functionality of an indirect method, i.e., mass estimation through non-gravitational force modeling, by comparing such results to ground truth data. Furthermore, the thermal inertia of active areas is estimated as 30-100 MKS, using a comparatively realistic thermophysical model (although a value in the range 100-350 MKS is obtained with a more simple model). An active area fraction of ∼3% is predicted, and these areas are probably confined to the northern hemisphere, being located close to the cometary equator.  相似文献   

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