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Our study investigates possible formation mechanisms of the very recent bright gully deposits (BGDs) observed on Mars in order to assess if liquid water was required. We use two models in our assessment: a one-dimensional (1D) kinematic model to model dry granular flows and a two-dimensional (2D) fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D (O’Brien et al., 1993, FLO Engineering), to model water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. Our modeling utilizes a high-resolution topographic model generated from a pair of images acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. For the 1D kinematic modeling of dry granular flows, we examine a range of particle sizes, flow thicknesses, initial velocities, flow densities, and upslope initiation points to examine how these parameters affect the flow run-out distances of the center of mass of a flow. Our 1D modeling results show that multiple combinations of realistic parameters could produce dry granular flows that travel to within the observed deposits’ boundaries. We run the 2D fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D, to model both water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. We vary the inflow volume, inflow location, discharge rate, water-loss rate (water-rich models only), and simulation time and examine the resulting maximum flow depths and velocities. Our 2D modeling results suggest that both wet sediment-rich and water-rich flows could produce the observed bright deposits. Our modeling shows that the BGDs are not definitive evidence of recent liquid water on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

The Amazonian period of Mars has been described as static, cold, and dry. Recent analysis of high-resolution imagery of equatorial and mid-latitude regions has revealed an array of young landforms produced in association with ice and liquid water; because near-surface ice in these regions is currently unstable, these ice-and-water-related landforms suggest one or more episodes of martian climate change during the Amazonian. Here we report on the origin and evolution of valley systems within a degraded crater in Noachis Terra, Asimov Crater. The valleys have produced a unique environment in which to study the geomorphic signals of Amazonian climate change. New high-resolution images reveal Hesperian-aged layered basalt with distinctive columnar jointing capping interior crater fill and providing debris, via mass wasting, for the surrounding annular valleys. The occurrence of steep slopes (>20°), relatively narrow (sheltered) valleys, and a source of debris have provided favorable conditions for the preservation of shallow-ice deposits. Detailed mapping reveals morphological evidence for viscous ice flow, in the form of several lobate debris tongues (LDT). Superimposed on LDT are a series of fresh-appearing gullies, with typical alcove, channel, and fan morphologies. The shift from ice-rich viscous-flow formation to gully erosion is best explained as a shift in martian climate, from one compatible with excess snowfall and flow of ice-rich deposits, to one consistent with minor snow and gully formation. Available dating suggests that the climate transition occurred >8 Ma, prior to the formation of other small-scale ice-rich flow features identified elsewhere on Mars that have been interpreted to have formed during the most recent phases of high obliquity. Taken together, these older deposits suggest that multiple climatic shifts have occurred over the last tens of millions of years of martian history.  相似文献   

The discovery of presumably geologically recent gully features on Mars (Malin and Edgett, 2000, Science 288, 2330-2335) has spawned a wide variety of proposed theories of their origin including hypotheses of the type of erosive material. To test the validity of gully formation mechanisms, data from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has been analyzed to uncover trends in the dimensional and physical properties of the gullies and their surrounding terrain. We located 106 Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images that contain clear evidence of gully landforms, distributed in the southern mid and high latitudes, and analyzed these images in combination with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data to provide quantitative measurements of numerous gully characteristics. Parameters we measured include apparent source depth and distribution, vertical and horizontal dimensions, slopes, orientations, and present-day characteristics that affect local ground temperatures. We find that the number of gully systems normalized to the number of MOC images steadily declines as one moves poleward of 30° S, reaches a minimum value between 60°-63° S, and then again rises poleward of 63° S. All gully alcove heads occur within the upper one-third of the slope encompassing the gully and the alcove bases occur within the upper two-thirds of the slope. Also, the gully alcove heads occur typically within the first 200 meters of the overlying ridge with the exception of gullies equatorward of 40° S where some alcove heads reach a maximum depth of 1000 meters. While gullies exhibit complex slope orientation trends, gullies are found on all slope orientations at all the latitudes studied. Assuming thermal conductivities derived from TES measurements as well as modeled surface temperatures, we find that 79% of the gully alcove bases lie at depths where subsurface temperatures are greater than 273 K and 21% of the alcove bases lie within the solid water regime. Most of the gully alcoves lie outside the temperature-pressure phase stability of liquid CO2. Based on a comparison of measured gully features with predictions from the various models of gully formation, we find that models involving carbon dioxide, melting ground ice in the upper few meters of the soil, dry landslide, and surface snowmelt are the least likely to describe the formation of the martian gullies. Although some discrepancies still exist between prediction and observation, the shallow and deep aquifer models remain as the most plausible theories. Interior processes involving subsurface fluid sources are generally favored over exogenic processes such as wind and snowfall for explaining the origin of the martian gullies.  相似文献   

Recent gully deposits on Mars have been attributed to both wet and dry mass wasting processes. In this paper frosted granular flow (FGF) is presented as a new hypothesis for recent mass wasting activity in martian gullies. FGF is a rare type of granular flow observed on a talus slope in the Province of Québec, Canada [Hétu, B., van Steijn, H., Vandelac, P., 1994. Géogr. Phys. Quat. 48, 3-22]. Frost reduces dynamic inter-particle friction, enabling flows to mobilize onto relatively low slope gradients (25-30°) compared to those involving dry granular flow of the same material (35-41°). Resulting erosional and depositional features include straight to sinuous channels, levees and digitate to branching arrangements of terminal deposits. Similar features are commonly found in association with geologically-young gully systems on Mars. Based on terrestrial observations of FGF processes the minimum criteria required for their occurrence on Mars include: (i) readily mobilized, unconsolidated sediment at the surface; (ii) an upper slope gradient at or near the angle of repose; (iii) frost accumulation at the surface; and (iv) triggering by rock fall. All four conditions appear to be met in many areas on present-day Mars though triggering mechanisms may vary. Compared to terrestrial FGFs, which are lubricated by thin liquid films at inter-particle contacts, those occurring on Mars are more likely lubricated by vaporization of CO2 and small amounts of H2O frost that becomes incorporated in the translating mass. Some recent mass wasting activity in martian gullies, therefore, could be interpreted as the product of FGF.  相似文献   

The morphology of materials on the floor of Gusev Crater (14° S, 175° W), Mars, imply a history of volcanism and subsequent removal of an ice-rich deposit. Fluid lava flows observed in the western portion of Gusev Crater paradoxically terminate in a steep, thick (<60 m) flow front adjacent to hummocky terrain. The hummocky terrain is morphologically similar to deglaciated terrain on Earth, generated when glacial debris are left behind after the glacier has retreated. We propose the following scenario for the floor of Gusev Crater. First, ice-rich material was deposited adjacent to Thira Crater. Second, fluid lavas were emplaced and ponded against the ice-rich deposits. At some later time, the ice within the deposit sublimated, leaving hummocky terrain. Current age estimates for the Gusev flows are Hesperian, suggesting that the ice removal occurred in the upper Hesperian or more recently. If this hypothesis is correct, quench features (glassy rinds, columnar jointing) should be observed at the lava flow margin; the hummocky deposit should be poorly sorted, angular debris.  相似文献   

Sulfates have been discovered by the OMEGA spectrometer in different locations of the planet Mars. They are strongly correlated to light toned layered deposits in the equatorial regions. West Candor Chasma is the canyon with the thickest stack of layers and one with the largest area covered by sulfates. A detailed study coupling mineralogy derived from OMEGA spectral data and geology derived from HRSC imager and other datasets leads to some straightforward issues. The monohydrated sulfate kieserite is found mainly over heavily eroded scarps of light toned material. It likely corresponds to a mineral present in the initial rock formed either during formation and diagenesis of sediments, or during hydrothermal alteration at depth, because it is typically found on outcrops that are eroded and steep. Polyhydrated sulfates, that match any Ca-, Na-, Fe-, or Mg-sulfates with more than one water molecule, are preferentially present on less eroded and darker outcrops than outcrops of kieserite. These variations can be the result of a diversity in the composition and/or of the rehydration of kieserite on surfaces with longer exposure. The latter possibility of rehydration in the current, or recent, atmosphere suggests the low surface temperatures preserve sulfates from desiccation, and, also can rehydrate part of them. Strong signatures of iron oxides are present on sulfate-rich scarps and at the base of layered deposits scarps. They are correlated with TES gray hematite signature and might correspond to iron oxides present in the rock as sand-size grains, or possibly larger concretions, that are eroded and transported down by gravity at the base of the scarp. Pyroxenes are present mainly on sand dunes in the low lying terrains. Pyroxene is strongly depleted or absent in the layered deposits. When mixed with kieserite, local observations favor a spatial mixing with dunes over layered deposits. Sulfates such as those detected in the studied area require the presence of liquid water to form by precipitation, either in an intermittent lacustrine environment or by hydrothermal fluid circulation. Both possibilities require the presence of sulfur-rich groundwater to explain fluid circulation. The elevation of the uppermost sulfate signatures suggests the presence of aquifers up to 2.5 km above datum, only 1 km below the plateau surface.  相似文献   

Morphological features on the western floor of Miyamoto crater in southwestern Meridiani Planum, Mars, are suggestive of past fluvial activity. Imagery from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) gives a detailed view of raised curvilinear features that appear to represent inverted paleochannel deposits. The inverted terrain appears to be capped with a resistant, dark-toned deposit that is partially covered by unconsolidated surficial materials. Subsequent to deposition of the capping layer, erosion of the surrounding material has left the capping materials perched on pedestals of uneroded basal unit material. Neither the capping material nor the surrounding terrains show any unambiguous morphological evidence of volcanism or glaciation. The capping deposit may include unconsolidated or cemented stream deposits analogous to terrestrial inverted channels in the Cedar Mountain Formation near Green River, Utah. In addition to this morphological evidence for fluvial activity, phyllosilicates have been identified in the basal material on the floor of Miyamoto crater by orbital spectroscopy, providing mineralogical evidence of past aqueous activity. Based on both the morphological and mineralogical evidence, Miyamoto crater represents an excellent site for in situ examination and sampling of a potentially habitable environment.  相似文献   

The discovery of gullies on Mars suggests liquid water activity near the surface of the planet in recent times. Since liquid water is unstable under the present-day P-T martian conditions, the formation mechanisms of the gullies, and the source of the putative water, have been a matter of debate for the last years. To provide new insights into these matters, we have approached the problem studying the gullies in relation to their regional setting. A major point in our study relates to the geographic orientation of gullies, an aspect that has been previously regarded as a crucial matter in different models, and has profound implications regarding their origin. We present a comprehensive and detailed survey of the Gorgonum-Newton region, and a study of the Dao and Nirgal Vallis regions. The survey was carried out with the aid of 965 high-resolution MOC images (752 for Gorgonum-Newton, 102 for Nirgal Vallis and 111 for Dao Vallis regions), and MOLA-derived DEMs. We found that gullies display a clear regional pattern, geographically and topographically consistent with a decreasing regional slope. We interpret the results in terms of the existence of several groundwater flow systems operating at different scales, which ultimately may have led to gully formation by seepage at the slopes of craters and canyons. We suggest that aquifers discharging at gully systems may have recharged from the surface, in response to the melting of young partially eroded ice-rich deposits.  相似文献   

Advances in dating gullies on Mars using superposition relationships and a stratigraphic marker horizon link gully chronostratigraphy to recent climate cycles. New observations of gully morphology show the close association of gully source regions, channels, and fan deposits with well-documented ice-rich latitude-dependent mantle deposits, the deposition of which is interpreted to be coincident with recent ice ages. On the basis of these close correlations, we interpret the formative processes for mid-latitude gullies to involve melting of these ice-rich mantling deposits and the generation of an aqueous phase leading to fluvial activity. Continued monitoring of gullies by spacecraft in the current “interglacial” climate period (∼0.4 Ma to the present) will permit assessment of changing rates and styles of gully activity in the now largely depleted source areas.  相似文献   

We report observations of Icelandic hillside gully systems that are near duplicates of gullies observed on high-latitude martian hillsides. The best Icelandic analogs involve basaltic talus slopes at the angle of repose, with gully formation by debris flows initiated by ground water saturation, and/or by drainage of water from upslope cliffs. We report not only the existence of Mars analog gullies, but also an erosional sequence of morphologic forms, found both on Mars and in Iceland. The observations support hypotheses calling for creation of martian gullies by aqueous processes. Issues remain whether the water in each case comes only from surficial sources, such as melting of ground ice or snow, or from underground sources such as aquifers that gain surface access in hillsides. Iceland has many examples of the former, but the latter mechanism is not ruled out. Our observations are consistent with the martian debris flow mechanism of F. Costard et al. (2001c, Science295, 110-113), except that classic debris flows begin at midslope more frequently than on Mars. From morphologic observations, we suggest that some martian hillside gully systems not only involve significant evolution by extended erosive activity, but gully formation may occur in episodes, and the time interval since the last episode is considerably less than the time interval needed to erase the gully through normal martian obliteration processes.  相似文献   

Gullies are extremely young erosional/depositional systems on Mars that have been carved by an agent that was likely to have been comprised in part by liquid water [Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S., 2000. Evidence for recent groundwater seepage and surface runoff on Mars. Science 288, 2330-2335; McEwen, A.S. et al., 2007. A closer look at water-related geologic activity on Mars. Science 317, 1706-1709]. The strong latitude and orientation dependencies that have been documented for gullies require (1) a volatile near the surface, and (2) that insolation is an important factor for forming gullies. These constraints have led to two categories of interpretations for the source of the volatiles: (1) liquid water at depth beneath the melting isotherm that erupts suddenly (“groundwater”), and (2) ice at the surface or within the uppermost layer of soil that melts during optimal insolation conditions (“surface/near-surface melting”). In this contribution we synthesize global, hemispheric, regional and local studies of gullies across Mars and outline the criteria that must be met by any successful explanation for the formation of gullies. We further document trends in both hemispheres that emphasize the importance of top-down melting of recent ice-rich deposits and the cold-trapping of atmospherically-derived H2O frost/snow as important components in the formation of gullies. This provides context for the incorporation of high-resolution multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that show that (1) cold-trapping of seasonal H2O frost occurs at the alcove/channel-level on contemporary Mars; (2) gullies are episodically active systems; (3) gullies preferentially form in the presence of deposits plausibly interpreted as remnants of the Late Amazonian emplacement of ice-rich material; and (4) gully channels frequently emanate from the crest of alcoves instead of the base, showing that alcove generation is not necessarily a product of undermining and collapse at these locations, a prediction of the groundwater model. We interpret these various lines of evidence to mean that the majority of gullies on Mars are explained by the episodic melting of atmospherically emplaced snow/ice under spin-axis/orbital conditions characteristic of the last several Myr.  相似文献   

High-resolution images from the Mars Obiter Camera (MOC) onboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) show a variety of gully features on sloped surfaces of Mars. The mechanism of gully formation is still under debate, although a majority of studies tend to favor a mechanism related to liquid water flow based on geomorphology and fluid mechanics considerations. In this study, we examined four known gully sites using Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Mapping Spectrometer (OMEGA) imagery. In particular, we analyzed the absorption depths of the water-associated absorption bands and concluded that there are stronger water signatures at the gully-exposed sites than in the surrounding areas. This implies that the water signatures, most likely representing water ice, isolated water molecules, and/or hydroxyl molecules incorporated into minerals, are still present in the shallow unconsolidated soils. This study provides additional evidence that water was likely involved in the formation of the gully features and is still locally active on the Martian surface in the present time.  相似文献   

The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has detected deposits of coarse-grained, gray crystalline hematite in Sinus Meridiani, Aram Chaos, and Vallis Marineris. We argue that the key to the origin of gray hematite is that it requires crystallization at temperatures in excess of about 100 °C. We discuss thermal crystallization (1) as diagenesis at a depth of a few kilometers of sediments originally formed in low-temperature waters, or (2) as precipitation from hydrothermal solution. In Aram Chaos, a combination of TES data, Mars Orbiter Camera images, and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) topography suggests that high concentrations of hematite were formed in planar strata and have since been exposed by erosion of an overlying light-toned, caprock. Lesser concentrations of hematite are found adjacent to these strata at lower elevations, which we interpret as perhaps due to accumulation from physical weathering. The topography and the collapsed nature of the chaotic terrain favor a hydrothermally charged aquifer as the original setting where the hematite formed. Concentration of iron into such an ore-like body would be chemically favored by saline, Cl-rich hydrothermal fluids. An alternative sedimentary origin requires post-depositional burial to a depth of ∼3-5 km to induce thermally driven recrystallization of fine-grained iron oxides to coarse-grained hematite. This depth of burial and re-exposure is difficult to reconcile with commonly inferred martian geological processes. However, shallow burial accompanied by post-burial hydrothermal activity remains plausible. When the hematite regions originally formed, redox balance requires that much hydrogen must have been evolved to complement the extensive oxidation. Finally, we suggest that the coexistence of several factors required to form the gray hematite deposits would have produced a favorable environment for primitive life on early Mars, if it ever existed. These factors include liquid water, abundant electron donors in the form of H2, and abundant electron acceptors in the form of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Amazonian-aged fan-shaped deposits extending to the northwest of each of the Tharsis Montes in the Tharsis region on Mars have been interpreted to have originated from mass-wasting, volcanic, tectonic and/or glacial processes. We use new data from MRO, MGS, and Odyssey to characterize these deposits. Building on recent evidence for cold-based glacial activity at Pavonis Mons and Arsia Mons, we interpret the smaller Ascraeus fan-shaped deposit to be of glacial origin. Our geomorphological assessment reveals a number of characteristics indicative of glacial growth and retreat, including: (1) a ridged facies, interpreted to be composed of drop moraines emplaced during episodic glacial advance and retreat, (2) a knobby facies, interpreted to represent vertical downwasting of the ice sheet, and (3) complex ridges showing a cusp-like structure. We also see evidence of volcano-ice interactions in the form of: (1) an arcuate inward-facing scarp, interpreted to have formed by the chilling of lava flows against the glacial margin, (2) a plateau feature, interpreted to represent a subglacial eruption, and (3) knobby facies superimposed on flat-topped flows with leveed channels, interpreted to be subglacial inflated lava flows that subsequently drained and are covered by glacial till. We discuss the formation mechanisms of these morphologies during cold-based glacial activity and concurrent volcanism. On the basis of a Mid- to Late-Amazonian age (250-380 Ma) established from crater size-frequency distribution data, we explore the climatic implications of recent glaciation at low latitudes on Mars. GCM results show that increased insolation to the poles at high obliquities (>45°) forces sublimation of polar ice, which is transported to lower latitudes and deposited on the flanks of the Tharsis Montes. We assess how local orographic effects, the mass balance of the glacier, and the position of equilibrium line altitudes, all played a role in producing the observed geomorphologies. In doing so, we outline a glacial history for the evolution of the Ascraeus Mons fan-shaped deposit and compare its initiation, growth and demise with those of Arsia Mons and Pavonis Mons.  相似文献   

The origin of the martian gullies has been much debated since their discovery by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC, Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S. [2000]. Science 288, 2330-2335). Several previous studies have looked at slope gradients in and around gullies, but none have used Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE, McEwen, A.S., and 14 colleagues [2007]. J. Geophys. Res. 112 (E05), E0505S02), which has a pixel scale down to 25 cm/pixel. We use five 1 m/post HiRISE DEMs to measure gully apex slopes, the local channel gradient at the upslope extent of the gully debris apron, which marks a shift from erosion to deposition. The apex slope provides information about whether a flow was likely a typical dry granular flow (begins depositing on slopes ∼21°) or fluidized by some extra mechanism (depositing on shallower slopes). We find that 72% of the 75 gully fans studied were likely emplaced by fluidized flows. Relatively old gullies appear more likely to have hosted fluidized flows than relatively fresh gullies. This suggests a time and location dependent fluidizing agent, possibly liquid water produced in a different climate as previously proposed. Our results do not provide evidence for water-rich flows in gullies today.  相似文献   

Yan Tang  Yujie Huang 《Icarus》2006,180(1):88-92
The detection of gray crystalline hematite deposits on Mars by Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) has been used to argue for the presence of liquid water on Mars in the distant past. By methanol-thermal treatment of anhydrous FeCl3 at low temperatures (70-160 °C), crystalline gray hematite with layered structure was synthesized, based on this result an alternative explanation for the origin of martian hematite deposits is suggested. Methane could be abundant in the early martian atmosphere; process such as photochemical oxidation of methane could result in the formation of ocean or pool of organic compounds such as methanol, which provides an environment for the formation of large-scale hematite deposits on Mars.  相似文献   

Lakes on Mars were formed under periglacial to glacial climates. Extreme conditions prevailed including freezing temperatures, low atmospheric pressure, high evaporation/sublimation rates, and liquid water reservoirs locked in aquifers below a thick cryosphere. Although many of the Martian paleolakes display evidence of a short period of activity consistent with these conditions, others display clear evidence of lifetimes ranging from 104 to 105 years. The discovery of young seeping processes in impact craters and pole-facing valley slopes along with young volcanic activity raise questions about the conditions and limitations of liquid water flow and potential lacustrine activity today on Mars. Current climate models show that in today's conditions there exist regions on Mars of sols above the triple point and below boiling point of water that could provide hydrogeological conditions comparable to these of the Antarctic Dry Valley lakes (with the exception of the atmosphere pressure). The locations of the most recent Martian paleolakes are correlated with these regions. Throughout the history of Mars, lakes generated diversified environments, which could have provided potential habitats for life. The recent discovery of young energy sources from volcanism and the potential for liquid water reinforces the possibility of extant life on Mars, and suggests recent ponds and ancient paleolakes as primary targets for rover and sample return missions.  相似文献   

Gareth A. Morgan 《Icarus》2009,202(1):39-59
The majority of martian valley networks are found on Noachian-aged terrain and are attributed to be the result of a ‘warm and wet’ climate that prevailed early in Mars' history. Younger valleys have been identified, though these are largely interpreted to be the result of localized conditions associated with the melting of ice from endogenic heat sources. Sinton crater, a 60 km diameter impact basin in the Deuteronilus Mensae region of the dichotomy boundary, is characterized by small anastomosing valley networks that are located radial to the crater rim. Large scale deposits, interpreted to be the remains of debris covered glaciers, have been identified in the area surrounding Sinton, and our observations have revealed the occurrence of an ice rich fill deposit within the crater itself. We have conducted a detailed investigated into the Sinton valley networks with all the available remote data sets and have dated their formation to the Amazonian/Hesperian boundary. The spatial and temporal association between Sinton crater and the valley networks suggest that the impact was responsible for their formation. We find that the energy provided by an asteroid impact into surficial deposits of snow/ice is sufficient to generate the required volumes of melt water needed for the valley formation. We therefore interpret these valleys to represent a distinct class of martian valley networks. This example demonstrates the potential for impacts to cause the onset of fluvial erosion on Mars. Our results also suggest that periods of glacial activity occurred throughout the Amazonian and into the Hesperian in association with variations in spin orbital parameters.  相似文献   

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) acquired 8 terapixels of data in 9137 images of Mars between October 2006 and December 2008, covering ∼0.55% of the surface. Images are typically 5-6 km wide with 3-color coverage over the central 20% of the swath, and their scales usually range from 25 to 60 cm/pixel. Nine hundred and sixty stereo pairs were acquired and more than 50 digital terrain models (DTMs) completed; these data have led to some of the most significant science results. New methods to measure and correct distortions due to pointing jitter facilitate topographic and change-detection studies at sub-meter scales. Recent results address Noachian bedrock stratigraphy, fluvially deposited fans in craters and in or near Valles Marineris, groundwater flow in fractures and porous media, quasi-periodic layering in polar and non-polar deposits, tectonic history of west Candor Chasma, geometry of clay-rich deposits near and within Mawrth Vallis, dynamics of flood lavas in the Cerberus Palus region, evidence for pyroclastic deposits, columnar jointing in lava flows, recent collapse pits, evidence for water in well-preserved impact craters, newly discovered large rayed craters, and glacial and periglacial processes. Of particular interest are ongoing processes such as those driven by the wind, impact cratering, avalanches of dust and/or frost, relatively bright deposits on steep gullied slopes, and the dynamic seasonal processes over polar regions. HiRISE has acquired hundreds of large images of past, present and potential future landing sites and has contributed to scientific and engineering studies of those sites. Warming the focal-plane electronics prior to imaging has mitigated an instrument anomaly that produces bad data under cold operating conditions.  相似文献   

Athabasca and Marte Valles lie on the Cerberus plains, between the young, lava-covered plains of Elysium Planitia and Amazonis Planitia. To test pre-MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) suggestions of extremely young volcanic and fluvial activity, we present the first crater counts from MGS imagery, at resolutions (∼2-20 m/pixel) much higher than previously available. The most striking result, based on morphologic relations as well as crater counts from different stratigraphic units, is to confirm quantitatively that these channel systems are much younger than most other major outflow channels. The general region has an average model age for lava and fluvial surfaces of ≤200 Myr, and has possibly seen localized water releases, interspersed with lava flows, within the past 20 Myr. The youngest lavas may be no more than a few megayears old. Access of lava and liquid brines to the surface may be favored by openings of the Cerberus Fossae fracture system, but, as shown in the new images, the fractures appear to have continued developing more recently than the most recent lavas or fluvial activity. The Cerberus Fossae system may be an analog to an early stage of Valles Marineris, and its youthful activity raises questions about regional tectonic history. Large-volume water delivery to the surface of young lava flows in recent martian history puts significant boundary conditions on the storage and history of water on Mars.  相似文献   

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